Conclusion on the topic library information center. Libraries and information centers. Institutions of social and pedagogical orientation

  • 9.What is the technology of “selective dissemination of information”?
  • 10. What are the objectives of the Rosinformresurs association?
  • 11. What are the functions of the Russian Book Chamber?
  • 12. What is the main purpose of theses and notes and how do they differ from each other?
  • 13. What are the main differences between an information center and a library?
  • 14.-15. What are the main functions of the national library?
  • 16. What is the peculiarity of the bibliographic description “under the title”?
  • 23. What are the functions of information activities?
  • 30. Define the concept of “fact”.
  • 36. Why is an abstract needed?
  • 49. What navigation tools does the library provide for readers to search for literature other than library catalogs?
  • 56.-57. What types of information retrieval languages ​​do you know?
  • 58. What economic databases, in addition to electronic library resources, are available on the HSE website?
  • 59. How are library collections arranged?
  • 72. The main tasks solved by the Electronic Russia program.
  • 73. Describe formal and informal channels of communication.
  • 74. List the possible options for constructing a list of used literature.
  • 76) Signs of the formation of an information society.
  • 77. List the main types of library catalogs on paper, indicate the advantages of an electronic catalogue.
  • 78. Give a classification of the main types of information services
  • 79. List the main groups of classification of information in accordance with its properties or characteristics
  • 80.-81. List the main publications of the Book Chamber..
  • 82. List the main information products of the information center.
  • 83. List the main channels for the supply of literature to libraries.
  • 84. List the main components of the information economy.
  • 85. List the main criteria for the usefulness of information.
  • 86. List the main material media of information?
  • 87. List the main directions of development of digital libraries? What electronic libraries do you know?
  • 88. List the main educational portals created as part of the informatization program in the Russian Federation
  • 98. List the positive consequences of informatization of society.
  • 99. List ways to record information.
  • 108. Give the basic outline of a bibliographic description of a web page.
  • 125.What do you know about the Google Books project?
  • 126.-127. What is the information environment?
  • 128. What is the “Okinawa Charter”?
  • 129. What is a dissertation abstract? Who shapes it? Is it a printed work? How does it get into libraries?
  • 130. What is a copyright mark and where is it used?
  • 140. What is the scientific work citation index?
  • 149. What is information processing? What procedures are included in it?
  • 150. What is a patent and how can you find patent information?
  • 157. What is the data life cycle?
  • 13. What are the main differences between an information center and a library?

    Information centers specialize in the collection, analytical and synthetic processing of information, and libraries specialize in distribution.

    14.-15. What are the main functions of the national library?

    Development, maintenance and use of a legal deposit system

    Formation of a fund of domestic documents, carried out on the basis of the principle of exhaustive completeness of acquisition and permanent storage

    Formation of a fund of foreign documents within the interests and capabilities of the state

    Management of collections stored in the library as a national treasure.

    Coordination of domestic and international book exchange

    Production of current and retrospective national bibliography

    Development and maintenance of national cataloging rules, national format, national classification system

    Providing public access to all of your funds, including remote access

    16. What is the peculiarity of the bibliographic description “under the title”?

    A feature of the bibliographic record on them is the indication of the number (code) of the topic, stage, state registration number, inventory number of the report, and performers. For example:

    17. What is the difference between an archive and a library?

    first of all, in its social role, also in the genesis and structure of stored information (

    18.- 19. What is the difference between the numbersISSNAndISBN?

    allowing you to identify any serial publication, regardless of where it was published, in what language, or in what medium.

    20.- 21. What are the differences between the concepts of “electronic text” and “electronic book”?

    Electronic text is text that is stored not on paper, but in the form of a computer file of one format or another.

    An electronic book is a type of electronic resources intended for commercial use and protected from illegal distribution by special hardware and software.

    22. What is the meaning of the term “legal deposit”? When did it first appear?

    A legal copy is a copy of various types of replicated documents, subject to transfer by the manufacturer to bibliographic institutions, large libraries and information centers in the manner established by the Federal Law “On the Legal Deposit of Documents”. On the basis of this system, bibliographic records of published products are maintained and the collections of the largest libraries in the country are replenished. There are two types of legal copies - free, transferred on a gratuitous basis (that is, transferred at the expense of the publisher), and paid. Legal deposit was first introduced by an ordinance (called the Edict of Montpelier) of King Francis I of France in 1537. Its appearance in Russia dates back to 1783

    23. What are the functions of information activities?

    collection, processing, storage, search and dissemination of information, as well as the formation of an organizational resource and the organization of access to it

    24.-25. Where can you find the citation index of the scientist you are interested in?

    The Russian citation index can be found on the website, foreign in the Mathematical Review database.

    26.-27. Define the information society

    an information society in which the production of information products and the provision of information services prevails over all other types of socio-economic activity of people.

    28. Define the term “data”.

    Data is information presented in a formalized form suitable for automatic processing with possible human participation. Data is information written (encoded) in the language of the machine. Data are individual facts that characterize objects, processes and phenomena in the subject area, as well as their properties.

    29. Define the concept of “knowledge”.

    Knowledge is a special form of representing information that allows the human brain to store, reproduce and understand it.

    Knowledge is a product of social material and spiritual activity of people; the ideal expression in symbolic form of the objective properties and connections of the world, natural and human.

    Knowledge is a reflection of “something” (the real world) in consciousness. Or, perhaps, this way: knowledge is a construction, a fixation in our consciousness in the form of sensations, ideas, concepts, the image-existence of objective connections between objects and phenomena of the real world.

    “Knowledge is well-structured data, or data about data, or metadata.”

    The transition of the modern education system to the implementation of second-generation educational standards poses a number of new tasks for the school library. A modern school library should become a guarantor of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, providing conditions for achieving subject, meta-subject and personal results, acting as a resource center for all subjects of the educational process.

    New educational standards introduced the concept of an information and educational environment, of which the school library should become a part, becoming an information and library center (ILC).

    The status of an information and library center emphasizes the ability to fulfill the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, which means:

    Providing access in the school library to Internet information resources, educational and fiction literature, collections of media resources on electronic media, to duplicating equipment for reproducing educational and methodological textographic and audio-video materials, the results of creative, research and project activities of students;

    Information support for the educational activities of students and teaching staff based on modern information technologies in the field of library services (creation and maintenance of electronic catalogs and full-text databases, searching for documents by any criterion);

    Availability of printed and electronic information and educational resources for all subjects of the curriculum: textbooks, including textbooks with electronic applications that are their integral part; educational and methodological literature and materials on all academic subjects of the basic educational program of basic general education in the languages ​​of instruction determined by the founder of the educational institution; additional literature.

    The main problems in the development of school libraries in the Vologda region that prevent their transition to the status of information and library centers include imperfections in the regulatory framework, contradictions between the functionality of a school librarian and the existing staffing of an educational organization, a crisis in funds, staffing problems, and poor material and technical equipment. school libraries.

    Currently, libraries and information and library centers of educational organizations do not have the status of a pedagogical structural unit, although in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard they are called upon to form an information culture and become platforms for organizing classroom and extracurricular project activities for students.

    There is no standard staffing level in the information and library center, as a result of which a serious contradiction arises between the functionality of the teacher-librarian and the existing staffing schedule of the educational organization. There is a lack of uniform approaches in determining the functionality of employees of libraries and information and library centers of educational organizations.

    Most school libraries in the region are currently equipped with computer equipment, but this equipment is not sufficient. As a rule, there is no Wi-Fi in the library, which makes it difficult to use Internet resources and electronic content. There is a discrepancy between the material and technical equipment of libraries and the increasing requirements of the modern educational process, which is expressed in the lack of space, modern library furniture, computer, multimedia and copying equipment. There is a rapid aging of printed collections, insufficient access to digital (electronic) libraries that provide the opportunity to use professional databases, information reference and search systems, as well as other information resources.

    The existing system of training and advanced training for teacher-librarians and other school library workers requires further development. One of the problems in the development of information and library centers is the unpreparedness of library staff for the widespread use of new information technologies and the practical application of modern technical means in library activities.

    The complex of problems hindering the modernization of school libraries must receive a systematic solution. To maintain the unity of the work of information and library centers, it is necessary to create, based on standard documents, such local regulatory legal acts as:

    Regulations and rules for using the information and library center of an educational organization;

    Structure and staffing of the information and library center of an educational organization;

    Job descriptions of employees of the information and library center of an educational organization;

    Technological documentation on the work of the information and library center of an educational organization.

    In order to develop staffing for the activities of information and library centers, a system of continuous education should be developed, focused on in-depth humanitarian, psychological, pedagogical and library and information training of teacher-librarians, including their mastery of modern information technologies. As a result of training, IBC employees must understand the role of the information and library center in the educational process, be aware of the opportunities provided to them, and must be able to use these opportunities to conduct events, implement educational and research projects, interdisciplinary integration, personal development of students, and implement extracurricular activities.

    When providing information and library centers of educational organizations with information resources, it is necessary to focus on the transition from printed publications to electronic information and educational resources, including multimedia and interactive ones. The Internet will play a decisive role in the information and resource support of a modern information and library center as a source and means of jointly creating information content, compiling and providing open access to resources. All seats in the library must be equipped with free access to the Internet through a monitoring and content filtering system; access must be carried out both via cable via an Ethernet interface and wirelessly via Wi-Fi.

    When equipping the premises of the information and library center, it is necessary to adhere to the principles of barrier-free and transformative space.

    Information and library centers of educational organizations must be zoned. IBC requires at least two premises. The number of seats in the information and library center (team work area, event area) must correspond to the average class size. In case of limited space, it is possible to combine a zone for collective work and a recreational zone, a subscription and a presentation zone.

    The space of the information and library center should include a subscription area intended for obtaining information resources (both paper and electronic) for temporary use.

    The lending area should contain book depositories that ensure the safety of the book collection, a media library and a teacher-librarian’s workplace equipped with a modern computer system for recording collections and readers (ABIS).

    Book depositories should be equipped with archival racks for storing part of the book fund, cabinets with locks for storing educational equipment, and also include open access racks for storing the most popular resources.

    The subscription area provides access to government information resources. The zone should be equipped with open access shelves containing the most popular literature, civil-patriotic literature (including local history literature), subject literature for in-depth study, and other relevant literature in accordance with the specifics of a particular educational organization and its operating conditions.

    The lending space should include an area intended for independent work using the resources provided by the information and library center. It should be equipped with one- and two-sided stationary shelving, as well as mobile exhibition shelving. The equipment of the subscription may also include newspaper and magazine cabinets, if this is required by the specifics of the collections of the information and library center and if the size of the area allows such placement.

    The subscription space must be equipped with several types of seating: chairs, sofas, ottomans, built-in seating. Seats in the open access lending zone must have access to state electronic library resources, as well as an information system for the horizontal distribution of copyrighted electronic content, including full-text documents, in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. Seats in the open access subscription area should provide the opportunity to obtain information about available resources (catalogue, card indexes, reference and bibliographic services).

    The subscription area must be equipped with one or more places for receiving multimedia information on digital media (media library), equipment for distance learning sessions, and equipped with equipment for scanning and printing.

    The subscription area must include the following types of equipment:

    Hardware and software complex for a teacher-librarian, equipped with a modern computer system for recording collections and readers (ALIS);

    One or more (1-4, depending on the number of students) workstations for obtaining multimedia information on digital media (media library), distance learning;

    Readers or tablets (5-10, depending on the number of students);

    Equipment for scanning and printing.

    The space of the information and library center should include space for exhibitions - a presentation area.

    The equipment of the presentation area should include stands, hanging systems, other exhibition and presentation equipment, as well as interactive equipment necessary for holding exhibitions and expositions.

    The IBC should also have a collective work area designed for communication, joint implementation of educational and research projects, work of clubs and clubs, extracurricular activities, educational events and other types of joint activities, group distance learning.

    The collective work area should be used for conducting civil-patriotic events, educational activities and their preparation. In the area of ​​collective work, conditions must be created for the formation of a system of values ​​and the versatile education of students.

    The collective work area should provide the necessary infrastructure for obtaining new knowledge in the form of collective self-study, courses, trainings, seminars, lectures and other forms of collective learning. A mandatory requirement for a collective work area is its transformability and the possibility of variable use of space.

    The collective work area should include the following types of equipment:

    Stationary tables, transformable tables, folding tables, built-in workstations, chairs on casters;

    Touch ̆ screen, interactive whiteboard or projector with screen, flipchart, magnetic marker board.

    The information and library center of an educational organization should also be equipped with a recreational area intended for leisure, holding civil-patriotic events, cultural, educational and socially significant events - “literary studios” for adults and children, “library lessons”, literary meetings, etc. .

    The recreational area should be equipped with ergonomic seating that provides maximum comfort: armchairs, sofas, ottomans in a child-safe design.

    Information and library centers must be equipped in accordance with their operating conditions: the specifics of the educational organization, the characteristics of the territory.

    Information and library centers of educational organizations of a correctional type or providing inclusive education must provide their visitors with the necessary conditions for access to information resources, both in terms of organizing space (handrails, ramps, lifts if there are steps) and in terms of obtaining information (Braille displays and keyboards, speech synthesizers, books printed in Braille).

    Information and library centers in rural areas should compensate for difficult access to cultural objects with the help of virtual museum tours and an expanded collection of electronic information resources. Information and library centers in rural areas should work with all subjects of the educational process (including parents of students) and residents of rural settlements.

    One of the promising areas for the development of information and library centers of educational organizations located in rural areas is their cooperation with libraries of the system of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, primarily rural libraries. The forms of such cooperation can be:

    Creation of a unified reader service system;

    Work according to a general plan agreed with the administration of the educational organization and local authorities;

    Creation of boards of trustees;

    Making joint decisions on issues related to library informatization;

    Development of joint decisions to improve library and information services to the population.

    Today in Russia, as well as throughout the world, there is an increase in network interaction between libraries. The Russian School Library Association (RSBA) operates throughout the country, with branches throughout the country. In order to effectively develop information and library centers of educational organizations, it is planned to unite them into a network on a national scale with centralized support from a unified federal information and methodological center (FIMC), and on a regional scale - a regional information and methodological library center (RIMBC).

    Information and library centers of general education organizations are united into a network on a territorial basis, grouping around information and library centers of basic educational organizations. This interaction ensures the completeness of the functions they perform, regardless of the specifics and operating conditions of individual school information and library centers through the exchange of available information and educational resources and methodological experience acquired locally as part of their activities.

    A comprehensive solution to the identified problems will help set a new vector for the development of school information and library centers, which should become the foundation and a necessary condition for the implementation of federal state educational standards, a guarantor of equal opportunities for the development of every student.

    Modern library - search for new models of library

    information development

    By collecting and preserving documents that record the spiritual and scientific achievements of human civilization, the library is the embodiment of the “memory of humanity.” It is precisely this that allows society to maintain the necessary margin of safety during man-made accidents and social upheavals in order to restore production, social relations and reach a new level of social development after a certain time, thereby ensuring the sustainability of social life. At the same time, the library does not turn into an archive or a warehouse of disparate information. By systematizing, storing and disseminating cultural heritage, it organizes navigation in the world of culture, information and knowledge.

    In addition to books, the collections of many modern libraries contain works of art: paintings and engravings, posters and postcards, records, cassettes and discs with recordings of works of literature, music and cinema. Rare and valuable handwritten and printed books, which are the pride of library collections, unique collections of regional and national libraries around the world are classified as objects of cultural heritage.

    As a cultural and civilizational phenomenon, the library performs a dual function: it preserves knowledge and culture in the most convenient form for perception, distribution and use. It is simultaneously transformed in accordance with its mission as a forum of ideas:

      treating the reader as a central figure;

      understanding the paramount importance of the humanitarian component of library activities;

      attitude to technology and technology as opportunities to update, expand and improve library services

    Until recently, library institutions were defined by the physical space they occupied, the document collections they had at their disposal, and the circle of people involved in them.

    The modern library destroys its physical boundaries and moves from real space to virtual space. On the one hand, it offers access to information resources belonging to other subjects of the information space, including those represented on the Internet; on the other hand, it creates electronic information resources (databases, collections of digitized documents, websites and web portals) accessible behind its physical walls. In addition, she is provided with virtual services to search for information and necessary knowledge.

    The ongoing social transformations affect libraries so decisively that they change not only the entire system of library work and library resources, but also for the first time raise the question of the “boundaries” of library space and the very foundations of the existence of traditional libraries and their functions. The change in their role is reflected in their relationship with society and individual social institutions, leading to the transformation of professional values ​​of library ethics, the professional consciousness of the library community.

    All these phenomena required the search for new models of library development that ensure the viability of this cultural institution as a social institution necessary for society in the context of building an open knowledge society.

    Library services are the totality of all types of library activities to meet the needs of users by providing library services.

    A modern library aims to satisfy the real problems and requests of its users. Modern library services are focused on the individual, whose dynamically changing needs are based on equal cooperation between the library specialist and the user.

    The library in modern society emphasizes the principle of equality of all who wish to use its services. Particularly important in this regard is the activity of public libraries, which preserve and transmit cultural heritage to everyone, regardless of age, social status, race, nationality, religion, place of residence, gender, language and other differentiating characteristics. It promotes not division, but consolidation of society, provides users with a starting minimum of information so that they can navigate society and adapt to it, thereby mitigating social conflicts and promoting their comprehensive development.

    Serving readers in the library includes two main types of interrelated activities: documentary and information (issuing primary and secondary documents) and social and communicative (organizing interpersonal communication of readers in the library):

      documentary services,the result of which is the provision of primary and secondary documents to readers (issuance of literature, bibliographic references, information messages, etc.) to readers.

      communication servicesby organizing various forms of interpersonal communication between readers in the library (various types of public events, reading clubs and associations, etc.).

      library services, which are a necessary condition for the implementation of the service process and come in the form of providing readers with various types of convenience and the use of documentary and communication services.

    In recent decades, we have seen how library services and the way they are provided have changed due to the rapid development of information technology.

    New social and information formations are emerging, ready to offer alternatives to the library - information portals, Internet cafes, technology parks, cultural and leisure centers. Readers are leaving library halls in droves and turning into “remote users.”

    The library is particularly vulnerable to changes in communications. The transfer of books into digital format and the creation of powerful electronic storage facilities with remote access can significantly change the needs of society, and the need for libraries as stationary places for reading will disappear.

    All this can become a reality if we forget that in addition to the information function, the library must fully support and develop the socializing function, the function of an institution where “resources” are not only collected, but also direct contact and communication of individuals turning to “ knowledge", where training takes place on how to perceive and understand information, where intercultural training is carried out, providing orientation in the complex multipolar world of modern culture. It is important that at the present stage it is not only an information center, but also an intellectual club, a universal social and cultural center.

    Today, library services are very diverse: issuing materials in reading rooms and at home, information search and free Internet access, working with legal databases and providing computers for independent work, computer training, listening to musical materials, access to full-text electronic books. magazines, as well as visiting exhibitions, book viewings and presentations, Information Days and Specialist Days, educational seminars, trainings and master classes, interest clubs and excursions. Libraries are truly the center of the local community. And, in addition, additional services: photocopying, scanning, typing, recording information on disks, online interlibrary loan services and electronic document delivery, learning foreign languages.

    The development of the Internet has opened up a new level of opportunity for libraries to serve their users. Library websites have become the embodiment of the idea of ​​a modern channel for accessing a variety of library services and information resources.

    Almost all major libraries today have well-developed, constantly maintained websites with a multi-level structure. Thanks to rich content, regular updates, thoughtful structure and easy navigation, these are authoritative and reliable sources of information. An indispensable element of the site is information about the mission of the library, its history, departments and services, news, exhibitions, and funds. In general, modern ones act as powerful marketing channels for a wide range of services and convenient “gates” of access to the resources of the global information space.

    Internet technologies are also transforming the very forms of reference and bibliographic services in libraries. One of the particularly interesting developments is related to the widespread use of Internet services such as e-mail, which has long become a convenient means of communication. The response of libraries to such widespread development was a new type of service - electronic (virtual) references, or references by e-mail. Increasingly, websites offer this service.

    Access to databases becomes an integral part of the provision of services in the library. This is an organized collection of records made using computer technology and standardized in format and content, which is stored in one of the machine-readable modes: on magnetic media, optical disks and other information storage devices.

    Modern databases are overwhelmingly provided online and can contain texts of abstracts, magazine and newspaper articles, laws, reports, etc. as well as bibliographic descriptions of books, articles and other printed materials. One of the varieties of such bibliographic databases are electronic library catalogs. There are thousands of databases of various contents and sizes, both publicly available and purchased for a fee.

    The modern paradigm of library services is based not only on the use of the document collection of a particular library, but also involves the use of fundamentally new opportunities for accessing information, regardless of the time and location of both the document and the user.

    Thus, the purpose of the library is to maintain a balance of traditional, basic values ​​with transformation that does not allow the absorption of books, reading, and existing culture.

    Sustainable development presupposes library activities in unity with humanistic values, knowledge, and in harmony with the surrounding social and natural environment. The librarian today is one of the main participants in the implementation of information and intellectual processes and the development of spiritual culture.

    In modern conditions, the role of the library as an information center that stores and transmits human knowledge and spiritual values ​​recorded on various media is extremely important.

    A library is an information institution that has an organized collection of replicated documents and provides them for temporary use to individuals and legal entities, as well as providing other library services.

    According to their purpose, all libraries are divided into:

    • - universal,
    • - special.

    Universal libraries are libraries that have collections in all branches of knowledge and satisfy the information needs of all groups and categories of the population.

    Special libraries are libraries that have collections in one or more related fields of knowledge and are intended to satisfy the scientific, industrial, and educational needs of the readers of these libraries.

    Most universal libraries are run by government authorities and are divided into:

    national libraries;

    (public) libraries.

    The Russian State Library and the Russian National Library, which are among the largest libraries in the world, occupy a key position among the country's libraries. They have huge funds, replenished from various sources, primarily on the basis of mandatory free federal copies of documents.

    Legal deposit includes the following types of documents:

    • - publications (text, music, cartographic, art publications);
    • - publications for the blind and visually impaired;
    • - official documents - documents adopted by legislative, executive and judicial authorities;
    • - audiovisual products - film, video, phono, photographic products and their combinations;
    • - electronic publications - computer programs and databases;
    • - unpublished documents - documents containing the results of research, development and technological work (dissertations, research reports, deposited scientific works, etc.);
    • - patent documents - descriptions of patents and applications for industrial property.

    The Russian State Library (RSL) is the largest library in terms of collection in Europe and the second in the world after the US Library of Congress. The library was founded in 1862, it was based on the collection of books, manuscripts, archaeological and ethnographic materials of the State Chancellor Count Rumyantsev. Within the walls of the Russian State Library there is a unique collection of domestic and foreign documents in 367 languages; The volume of its fund exceeds 43 million storage units.

    There are specialized collections of maps, sheet music, sound recordings, rare books, dissertations, newspapers and other types of publications. An electronic catalog with free online access has been created and is constantly updated. The library takes an active part in projects for the preservation and access to digital heritage - texts, databases, sound recordings, films, images. In recent years, part of the funds has been digitized, and a full-text collection of domestic master's and doctoral dissertations has been created.

    Russian National Library (RNL) - founded by order of Catherine II in 1795 as the Imperial Public Library. Since 1810, by decree of Alexander I, it has received a mandatory free copy. In 1932, the Library was named after M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. The Russian National Library received its current name in 1992. In terms of the size of its collection, the Russian National Library ranks second among the libraries of the Russian Federation after the Russian State Library. The collections of the Russian National Library number more than 36 million items. storage of domestic and foreign documents. These are books and brochures, magazines, newspapers, normative and technical literature, handwritten materials, and art publications. Among the most valuable collections and unique publications are the Ostromirovo Gospel (1056-1057), the Laurentian Chronicle (1377), the most complete collection of the Vedomosti newspaper (1703-1727), and the Free Russian Print collection ", "Rossika", including foreign publications about Russia before 1917, Voltaire’s personal library (7 thousand), ancient Russian charters and acts, collections of ancient Slavic, Byzantine, Arabic, Hebrew, manuscripts. Electronic catalogs are available to users on the RNL website.

    National libraries are the Presidential Library named after B.N. Yeltsin, Russian State Library, Russian National Library, which satisfy the universal information needs of society. These national libraries, like other national libraries in the world, perform, first of all, the function of forming a fund of domestic documents, the main principles of which are the exhaustive completeness of acquisition and the eternity of its storage.

    The B.N. Yeltsin Presidential Library is one of three national libraries of the Russian Federation. Located in the former Senate and Synod building on Senate Square in St. Petersburg. The library was opened on May 27, 2009 by Russian President D.A. Medvedev. The Presidential Library is conceived as an electronic library. To fill its funds, a unique center for digitization and processing of especially valuable early printed books and manuscripts has been created, which has no analogues in the world, controlled by a specially developed software package. The funds of the Electronic Reading Room include more than 150 thousand storage units and consist of electronic copies of rare historical documents and books, as well as little-known archival materials previously closed to a wide range of readers. The Presidential Library portal currently presents 75 collections of electronic documents, one of which is a collection of rare publications of various historical and cultural significance, and the rest are united on a thematic basis. Two collections are dedicated to exhibitions of book treasures and archival documents of the Russian State Historical Archive and the Russian State Library. Each collection is given a brief description. Among the most significant collections are “History of the Russian Orthodox Church”, “Politics and Power”, “History of Education in Russia”, etc.

    Generally accessible (public) libraries are a library that provides the opportunity to use its collections and services to legal entities, regardless of their organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, and to citizens without restrictions on the level of education, specialty, or attitude to religion.

    In public libraries, citizens have the right to:

    • - become library users upon presentation of documents proving their identity;
    • - receive free complete information about the composition of library collections through the catalog system and other forms of library information;
    • - receive free advice in searching and selecting sources of information;
    • - receive for temporary use any document from library collections for free;
    • - use other types of services, including paid ones, the list of which is determined by the rules for using the library.

    The Central City Public Library named after V.V. Mayakovsky opened in 1868 as the library of the famous publisher A.A. Cherkesova. The name of V.V. Mayakovsky was given in 1953, in connection with the 60th anniversary of the poet. Currently, the library serves more than 90 thousand readers, has a universal fund of more than 1.7 million books, sheet music, records, audio and video cassettes, publications on CD and DVD, more than a thousand titles of periodicals in Russian and foreign languages. Over the last decade, the library has been actively creating and acquiring electronic resources. The library's electronic catalog can be used both in the library premises and via the Internet. The library tries to make its collections available to visitors as much as possible. Publications of the last ten years, the latest most popular literature, are freely available. The library conducts sociocultural activities of various forms and content. Within its walls, book fairs, exhibitions, competitions, meetings of various clubs, literary and musical concerts are held, and museum exhibitions are organized. Every day the library hosts three or four events for various groups of the city’s population.

    Public library in the life of the local community.

    Library activities and user services.

    Library and information resources of the library.

    A. Foundation.

    B. Electronic resources.

    Library placement and space organization.

    Public library staff.

    Supporting the activities of the public library.


    1.1. The public library is publicly accessible to all categories and groups of citizens, ensures and protects their rights to access knowledge, information and culture, and is one of the most important prerequisites for lifelong education and self-education and cultural development.

    The library develops its activities as a publicly accessible center of information and culture, providing users with relevant materials and information support at all stages of their life.

    Thanks to its accessibility, the library helps eliminate information inequality, create conditions for the realization of intellectual freedom, preservation of democratic values ​​and universal civil rights, and improvement of the quality of life.

    1.2. The library makes an important contribution to the daily life and socio-economic development of the local community, and contributes through its means to the comprehensive development of its city or rural settlement with its unique characteristics and local specifics.

    It plays a leading role in the collection, preservation, study and popularization of regional and local culture, in the preservation of ethnic, cultural, linguistic and religious diversity and identity.

    1.3. The public library ensures the rights of access to information and to the achievements of domestic and world culture of special groups of the population: children, youth, people with disabilities (visually disabled, hearing impaired, with musculoskeletal disorders, disabled people of other categories), elderly people age and other problem groups.

    In order to most fully realize their rights, the library identifies socially excluded citizens, places of their concentration and organizations (social protection bodies, rehabilitation centers, etc.) dealing with their problems, establishes connections with them, and also cooperates with specialized libraries, scientific and educational special organizations.

    1.4. A modern public library constantly responds to ongoing social changes, actively cooperates with local authorities, interacts with partners in cultural activities, with social movements and organizations, the media, develops business and creative ties with cultural figures, artists, and business representatives.

    The library openly demonstrates its values, advantages and capabilities, informs the public about the goals and objectives of its activities, and the services provided; declares its participation in social, cultural, educational projects and programs that promote the involvement of various population groups in active public life; participates in advertising campaigns and public campaigns to protect the rights of local residents to access knowledge, information and culture, etc.

    The library promptly informs residents about operating hours (opening hours, breaks, weekends, sanitary days) and the conditions for receiving library services, and promptly notifies about significant changes in its activities.

    1.5. The library regularly reports to the local community on its work, publishes and distributes an annual report on its activities to residents and local governments.



    2.1. The public library formulates a clear policy and development strategy, defines priorities and services, and provides for the availability of adequate resources.

    The strategic plan, programs and projects that the library develops and implements must cover various areas of activity and reflect the needs and expectations of actual and potential users in the field of information and librarianship.

    2.2. One of the most important activities of the library is to provide users with all types of information to support education and self-education, for competent participation in the discussion of important problems and decision-making.

    2.3. The library participates in organizing meaningful leisure time for citizens, promotes the development of their creative abilities, and introduces them to cultural heritage.

    Independently or jointly with other organizations, the library implements educational, informational and other programs and projects, conducts cultural events (evenings, meetings, concerts, lectures, festivals, competitions, etc.).

    2.4. The participation of the library in the formation of a culture of interpersonal and interethnic communication is carried out by ensuring access of ethnic groups of local residents to information and knowledge in their native language.

    The library identifies needs for literature and information in the languages ​​of ethnic groups, cooperates with national cultural centers and communities on its territory and beyond, exchanges professional information with national libraries of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, with regional and local methodological centers.

    2.5. The library actively participates in the formation of the cultural and historical consciousness of the local community, primarily in the process of local history activities. For this library:

    collects and stores literature on local life issues;

    most fully reflects local topics in the reference and bibliographic apparatus;

    compiles and publishes local history bibliographic manuals, reference books, prospectuses, guidebooks, booklets on various information media;

    together with other organizations participates in the preservation of local oral traditions, in the search for genealogical information, in the study of genealogy and history of individual families and clans, creates chronicles and biographical descriptions of local attractions, famous personalities, and the most significant events;

    organizes the work of local history associations.

    In the absence of a local history museum, the public library takes the lead in collecting material items (works of folk crafts, household items, photographs, etc.), which become the basis of museum exhibitions at the library.

    2.6. One of the most important activities of a public library is the development of the information culture of users. To this end, the library:

    organizes special lessons, seminars and trainings on using a computer and the basics of working on the Internet, with electronic resources, with training programs;

    conducts library lessons in the library and in educational institutions;

    conducts regular excursions around the library, introduces visitors to the collections, reference and bibliographic apparatus, technical means and technological capabilities.

    2.7. The public library forms and develops the reading culture of users, the reading competence of children, youth and adults, supports and nurtures their need for reading and education throughout their lives.

    2.8. User service in a public library is built taking into account the characteristics, needs and capabilities of residents of cities and rural areas.

    The library serves all categories of citizens, provides them with a range of library, information and service services in the most convenient mode for them: in the library itself or outside the library, as well as by telephone or e-mail.

    Information technologies allow the public library to introduce and use new forms of service, to provide access to its own and corporate information resources to any user, regardless of his location.

    2.9. A modern library is designed to provide the following main forms of service:

    stationary form of service (all types of library services provided to the user within the library);

    non-stationary form of service (delivery of documents to the user and provision of other library services at the place of residence, work, study);

    remote maintenance (service to the user in remote access based on information and communication technologies).

    In the absence of specialized children's libraries, services for children are organized in departments of the public library.

    2.10. In any accessible form, the library provides services to those who, for one reason or another, cannot visit it as usual, socially excluded groups of citizens or those at risk of such exclusion: visually impaired, hearing impaired, with lesions of the musculoskeletal system, disabled people other categories; elderly people; persons with poor command of the Russian language; patients of hospitals and special medical institutions; children kept in orphanages; prisoners.

    In these cases, together with special libraries, various forms of service are used: literature lending points, home service, remote access service, interlibrary lending, etc.

    2.11. Blind and visually impaired users are provided with access to electronic information resources through computer technology, hardware and software, namely: hardware and software adapted for users with complete or partial loss of vision (scanner, screen access program, speech synthesizer, speech output devices for independent reading of texts from the monitor screen, converters).

    If there are places of compact residence for visually impaired people, it is advisable to have a service department or a specialized department where books of special formats for the blind are collected.

    2.12. Of particular importance is the organization of library services for residents of remote areas or those categories of citizens who cannot use a stationary library due to the nature of their work activity or living conditions. In these cases, the library uses mobile devices (bibliobus).

    The library bus must be equipped with a constantly updated book collection, legal and other specialized databases, modern equipment, and Internet access.

    2.13. A promising form of organizing library services is one in which, having received a document in one library, the user has the opportunity to return it to any other library, or order delivery of a document from another library to the one he uses, on the basis of a single library card.

    This form of library service assumes a high level of cooperation between libraries on a modern technological basis: combining electronic resources of participating libraries on a single information portal, as well as organizing direct delivery of documents from library to library with the issuance of documents at home (in contrast to interlibrary loan, for which documents issued for use in the reading room).

    2.14. Each library independently determines the list of services and the conditions for their provision, taking into account both the needs and interests of users and the capabilities of the library.

    In any case, the library is obliged to provide citizens with the most complete range of services in its conditions, and strive to significantly improve the quality of library services.

    2.15. The main free (budget) services of a public library include:

    providing reference and consulting assistance in searching and selecting specific documents and other sources of information;

    provision of information about the composition of the library collection and the availability of specific documents in the library collection through a system of catalogues, card files and other forms of library information;

    issuance of documents from the library collection for temporary use in accordance with the rules for using the library;

    satisfying a request using the resources of other libraries using interlibrary loan, intra-system exchange or electronic delivery of documents.

    2.16. Library and information services for multilingual communities are essential services and should always respond to local or specific needs.

    2.17. The universal standard of service in a public library is the maximum accessible collection of documents.

    Taking into account the capabilities of the library premises, the collection should be disclosed as much as possible and presented in the public domain. When organizing access to children's literature collections, one should take into account the features of classification and cataloging of literature for children, facilitating their use of library resources.

    Valuable or rare titles that the library is proud of and especially cherishes may be displayed for public viewing in glass cases, shelving, in special exhibitions or on the library's website.

    2.18. The public library website is becoming a modern form of user service and an operational channel for accessing information and library resources.

    The public library website is provided with user-friendly navigation systems and is complemented by navigation systems that ensure its accessibility for persons with visual and hearing impairments. It can be used comprehensively, including for placing an electronic order for literature, extending the period of its use, obtaining certificates, etc.

    A separate web page is being created for children.

    2.19. In the process of servicing various categories of users, the library identifies and takes into account their suggestions and comments addressed to it, and analyzes unmet demand.

    The assessment of the quality and effectiveness of library services is carried out by the library at all stages of their provision: identifying needs, studying demand, planning, development, advertising, use, and satisfaction analysis.

    The overall assessment includes characteristics of library services such as:

    compliance with demand and efficiency of execution;

    information content and content;

    modern methods and methods of execution and delivery;

    the number and uniqueness of services for special groups of users (for children and youth, for people with visual impairments and hearing impairments, with damage to the musculoskeletal system and other disabilities.

    General characteristics should be supplemented by indicators that the library uses to assess the quality and effectiveness of its activities.

    2.20. One of the effective tools for managing the quality of library activities, including serving users and providing services, is the development of a set of internal standards and regulatory (or reference!) requirements.


    A. Foundation

    3.1. The main library and information resource of a modern public library remains the library collection, which includes publications in various formats and on various media: books, periodicals, audiovisual and electronic documents.

    3.2. The collection of each library is a library and information resource of a specific territory (municipal entity) and part of the national library and information resource of the Russian Federation.

    The main characteristics of the public library collection are compliance with needs and demand, constant renewal.

    A modern public library focuses on access to all available information, and not just its own resources, and ensures the replenishment of its collection also through the use of channels of interlibrary interaction: intrasystem exchange, interlibrary loan, electronic delivery of documents.

    3.3. The volume of the public library collection is based on the average book supply of one resident of the Russian Federation, including 5-7 volumes in the city; in rural areas 7-9 volumes.

    However, the average volume of the collection can be adjusted depending on the needs of local residents, the specifics of a particular library, the proximity of other libraries, access to external resources, and financial capabilities.

    3.4. The collection of the public library, serving all categories of local residents, is universal in content and includes a wide range of documents in different formats and on various media.

    A public library, which has the right to receive local legal deposit, as well as official documents accepted by local governments, forms the most complete collection available to residents of the entire territory (municipal entity).

    A specialized collection (for example, children's literature or problem-oriented literature) of a public library is formed most fully with documents of various formats and on various media in accordance with the priorities of its activities.

    3.5. In the universal collection of a public library (if there is no specialized children's library in the service area), literature for children under the age of 14 inclusive makes up at least 30% of the total library collection and contains documents on various media, including educational and developmental programs, games, etc.

    The fund of sound recordings (speech and music) and video recordings for children should include the best examples of domestic and foreign children's musical classics and film classics.

    The library collection should also include “talking books”, including works of modern and classical Russian and foreign literature.

    3.6. The library collection should contain special formats for the blind: books in raised dot font, “talking” books, audio books, relief aids, tactile handicraft publications, publications in digital format, as well as audiovisual materials with sign language translation or accompanied by printed text for the deaf and hard of hearing.

    3.7. The public library includes in its collection documents for ethnic groups of users (taking into account international practice: with a population of 500 ethno-national representatives - 100 volumes; with a population of up to 2000 - at the rate of 1 volume per 10 people).

    3.8. It is mandatory that the public library receive copies of local and regional newspapers and magazines, as well as major central publications, by subscription. The collection of periodicals should include publications for children, as well as professional publications for librarians.

    3.9. The volume of the collection of reference and bibliographic publications must be at least 10% of the total collection of the public library.

    It should contain universal and industry-specific encyclopedias, explanatory and language dictionaries, local history and tourist reference books, atlases, route maps, address books, information manuals, programs to assist training, education and development for all residents of a particular territory (municipal entity).

    3.10. To maintain the significance of the public library collection, it is necessary to constantly replenish it, taking into account territorial specifics based on:

    according to the methodology proposed by the Russian National Library - 3.8% of new arrivals to the total book issue for the year;

    based on maintaining the level of average book supply per capita accepted in Russia.

    3.11. The renewal of the public library collection is determined both by the rate of their replenishment and the timely removal and write-off of documents. It is mandatory for the library to write off dilapidated and outdated publications, especially reference materials, as well as publications that have lost their relevance and are not in demand from users.

    Documents of enduring significance for a given area should remain in the library's collection permanently. A single copy of such documents can be stored in traditional form or reproduced on another storage medium (microfilm or electronic form).

    3.12. The library is obliged to ensure the safety of the collection and the normal physical condition of documents in accordance with established standards of placement, lighting, temperature and humidity conditions, fire safety, etc.

    B. Electronic resources

    3.13. In order to form electronic resources, develop new forms of service and ensure the availability of information at a qualitatively new level, consistent informatization of the public library is being carried out on the basis of an automated information library system (AIBS). It includes:

    creation of a material and technical base, including determining the required number of automated workstations for employees and users;

    acquisition of licensed software products, formation of a local computer network (LAN), connection to the Internet;

    automation of all basic library processes: managerial, technological (acquisition, processing and cataloging, creation of reference and bibliographic apparatus, etc.), library services, information support for readers, library (library system) management;

    implementation of new technological opportunities, including the formation and expansion of electronic information resources, creation of a library website to post information about resources and services, provision of remote access to electronic resources and virtual services, participation in corporate projects.

    3.14. The main electronic resource that the library creates independently, either jointly with other libraries, or through the use of a corporate resource, is the electronic catalog for the library’s collections.

    3.15. In addition to the electronic catalogue, the public library can independently create a variety of databases: bibliographic, factual, full-text, including a database of official documents accepted by local governments.

    Without fail, the library creates a local history electronic resource: thematic databases reflecting the directions of development of the local community and its historical memory.

    To provide more complete and high-quality service to users, taking into account their information needs, the library must purchase ready-made databases.

    3.16. The largest public library can participate in the implementation of “digital” projects and create its own electronic collection.

    3.17. The participation of the public library in corporate projects and in the creation of unified information networks (regional, interregional, federal, international) is carried out on the basis of interaction with libraries of different departments, with cultural and educational institutions, information centers and other organizations.

    The main activities within the framework of corporate interaction are aimed at expanding the capabilities of the library to meet the needs of users .

    In addition to the electronic resources available in the library, its website may contain collections of useful Internet links, lists of Internet addresses, information navigators that provide new library and information forms of work, including a virtual reference service, electronic presentations of information resources and library services, etc.

    3.18. The level of provision of a library with computer equipment should depend not only on financial capabilities, but on the tasks facing the library in the field of introducing new technologies and on the needs of users for new resources and services.

    In accordance with the needs, the library should be provided with automated workstations for employees and for users, united in a LAN, equipment for organizing a LAN, an Internet access device, a scanner, printers, a licensed operating system, including one that provides access to electronic resources for blind users, a package of licensed office programs.

    All software (as well as audio and video materials) must be accompanied by licenses for its use.

    Connecting to the Internet can be done using technology provided by cellular operators, either via a wired telephone line or via satellite communications.

    3.19. Software for automated places for blind users should be adapted in accordance with the recommendations of the Consortium of the World Wide Web (C3W) to ensure accessibility of the software to the blind and visually impaired.

    3.20. Equipment and software support for information systems in a public library must be updated in accordance with the requirements of information and telecommunication technologies - at least once every five years.

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