Conclusion on the topic of humanity. What is humanity? (1 option, essay-reasoning). It's all about respect

The etymology of the term “humanity” firmly connects it with the concept of “being human.”

There is no doubt that this quality is decisive and vital for representatives of our species.

Humanity is based on indifference, kindness, care, mutual assistance, belonging and a humane attitude towards others.

Love for a person is the standard of humanism

Schoolchildren are often asked to write an essay on the topic of humanity, inviting the younger generation to speculate about this important property.

After all, “man” sounds not only proudly, but also responsibly, and inner humanity should be cultivated from a young age.

Humanity (and we apologize in advance for the tautology) is the ability to be a real person; to use everything that is inherent in us through experience, heart, nature, mind, education, the foundations of morality and ethics.

This trait includes the ability to be compassionate, empathize with people's grief, be forgiving of the weak, and express support for those who are deprived of something.

With the loss of humanity, the individual becomes capable of cruelty and violence.

He will laugh in moments of someone else's sorrow, will not give his hand to the fallen and will pass by the beggar. He will rejoice at his colleague’s problems, mock the weak, and humiliate the patient.

This is how human connections are destroyed, friendliness, generosity and mutual assistance disappear. The threads that weave the Earth's population into a single organism are breaking.

Humanity implies psychological unity with others, a feeling of inner similarity with one’s own kind. This is an almost related feeling: a complete understanding that other people are not strangers.

A humane person is obliged to mistake a neighbor or passerby for his brother. “You and I are of the same blood, and I will help you, because next time I may be in your place” - these are the thoughts of anyone brought up on the principles of humanism.

It may seem that humanity (by virtue of its name) is given to us by birthright, by nature. In fact, this trait is cultivated in us by society, education, and humanitarian programs.

Humanity, fueled by one’s own education, a rational understanding of the value of human life, is true humanity.

Humane or humane: what are the differences?

Humanity and humanity are close relatives. These are the same root concepts, because the Latin word humanus means “humane.”

They take as a basis an indisputable fact: any human life is priceless, deserves respect, love and careful treatment.

Humanity is a large-scale, philosophical, cosmic term. It is considered the ideal of humanism and is expressed in love for the entire human race, respect for the individual, and understanding of the value of each unit.

Humanitarian missions, humanitarian assistance are attempts modern society show an example of true philanthropy and cultivate altruism in the younger generation.

Charitable actions, organizations, and events are based on inner humanity. It is expressed in indifference, in the inability to leave the disadvantaged in trouble.

Humanity, in contrast to humanity, is a narrower, more spiritual concept. This is the rule of life, compliance with the laws of morality.

These are the altruistic principles of behavior of a particular individual, his ability to be open, supportive, compassionate and cooperative.

Thus, having learned about a major fire in a shopping center or about an airplane explosion, about a terrorist attack or about an internecine war, people who have not lost their humanity cannot stay away from grief.

They empathize with the families of the victims, transfer funds to charities, collect clothes for displaced people and bring flowers to spontaneous memorials.

Humane man - altruist , ready to share both joy and sorrow with others. He feels involved and offers help selflessly.

The task of parents is to educate this very humanity in their children. And then, with the flowering of a sympathetic, caring, kind generation in the world, the era of true humanism will come.

  1. (49 words) In Turgenev’s story “Asya,” Gagin showed humanity when he took into his care his illegitimate sister. He called his friend for a frank conversation about Asya’s feelings. He understood that the hero would not marry her, and did not insist. The caring brother only tried to get out of the situation so that the girl would not be hurt.
  2. (47 words) In Kuprin’s story “ Wonderful doctor“The hero saves a whole family from starvation. Doctor Pirogov accidentally meets Mertsalov and learns that his wife and children are slowly dying in a damp basement. Then the doctor gave them medicine and money. This act shows the highest manifestation of humanity - mercy.
  3. (50 words) In Tvardovsky’s poem “Vasily Terkin” (chapter “Two Soldiers”), the hero consoles two old men and helps them with the housework. Although life is harder for him, because Vasily is fighting at the front, he does not complain or miss, but helps older people in word and deed. In war, he still remains a respectful and well-mannered person.
  4. (48 words) In Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of a Man,” the hero is not likened to a cruel enemy, but remains the same kind and sympathetic Andrei Sokolov. After the trials of captivity and the loss of his family, he adopts an orphan and begins new life. In this readiness to revive the peaceful sky above my head and in my soul, I see a manifestation of humanity.
  5. (44 words) In Pushkin’s novel “The Captain’s Daughter,” Pugachev saves the life of his opponent for reasons of humanity. He sees that Peter is worthy of this mercy, because he is kind, brave and devoted to his fatherland. The chieftain judges fairly, giving credit even to the enemy. This skill is the characteristic of a decent person.
  6. (42 words) In Gorky’s story “Chelkash” the thief turns out to be more humane than the peasant. Gavrila was ready to kill his accomplice for the sake of money, but Chelkash did not stoop to this baseness, even though he traded in theft. He throws his prey and leaves, since the main thing in a person is dignity.
  7. (42 words) In Griboedov’s play “Woe from Wit,” Chatsky expresses his humanity when he stands up for the rights of serfs. He understands that owning people is immoral and cruel. In his monologue he denounces serfdom. It is because of such conscientious nobles that the situation of the common people will subsequently improve significantly.
  8. (43 words) In Bulgakov’s story “The Heart of a Dog,” the professor makes a fateful decision for humanity: he stops his experiment, recognizing that we do not have the right to interfere so radically in the affairs of nature. He repented of his mistake and corrected it. His humanity is the suppression of pride for the sake of the common good.
  9. (53 words) In Platonov’s work “Yushka” main character I saved all my money to help an orphan get an education. His entourage did not know this, but regularly mocked the dumb victim. After his death, people found out why Yushka looked so bad and what he did with the pennies he earned. But it's' too late. But the memory of his humanity is alive in the heart of the blessed girl.
  10. (57 words) In Pushkin’s story “The Station Warden,” Samson Vyrin treated everyone passing through as a human being, even though they took out all their anger on him. One day he sheltered a sick officer and treated him as best he could. But he responded with black ingratitude and took his daughter away, deceiving the old man. Thus, he deprived his sons of their grandfather. So humanity should be valued, not betrayed.
  11. Examples from life, cinema, media

    1. (48 words) Recently I read a whole article in the newspaper about how young people rescue girls in trouble. They rush to the aid of a stranger without expecting a reward. This is humanity in action. Criminals are put behind bars, but women remain alive, and all thanks to selfless intercessors.
    2. (57 words) I can remember examples of humanity from my personal life. The teacher helped my friend get back on his feet. His mother drank, and his father was not there at all. The boy himself could have gone down the wrong path, but his class teacher found his grandmother and ensured that the student lived with her. Years have passed, but he still remembers and visits her.
    3. (39 words) In my family, humanity is taken as a rule. My parents feed the birds in winter, donate money for operations for sick children, help an old neighbor with heavy bags and pay for utilities. When I grow up, I will also continue these glorious traditions.
    4. (52 words) My grandmother taught me humanity since childhood. When people turned to her for help, she always did everything in her power. For example, she gave a job to a man without a fixed place of residence, thereby bringing him back to life. He was given official housing, and soon he was visiting his grandmother with gifts and gifts.
    5. (57 words) I read in a magazine how a girl with a popular account on a social network posted an advertisement for a stranger there, where she was looking for a job. The woman was over 50, she was already desperate to find a place, when suddenly an excellent offer arrived. Thanks to this example, many people were inspired and began to do good deeds. This is true humanity, when a person changes society for the better.
    6. (56 words) My older friend is studying at the institute, where he signed up for a volunteer club. He went to an orphanage and organized a matinee there in honor of the New Year. As a result, the abandoned children received gifts and performances, and my friend received indescribable emotions. I believe that in any university this is how people should be taught humanity, giving them a chance to prove themselves.
    7. (44 words) In Steven Spielberg's film Schindler's List, the hero, despite the policies of Nazi Germany, hires Jews, thereby saving them from martyrdom. His actions are guided by humanity, because he believes that all people are equal, everyone deserves to live, and no one can dispute this.
    8. (47 words) In the film “Les Miserables” by Tom Hooper, the criminal and villain turns out to be a humane and merciful man who takes custody of an unknown orphan girl. He manages to raise a child and run from the police at the same time. For her sake, he takes mortal risks. Only man can achieve such selfless love.
    9. (43 words) In Henry Hathaway's Call Northside 777, the innocent hero goes to prison. His mother tries in vain to find the real criminals. And the journalist completely disinterestedly decided to help her by getting involved in the investigation. In this case, he demonstrated his humanity, because he did not ignore someone else’s misfortune.
    10. (44 words) My favorite actor Konstantin Khabensky spends most of his fees on charity. With these actions, he inspires viewers to act according to their conscience and help each other in trouble not only in word, but also in deed. I respect him immensely for this and believe that he is driven by his humanity.
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Humanity– humanity, human attitude towards others.
Dictionary Russian language Ushakova

Humanity– a moral quality that expresses the principle of humanism in relation to everyday relationships between people. It includes a number of more private qualities - benevolence, respect for people, sympathy and trust in them, generosity, self-sacrifice for the interests of others, and also implies modesty, honesty, and sincerity.
Philosophical Dictionary

  • Humanity is one of the best moral qualities of a person, making him worthy of all respect.
  • Humanity is the ability to feel another person, his spiritual world, his interests and hopes.
  • Humanity is a friendly attitude towards people and the world.
  • Humanity is the readiness to come to the aid of everyone who needs it, without regard to his merits, capabilities and social status.
  • Humanity is the ability to notice the positive character traits and personality of each person.
  • Humanity is a willingness to forgive mistakes and rash actions of others, and a refusal to judge.

Character traits that make up humanity

  • Love - God is Love. Strive to become like God.
  • Kindness - Live in such a way that the amount of goodness in the world increases with your every word and deed.
  • Intelligence - Maintain a noble soul even in the most difficult situations.

The Benefits of Humanity

  • Humanity makes it possible to notice the best, distracting from the worst.
  • Humanity gives strength - in order to do better the world.
  • Humanity gives hope - for a decent future not only for oneself. But also for others.
  • Humanity helps to find freedom - from negative emotions and worries about the imperfections of others.
  • Humanity gives faith - in the best principles of every person.
  • Humanity gives peace of mind - due to self-confidence and trust in life.
  • Humanity helps to gain the will to do good deeds.

Manifestations of humanity in everyday life

  • Helping those in need, charity. By helping children, the elderly and those who for some reason need help, a person shows his best qualities; humanity is one of them.
  • Interpersonal relationships. The more humanity a person shows towards others, the more people are drawn to him.
  • Interest in other people. A person who is genuinely interested inner world those around him, shows humanity.
  • Professional activity. There are professions in which humanity comes first among the essentials. personal quality– these are doctors, teachers and rescuers.
  • Family relationships. The love of parents for children and children for parents, love between spouses is one of the manifestations of humanity.

How to develop humanity in yourself

  • Be interested! Only a person who is sincerely interested in the people around him and the world around him can be called humane.
  • Charity. Participation in charity events and active assistance to those in need develop humanity.
  • Caring. At the everyday level, it can be expressed in the fact that a person will not pass by someone who has fallen on the street, but will try to help him. This is how humanity develops.
  • Psychological trainings. By participating in psychological trainings, people better understand the human essence; The better you get to know it, the more you begin to appreciate each person - this is humanity.

Golden mean

Indifference | complete lack of humanity


Forgiveness | excessive humanity, often leading to permissiveness

Catchphrases about humanity

True humanity is a noble attitude towards any life. - Georgy Alexandrov - He will be humane who will be able to embody five virtues everywhere: respect, generosity, truthfulness, intelligence, kindness. - Confucius - Good feelings, emotional culture is the center of humanity. - Vasily Sukhomlinsky - Love, hope, fear and faith, taken together, make up humanity. These are signs, signs and properties of humanity. - Robert Browning - Humanity is a meaningful feeling, only education develops and strengthens it. - Claude Adrian Helvetius - People, be humane! This is your first duty. Be like this for all conditions, for all ages, for everything that is not alien to man. - Jean-Jacques Rousseau - Y. A. Milner-Irinin / Ethics, or Principles of True Humanity Milner-Irinin is a Soviet philosopher who developed his original ethical concept based on the methodological principles of modern philosophy. He considered the social nature of man to be the primary source of the moral law V. D. Shadrikov / Origin of humanity The book is dedicated to the spiritual evolution of man. It reveals the nature of humanity and the mechanisms for the development of mental qualities inherent in humans.

Humanity is a moral quality inherent in a person. It implies a humane attitude towards people, animals, and the world around us. This is a kind of spiritual warmth, light emanating from within, which brings goodness. Tolerance and kindness, respect, compassion and humanity - all together constitute humanity.

How often do we simply lack support, encouraging words, and all possible help. This is what is sometimes more important than material wealth. Such qualities are formed from childhood. Adults bear a moral duty to children. It is not the school and the university, but rather the relatives (parents, grandparents) who should instill in their children and grandchildren the traits of humanity. Demonstrate this behavior by example. For example, a kitten is left without a mother - one will take pity on it, feed it, find it shelter or take it in - and the other, on the contrary, will scare it or throw a stone at it. So in the first case this is a manifestation of humanity, and in the second - inhumanity. All the tyrants in the world were inhuman. They were not interested in the fate of others, they drove millions of people to slaughter - pursuing their own interests. Remember Hitler and Stalin, Lenin and Napoleon - you can’t even call them humane. Yes, everyone had their own motives, but the essence is the same - murder and execution without trial. What excuse can there be for this?

Why is humanity needed?

It makes a person worthy of respect. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s a small child or an adult. This is the fruit of upbringing, first of all. It often happens that actors play anti-heroes and behave disgustingly towards people or animals. And in response they receive a barrage of criticism and disapproval from millions of people. It would seem that it’s just a role, the director wrote the text, it’s all make-believe... but it’s impossible to convince people. Looking at such an actor, one involuntarily associates him with that character. The soul does not have abstract thinking - it does not understand what make-believe is. For her there is no concept - I say one thing, but in reality I mean something else. For her there is only yes or no, good or bad. But we feel everything exclusively with our souls. That’s why we react this way to manifestations of inhumanity.

There are professions in which humanity is simply necessary - for example, doctors, teachers, educators, rescuers, and so on. Every day they deal with pain, experiences, and human emotions.

That is why we are so outraged when even among them there are inhuman people. Then we say that they should find another profession. Wouldn’t you be pleased when the bus driver waits an extra 3 seconds so that a grandmother with a cane or a woman with a child can get in? The entire bus mentally applauds this action. It might seem like a small thing, but it resonates in everyone’s heart.

Yes, we encounter evil along the way, but we just need to understand that without it we would not understand what goodness and humanity are.

Man is not just a species of animal, he is also a person. But you still have to earn it to become a Human.

And in conclusion, we can say that this quality is not given to everyone - it is a gift that is acquired throughout life through education, kindness and sensitivity. Without him, the world would have long ago perished in chaos and war.

Essay on the text.

(1) In those days, the house - old, black, lopsided, under a rusty roof - stuck out among the new five-story buildings. (2) Every month the builders got closer and closer to him and eventually squeezed him on three sides. (3) Someone had already knocked down the fence, someone burned it on a cheerful bonfire, someone accidentally unloaded concrete slabs near the front door, but the house stood stubbornly and indestructibly, and its owners still stubbornly refused to move anywhere was. (4) However, there were no owners, there was a mistress - Maria Tikhonovna Lukoshina. (5) Until then, Semyon Mitrofanovich somehow met with her little. (6) Once he officially went to see her, as a representative, because the builders had received a complaint that the old woman did not want to leave, did not allow the house to be demolished, and in general was hindering progress on this street in every possible way. (7) But even that day, Semyon Mitrofanovich was allowed no further than the threshold, and therefore the conversation turned out to be in a draft.
(8) - You refuse, then, citizen Lukoshina Maria Tikhonovna?
(9) - Let me die in peace.
(10) - But you, Maria Tikhonovna, are offered a separate one-room apartment in a new building with all the amenities. (11) Just think: our state gives you, a lonely person, a whole apartment!
(12) - Let me die in peace.
(13) - We’ll evict you, citizen Lukoshina, we’ll have to force it...
(14) Until now, he could not forgive himself for that conversation.
(15) The next morning everything happened. (Іb) The bulldozer driver got a job, drove the car to the house, knocked politely:
- Hey, owners, shake yourself out! (17) Half an hour to get ready - and I’ll plunge into your rotten life!..
(18) They didn’t answer in the house. (19) They knocked, shouted - the house was silent. (20) He was silent until the foreman ordered the doors to be broken down. (21) As soon as they took hold of them, these doors opened, like in a fairy tale. (22) And Baba Yaga is on the threshold. (23) She listened to the entire cry in silence and didn’t seem to understand: she looked calmly, didn’t grab things and didn’t even cry.
(24) “I’ll break you, grandma,” said the bulldozer driver.
(25) She looked at him with her coals.
(26) “I’m not a grandma,” she said. (27) - Not a grandmother, not a mother, not a mother-in-law - just an old woman.
(28) - Break it! - the foreman shouted. (29) - And so we lost half a day!
(30) - How is this possible! - the girls-painters made noise. (31) - You have no right to break! (32) First you need to transport a person!.. (ZZ) Come on, grandma, we will help you...
(34) “No need,” said Baba Yaga. (35) - Nothing is needed.
(36) And she went into the house. (37) And disappeared. (38) The foreman, spitting, went to his place, the painters went on a lunch break, and the foreman said to the bulldozer driver:
- Shake the house - she will jump out at once.
(39) However, the old woman came out herself. (40) She came out as before:
in a dressing gown, only portraits in hands. (41) There are four portraits in the frame.
(42) - Break it.
(43) - What about things? - the bulldozer driver shouted.
(44) - What things? (45) You are talking nonsense. (46) Break it, and that’s it. (47) I’ll just take a look.
(48) She sat down on the slabs and placed the portraits next to her.
(49) - Are you saving icons, grandma?
(50) “Icons,” she said. (51) - Holy Great Russian martyrs: Saint Vladimir, Saint Yuri, Saint Nicholas and Saint Oleg. (52) They burned alive near the village of Konstantinovka on July twenty-ninth forty-three.
(53) - Sons? - That’s all the foreman asked.
(54) “Sons,” she answered, “the crew of a combat vehicle.”
(55) It suddenly became quiet: the bulldozer driver turned off the engine. (56) And he said quietly:
- Go to the house, grandma. (57) Please.
(58) And he himself went to the department, where he told everything as it was. (59) That’s when Semyon Mitrofanovich got involved at the last, so to speak, stage. (bO) He visited the Architectural Department eight times; asked, begged, proved.
(61) I found the school where these tankers studied, and organized a museum there. (62) I signed up with the unit, with the village of Konstantinovka: both from the unit and from the village, delegations arrived on the appointed day. (bZ) The mother was partially presented with an album and a model of the “thirty-four”, and from the village four urns with earth. (64) From the grave is the earth, where all four of her sons, all her grandchildren and all great-grandchildren lay.
(65) And the construction parts were transported to another place the next night, and a new fence was erected. (66) It was all simple, the builders themselves did it.
(According to B. Vasiliev)

Option 1
Humanity is the kindness of the soul and the ability to live in love and compassion for others. It's impossible to imagine good man without these qualities.
In the story by B. Vasilyev, Maria Tikhonovna, who lost her sons at the front, does not want to move out of the house, where everything reminds her of them. In the eyes of the builders, the old woman’s intransigence looks like Baba Yaga’s harmfulness. But when Maria Tikhonovna takes out of the house what is most precious to her - the portraits of her sons, the bulldozer driver understands the reason for her reluctance to leave (sentences 55-57).
Semyon Mitrofanovich, who organized the museum, and the military men who handed over the model of the tank, and the residents of the village where her sons were buried (sentences 60-64) turned out to be humane.
It seems to me that the world will exist as long as this quality of the soul is alive in people.

Option 2
Humanity is respect for people, kindness. Humanity, in my opinion, necessarily presupposes responsiveness.
Let us turn to the text by B. Vasiliev for examples. Lukoshina Maria Tikhonovna, not wanting to move out of the old house, persists. She doesn't even explain the reason for her refusal. And only when the desperate bulldozer driver is ready to “shake up the little house” does she leave the house with what is most dear to her - portraits of her four dead sons. And we see how the behavior of the bulldozer driver changes, we see that he shows respect for a woman who has experienced such grief (sentences 55-57).
Semyon Mitrofanovich also treated Maria Tikhonovna with great kindness and humanity. Having learned about her dead sons, he not only prevented the demolition of the house, but also did a lot to console the old woman (prev. 60-64).
How important it is for there to be more humane people in our world! Even the example of this text shows how much more joyful life becomes from them.

Option 3
Humanity is what defines a person: active kindness, responsiveness, understanding. We measure many of our own and others’ actions by humanity.
Let us turn to the text by B. Vasiliev. An angry bulldozer driver sees that an old woman, leaving a house destined for demolition, is carrying the most precious thing - portraits of four sons who were burned alive in the war. He changes instantly, understanding Maria Tikhonovna’s condition (sentences 55-57).
And what responsiveness Semyon Mitrofanovich demonstrates! Thanks to him, the demolition of the house is canceled. After all, he not only visited the Architectural Department eight times, he proved to everyone that this woman should not be disturbed (sentences 60, 61).
And then humanity multiplied in the actions of the builders, military men and residents of the village where the heroes died (sentences 63, 64, 66). It seems to me that sometimes this quality itself is like a feat.
An example of this is the story of the Polish resistance movement activist Irena Sendler. During World War II, having received permission to work in
In the Warsaw ghetto, she carried children at the bottom of a tool bag. She managed to save 2500 children! This humanity is akin to a feat.
I think that you can always find a situation to demonstrate this wonderful quality.

Option 4
In my understanding, humanity is benevolence, respect for people, the ability to take the side of another, understand him, and protect him if necessary. This character trait is based on love for one's neighbor.
Let's find an example of humanity in the text of B. Vasiliev. When the bulldozer driver saw that “citizen Lukoshina” was leaving the house only with portraits of her sons who died in the war, he stopped the demolition of her house (sentences 55-58). He reported everything to his boss Semyon Mitrofanovich, and he eight times (sentence 60) “asked, begged, proved” to the Architectural Department not to touch Maria Tikhonovna’s house. And he managed to convince the management! The builders themselves restored the fence for Grandma Lukoshina (sentences 65-66), and this is also an example of humanity.
I believe that there should be more such people in our lives, because thanks to them, goodness in the world increases.

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