Lesson on speech development on the topic of Dunno. A lesson on teaching literacy and speech development in the preparatory group “Visiting Dunno and his friends.” The last task "toy"

Abstract final lesson

(for the third quarter )

in the preparatory group

on the topic: “Travel with Dunno.”

Spent: Dig up Lina Alexandrovna.



    Strengthen children's knowledge of speech development and literacy:

    Strengthening the skills of sound analysis and synthesis.

    Strengthening the skill of reading words and sentences.

    improve skills independently compose creative stories based on plot pictures.

2.Develop memory and logical thinking.

3. To foster curiosity, mutual assistance, and independence in children.


    pictures depicting Dunno and his friends;


    2 magnetic boards;

    magnetic alphabet and numbers;

    a set of letters for each child;

    set of flowers (from cardboard): poppy, tulip, peony, chamomile, iris, lilac, rose, violet;

    plot pictures for composing creative stories.

Preliminary work:

    reading with children N. Nosov’s book about “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends”;

    solving various logical puzzles;

    work on improving: phonetic processes and composing creative stories.

Progress of the lesson:

1.Organizational point:

1.1.Welcoming guests.

1.2. Speech therapist: invites children to play finger game“Flower”:

Early in the morning it is closed (the hands are closed)

But it’s closer to noon (palms move away from each other)

Opens the petals

I see their beauty (fingers smoothly move apart)

In the evening the flower again

Closes the corolla (fingers closed)

And now he will sleep (initial position of hands)

Until the morning, like a chick (imitation of sleep).

2.Main part:

L: And now the flowers woke up, and we smiled at each other. And on this spring morning, I hope everyone is in a good mood. My mood today is like a snow-white light cloud in a quiet, calm, blue sky. What is your mood like?

2.1.Game “What is your mood like?”(with a ball).

Children stand in a circle and pass the ball to each other. The one with the ball describes his mood.

L.: Well done, I’m very glad that everyone is in a good, cheerful mood.

This is the mood with which we begin our lesson.

2.2. Children guessing a fairy-tale character.

Recently we read the story “Dunno and His Friends.” What is the name of the city where the fairy-tale kids lived? Name the inhabitants of this city.

Today one of the residents of the Flower City will come to your lesson. Guess his name. (The word is encrypted. Children guess it using reference numbers.)


















2.3. Visiting Znayka.

- One day Dunno came to Znayka. Znayka sat at the table and solved difficult problems. Dunno could not solve a single problem. Let's help him.

What will a person never walk on? (Along the ceiling.)

What does half an orange look like? (To the other half.)

Why is there a tongue in the mouth? (Behind the teeth.)

Where can't you find a dry stone? (In the water.)

How many apples are there on a birch tree if there are eight branches and there is one apple on each branch? (Apples do not grow on birch trees.)

What kind of dishes should you not eat from? (From the broken one.)

Why do ducks swim? (From the shore.)

Who talks to everyone but is not visible? (Echo.)

2.4. Visiting Toropyzhke.

- Dunno went further. He sees letters on the road. His letters led him to Toropyzhka. He sits at the table and cries: the letters are lost! Help him, guys. (The work is carried out using pictures.) Children lay out the correct answer from letters.

    In front of the children, the Rat is painted by painters. (The roof.)

    The bug didn't finish the booth: Reluctance. Tired of it. (Bun.)

    Misha didn’t cut the wood, he stoked the stove with turnips. (In slivers.)

2.5. Physical education minute.

Here's Dunno's exercise.

Do it in order.

Quickly stand up, smile,

Stretch higher, higher.

Well, straighten your shoulders,

Raise, lower.

Turned left, right,

Hands touched knees.

They sat down and stood up, sat down and stood up.

I hope you're not tired?

You need to stand up more freely

And breathe easier.

2.6. Bouquet of flowers

- Dunno is walking along the road and “the raven is counting.” I came across Rasteryaika. He had a bouquet of flowers scattered. (Flowers were scattered on the carpet in front of the children). Let's help collect a bouquet of flowers (children stand up and each takes 1 flower): each of you lays out a sound model of the name of the flower that is on his table (poppy, rose, chamomile, violet, peony, iris, lilac, tulip)

2.7. Pictures from the Tube Artist.

Dunno came to his home and saw a letter lying on the table of his friend Tube. Dunno opened it, but he couldn’t read it. Let's help him.

Children reading the text:

“Dunno! Make up a story based on the pictures. Tube. »

Children write creative stories using pictures.

3. Summing up the lesson.

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1 Municipal preschool educational budgetary institution“Kindergarten of a combined type 201” Abstract educational activities with children 5-7 years old Game activity on speech development “Let's help Dunno!” Educational area « Speech development» Prepared by: teacher of the first qualification category Eremeeva E.K. Orenburg, 2016

2 1. Dominant educational area 2. Type of children’s activity 1. Topic of educational activity 2. Methods and techniques for implementing lesson content 3. Integration of educational areas 4. Age Organizational information Speech development - cognitive, - playful, - communicative, - productive Methodological information Lesson on speech development “Let's Help Dunno” - conversation with children, explanation - use demonstration material, - creating a situation of choice, - posing a problem, - discussion - encouragement - productive activity. - social and communicative development, - speech development 5-7 years old group 5. Goal: Development of cognitive activity and interpersonal interaction skills with peers and adults. 6. Objectives: 6.1 Educational: - exercise in determining the first and last sound in a word. - consolidate children’s knowledge of the sounds and letters they have learned. - practice composing syllables and words from letters. - practice syllabic analysis of words. - consolidate the concepts of “vowel” and “consonant” sounds, learn to distinguish between them. Note ( additional information to the summary) 6.2 Developmental: - develop fine motor skills. - develop coherent speech - develop curiosity. 6.3 Educational:

3 - cultivate goodwill, endurance, the ability to listen to a friend, the ability to work in a group 7. Planned results: - has an understanding of sounds and letters, - has an understanding of the concept of “vowel” and “consonant” sounds, - is able to compose syllables and words from letters , - shows interest in the syllabic analysis of words, - is able to empathize, shows a desire to help, - willingly participates in collective activities, - communicates freely with peers and adults. 8. Organization of the environment for educational activities 9. Preparation for educational activities in the classroom during special moments - “Dunno” - a letter from Dunno - medallions with letters, - a set of red and blue circles, - three houses - pictures of animals - riddles with pictures - “chain of words” - puzzles - a set of letters - cards with words (There is silence at school during the lesson.) Solving puzzles, composing sentences and chains of words from pictures, solving riddles. Consolidating work with sounds and letters. Reading Nosov’s fairy tale “The Adventure of Dunno.” Lesson summary (educational activity) I. Introductory part 1.1 Introduction to the topic Guys, today we received a message from the Flower City from Dunno. He, like you, is going to school this year. Znayka decided to check whether Dunno was ready for school and gave him a number of tasks. letter 1.2 Motivating children's activities Educator: Dunno is very afraid of making mistakes, not completing assignments, and asks you for help. Let's help Dunno complete all the tasks without errors? (We'll help). Dunno with tasks. 1.3 Goal setting While helping Dunno, we will need to remember all the knowledge about sounds and letters, words, syllables and sentences and not make mistakes. II. Main part

4 2.1 Updating previously acquired knowledge Acquiring (communicating and accepting) new knowledge Exercise “Clap, stomp” - Guys, let’s remind Dunno what sounds are (vowels and consonants). What sounds do we call vowels? (sounds that last, are sung with a voice, are pronounced without obstacles). Name the vowel sounds. What consonant sounds have you already become familiar with? (children name consonant sounds). Why do we call these sounds consonants? (sounds are pronounced with an obstacle). - Now, be careful. I will name the sounds, and if you hear a vowel sound, clap your hands and stamp your feet on a consonant sound. (the teacher names a chain of sounds) - Well done! We coped with this task. I think that Dunno will also not make a mistake when completing this task. Exercise “Who lives where? - The next task is from Znayka. We need to help Dunno determine the number of syllables in the names of the animals and place each of them in their own house. Animals with 1 syllable in the name will live in a house with one window, animals with 2 syllables in the name will live in a house with two windows, and animals with three syllables in the name will live in a house with three windows. (children determine and name the number of syllables in words)! - Dunno thanks you for completing this task without errors! “The ABC in Pictures” - Guys, Dunno has a poet friend, Tsvetik. He loves to write poems and riddles. Tsvetik asked Dunno riddles. And you and I need to help him not only guess them, but also determine what sound the answer begins with, and turn into a letter denoting this sound. Syllabic houses, pictures of animals Riddles with pictures: children guess the riddle, determine the first sound, give its characteristics (vowels, consonant,

5 Game “What word is hidden” - Znayka asked Dunno to find the hidden word in the pictures, but he doesn’t know what it is. And we will help him with this. Who wants to show Dunno and tell him how to find the hidden word. - I think that Dunno, after your stories, will easily cope with this task. Game “Magic TV” - Dunno again asks us to help him complete Znayka’s task. He asks Dunno to guess the puzzles. And we will ask Olga Viktorovna to help us with this. She has prepared several puzzles for us and offers to solve them together. Game “Lost Syllables” Dunno’s friend, Lost, always loses everything. And this time he lost syllables in his words. Let's help Dunno find the appropriate syllable to make a word. If you choose the right syllables, pictures will open. hard, soft) and turn into a letter) cards with pictures and a split alphabet - 5 people, and the rest orally make up a chain of related words puzzles children select a letter in a word Game “Living Words” - Znayka made up words from letters, and invited Dunno to lay out sound patterns to these words. And Dunno opened the window, through which the prankish wind flew in and scattered all the letters across the table. Let us help Dunno collect the scattered words. And for this we all need to turn into letters. Let’s say together: “One, two, three, turn around, immediately turn into a letter.” Children are divided into four groups. They put on medallions with a letter and make up words from the letters; the children take “circles” Making sound patterns - Well done! Made words out of letters. And now each “living” word needs to be determined in a “circle” with what sound its word begins. Exercise “Make a sentence” - Guys, let’s look again at your children using the words “school”, “lesson”, “silence”, “need” to make a sentence according to the diagram

6 words and make up a sentence of advice from them for Dunno, a future student. “At school, silence is needed during the lesson” III. Final part 3.1 Summing up, independent activities of children to consolidate acquired knowledge Well, we helped Dunno complete all the tasks. What task caused you difficulty? Which task did you complete easily? Since we are so great, let’s praise ourselves “We are great!” IV. Determining the prospects for further activities 4.1 You and I will be waiting for the next message from the Flower Country about how Dunno coped with the tasks.

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Summary of GCD on cognitive development

in the older group

Bulkhieva Ekaterina Vladimirovna

Goals: creating conditions for consolidating ideas about the whole subject and its parts.


1. Continue to introduce the whole and its parts, teach how to divide an object into two or four parts; clarify knowledge about forward and backward counting; knowledge about geometric shapes, continue to learn how to correlate the number of objects with a number.

2. Stimulate the development of thinking abilities, curiosity, and cognition. Develop the ability to clearly and quickly answer questions posed. Develop the ability to navigate in space.

3. Foster friendly relationships between children, the desire to please elders with their achievements, and cultivate interest in mathematics classes.

Vocabulary work: whole, parts, half, quarter, forward and backward counting, science, postman, plan.

Preliminary work: didactic games with numbers, numbers, geometric shapes, individual work.

Material for the lesson:

demonstration - drawings of geometric shapes, a picture of Dunno, cards with pictures of toys, numbers.

handout - simple pencils, colored pencils, envelopes of five colors (red, yellow, white, blue, green)

Progress of the lesson.

Children are sitting on the carpet. The teacher invites them to remember the serial count and at this time there is a knock on the door and the teacher comes out to look and brings in a picture of Dunno.

Dunno. Hello guys, please help me, otherwise I simply cannot cope alone. Can you imagine what happened to me? I was playing football with Vintik and Shpuntik and kicked the ball so high and far that I broke the window of Queen Mathematics. And now she won’t give me the ball and says that they won’t take me to school if I don’t complete all her tasks. She gave me some envelopes and said, go think about it, and tomorrow you’ll come and answer. But I can’t even count them, so I’m running to you. You are so smart, please help me.

Educator. Well, guys, let's help Dunno? The teacher places envelopes in front of the children.

How many envelopes did the Queen of Mathematics give to Dunno? Correct - 5. Let's open the first envelope. What color is it? (white)

There are questions in it, let's help Dunno answer them, but you need to answer quickly, otherwise all the letters will disappear and I won’t be able to read further.

What time of year is it now?

List all the autumn months.

Is it morning or evening?

How many fingers are on one hand?

How many angles does a triangle have?

How many times a year does a birthday happen?

How many noses do three cats have?

How many ears do two mice have?

Well done, you are very attentive and answered all the questions correctly. Now sit down at the table, and let’s look at the envelope located between blue and green. What color is it? (red). Let's open it. Who do you see here? (rectangle)

What do you think his mood is? (sad, sad)

Why was he sad? (because he is alone, there are no friends nearby)

Who is our rectangle's friend? (with a circle, squares, oval, triangle)

Let us find his friends in the objects that surround us. I will name the object for you, and you must depict it as a geometric figure.


We work on the strip with a red icon with a simple pencil.

What shapes did you get? Name them.

How can they be called in one word? (geometric figures).

How many figures are there in total? (5)

Well done, you completed this task without any problems.

And now

Gymnastics for the eyes. The children are sitting.

The backs were straightened, the arms were lowered.

1. Blink quickly, close your eyes and sit quietly for 5 seconds.

2. Close your eyes tightly for a few seconds, open them and look into the distance.

3. Extend your right arm forward. Follow with your eyes the slow movements of the index finger: left - right, up and down.

4. Place your hands on your belt, turn your head to the right and look at the elbow of your left hand, and vice versa.

And now I propose to settle everything geometric shapes into the same house, then they will be neighbors and will never lose each other. A rectangle will live in the center of the sheet, a circle will live above the rectangle, an oval will live below the rectangle, a square will live to the right of the rectangle, and a triangle will live to the left. To make your home cozy, bright, and elegant, you need to decorate it. Place a sun in the upper left corner, a cloud in the upper right corner, decorate the lower left corner with a butterfly, and decorate the lower right corner with a flower. It seems to me that the rectangle's mood has changed. And I see you started smiling. Guys, I had an idea to call this house “House of Friendship”.

Can your home, your kindergarten, be called a “house of friendship”? I'm very happy about this. We must be friends with each other, respect, love each other.

Dunno. What a great fellow you are. I'm even wondering what's in the other envelopes. Are you interested? Then let's open the envelope, not blue and not green. Which one? (yellow) .

Educator. Here are the numbers. Do you know what numbers are? These are the signs we use to denote numbers. There are only 10 numbers, but there are a lot of numbers. Now let's play with these numbers.

Game "Get in order." Rules of the game: while the music is playing, children take one number at a time. At the command “get in order,” the children must line up in order.

Number 3, name your neighbors. 5.6…

Well done, you did a very good job with the numbers.

Collect completed tasks and put them in an envelope.

Dunno. And now I suggest you rest.


On Monday I swam (pretend swimming)

And on Tuesday I painted. (pretend to be drawing)

On Wednesday I took a long time to wash my face (“let’s wash”)

And on Thursday I played football. (running in place)

On Friday I was jumping, running, (jumping)

I danced for a very long time. (spinning in place)

And on Saturday, Sunday (claps hands)

I rested the whole day.

(children squat down, hands under cheeks, fall asleep)

How many envelopes do we have left? (2)

Let's open the non-blue envelope. Which? (green)

There's an apple here, if I split it in half, how many kids can I serve? (2). - What are these parts called? (halves).

How many guests can I serve if I split 2 apples in half?

Now listen to the task and sketch the answer on a strip of paper. Sit down at the table.


You need to draw as many circles as you can treat guests.

How many envelopes are left? (1) How can you tell about him what he is like? (last) Now let's open the blue envelope.

Here are cards with toys and numbers; they need to be laid out so that the number of toys corresponds to the number. Well done, you completed this task.

Dunno. Thank you very much guys, you helped me a lot, I’ll run to Queen Mathematics right now. Goodbye.

Natalia Denisova
Summary of a lesson on speech development “Help Dunno” in the senior group

Developmental: Develop

coherent speech, activate vocabulary on a given lexical topic;

the ability to compose descriptive stories about domestic animals using a mnemonic table;

ability to recognize and name pets by description (cow, horse, dog, cat);

the ability to classify objects according to essential characteristics and generalize;

the ability to grasp the sequence of events depicted, to use speeches complex sentences and words of definition.

Learn to pronounce tongue twisters slowly, but clearly, distinctly and without hesitation.

Exercise children in composing a story based on a series of pictures related by one content;

Develop the ability to use speeches correct forms names of baby pets (puppy, calf, foal, etc.)

Develop imagination, memory, thinking.

Educational: Strengthen the ability to generalize objects based on essential characteristics. Consolidation correct pronunciation sound "R".

Educating: to cultivate moral qualities - kindness, responsiveness, desire help others. Cultivate a kind and sensitive attitude towards animals.

Preliminary work: Reading the work of N. Nosov "Adventure Dunno in the Flower City» . Work using mnemonic tables. Learning physical exercises. Conversation about the life of pets.

Materials and equipment: 4 pictures related to one plot, a ball, a mnemonic table, pictures with domestic animals (cow, horse, dog, TSO.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment.

Educator: Guys, look how many guests came to us today. Let's say hello to them.

Children: Hello! (They pass and sit down)

There's a knock on the door. Included Dunno and crying.

Educator: Hello! Do you guys recognize him?

Children: Dunno

Educator: Hello Dunno. My name is Natalya Valentinovna. What happened to you?

Dunno: I'm in trouble. My short friends stopped communicating with me, they say that I am stupid and they are not interested in me. They gave me games and tasks so that I would complete them, then they would be friends with me. And these tasks are so difficult. (Crying again)

Educator: Guys, let's try help Dunno complete the tasks. We we will help you Dunno become smarter and make peace with your friends. Are you guys ready?

Children: Yes

Educator: Dunno show your assignments and we will we will try to help you.

Dunno: Here’s the first one, I read it, but I can’t remember or pronounce it.

Educator: This is pure talk. (reads) The crane does without hands; instead of hands, the crane has a hook. (Children take turns repeating).

Dunno: (repeats the phrase) Guys, thanks, I remember. Hooray!

Dunno: The second task of the game is called "Say it the other way around". I need to come up with words with the opposite meaning. I don’t understand, what words?

Educator: Guys, stand in a circle and Dunno too. We will teach you, I will throw the ball to the children, and you will answer.


Up - down

Weak – strong

Heavy - light

Wide - narrow

High – low


Healthy - sick

Hard – soft

Short - long

Dunno: (glad) I understood this day and night, black and white.

Educator: Dunno, you are a capable boy and not at all stupid.

Dunno: But you definitely won’t be able to cope with this. Some kind of scheme, but what is it for?

Educator: This is a mnemonic table. It can tell you about a pet. You Dunno sit down with the children, and the children will describe the animal. Your task and the guys's is to recognize and name the animal in question.

(The child stands near the board; the children do not see the picture of the animal he describes according to the diagram.)

Fizminutka (musical-rhythmic gymnastics)

Dunno: The game is called "Where is the beginning of the story". They gave me pictures and told me to write a story based on them. How?

Educator: Don't worry, we'll tell you we'll help. First, the pictures need to be placed according to plot development. Guys, look carefully at the pictures. Are the pictures in the correct order?

(The child comes out and displays the pictures according to plot development. Children take turns talking about each picture.)

In conclusion, the child composes his own story based on the pictures.

Dunno: Thank you! I remembered everything and understood it easily. Well, the last task is the most difficult for me. Here it is "The Fourth Wheel".

Educator: Dunno, you know and can do everything, you just don’t want to think. Guys, let's help Dunno? Do you need to choose one extra one from these 4 pictures and prove why?

Table, chair, bed, kettle

Wolf, fox, bear, cat

Sparrow, swallow, waxwing, wasp

Cucumber, carrot, pumpkin, strawberry

Bee, mosquito, beetle, flower

Children: (name an extra item or object and explain why.)

Dunno: Thank you guys. You guys are smart, friendly, kind, know a lot, I like you so much. I would have stayed with you in kindergarten, but I really missed my friends. So I’ll run to them and tell them about you.

Can I come and visit you when I have difficulties?

Educator: Certainly Dunno come, we will be very glad to see you.

Dunno: I brought you a treat and forgot about it.

Publications on the topic:


Summary of a lesson on speech development in a senior speech therapy group Topic: Writing 3-word sentences. Concepts of “action”, “sentence”, “word” Objectives: To teach children to compose a 3-word sentence.

Summary of the lesson on the development of research activities “Let's Help Dunno” in the middle group Objectives: - To form in children specific ideas about a magnet and its property of attracting objects; identify materials that may become.

Summary of a lesson on the development of lexical and grammatical categories of speech in the senior group for children with general speech underdevelopment Saibotalova Tatyana Andreevna Teacher-speech therapist Special kindergarten No. 13 “Altynai” Republic of Kazakhstan Pavlodar region, Ekibastuz.

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the junior group “Let's Help Dunno” Goal: Reinforce familiar fairy tales. Objectives: Develop thinking, memory, imagination, speech. Teach children to recognize a fairy tale by illustration, by characteristic features.

Game lesson on speech development in the preparatory group “Let's help Dunno!”


Reinforce the concepts of “vowel” and “consonant” sounds, learn to distinguish between them.
Practice syllabic analysis of words.
Strengthen children's ability to create sound patterns of words.
Practice identifying the first and last sound in a word. To consolidate children's knowledge of the sounds and letters they have learned.
Practice making syllables and words from letters. Develop fine motor skills. Develop coherent speech.
Cultivate goodwill, endurance, the ability to listen to a friend, and the ability to work in a group.


Laptop, projector, Power Point presentation, medallions with letters, educational game “Magic TV”, teaching aid “Live Sounds”.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment

Guys, today it came to us email message from the Flower City from Dunno (slide No. 1). He, like you, is going to school this year. Znayka decided to check whether Dunno was ready for school and gave him a number of tasks (slide No. 2). Dunno is very afraid of making mistakes, not completing tasks, and asks you for help. Let's help Dunno complete all the tasks without errors? (We'll help).

2. Main part

Exercise "Slam, Stomp"

(slide number 3) - Guys, let's remind Dunno what sounds are (vowels and consonants). What sounds do we call vowels? (sounds that last, are sung with a voice, are pronounced without obstacles). Name the vowel sounds. What consonant sounds have you already become familiar with? (children name consonant sounds). Why do we call these sounds consonants? (sounds are pronounced with an obstacle). - Now, be careful. I will name the sounds, and if you hear a vowel sound, clap your hands, and if you hear a consonant sound, stomp your feet. (the teacher names a chain of sounds) - Well done! (slide number 4) We completed this task. I think that Dunno will also not make a mistake when completing this task.

Exercise “Who lives where?”

(slide number 5) - The next task from Znayka. We need to help Dunno determine the number of syllables in the names of the animals and place each of them in their own house. Animals with 1 syllable in the name will live in a house with one window, animals with 2 syllables in the name will live in a house with two windows, and animals with three syllables in the name will live in a house with three windows. (slide No. 6,7,8) (children determine and name the number of syllables in words)! (slide number 9) - Dunno thanks you for completing this task without errors!

"ABC in pictures"

(slide number 10) - Guys, Dunno has a poet friend, Tsvetik. He loves to write poems and riddles. Tsvetik asked Dunno riddles. And you and I need to help him not only guess them, but also determine what sound the answer begins with, and turn into a letter denoting this sound. (slide No. 11-15) (children guess the riddle, determine the first sound, give its characteristics (vowels, consonant, hard, soft) and turn it into a letter) (slide No. 16)

Game "Chain of words"

(slide number 17) - Znayka asked Dunno to collect a chain of words, but he doesn’t know what it is. And we will help him with this. At home, you and your parents each made up your own chain of words and sketched them in pictures. Who wants to show Dunno and tell him his chain. (slide No. 18-19) (children present their work) (slide No. 20) - I think that Dunno, after your stories, can easily cope with this task.

Game "Magic TV"

(slide No. 21) - Dunno again asks us to help him complete Znayka’s task. He asks Dunno to guess the puzzles. And we will ask Vika Korelina’s mother, Natalya Sergeevna, to help us with this. She has prepared several puzzles for us and offers to solve them together. (parent introduces the game “Magic TV”, explains the rules of the game, children complete tasks) (slide number 22)

Game "Letter Lost"

(slide number 23) Dunno's friend, Lost, always loses everything. And this time he lost the letters in the words. Let's help Dunno find the right letter to make a word. If you select the letter correctly, a picture will open on the screen. (slide no. 24-27) (children select the letter in the word) (slide no. 28)

Game "Living Words"

(slide No. 29) - Znayka composed words from letters, and invited Dunno to lay out sound patterns for these words. And Dunno opened the window, through which the prankish wind flew in and scattered all the letters across the table. Let us help Dunno collect the scattered words. And for this we all need to turn into letters. Let’s say together: “One, two, three - turn around, immediately turn into a letter” (slide No. 30) (Children are divided into four groups. They put on medallions with a letter and make words from the letters.)

Creating sound patterns

Well done! Made words out of letters. And now each “living” word needs to create its own sound pattern from the “live” sounds that lie on the tables. (children make sound patterns)

Exercise “Make a sentence”

(slide number 31)

Guys, let's look at your words again and make up a sentence of advice from them for Dunno, a future student. (children use the words “school”, “lesson”, “silence”, “need” according to the scheme to form the sentence “At school, silence is needed during the lesson”). (slide number 32)

3. Summary

Well, we helped Dunno complete all the tasks. What task caused you difficulty? Which task did you complete easily? You and I will be waiting for the next message from the Flower Land about how Dunno coped with the tasks.

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In 1930, the film “The Rogue Song” about the kidnapping of a girl in the Caucasus Mountains was released in America. Actors Stan Laurel, Lawrence Tibbett and Oliver Hardy played local crooks in this film. Surprisingly, these actors are very similar to the characters...

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