Journal of the Noble Assembly. Revival of the Russian noble assembly. Class marriages are a rare phenomenon

(2nd edition)

“The one who walks will master the road...”


1.1. We, representatives of the Russian noble families, announced on May 10, 1990 the restoration, and proclaimed as our main goals the resurrection of the destroyed and lost spiritual, moral, cultural and material assets, restoration of interrupted historical continuity of generations and traditional Russian state ideals of morality, Christian tolerance, respect for the individual, enlightened patriotism and sacrificial service to the Fatherland.

1.2. From time immemorial, the historical vocation of the Russian nobility has been service to the state. The nobility emerged as a class of defenders and servants of the Fatherland, who highly raised the importance of feelings of duty and honor. Guided by these feelings and our own vision of state and socio-political ideals, we advocate the revival of Russia as a great Power, which has harmoniously absorbed in modern conditions all the best traditions and qualities that emerged during the period of its almost 12-century existence.

1.3. Our country arose at the junction of several great civilizations and, having repelled all aggressions directed at it from the east, south and west, thanks to its unique geopolitical position and the efforts of all the peoples who inhabited it, it itself began to represent a great civilization. By the beginning of the twentieth century, Russia was an advanced state for its time - a parliamentary monarchy with a highly developed economy, active political life, humane legislation, high level citizenship, spirituality and brotherhood of man.

The evolutionary development of the state was forcibly interrupted by the revolutions of 1917, carried out by radical political elements who managed to captivate Russian society with the false ideals of establishing social justice according to the recipes of the communist doctrine.

We must state that the destruction of the Russian state occurred in conditions of nihilism that had long been implanted in the country, and representatives of all classes, not excluding the nobility, were involved to one degree or another in this process.

1.4. Having withstood all the tests sent down by the Almighty together with all the people, we now set ourselves the following main tasks: to contribute to the revival of the moral and spiritual foundations of Russian society and the state, the formation public consciousness on the principles of traditionalism, ancestral faith and enlightened patriotism, revival and strengthening of Russian statehood on the basis of historical Russian state traditions and principles, restoration of Russian historical traditions government controlled and local government.

1.5. Protesting against the imposition of a sense of doom on our society Russian peoples to emulate the Western world with its so-called “ universal human values”, “unified ideology”, globalism and tolerance, we stand for full support and priority of the national identity of cultural traditions, ethical ideals and eternal spiritual values ​​of the peoples of Russia, for the revival and strengthening in our lives of the Faith of our ancestors as a proven means of restoring morality and morality in society.

1.6. Without committing oneself to any specific framework political parties, we set the task of uniting persons belonging to the Russian nobility and descendants of Russian noble families who have retained self-identification as representatives of the class that for centuries created, strengthened and defended the Russian state, its cultural and scientific potential, to restore and continue the historical continuity of generations, to establish and in our own environment, and in society as a whole, a sense of belonging to the history and future of our Fatherland, for common work for the benefit of Russia. At the same time, we are confident that the consolidation of persons belonging to the Russian nobility and descendants of Russian noble families is possible only on the basis of traditional Russian spiritual and moral values, the Faith of their ancestors, and the traditions of faithful service to their Fatherland.

1.7. We announce that Russian Noble Assembly, its regional branches (regional Assemblies of Nobility) and the Council of the United Nobility are the successors to the organizational structures and activities, respectively, of the Union of United Noble Societies, provincial Assemblies of Nobility at the place of registration of the currently formed Assemblies of Nobility and the Council of the United Nobility, which existed in Russia until February 1917.

1.8. We declare that Russian Noble Assembly is a traditionalist organization with deep respect for the Russian spiritual and cultural heritage, for the traditions of the historical Russian Statehood, while it does not dogmatize specific forms and does not bow to the ideas of the past, but is ready to use all the wealth of the historical experience of the country and people, perceiving it in a dynamic way development.

1.9. We declare that Russian Noble Assembly, recognizing the enduring spiritual and moral significance of the Approved Charter of the Great Local Church and Zemsky Council of 1613 on the calling to the throne of the House of Romanov, the Act of Succession to the Throne of 1797, the Manifesto of Grand Duke Kirill Vladimirovich of 1924 on his acceptance in exile of the Imperial title and other dynastic acts regulating legal status of the House of Romanov, is a legitimist organization, that is, one that reveres the legitimate Russian Imperial House as a historical institution and one of the main pillars of the modern civil society and remaining faithful to his Head. Nowadays, the legitimate Head of the Russian Imperial House of Romanov is Her Imperial Highness Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna, and Her legal heir is His Imperial Highness the Tsarevich and Grand Duke Georgy Mikhailovich.

1.10. Although Russian Noble Assembly- the organization is non-political and does not set itself the goal of coming to power, we not only reserve the right to speak out, including in the media, on the most important issues in the life of Russia and other states that were part of a single Power, but we also intend to always actively participate in public and state activities in all its most important areas.

1.11. We consider it important to do everything possible, patiently and persistently to form elements of consent and unity in the main directions of socio-political activity of various movements and organizations that stand for the restoration and development of Russian statehood. We stand for the priority of national and national interests. Wherein Russian Noble Assembly open to cooperation with all forces, all state, political and public organizations that set themselves the goal of promoting the revival, strengthening, prosperity and greatness of the Russian State and the territories of the historical Russian State, the prosperity and well-being of our peoples. Unacceptable for Russian Noble Assembly, for our cooperation are only totalitarian organizations and parties that adhere to the atheistic ideology, participation in whose activities we consider incompatible with membership in.

1.12. We believe that people of duty and honor from all walks of life, based on experience national history, creatively assessing the multivariate possibilities of the present and future, are able to make a significant contribution, and, perhaps, play a decisive role in the revival of the Fatherland.

In this activity, we are guided by the provisions set out in the following sections of our Concept.


2.1. “A political fortress is strong only when it rests on moral strength...”, - said V.O. Klyuchevsky. Only the unity of state and moral principles allowed our state, from ancient times to modern history, to overcome the most serious crises when such unity was violated. However, several generations of our compatriots grew up under the conditions of distorted propaganda Russian history, ignorance of the principles of education and effective development of a multinational, multi-structure and multi-religious state, which was our Russia.

2.2. Our discovery of truth is not a search for abstract intellectual truth and, especially, not an empty copying of a foreign scheme, but a search for truth as a path in life, a combination of truth-truth with truth-justice.

2.3. We are convinced that the prosperity and greatness of our Fatherland is possible only on the paths of moral revival and the establishment in society of the priorities of traditional Russian spiritual, moral and cultural values, spiritual and religious education.

We believe that Faith is a guarantee of morality and moral principles, predictability of behavior and stability of people's existence. Modern traditionalists, and indeed all citizens who sincerely care about the good of their Fatherland, regardless of their current state affiliation and nationality, need to adopt, preserve and again feel the depth of the Faith of our ancestors, their love of kindness, all-forgiving love, respect for traditions, stability , family, homeland.

At the same time, we note that despite the difficult period our country experienced in the 20th century, the majority of members of our noble union were brought up in the spirit of respect for the Faith of their ancestors.

2.4. The Russian nobility historically developed as a multinational and multi-confessional estate corporation, and Russian Noble Assembly respects the confession of the Faith of their ancestors by the members of our organization.

We consider only militant atheism and belonging to extremist and totalitarian sects unacceptable. Propaganda against God, which offends the feelings of the majority of members of our noble union, is incompatible with membership in Russian Noble Assembly.

2.5. Respecting all religions of the peoples of Russia (Christianity, Islam and other faiths), the Russian Assembly of Nobility emphasizes the special role of the Russian Orthodox Church in the centuries-old history of our Fatherland and the enduring importance of Christian values ​​in the revival of the Russian state. Orthodoxy, as the religion of the bulk of the Russian population, has always been a spiritual source that nourished Russian statehood.

The Russian Orthodox Church is for Russian Noble Assembly the main and immutable moral arbiter.

2.6. Therefore, in the revival of the Faith and, first of all, Orthodoxy, we see the most important element spiritual rebirth Russia.

For this purpose, we consider it necessary:

  • provide the Church with the opportunity to take its proper authoritative place in society and the state;
  • return to the Church the churches and all remaining property that it owned before the Bolshevik coup, taking into account their museum value and ensuring safety;
  • provide all possible assistance in the restoration of churches and shrines of all faiths;
  • introduce the teaching of the fundamentals of spiritual (religious) knowledge and the study of religions prevailing in our country in general education educational institutions;
  • restore the institution of military priests;
  • give an unambiguous assessment of the godless totalitarian regime and eliminate the attributes of veneration and symbolism of the enemies of Russian statehood and faith;
  • return the former names to unworthily renamed cities, streets, other geographical and other objects;
  • to perpetuate the memory of the fighters for Russian statehood and the Faith, who opposed the totalitarian regime and suffered from it;
  • develop and implement a comprehensive program for the preservation and restoration of the country’s national cultural and historical heritage;
  • develop a methodology for the spiritual education of children and youth in the spirit of the truth about historical Russia;
  • carry out relevant publishing activities.

2.7. Overall, the most important and priority task for Russian Noble Assembly there must be the development of fruitful cooperation with the Russian Orthodox Church and the provision of all possible assistance and support to it in its great saving mission. The Russian Noble Assembly sees its special role in strengthening the unity of the Russian Orthodox Church and overcoming the consequences of the tragic rift that divided the Russian world into the “metropolis” and “abroad”

2.8. All possible assistance in educating a new highly moral generation of Russian citizens should become the most important area of ​​activity of the modern Russian Noble Assembly. This education should harmoniously combine enlightened patriotism, Faith, respect for historical Russia, and citizenship.

2.9. With our lives, appearance, and deeds, we must return to the public consciousness of Russians the images of a nobleman and a citizen worthy of imitation, especially in matters of nobility, honor, duty, broad education, impeccable upbringing, civic and human dignity.


3.1. The revival of Russia is unthinkable without a return to the forcibly interrupted legal tradition and legitimacy, outside the continuity of more than a thousand years of Russian statehood. Based on this, Russian Noble Assembly proposes to introduce into the Russian Constitution a provision stating that Russia (Russian Federation) is the legal successor not only of the USSR, but also Russian Empire. The Russian Noble Assembly proposes to introduce an article into the Russian Constitution calling for the voluntary and peaceful reunification of the peoples of the Russian Empire and the USSR.

3.2. The February Revolution and the Bolshevik coup of 1917 were the greatest disaster for Russia. As a result, power in the country ended up in the hands of enemies of Russian statehood, which led to the destruction of the historical Russian State. No matter what changes the totalitarian regime established by the communists subsequently underwent, it always remained essentially anti-Russian, since its existence was based on class-hating principles that were directly opposite to those on which Russia stood. Hostility towards historical Russia was the cornerstone of his ideological concept.

3.3. Russian Noble Assembly comes from the historical experience of the twentieth century, which indicates that the legitimate and legitimate development of states is possible in political system with a predominance of non-extremist political parties. The natural, historically arose core of such a system, the consolidating force and banner, so necessary for such a multinational and multi-religious country as Russia, is called upon to become a legitimate hereditary monarchy, capable of adequately and for the long term ensuring and symbolizing the national unity of the state. AND Russian Noble Assembly offers our society exactly this form of national consolidation.

3.4. We believe that the restoration of the monarchy in Russia would best meet the interests of the country and the peoples inhabiting it, because:

  • monarchy is the legacy and result of centuries historical development country, the embodiment of the deep foundations of national consciousness, it is not identified with the state regime of any particular historical era and can in our time become the same life-giving source of state existence as it was in Kyiv, Moscow and St. Petersburg;
  • the authority of the Supreme Power of the Monarch, alien to narrow political, social, professional, national and other predilections, is capable of becoming a force that ensures the prosperity and development of free and healthy political thought, reflecting the aspirations of Russians striving to return their Motherland to its original creative path;
  • the hereditary and therefore independent and incorruptible Supreme Power of the Monarch is capable of being a force that morally unites the country and serves as a guarantor of the protection of the national interests of its peoples;
  • monarchy is a reliable alternative to any form of totalitarian regime;
  • Possessing popular trust, the Monarch as the supreme Arbiter, Conscience and Symbol of the state is compatible with any form of administrative, social and economic structure that recognizes private property and universal moral principles.

3.5. Wherein Russian Noble Assembly realizes that the restoration of the monarchy in our country must occur in a non-violent way, upon achieving the proper level of churching of the people, with the blessing of the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church and with the consent of the majority in this Russian society.

3.6. However, regardless of these conditions, the legitimate Russian Imperial House, the Head and Members of which, being citizens Russian Federation, who are still forced to permanently reside abroad, must be recognized as a historical institution that has made an invaluable contribution to the creation, strengthening, development and greatness of the Russian State.

At the state level (by decree of the President of Russia, a Law adopted by the Federal Assembly of Russia or in another way), the official Status of the Russian Imperial House must be adopted, allowing Members of the Imperial Romanov Dynasty not only to live with dignity in Russia, but also to symbolize continuity with a long history, helping to maintain social , religious and national world in modern Russia, preserving a single civilizational and cultural space of all peoples of the historical Russian State, making an important contribution to the revival of the spiritual foundations of society, the development of culture and art, the preservation of natural resources, and the improvement of the institutions of the rule of law and civil society.

3.7. For the most Russian Noble Assembly the legitimate Head of the Russian Imperial House is the Source of Honor.

Outside the service of the Russian Imperial House, outside the Highest Omophorion of the Head of the Russian Imperial House above, the Russian nobility itself, which historically has always been an open class, loses the meaning and prospects of its existence, since in itself it does not have the rights of annulation, incorporation of new members into the noble community, or approval of coats of arms , final approval of rights associated with noble dignity, etc.

3.8. Russian Noble Assembly a corporate public organization does not require from its members the same political, including monarchical views, or a single ideological commitment. However, persons joining the Russian Assembly of Nobility must respect the recognized Russian Noble Assembly To the Head and Members of the Russian Imperial House. Disrespectful attitude, offensive statements towards the Head and Members of the Russian Imperial House are incompatible with membership in Russian Noble Assembly.

3.9. Serving the Russian Imperial House, assistance in its activities, all possible assistance in the integration of the Russian Imperial House into the life of modern Russia are the most important and priority tasks Russian Noble Assembly.


4.1. Historical Russia was not a random mechanical unification of peoples and territories, but a naturally formed integral cultural and political organism that developed within the framework of objectively necessary geographical boundaries. Russia has never known national oppression; the numerous peoples inhabiting it had the opportunity to preserve their identity and develop their national culture.

4.2. The dismemberment of Russia on a national basis, carried out by the Bolsheviks, into union and autonomous republics and the drawing of artificial borders along the living body of the country had the goal of destroying its historical unity and ultimately led to its current disintegration into one and a half dozen independent states.

4.3. Russian Noble Assembly recognizes the newly independent states as existing reality, is ready to communicate and cooperate with their government and public structures on the basis of respect and compliance with standards international law and diplomatic rules, as well as the national legislation of these states.

4.4. However, we consider such disunity and isolation to be a temporary phenomenon and unprofitable in the economic, socio-political, cultural relations to the overwhelming majority of citizens living on the territory of historical Russia, which does not meet the long-term interests of the fraternal peoples.

4.5. Based on this, we consider it correct and logical in the future to restore in one form or another the state unity of the territories and peoples of the historical Russian State. In doing so, we take into account the following circumstances:

  • the peoples of historical multinational Russia, being under Russian cultural and political influence, before the revolution, developed harmoniously in all directions and were loyal to the Supreme Power; as Russia revives economically, spiritually and morally, we can count on the restoration of such loyalty and trust;
  • state-political isolation of a number of territories of historical Russia, hastily proclaimed by them political leaders and national radical forces, inevitably led to the violation of the most important economic ties and a decrease in the living standards of the population;
  • the high historical, economic and cultural connectedness of the territories of historical Russia, the widespread settlement of various peoples and nationalities in all its regions makes us see the continuation of integration processes as a pillar direction for the development of a unified statehood of all the peoples of historical Russia.

4.6. We believe and emphasize that the state, interstate or suprastate unity that we proclaim must be achieved peacefully, on the basis of the voluntary consent of all subjects of the unification process, as a community of peoples closely united by a common history and economy.

4.7. Wherein Russian Noble Assembly opposes the unification and uniformity of national regions, for the principle of their originality, plurality of ways of life, diversity of ethnic groups and confessions.

4.8. The task of regional Noble Assemblies, revived or formed in the new independent states of the Near Abroad and included in a single Russian Noble Assembly, - by their own example, using the methods of “public diplomacy” to demonstrate their interest in broad interaction with the public structures of other independent countries that were previously part of single state, proving the possibility and benefits of unity.

4.9. In any conditions Russian Noble Assembly will provide all possible moral support to Russian and Russian-speaking communities, wherever they are. We are ready to act as mediators and arbitrators in various interethnic conflict situations, defending the principles of unity and opposing any signs of national, religious, linguistic and other discrimination.


5.1. The arbitrariness of the totalitarian regime and its heirs must be replaced by firm power, firmly based on laws that are binding on all legal entities and individuals, regardless of their affiliation with the political circles currently in power.

At the same time, on the basis of universal consent, a smooth, real transition to a full-fledged civil law-based state must be ensured, without interethnic and social confrontations.

5.2. The triumph and universality of the implementation of the law must be ensured by a strong executive branch with direct vertical subordination of all lower structures to it. By advocating the establishment of strong state power, we proceed from the fact that such power must be the triumph of law and serve as protection against any arbitrariness.

5.3. We are supporters of the consistent implementation of political reforms and freedoms first proclaimed in Russia by Emperor Alexander II and developed by his Son and Grandson.

5.4. At the same time, without denying the importance of building a civil society in the country, we affirm that rights and freedoms without responsibilities, not supported by a moral imperative, a sense of duty and responsibility, sooner or later will inevitably lead the world to a spiritual and then a material crisis, as already has happened more than once in history.

5.5. In the field of local government, the proven experience of zemstvos at different levels should be actively used.

5.6. The country's Armed Forces should be built on the basis of the traditions of the Russian Army and Navy, with the restoration of their attributes and symbols, the return of historical names to military units, ships, etc. Russian Noble Assembly intends to continue to actively cooperate with the Armed Forces.

5.7. In the field of legal proceedings, it is necessary to develop the best principles and traditions of the judicial system that existed in Russia.

Strict and real execution of court decisions by both private individuals and government agencies and bodies must be achieved, up to and including criminal liability for non-execution; real independence of judges from local and federal authorities is ensured, including economic and everyday independence, while at the same time reporting in accordance with the law.

5.8. In the field of education and training of new generations, all the achievements of the classical education system must be restored, taking into account modern experience.

Russian Noble Assembly considers itself to have the right to create its own certified training system.

5.9. We proclaim traditionalism, stability and harmony as the main qualities of a rule-of-law state and consider it necessary to end discrimination in the legal rights of citizens of historical Russia.

All representatives of the first Russian emigration, who were forced to leave the country, and their descendants must be recognized as Russian citizens by a single legal act, regardless of their filing of any petitions and statements, only based on the fact that they themselves or their ancestors were Russian citizens before 1917. Whether or not to take advantage of this act will remain the right of each such representative of the Russian Abroad.

Ways of compensation must be found for all persons who suffered from totalitarianism, especially in the first years of Bolshevik power, documents concerning them from the repressive authorities must be made public, and burial places must be established.

5.10. In the field of mass media, equal opportunities must be steadily ensured for all social and political movements that recognize legal norms of activity. Russian Noble Assembly will at the same time seek appropriate opportunities for the dissemination of his ideas and his vision of the further development of the state.


6.1. We believe that property rights are sacred and inviolable. Without this principle, building an effective economy is impossible. Economic freedom and freedom of entrepreneurial activity are the main conditions for the effective development of the country's economy.

6.2. All types of property, including state, corporate (in particular, joint-stock companies), collective (in the form of communal property, or “peace” common in Russia), or private, must enjoy equal respect and equal protection of the law. The creation of a multi-structured free economy best meets the interests of Russia's economic revival.

6.3. At the same time, state control must be maintained over the most significant, from the state point of view, production, first of all defense enterprises, land use and subsoil exploitation.

6.4. The most important condition for the economic rise of Russia is the revival among Russian industrialists and all citizens of labor morality and responsible work skills, which pre-revolutionary Russia possessed in all its classes.

6.5. The key to the success of any activity can only be the correct balance of tradition and innovation. Any ongoing transformations, be they political, economic or social, should not interrupt the continuity of Russian society, Russian civilization with the age-old national spiritual and moral foundations and traditional way of life for the sake of the artificial planting of foreign orders.

6.6. To stabilize the domestic economy, we consider it necessary to introduce a system of national protectionism, which consists in support by the state and/or large domestic financial and industrial firms, primarily of domestic industry and responsible capital, and the creation of preferential conditions for their development compared to foreign ones.

6.7. Land should be provided to peasants and those who are able to cultivate it, in line with the continuation and development of the ideas of Stolypin’s agrarian policy.

It is necessary to encourage and provide priority conditions for acquiring land to those descendants of Russian farmers and landowners who have retained the ability and desire to work on the land; It is necessary to promote the return of Russian emigration to Russia, creating preferential conditions for them to acquire property in the country and participate in the revival of national entrepreneurial activity.

6.9. In order to preserve the national cultural heritage country, part of the property that previously belonged to the Russian nobility (estates, etc.), and is now in disrepair, could be transferred for management Russian Noble Assembly, regional Noble Assembly or other noble financial and economic organization (fund, bank) so that these cultural values ​​could be restored and would be in the possession of both the noble public organization and, possibly, private individuals.


7.1. Activity Russian Noble Assembly carried out in full compliance with the current legislation of the states where its members reside.

7.2. The main motive of all actions Russian Noble Assembly there must be a search for ways to harmony and unity of the peoples of historical Russia.

7.3. In practice Russian Noble Assembly Such forms of public discussion as holding discussions, up to national ones, conferences, round tables, etc., with the involvement of highly qualified experts should be widely used.

7.4. Goals and means of activity Russian Noble Assembly must be equally noble, pure and transparent.

We continue to publish materials about currently little-known pages of the life and everyday life of the Russian people. Today we will talk about the current situation of the Russian aristocracy - the descendants of the pre-revolutionary nobility.

There are four and a half thousand people in the Russian Assembly of Nobility

Tell us about the activities of the Russian Noble Assembly. Does the status of “nobleman” exist today, and in what form?

Although the history of noble assemblies in Russia should be counted from Catherine the Great’s charter of 1785, the Assembly of the Nobility, as a public organization of modern Russia, was formed in 1990. On May 10, 1990, about 50 people, mostly part of a certain friendly circle, gathered in Moscow and established " Union of Descendants of the Russian Nobility - Russian Noble Assembly"(this is our full name). Let me remind you that there was still Soviet Union with the leading role of the CPSU. In fact, it wasn’t very scary anymore - “ perestroika», « Gorbachev", etc., but still some kind of courage of these pioneers must be given due credit. Remember, the next year there was an August putsch, and God knows how the country’s development would have gone further if it had been successful.

My grandmother read about the emergence of an Assembly of Nobility in Moscow in “ Evening“, and literally the next day I went to register. This was my reaction and the reaction of many hundreds of people who seemed to be waiting for this moment; for others it was more expectant. Nevertheless, in the 1990-1991s, a very noticeable flow of people came to us. VOOPIiK(All-Russian Society for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments) provided us with a small room in the former Znamensky Monastery on Varvarka (then it was still called Stepana Razin). And sometimes we received in the bell tower. So, I remember, there was a queue for each of the 4-5 genealogists who were conducting the reception. Then the flow became a little less, but never dried up. It doesn't stop now. Today the Russian Assembly of Nobility consists of approximately four and a half thousand people. Is it a lot or a little? Rather, not enough. Because this is hardly more than 2-3% of those who could join us. I remember Christ’s question:

Were not ten cleared, where are the nine?

Unfortunately, both at the beginning of the era and now, people very quickly forget what they should remember. Good to remember. Causes? On the one hand, for more than 70 years Soviet power, executions, persecution, exile, camps and total fear in many noble families, the tradition was literally interrupted - there was simply no one left who could pass it on. That's why he lives now big number nobles who are sincerely unaware of their origins.

Another situation is that a person knows that he is a nobleman, but the family talked about this in a whisper, with an eye on the walls that have ears. And this fear has become so ingrained in the flesh, blood and subconscious of post-Soviet people that declaring oneself a nobleman has become psychologically impossible for many. Several people told me exactly the same story. The older generation, having learned that their children or grandchildren had joined the Assembly of Nobility, clutched their heads in horror:

Are you crazy? We'll all be shot!

There is a third reason. Many people believe that since we live in the 21st century, the nobility is a page that has long been turned, and it’s somehow funny and absurd to remember this. It's like putting on a top hat or fanning yourself. Yes, I know that I am a nobleman, well, that’s all, no one else needs to know this. Well, maybe I’ll tell the children - just as an anecdote. This is a very common reaction.

There is another typical excuse, typical mainly for the descendants of aristocratic families. “Why should I join somewhere? Whether I am a member of the Assembly of Nobility or not, I am Prince Trubetskoy and will remain Prince Trubetskoy. I know my ancestors, this is important to me, but to boast of one’s origins in front of others is indecent.” Why, one wonders, until 1917 was it considered natural for a nobleman to be a member of the Assembly of Nobility and was in no way associated with pride?

And finally, perhaps the most important reason is laziness. Getting people to go to the archives, go to the registry office, and rummage through their own family documents is sometimes an absolutely impossible task. In part, of course, I can understand these people: they don’t have enough money to live, there are a lot of problems all around, and then they are forced to go somewhere, write something, and even pay for something. At the same time, throughout the years of its existence, the Assembly of the Nobility provided free methodological assistance and helped in finding the necessary documents.

And yet there were some who were not lazy. As a result, the Russian Noble Assembly now consists of 70 regional branches, scattered not only throughout the modern Russian Federation from Königsberg to Sakhalin and from Petrozavodsk to Crimea and Kuban, but also throughout the entire territory of the Russian Empire, including Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, the Baltic countries and Transcaucasia. Several branches also appeared in foreign countries - in Australia, Bulgaria, California. As I said, approximately 4,500 people are currently members of the Assembly. Of course, more joined; many, alas, have already died. We often say - and we do not sin against the truth - that there are about 15 thousand of us with family members. These are descendants from both the male and female lines. The former are full members of the Assembly (and in the legal sense, nobles), the latter are associate members.

From the point of view of restitution issues, it is absolutely the same; inheritance of property goes along any line. From the point of view of noble legislation, this is wrong, we understand this very well and deliberately went for this wrong, because after 70 years of the Soviet “skating rink” it was impossible to do otherwise. After all, the noble tradition was often passed on through mothers and grandmothers, because fathers and grandfathers died in the revolution or the Civil War, died in exile, in prisons, camps. Agree that men die more often than women, and it is women who then pass on the tradition to their children and grandchildren.

If we ignore the female line, it will not only be unfair, but we will also lose a large share of the most valuable information. Some male births were completely stopped during the years of Soviet power, and if we say: “ we are not interested in you, you are not nobles“, then we will lose a huge layer of documents, which from a historical point of view is simply criminal.

There are not as few Rurikovichs as it might seem

Name several famous genera whose representatives are alive today.

These are the counts Bobrinskys - direct descendants of Catherine II and Grigory Orlov, princes Gagarins, Trubetskoys, Obolenskys, Volkonskys, Khovanskys, many princes Golitsyns, counts Sheremetevs, Tolstoys and Tolstoy-Miloslavskys, Apraksins, Tatishchevs, Efimovskys, Kamenskys, Komarovskys, nobles Naryshkins, Lopukhins .

Are there no Yusupovs?

There are no Yusupovs in principle. The Yusupov princes died at the knee of a man back in late XIX century. The daughter of the last prince Yusupov, Zinaida Nikolaevna, having married Count Sumarokov-Elston, according to the Highest decree, gave him her surname, and they began to be called the princes Yusupov, counts Sumarokov-Elston. Moreover, only the eldest representative of the family was called Prince Yusupov. The famous Felix Feliksovich Yusupov, the murderer of Rasputin, the son of Zinaida Nikolaevna, had a brother - Nikolai Feliksovich, he was simply called Count Sumarokov-Elston. Nicholas had no children (he died in a duel very young), and Felix Feliksovich had only a daughter, Irina, from Nicholas II’s niece, Irina Alexandrovna, who died in 1983. Now her daughter Ksenia Nikolaevna Sfiris, nee Countess Sheremetev, is living, but the Yusupov princes are no more.

If we ignore the princes and counts, then in the Assembly of the Nobility there are many representatives of old untitled families: Aksakovs, Bezobrazovs, Beklemishevs, Berdyaevs, Bibikovs, Verderevskys, Vorontsov-Velyaminovs, Glinkas, Golenishchevs-Kutuzovs, Golovins, Grigorovs, Dolivo-Dobrovolskys, Zagryazhskys, Karamzins , Kvashnins-Samarins, Korsakovs, Lopatins, Nakhimovs, Olenins, Olsufievs, Olferievs, Osorgins, Ofrosimovs, Passeks, Pereleshins, Raevskys, Rzhevskys, Skaryatins, Khitrovo, Khrushchovs, Chebyshevs, Chelishchevs, Chichagovs... Of course, there are a lot of Polish gentry, there are Georgian families and the Baltic Germans - von Essens, von Bergs, von Fittingoffs. In Russia, unlike Western Europe, there were not so many titled families, about 1%, in the west this percentage is much higher, thanks to the once-existent ramified feudal system.

Are there any descendants of the Rurikovichs and Gediminovichs in the world today?

Certainly. The princes Golitsyn, Trubetskoy, and Khovansky, whom I have already mentioned, are the Gediminovichs. From the Rurikovichs these are the princes Gagarins, Volkonskys, Khilkovs, Vadbolskys, the untitled Karpovs and the counts Tatishchevs. Prince Dmitry Mikhailovich Shakhovskoy is the leader of the Union of Russian Nobles in Paris.

In general, there are not as few Rurikovichs as it might seem. IN South America The Gorchakov princes live, the Beloselsky-Belozersky princes live in France, and the Lobanov-Rostovsky princes live in England. There are a lot of princes Obolensky. The second leader of the Russian Noble Assembly was Prince Andrei Sergeevich Obolensky.

What family do you belong to?

To the Shcherbachev family, as follows from my last name. This is the sixth part of the noble genealogy book of the Kaluga province, the pillar nobility, that is, relatively ancient - the family is 500 years old. In general, an ordinary Russian family. According to legend, he comes from a native of the Golden Horde, but in reality - from Dmitry Shcherbach, who served as an interpreter at the turn of the 15th and 16th centuries. During the Time of Troubles, my direct ancestor, the governor of Przemysl, accepted a crucified death from “ thieves and Cossacks» Ivan Bolotnikov. And in 1613, one of the Shcherbachevs signed a letter electing Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov to the kingdom.

But, of course, the most famous representative of our family was Adjutant General Dmitry Grigorievich Shcherbachev, commander of the Romanian Front in the First world war- it can be found in literally all encyclopedias.

Class marriages - rare phenomenon

Tell me, how does the aristocracy live in other countries, for example, in France? I heard that the Western aristocracy exists in a very closed regime. Any attempts by modern nouveau riche to join this society are suppressed.

What you describe is quite consistent with the situation in France and the UK. In general, in Great Britain the nobility is a fully functioning institution. When you become the eldest of the clan, you are a lord and sit in the House of Lords. Yes, in England, as far as I know, there are a number of societies where you cannot enter for any amount of money until someone takes you there.

There are several noble societies in Italy. Some hold more or less open events. For example, the ball "Il cento e non piu cento", that is, "A hundred and a little not a hundred" in Casale Monferrato (Piedmont). Its history goes back to the Middle Ages, when the city was engulfed in a war between the aristocracy and the bourgeoisie. Finally, they managed to agree that, as a sign of reconciliation, a ball would be held, to which one hundred people from the aristocracy and one hundred from the bourgeoisie would come, but on the eve of the ball, someone unexpectedly died...

This ball was remembered in the 19th century, it was revived, and since then it has been held annually. Both the bourgeoisie and the aristocracy are invited there - mainly Italian, of course, but also from all over the world. As for the Russian Noble Assembly, we not only have balls, but almost all events are open.

Is there a dress code at the balls?

Of course, there is a dress code: Black Tie, that is, a tuxedo for men, a long dress for women. No wigs or other gimmicks. Masquerade balls sometimes happen, but quite rarely. Remember " War and Peace", Natasha Rostova's first ball. How were the characters in the novel dressed? In clothes that were common in their era, and not the way they dressed, for example, under Peter I or Ivan the Terrible.

In honor of the 300th anniversary of the House of Romanov, there was a historical ball in costumes from the era of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich. But it was a completely special, unique ball. The last thing we would like is for the ball to become a museum. In our opinion, ballroom culture should be a part of life - that’s exactly what it was in Russia XIX century.

Are there still families or people who are trying to arrange dynastic marriages, when daughters are looking for grooms from a noble family?

This is a hot topic. The late Count Nikolai Nikolaevich Bobrinsky, first chairman Admissions Committee Assembly of the Nobility, told me, then still very young: “ One of the goals of the Assembly of the Nobility should be the conclusion of class marriages" I was still a little surprised then. It should be noted that several such marriages were concluded in the Assembly of the Nobility. But if we talk about statistics, then, unfortunately, these are exceptions to the rule. So this mission, in my opinion, has not yet been completed.

The situation abroad is not much better. IN last years even in royal dynasties there was a tendency to enter into non-dynastic marriages. This game of pseudo-democracy does not at all benefit the monarchical idea - on the contrary, it destroys it. Thank God, the situation is better in lower dynasties. Especially in Germany. There are many princely families there, including mediatized ones (with dynastic status), who observe tradition and enter into equal marriages.

If we talk about France, then the revolution happened there quite a long time ago, and, in addition to the nobility, what could be called “ old bourgeoisie" If it were not for the revolution of 1917, then in Russia we would have had revered bourgeois families, such as the Morozovs, Ryabushinskys, Tretyakovs and others.

Today Russian nobles are not involved in politics

What role could the descendants of nobles play in the development of our society and state?

Legitimate question. The Assembly of the Nobility should exist not only for itself. Although this is also important. When people came to the Assembly of the Nobility in the 1990s, they felt an amazing, unique atmosphere; it seemed to them that they had returned to their home, to their relatives. Don't they deserve it?

I remember Irina Vladimirovna Trubetskaya, who spent almost half of her life in exile and camps. She smoked Belomor, but at first glance you could understand that this was a real aristocrat, she had such a core, such a spiritual face. Just for the sake of bringing such people together, it made sense to create an Assembly of Nobility. The 1990s were quite cannibalistic, but we had an oasis where people felt warm.

But you are absolutely right, the Assembly of the Nobility also feels its social mission. First of all, cultural and educational. At one time, the Assembly of the Nobility and its then vice-leader S. A. Sapozhnikov initiated, I believe, a very successful book project “ Russia forgotten and unknown", within the framework of which more than 100 books were published dedicated to the history of the White movement, emigration, famous names and figures of the Russian Empire, such phenomena of Russian life as mercy and charity, etc. In addition, the Assembly of the Nobility holds scientific conferences on current topics, most often together with reputable scientific organizations - the Russian State Library, the Historical Museum, the Institute of Russian History, etc.

We are not involved in politics. Why? The nobles were accustomed to doing what they did well. In the XVIII and 19th centuries We managed to get involved in politics quite well, but now there are no prerequisites for this - and why are we going to get into it? I do not rule out that everything will change. History in our country is unpredictable. What matters is that we exist. As long as we exist, we will testify to a thousand years of Russian history, to that real Russia, which was not born in 1917 or 1991. This is ours the main task in the Russian Federation, which, according to the historian S.V. Volkov, “ not Russia yet».

All-Russian public organization "Union of Descendants of the Russian Nobility -Russian Noble Assembly" (abbreviated name - Russian Noble Assembly,RDS) is a corporate public organization that unites individuals belonging to the Russian nobility, as well as descendants of Russian noble families who have documented and irrefutably proven their undoubted belonging to the Russian nobility.

RDS was created at the Constituent Assembly in Moscow on May 10, 1990, officially registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 17, 1991 under No. 102, re-registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Public Associations” on July 15, 1999 . under the same No. 102, in accordance with the Federal Law “On State Registration legal entities» entered by the Ministry of the Russian Federation on taxes and duties on January 28, 2003 in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities under the main state registration number 1037700077942, the entry on the RDS was entered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation into the departmental register of registered non-profit organizations on May 05, 2006 under the registration number 0012011299, o which, after the re-registration of the organization in 2008, a Certificate was issued on September 30, 2008.

Activities of the Russian Noble Assemblydirected for the revival of the greatness of Russia, all its regions, for the preservation of the historical and cultural heritage of the Russian State, for the restoration and continuation of the historical continuity of the state and generations, for the formation of public consciousness based on traditional Russian spiritual and moral values, the Faith of ancestors and the historical traditions of Russian Statehood , to establish in society true culture, the principles of civic dignity and honor, traditions of faithful service to one’s Fatherland, respect for Russian history, high morality and spirituality.

The composition of the Russian Noble Assembly includes about 70 regional branches (regional - provincial - Noble Assemblies) and representative offices, including, currently, 51 regional Noble Assemblies on the territory of the current Russian Federation, regional Noble Assemblies created in most territories of the historical Russian State - the countries of the Near Abroad and the Baltic States , as well as 3 branches and representative offices in foreign countries, Australia, Bulgaria and Western America. Total number RDS - about 9-10 thousand people with family members. An honorary member of the RDS was His Holiness the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Alexy II, who reposed in Bose, a representative of the noble Ridiger family.

The highest governing body of the Russian Noble Assembly is the All-Russian Congress of Nobles, convened, as a rule, once every three years. Between Congresses, the highest permanent governing body of the RDS is the Council of the United Nobility, which unites the Leaders or authorized representatives of the majority of regional Noble Assemblies. During the breaks between its meetings, the collegial governing body of the RDS is the Small Administrative Council, which includes, in addition to the leaders of the RDS, members of the Council of the United Nobility, who head (supervise) the most important areas of activity of the RDS as a whole.

Heads the Russian Assembly of Nobility Leader of the RDS, from April 26, 2014 – Oleg Vyacheslavovich Shcherbachev, who is also the Leader of the Moscow Noble Assembly. First Vice-Chairman of the RDS – Mr. Alexander Yuryevich Korolev-Pereleshin, supervising all external, public and interregional relations, organizational and economic activities, coordinating the activities of regional Assemblies of Nobility and also being the executive secretary of the Council of the United Nobility. The Vice-Leaders of the RDS are Messrs. Stanislav Vladimirovich Dumin, approved at the same time by the Master of Arms of the RDS, and who is also the Master of Arms-Manager of the Heraldry at the Office of the Head of the Russian Imperial House, and a member of the Heraldic Council under the President of the Russian Federation, and Vladimir Fedorovich Shukhov, President of the Shukhov Tower Foundation.

The Russian Noble Assembly is a non-political organization, although it not only reserves the right to speak out, including in the media, on the most important issues in the life of Russia and other states that have historically been part of a single Power, but also actively participates in social and civil activities, trying to interact with the Federation Council and the State The Duma of the Federal Assembly of Russia, the Public Chamber of Russia, participating in a number of round tables and in individual hearings in committees of the State Duma, in a number of hearings and conferences held in the Public Chamber. Actively interacts with many others government agencies and organizations, including presidential and government structures, various ministries, including the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Federal agency"Rossotrudnichestvo", the Ministry of Culture of Russia, with the Russian State Military Historical and Cultural Center under the Government of the Russian Federation, with the administrations of many regions of Russia and countries of the Near Abroad. Leaders or representatives of many regional Noble Assemblies are members of the Public Chambers or Public Councils under the Administration of their republics and regions.

The RDS actively participates and organizes conferences, round tables and seminars on current socio-political topics. Thus, in recent years, the RDS, together with the all-Russian social movement “For Faith and Fatherland,” with considerable success, has held a number of very serious and significant scientific conferences that have not only a scientific, but also an important socio-political significance. In March 2007 it was 1st scientific-practical conference “The Monarchical Idea in the 21st Century”, dedicated to the 90th anniversary February Revolution and the forced abdication of the Sovereign Emperor Nicholas II Alexandrovich - sad dates in Russian history, marked on March 15, 2007. In May 2009, the 2nd scientific and practical conference from the same cycle “The Monarchical Idea in the 21st Century” was successfully held in the conference hall of the Russian State Trade and Economic University (RGTEU). The theme of the conference was “The role of the monarchical idea in the modern unity of the peoples of historical Russia.” On March 4, 2011, exactly on the day of the 150th anniversary of the signing by Sovereign Emperor Alexander II Nikolaevich of the Manifesto “On the most merciful granting to serfs of the rights of free rural inhabitants,” the next, III All-Russian scientific and practical conference of this cycle, dedicated to the celebrated anniversary. Conference theme: “Russian experience of reforms. To the 150th anniversary of the Manifesto of Emperor Alexander II on the liberation of peasants from serfdom." On March 13, 2012, the IV All-Russian scientific and practical conference was held in Moscow under the general theme “The Monarchical Idea in the 21st Century”, on the topic: “Russian imperial geopolitics: past and future. To the 200th anniversary of the Russian Victory in Patriotic War 1812." Each time, the organizers of the conferences set themselves not only purely historical, scientific and educational tasks, but also very specific practical goals: to show that the monarchical form of government not only has not outlived its usefulness, but, on the contrary, is quite successful in modern world, and promising in the future, that in modern Russia there are enough social and political movements, politicians, scientists, and simply independently thinking people who take such traditionalist positions. In 2007 and 2009 The purpose of the scientific forums was not to assess what happened 90 years ago, but to discuss new, modern approaches to using the best Russian statist traditions and implementing the monarchical idea in practice. In 2011, the goal is not only to highlight the Great Peasant Reform in Russia, its historical significance, but also to critically comprehend and compare Russian reforms of the mid-second half of the 19th century, with subsequent reforms in our country, including with the liberal reforms of the late 20th century. beginning of the XXI centuries that we are witnessing. In 2012, the goal is not only to highlight the history of Russian foreign policy, and especially not only the history associated with the Victory of Russia and the coalition of other countries over Napoleonic France, but also to critically comprehend the features of foreign and domestic policy countries in the context of the imperial tasks of the Power, history and prospects for their implementation in the space of Eurasia and the World.

All these conferences received quite a lot of attention from politicians, scientists, and the media, in which these forums received a great response.

In December 2012, 2013 and 2014. The RDS acted as a co-organizer of “round tables” - hearings in the Public Chamber of Russia, dedicated to summing up the results of the year of interregional memorial events of public and church-public organizations of a patriotic orientation, their interaction and public-state partnership, plans and projects for the next years.

The Russian Noble Assembly interacts most closely with the Moscow Patriarchate. The RDS was the first public organization in Moscow, at whose residence a house church was built in honor of the “Sovereign” Icon of the Mother of God. The RDS has good contacts with the Synodal Department for Relations between the Church and Society, with the Department for External Church Relations, with the Synodal Committee for Interaction with the Cossacks, and with many other Synodal departments. The first Vice-Leader of the RDS, A.Yu. Korolev-Pereleshin, is a member of the Council of Orthodox Public Associations under the Synodal Department for Relations between the Church and Society. Each regional Noble Assembly, whether on the territory of modern Russia or the Near Abroad, is required to directly interact with the leadership of its diocese.

The Russian Noble Assembly annually actively participates in the activities of the World Russian People's Council. Since 2012, the Chairman of the RDS has been a member of the Council of the Council.

RDS participates in most church-social and many church events. So, in 2007-2010. The RDS annually participated with its own separate stand in the largest church and public events - church and public exhibitions and forums “Orthodox Rus' - on the Day of national unity”, timing its exposition in the corresponding year to coincide with church and public historical dates and anniversaries.

Since 2009, together with the rector of the Patriarchal Metochion - the Temple of the Icon of the Mother of God “The Sign”, Archpriest Mikhail Gulyaev, the RDS annually initiates and organizes a memorial service for all victims of the Russian Troubles, revolution and Civil War and to Russian people who died in a foreign land. At the invitation of the RDS, members of the RDS and famous representatives of the Russian Abroad, descendants of prominent figures from the warring parties, who were once irreconcilable political opponents, and representatives of state and public organizations pray at the services. Conducted with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill and headed by the Chairman of the Synodal Department for Relations between the Church and Society, Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin, commemorative events are invariably very successful and receive great public and media resonance. In 2010, together with the same rector of the Patriarchal Metochion - the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God "of the Sign" and the Synodal Department for Relations between Church and Society, the RDS became the organizer of the International literary competition essays by children of school and early university age living in the Russian Federation, near and far abroad, “The Face of Russia” - essays about outstanding personalities of Russia’s past who made the greatest contribution to the spiritual, cultural, intellectual development of Russia, its state power, and to the creation of the ideals of goodness , love, peaceful coexistence. The competition was held for the purpose of spiritual and patriotic education of the younger generation, identifying gifted students with the blessing of Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus'. RDS managed to attract E.I.H. to the Highest guardianship of the competition. Heir to Tsarevich Grand Duke Georgy Mikhailovich. The results of the competition were summed up on November 4, 2010, on the Day of National Unity, together with His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus'.

The Russian Noble Assembly actively interacts and participates in the activities of many congenial organizations: “Society of descendants of participants in the Patriotic War of 1812”, Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society, Moscow Merchant Society, All-Russian Society for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments, Russian Zemstvo Movement, all-Russian public organizations of the Movement “For Faith and Fatherland”, “Russian Christian Democratic Perspective”, etc., was a co-founder and co-organizer of a number of them. The RDS is a member of the International Noble Association CIAN, interacts with foreign national noble and traditionalist associations and many other foreign organizations, and is especially active with foreign communities and organizations of Russian compatriots around the world.

The Russian Noble Assembly carries out a large list of scientific and educational,historical and memorial, cultural, humanitarian and educational programs, most of which are timed to coincide with the most important dates and events in Russian history. In accordance with these programs, both in Moscow and in other cities, a large number of historical-scientific, genealogical-heraldic, scientific-practical conferences, seminars are held, scientific and journalistic works are published, and public art and historical-journalistic exhibitions are held.

The largest historical and scientific events In recent years, there have been All-Russian conferences held by the RDS “Military dynasties of the Fatherland. To the 625th anniversary of the victory on the Kulikovo Field and the 60th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War" (Kostroma, September 2005), "Results of the Crimean War. To the 150th anniversary of graduation" (Moscow, March 2006), "In the service of the Fatherland. Cultural and educational mission of the Russian nobility. To the 225th anniversary of the provincial Noble Assemblies in Russia and the 20th anniversary of the Russian Noble Assembly", dedicated to the 225th anniversary of the "Granted Charter on the rights, liberties and advantages of the noble Russian Nobility", issued by Empress Catherine II on April 21, 1785 and the 20th anniversary of the re-creation RDS in 1990 (Moscow, May 2010), “Nobility and Modernity” (St. Petersburg, June 2011), “Tatar Nobility Assembly. Its history and its development on modern stage in search of civil unity and interethnic harmony. To the 20th anniversary of the Mejlis of the Tatar Murzas" (Ufa, March 2012); “The Romanov Dynasty in the History of the Russian State” (Moscow, March 2013); “The Imperial House of Romanov: 400 years in the service of Russia” (Moscow, March 2013), in which the Head of the Russian Imperial House H.I.H. took part. Sovereign Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna, “How to resist the falsification of Russian history,” together with the Russian state library(Moscow, October 2013), “110th anniversary of the beginning of the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905” (St. Petersburg, January 2014), “ Crimean War in the memoirs of the descendants of its participants", dedicated to the 160th anniversary of the beginning of the First Defense of the City of Russian Glory of Sevastopol (Moscow, October 2014), " Great War in documents and book collections. Problems of study, description, and publication” together with the Russian State Library (Moscow, November 2014).

RDS also holds a number of traditional annual historical and genealogical forums, enjoying great fame and authority among specialists. These are traditional international Savyolov readings, which are held annually together with the Historical and Genealogical Society in the hall of the State Historical Museum in Moscow. These are the annual Grigorov readings, held in Kostroma with the leading participation of the Kostroma Noble Assembly together with the Kostroma Historical and Genealogical Society. Finally, for many years the RDS has been holding in Krasnodar, based on the Kuban Noble Assembly, International Noble Readings, which are very famous throughout the North Caucasus, and throughout Russia as a whole, in the countries of the Near and some countries of the Far Abroad. In recent years, International Noble Readings have been held with the following themes: 2006 - “Who would lay down his soul for his friends”, dedicated to the 130th anniversary of the beginning of the liberation of the Orthodox population of the Balkans from the Ottoman yoke; 2007 - “Under St. Andrew’s faithful banner...”, to the 225th anniversary of the Russian Black Sea Fleet and the 220th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Russian naval commander M.P. Lazarev; 2008 - ““And God’s grace descended...”: the Romanovs and the North Caucasus”, on the 90th anniversary of the tragic death of the Holy Royal Passion-Bearers; 2009 - “Under the shadow of St. George”, dedicated to the 240th anniversary of the establishment of the military order of the Holy Great Martyr and Victorious George; 2010 - ““Virtue and honor must be its rules...”: the nobility of the North Caucasus in the service of the Russian Empire”, for the 225th anniversary of the provincial Assemblies of Nobility in Russia and the 20th anniversary of the Russian Assembly of Nobility; 2011 - “The honor bestowed upon us by God and the Tsar...”, on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of His Imperial Majesty’s Own Convoy; 2012 - ““It’s not for nothing that all Russia remembers...”: the era of 1812 and the Russian nobility”, dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the Victory of Russia in the Patriotic War of 1812; 2013 - “Reign for glory, for glory to us!”, on the 400th anniversary of the accession to the Throne of the Romanov Dynasty; 2014 - “We loved you selflessly, our Holy Russian land...”, on the 100th anniversary of the start of the First World War.

The RDS was created and has been operating since the mid-1990s. Association of Artists RDS, uniting both professional artists, members of creative artistic unions, the Russian Academy of Arts, venerable, recognized masters, and talented amateurs. The largest in recent years artistic Exhibitions, held by the RDS - exhibitions of the Association of Artists of the RDS in the gallery of the Pilgrimage Center of the Moscow Patriarchate in Moscow in February 2007 and in May 2010 (the latter was dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the re-establishment of the RDS); exhibition “Far - Close” in the building of the Administration of the President of Russia in the Moscow Kremlin (October-November 2010), dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the Victory and the 20th anniversary of the re-establishment of the RDS; exhibition in Russian center science and culture in Austria, in Vienna (September 2011), dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the Russian Victory in the Patriotic War of 1812; an exhibition in the main building of the Federation Council - the upper house of the Russian parliament (October 2011), dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the re-establishment of the RDS and the upcoming 1150th anniversary of Russian Statehood; exhibition “Russia’s Glorious Year” at the cultural center of the Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (November 2012), dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the Victory of Russia in the Patriotic War of 1812; participation of the RDS Artists Association as an official exhibitor in the large exhibition “Unforgettable Time...” in the Central Moscow Exhibition Hall “Manege” (April 2012), dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the Victory of Russia in the Patriotic War of 1812; exhibition “400th anniversary of the Romanov Dynasty” at the Cultural and Social Center of the Transport Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Central Federal District (November 2013); exhibition “In Search of Beauty” at the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation (March-April 2014), dedicated to the opening of the Year of Culture in Russia and a number of others.

Recently, a new important direction has appeared in the Association’s activities - artistic photography, thanks to the arrival of several very talented photo artists to the Association. We can also note a couple of individual large photo exhibitions. Exhibition “August Service to Russia”, dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the Head of the Russian Imperial House, H.I.H. Sovereign Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna, opened on the day of this anniversary, December 23, 2008 in the gallery of the Pilgrimage Center of the Moscow Patriarchate. At the exhibition, held with the blessing of the then Locum Tenens of the Patriarchal Throne, Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad, dozens of photographs were presented telling about life path Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna. The exhibition “For Faith and Fatherland”, dedicated to the 400th anniversary of the call to the Russian Throne of the Romanov Dynasty, was held jointly with the Movement “For Faith and Fatherland” in the City Exhibition Hall of Bryansk in April-May 2013. The exhibition told about life in exile and about today, members of the Russian Imperial House.

There are a few worth mentioning exhibitions creative works descendants of Russian nobles and guests of the RDS “Reflection of the Soul”, carried out in 2012 and 2013. Their peculiarity was the variety of works presented: paintings and graphics, jewelry, installations, embroidery, lacquer miniatures, soft toys. The authors did not try to impress with their professional skills, the main thing that motivates them to create is the desire to talk about the beauty of the world around them, to show that, despite many years of oblivion, cruel hard times, the descendants of famous families managed to retain a craving for beauty in their souls, a desire to create, preserved traditions inherent in representatives of those strata of society who once, together with the entire Russian people, constituted the pride of Russia

The RDS and its regional Noble Assemblies carry out a number of cultural programs: they hold a significant number of concerts, literary and literary-musical salons, etc., or through the efforts of their fellow members, but mainly under their own auspices - attracting professional performers. In 1996, under the leadership of the professional ballet dancer Michael Shannon, the RDS created and for several years successfully performed the entreprise ballet and opera “Imperial Theater”, which performed in St. Petersburg at the Hermitage Theater, in Moscow on the stage of the Ostankino Palace, held tours in Yekaterinburg, France, Belgium and Slovakia. For a number of years in the late 1990s. The RDS vocal quartet under the direction of Irina Khovanskaya performed in the “Opera House” of the Tsaritsyno museum and estate complex. In recent years, the RDS began to actively organize under its auspices professional concert programs on large stages, devoting them also to the most important dates and events of Russian history: full-scale concerts of Russian romance, concerts “Three Russian Bass” - a program created by the RDS, concerts of spiritual, folk Cossack songs performed by famous monastery choirs, concerts of the Moscow saxophonist quintet, solo concerts stars of Russian romance and classical opera. Literary and literary-musical salons of the RDS are held quite regularly both in Moscow and by most regional Assemblies of Nobility.

Among the recent many anniversary promotions The RDS is worth mentioning the first International Congress of Descendants of the Participants in the Patriotic War of 1812, initiated and actually organized and held by the RDS together with the Society of Descendants of the Participants in the Patriotic War of 1812 in June 2012 in Moscow (formally the Congress was held under the auspices and with the funding of the Moscow Government), on which brought together more than 300 people from all over the world, the second International Congress of descendants of participants in the Patriotic War of 1812, held in Paris on November 13-16, 2012, the initiative, organization and participation in the planting of the “Borodinsky Oak Alley” in the park on Vorobyovy Gory in Moscow in September 2012, as well as the holding of the Founding Congress of descendants of the participants of the First World War on July 31, 2014.

Occasionally RDS gives classical balls– a bright, representative, colorful event, unforgettable for anyone who has participated in it at least once. The last such official balls of the RDS were given in the House of Russian Abroad in Moscow on May 16, 2010 in honor of the 20th anniversary of the re-establishment of the RDS and on May 15, 2011, on the eve of the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the Victory of Russia in the Patriotic War of 1812, as well as in the premises of the Polyanka Art Hall complex, on Bolshaya Polyanka in the center of Moscow, April 30, 2012, dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the Victory of Russia in the Patriotic War of 1812 and the 20th anniversary of the perception of the rights and duties of the Head of the Russian Imperial House by Her Imperial Highness the Empress Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna.

For RDS in Moscow it is valid Youth Society. A number of regional Assemblies of Nobility patronize gymnasiums, lyceums and cadet corps in their regions, and are engaged in the development and implementation of pedagogical programs.

Russian Noble Assembly and its regional organizations carry out charitable and trustee activities.

Printing organ of the Russian Noble Assembly— the newspaper “Dvoryansky Vestnik”, published since 1993 (the pilot issue was published in November 1992), registered in March 1994 as an all-Russian newspaper. RDS in 1994-1999 also published 10 issues of the historical, journalistic, literary and artistic almanac “Noble Assembly”, and in 1998, as a trial, 2 issues of the magazine on family education “Governor”. A number of regional Noble Assemblies (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Bashkortostan, Samara, Udmurt, etc., as well as the Australian Representative Office of the RDS) also publish newspapers, almanacs, magazines or bulletins.

Since 2001 Russian Noble Assembly together with the publishing house Tsentrpoligraf carries out a large publishing program “Forgotten and Unknown Russia”. More than 80 books in this series have already been published. The goal of the program is to open undeservedly forgotten pages of the great history of our Fatherland, to recall the deep spiritual and moral traditions with which Russia has always been strong. Based on the results of a competition held back in 2001 by the Union of Publishers and Distributors of Printed Products of the Russian Federation and the Vitrina magazine, the series was among the first ten winners awarded the Golden Grain award.

And several Catalogs published by the RDS Artists Association are also a particularly important, due to its visibility, component of the overall publishing activity of the RDS.

It is extremely important for members of the RDS that the activities of the Russian Noble Assembly take place under the Highest Patronage of the legitimate Head of the Russian Imperial House, Her Imperial Highness the Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna. On behalf of the Head of the Russian Imperial House, the RDS facilitates contacts between the Head and Members of the Russian Imperial House and the Office of the Head of the Russian Imperial House with the Hierarchy of the Moscow Patriarchate, with Diocesan departments, and with various administrative structures. In addition, traditionally, at the request of the inviting party, receiving Members of the Russian Imperial House (Russian federal representative bodies, the Governments of Moscow and St. Petersburg, regional administrations, governments of some foreign countries), the Russian Assembly of Nobility helps the inviting party to establish contacts with the Chancery registered in Russia The Head of the Russian Imperial House, and in a number of cases, on behalf of the Office of the Head of the Russian Imperial House, participates in coordinating and resolving organizational issues related to the preparation of the Highest visits of Members of the Russian Imperial House to Russia or foreign countries, in the preparation and implementation of actions aimed at the integration of the Russian Imperial House Home to the life of our Fatherland.

The RDS actively interacts with the Office of the Head of the Russian Imperial House and the Heraldry created under the Office.

Legal address of the Russian Noble Assembly: 109012, Moscow, st. Varvarka, building 14. The current headquarters of the RDS is located at the address: 109028, Moscow, Pokrovsky Boulevard, building 8, building 2 A (this is also the address for postal items).

The Russian Noble Assembly (abbreviated as RDS; full name - “Union of Descendants of the Russian Nobility - Russian Noble Assembly”) is a corporate public organization uniting persons belonging to the Russian nobility, as well as descendants of Russian noble families, who have documented and irrefutably proven their undoubted belonging to the Russian nobility.

The assembly of the nobility was abolished by decree of the Central Executive Committee on November 10, 1917. The document itself represented a unique source.

21) Structures and publications in genealogy: Russian Genealogical Society in St. Petersburg.

Russian Genealogical Society (abbreviated as RGO), founded in 1897 in St. Petersburg on the initiative of Prince A. B. Lobanov-Rostovsky. Meetings of the society were held on Nadezhdinskaya Street (now Mayakovsky Street), 27.

The goal of the society is the scientific development of the history and genealogy of noble families (including the study of the genealogy of the service nobility of pre-Petrine Rus'); in the field of studies of the Russian Geographical Society - research in heraldry, sphragistics (an auxiliary historical discipline that studies seals and their impressions on various materials), diplomacy and other historical disciplines. Chairman - Grand Duke Georgy Mikhailovich. The RGS included historians, court dignitaries, statesmen, representatives of provincial noble assemblies: N. P. Likhachev (one of the founders and the actual leader of the society), S. D. Sheremetev, G. A. Vlasyev, D. F. Kobeko, N V. Myatlev, V. V. Rummel and others. In 1901-130 members (in 1898-23). The main works of the society members were published in 4 issues of Izvestia (1900-11). The archives of the Russian Geographical Society kept ancient charters, columns, and documents from the 16th-18th centuries. from family archives Osorgins, Tyrtovs, Musins-Pushkins and others (now in the archives of Leningrad and Moscow). In 1919 the Russian Geographical Society became part of Russian Academy history of material culture, and was renamed the Russian Historical and Genealogical Society; ceased to exist in 1922.

22) Structures and publications in genealogy: Historical and Genealogical Society in Moscow. The Historical and Genealogical Society in Moscow, founded in 1904 and restored in 1990, is a voluntary scientific and public organization and aims to continue the traditions of historical and genealogical research, scientific development of problems of domestic genealogy, study of the history of clans and families, mutual assistance in genealogical research, popularization and propaganda of genealogical knowledge and genealogy as a branch of historical science.

Goals and objectives

1. Takes care of the preservation of family archives and collections, describes and publishes them in compliance with the rules established on this subject.

2. Collects and processes materials on history, genealogy, heraldry and related disciplines.

3. Collects a library, archive and museum on all subjects that meet the objectives of the Society.

4. Arranges public meetings with the reading of reports and lectures and organizes exhibitions on issues that meet the objectives of the Society.

5. Conducts genealogical and heraldic examination and consultations on these issues.

6. Interacts with archives, museums, libraries and other institutions and organizations (including foreign ones) on issues that meet the objectives of the Society, and provides its members with the opportunity to study in archives, libraries and museums.

7. Enjoys the right of editorial and publishing activities, publishes (in accordance with the procedure established by law) its journal and the works of its members and other printed and visual materials on genealogy, heraldry and related disciplines, republishes works on these and other issues related to subject of knowledge of the Society.

8. Orders genealogical research and other work on these issues in Russia and abroad and carries out orders from Russian and foreign citizens and organizations, and also acts as an intermediary in the implementation of such orders.

9. Finances genealogical programs, research, expeditions, participates in the implementation of similar programs organized by other scientific and public centers, organizations and individuals (including foreign ones).

10. Opens its branches in other cities.

11. Issues prizes and medals for works that meet the objectives of the Society.

12. Creates a computer data bank on genealogy, heraldry and related disciplines and organizes an information center.

23) "Historical Genealogy"

The journal “Historical Genealogy” is published by the Center for Genealogical Research in Yekaterinburg. This journal publishes articles on current issues of genealogy, and processes genealogical sources (nobletation documents). The articles contain information about the fate of certain noble families (the fate of the Romanovs), about the fate of certain families. On the development of French clans regarding immigrants.

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