Journals on pedagogy included in Scopus. Region – Eastern Europe. Education – Education Article on pedagogy in English with translation

Journal of Baltic Science Education. ISSN 16483898

Journal of Baltic Science Education- Lithuanian open access journal, publishes original scientific articles in the field of teaching science and related fields at all levels of education in the countries of the Baltic region (with access to the Baltic Sea). Articles (from 7 to 15 A4 pages) must be submitted in English. In case of successful completion of the blind peer-review and publication of the article, a processing fee of 380 euros per 1 page is charged.

Science of Gymnastics Journal. ISSN 18557171

Q3 Education, Orthopedics and Sports Medicine, Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation

Science of Gymnastics Journal- magazine from Ljubljana (Slovenia). Publishes original research articles on various aspects of artistic gymnastics. We welcome articles related to performance analysis, judging, biomechanical analysis of gymnastics elements, medical analysis in gymnastics, pedagogical aspects of gymnastics, biographies of famous gymnasts and other types of historical research in gymnastics, social aspects of gymnastics, the study of motor skills and movement control in gymnastics, methodology for studying the elements of gymnastics, etc. Articles in English are accepted. The recommended length of the manuscript is 12 pages.

Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability ISSN 16914147, 14078724, 16915534

Q3 Education

Latvian " Journal of Teacher Training for Sustainable Development» (JTEFS) accepts articles on the theory and practice of teacher training focused on the ideals of sustainable development. Articles in English are accepted.

Ljetopis Socijalnog Rada. ISSN 18465412

Q3 Developmental and Educational Psychology, Education, Social Work, Sociology and Political Science

« Social Work Yearbook» explores current trends in social work theory and methods, including social work pedagogy. The journal also publishes research articles in other areas in which social work is applied. In addition to original articles, the journal also publishes translations of selected works especially important for understanding contemporary social work, as well as reviews of conferences, books and journals related to the theory and results of social work, other social sciences and humanities important to social work. Manuscripts in English are accepted. Recommended volume 16-18 A4 pages.


Q3 Chemistry (miscellaneous) Education

Published by the Ministry of Education and Science of Bulgaria. Publishes articles in Bulgarian and English on a wide range of issues in teaching chemistry and other natural sciences, as well as the results of experimental and theoretical research in the field of natural science.

New Educational Review. ISSN 17326729

Q3 Education

Magazine New Educational Reviewpublished by universities from three countries: Slovakia, Czech Republic and Poland. Publishes articles in English that describe or synthesize the results of both theoretical and empirical research in the field of educational sciences, sociology of education and psychology of learning. Articles can be of two types: original research - reports on significant research projects, and letters - general comments, short reviews, brief descriptions of new results. The volume of the manuscript is no more than 25,000 characters, including spaces, figures, tables.

Acta Mathematica Academiae Paedagogicae Nyiregyhaziensis. ISSN 17860091, 08660182

Eesti Rakenduslingvistika Uhingu Aastaraamat. ISSN 17362563, 22280677

Q3 Education, Language and Linguistics, Linguistics and Language

The Yearbook of the Estonian Association of Applied Linguistics publishes articles that cover various areas of applied linguistics, with preference given to articles with a theoretical orientation. Welcomes scholarly articles written within any theoretical framework that show how local issues in language use, learning, computational linguistics, translation, or lexicography are related to more general and fundamental issues. The journal focuses on issues of applied linguistics in Estonia, as well as in the Baltics and Scandinavia in general. The focus is on the Finno-Ugric and Baltic languages.

Articles in Estonian, English, German and Russian are accepted until October 1. The length of the manuscript is no more than 40,000 characters. Publication frequency: once a year, in April.

Teoriya i Praktika Fizicheskoy Kultury. ISSN 00403601

Q3 Education, Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation

Electronic journal “Theory and Practice of Physical Culture” is a monthly scientific and theoretical journal from Russia. Accepts articles in English.

Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal. ISSN 22322647, 18559719

Zbornik Instituta za Pedagoska Istrazivanja. ISSN 05796431

Q4 Education

The Journal of the Institute for Educational Research publishes theoretical, review and original research papers on pedagogy not previously published elsewhere. Important criteria in the selection process are the quality of argumentation, clarity of presentation and educational value. Articles in Serbian and English languages ​​of no more than 40,000 characters are accepted. Publication frequency: 2 times a year.

Sociologija i Prostor. ISSN 18465226

Q4 Education, Geography, Planning and Development, Sociology and Political Science, Urban Studies

Sociology and Space is a quarterly journal of research into spatial and sociocultural development. Publishes scientific works on the sociology of space (urban and rural) and related disciplines (education, urbanism, architecture, geography, social demography, urban economics, social ecology, etc.). Articles in Croatian and English are accepted.

Orbis Scholae. ISSN 18024637

Q4 Education

Published by the universities of Prague and Brno. Publishes articles on school education in a broad socio-cultural context. Directed research into the development of school education, understanding of teaching practice and educational policy. Articles in Czech and English are accepted. The length of the article is no more than 36,000 characters. Published 3 issues per year.

Technics Technologies Education Management. ISSN 18401503

Q4 Computer Science (miscellaneous), Education, Engineering (miscellaneous), Environmental Science (miscellaneous)

Multidisciplinary journal from Bosnia and Herzegovina. Publishes original articles on research in the fields of engineering, technology, education, management, computer science and information science, architecture, urbanism, economics, art, etc. Articles in English of no more than 12 pages (or no more than 9,000 words) are accepted. The requirements for the quality of the English language, judging by the published numbers, are not very high. Published 4 issues per year.

Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation. ISSN 1857663X, 14096099

Q4 Developmental and Educational Psychology, Education, Psychiatry and Mental Health

« Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation» is a multidisciplinary international open access journal. Published in Skopje (Macedonia). Publishes original and review articles, brief reports, letters to the editor, clinical studies, case studies, information on the defense of doctoral dissertations in all areas of special (correctional) education, medicine, psychology, pedagogy, social policy and related sciences. Special educators, doctors, psychologists, educators, social workers and other employees of public and private specialized schools, health care institutions in the Republic of Macedonia and around the world are invited. About 20 articles are published per year in English.

An open access journal, i.e. all content is freely available at no cost to the user as defined
BOAI is open access.

Journal materials are available under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.


Vědecko vydavatelské centrum "Sociosfera-CZ"

Impact factor at Scientific Indexing Services(2016 ) - 0 , 832 .

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ISSN 2464-675X

MK ČR E 22426

The journal publishes scientific articles onpedagogyand methodological development of classes and additional activities for the educational sphere.Manuscripts are checked for plagiarism. Articles sent to the editor are subject to peer review by independent experts. The editors ensure that reviewers are independent of the authors and do not work with them in the same institutions.

Materials accepted for publication are: Czech,Russian and English languages. Full-text versions of all issues of the journal are posted on the website of the Research Center “Sociosphere” in free access (CC BY-SA). Authors receive a certificate of publication.

The journal is registered in scientometric databases:

  • Electronic Scientific Library (Russia),
  • Research Bible (China),
  • Scientific Indexing Services (USA),
  • CrossRef (USA).

The volume of the magazine is 150-200 pages.

The frequency of publication is 4 issues per year (February, May, August, November).

Editor-in-Chief - Lyudmila Vitalievna Kotenko, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor.

International Editorial Board

Beysenbaev Sadybek Kalmakhanovich, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor (Shymkent, Kazakhstan).

Volchegorskaya Evgenia Yurievna, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor (Chelyabinsk, Russia);

Gnevek Olga Vladimirovna, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, (Magnitogorsk, Russia).

Gorbacheva Diana Aleksandrovna, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor (Krasnodar, Russia).

Zvonova Elena Vladimirovna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor (Moscow, Russia).

Ruzieva Dilnoz Isomjonovna, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor (Tashkent, Uzbekistan).

Khakunova Fatimet Pshimafovna, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor (Maykop, Russia).

Requirements for the design of materials

Materials are submitted electronically by e-mail: sociosphere@ Each article must have UDC.

Page format A4 (210 x 297 mm). Margins: top, bottom and right - 2 cm, left - 3 cm; interval one and a half; indent - 1.27; size (point) - 14; type - Times New Roman, style - Regular. The title is printed in capital letters, bold font, centered. On the second line are printed the initials and surname of the author(s), academic degree, position, e-mail, ORCID. On the third line is the full name of the organization, city, country. After the missing line, the name is printed in English. On the next line are the authors' surname, academic degree, position, e-mail, ORCID in English. Next is the name of the organization, city and country in English. In articles in English, there is no need to duplicate the title, author and place of work of the author in another language. The missing line is followed by an abstract in English (600-800 characters) and keywords (5-10) in English. After the missing line, the text of the article is printed. Graphs, figures, tables are inserted as the embedded object should be included in the overall scope of the abstract. The numbers of bibliographic references in the text are given in square brackets, and their list is at the end of the text with continuous numbering. Sources and literature in the list are listed in alphabetical order, one number corresponds to 1 source. Links are placed manually. If necessary, footnotes are allowed. They must be in the same font as the main text. The length of the article can be 4-25 pages. Information about the author is located after the text of the article and is not taken into account when calculating the volume of the publication.

Materials must be prepared in the Microsoft Word text editor, carefully verified and edited. The name of the file sent by e-mail should be in the form AP-Full Name, for example: AP-Petrov IV or AP-German P. The file with the article must have a doc or docx extension.

Full Name

Academic degree, specialty

Academic title

Place of work

Job title

Home address with index

Cellular telephone

Required number of printed copies

Authors pay for publishing services: printing, postage, editing and reviewing. Authors from the Czech Republic publish free of charge. For Russian citizens, the cost of publication is 250 rubles for 1 full (incomplete) page, if necessary, translation of the abstract and keywords into English - 200 rubles.

A printed copy is paid additionally - 500 rubles when sent by regular letter or 600 rubles when sent by registered mail.

Each author is sent an electronic certificate. The cost of a printed certificate is 200 rubles (for foreign authors $5). For authors from other countries, publishing and postage costs vary by country.

The paid receipt is sent in scanned form and should be named accordingly AP-Petrov IV receipt or AP-German Preceipt and have a jpg or pdf extension.

A receipt for payment is sent to the author only after the article is accepted for publication! The deadline for submitting materials to No. 1 is January 20, No. 2 is April 20, No. 3 is July 20, and No. 4 is October 20.

Here we have collected interesting articles in English. You can find out the translation by pointing at the English words.

Autism Is Not On The Rise

Autism is being diagnosed more than ever, but that has nothing to do with the number of children who actually have autism. It's confusing

In the War Between Sharks and People, Humans Are Killing It

A spate of shark attacks off Hawaii raises old fears about the predators of the oceans. But humans are much more dangerous.

In 1941 Vavilov’s scientists refused to eat from the world’s largest seed bank in surrounded Leningrad

Nikolai Ivanovich Vavilov (November 25 1887 – January 26, 1943) was a prominent Russian and Soviet botanist and geneticist best known for having identified the centers of origin of cultivated plants. He is devoted to his life to the study and improvement of wheat, corn, and other cereal crops that sustain the global population.

Your Ancestors Didn't Sleep Like You

Ok, maybe your grandparents probably slept like you. And your great, great-grandparents. But once you go back before the 1800s, sleep starts to look a lot different. Your ancestors slept in a way that modern sleepers would find bizarre – they slept twice. And so can you.

Conservationists dye rhino horns red to deter poachers

Officials in South Africa are taking the grave situation of the vanishing rhino population into their own hands - infusing their horns with red dye and toxins to ensure that poachers can’t sell the valuable body parts.

Mass brawl in Tunbridge Wells over the last bag of nuts

Nothing much usually happens in working menâs clubs. The odd raised voice over a game of dominoes, perhaps. Maybe a shout of glee at a bull check-out at darts.

"Magic Mushrooms" May Permanently Alter Personality

Just one strong dose of hallucinogenic mushrooms can alter a person's personality for more than a year and perhaps permanently, a new study finds.

Zeppelin voted "ideal supergroup"

The four members of Led Zeppelin have been voted the UK's ideal supergroup, with Robert Plant beating the late Freddie Mercury to best singer.
About 3,500 music fans were polled for Planet Rock Radio and were asked to create their fantasy band.

All forms of education can be broken down into three main components: planning, instruction, and evaluation. In the form of education that most people experience, pedagogy, it is the teacher’s responsibility to define each of these components. Through distance learning, which is majorly based on the principles of andragogy, the learner has more responsibility and influence in defining these components.

It is extremely beneficial to the learner to not only be active but to be the main decision-maker in the planning stage of their education. For this to be effective, however, it is important for the learner to first carefully reflect on his or her prior knowledge and experience, needs, interests, and goals. Only the learner himself is able to take inventory of his prior knowledge and experience and therefore decide what he is lacking in order to reach his goals. With the guidance of an advisor, distance learning allows the student to choose what courses will be relevant to his vocation and complete them at his own pace. According to the widely accepted information processing theory, learners are more likely to retain information when it is made relevant and meaningful to their interests. When students take an active role in their own learning process, it is more likely that they will be motivated to complete assignments and reach their goals.


Cost of education: From 590 rub/hour

Discounts: Purchasing activity packages, inviting friends

Training mode: Online

Free lesson: Provided

Online testing: Provided

Customer Feedback: (5/5)

Literature: -

Address: -

Discounts: Discounts for annual subscriptions and for regular users

Training mode: Online

Free lesson: Provided

Teaching method: Gaming

Online testing: Provided

Literature: Online library

Address: 143026, Moscow, Skolkovo, Lugovaya st., 4, building 8, [email protected]

  • Andrey Voevodin: 2019-05-07 14:37:03

    A year and a half ago I bought a subscription. It so happened that the dictionary has accumulated quite a lot of words, which I study mainly using the Phrase Builder. About a year and a half ago, we registered an error with technical support regarding the incorrect selection of phrases in this simulator - the same 10-20 phrases out of 1000 constantly come across. The issue was never resolved, I had to solve it myself by adding words to the sets. But Lingualeo employees do not stand still, and if you are driving too fast, you simply must...

  • lion: 2018-12-25 09:23:09

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  • Elsa Snowflake: 2018-12-21 18:20:22

    I’ve been using this service for a year and a half, leisurely, a couple of hours a week. I’m learning words, going through listening tests - a very interesting activity, however! The benefit is palpable: I can already calmly perceive simple fiction, I can write sentences that are more complex in design than “may name is Lisa,” but I am still far from free speech, even though this was not the original goal. The pricing policy is very loyal - even students can open the way to knowledge without compromising their budget)...

Because distance learning does not include any teacher-lead classes or meetings, it is majorly the student’s responsibility to learn the material and complete the assignments on his own. However, distance learning encompasses many resources that can assist the student in this. There are many technologies on the internet such as libraries, videos and web conferences that can provide a wealth of information for the student. These technologies are most effective when used in combination with printed materials such as textbooks and communicative technologies such as e-mail and video conferencing. The advisor can be very useful in helping the student to recognize these resources and how to use them.

However, it is once again the student’s responsibility to reflect on his or her own learning style and decide what idea technologies or study methods best contribute to his or her learning. Although the resources can provide guidance, structure, and motivation, the concept of andragogy implies that these factors must come from within the student. Again, because the student plays such an active role in the structure of his education, it is more likely that it will be a meaningful experience. The information processing theory also states that meaningful practice can help information move into long term memory. There, it can be assimilated with existing knowledge and experience to be remembered for practical use.

As with the first two components of distance learning, the student is active in the evaluation process. Again, reflection and mapping of goals at the beginning of the program can help students track their progress. Formative assessment, as well as meaningful feedback, have been proven to help students self-evaluate and re-structure the learning process if necessary. In other words, when students periodically compare their work to the goals they have set for themselves, they can then decide if the methods they have been using are effective in helping them progress, and then “fine tune” these methods to help them better reach their goals. Advisors can also play an important role in the evaluation process by periodically checking on the student’s assignments and making sure that they are making adequate progress toward their goals. If the advisor finds that the students have not been actively working toward their goals, they serve as a source of external motivation and guidance. Submitted assignments and dissertations serve as the summative assessments of the course, which will ultimately lead to the completion of the degree.


Read and translate the text with the help of a dictionary:

Choosing a career (1) is not always easy. Dear students, fortunately you have already chosen it. Maybe you were encouraged by your teachers, parents or friends, maybe you followed someone’s advice or followed in someone’s footsteps, maybe it is your own choice. It doesn't matter. Now you are students of National Research University “Bel SU” – the University of the XXI century. And you are going to be teachers. It's great.

It is known that teaching is a very difficult job of great responsibility and most specific character. There is a wide variety of work in teaching. A good teacher is not only a communicator of knowledge but a model of competence. He forms attitudes to his subject and attitudes to learning, becoming himself a symbol of the educational process, a person who is teaching as well as learning.

A good teacher always regards the capacities of his pupils have, trying to temper his teaching methods to children’s abilities and aptitudes.

A good teacher must know the general aims of education, must know his own subject perfectly well, should plan carefully his or her work, assess pupils' proficiency correctly, work hard to remain up-to-date in his or her subject, use a lot of different materials, equipment and teaching methods, do the best to make his or her lessons interesting, keep in contact with the pupils' parents, help children to live in the community. School becomes a place of learning and living, of work and play.

That is why a teacher’s work involves many roles besides that of instructing pupils. At times a teacher serves as a parent surrogate, entertainer, psychotherapist and a record keeper.

Teachers who do enjoy their work show this in their classroom activity. They come to class prepared for the day’s lessons and conduct lessons in a way that suggests interest and excitement in learning, create an environment simulating children to develop their abilities.

A teacher is in the classroom to instruct. In order to do it perfectly well teachers must be able to hold the attention and the interest of the audience, to maintain an active but quiet and well-organized atmosphere at the lesson. Instruction also means giving additional help to those who are having difficulty, diagnosing the sources of their problems and giving necessary assistance.

Thus while studying at the University future teachers:

- master their knowledge;

- learn the principles of pedagogy, psychology, physiology;

- study the methods of teaching their subjects;

- make all kinds of experiments;

- develop skills how to use study aids, audiovisual aids and work with computers.

Teachers are good friends of their pupils. They want to see them competent, skilled, honest, kind and well-bred. Teachers help them to organize meetings, to hold pleasure parties, conferences and excursions. They organize hobby groups, sports activities, subject Olympiads (competitions).

Some people say that a good teacher has some of the qualities of a good actor. May they be right. But a teacher works in quite a different way. His audience takes an active part in his play: they ask and answer questions. A teacher cannot learn his part by heart, but invent it as he goes along. There are many teachers who are fine actors in class, but are unable to take part in a stage-play.


(1) - career is the series of jobs that a person does in his or her life, usually in one and the same field.

- a profession is a job that requires special training, often a university education and brings a rather high social status.

- a job is the work that a person does regularly in order to earn money.

An occupation is a job or profession.

Study aids –teaching aids

Audiovisual aids –audiovisual media

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