Significant events on April 18

Published 04/18/18 00:13

Today, April 18, 2018, is also celebrated as World Amateur Radio Day, International Day of Monuments and Prominent Places and other events.

What holiday is today: April 18, 2018 is the church holiday of Fedul Vetrenik

On April 18, 2018, the national holiday Fedul Vetrenik is celebrated. On this day the Church remembers the martyr Theodulus of Thessaloniki, a reader.

The day got its name “Vetrenik” due to the fact that today the wind intensifies and blows constantly.

According to legend, Theodulus lived in the 3rd-4th centuries in Thessalonica during the time of co-rulers Diocletian and Maximin. The young reader led a pious, righteous life. One day, half asleep, he dreamed that an unknown person in a light robe was doing something intkbbach puts it in his palm. Theodul opened his eyes and found in his hand a beautiful ring with the image of the Cross. He realized that this was a sign of his future torment. Thanks to the power of the ring, Theodulus cured various diseases and converted many people to the Christian faith.

During the time of persecution of Christians, he remained with the church. Together with Deacon Agathopodos, he continued to openly preach the Gospel. By order of the local ruler Faustin, the young reader and the old deacon were arrested and brought before him for trial. Faustin first tried to convert Theodulus to paganism with flattery, then threatened him with death. But the young man was wise beyond his years. He said he chooses eternal life and is not afraid to die for it.

Theodulus, together with Agathopod, ended up in prison, where they revealed the Word of God to the prisoners. Many renounced idolatry. Theodulus and Agathopod continued to pray furiously. Once in a dream they saw how they were washed ashore in light clothes after a shipwreck. The martyrs woke up and realized that God was foretelling their imminent death. That same morning they were brought to the ruler. He announced that he was condemning both to death. Stones were tied to the martyrs and thrown into the sea. After a while, Christians found the bodies of Saints Theodulus and Agathopods without ropes and in white robes on the shore and buried them. This happened in 303.

According to signs, if there is snow left in the ravine the size of a heifer, it’s time to start plowing.

Fedul arrived - the wind blew warmer.

World Amateur Radio Day

World Amateur Radio Day is celebrated annually on April 18. The event was established by the International Amateur Radio Union, and the selected date coincides with the founding of the IRS in 1925.

International Day of Monuments and Sites

The International Day of Monuments and Sites is celebrated annually on 18 April. In 2018 it is celebrated for the 35th time.

The founder of the holiday is the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS). In 1982, ICOMOS proposed the establishment of a special holiday that would provide an opportunity for people to increase their knowledge of the diversity of World Heritage. After all, if you don’t make an effort to protect and preserve it, it will disappear. A year later, UNESCO approved the creation of the holiday. It was first celebrated in 1984.

Alexey, Georgy, Mark, Nikolay, Platon, Semyon.

  • 1025 - in Gniezno, the capital of the ancient Polish state, the first king, Boleslaw I the Brave, was anointed as king.
  • 1902 - For the first time in the world, fingerprinting was used to identify a criminal.
  • 1906 - Part of San Francisco is destroyed by an earthquake.
  • 1922 - bus service opened in Moscow.
  • 1923 - the Moscow proletarian sports society Dynamo was created in the USSR.
  • Shovket Mamedova 1897 - Azerbaijani singer and teacher.
  • Galina Brezhneva 1929 - daughter of the General Secretary.
  • Nathan Eidelman 1930 - Soviet writer, historian.
  • Svetalana Nemolyaeva 1937 - Russian film and theater actress.
  • Vladimir Vasiliev 1940 - Russian ballet dancer.
  • Eduard Hanok 1940 - Belarusian composer and songwriter.

The zodiac sign of those born on April 18 is Aries. These are original, charming personalities. They are comprehensively developed. They have a good sense of humor, rich imagination and creative talents. They are purposeful and energetic. They cannot be stopped on their way to achieving their goal. They easily overcome obstacles. They believe that nothing is impossible.

Such women and men have a sense of justice and belligerence. They fight for the rights of disadvantaged people.

Birthday people of this day value friendship and are ready to sacrifice their interests for the sake of their friends. They become devoted and reliable friends whom you can rely on in difficult life situations. Their desire to help often develops into excessive guardianship and infringement of the freedom of others.

Such people depend on public opinion. It is important for them to receive approval and praise for their actions, so they carefully monitor their image.



Characteristics of women born on April 18

They are creative, charming, versatile and individual personalities. They are smart and resourceful, have developed intuition. Endowed with an analytical mind. They consider any situation from all sides, so they make wise and informed decisions.

Such women love to know the world around us and gain new life experiences. They love to travel, so they often get tied up professional activity on overseas business trips.

Characteristics of men born on April 18

They are insightful, flexible and hardworking individuals. From their youth, they strive to achieve stability and material well-being. Throughout their lives they increase their level of knowledge. Enthusiastically embrace the challenges they face life path. This gives them strength and motivation for subsequent achievements.

Such men love to meet and communicate with new people because they inspire them to come up with original ideas.

Love horoscope

In personal relationships, those born on this day are idealistic, romantic and devoted. They equate the feeling of love with respect. In relationships, reciprocity and respect are considered the main things. The manifestation of rudeness or neglect on the part of a partner can serve as a reason for them to break up.

For such women and men, family is support and support. They choose their life partner responsibly. It is important for them that their loved one understands them and helps them overcome life’s difficulties. They consider the marriage of their parents to be an example to follow and try to preserve the traditions of previous generations in their family.


Aries born on April 18 are well compatible with Aquarius, Leo, Sagittarius, and Scorpio. They have low compatibility with Virgos and Capricorns.

The most suitable partner for those born on April 18

People born on such days are best suited for love and marriage:

January: 4, 6, 10, 11, 21, 30
February: 10, 24, 26
March: 5, 13, 28
April: 2, 6, 10, 26, 30
May: 2, 10, 26
June: 6, 15, 27
July: 3, 27, 29
August: 5, 12, 29, 30
September: 16, 22, 24, 26, 27
October: 10, 11, 17, 18, 21
November: 6, 12, 20, 28, 29
December: 2, 10, 13

Business horoscope

Birthday people of this day are honest, conscientious and hardworking workers. They always finish what they start. Carry out official assignments conscientiously. They take criticism from senior colleagues and superiors calmly and work on mistakes and comments.

Such women and men rarely change their occupation. They try to develop in their chosen field. Constantly improve skills and increase the level of knowledge.

Communication skills and commercial acumen allow these people to achieve success in business, trade, real estate, and banking. Thirst for learning spiritual world and charity make them good clergymen. Creativity help build a successful career as a musician, artist or actor.

Health horoscope

Aries born on this day are endowed with good health. To keep the body in good shape, they need to alternate physical and intellectual work. You should avoid prolonged work at the computer and sedentary monotonous work.

Such people are endowed with restless energy. The horoscope advises directing her to exercise.

These women and men are prone to rash actions that can result in injury. They are advised to avoid fights, driving at high speed, and extreme entertainment.

When it comes to food, such individuals need to know moderation. They will benefit from a balanced diet rich in vitamins and microelements.

Avoid rash risks

Nature has given you passion and adventurism. Soberly assess your capabilities and strengths in order to stop in time and avoid thoughtless risks.

Do not impose your care and protection on your loved ones

You strive to care for and protect the rights of loved ones even when they do not need it. Relatives perceive this behavior as intrusiveness and a restriction of freedom.

Refuse stereotypes

You are devoted to family traditions and try to inherit them, which is why you become supporters of stereotypes. Do not impose your rules and ideals on others. Be flexible and keep up with the times.

On April 18 we will celebrate the Day of Monuments and Historical Places, radio amateurs around the world can celebrate their holiday - Radio Amateur Day, and in Russia today they celebrate the Day of Military Glory.

Holidays April 18, 2019

Day of Monuments and Historical Sites

international holiday
Everyone who tries to preserve our history knows what holiday it is today.
Every year since April 18, 1984, the world has celebrated the International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites. The motto of this holiday was the words: “Let us preserve our historical homeland.” The initiator of this holiday in 1982 was the Assembly of the International Council for the Protection of Monuments and Sites, which was created under UNESCO.
The purpose of the holiday is to attract public attention to the issues of protection and preservation of the world cultural heritage, call on responsible organizations to ensure that “fortifications, mounds, burial grounds and other places of historical value are not plowed up or dug up for any economic purposes, and in the circumference of the monuments a protective zone of one fathom or more remains inviolable, depending on the size and significance of the monument.”

World Amateur Radio Day

Every year on April 18, amateur radio enthusiasts around the world celebrate their “professional” holiday - Amateur Radio Day. The reason for radio amateurs to annually celebrate this holiday with their successes and achievements appeared on April 18, 1925, on the day of the founding of the International Amateur Radio Union in Paris.
Today, radio and television receivers and transmitters are our reliable assistants. In events world day Amateur radio sections and clubs in Russia take an active part.

Military Glory Day in Russia

In Russia everyone knows what holiday it is today. April 18 marks the day of victory in 1242 on Lake Peipsi over the German knights of the Russian army of Prince Alexander Nevsky. This battle was called the Battle of the Ice. The holiday was established by Federal Law in 1995 on March 13.

Unusual funny and cool holidays

Let's celebrate today, April 18, an interesting holiday - Tourist Day. But the funny and even cool holiday Day of Dance in the Awakening Forest should, of course, be celebrated in the forest.

Let's celebrate Tourist Day

A tourist's day is essentially a day for you " open doors» anywhere in the world. Do you want to travel the world and be a discoverer of new unexplored corners of the earth? Try to feel like a tourist this holiday, because traveling is so wonderful!
Today, April 18, you can congratulate everyone associated with tourism: guides, tour operators, hotel workers and staff who ensure the safety of your holiday. Being a tourist means being healthy and active. What to give on this day? Well, of course, a trip to some special corner of the Earth!

A day of dancing in the awakening forest

Today you can dance in the forest with birch and pine trees from morning until you drop!
Dance. And give nature your love while dancing! Wake up Mother Nature with your unusual dance on this cool holiday!!!

Church holiday according to the folk calendar

Fedul Vetrenik

This national holiday is named in honor of the memory of the martyrs - the reader Theodulus, the deacon Agathopods, and others like them, who in 303 gave their lives for the faith.
On April 18, warm spring winds are already blowing. Our ancestors used to say about spring weather: “Fedul came and pouted.” Sometimes they used the following variant in sayings: “Fedul, why did you pout? - The caftan burned. - Is the hole big? “There’s only one gate left.”
The peasants believed that on this day, with the first spring wind, crickets fly in and settle in all their gardens. Ladybugs and urticaria butterflies appear on April 18th.
On Fedula (sometimes they said Feodula), in order to protect their hut from the rotten winds, the peasants tried to open all the windows and talk them out of commotion and from evil spirits with special words. But the real reason Such a ritual was as follows: the hut needed mandatory ventilation after a long winter, the warm spring wind could no longer cool the room down. People had the following sayings: “If you opened a window for Fedul, you heated a hut without firewood,” “Whoever opened the window before Fedul, suffered bad weather.”
The farmers had the following signs: if there was a lot of snow the size of a cow left at the bottom of the ravine, then it was time to start plowing.
Name day April 18 in Alexei, George, Mark, Nikolai, Plato, Semyon, Theodulus
April 18 is also celebrated: International Circus Day, International Jugglers Day, Independence Day - Zimbabwe

April 18 in history

1940 - The British occupied the Faroe Islands.
1941 - The first flight of the German Messerschmitt aircraft took place, which became the world's first production jet aircraft and the first jet aircraft to participate in combat operations.
1945 - End of the Ruhr Operation during World War II.
1947 - The A-4 (V-2) ballistic missile was launched in the USSR.
1949 - Ireland leaves the British Commonwealth and declares it a republic.
1955 - Albert Einstein, German theoretical physicist, author of the theory of relativity, laureate, died Nobel Prize in physics 1921.
1961 - A demonstration of believers against the closure of St. Andrew's Church took place in Kyiv.
1988 - Military operation US Navy vs. Iran (“Praying Mantis”)
2001 - M. Gorbachev receives another award from the United States “For Global Understanding” in the amount of $10 thousand in gratitude for the collapse of the USSR.
2002 - Thor Heyerdahl (b. 1914), the famous Norwegian traveler, died.

In 1242 (April 5, old style), the famous Battle of the Ice took place - a battle in which Alexander Nevsky defeated the knights of the Livonian Order on the ice of Lake Peipsi. This is how the chronicler told about it: “...And there was an evil and great slaughter for the Germans and the Chud, and the crack of breaking spears and the sound of blows from swords was heard, so that the ice on the frozen lake broke, and the ice was not visible, because it covered in blood..."

Historians agree that the decisive factor in the victory of Russian weapons was military art 22-year-old Prince Nevsky. The “Battle of the Ice” was the first time that heavy knightly cavalry was defeated in a field battle by an army that consisted mostly of infantry. The new battle formation of the Russian troops, invented by Alexander Nevsky, turned out to be flexible, as a result of which it was possible to encircle the enemy, whose battle formation was a sedentary mass. The infantry successfully interacted with the cavalry.

In 1796, Austrian engineer and entrepreneur Franz Anton Gerstner was born.

“There is no country in the world where railways would be more profitable and even necessary than in Russia,” he wrote in his travel notes. In 1834, at the invitation of the Mining Department, Gerstner arrived in Russia to build the country's first railway - the cast iron railway, as it was then called. And three years later the first train passed along the route “St. Petersburg - Tsarskoe Selo”. “St. Petersburg Gazette” wrote: “Sixty versts per hour; scary to think... Meanwhile, you sit quietly and do not notice this speed, terrifying the imagination..."

In 1882, the famous American conductor and public favorite Leopold Stokowski was born.

He shocked the audience with the latest complex compositions, regrouped the orchestra members on the stage and even used lighting effects. He was also Walt Disney's main collaborator in the development of the Fantasound panoramic sound recording technology, first used in the 1940 animated film Fantasia.

The entire flight consisted of two stations. The first bus had neither its own number nor a specific schedule. And regular bus service in Moscow opened only two years later - in August 1924. 8 Leyland buses purchased in England ran along the route: Kalanchevskaya Square - Belorussky Station. But travel by bus was more expensive than a tram, so Muscovites still preferred the tram.

Jazz was called no matter what they called it in Soviet Russia, no matter what unflattering epithets they gave it. At one time, there were uncompromising slogans like: “Today you play jazz, and tomorrow you will sell your homeland!” Compared to such statements, the contemptuous definition of jazz as “the music of the fat”, given by Maxim Gorky on the pages of the newspaper Pravda on April 18, 1928, looks paternally affectionate.

At the end of the reading, I recommend listening to an instrumental composition performed by the famous jazzman - saxophonist Grover Washington, whose music has been enjoyed not only by wealthy fat people for many years.

On April 18, 1930, the writer Mikhail Bulgakov was in the most foul mood. And there was a reason! He was excommunicated from the theater, all plays were banned... And what, one wonders, to live on?

And suddenly a bell rang in the writer’s apartment. Comrade Stalin himself called. The leader asked whether Bulgakov really wanted to go abroad. The writer replied that he would not want to leave his homeland. “This is good,” said Stalin. – And where do you want to work? At the Art Theater? Submit your application. I think they will agree." And already in May Bulgakov became the director of the Art Theater. Joseph Vissarionovich liked from time to time to call some famous person, knowing that within an hour the whole country would know about it. In addition, the name of Bulgakov was well known to Stalin: they say that he watched his play “Days of the Turbins” at the Moscow Art Theater almost 30 times.

In 1937, People's Artist of Russia Svetlana Nemolyaeva was born.

She considers the main role of her life to be Blanche Dubois in the play “A Streetcar Named Desire,” but many also remember her roles in films, for example, in Eldar Ryazanov’s film “Office Romance.” Nemolyaeva’s heroine, Olya Ryzhova, was empathized with by all the women in the country...

Albert Einstein passed away in 1955.

The brilliant physicist, the author of the theory of relativity, did not want a grave, a monument, or a public funeral procession... His ashes were scattered to the wind. On the bedside table in the hospital there were sheets of unfinished article. The last phrase written in his hand: “Political passions playing out everywhere require their victims.” The great scientist foresaw everything. He also melancholy stated that “it is much more difficult to split a prejudice than an atom.”

American guitarist, composer and arranger Vinnie Moore was born in 1964.

He became interested in guitar in early childhood and by the age of 16 had played in several dozen hard rock bands. However, the talented musician's star rose only after he was noticed by the famous Mike Warney, founder of the recording company Shrapnel Records.

It’s not for nothing that Mike Warney is called “the director of the guitar virtuoso factory.” Among his students were Yngwie Malmsteen, Tony McAlpin, Marty Friedman and many other masters whose work is now admired by the whole world. Vinie Moore, whose debut album was released in 1987, also took a worthy place in this row. Since then, he has been working with equal success both solo and in conjunction with other musicians and groups. For example, in 1991, the result of his collaboration with Alice Cooper was the magnificent disc “Hey Stupid”.

In 1980, Southern Rhodesia acquired a new name - Zimbabwe. What is this African power with its elaborate colorful flag famous for? Very, very many. Suffice it to say that she is the owner of the famous Victoria Falls, the mistress of the Kariba lake surface, where black rhinoceroses live, and finally, the keeper of the stormy waters of the Zambezi River and the Limpopo, familiar from childhood, where it is better not to go for a walk.

Moscow in those days of 1980 was preoccupied with preparations for the Olympics, but did not forget to issue a stamp in honor of the independence of the Republic of Zimbabwe.

Attack at a Bashkir school, disputes at the OPCW over Novichok, and forced labor for launching paper airplanes

In Bashkiria, a 17-year-old student of a correctional class at school No. 1 in the city of Sterlitamak injured himself during a computer science lesson with a classmate and teacher, then spilled gasoline and... As a result, four people were injured, including the attacker himself, a teacher and a girl who, frightened, jumped out of the window. The teenager is now in the hospital, a decision has been made. To a young man will have to undergo a psychiatric examination.

The Investigative Committee reported on the long-standing shopping center "Winter Cherry" from the prosecutor's office. The prosecutor of the city of Kemerovo and his assistant have already been questioned about this. According to them, in their actions they were guided by the explanations of their superiors.

Lawyers will ask the Prosecutor General's Office and the ECHR to take action from Roskomnadzor, because of whose attempts to block Telegram other companies suffered. As of Wednesday evening, the department was unable to block the messenger itself.

The Russian Embassy in Washington received a letter from the administration of US President Donald Trump stating that Washington would introduce new sanctions against Moscow.

Russia's permanent representative to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), Alexander Shulgin, called Yulia Skripal a hostage of the British authorities and about US patents for substances like Novichok. In turn, the head of the OPCW, Ahmet Üzümcü, said that in the samples taken by the organization’s experts in Salisbury, chemical substance BZ, which Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov spoke about last week.

The British broadcasting regulator (Ofcom) reported regarding the Russia Today TV channel. The claims relate to programs that were released after the poisoning of Sergei Skripal and his daughter in Salisbury.

Pussy Riot group member Maria Alyokhina received mandatory labor for organizing a protest against the blocking of Telegram near the FSB building in Moscow, during which protesters launched paper airplanes.

In the USA, a Southwest Airlines plane is in the air. The Boeing managed to land at the Florida airport. As a result of the emergency, one person died and seven more were injured. This is the first death on board a US airline passenger aircraft since 2009.

Olympic champion, hockey player Vyacheslav Voinov - the same one who was convicted in the USA several years ago for beating his wife - decided to try

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