Large library of fiction. Fantasy: the best books in the genre. Types of fantastic literature

What could be better than good science fiction? This genre remains consistently popular among both young and older people. The near and vast future, unknown worlds allow a person to forget the realities of reality and plunge into the dreamy-romantic world of the unknown. Outstanding works by Bradbury, Asimov, Clarke, Sheckley, Simak and other “pillars” of the genre can be found on the Online Books website. Now you can read science fiction without registration from your phone or tablet anywhere and at a convenient time.

Violating the boundaries of reality: reading science fiction online

This genre contains an element of something extraordinary; it allows for a violation of the world we are all familiar with. Modern science fiction consists of many subgenres:

  1. Magic realism.
  2. Horror (horror).
  3. Scientific.
  4. Utopia.
  5. Dystopia.
  6. Fantasy and many others.

Perhaps the most popular subgenre of fiction read online is science fiction. It began to develop at the beginning of the 20th century with the release of H.G. Wells’ novels “The Time Machine,” “War of the Worlds,” and “The Invisible Man.” At that time, science fiction tried to anticipate the development of scientific thought, especially the development of science and technology, and space exploration. Often the heroes of works are transported to the future and deal with advanced technologies, inventions and unknown phenomena. The Soviet school of science fiction writers is represented by world-famous writers - Mikhail Bulgakov, Alexander Belyaev, Alexey Tolstoy, Vladimir Obruchev.

The world of wizards, knights and dragons: read fantasy online for free

Fantasy is a subgenre of science fiction that emerged at the beginning of the 20th century. It is based on fairy-tale and mythological motifs. Unlike classic science fiction, the new worlds imagined are inhabited by characters who are quite similar to people. Another difference is that fantasy does not aim to explain the world in scientific terms. Often the existence of this world is not specified by the author at all. Unlike a fairy tale, miracles are described by the genre as something natural, for example, as the laws of nature.

At its core, fantasy is a historical adventure novel, all the events in which take place in a fictional world that is very similar to the Middle Ages. To a large extent, this is a continuation of Chinese, Japanese and Korean epics, novels and stories with a large share of the supernatural component. Novels about knights also had an influence on the development of the genre.

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien made a great contribution to the development of the movement. Along with him, the leading writers of the genre are Zelazny, Perumov, Farmer. The first works of the genre, according to critics, are.

Author: Ekaterina Elizarova Year of writing: 2019 The main character is an ordinary girl who, unexpectedly for everyone, enters a closed elite college. And only then does she realize that the elite college is just a cover for a closed school of magic. After all, in real time it is generally accepted that magic does not exist. It is upon coming here that the heroine understands that hidden abilities lie dormant within her, which should not only be discovered, but also learned to work with them. But the students of this school are not at all nice and nice guys, but rather serious and even hostile. The heroine will have to gradually discover her abilities. Use your inner light to fight the demons that are trying to find and subdue. The heroine will have to learn to protect her family and her love in the same way.

Author: James Rollins Original title: The 7th Plague Other titles: The Seventh Plague Series: Sigma Squad #13 Year of writing: 2016 The action of this novel takes us to the Sudanese desert, where a British Museum professor, Harold McCabe, was discovered. Two years ago he led an expedition that disappeared. The mystery of the missing expedition was still considered a mystery, and now the discovered leader resembled more of a mummy who was barely alive. Unfortunately, the professor died on the way to the hospital. Driven by a desire to find out the secret of Harold's death, the doctors perform an autopsy, during which the professor's brain suddenly glows. After this unique event, the team of doctors present suddenly fell ill. This outbreak of the epidemic prompted the Sigma team, led by Director Painter Crowe, to investigate.

Author: Serge Winterkey Series: Legend of the Nubyatnik # 2 Year of writing: 2019 And again we have before us the adventures of Troy, who died in real life and found myself in a virtual game world. Starting from low levels, Troy begins to develop strategies and strives to become the best players. But there are quite a lot of obstacles on his way, which players build more high levels. And the great clan of agriculturists became interested in the low-level player. Will Troy be able to succeed and survive the game? In the book, the reader will go with the hero through dungeons, hiding from the ghost king, engage in battles with agras and come face to face with magicians. It is here that the hero will meet love and will try to save her from the warlike clan.

Author: Serge Winterkey Series: Legend of the Nubyatnik # 3 Year of writing: 2019 Another novel in which main character Troy rises through the levels and tries to get to the top of the players. Looking for effective ways he sets out on the warpath with the Agras from the Black Falcon clan. But those who push Troy out of their way kill his girlfriend. Now revenge becomes main goal hero. But his opponents are numerous and quite high in level. And Troy must have a strategy to win the game. In addition to revenge, one should gather allies against the Black Falcon clan in a short period of time. Should those who take his side explain the reasons for their hatred of this clan? What effective strategy should you come up with to defeat and destroy the hated clan?

Author: Sergey Lukyanenko Series: Kvazi # 2 Year of writing: 2018 Continuation of the series of novels about the coexistence of people and a new race - Kvazi. When a person dies and a completely different form of life is born, when it develops it becomes completely harmless to people. But the department that catches zombies and hands them over to the quasi is faced with another form, more aggressive quasi. What was the impetus for their branch from the main branch of development? Who is behind all these creatures? In the novel we follow how humanity, having just adapted to a new existence, is again drawn into the struggle for survival. This is a world in which you can only trust yourself. This is a world in which everyone sets their own priorities.

Author: Sergey Lukyanenko Other titles: Kvazi Cycle: Kvazi # 1 Year of writing: 2016 In this novel we have before us new world, in which people exist with quasi. There are also zombies that are captured and given to another life form that acquires the skills of their former selves when they were alive. This world is cruel enough. After all, people not only need to coexist with inanimate intelligent beings, but also constantly fear zombies. Denis works in a department that catches zombies and transfers quasi. They, in turn, help the zombies to be reborn in order to be able to live among people. Denis’s partner becomes Mikhail Ivanovich, who turns out to be a quasi for whom our hero feels, to put it mildly, hostility. Why are his feelings so strong? What brought him to the zombie department?

Author: Naomi Novik Original title: Spinning Silver Year of writing: 2018 An interesting plot unites the fates of three girls who are in danger. They especially begin to resist fate when a threat looms over their loved ones. Cold and hunger are coming to the mysterious country of Lithuania due to the prolonged winter. And an unexpected misfortune knocked on the family of each of the girls, who were not connected by anything. Now everyone has to make their choice. How will the fates of heroines who have never crossed paths in the past become intertwined? The King of the Zimoyars threatens Miryem and her family. What does a girl need to do to avert trouble? Why does Irina need to marry an all-consuming fire demon? And what will happen if she refuses him? And Wanda is drawn into a cruel game in which her own father wants to destroy her. The plot gradually begins to intrigue and the reader is already drawn into the cycle of events of this interesting novel.

Author: Alena Fedotovskaya Series: Academy of Magic Secrets # 2 Year of writing: 2018 And again the reader meets the beautiful nayans - Lexa and Sana. The eldest princess studied at the Academy of Magic Secrets and was one of those who helped get rid of the werewolf. But in order to get out of a sticky situation, she had to marry a prince. And now she wants one thing - a divorce. But is the husband ready to give up the princess? Yes, and there have been changes at the Academy. Now the new rector established new, stricter rules and Alexia was denied training at the Academy of Magic Secrets. But using her position as the wife of Prince Darren, Lexa decided to complete her studies. What other secrets will the heroine discover in herself?

Author: Alena Fedotovskaya Series: Academy of Magic Secrets # 3 Year of writing: 2019 The world of magic and sorcery opens up before us. Now the reader meets Alyana, a princess who is a metamorph and therefore can use a variety of elements. They predict life in the palace and marriage for the princess, but she wants to enter the Academy of Magic Secrets. And it doesn’t matter how she does it and who she pretends to be, the main thing is to walk and learn to use her abilities correctly. But unexpectedly for the princess, the person she would least like to meet comes to the Academy. Will she be able to keep her identity a secret and not reveal herself? Will she be able to enter the Academy as she expected?

Author: Vadim Panov Cycle: Secret City # 32 Year of writing: 2018 We have a continuation of the series about the Secret City. The book continues to talk about the life of the great Navi and its inhabitants. The first prince of the great Navi, Yargi, returned to power, which cost him quite a lot of strength and minions, and his supporters captured the Green House. It is Yargi who wants to leave Santiago without allies by capturing his supporters. Now the prince's gaze shifted to the Order. Also in the Secret City there is a magician whose power is incommensurate with the others. No one knows his origin, his plans and his purpose. He brutally kills the Navs, thereby bringing fear and uncertainty to the Secret City. So the Red Menace is approaching the Secret City.

Author: Victoria Svobodina Year of writing: 2018 The main character, whom the reader meets, not only grew up in a wealthy family, but is also very beautiful in appearance. She is constantly pampered and cherished, as she is predicted to be the bride of a wealthy groom. And they think that there is no need for her to study, since if all the work is not done by the servants, then she has nothing else to wish for. But behind the appearance of a charming blue-eyed blonde hides a strong personality with magical abilities, thanks to which she entered the academy. How can the heroine take her place? How to prove that she is not only beautiful, but also talented? And if the academy also doesn’t take her seriously because of her appearance, what should the heroine do to take her rightful place?

Author: Deborah Harkness Series: All Souls #1 Year of writing: 2013 The first novel in this series introduces us to the main character, Diana, who is a famous historian from Oxford and one of the few specialists in ancient manuscripts. And also... she comes from a family of witches. But the gift passed down from generation to generation does not interest the heroine and she refuses it. And yet she will have to remember her abilities when she receives a mysterious manuscript dedicated to occult sciences, which looks like a hunt is underway. What does this mysterious manuscript contain? And who is trying to get the manuscript by intimidating Diana and trying to bend her to his will? Perhaps the answer can be found in this manuscript, which will have to be deciphered.

What could be better than good science fiction? This genre remains consistently popular among both young and older people. The near and vast future, unknown worlds allow a person to forget the realities of reality and plunge into the dreamy-romantic world of the unknown. Outstanding works by Bradbury, Asimov, Clarke, Sheckley, Simak and other “pillars” of the genre can be found on the Online Books website. Now you can read science fiction without registration from your phone or tablet anywhere and at a convenient time.

Violating the boundaries of reality: reading science fiction online

This genre contains an element of something extraordinary; it allows for a violation of the world we are all familiar with. Modern science fiction consists of many subgenres:

  1. Magic realism.
  2. Horror (horror).
  3. Scientific.
  4. Utopia.
  5. Dystopia.
  6. Fantasy and many others.

Perhaps the most popular subgenre of fiction read online is science fiction. It began to develop at the beginning of the 20th century with the release of H.G. Wells’ novels “The Time Machine,” “War of the Worlds,” and “The Invisible Man.” At that time, science fiction tried to anticipate the development of scientific thought, especially the development of science and technology, and space exploration. Often the heroes of works are transported to the future and deal with advanced technologies, inventions and unknown phenomena. The Soviet school of science fiction writers is represented by world-famous writers - Mikhail Bulgakov, Alexander Belyaev, Alexey Tolstoy, Vladimir Obruchev.

The world of wizards, knights and dragons: read fantasy online for free

Fantasy is a subgenre of science fiction that emerged at the beginning of the 20th century. It is based on fairy-tale and mythological motifs. Unlike classic science fiction, the new worlds imagined are inhabited by characters who are quite similar to people. Another difference is that fantasy does not aim to explain the world in scientific terms. Often the existence of this world is not specified by the author at all. Unlike a fairy tale, miracles are described by the genre as something natural, for example, as the laws of nature.

At its core, fantasy is a historical adventure novel, all the events in which take place in a fictional world that is very similar to the Middle Ages. To a large extent, this is a continuation of Chinese, Japanese and Korean epics, novels and stories with a large share of the supernatural component. Novels about knights also had an influence on the development of the genre.

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien made a great contribution to the development of the movement. Along with him, the leading writers of the genre are Zelazny, Perumov, Farmer. The first works of the genre, according to critics, are.

Fantasy can easily be called one of the main genres that appeals to adults, youth and teenagers. Incredible magical worlds, magical spells, confused people with incredible inner strength, amazing creatures and bright adventures are contained in almost every book in this direction. The stories themselves are not based on any scientific assumptions; they are completely invented by the author, who allows himself to translate the most unimaginable ideas and plans into literary reality. The writer understands that with proper implementation, his creations will be able to conquer many readers and turn into a real bestseller.

In addition to the fantasy world and exciting adventures, many writers focus on the love story of the heroes. Moreover, in in this case Intergalactic and interspecies relationships are possible, and the characters themselves will face obstacles that you probably won’t find in modern or historical romance novels. Some books are designed specifically for a female audience, so familiarity with fantasy reality itself fades into the background, giving way to tender and touching feelings. Others are intended for a more serious reader who will be interested not only in the creation of the universe itself, but will also become an active participant in the struggle for power or for life. Unlike science fiction, fantasy books do not aim to explain surrounding events using proven facts as a basis. Here the characters use magic and quite often are not devoid of humor, so enjoying such creations becomes much more pleasant, because they lift your spirits and allow you to get rid of the baggage of negative emotions.

New releases in the world of fantasy immediately arouse interest among fans of the genre, so you can find electronic versions of works in fb2 and txt formats almost immediately after the publications appear on bookstore shelves. New novels are presented on special websites, both by Russian and foreign writers. It is worth noting that domestic writers today surprise with their approach to writing. Their storylines, bright turns of events and humorous narratives become a real reason for pride in Russian fantasy, because some authors are known all over the world.

Much good is the fact that for maximum enjoyment best stories of the above genre, it is not necessary to spend money on purchasing a paper copy in a store. You can simply use an Android or iOS device and read online or download for free without registration exactly the book that has a promising description. Since files in fb2, txt, epub, pdf and rtf formats are available for download, there should be no problems with correct opening. Thanks to the existence of such devices, everyone has the opportunity, at a time and place convenient for themselves, to begin reading fantasy, which will be able to transport a person to another reality, filled with incredible characters and amazing events.

Read fiction online on the literary platform Litnet you can work around the clock. The fantasy genre is probably the most diverse of all literary trends. The most famous works of world literature were created in this genre.

Features of books in the genre 2019

On the pages of science fiction novels, combatants converge in brutal battles spaceships, are raging star Wars, brave pioneers are looking for a way to new planets or, and star pirates are robbing galactic caravans. All this is fantasy, which you can read online for free or buy an e-book in the fantasy genre. Time travel and robots alternative history, and are waiting for you on the pages of novels and stories, which are convenient to open in the reader of our platform. Or maybe you want to download free books of the fantasy genre? Of course, this function is also available for those who like to read online.

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