Budgetary economic universities. The best economic universities in the world. Top economic universities in Russia by region

Financial specialists are in demand in the labor market, especially if the talent and professionalism of the applicant for the position is supported by a diploma from a well-known university. How to choose an alma mater?

Every year countries recruit applicants who will be given a start in life. Any of the large educational institutions is advertised as necessary, featured in the media, and invited to days open doors.

If you decide to connect your life with economics and finance, it is worth attending these events, meeting students of your chosen faculty or talking with alumni. But you shouldn’t forget about independent assessment of the quality of education; it will help weed out unrealistic or unnecessary options.

When choosing a university, rely on your own feelings after the open day and objective ratings

What ratings will help a graduate decide?

We propose to rely on two popular independent rankings, which every year compare Russian universities in many respects and offer their lists of the best of the best.

This rating is based on an assessment of the quality of education, which includes not only the research base and the demand for graduates in the labor market. The authors of the rating also study the conditions for obtaining education, the level of teaching, popularity among applicants, the possibility of international training or cooperation, and the availability of additional resources at the university.

  • Superjob for students

This rating will help you adjust salary expectations and understand approximately what salaries you can expect after receiving your diploma. Every year, Superjob resource specialists compare educational institutions based on the success of graduates, also taking into account the opportunity to stay in the city in which the graduate received his education.

Based on the latest rankings, we present to you the best economic universities in the country that are already waiting for their future students. Perhaps today you will decide on the educational institution that will be the first step in your successful career.

That feeling when you entered your chosen university at the Faculty of Finance

Top best economic universities in the country

Specializes in training senior management personnel for government controlled and big business. Graduates will be in demand in federal and regional departments, since the university practically fulfills government orders.

There are both budget and commercial places. Competition for economic faculties - 14 people per place, for management - 17 (the article provides data on the competition for places in Russian universities for 2017).

The largest specialized educational institution in the field of economic education. The target orientation of the university is training specialists for international and Russian government agencies, as well as large corporations. The best students are given the opportunity to study for free for a semester at well-known universities in the USA or Europe. At your request, for example, it could be Harvard or the University of Chicago.

Competition - 11 people per place, there are budget and commercial places.

As the name suggests, the target orientation of this university is training specialists for foreign companies or Russian organizations that have extensive work experience around the world.

Competition - more than 15 people per place, subject to availability of budget and commercial places. At the same time, MGIMO graduates easily find employment in diplomatic missions, the international economic committee, the largest companies and international corporations.

The focus of the university is to train competent economists who will be in demand not only in most Russian companies, but also in government agencies.

Competition - 9 people per place, for budget and commerce. The university helps its graduates find employment - more than 97% find work in the first year after graduation.

The university has 7 faculties that provide education in the field of finance and economics. The target area is competent specialists for large organizations, as well as government agencies.

Competition for budget and commerce - 34 people per place. Almost every graduate is guaranteed employment if he puts a little effort into finding a decent job.

The focus of the university is the training of analysts and managers in the field of economics, who receive professional and language practice while studying at the university.

Oldest State University countries closely interact with educational institutions abroad. This gives students the opportunity to practice not only in Russian economic reality, but also to gain additional knowledge in Europe and the USA. Competition: 14 people per place, subject to availability of both commercial and budget places.

The target orientation of the economic faculties of the university involves working in the Ministry of Economic Development, largest banks, foreign companies.

Already in the third or fourth year, graduates have the opportunity to undergo an internship at an international company or take part in an interesting large project. Competition for economic specialties - 7 people per place, for management - 5 people per place.

Top economic universities in Russia by region

The main university in Siberia trains economists who are in demand not only in the region, but also in Moscow and abroad.

The competition is 17 people per place, and for specialties related to management - 35. Graduated specialists from this university are successfully employed in the first year after graduation.

The university specializes in training economists who are also well versed in modern technologies and innovation.

Competition - 12 people per place, budget and commerce. Employment of graduates is more than 92%.

It trains specialists in the field of general economics and economic security, who quickly find employment in the region, and the best find work in Moscow and abroad.

Competition - 45 people per budget place.

Specializes in creating a competent economic backbone for government agencies and organizations in the region. But university graduates are also successfully employed in large Russian companies in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The university prepares competent and in-demand specialists for the region, and also gives a start in life to those who want to work in the largest Russian companies.

Analyzing this information, you can understand that anyone can become a good economist, because high-quality financial education in our country is developed and offers excellent conditions. All that remains is to figure out which university will suit you in all respects.

The country's most rated universities in numbers

Average expected graduate salary

Passing score

Average Unified State Examination score

Cost of education

Russian Academy National economy And civil service under the President of the Russian Federation

From 300,000 per year

National research university"High School of Economics"

From 370,000, there are discounts for academic performance

Moscow state institute international relations(university) Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation

From 310,000 per year

Russian the University of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov

From 230,000 per year. There are discounts for academic performance

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

From 247,000 per year

St. Petersburg State University

From 248,000 per year

Novosibirsk National Research State University

From 130,000 per year

Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University

From 121,000 per year

Perm State National Research University

From 111,000 per year

National Research Nizhny Novgorod State University named after N. I. Lobachevsky

From 110,000 per year

Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin

From 123,000 per year

When choosing an economics university, consider not only your capabilities, but also your prospects. If the educational institution is in demand and provides a good education, then from the 4th-5th year you will be able to combine study and part-time work (permanent work in the evenings), gaining experience and easing your financial situation.

There are a huge number of economic universities in Russia. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, which can only be assessed by experts on this issue. Thus, the Finance magazine compiled its own rating of financial higher educational institutions, objectively assessing the level of training of teaching staff, the level of knowledge of students, the quality of teaching and many other factors that are significant in obtaining an education.

The top ten, according to the Finance rating, includes the following Russian universities. First place went to the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, founded in 1919 and located in Moscow. Students of the rating winner have the opportunity to obtain several economic specialties. The institute has the department of crisis management, accounting, public administration, management, economics, law, finance and credit, taxes and taxation, as well as the department of world economy. The average cost of studying at this university is 200-249 thousand rubles.

In second place is Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov. This university was founded several centuries ago - in 1755. They study here in various areas, including economic ones, such as crisis management, national economics. Studying at the institute will cost relatively less: 126-280 thousand rubles, depending on the chosen specialty. Graduates of Moscow State University are government officials: Bayar Sanzhiin - Prime Minister of Mongolia, Yasin Evgeniy Grigorievich - Minister of Economy of Russia from 1994 to 1997, Kuznetsov Mikhail Varfolomeevich, former governor of the Pskov region from 2004 to 2009, Gaidar Egor Timurovich - Minister of Economy and Finance RSFSR (in 1991-1992), Minister of Finance of Russia (in 1992).

A university located in the northern capital of Russia - St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance, founded in 1930, was also in the top five. He took an honorable third place. Students are invited to the faculties: “accounting, analysis and audit”, “commerce”, “marketing”, “mathematical methods in economics”, “management”, “national economics”, etc. Tuition fees on average range from 85 thousand rubles.

In fourth place is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia (founded in 1944), where you can study the intricacies of state and municipal administration, commerce, and study in the areas of “Finance and Credit”, “Economics”, although the university itself is considered a humanitarian one. Tuition fees range from 125-294 thousand rubles, depending on the chosen profession.

State University of Management (founded 1919, address - Moscow) is in fifth place in the ranking system. The cost of training varies from 120 to 210 thousand rubles, and specialists are trained here in the following economic areas: “anti-crisis management”, “accounting”, “management”, “ world economy", "Finance and Credit".

Russian Economic University named after. G.V. Plekhanov, located in Moscow, is one of the best economic universities in the country. To take a course there, you need to pay from 180 to 230 thousand rubles. Students are offered to study: accounting, commerce, marketing, mathematical methods in economics, management, world economy, taxes and taxation, finance and credit, etc.

St. Petersburg State University. This university is not economically oriented, but is considered one of the best that provides education in the field of economics. Accounting, marketing, mathematics, management, finance and credit are not all the specialties that can be acquired here. In this case, you need to pay from 52 to 330 thousand rubles, depending on what profession the future student chooses for himself.

The Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation provides the opportunity to study professional intricacies in the areas of business informatics, commerce, marketing, management, national economics, finance and credit, etc. The cost of training is 120-282 thousand rubles.

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. Patrice Lumumba is also in the capital of Russia. Here, the excellent teaching staff will offer their knowledge to students in the following areas: government and municipal government, commerce, marketing, management, global, national economics, economics and enterprise management, as well as other non-financial areas. Studying for students at RUDN University will cost from 36,000 to 302,000 rubles, depending on what specialty they choose for themselves.

State University - Higher School of Economics - is a capital university, where education is considered prestigious. It can offer its students the study of business informatics, accounting, analysis and auditing, state and municipal administration, management and marketing, mathematical methods in economics, world economics, finance and credit, economics, economics and enterprise management. Training will cost from 97 thousand rubles to 313,000.

This applies to popular capital and St. Petersburg higher educational institutions. But in other Russian cities there are no less good universities that deserve attention.

For example, in Yekaterinburg the best universities are considered to be:

Ural Federal University named after. the first president of Russia Yeltsin. Payment is in the range of 43-85 thousand rubles, which is much cheaper than in the capital. And they train here in the following areas: crisis management, accounting, analysis and audit, state and municipal administration, commerce, management and marketing, world economy, etc.

Ural State Economic University, where they teach disciplines such as accounting, analysis and audit, commerce, marketing and management, finance and credit, economics, etc. The cost of training is also not too high: from 50 to 85,000 rubles. Among the graduates of this university are famous people: Deputy Head of Yekaterinburg V.V. Konteev, Minister of Trade, Food and Services of the Sverdlovsk Region - V.P. Soloviev, Deputy General Director of Gazprom Transgaz Ekaterinburg LLC - V.A. Semenov, General Director of NPO Spetsneftegaz CJSC - V.A. Kanaykin and many others.

Comparing the most popular and rated universities in Russia, we can say that the most prestigious are the universities in Moscow, but the quality of education in universities in other cities is often no worse, and the pay is much lower.

Victoria Vdovichenko

Rostov-on-Don means no less than Yekaterinburg for the economy of our country. Historically, many trade routes connect here. Goods from Central Russia, the Black Earth Region, Transcaucasia and Ukraine flock here. This is the largest trading city in the south of the country, and good economists are worth their weight in gold here. They are trained at RGEU, better known as RINKh (Rostov Institute of National Economy), which has produced many talented economists over the years of its existence.

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Cost of education ( Full-time): from 75,000 to 85,000 rubles per year


SSEU held its first intake of students in the 30s of the last century - these were times that became significant for the economy Soviet Union. The country then lived under the auspices of the Five-Year Plans, and during this period many enterprises were created, most of which were located in modern territory Samara region. This was a real flourishing of the region’s economy, and this is largely the merit of SSEU graduates. The university confidently holds its position today, graduating the best personnel from enterprises and companies in the Volga region - the number of graduates of SSEU by this time amounted to more than 90 thousand.

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Tuition fee (full-time): from 52,000 to 91,000 rubles per year


NES is one of the few non-state universities in Russia, which quickly became a topic of conversation in the global scientific community. Since its foundation, honored professors of economic sciences with a Ph.D degree (an academic degree awarded at universities in the USA and European countries) have been teaching here. The teaching staff is actively involved in scientific activity and often represents Russian science on international conferences, and the results of the most important research conducted by them within the School are published in international scientific journals.

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Tuition fee (full-time): up to 560,000 rubles per year


Despite the fact that SUM is considered a management university, the demand for economic specialties here is quite high. The fact is that for quite a long time the State University of Engineering (or more precisely, then it was called MIEI - Moscow Engineering and Economic Institute) was training economic personnel. Throughout its history, the university has repeatedly changed the main areas of study for its students (from economics to engineering, and, finally, management), but the level of training of economists has always remained consistently high. This is largely due to the teaching staff of the State University: out of 1.5 thousand teachers, more than 250 professors and doctors of science work here.

Tuition fee (full-time): from 140,000 to 250,000 rubles per year


HSE National Research University has 32,000 students, 4 campuses, 20 dormitories, 12 libraries, more than 200 educational programs higher education, about 7,000 teachers and more than 60 ratings in which this university took part and occupied high and leading positions. Studying here guarantees you real knowledge and employment, which has already been confirmed by more than 57,000 graduates. It’s worth going here for an economic education, if only because economic sciences the central place is given here - the story began with them scientific discoveries and HSE research. And for those who besides deep knowledge looking for a rich student life, this university can be a real find and give many pleasant memories of the period of study.

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Tuition fee (full-time): from 140,000 to 370,000 rubles per year


Mikhail Prokhorov, Dmitry Azarov, Vasily Titov, Alisher Usmanov, Mikhail Ershov, Elena Letuchaya - the list goes on and on. Among them are heads of major corporations, leading top managers, regional governors, prominent politicians, financiers, and bankers. This is one of the few educational institutions whose graduates find well-paid jobs in a short time, and students speak with gratitude about their teachers. Studying here, of course, may seem hard to you, but the result of the effort is definitely worth it.

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Tuition fee (full-time): from 280,000 to 423,000 rubles per year


In just five years of its existence, St. Petersburg State Economic University has already managed to appear in the lists of well-known ratings best universities: in 2014, the Expert RA agency singled it out among CIS universities, and in 2017, the British company QSQuacquarelliSymond identified it among the top 300 best universities developing countries Europe and Central Asia. The secret of this phenomenon is simple - St. Petersburg State Economic University was created by merging three universities in St. Petersburg (FINEK, INZHEKON, SPbGUSE), which had previously proven themselves to be leading economic educational institutions in Russia. Having taken the best from them, he appeared new university capable of competing at the international level - graduates of St. Petersburg State Economic University are known abroad.

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Tuition fee (full-time): from 130,000 to 180,000 rubles per year

It is no secret that economics specialties have always been in demand in the labor market, and at the moment there is no reason to assume that this demand will decrease. On the contrary, in modern world The ability to properly own and, most importantly, manage financial resources is gaining increasing importance. This applies to a greater extent to large companies that have a multi-million dollar turnover and, naturally, are always in search of competent specialists in the field of economics.

Features of the economy

If we talk about economics as a science in general, we must not forget that it is a very multifaceted system that simply cannot be studied completely, no matter how much time a person spends on it. However, in order to be a sought-after specialist, it is necessary not to memorize tons of information, but to be able to manage it correctly. This is the main reason that higher education in our time is a very important step in the life and professional development of any person.

Why is higher education needed?

By receiving a higher education, a person not only learns a lot of new things about the field in which he will work. First of all, he learns to get out on his own difficult situations and find solutions to problems that are directly related to practical activities. This is the main difference between higher education and school education.

If we talk about economics, it should be understood that the ability to apply acquired knowledge in practice is the main criterion for success in this matter. State (economic) ones can teach this. When choosing a university, you need to carefully analyze all the options in order to choose the most suitable one and get exactly the education that will be useful in the process of professional activity. This article describes in detail the best economic universities in Moscow.

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

This financial institution is one of the leading universities in the country. It is rightfully included in the economic rankings, has a long history and over the entire period of its existence has produced a huge number of highly qualified specialists in various sectors of the economy.

The university was founded back in 1919, earlier than all other economic ones, and is still successfully operating. It is rightfully considered one of the oldest Russian universities.

In 2015-2016, the university was included in the list of the 200 best universities in the BRICS countries. In addition, there is a rating that determines how much graduates of a particular university are in demand among employers, and in this rating the financial institution takes 5th place.

This university is often called financial academy, which is also true. Speaking about the areas of training, it is worth noting that there is a very wide selection of different faculties that are in one way or another connected with economic specialties. Among them:

  • Risk analysis and economic security.
  • Public administration and financial control.
  • Management.
  • International economic relations.
  • Accounting and Auditing.

And other faculties.

The Financial Academy is legally located in Moscow, but there are a huge number of branches of this university throughout the country. The list of branches includes 18 cities, including Yaroslavl, Krasnodar, Vladimir and others.

Famous graduates

Among famous alumni There are such people in this university. How:

  • Mikhail Prokhorov - Russian politician, entrepreneur and billionaire, founder of the Civic Platform party.
  • Anton Siluanov - Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation.
  • Lev Kuznetsov is the Minister of the Russian Federation for North Caucasus Affairs.
  • Bella Zlatkis is the current Deputy Chairman of the Board of Sberbank.

As well as other famous politicians and entrepreneurs.

The university has the opportunity to obtain the most high level economic education MBA in 10 different programs. Not all economic universities in Moscow provide this opportunity.

The Financial Academy is one of the best economic universities not only in Moscow, but also in Russia as a whole.

National Research Institute “Higher School of Economics”

HSE National Research University has been one of the most prestigious institutions for many years and surpasses many economic universities in Moscow in terms of education. This university provides training in completely different specializations in almost all areas that are in one way or another related to business, be it organizational management or web design.

The institute is located in Moscow, but in addition to the main building there are also branches in St. Petersburg, Perm and Nizhny Novgorod.

HSE is a fairly young university, while other Moscow economic universities have much more experience behind them. The university was founded in 1992, and in such a short period of time it managed to become one of the leading ones in the country. This was largely facilitated by the fact that in 1996 the institute became state-owned; accordingly, the Ministry was directly involved in its development and financing economic development Russia.

The position of rector is occupied by Yaroslav Ivanovich Kuzminov, who, by the way, stood at the origins of the university. It is largely thanks to him that HSE has reached the level of development at which it is now.


A distinctive feature is her youth. According to the Times Higher Education rating, compiled by a fairly reputable rating agency, HSE is among the world's top 50 universities under 30 years old.

Among the partners of the National Research University Higher School of Economics there are more than a hundred universities around the world, which means that students have wide opportunities to study abroad in a variety of areas.

Naturally, the main direction is economics, and all faculties are connected with it in one way or another. This is why HSE National Research University is included in the list of “Best Economic Institutes in Moscow”. However, there are also faculties of law, design, fashion, physics and many other interesting areas.

The Higher School of Economics is rightfully considered one of the leading economic universities in the country, so it will be an excellent choice for those who plan to build their career in this area.

Moscow named after M.V. Lomonosov

When listing the best economic universities in Moscow, we must not forget about Moscow State University.

Probably every applicant knows this university, and almost everyone dreams of studying there. This is truly the best university in the country, which has a huge number of faculties and areas of training. Each year many specialists graduate in each field, and, naturally, MSU offers several faculties related to economics for applicants to choose from.

MSU occupies a leading position in the vast majority of Russian rankings. It is included in the rating of economic universities in Moscow, however, foreign agencies also appreciate the institute. Moscow State University appears in almost all world tops in a wide variety of specialties.

The requirements for applicants are quite high, but the result is worth it. The level of education at Moscow State University is very decent, and after graduation it will be easy for a student to find a job.


State universities in Moscow - economic, legal or technical - are always a guarantor of the quality of education. These were the 3 main universities in economic areas in Moscow. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, so the final choice should always be conscious and depend on the needs of a particular person. However, it is necessary to understand that these particular economic universities in Moscow are among the best in their field.

The ranking agency recently published a world ranking of universities, divided by region and subject studied. Economics is one of these subjects and interest in it is growing year by year. The ranking of universities from QS is based on the reputation of the university in academic circles and among employers, as well as the number of references to the work of a particular institute in published works on various scientific disciplines, V in this case economics and econometrics.

19. University of California, San Diego - a branch of the University of California at San Diego. The university was included in the ranking largely due to the score for links to scientific works (96.4 - one of the highest in this category)

By William Pereira & Associates, 1970Courtesy University of California, San Diego

18. University of Michigan - total points - 80.8. The University of Michigan is the alma mater of Nobel laureate and economist Robert Shiller, who received his bachelor's degree from the university in 1967

17. University College London UK - ranked 17th in the overall QS ranking, the UCL Faculty of Economics scored a large number of points in the category of references to scientific works. One of the most famous political economists and philosophers of the 19th century, John Stuart Mill is one of the university's most famous graduates.

15. Northwestern University - the university scored 96.1 points for citing works with a total score of 85.1. The most famous graduate economist is George Stigler, who was the driving force behind neoclassical economics at the Chicago school. In 1982 he received the Nobel Prize

Via Flickr

14. New York University - NYU may be as famous as its Manhattan rival Columbia, but it has produced its share of economic talent. Macroeconomist Thomas Sargent is one of the most recent Nobel laureates, having received the prize in 2011

Slaven Vlasic/Getty

11. - Cambridge was included in the list of the best universities in economics and econometrics mainly due to its reputation among employers (98.8 points). Famous Cambridge economists Joseph Stiglitz, Milton Friedman and John Maynard Keynes.

The Great Court, Trinity College, Cambridge University Wikipedia/CC 3.0

10. Columbia University - New York's top university has ties to seven Nobel laureates in economics, including Milton Friedman, whose ideas shaped much of late 20th century economic thought

Momos/Wikimedia Commons

9. Yale University - With an overall score of 88.1, Yale's reputation with employers is very high when it comes to economics, with the university scoring 99 out of 100 points in this category.

Yale University Francisco Anzola/Flickr

8. - Oxford has an excellent reputation in all areas and economics is no exception. Since 2015, the QS rankings have ranked Oxford as the second-best economics subject in Europe. 4 Oxford graduates and 5 academics received Nobel Prizes in economics alone.

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