What is a teacher required to do during an after-school period? After-school homework. Should there be a big change for lunch?

Second quarter is upon us academic year, and many parents are beginning to seriously worry about violations at school. Why do children learn English language whole class, not in groups? Why don't they do their homework during after school after school? And why are teachers always overloaded? The answers to many of these questions are in regulatory documents. The main ones are Federal Law on Education No. 83, SanPiN and the school charter. So that you don't have to wade through complex legal language, we have translated the main requirements into ordinary human language.

How many children can there be in a class?

The upper limit is specified in SanPiN - no more than 25 people. Anything more is a violation that threatens the school with serious trouble. Although it is clear that in those regions where there are a lot of people and there is a catastrophic shortage of schools, inspection authorities often turn a blind eye to this. However, the Ministry of Education and Science is already waging a major campaign to build new schools in such places.

How many students should there be in language groups?

What about separate groups for study? foreign languages and other subjects (the same physical education or technology), the standards do not really say anything. More precisely, there is a provision that a class can be divided into two groups if there are 25 people in it and the school has money for a second teacher.

At the same time, methodologists say that language learning is most effective in groups of 12-15 people. In large groups, the teacher simply technically will not have time to check everyone. So it turns out that 11-year-old children are learning English, but they can’t put two words together.

There is only one way out in such a situation - to gather parents from the whole class and go to the director to ask for a second teacher.

Can a teacher work two jobs?

If a teacher plows like a cornered horse, then breakdowns in children cannot be avoided. Alas, at school it is not uncommon for teachers to shout at students, they can make them laugh in front of the class, or even hit them. All these are symptoms of emotional burnout, which is associated with excessive workload at school, often multiplied by personal stress at work and at home.

According to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 1601, the working week of a teacher at the rate is 36 astronomical hours. Half of them, 18 hours a week, are teaching. And the rest is preparation for lessons, checking notebooks, creative and scientific work with students, monitoring and diagnostics. That is, with a five-day working week, a teacher should not have more than 3-4 lessons daily.

Another thing is that salaries in schools leave much to be desired, and many teachers are forced to work at half the rate. For example, they take clubs and electives. And this already amounts to 27 hours of teaching per week, that is, 5-6 lessons every day.

If a teacher teaches 7 lessons a day, this is a clear violation. With this, you also need to go to the director and ask to hire additional teachers. If the director is against it, you can go further - write to the Department of Education.

But you can no longer work at two rates - this is prohibited by the Labor Code. Moreover, regardless of whether the teacher works in the same school or in different ones. In practice, informal agreements with directors may be different, but two rates are already a reason to go to court or the prosecutor's office. Because a salary is a salary, but a teacher who is squeezed like lemon will not teach children anything good.

Should there be a big change for lunch?

SanPiN says that at school there must be a long break of 20-30 minutes after 2 or 3 lessons. Or better yet, two such changes. If this is not the case at your school, and children are forced to choke on rolls in 10 minutes, this is a reason to complain to the director and Rospotrebnadzor.

If desired, the school can organize a longer break for a full lunch. The rules do not prohibit this - the break can be at least 40 minutes, at least an hour. The decision on such a change is made by the school’s governing council, which includes teachers and parents. So if you want a long change, raise this issue at a general meeting.

Are teachers required to do homework with children during after school?

No, they are not required, even if the after-school program is paid. But they can, if agreed upon in advance. So in this matter everything is resolved through negotiations with the teacher.

The same SanPiN indicates only the optimal time for doing homework during after-school hours - this is 15:00-16:00 hours, when the child has rested a little after school and gets a second wind.

Is it possible to create an additional office in the hall?

The school must have a recreation area or a hall. Moreover, not with bare walls, so that children do not have to sit on window sills, but with armchairs or sofas. In older schools this is often a problem: there is simply not enough space.

According to current standards, the recreation area should be at least 0.6 square meters per student. But this does not apply to old buildings.

So if a child studies in an old school that does not meet the standards, all that remains is to accept it and wait for a major overhaul.

In some schools, there are not enough classrooms and utility rooms, so classrooms and storage rooms are sometimes built right in the middle of recreation areas and hallways. From an aesthetic point of view, this is, of course, not the most beautiful option. But if the total area still meets the standards (0.6 sq.m. per student), then this is quite acceptable.

Who said that the child is being bullied?? What exactly does this mean?? Why do you immediately suggest climbing the barricades and causing trouble??? Well, if you complain to RONO, an inspection will come, which in 99 cases out of 100 will not find any violations, because there are a huge number of different instructions and orders that seem ridiculous to you, but we work on them and, having frayed the nerves of the teacher, the members of the commission They will tell you that there are no violations on the part of the teacher. The check will go away, and your child will remain in the same class, with the same teacher. Teachers are people too and you need to have an iron will so that, realizing that he is right and he was pulled and tested in vain, he does not take it out on the child. And I have observed this more than once: a girl studied at 4 and 5, but she was a mathematician and her Russian score was a solid 4. In the 10th grade, my mother decided that her daughter should have a 5 in Russian, went to the teacher and demanded that she get a 5. The teacher explained that the child knows 4. The parent decided to take the simplest route - she complained to the education department. There were three commissions, they checked the work of the teacher, the administration, and arranged tests and checks in Russian (and for the entire class). Result: the commission confirmed that the child knows the subject at 4, that the teaching was conducted in accordance with the state. standard. The girl left school in the middle of the year, she was bullied by her classmates, who were fed up with tests and tests, and the teachers pretended that everyone didn’t notice. And this is not the only case. In our parallel, the child of a very scandalous mother is studying (however, she is still silent with us, apparently she hasn’t come up with something to make a row about) so they called us from former school and warned us what kind of child was coming towards us.

I want to say that you must be sure that the school has exhausted all means to resolve the conflict. Have you talked to your afterschool teacher about what worries you? You asked to pay attention to your child and give him more time while doing housework. assignments???
And yet, psychologists advise in such cases to play on your pride, go up to the teacher and say: “Could you please check how my girl did her homework assignment in afterschool, otherwise she doesn’t listen to me, but she talks about you at home with such delight ". Perhaps this will give a better result than all your complaints.

When choosing a school where a future first-grader is planned to study, busy parents may inquire about the availability and activities of a special service - an extended day group. Many children like to attend after-school activities, where they communicate with friends and spend time productively. The guys continue to go there throughout the entire period. primary school and not only because they are left without adult supervision in the afternoon.

Organizational aspects

1. Extended day group at school(GPA) is completed by the beginning of the school year from among students educational institution. Parents write an application asking to enroll their son (daughter) in after-school care. The document must indicate how the child will get home every day after the group closes (leave the school independently or be picked up by adults).
2. The number of students in the school is determined based on the territorial capabilities of the school and its capacity. Usually it is 25 people. The age of the children is mainly elementary school students.
3. A teacher with a professional works with children teacher education. He checks and helps with homework. The teacher maintains close contact with class teacher the student and his subject teachers. In order to, if necessary, report unforeseen circumstances that have occurred with the child. Clarify the nuances of completing homework, get advice. The GPD teacher is responsible for ensuring that the child observes safety regulations on the playground and in the dining room. Maintains necessary documentation and attendance control. The work takes into account age characteristics schoolchildren.
4. The activities of the GPD are provided for by law and are specified in regulations educational institution. At a meeting of the Governing Council and the school-wide parent committee of the school, current pressing issues are resolved (about the amount of additional payment for hot meals for children, exemption of certain categories of citizens from payment, organization of sleep for first-graders in the afternoon).

GPA daily routine

The school administration, in accordance with the recommendations of sanitary and hygienic services, establishes a daily routine for children attending the extended day group. The main regime points are:
- Meeting. The teacher gathers the children from the GPD after all lessons have ended.
- Lunch according to established standards.
— Walk for at least 2 hours.
— Self-preparation after 15 hours. For 1st grade students – 1 astronomical hour; 2-3 classes – 1.5 hours; 4-5 grades – 2 hours in total. The advantage of after-school classes is the child’s ability to take spontaneous breaks under the supervision of a teacher.
- Afternoon snack.
— Activities based on interests (modeling, applique, drawing, board games), visiting clubs additional education, sports sections.

Each family independently decides whether the child will attend the GPA: whether it is satisfied with the working conditions of the group, whether the student will be able to prepare lessons in a group, and not in a home environment. It wouldn’t hurt to listen to reviews from other parents whose children attended after-school care. By identifying the child and observing him, you can draw the right conclusions.

Good afternoon The situation is this: the child went to 1st grade and started going to after school this week. They started assigning homework from the second day. I know that first-graders are not supposed to have assignments for two weeks, but you won’t argue with the teacher. Our school is biased, they ask a lot. While I was on vacation, he and I did homework at home, which took about two hours. She inspired him to say that if you go to an after-school program, be sure to do your homework there so that the evening is free and you can go for a walk. If something is not clear, go to the teacher and ask. I picked him up yesterday, he did practically nothing. I wrote a couple of lines in the copybooks and that’s it, but they gave me four pages of copybooks alone, plus math and reading. I ask what’s the matter, why I didn’t do it. He says I'm playing too hard. The teacher told them that whoever wants to sit down and do their homework, whoever doesn’t want to play. So he decided to play, but didn’t have time to do his homework. I heard that in many schools they don’t force you to do your homework. She told us that she did not have time to study individually. But you can somehow organize homework so that everyone sits down and does it. Today we have a meeting, I know that the teacher will answer my questions that she cannot force the children to do their homework. But if she said, let’s all sit down now and do the task, then mine would sit down and do it. How can I argue and what to say today, tell me. Is it her responsibility to do and check homework? How can I figure all this out with her, without wanting to spoil my relationship with her? We are not the only ones in the classroom who have a problem, some parents only come home at 8. And just like yesterday we sat until 10 doing these homework with scandals, he is already sitting there not understanding anything, it’s time to go to bed. In general, I’m really looking forward to your advice, maybe someone has had a similar situation.

It’s good in its own way that there is no pressure on them. And that he enjoys playing with his peers. The task of adaptation in a team for first-graders is no less important, in my opinion, than the reading/writing skill. In addition, homework is given specifically to develop skills independent work, I think.

If I were you, I would put pressure on my son’s consciousness. I would strongly encourage students to complete their homework independently. I would promise some interesting entertainment on an evening free from classes.

I push as hard as I can, which is called both carrot and stick. Yesterday we passed by friends walking in the yard to do their homework. There is time to play with the kids at school; they played until lunch, then went for a walk. He spends most of his time at school; at home we have to do homework all evening. In addition, in the evening he is very tired, his attention is scattered, it is difficult to concentrate, everything is much harder for him, compared to how we did these lessons during the day. Still, it seems to me that during after-school activities they should set aside time for lessons and make all the children do their homework, help them, and check them. It’s another matter if the teacher doesn’t want to strain himself. So the question is how to negotiate with the teacher if she answers that she shouldn’t do this.

In your situation, I would give my son a cell phone with me and say “IT’S TIME” in an SMS. Or a wristwatch and the time “U” was discussed. And gradually, of course, not immediately, but I would achieve results, it seems to me. I also have a first-grader son, I’m still at home with him, but I plan to go to work. Maybe I still see everything in very rosy colors.
I wouldn't talk to the teacher. Simply because the task of developing independence and responsibility seems to me more important than completing the lessons themselves.

Cell phones cannot be brought to school. Still, it seems to me that the teacher should say the time, every day they have a different number of lessons, additional classes, then lunch, a walk. I just see that the teachers have a good excuse; I have no right to force them. I don’t need to force mine, and I don’t ask you to sit next to him individually either, if the teacher said, it’s time for lessons, let’s sit down and do our homework. And it’s not like someone is doing homework, and someone is playing, and I think it’s distracting those who are studying. Another question is that he won’t be able to do everything in that hour or will do it wrong; it’s easier to redo the house than to complete the entire volume. And the child will get used to it and will consider it necessary to do homework during the after-school period. I remember when we were studying, that’s how it was. They told us: we sit down, take out the math and do it, we did it - we went up and showed it to the teacher, she checked it, we do the next subject. And everyone was happy, and the children didn’t need anything in the evening, and the parents were calm. I convince myself as best I can, but I also want to count on the teacher’s help.

Don't be offended, but I have a feeling that you are trying to shift the responsibility for your son's studies to the teacher.

We started the same way: we did it in the evening, our daughter played during the after-school program.

It’s okay, over time I learned that it’s better to free up the evening for myself.

I’ll tell you more: there was a period when they had a temporary after-school teacher “with principles” and forced everyone to do it, and checked it forcibly. That was horror! Let’s say the child didn’t understand something, wanted to clarify it with me/dad, and then do it. No, the teacher insists... But she can’t explain it any other way than in class. It’s good that this coercion ended quickly.

Our after-school program is the same as yours: after lunch, walks and clubs, an hour is allocated for lessons/games. Each student decides for himself how he will spend this hour.

This is how you develop the ability to be responsible for your actions, IMHO.

Of course, tired in the evening.
I would suggest not to do it at all in this situation, or to do it as best it can.
And I would emphasize that during the day it would have turned out faster and better.

The teacher really shouldn't force them to do their homework. she must ensure that time is organized in such a way that students have time to prepare homework. Whether they do it or not is not her concern.

Well, we can talk. But I wouldn’t be surprised if the teacher is not obliged to ensure homework is completed, but should only provide the opportunity.
You can probably only demand that those playing not interfere with those practicing.
And the rest can only be negotiated.

Still, I think it’s right to influence my son directly.

Yes, I’m not offended in any way, I’m not trying to shift responsibility to the teacher, but I’m counting on her help. Maybe, of course, she does what is best, teaches independence and choice. But after one day of extension, I panicked, just quit work and sit with him. But my opinion is still that the child should do homework during after-school hours, as we learned before, it seems to me that it’s more correct when everyone sits down and does it for an hour. At least he can, I don’t ask the teacher to help him. It’s enough, just what she would say, we all do our homework together. My colleague, on the contrary, forbade her daughter to do it because it’s hard for her there, everyone is running around playing and she can’t concentrate. Let them then draw there for that hour or so. But they knew that there was a daily routine and an hour of classes. In general, time will tell what we will end up with.

In first grade, it’s not you, but your son. Lessons are his task and his responsibility. The less you initially bother with lessons, the easier it will be in the future.

And, this... 1st grade is very exciting, especially for mom. Honestly, don’t waste your nerves over just one day, they’ll come in handy later. I’m not scaring you, but yq-god, there are still enough problems to worry about, compared to unfinished/undone lessons during after-school hours.
He's getting used to it, it's hard to... get used to it.

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