What kind of subject is life safety? Who needs it? What is life safety at school? Program and study of life safety at school How a life safety lesson is deciphered

My item is in the system school education

My short experience as a life safety teacher confirms that today, perhaps, there is no such subject in the domestic education system that has not yet been fully mastered, such as the life safety course. Each of us at any moment may find ourselves in a difficult and dangerous situation, and then our life and health may depend on competent actions. Therefore, life safety can be considered the main subject in school.The relevance of the problem of safe human life becomes more and more obvious every year. Over the centuries-old history, the community of people has accumulated considerable experience in this area, but to manage natural phenomena, it cannot yet fully withstand the elements. There is a paradox: for many years, man created and improved technical means in order to ensure the safety and comfort of his existence, and as a result he found himself faced with threats associated with the production and use of technology. It is obvious that in modern conditions it is necessary to carefully prepare the entire population for life in conditions in which dangerous situations may arise both in the natural environment and in everyday life.

In protecting the population in dangerous emergency situations, the role and responsibility ofeducation systemsfor training students on issues related to the field of life safety.

The content of the discipline "Fundamentals of Life Safety" is the area scientific knowledge, covering the theory and practice of human protection from dangerous and harmful factors in all spheres of human activity, maintaining safety and health in the environment, through development creativity schoolboy. The purpose of the subject “Fundamentals of Life Safety” is to form a conscious motivation to healthy image life, as well as awareness of safety, as a measure to protect the body from internal and external dangers, as one of the factors in the existence of living systems. (slide No. 2)

Life safety lessons also cover questions modern politics,. Modern requirements for the educational process have changed with changes in economic and political system in our country. It became clear that the state could not guarantee the safety of individual citizens. Every Russian must be taught to survive in conditions of criminal lawlessness, local military conflicts, unemployment, therefore every student must know his rights and responsibilities, comply with legal relations and legislation in order to avoid dangerous situations in his life.(slide No. 3) The most effectively instilled in students are motives that encourage them to comply with the norms and rules of safe behavior at home, on the street, at school, in nature, and then in society and at work, through general education in the classroom."Fundamentals of life safety (life safety).As a subject of the school curriculum, this is the whole system knowledge and skills, a system for acquiring skills to ensure the safety of human life in Everyday life and in emergency situations. This subject also studies the provision of first aid and psychological assistance to victims. And the most important thing is that the subject of life safety forms consciousness, worldview, character, and instills in a person the highest principles of morality and ethics.

Subject life safety occupies a special position in the school curriculum. Since the fundamentals of life safety are inextricably linked with life itself. This subject is as close as possible to the reality that surrounds schoolchildren within the walls of an educational institution and outside its walls on the street, among strangers, in the family, in society, etc.

Life Safety Fundamentals Courseincludes the basic knowledge of many subjects. An important place in teaching life safety is occupied by integration with such subjects as: geography, biology, physics, mathematics, history, chemistry. Role-playing game“Terrain orientation” (life safety and geography) clearly demonstrates to students the importance of topographical knowledge, the ability to navigate, to be physically prepared in a difficult life situation to save oneself or another person, thereby consolidating the knowledge acquired in geography lessons. Rich factual material for implementing interdisciplinary connections provides such academic subject like chemistry. For example, when studying the section “Emergencies technogenic nature and public safety”, namely the consequences of these accidents, they resort to the help of a chemistry teacher, who gives examples of interaction various substances and the consequences of the results of these reactions on the human body. When using project technology in life safety lessons, integration with computer science can be traced; I often use a computer and tasks in lessons, which are mainly of a creative nature and help increase motivation. As a result of this integration, I observe the following results: students show more awareness in studying the subject, they have become more confident in their assessments and conclusions; The level of training is growing, the rating of the subject has increased. There has been a positive trend in the participation of children in the Olympiad in Life Safety and we have good results. In 2012 – first place in municipal stage All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren and participation in the regional stage, in 2013 - 2 winners at the regional stage

The purpose of lessons on the basics of life safety is to equip schoolchildren with the ability to navigate in a difficult situation, not to get confused and, if necessary, to provide all possible assistance to the victims. The teacher’s task is to impart knowledge and skills into the student, which he could subsequently apply in practice without the help of a teacher.

What problems should a life safety course solve? Slide 6 This is:

Formation of highly spiritual cultured person, with a patriotic and humanistic attitude, with a spiritual and moral worldview, with a life-affirming philosophy, striving for harmonious relationships with society and the environment;

Instilling a healthy lifestyle, strengthening, correcting, improving the physical condition of students;

Training in all skills and techniques to preserve one’s life and the student’s health in extreme situations and in everyday life. slide 7

The course “Fundamentals of Life Safety” includes 3 main blocks:

1. Ensuring the safety and protection of children and adults in emergency situations.

2. Fundamentals of medicine and health.

3. Fundamentals of state defense. Military duty of Russian citizens.

Based on the above, it is clear that life safety fundamentals is a multifaceted, interesting subject that every citizen needs to know, regardless of age and standard of living. Only knowledge of the basics of life safety can truly make your life safe, calm and confident in the future.

Nowadays, the ability of students to obtain knowledge independently and improve it, the ability to work with information in various fields, acquiring new skills if necessary, is much more important than the strength of the acquired knowledge, because it is precisely the acquisition and improvement of knowledge that they will have to engage in throughout their adult lives. This formulation of the question is very relevant for our country, our society, since life itself poses the task of so-called “lifelong learning.”

Fundamental difference modern lesson from traditional. Results mean not only subject knowledge, but also the ability to apply this knowledge in practical activities. Therefore, currently in conditions modern school teaching methods are going through a difficult period associated with changes in the goals of education, the transition to the Federal State educational standard new generation, built on a competency-based approach(slide 5)

In order to develop schoolchildren’s ability to work with information, teach them to think independently, and be able to work in a team, it is necessary to use various educational technologies. Therefore, I chose the topic for self-education:

“Development of students in life safety lessons through the use of innovative technologies.”I believe that on modern stage education it is the most relevant and significant. In the process of introducing innovative technologies, educational motivation, level of independence, and mastery of students increase, the desire for creative activity increases, and contributes to the achievement of positive results in the training and education of schoolchildren.

In my work I use elements of the following educational technologies:Technology of situational learning, Technology of project-based learning, Technology of problem-search orientation, gaming technology.

- Interactive technologies ( slide number 7)– I use it to develop the communication and creative abilities of students, to develop the ability to work in a team, which is very important for group types of educational work. At the core interactive methods lies joint learning or learning in interaction, the essence of which is expressed by a Chinese proverb:“Tell me I forget, Show me I can remember, Let me do it, And it will be mine forever.”(slide No. 8) Formula of interactive technology Forward and together: through live communication, through work in a group, where each student subject learning new things. The technologies used help to increase children's interest in the subject, develop logical thinking and an understanding that the subject of life safety is one of the important subjects that teaches children to navigate correctly in modern life.

I widely use the project method in life safety classes.(slide number 9) By working in educational projects, schoolchildren learn to conduct research, and by working at the computer, they develop the skill of clearly expressing their thoughts in writing, receiving a large amount of textual, digital and graphic information, analyzing it and presenting new ideas.Project activities are carried out most effectively in the process of studying such topics from the life safety course as “First aid in a road accident”, “Actions in an emergency situation in natural environment", "Actions in a crime situation." Possessing the generalized ability to design upcoming activities, the student can use it in the future when solving a wide range of problems.

Game forms of learning allow you to use all levels of knowledge acquisition: from reproductive activity to creative exploration. In addition, children are more accustomed to learning through play, since it is in this form that they perceive information better and maintain interest.. (slide about the game)

Health-saving technologies are an indispensable component of all my lessons. At the same time, considering health in various aspects (physical, emotional, social, personal, spiritual, intellectual), I strive to create comfortable conditions in my lessons, a favorable psychological and emotional climate, using educational material to promote a healthy lifestyle.

In all classes, lessons are conducted using multimedia and interactive teaching tools, which make it possible to show this or that situation in action and find a way out of it.

I share my methodological developments with colleagues at school, college, etc.?!?!

I am systematically engaged in improving my professional level; in 2012 I took courses on the problem of “Ensuring the quality of pedagogical activity of a modern life safety teacher in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard”, in 2013 - courses in civil education), in order to enrich my teaching experience and improve pedagogical excellence, studying methodological literature on the subject, periodicals, popular science literature, I have my own personal website on social networks. In accordance with modern requirements, I take an active part in various professional competitions. For example, I took part in the International distance competition “Self-education - a stage of professional growth” (TsPT named after K.D. Ushinsky “New Education”), received a diploma of participation in the All-Russian Internet competition pedagogical creativity « Pedagogical ideas and technology" St. Petersburg, diploma for participation in the All-Russian pedagogical competition "Scenario for a media lesson with a computer" (center distance education"Prove yourself")

Life safety is a discipline that is as close as possible to our everyday life.(slide number 10) And yet, it is treated as a secondary discipline. Why? Yes, because we, adults, ourselves put such an important subject as life safety in the position of a stepdaughter. Judge for yourself: universities do not train life safety teachers, the material and technical support is on the verge of poverty, and the number of hours is generally unacceptably small.

In conclusion, I note that we live without always thinking about what our life represents for ourselves and our loved ones. But we have only one. Shouldn't everyone modern man, including every schoolchild, be able to provide help to themselves and their loved ones if necessary? Only a competent person is able to quickly assess the situation and make the only correct decision, which affects not only the health, but often the life of the person in trouble. That is why it is necessary to learn this in basic life safety lessons, and to take seriously everything that is taught in life safety lessons.

How is OBZh deciphered and what does it mean? How is life safety deciphered and what is learned in this lesson? and got the best answer

Answer from Vasily[guru]

ΨThematically, the course content includes five main sections:

basics of military service.

Further development of the life safety course is associated with the transfer main goal course from the study of dangers and methods of protection against dangers to the education of a culture of human safety, revealed in the peculiarities of cognition and reproduction of relations of safe existence. Safety culture as a component general culture represents the ways of human life in the field of security, the results of this life and the degree of development of the individual and society in this area.

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: How is life safety deciphered and what does it mean? How is life safety deciphered and what is learned in this lesson?

Answer from ЂеMystery[guru]
Security Safety Lifestyle...learn to take care of health

Answer from Luiza Alieva[guru]
Fundamentals of life safety (life safety) - a field of knowledge that studies the dangers that threaten a person, the patterns of their manifestations and methods of protection against them (for example: How to provide first aid? How to act in case of fire?). Life safety rule: an extreme situation is a situation that threatens a person’s life.

Answer from Noum of rain[guru]
Basics of Safe Life...
safety precautions,
rules traffic for pedestrians
rules fire safety.
basic military training
basics of medical training
ethics and psychology of family relationships...
etc. etc. all in one item...

Answer from AnastashaBezik04[newbie]
Fundamentals of life safety (life safety) is a field of knowledge in which the dangers that threaten humans, the patterns of their manifestations and methods of protection against them are studied.
The tasks of life safety include:
*anticipate danger
* recognize danger,
* classify the danger,
* avoid danger,
* act correctly in a dangerous situation.
Source: my favorite subject) after computer science of course)

Answer from Nikita Kalabukhov[active]
(life safety) - a field of knowledge in which dangers threatening humans are studied

Answer from Henry Blackburn[newbie]
very big ass

Answer from Mr jjj[newbie]
Obdeon Ass Society

Answer from havani[expert]
basics of life safety

Answer from Nurislam Taishev[newbie]
By the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR of May 14, 1991 and the Order of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR of May 27, 1991 No. 169, from September 1, 1991, the course “Fundamentals of Life Safety” (Life Safety) was introduced in state educational institutions. From September 1, 1991, the course was studied in grades 2, 3, 6, 7, 10 and 11, and since 1994, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation recommended studying the life safety course in general educational institutions in all grades (from 1st to 11th grade). The initiators of the introduction of the life safety course were the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR and State Committee for civil defense, emergency situations and disaster relief.
The life safety course implements the requirements of a number of Federal laws: “On Safety”, “Fundamentals of Legislation Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens”, “On the protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies”, “On military duty and military service", "On radiation safety of citizens", "On fire safety", "On road safety", etc., as well as a number of Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation and other regulatory documents in the field of ensuring the safety of citizens.
The study of the life safety course is aimed at developing in students a conscious and responsible attitude towards personal safety and the safety of others, their acquisition of knowledge and skills to recognize and assess dangerous situations, determine ways to protect themselves from them, and provide self- and mutual assistance.
?Thematically, the course content includes five main sections:
human safety and protection in dangerous and emergency situations;
basics medical knowledge and rules of first aid;
the basics of a healthy lifestyle;
modern complex of security problems;
basics of military service.
The main goal of the life safety course is not to prepare students for extreme situations, but to strengthen their spiritual, physical and mental health, on the basis of which safe life activities should be based. The NIMB Foundation proposed the concept of forming the personality of a citizen, a person of a safe type, whose activity would be aimed at safe ways of self-realization of individual possibilities of existence. The section of the life safety course “Modern complex of safety problems” (author V.V. Sapronov, Institute of Life Safety of the NIMB Foundation), which considers individual, national and global security systems as a single multi-level structure, should become additional, and in fact, key, for this course.
The further development of the life safety course is associated with the transfer of the main goal of the course from the study of dangers and methods of protection against dangers to the education of a culture of human safety, revealed in the peculiarities of cognition and reproduction of relations of safe existence. Safety culture as a component of general culture represents the ways of human life in the field of security, the results of this life and the degree of development of the individual and society in this area.

By country


By order of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR in 1991, the course “Fundamentals of Life Safety” (Life Safety) was introduced in state general educational institutions. Since September 1, 1991, the course was studied in grades 2, 3, 6, 7, 10 and 11, and since 1994, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation recommended studying the life safety course in general education institutions in all grades (from grades 1 to 11). The initiators of the introduction of the life safety course were the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR and the State Committee for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief.

The life safety course implements the requirements of a number of Federal laws: “On Safety”, “Fundamentals of the Legislation of the Russian Federation on the Protection of Citizens’ Health”, “On the Protection of the Population and Territories from Natural and Technogenic Emergencies”, “On Military Duty and Military Service”, “On radiation safety of citizens”, “On fire safety”, “On road safety”, etc., as well as a number of Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation and other regulatory documents in the field of ensuring the safety of citizens.

The study of the life safety course is aimed at developing in students a conscious and responsible attitude towards personal safety and the safety of others, their acquisition of knowledge and skills to recognize and assess dangerous situations, determine ways to protect themselves from them, and provide self- and mutual assistance.

Thematically, the course content includes three main sections:

  1. human safety and protection in dangerous and emergency situations;
  2. basics of medical knowledge and healthy lifestyle;
  3. basics of military service.

The main goal of the life safety course is not to prepare students for extreme situations, but to strengthen their spiritual, physical and mental health, on the basis of which safe life activities should be based. The NIMB Foundation proposed the concept of forming the personality of a citizen, a person of a safe type, whose activity would be aimed at safe ways of self-realization of individual possibilities of existence. The section of the life safety course “Modern complex of safety problems” (author V.V. Sapronov, Institute of Life Safety of the NIMB Foundation), which considers individual, national and global security systems as a single multi-level structure, should become additional, and in fact, key, for this course.

The further development of the life safety course is associated with the transfer of the main goal of the course from the study of dangers and methods of protection against dangers to the education of a culture of human safety, revealed in the peculiarities of cognition and reproduction of relations of safe existence. Safety culture as a component of general culture represents the ways of human life in the field of security, the results of this life and the degree of development of the individual and society in this area.

Republic of Belarus

The return of the basic life safety course to the compulsory school curriculum in August 2011 was initiated by the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Previously, the course was included in the school curriculum as a compulsory subject for studying, in August 2011 - in the form of elective classes.

Basics of medical knowledge and healthy lifestyle

see also

  • Survival Skills



  • Presentations on life safety And more presentations
  • Information and methodological publication for teachers. life safety fundamentals

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    See what “Fundamentals of Life Safety” are in other dictionaries: Training course , studied in general, primary and secondary institutions vocational education and designed to prepare students for safe behavior

    Fundamentals of life safety (life safety) in everyday life, in dangerous situations, including natural emergencies,... ... - academic subject in grades 1–11 of a comprehensive school; taught since 1998. The study of the life safety course is aimed at the education and formation of a person who is not a carrier or source of extreme and emergency situations.… …

    Monthly informational and methodological publication for teachers of life safety courses in educational institutions. The magazine is aimed at schools, secondary and higher educational institutions. Published since Jan. 1999. based on the editorial office of the journal Civil Protection.… … Dictionary of emergency situations

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    A training room for training pupils and students of general, primary and secondary vocational education institutions in the course Fundamentals of Life Safety. Designed for conducting planned classes, self-study… … Dictionary of emergency situations

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    Life safety of a military formation- The property of the process of daily activities of a military formation to maintain a state in which the level of risk to the life and health of personnel during specified period time, in the conditions specified by legal acts, is equal to or lower... ... Encyclopedia of the Strategic Missile Forces

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    Fundamentals of life safety (life safety) is a field of knowledge that studies the dangers that threaten humans, the patterns of their manifestations and methods of protection against them. The tasks of life safety include: to anticipate danger, recognize danger,... ... Wikipedia

N.F. Vinogradova (right) gives an interview to Svetlana Kirillova, correspondent of the Miloserdie.ru website. Screenshot from youtube.com

Natalya Fedorovna Vinogradova— Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Education, head of the Center for Primary general education Institute for Educational Development Strategy of the Russian Academy of Education, one of the authors of the educational and methodological complex on life safety (Ventana-Graf publishing house).

Who better than Natalya Fedorovna can explain to us why the subject “Life Safety Protection” is necessary, and whether it will be replaced by the subject “Healthy Lifestyle”.


— For many, it was a surprise that you, a teacher and methodologist, suddenly turned to such a subject as “Fundamentals of Life Safety.” Why?

“There were probably deeply personal reasons for this.” This happened after the hostage crisis at the Beslan school. Do you remember how on Knowledge Day, September 1, 2004, terrorists captured 1,100 people who came to a school assembly and held them for two days? Then 334 people died, including 186 children. And another 800 were wounded...

This school in Beslan, not far from Vladikavkaz, was our experimental site. Her teachers were the first to receive our new textbooks and test new pedagogical technologies.

In a word, a great school with unique teachers! The children were especially amazing: they were so open to the world around them! Some time after the tragedy we went to Beslan. We walked around the gym of this school, picking up our textbooks and notebooks that had the blood of schoolchildren on them... I still have these books. I can never throw them away.

A year later, I conducted experimental lessons for teachers at the Beslan school (it had moved to a new building by that time). Lesson in fourth grade according to my textbook " The world” was dedicated to emotions. I found that the children who survived the hostage situation could not name a single positive emotion! They have forgotten what it is. I asked them: “Do you have any desires?” Their peers usually dream about toys, sweets, and travel. But these ten-year-old “little adults” answered: “So that no one else is taken hostage,” “So that no one else becomes a victim of terrorists.” A year passed, but the horror they experienced did not let them go. They remembered and continued to experience the situation in which their peers and teachers died.

I suggested role-playing a situation during the lesson: this is someone’s birthday, a holiday, a fun trip. We need to congratulate a classmate, make a souvenir for him, use a camera... The children thawed out a little. But I still have a feeling of guilt: probably, part of the fact that teachers and children cannot cope with their emotions lies with me.

After all, I was in charge of the preparation of new textbooks... What did we not provide for?... What I observed in this lesson once again convinced me that our children are not prepared for emergency situations.

Not only to being taken hostage - this is an exceptional, extreme case - but to all the dangers that await them in life. This is how the idea of ​​creating new life safety textbooks appeared. In addition, after this experience, we sought to strengthen the psychological component of textbooks for primary school"The world".

— Even before the disaster in Beslan, life safety was taught at school. But it was the most criticized subject in the program. Everyone noticed the mistakes, but no one saw the benefits. Why?

— I think one of the reasons is that in life safety lessons, children were asked to discuss situations that were not appropriate for their age. It’s just stupidity: advising a child in elementary school: “Hit an adult here and there if he starts pestering you in the elevator.” A small child will not be able to do this. There is only one piece of advice for this age: don’t get into an elevator with a stranger, start rummaging through your mailbox, pretend to be looking for your keys in your pocket, wait for another elevator... That’s it! But in grades 7-9 we can talk about self-defense more seriously: teenagers at this age are already capable of doing something in their own defense.

Sometimes experts criticize us: why don’t you talk about man-made disasters in your life safety textbook for fifth grade? But these problems are irrelevant for the fifth grade! Because Small child- forgive me for these words - he dies immediately in a man-made disaster.

But this topic is already affecting older teenagers. They watch films, try to understand how they themselves would behave in such a situation. It is necessary to discuss precisely those problems that are relevant for schoolchildren at a given age. And - give examples that they can understand. My co-authors of the life safety textbook know very well how and what to talk about with children. Among them is a wonderful pediatrician Lyudmila Vasilievna Sidorenko, Alexander Taranin, which organizes children's traffic centers in Russia, with business games for children, Dmitry Smirnov, President of the International Academy of Children and Youth Tourism and Local History... All are specialists of the highest class!

— Some parents complain that during life safety lessons the teacher begins to discuss situations that can traumatize their children...

— Most parents were formed partially in Soviet times, when it was strictly forbidden to take school textbook any negative. Even Samuil Marshak and Sergei Mikhalkov, the authors of famous children's poems, were condemned more than once for this. They liked to tell different stories about this funny stories. And these are classics! And “ Bad advice“In Soviet times, Auster was not only not read, but also would not have been published! I think that many teachers and parents are afraid: what if schoolchildren read it, discuss it and become inspired to try it?

In my elementary school textbook “The World Around Us,” I told children about poisonous mushrooms. At the same time, I had to describe the symptoms of fly agaric poisoning. Soon an indignant letter arrived: someone’s grandson, coming from a lesson, told his grandfather: he should try fly agaric and have fun.

- What does the textbook have to do with it? This is a question for the grandfather - how he raises his grandson...

- But they harassed me for a long time! I said: sorry, there is no sedition in my text. I don't promote drugs. I tell children about how not to get poisoned by mushrooms. And this is an absolutely neutral text. In another of my textbooks, children were offered an extract from Nestor’s chronicle for discussion: “Rus' has joy to drink, we cannot exist without it”... Some veteran of labor wrote a complaint against me to the President. The letter was forwarded to the ministry, the ministry to the publishing house, the publishing house to me... I said: I won’t take this down. These are genuine words from the chronicle, this is our true history. Do you think children don't see drunkenness? Our little children write problems: “When we went to school, there were two drunks lying at the beer stall, and when we returned from school there were five. How many more drunks have appeared at the stall?..."

- Who came up with this problem?

- Second grade student! The teacher asked them homework- compose life problems. It never occurred to her that children would describe such a thing! And according to the results of sociological surveys, more than half of 7-8th graders have not just tried, but consumed alcohol... Let the children discuss this or that situation in class and decide: we won’t have such a vice, no one will say that about us!.. I I believe that schoolchildren need to be helped to think critically about a variety of life problems. Especially if the family cannot discuss these problems with them.

Until the age of 40, Russians do not know what danger is

— Some critics object: you cannot prepare children for various horrors. You just need to make sure that nothing like this happens in the child’s life...

— People who say this reject even the idea that they themselves will find themselves in an extreme situation. Do you know why? They consider themselves special: this can happen to everyone, but not to me. Let's ask: why not with you?..

At one time I was amazed by the statistics. It turns out that after cardiovascular diseases and cancer, the third place in mortality among Russians is occupied by various types of injuries. Mainly household ones!

These injuries affect people from two years to... 41 years. Only after forty years does a person finally realize that his actions can lead to certain consequences.

— Maybe it’s a national tradition: a dull sense of danger?

- I'm thinking about this too. After all, Americans are completely different. Perhaps there is a purely pedagogical explanation for this: our countries have always had different learning goals. Practical orientation is the priority of the American school.

In Russia, children are given theoretical knowledge. Experts in learning theory say: in our school, a child always answers one question: what? What do you know about this or that? But training needs to answer the question: how? What will be the algorithm of your actions? How will you use this knowledge?

In Nurokah Physics you can learn everything about electricity. But you never know there were cases when people with higher technical education died from a short circuit!

Probably, civilization has dulled our primitive instincts associated with a sense of danger. Moreover, in the Soviet, and then in Russian school there was no subject that would teach a teenager to assess an unexpected situation and behave correctly in it. Therefore, it is simply necessary to form in children a premonition of danger and an awareness of the consequences of their actions.

We tell children: maybe an unexpected situation will never happen. But what if?... What will you do? Your first step? Your second step?

The child must realize in a split second: what will happen if I run across the street at a red light? What will happen if I push Petya and he falls back onto the radiator? When danger arises, the algorithm of actions pops up in the child’s memory instantly. I stepped into a red light and immediately took a step back. He raised his hand to Petya, but did not push him.

Don’t prohibit anyone from approaching the stove; it’s better to explain how to remove the lid from the pan.

“Some parents object that it’s just stupid to waste school time on a life safety course, explaining to their child how to use electrical appliances or how to cross the street. Can't these things be explained within the family?

- Sometimes yes, but most often no! Remember the scene you've probably seen more than once: parents are trying to run across an intersection at a red light, and their child is holding them on the sidewalk. For a child it is part of his culture, for his parents it is part of their culture. Many families prefer to raise children according to Jean-Jacques Rousseau: let the child get burned, but he himself will understand how painful it is. These parents have no idea who Rousseau is: such upbringing is part of their family tradition. If you want to put your hand into the fire, stick it. If you want to get into the water without knowing how to swim, get in. And it’s convenient for parents: they don’t have to do anything themselves!

— In the 18th century, one Russian nobleman made claims personally to Jean Jacques Rousseau for raising his son exactly in accordance with his famous theory, and that nothing good came of it. To which the surprised Rousseau retorted: “I did not imagine that anyone would follow my advice!”

- There should be a measure, a norm in everything. There must be a middle ground between experience (often sad) and complete ignorance: learning to foresee the consequences of one’s actions. And for this, children need to develop an understanding that danger is not about someone, but about yourself and those around you.

Unfortunately, the pedagogical culture of families today is often close to zero. In the 70s-80s, educational institutions that were very useful for parents - universities - operated in the USSR pedagogical knowledge. In those years I participated in the work of such a university in Moscow. On Saturday and Sunday we gathered and discussed with our parents the most pressing problems of family education, including moral ones. And now in families the opposite approach to the “Rousseau effect” is more common.

Today, many parents, not knowing how to tell their child about this or that life problem, prefer the simplest way out - to prohibit everything. To a first grader, don’t you dare go near the electric stove. For a fifth grader, don’t you dare unscrew the light bulb from its socket, wait for the adults. To a ninth grader, don’t you dare ride around on a skateboard.

And from the age of three, a child begins to rapidly develop a desire for independence: I myself! Why can't I unscrew the light bulb? Why do you need to close the tap? Why should you wear a hat in cold weather? And the child begins to rebel. This rebellion can be situational when children make scandals and are capricious. This rebellion may be quiet, driven inside, but the more strongly it will manifest itself later. And it will definitely appear!

- Was it because his parents forbade him to unscrew the light bulb himself?

- Yes! The reasons may be the most trivial... in the eyes of adults, of course. But with the policy of family bans, there will definitely be a riot. It will be “to spite my mother I’ll frostbite my ears”, “to spite my grandmother I’ll open the tap and leave it like that.” Therefore, the parental “you can’t” must be followed by an explanation of WHY you can’t do this. The main link between knowledge and the manifestation of this knowledge in behavior is personal meaning. Psychologists say: first of all, it is necessary to form a motive, a personal meaning, that is, convincing the child that he needs it. A ban will not do this. It is necessary to advise him what to do, to give him different options for his possible actions. The solution to the problem must be positive (do this, behave that way...), then all other options will remain in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat should not be done.

This is why teachers have to teach life safety lessons practical lessons: children are taken to the technology room, taught how to light a gas, turn on an electric stove, seemingly various little things are explained: how to lift the lid from a saucepan, how to wash vegetables and fruits, how to give yourself first aid in case of a burn, poisoning, etc.

Elementary techniques, you say, but modern schoolchildren don’t know them!

— They don’t know how to remove the lid from the pan?

— Parents are increasingly leaving them lunch in a thermos. It's simple and convenient! But this is not a solution to the problem. Obviously, by receiving lunch in a thermos, a child will not learn how to handle electrical appliances... By the way, do you know what is most dangerous for a person when an apartment is flooded?

Deadly swing

You don't want to say that there is a risk of drowning?

— No, the main threat when a room is flooded is a short circuit with a fatal electric shock. Therefore, it is important for children and adults to know how to behave correctly in this situation. It is impossible, of course, to experience firsthand all the dangers that fill our lives. But risks can be prevented. We explain to children that there are dangers, and they are everywhere: at home, at school, on the street, in the forest, on the lake...

This does not mean that everything around is dangerous. This means that a dangerous situation can happen, and it can happen to you.

Look out the window: do you see the swings on the playground? A most dangerous item, the cause of many deaths! The child must firmly understand: before sitting on the swing, it is necessary to assess the situation. For example, see if there is a baby nearby who might be hit by the swing. Ice boats, bicycles, snowboards are a separate topic in grades 5-6. Grades 7-9 are about dangers in nature: wild animals, bodies of water, insects and snakes. Finally, dogs... Yes, yes, dogs! In our life safety textbook for grade 5, we gave a number of illustrations with portraits of dogs. Children must analyze the posture of each dog and determine its emotions based on various signs. Only by assessing her condition will the child be able to understand how to communicate with her, whether she is aggressive or just wants to play with him.

In my opinion, the knowledge that life safety provides as an academic subject is much broader than simple advice for all occasions. Its content allows us to discuss many problems of human relationships with the surrounding world - nature, society, other people... After all, relationships with other people are the main thing.

In the life safety course, we explain to schoolchildren that there are three types of emergency situations: natural (volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, floods, etc.), man-made and social. Moreover, in all three cases (with the exception of some natural situations - volcanic eruptions, for example) human factor- main reason.

When parents become enemies

- Let's imagine that parents asked for advice: what common danger threatens their children? What would you answer?

- This is school overload! And the most dangerous thing is that parents themselves demand an abnormal, simply monstrous, school workload for their children. The concept of “school stress” has long been established in psychological science. This is one of the causes of illness in children. Children communicate with each other, with classmates, teachers and parents under conditions of school stress. And the parents, demanding an increase study load for the child, increase this stress.

In Moscow, many schools operate according to the Elkonin-Davydov system. The first few weeks of first grade they don't have lessons: during this time the children get to know each other. Teachers play games for them, children draw and sculpt a lot... They come home with sparkling eyes and say: I want to go to school tomorrow, to school, to school!

So, during these two or three weeks of school freedom, indignant parents do not complain except to the administration of the President of Russia. What a disgrace, they say, why don’t children do anything at school? Why are they playing? Why aren't they given homework?

You have to dislike your children so much that you demand tenfold workload for them! Sometimes it seems to me that for such families, their child’s school load acts as compensation for their own failures in life. “I couldn’t, I couldn’t, but we will force the child, we will load him as much as possible so that he “breaks through” in life, so that he becomes different from us...”

Dear parents, this will not help! You will not be able to predict what your children will want to do and where they will find their calling. Change your point of view and try not to be enemies with your child.

Lifestyle or healthy lifestyle?

— They say that the school is canceling the life safety subject. Instead, children will study the subject “Healthy Lifestyle”. This is true?

“Today a large subject area is taught in schools.” Physical Culture, ecology and basics of life safety.” Part of it is the subject of life safety (“Basics of life safety”). Very little school time is allocated to it: one hour a week, or 34 hours a year.

Previously, as required by the Approximate Basic educational program, schoolchildren studied life safety from the fifth grade. Now it will be taught in grades 8-9. I think this is correct.

At this time, a person enters the period of adolescence: the “bursting” independence, activity, and desire to become an adult come. And hence the bad habits. For our team of authors, who created life safety textbooks for grades 5-6 and 7-9, the section dedicated to the healthy lifestyle of schoolchildren has always been important: daily routine, proper nutrition, dietetics, exercise, computer work and much more... Of course, we do not lecture anyone. Excerpts from chronicles run through the entire textbook, giving historical facts that teenagers don't know. For example, in the time of Peter the Great, there was a medal that was “awarded” to drunkards at the police station. It had the shape of an eight-pointed star, was cast from cast iron, was the size of a plate and weighed almost seven kilograms. The inscription “For drunkenness” was stamped on the medal. She was fastened around the neck with a collar. It was impossible to remove it yourself, and they wore it, according to some sources, for a week. During this time, the offender should have felt the severity of drunkenness...

Through the life safety course, the idea is conveyed that all religions had a negative attitude towards alcoholism, smoking, and drug addiction. By the way, in the course “Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics,” which is taught in 4th grade, we already told schoolchildren about the attitude of different religions to bad habits.

In my understanding, life safety is a conversation, first of all, about moral problems. We must cultivate in children the ability to foresee the consequences of their actions. This must be done not only for their own safety, but also for the sake of other people.

It is not without reason that in extreme situations you must first protect yourself in order to be able to save others. On an airplane, if there is a threat of cabin depressurization, passengers are asked to put an oxygen mask on themselves first, and then on their child. By the way, in the event of a fire, you must first protect yourself and others, and only then call the fire department.

More materials

Among the variety of school subjects, there are also those that at first glance seem completely unnecessary. What could be more important than mathematics and the Russian language, it seems to us, when such a subject as life safety appears. What is life safety and why is it taught at school? We need to figure this out properly.

What is life safety

life safety is academic discipline included in the school curriculum Russian education from 5th to 11th grades.

The decoding of the abbreviation life safety consists of three words - Fundamentals of life safety. In other words, life safety is an area of ​​knowledge about the safe interaction of a person with the environment. The discipline of life safety teaches you to protect yourself from negative influences environment. Life safety is based on environmental protection, safety rules in emergency situations, and labor protection.

Decoding life safety as a subject at school

Fundamentals of life safety as a school subject is compulsory. It includes sequential cycles with theoretical material and practical tasks.

Often, students love life safety lessons precisely because of the presence of practical elements. For example, in life safety lessons they teach how to put on gas masks, provide first aid and, what young men especially love, how to disassemble and assemble small arms.

It turns out that life safety is a very necessary school subject. It is worth not neglecting it, but on the contrary, paying due attention along with other disciplines.

School life safety program

Having found out what life safety at school is, let’s move on to its content.

The subject of life safety begins to be introduced from the 5th grade. Training begins with simple topics, students are introduced to general concepts and terms. For each subsequent class the program becomes more complex, new topics and tasks are added.

For example, in the program for grades 5-6, special attention is paid to observing the rules of personal hygiene, safety in everyday life and in transport, rules of conduct in emergency situations and extreme conditions, first aid, as well as rules for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

In the program for grades 7-8-9, special emphasis is placed on emergencies both natural - earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, mudflows, landslides, fires, and man-made - chemical radioactive accidents, explosions, disasters.

The program for grades 10-11 includes more serious topics that affect not only the rules of conduct in different conditions, but also familiarity with the legislation of the country, types of criminal liability, civil defense and military service and duty.

This decoding of the life safety program at school indicates that this subject is very important to study, as it provides real practical knowledge that will definitely be useful in life.

Life safety in universities

If everything is clear with deciphering life safety at school, then what is the situation with universities?

Oddly enough, but teaching the basics of life safety in many universities is a compulsory general education discipline along with physical education. Only this discipline is encrypted under a different abbreviation - BJD. In fact, there are absolutely no differences; BZD stands for Life Safety. The study of life safety is also based on the rules of behavior in everyday life, in emergencies and emergencies, natural disasters, the rules of first aid and much more.

Life safety in educational institutions outside Russia

It is not surprising that not only Russia cares about its younger generation, trying to teach the most necessary behavioral skills and prepare young schoolchildren for adult life. The countries of Europe and the American continent are not lagging behind in this. To the school education program Western countries The subject of life safety is required. But what is it called? What is life safety in a foreign style? In fact, there are many names. The most common is Life safety, which can literally be translated as “life safety”. Foreign Life safety lessons are different in that they involve more practice. Lessons are held in the form of games and stage performances that simulate certain events.

For example, about 6 years ago, zombie self-defense classes were organized in American schools. In these lessons, schoolchildren were supposed to master self-defense techniques in the event of a zombie apocalypse, which, as we know, never came. But the authors of this idea explained everything as if this item would help survive in the event of a real disaster.

In addition to Life safety, an analogue of Russian life safety is also such a discipline as Healthy, which is more common in Europe. This subject teaches students how to lead a healthy lifestyle, hygiene, nutrition, sports, first aid and much more.

As we see, the safety of schoolchildren is at the forefront in all schools around the world. Therefore, it is very important to pay special attention to such disciplines. After all, neglecting such seemingly simple rules can sometimes cost your entire life.

Regulatory framework for life safety

The abbreviation life safety, which at first glance seems frivolous, has a very serious legal and regulatory framework.

The discipline “Fundamentals of Life Safety” is almost 30 years old, and during this time it has gathered impressive list orders, letters and manuals.

  1. The discipline itself was approved by order of the USSR State Committee for public education No. 203 of March 20, 1989, entitled “Life Safety,” and by order of the Ministry of Education No. 169 of May 27, 1991, life safety was approved as general education discipline and included in the program educational institutions.
  2. In 1994, the first life safety programs were published for students in grades 1-11, which became widespread among the population.
  3. In 1995, the first pedagogical experiment was conducted to train life safety teachers. Until 1999, Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen was the only university in Russia where licensed training of teachers in the discipline of life safety was carried out, and in 2000 the first graduate of 23 certified teachers in life safety took place.
  4. In 1996, the first textbooks on life safety and the first issue of the magazine “Life Safety. Fundamentals of life safety."

The list of achievements in the field of development of the discipline of life safety can be continued right up to the present day. I am glad that such attention is paid to life safety, and it does not stand still. Major security laws are constantly being amended to expand their coverage and inclusion into as many areas of life as possible.


Decoding the word life safety showed that human life safety is the basis of all fundamentals.

Humanity will cease to exist if security is not given due attention. Therefore, the surest solution is to instill a sense of responsibility for the safety of human life from an early age, from school, throughout life.

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