Quote plan of the duel between Onegin and Lensky. Analysis of the episode of the duel between Lensky and Onegin: what significance does it have in the novel? Could there have been a different outcome of the fight?

It turns out that the reason for the fight could have been for nobles in the 19th century

a mere trifle, but it seemed to Lensky in his young, naive jealousy,

that his best friend began to look after his bride, and Olga,

suddenly turning into a coquette, she reciprocates Onegin’s feelings, almost

doesn't change. The reader sees that Lensky’s jealousy is not serious

reasons: irritated by the boring company of locals

nobles at the Larins' ball, Onegin wanted to “enrage” his friend,

who persuaded him to come, but had absolutely no intention of courting

for Olga, nor start a serious quarrel.

However, Lensky, considering himself insulted, turns to Zaretsky

with a request to be his second. Zaretsky not without pleasure

hands Onegin a challenge to a duel, and he unnecessary words

announces that he is "always ready." Why does Onegin instantly agree?

The main character is annoyed at his inappropriate joke with Lensky,

regrets that he did not explain himself to his friend. But the thought of giving up

the fight seems impossible to him. For the modern reader

the author’s emotional lyrical digression about absurdity is understandable,

even the crime of duels for insignificant reasons, but it is not clear

Why do Onegin and Lensky, realizing the mistake, stand at the barrier?

To the reader of Pushkin’s time, the motives for his actions were clear

heroes, but the author’s reasoning might seem strange.

It is not for nothing that Pushkin describes in such detail Zaretsky, who conducted

stormy youth at card or tavern tables, and now

for the sake of his own pleasure, arranging other people's fights.

If Onegin had refused to fight, Zaretsky would have instantly denounced him as a coward.

Onegin's honor would have been sullied forever, but for a nobleman it was considered

it is possible to lose everything, but not honor. Pushkin, like the forefront

a man of his time, a humanist, one of the first in Russian literature

started talking about the inhumanity of duels. It turned out that, kill

Onegin is a friend without any serious reason, his honor will not suffer,

and if you refuse to kill, you will be branded a coward.

Onegin is depicted as a typical man of his time, unable

step over the conventions of noble ethics. Pushkin

makes the reader understand that main character trying with all his might

disrupt the duel, but the worse the result. Onegin is indecently late,

takes a servant as a second, insults Zaretsky about his

honesty, but the fatal mechanism has been launched, and all the little tricks

powerless to stop him.

At the signal, yesterday's friends get closer, and Onegin shoots

...They struck

Time clock: poet

Silently drops the pistol,

Quietly puts his hand on his chest

And falls. Misty Eyes

Depicts death, not agony.

Pushkin finds the most expressive, stunning readers

words to show the tragedy of the death of the young poet. All

With the duel scene, Pushkin seems to be appealing to his contemporaries

come to your senses, abandon “false shame” when it comes to

about human life, do not start quarrels over trifles if they can

turn into a mortal combat.

Pushkin writes that Onegin is “struck” by Zaretsky’s exclamation

"Killed!" The question is, what did he expect when he aimed at Lensky?

The answer suggests itself that Onegin hit his friend by accident,

about to shoot past. But the more terrible the unexpected result


Pushkin is trying to guess what he could be like life path

Lensky. He sees two options: Lensky becomes great

a poet or turns into an ordinary landowner. Maybe,

Pushkin deliberately draws two such opposite destinies:

it doesn’t matter who Lensky would become, what matters is that human life is not

would have been so absurdly cut off.

In conclusion, I would like to turn to the biography of A.S. Pushkin himself.

Already Lermontov in the poem “Death of a Poet”, written

immediately after the death of his great contemporary, noted the strange

prophetic similarity that exists in the depiction of the death of Lensky

and the real duel between Pushkin and Dantes. True, there was a reason for a duel

serious: the honor of the poet’s wife was hurt. But there is no murder

excuses, and the person cannot be returned. And we can, like Pushkin about Lensky,

just guess what other masterpieces our great one could have created

poet, if not for his tragic death.

The most tragic place in the novel “Eugene Onegin” is the stupid, meaningless duel between Onegin and Lensky. Circumstances are such that a young, jealous romantic challenges his friend in the heat of the moment, not understanding the price of such a dangerous act. He is too young and death is not part of his plans; he sees it as something sublime, a beautiful end in the struggle for honor and love.

No signs of trouble

The friendship of the heroes seems quite harmless, and their union cannot be called a full-fledged friendship. Having started with “friendship out of boredom,” it developed rapidly and everyone got what they wanted. Lensky found a “connoisseur” of his work (Onegin did not criticize his friend’s poems, although he secretly mocked his frankly weak poetry), and Onegin stopped being bored as soon as a cheerful, emotional romantic with his own unique philosophy appeared on the doorstep. The subtle soul of Vladimir Lensky was the complete opposite of the cynical, insensitive Onegin, but this did not stop them from spending time together, visiting neighboring estates, arguing heatedly and trying to get to the bottom of everything. If the views of his friends did not coincide, then Onegin was in no hurry to cut short his opponent; he liked the reasoning of an ardent mind, albeit inexperienced, but surprisingly “alive.”

Why did the duel happen?

At Tatyana Larina’s name day, Onegin is furiously bored, he is disgusted by the guests, and the performance that is performed at such holidays is ridiculous. To annoy Lensky for bringing him to the Larins, Onegin feignedly flirts with his future bride, Olga, and dances with her. Knowing how jealous and ardent his friend was, Onegin acted cruelly. He offended the young man's feelings and crossed the line. The author openly says that the duel could have been avoided if Evgeniy had agreed to apologize and explained things to his friend. The reason for the duel between Onegin and Lensky is not so harsh that one cannot try to smooth out the situation. But gossip, misunderstanding, fear of condemnation from high society - this frightens Onegin; he is uncomfortable with the idea that his reputation could change for the worse. He accepts the call late, but still shows up for the meeting. Due to Onegin’s dependence on the opinions of high society, the duel still took place. An important role was also played by the fact that Lensky’s second was a man of “dubious honor,” a gossip – Zaretsky. According to the rules, during Onegin’s visit to his home, he was supposed to discuss the possibility of reconciliation, but there was no talk of this on Zaretsky’s part.

Fatal meeting

The sixth chapter of the novel describes a duel between friends. Before the start, Vladimir and Evgeniy stand with “downcast eyes,” they realize that according to the laws of society they are enemies, but friendship is still alive in them. The author ironically notes that the heroes are by no means enemies now: “How long have we been apart?
Has their bloodlust gone? How long has it been since they shared leisure hours, meals, thoughts and deeds together?” In the author’s words there runs a spark of hope for a happy outcome: maybe they will laugh, part amicably.. “But wildly secular enmity is afraid of false shame” - hope dies: the duel will take place. The weapon is ready, it is handed over to the “enemies”, the second measures thirty-two steps. The young people come together, Onegin is the first to raise a pistol, Lensky a little later (both do not believe that they can harm each other). Onegin shoots first, Vladimir falls, clutching his chest. The friend grows cold and runs to meet Lensky, but he is no longer there. The consequences of the shot were terrible: death occurred instantly. Analysis of the episode leads to an understanding of all the horror and tragedy of what is happening: Onegin lost heart and paid a terrible price for it. His friend is dead and he will have to live with remorse, with the fact that he took the life of a very young person who trusted him. After this scene, the author reflects that any fun, games with feelings, intrigue and epigrams can hurt and offend your enemy, and this will probably bring you pleasure. Even when you wish a person to die, it’s not as scary as killing him with your own hands. The death of even the meanest person cannot bring satisfaction and joy. In Onegin’s situation, he feels killed and does not fully understand the meaning of what happened.


Boris Kustodiev Pushkin on the Neva embankment 1915

Today I want to remember one of the most famous literary duels. In ratings, social In polls, I am sure she should take first place in popularity. But first, let's remember the names of the duelists.


A. Samokhvalov Onegin at the ball

He is the main character of the novel - a young landowner. Onegin is the son of a rich master, “heir to all his relatives.” He did not need to work for a piece of bread, “he was sick of persistent work.” The upbringing Evgeniy received was the worst. He grew up without a mother. The father, a frivolous gentleman and official, did not pay any attention to his son, entrusting him to hired tutors and governesses. They taught the boy almost nothing, did not educate him in any way, and only slightly scolded him for his pranks.
In St. Petersburg, Onegin leads an empty, aimless and meaningless life. Meeting with friends in a restaurant, visiting the theater, balls, courting women.
Tired of being bored in St. Petersburg, Onegin goes to the village to be bored. And here his life is not distinguished by a wealth of events: swimming in the river, horseback riding and walking, reading magazines, kissing serf girls.


A. Samokhvalov Lensky before the duel

Onegin's "half-Russian neighbor", a "fan of Kant and a poet" does not have a clear idea of real life. Lensky is young. He is 18 years old in the novel. He is 8 years younger than Onegin. Nevertheless, Lensky received higher education at the best university in Germany. Lensky is partly a young Onegin, not yet matured, not having had time to experience pleasure and not having experienced deceit, but having already heard about the world and read about it.
Lensky is a friend worthy of Onegin. He, like Onegin, is one of the best people then Russia. A poet, an enthusiast, he is full of childlike faith in people, romantic friendship to the grave and in eternal love. Lensky is noble, educated, his feelings and thoughts are pure, his enthusiasm is sincere. He loves life.
And it is precisely such a positive character that the author “kills” in a duel.

The story of the duel itself seems to be banal and simple. Lensky is in love with Tatyana Larina’s sister, Olga. Olga's romance with Lensky develops rapidly. They walk, read, play chess. Lensky thinks about his beloved all the time.
Lensky invites Onegin to Tatyana's name day. Onegin agrees to go.
Onegin deliberately courtes and dances only with Olga, she promised him all the dances. Lensky is jealous and leaves with the thought of a duel. Noticing Vladimir's absence, Onegin became sad, and so did Olga. Lensky chooses his second:
Zaretsky, once a brawler,
Ataman of the gambling gang,
The head of the rake, the tavern tribune,...
Zaretsky brings Lensky's challenge to Onegin. Having received a challenge to a duel, well aware of his wrongness and the meaninglessness of this fight, Onegin nevertheless accepts the challenge and kills his young friend Vladimir Lensky.
The murder of Lensky turned Onegin's whole life upside down. He is no longer able to remain living in those places where everything reminded him of his terrible crime, “Where the bloody shadow appeared to him every day.”

Well, now read the stanzas of the novel and look at the artists’ illustrations for this chapter.


F. Konstantinov Onegin and Lensky

He was pleasant, noble,
Short call, il cartel:
Courteously, with cold clarity
Lensky invited his friend to a duel.
Onegin from the first movement,
To the ambassador of such an order
Turning around, without further ado
Said he's always ready.
Zaretsky stood up without explanation;
I didn’t want to stay any longer
Having a lot to do at home,
And immediately he went out; but Evgeniy
Alone with your soul
He was unhappy with himself.

And rightly so: in strict analysis,
Having summoned himself to a secret trial,
He blamed himself for many things:
First of all, he was wrong
What is above timid, tender love?
So the evening joked casually.
And secondly: let the poet
Fooling around; at eighteen
It's forgivable. Eugene,
Loving the young man with all my heart,
Had to prove myself
Not a ball of prejudice,
Not an ardent boy, a fighter,
But a husband with honor and intelligence.

He could discover feelings
And don’t bristle like an animal;
He had to disarm
Young heart. "But now
It's too late; time has flown...
Besides - he thinks - in this matter
The old duelist intervened;
He is angry, he is a gossip, he is loud...
Of course there must be contempt
At the cost of his funny words,
But the whispers, the laughter of fools..."
And here is public opinion! 38
Spring of honor, our idol!
And this is what the world revolves on!

Seething with impatient enmity,
The poet is waiting for an answer at home;
And here's a tall neighbor
He solemnly brought the answer.
Now it’s a holiday for the jealous person!
He was still afraid that the prankster
Didn't laugh it off somehow
Having invented a trick and breasts
Turning away from the gun.
Now the doubts are resolved:
They must go to the mill
Arrive tomorrow before dawn
Cock the trigger on each other
And aim at the thigh or temple.

Lensky was distracted all evening,
Sometimes silent, sometimes cheerful again;
But the one who is nurtured by the muse,
Always like this: frowning brow,
He sat down at the clavichord
And he played only chords on them,
Then, turning his gaze to Olga,
Whispered: isn't it? I'm happy.
But it's too late; time to go. Shrunk
He has a heart full of longing;
Saying goodbye to the young maiden,
It seemed to be torn apart.
She looks him in the face.
"What's wrong with you?" - Yes. - And to the porch.

Arriving home, pistols
He examined it, then put it in
Again they are in the box and, undressed,
By candlelight, Schiller opened it;
But one thought surrounds him;
A sad heart does not sleep in him:
With inexplicable beauty
He sees Olga in front of him.
Vladimir closes the book,
Takes a pen; his poems,
Full of love nonsense
They sound and flow. Reads them
He speaks out loud, in lyrical heat,
Like Delvig drunk at a feast.

A. Kostin Lensky before the duel

So he wrote darkly and languidly
(What we call romanticism,
Although there is no romanticism here
I don't see; what's in it for us?)
And finally, before dawn,
Bowing my weary head,
On the buzzword, ideal
Lensky quietly dozed off;
But only with sleepy charm
He forgot, he's already a neighbor
The office enters silently
And he wakes up Lensky with a call:
“It’s time to get up: it’s past seven.
Onegin is probably waiting for us.”

But he was wrong: Evgeniy
At this time I was sleeping like a dead sleep.
The nights and shadows are already thinning
And Vesper was greeted by a rooster;
Onegin is sleeping deeply.
The sun is already rolling high,
And a migratory snowstorm
Shines and curls; but the bed
Evgeniy hasn’t left yet,
A dream is still flying over him.
He finally woke up
And the curtain parted the floors;
He looks and sees that it’s time
It's a long time to leave the yard.

He calls quickly. Runs in
His servant, the Frenchman Guillot, comes to him,
Offers robe and shoes
And hands him the laundry.
Onegin hurries to get dressed,
The servant tells him to get ready
Go with him and with you
Take also a combat box.
The running sled is ready.
He sat down and flies to the mill.
We rushed over. He tells the servant
Lepage 39 fatal trunks
Carry after him, and the horses
Drive into the field to two oak trees.

Leaning on the dam, Lensky
I've been waiting impatiently for a long time;
Meanwhile, the village mechanic,
Zaretsky condemned the millstone.
Onegin comes with an apology.
“But where is it,” he said in amazement
Zaretsky, where is your second?”
In duels, the classic and the pedant,
He loved the method out of feeling,
And stretch the man
He allowed - not somehow,
But in the strict rules of art,
According to all ancient legends
(What we should praise about him).

“My second? - said Evgeniy, -
Here it is: my friend, Monsieur Guillot
I don't foresee any objections
For my presentation:
Even though he is an unknown person,
But of course the guy is honest.”
Zaretsky bit his lip.
Onegin asked Lensky:
“Well, should we start?” - Let's start, perhaps.
Vladimir said. And let's go
For the mill. While away
Zaretsky is our honest fellow
We entered into an important agreement
The enemies stand with their eyes downcast.

A. Samokhvalov Seconds before the duel

Enemies! How long have we been apart?
Has their bloodlust gone?
How long have they been leisure hours,
Meal, thoughts and deeds
Did you share together? Now it's evil
Like hereditary enemies,
Like in a terrible, incomprehensible dream,
They are in silence to each other
They are preparing death in cold blood...
Shouldn't they laugh while
Their hand is not stained,
Shouldn't we part ways amicably?..
But wildly secular enmity
Afraid of false shame.

Now the pistols are flashing,
The hammer rattles on the ramrod.
Bullets go into the faceted barrel,
And the trigger clicked for the first time.
Here is gunpowder in a grayish stream
It spills onto the shelf. jagged,
Securely screwed flint
Still cocked. For the nearby stump
Guillot becomes embarrassed.
Cloaks are thrown by two enemies.
Zaretsky thirty-two steps
Measured with excellent accuracy,
He took his friends to the extreme,
And everyone took their pistol.

F. Konstantinov Duel of Onegin and Lensky

“Now get together.”
In cold blood,
Not yet aiming, two enemies
With a firm gait, quietly, evenly
Walked four steps
Four mortal stages.
His pistol then Evgeniy,
Without ceasing to advance,
He was the first to quietly raise it.
Here are five more steps taken,
And Lensky, squinting his left eye,
I also began to aim - but just
Onegin fired... They struck
Time clock: poet
Silently drops the pistol,

Ilya Repin Duel of Onegin with Lensky 1899

Quietly puts his hand on his chest
And falls. Misty Eyes
Depicts death, not agony.
So slowly along the slope of the mountains,
Sparkling in the sun,
A block of snow falls.
Doused with instant cold,
Onegin hurries to the young man,
He looks and calls him... in vain:
He's no longer there. Young singer
Found an untimely end!
The storm has blown, the color is beautiful
Withered at dawn,
The fire on the altar has gone out!..

He lay motionless and strange
There was a languid world on his brow.
He was wounded right through the chest;
Smoking, blood flowed from the wound.
One moment ago
Inspiration beat in this heart,
Enmity, hope and love,
Life was playing, blood was boiling:
Now, as if in an empty house,
Everything in it is quiet and dark;
It fell silent forever.
The shutters are closed, the windows are chalked
Whitewashed. There is no owner.
And where, God knows. There was no trace.

Nicely cheeky epigram
Enrage a mistaken enemy;
It's nice to see how stubborn he is
Bowing my eager horns,
Involuntarily looks in the mirror
And he is ashamed to recognize himself;
It’s more pleasant if he, friends,
Howls foolishly: it’s me!
It's even more pleasant in silence
Prepare an honest coffin for him
And quietly aim at the pale forehead
At a noble distance;
But send him to his fathers
It will hardly be pleasant for you.

Well, if with your gun
Young friend is smitten,
An immodest look, or an answer,
Or some other trifle
The one who insulted you behind a bottle,
Or even himself in ardent annoyance
Proudly challenging you to battle,
Say: with your soul
What feeling will take over
When motionless, on the ground
Before you with death on his brow,
He gradually ossifies,
When he is deaf and silent
To your desperate call?

E. Samokish-Sudkovskaya Death of Lensky 1900s

In the anguish of heart remorse,
Hand clutching the pistol,
Evgeniy looks at Lensky.
"Well? killed,” the neighbor decided.
Killed!.. With this terrible exclamation
Smitten, Onegin with a shudder
He leaves and calls people.
Zaretsky carefully puts
There is a frozen corpse on the sleigh;
He is carrying a terrible treasure home.
Smelling the dead, they snore
And the horses fight with white foam
The steel bits are wet,
And they flew like an arrow.

The text of the novel in verse by A.S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin” was used
materials from the site “Eugene Onegin”

Contemporaries (and we, descendants, too) judged the details of the duel between Pushkin and Dantes from the memories of the seconds - Danzas on Pushkin’s side and d’Archiac on Dantes’ side. The general description of the duel agrees, the only discrepancies are in the assessments of the duelists’ behavior. Of course, Danzas (Pushkin’s fellow student at the Lyceum, friend) was “for” Pushkin, D. Arshiak (compatriot, relative) was “for” Danzas, but both described the events as objectively as possible.

According to Danzas.
Despite the clear weather, the wind was blowing quite strongly. The frost was fifteen degrees.<…>
Pushkin was the first to approach the barrier and, stopping, began to aim the pistol. But at this time Dantes, one step short of the barrier, fired, and Pushkin fell. The seconds rushed to him, Dantes intended to do the same, but Pushkin restrained him with the words: “Attendez! je me sens assez de force pour faire mon coup.” (wait, I still have enough strength to make my shot).

Dantes stopped at the barrier and waited, covering his chest with his right hand. When Pushkin fell, his pistol fell into the snow, and therefore Danzas gave him another (D, Arshiak noticed that this was not according to the rules).
Having risen a little and leaning on his left hand, Pushkin fired. Dantes fell. When asked by Pushkin where he was wounded, Dantes replied: “Je crois que j"ai la balle dans la poitrine" (I think I'm wounded in the chest).
- Bravo! – Pushkin screamed and threw the pistol to the side. But Dantes was mistaken: he stood sideways, and the bullet, only concussing his chest, hit his arm.

From the words of d. Arshiak.
On the eve of the duel, the second was present during the conversation between Heckern and Dantes. "Father and son" discussed the details of the fight. Dantes said: “If necessary, believe me, I will be able to act in such a way that Pushkin will not fire even one shot! I will send him to his forefathers before he has time to think about it, and, in any case, before he pulls the trigger.” .

At the duel, “having recognized any peaceful outcome as excluded by Pushkin’s face, Georges decided to defend his right to life. The death sentence written on Pushkin’s face called his opponent to the first and hasty shot. The poet, apparently, was waiting for d” Antes to approach barrier, meaning at this moment to discharge your weapon. This calculation had to be destroyed. D'Antes's military education and military service gave him an undoubted strategic advantage over the literary brute. The success of the duel was ensured not only by the accuracy of the shot, as Pushkin probably believed, but also by correct maneuvering after the signal, which the poet apparently did not think about. This and it destroyed him."

Here you can compare the duels of Onegin + Lensky and Pushkin + Dantes. IN general outline the duels converge, because the rules for conducting duels were known to the highly experienced duelist Pushkin. In the novel "Eugene Onegin" Pushkin writes about the duel like this:

Cloaks are thrown by two enemies.
Zaretsky thirty-two steps
Measured with excellent accuracy,
He took his friends to the extreme,
And everyone took their pistol.

What will happen next is what will happen in the future real duel between Pushkin and Dantes. Dantes worked ahead of the curve, he did not reach the barrier one step and fired while Pushkin was still aiming. The poet Pushkin fell, dropping his pistol.
Onegin also did not reach the barrier and fired first while Lensky was still taking aim. The poet Lensky fell and also dropped the pistol.
Dantes killed Pushkin. Onegin killed Lensky.

Four mortal stages.
His pistol then Evgeniy,
Without ceasing to advance,
He was the first to quietly raise it.
Here are five more steps taken,
And Lensky, squinting his left eye,
I also began to aim - but just
Onegin fired... They struck
Time clock: poet
Silently drops the pistol.

In the film-opera “Eugene Onegin”, director and screenwriter Roman Tikhomirov perfectly created the duel scene! This picture was Tikhomirov’s debut in film directing, and he carefully prepared for writing the script and for the work of director: he studied “Eugene Onegin,” the memoirs of Danzas and D. Arshiac, the libretto of Konstantin Shilovsky and became imbued with Tchaikovsky’s music.

He was faced with a difficult task - the duel was the most important episode in the novel. Initial events lead to a duel, and subsequent actions also build on it. How to show this important part on the screen?!

In the theater, attention is not focused on the duel itself; on stage they show only Lensky’s thoughts and experiences, the victims in the love triangle. Lensky soulfully sings “Where, where have you gone” and moves deep into the stage, where there is twilight and unclear figures... a shot, tragic music, and - everyone understands that the duel has taken place, and Lensky has been killed.

Act II, scene 5 "Duel of Onegin and Lensky". Onegin - P. Nortsov, Lensky - B. Bobkov, Second - F. Svetlanov.
Bolshoi Theater, 1948–1952

In the film you can’t get by in twilight, everything is in plain sight. The brilliant director Roman Tikhomirov shows real winter, frost, steam from the mouth... This is how it was written in the novel, this is how it will happen in 1837. Tikhomirov combines the text of the novel, the text of the libretto and the memories of the seconds into one whole, like a sculptor cutting off all unnecessary things and filming the duel scene.

Zaretsky marks the barrier, claps his hands three times, the opponents converge... the sun is shining, the snow is glistening. From Zaretsky's side, you can see how the duelists take hesitant steps at the top of the snowy hill: first, second... fifth... While Lensky is preparing to shoot, Onegin shoots. The scenario follows the rules of a duel: ten steps between barriers. From each barrier there are five steps into the field for the advancement of opponents and for shooting on the move.

This is what Onegin did. This is what Dantes did. The rivals with their noble souls were late, missing the moment. A tragedy has occurred.
Zaretsky takes off his cap and says: “Killed!” Onegin does not believe, he is in despair:

In the anguish of heart remorse,
Hand clutching the pistol,
Evgeniy looks at Lensky.
“Well, what? Killed,” the neighbor decided.

Onegin is naturally worried, his eyes are full of tears... All feelings are in sight, everything is shown close-up! You can’t see this in the theater even with binoculars - internal experiences are masterfully exposed without spectacular theatrical gestures and poses. This is only possible in the movies. "Cinema is a great power!" The reader/viewer does not speculate, as in a book or in the theater, he sees! The expression of the eyes, facial expressions, tears, gestures, posture - everything works to reveal Onegin’s state - to kill a person in a duel because of a trifling disagreement is an irreparable mistake, horror, nightmare, tragedy.
Onegin killed not just a person - a friend.

It's easier for Dantes. Pushkin was for him only an opponent who must be defeated. "D" Antes did not feel any regret or remorse at all. He believed that the inevitable had happened - in a mortal struggle he had defended his life; everything else receded into the shadows."
Dantes killed not just a person - an enemy.

From Arshiak: “I returned to our sleigh.” Antes stood in front of them, silent and pale, clenching his teeth tightly and motionlessly looking forward with his glass pupils, as if set in thin black rims.”
He took the life of a man who just a few minutes ago:
Enmity, hope and love,
Life was playing, blood was boiling, -
Now, as if in an empty house,
Everything in it is quiet and dark;
It fell silent forever.

Film-opera "Eugene Onegin, 1958. Directed by Roman Tikhomirov.
Onegin - Vadim Medvedev.
Lensky - Igor Ozerov.
Zaretsky - uncredited.

- the most tragic episode of the novel “Eugene Onegin”. The fact that the young people were best friends makes the current situation especially dramatic. Zhelchny, who was reluctant to let people near him, nevertheless willingly spent time with Lensky. What caused the duel and what events preceded it?

The first alarm bell in the novel is when she sees Lensky's death at the hands of Onegin. Waking up, she tries to find the meaning of the dream in the book, but the dream book does not give her an answer. However, it is obvious that a terrible and ominous vision does not bode well.

The next morning, guests gather at the Larins' house. Lensky and Onegin also arrive. The latter is seated at the table opposite Tatyana, which leads her to terrible embarrassment. She blushes, barely hears the words of the guests addressed to her, and only with a great effort of will does she hold back her tears. Tatiana’s confusion is not hidden from Onegin, but it only irritates and confuses him:

The eccentric, having found himself at a huge feast,
I was already angry. But languid maidens
Noticing the tremulous impulse,
Looking down in annoyance,

He pouted...

Evgeny is angry with his friend for bringing him to the Larins, and decides to take revenge and anger him. As soon as the dancing began, Evgeniy immediately invites, hoping with all his behavior to enrage his friend:

Leads her, gliding carelessly,
And, leaning over, he whispers to her tenderly
Some vulgar madrigal
And he shakes hands...

Lensky can't believe his eyes: Olga, his fiancee, is dancing with his best friend! Having barely waited for the end of the dance, he invites her himself - but she has already promised Onegin. Indignant, Lensky leaves the ball and later gives his former friend a note challenging him. Onegin agrees, but later reproaches himself for his behavior at the ball and, on sound reflection, comes to the conclusion that he behaved unworthily and stupidly. But now it's too late to change anything.

Olga, being a flighty and self-involved girl, does not even understand what pain she is causing her fiancé by allowing Onegin to take care of her. She is pleased with his attention, and she does not notice Lensky’s jealousy. When the poet decides to see Olga before the duel, she greets him as if nothing had happened, as if nothing had happened at the ball - and she sincerely believes so. Lensky, thinking to confuse her with his appearance, is surprised and confused. He is ready to forgive his beloved, but does not change his decision to shoot with his offender:

He thinks: “I will be her savior.
I will not tolerate the corrupter
Fire and sighs and praises
Tempted a young heart...

Onegin's attempts to disrupt the duel lead nowhere. He is late on purpose - because of this, according to the rules, the duel could have been postponed; takes his servant as a second - this was also a violation. But Lensky is determined and does not attach importance to these nuances.

So, Lensky's death becomes the reason for his blind jealousy, the cruelty of his best friend and the frivolity of his fiancee. Perhaps the duel could have been avoided, but the ardor and pride of both heroes did not allow them to abandon their plan.

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