Money doesn't grow on trees. Greetings from Buratino! Pinocchio planted a money tree

The piggy bank contains 20 ruble coins and 20 two-ruble coins. What is the smallest number of coins that needs to be picked out of the piggy bank so that among them there are likely to be a) two identical coins; b) two two-ruble coins; c) two different coins?

Solution. A beginner will win if he plays as follows.
With his first move, he places the coin so that its center coincides with the center of the table. Further, with each of his next moves, he places a coin so that it is symmetrical relative to the center of the table with the coin that the second player placed with his last move. The first one can always do this, since after each of his moves the arrangement of coins is symmetrical relative to the center of the table (that is, if a certain point on the table surface is covered with a coin, then a point symmetrical to it relative to the center of the table is covered, and if it is not covered with a coin, then it is symmetrical the point is not covered). Thus, if the second one was able to find a place to put a coin, then there is exactly the same free area in shape and area. As we can see, following this strategy, the beginner can always respond to his opponent’s move with his own move. Sooner or later there will be nowhere to put the coins, but since the first player can always make a move, the second player will lose.

There are coins on the table. 15 of them are heads up, the rest are heads down. It is required, blindfolded, to arrange these coins into two piles so that in these piles the number of coins lying heads up is the same. The number of coins in heaps can be different (a heap can consist of any number of coins, including one or even fewer), coins can be turned over, but it is impossible to determine by touch where the coin lies.

In the Land of Fools there is a magical field called the Field of Miracles...

Dig a hole in this field, say three times: “Crex, fex, pex”

put the gold in the hole, cover it with earth, sprinkle salt on top, water it well

and go to sleep.

The next morning a small tree will grow from the hole,

they will hang on it instead of leaves

Golden coins

Have your parents ever scolded you for unnecessary, unnecessary expenses?

“Money doesn’t grow on trees” is a favorite phrase of adult uncles and aunts, apparently recalling the fairy tale about Pinocchio.

Some of you may have objected to your parents that in fact the money tree exists in nature, and even more, in almost every home. But that's just a name.

But, if you are walking around England, and even more so if you are in Ingleton, then here you can find not some kind of money tree, but a tree on which real money grows. They can be picked and used in shops in the city.

This is all due to the fact that money really doesn’t grow on a tree, in the truest sense of the word. People themselves bring money for it, which is why they treat the “miracle of nature” so calmly.

It is unknown how exactly this tradition of sticking coins into a tree arose. It is quite possible that it was started by athletes who kayak along a local river with numerous rapids and waterfalls. But, one way or another, the tree was quite densely overgrown with coins.

One way or another, regardless of the reasons that forced people to drive coins into the tree trunk, I hope that their wishes came true, and that they did not want wealth, but normal, human happiness. Well, you can safely tell your parents that they were wrong about the “money tree.”

It is also worth saying that there is a similar tradition in English pubs. Visitors stick change into the cracks of the bar counter, walls, or anywhere else they find. So, if you don’t have enough to pay for a pint of beer, then you can easily go and get small things and thereby pay the bartender. Locals call these coins “shrapnel,” apparently remembering the explosive shells, pieces of which firmly stuck into the walls of buildings.

1. People believe that this tree brings good luck and will return their money double.

2. There are several of these money trees in the UK.

3. Maybe someone has nowhere to put their money?

4. Residents of Yorkshire, in the north of England, are known for their thriftiness with money.

5. But this tree shows us that sometimes people in this part of the UK throw money down the drain... or, on a tree.

6. Ingleton (north Yorkshire) has the most amazing forests, and the waterfalls are simply gorgeous!

7. Up close, it may seem that the coins have merged with the wood into a single whole. But this is only the effect of climatic conditions on the metal.

8. Many people believe that coins growing in a tree are not just a symbol of the growth of your own wealth. The more coins you put in the tree, the more children you will have in the future.

9. This tree is long and curved, like the body of a lizard, and covered with coins like scales.

10. If you're in Britain and want to see a money tree, you don't even have to leave the country! Bolton Abbey is famous not only for its picturesque 12th century ruins, but also for its wonder.

11. If you think that money can do everything, then now you see that the opposite phrase also applies - everything can be with money.

12. Maybe it would be better to just put these coins into an account every month?

13. Wanting money is one thing, but having it is completely different. As they say, when the gods want to punish us, they give us what we wanted. Cicero also said that money creates wars, and two thousand years later his words were confirmed.

14. If you're ever in Cumbria, be sure to visit Ambleside above Kirkstone Pass. There are many beautiful waterfalls and - another money tree!

15. If Poirot were alive today, he would certainly become interested in these mysterious people creating these strange trees. They all live in the north of England, close to the waterfalls. Add here good story murder, and it will be an excellent plot for another Agatha Christie novel.

16. Dovedale attracts over a million visitors each year to its stunning scenery. There is a picturesque river, a money tree, and the famous caves known as Dove Holes.

18. Tisdale is the coldest place where there are money trees. This is a valley on the eastern side of the Pennines. The local climate is classified as subarctic. It snows here in June.

Coins in trees look very unusual, but their purpose is different! I would like to believe that the wishes of everyone who left them here successfully came true.


closeddoorsbetween the known and the unknown.

All people love to travel. But it’s one thing to just “gaze” around, take pictures and check off the next attraction, and quite another thing to do it consciously and see the hidden signs and symbols that accompany you along the way.

A little over a year has passed since my trips have found meaning and bring incomparable happiness, pleasure and, I dare to hope, benefit. And all this thanks to the “Stargate School 11:11” and personally to its creator and inspirer Lyubov Vladislavovna Semyonova.

Thanks to her, Veliky Ustyug became known throughout the world as the birthplace of Father Frost and the capital of the Age of Aquarius. In addition, this magical city is a galactic portal that opens its gates twice a year: June 21 - on the summer solstice and December 21 - on the winter solstice.

Not far from Veliky Ustyug there is the village of Chernevo, where our “northern ashram” is located - a village house with a temple and a bathhouse. That’s where we went as an honest company on the eve of the summer solstice - to work, study, perform mysteries and energies, take a steam bath and just relax. These places delight with their natural beauty, kindness and hospitality of the local residents.

The refrain of our trip was working with the soil, loosening it, fertilizing and sowing. We planted several Christmas trees on the site and sowed oat seeds. All work was done as consciously as possible, with the words: “We sow the seeds of freedom and receive the shoots of liberation.”

We sow the seeds of freedom and receive the shoots of liberation = 606 = Letters are the commandments of Heaven given to humanity through language

Returning from another walk through the village, on the road right under our feet, we saw a money tree. It had roots, and we decided to plant it too. This moment reminded us of the fairy tale about Pinocchio, when he planted his soldos in the hope of growing a money tree.

Plant a money tree = 247 = Lyuba Semyonova’s team = Complete an important task = Dictionary is key = This is the Russian alphabet

Pinocchio and the key appeared on the mental plane. The theme was continued by the mystery play performed before departure, in which Anya S. superbly performed ABC’s monologue.

ABC Monologue = 149 = Star seeding= Performers = Find the keys

Pinocchio = 103 = Alphabet - code = Numbers = Program = Key given

Pinocchio + Papa Carlo = 199 = Milky Way = God's door is open

He holds the key to happiness in his hands and that is why he is so lucky = 609 = Found a silver piece of Grand Duke Vladimir with the face of Christ

To be honest, I probably would not have written about all this if in our Temple of the Ascension I had not pulled out the same card twice in a row (!): “Learn to think and you will find freedom.” Therefore, this article is an attempt to comprehend and connect together the events, signs, clues that I noticed and which pointed to the fairy tale about Pinocchio. It’s somehow easier to think in writing, and then, suddenly, someone else will think of something else and tell me.

Learn to think and you will find freedom = 497 = There are no miracles, there is one degree or another of knowledge

This is again a hint of a fairy tale - Pinocchio, as you know, planted a tree on the Field of Miracles. But as it turns out, there are no miracles, but only knowledge and the ability to think. So I'm learning...

The Field of Miracles was located in the Land of Fools. Who is this fool, and what kind of country is this? Wikipedia says: “A fool is an unintelligent person, a fool. His naivety, integrity, his natural feelings can be contrasted with a value system that is unnatural for human nature and the prejudices of the rational world. He knows more about what is really important for a person than the “normal” people around him.”

“Du” means “two”, and “Ra” is the Sun God, the fool comes out - these are “two Suns” or twice under the Sun!

Fool = 57 = Name = Good= Find = Shield

The image of the “sunny” fool is reflected in Tarot cards, as written in L. Hungarian’s article “Priestess of the Silver Star”: “The twenty-second card, the Fool (or Fool), has a number zero. She personifies the Hero himself, walking the path of the Sun to accomplish his Great Work. It is about him that Shakespeare’s jester speaks: “Foolishness, sir, is like the sun, going its own way.” Usually in fairy tales the hero, at least at the beginning, is not distinguished by any special courage, strength or intelligence. On the contrary, he is usually the youngest, the most inexperienced and the stupidest. This is the essence of most fairy tales of all times and peoples. They teach that the solution to the biggest problem is found where you least expect it. Like Parsifal, who appeared in the world in the dress of a jester, and at the end of the legend, thanks to his purity, found the Holy Grail, our Fool at the beginning of the story appears to us in the guise of a simple-minded fool, but in the end he acquires the highest simplicity of the soul, that is, wisdom.”

“Fools, only they always achieve something in fairy tales. So they should be the subject of careful study by smart people” (V.B. Shklovsky)

What is a fool? = 173 = Key of Trust = Keys to Light = Key to Everything = Christ Key = I Am Kryon

What is the land of fools? = 266 = Battlefield of light and darkness = Path of Initiation = This is the Milky Way = This is the Russian Golgotha ​​= These are Kryon partners

In the book by L.V. Semyonova “Stargate 11:11” it is written: “The golden key to the secret door of Pinocchio, a boy with a long nose, is given by the turtle Tortilla. The last cycle in the Mayan calendar is completed by the Turtle, on whose shell nature itself painted the Mayan number 13. And the key eternal life During initiation, the ankh was brought to the nose, since the nose is in ancient Egypt symbolized consciousness."

Nose is a symbol of consciousness = 243 = Kryon points to the North = Key two hundred and five = Death or Ascension

205 = Gift of God's Love – Dictionary= Pay attention to = Golden Key= I own the key

What is key 205? = 403 = What is a trip to New Jerusalem for Maya? = Receive the key to the Heavenly House = Reflection – Receive the Father’s keys = Ideal reflection – seeds of a new time = Key “11”xeleven"

The nose is a symbol of dedication = 304 = From Veliky Ustyug to Sochi = The doors of consciousness are open

To be fair, it should be noted that in ancient Rus' the nose symbolized something completely different. Bribery was common at that time. Often, without a bribe or gift, it was impossible for a long time to achieve a resolution of one’s cases either in the courts or in institutions. What the petitioners brought with them as a gift was called a “nose.” If the gift was accepted, then one could hope that the matter would be resolved. If the employee refused the gift for any reason, then the applicant was “left with his nose”, without receiving any hope of success. Interestingly, when I was looking for information on the Internet, I was very pleased with the answer: “Pinocchio knows for sure!”

But I digress...

On the way from Chernevo we stopped by Anna T. in the city of Kotlas. Knowing nothing about the money tree and our “plantings,” Anya very hospitably greeted us with a richly laid table with napkins in the form of 100 dollar bills. She presented each of us with a chocolate bar of gold, which we happily swallowed after completing the mystery of opening cash flow.

Then she looked at Lena B. and said that there was a male aspect of Pinocchio in her! Lena is indeed very lively, spontaneous, and cheerful. I don’t know how Pinocchio felt at that moment, but I was in the deepest amazement, since Lena and I planted the money tree together! This was the second greeting from him!

Soon I received an unexpected invitation to visit Sochi, and then go on a cruise along the Black Sea on the ship “Prince Vladimir”. On the very first day, on the beach, I found a stone with a hole - I have such a weakness - collecting stones with a hole. And only on the ship it dawned on me that the stone looked like Pinocchio!

At the very beginning of the journey we were told: “You are the pioneers of new Russian history.” This is because since the collapse of the USSR this is the first cruise route on the Black Sea: Sochi - Novorossiysk - Yalta - Sevastopol - Sochi. In every city we were greeted as heroes - by top officials, orchestra, flowers, press, etc. President Putin V.V. patronizes this project, so everything was done in person high level. Our voyage was the fourth since the beginning of navigation.

Motor ship Prince Vladimir =287 = What is a trip to Sochi for Maya? = One God-reflection – Santa Claus = Union of magicians of the north + magicians of the south

It turns out that they didn’t just invite me - I needed to be on this magnificent liner for the sake of spreading crystal clear energies from the north to the south of our vast country.

We are the pioneers of a new Russian history= 469 = The alphabet is the key that opens all doors = Open doors to new possibility

The liner “Prince Vladimir” received its name not by chance. Many historical places are associated with the name of the prince. Black Sea coast, along which the route runs.

As is known, in 988 in the city of Chersonese (Greek), or Korsun (glorified), on the territory of modern Sevastopol, the baptism of Grand Duke Vladimir Svyatoslavovich took place.

Prince Vladimir = 171 = Light is knowledge = I'm that key

I have already been to Chersonesos before, but in a so-called “unconscious” state. Now I wanted to pass all the information about this unique place through my changed consciousness, so I ordered an excursion and, holding my breath, listened to every word of the guide.

In 1825, the commander-in-chief Black Sea Fleet A. Greig came up with the idea to immortalize the place of the Grand Duke’s baptism, and therefore excavations were carried out in Chersonesos in 1827. As a result of these excavations, the ruins of ancient temples were discovered, among which was an ancient church that was once located in the very center of the city. It was in it, according to historians, that Prince Vladimir received Baptism.

At that moment, on the territory of the Tauride Chersonese complex, the exhibition “Contacts of Millennia Long” was taking place, no less than to help from the Teachers to restore memory.

In a word, I learned a lot of new and interesting things, but most of all I was struck by the fact that the Field of Miracles on which Pinocchio plants his coins from the film “Pinocchio’s Adventure” was filmed exactly there, on the territory of ancient Chersonesus!

Field of Miracles = 128 = New door = New seed (it was not in vain that they sown it in Chernevo!)

What is Field of Miracles? = 244 = Iron door key = Very important keys = The secret of the Russian alphabet= Go through Initiation = Through the Russian alphabet

Go through Initiation through the Russian alphabet = 488 = There is an emphasis on connection through the Russian alphabet = Connection with the past through the Russian alphabet = Number puzzle through the Russian alphabet

This was the fourth greeting from Buratino and his insistent call to solve another puzzle!

“In the Country of Fools there is a magical field - it’s called the Field of Miracles... In this field, dig a hole, say three times: “Krex, fex, pex”, put the gold in the hole, cover it with earth, sprinkle salt on top, pour it well and go to sleep. In the morning, a small tree will grow from the hole, and gold coins will hang on it instead of leaves,” wrote Alexei Tolstoy in his famous fairy tale.

This scene was filmed near the Fog or Signal Bell.

The history of the bell is very romantic. It was cast in 1778 from captured Turkish cannons and depicts the patron saints of sailors - St. Nicholas and St. Foka. After Crimean War 1853-1856, the bell was taken from Sevastopol among the trophies to an unknown destination. However, in 1913 it was discovered hanging in the famous Notre Dame Cathedral. Before the First World War, France, which had a vested interest in strengthening the alliance with Russia, returned the “captive bell” to Sevastopol as a “token of alliance and friendship.” For this, the Russian government awarded the French consul the Order of St. Vladimir 4th degree.

Fog Bell = 224 = Bell ringing = Stargate Key

Signal bell = 243 = Big Puzzle = Giant Puzzle = Two keys connected= Key two hundred five= Kryon points to the north = Why is Maya going to Chernevo?

What is key two hundred five? = 359 = This is the golden key for Maya

The number “four” vibrated - our ship’s voyage was the fourth, the consul received a fourth-degree award, Pinocchio sold the ABC for four soldi and then planted four coins on the Field of Miracles.

Four - Platonic solid - sacred number. Raft - flesh - stronghold - rally. Papa Carlo was a poor organ grinder, but he had to become a carpenter in order to whittle himself a boy with a long nose.

Pinocchio - a boy with a long nose = 406 = Lyuba Semyonova's group entered the center = Keys to the recesses of our ancient memory

“If there is a key, then the door will definitely be found,” Buratino’s remark.

What is a door? = 176 = Emphasis on the key = The key is love = The key to knowledge = Gift from Santa Claus

In the article by Semyonova L.V. “Buy a ticket to childhood” has wonderful words: “Don’t get stuck on the key, open the doors!” This phrase is numbered 417.

417 = The found key of the Russian alphabet = Assemble a three-piece puzzle

Secret Door = 174 = Door of Eternity = Sign - Panarina Maya = Papal Keys

Finally, things are starting to become clearer. This means, symbolically, I am that very secret door that once brought the Papal keys from Rome and I can open myself with the help of love, knowledge, pure consciousness and a healthy dose of curiosity (a long nose). And then the magical world of eternity will open on the other side of the door! You must understand that I am only a sign and all of the above applies to each of us.

Curiosity is the key to the castle = 405 = Rethinking your life purpose

Curiosity is the key to the lock = 338 = Vertical state of mind = Lyuba Semyonova’s School in action = Get a reflection of Heaven on Earth

Curiosity = 187 = Doors of happiness = Do your best = Ivan the Fool

Buratino pursued me so persistently that he appeared in my dream. He didn’t appear himself, but I saw a note on which the word “Pinocchio” was written in block letters.

Buratino's name in the note = 237 = Panarina Maya Borisovna = Ideal reflection – sign

Pinocchio for Maya = 190 = You were given a key = Communication – Dictionary = This is the Teacher

Returning from the cruise to Sochi, we managed to catch the last performance of Cirque du Soleil. The first thing I saw upon entering the hall was a huge shell of a giant turtle against the backdrop of a swamp with reeds and frogs. These unusual decorations represented a stage on which the legendary circus tried to surprise the audience. For me, this remained the strongest impression, and I spent the entire program waiting for Pinocchio to appear, but... The French limited themselves to just Tortilla and frogs. If the Italians were in their place, I’m sure that Pinocchio would definitely be drawn, but so... this is not their fairy tale.

Cirque du Soleil and Tortilla Turtle = 384 = I received the Father's key in Macedonia = It’s not enough to find the key – you have to use it

In Moscow, I immediately had a great opportunity to use my key - a trip to Tver was planned. The letters “t” and “d” are interchangeable, which means there was a journey ahead in which we could and should open the Door.

What is Tver? = 191 = Top Door = Adventure = Unlock the Whole World = Open the Dictionary = Key to the Heart = This is the World Key

I am sure that local motorists will never forget a car with Belarusian license plates, chock-full of positive girls who waved their hands in greeting from the trunk! Despite our cheerful mood, we were ready for serious work and had real keys with us to symbolically open the northern gates.

An indelible impression was made on all of us by the “Sovereign” icon in the Nativity of Christ Monastery (16th century), which was restored with the active participation of the Romanov family in 1820 (182 = Reflection - Key). It was the “Sovereign” icon that became the invisible and sacred door that we had to open in Tver for the sake of strengthening the power of Russia.

An interesting story is connected with this icon. It appeared immediately after the abdication of Nicholas II from the throne. In Soviet times, the icon was used as doors in a barn in one of the private houses in Tver. One pious Christian bought it and gave it to the church, where it remains to this day, next to the icon of the holy passion-bearers - the family of Nicholas II.

Nativity of Christ Monastery in Tver = 434 = The greatness of a people lies in what it carries in its heart = Ideal reflection - activate keys in Tver

Of course, the Teachers guided us and did not fail to confirm that everything was done correctly.

After a trip to Tver, a friendly group of us went to the Stupinsky district of the Moscow region, the village of Ivan-Teremets, on whose territory the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary is located. There the “Victory” icon was waiting for us before its departure to Donbass. In this place blessed by God, a real Garden of Eden, there were many signs, but the very first one that immediately caught my eye was the open door to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem. This drawing was depicted on the wall of the house of the abbot of the monastery courtyard, and we should not have been there, because... parking on the other side. But... we ended up.

Open Door = 209 = You are the ones with the key = “Key of Understanding” (icon) = The fruit of our labors

Now is the year of the Red Fire Rooster. Anyone who has read the fairy tale “The Adventure of Pinocchio” remembers that Pinocchio escaped from pursuit riding on a rooster. And for us, students and aspirants who study symbols and signs, this has a very great importance. The rooster is the harbinger of the dawn and he has already crowed three times, foreshadowing the dawn for Russia.

Pinocchio riding a rooster = 292 = Opening of the Northern Gate = I received the Father's Key= Key to the Gate of Ascension = Golden Key for Maya

Do you think this is the end of the story? Pinocchio wouldn't be Pinocchio if he disappeared so quickly. He scheduled the next meeting in one of the Moscow clubs, where I was invited to my birthday. The Petrovich club is designed in the style of the Soviet era and its walls are covered with printed paper products of that time. My chair was right in front of the Buratino lemonade label.

I must say that his methods and ways of expressing himself were simply amazing! Now he appeared in a cartoon, now in a joke, now in a newspaper article. MK columnist A. Minkin wrote an article “Mute Onegin” (it is noteworthy that this issue dated September 29, 2017 was published immediately after our return from Pskov, where we visited Pushkin’s places). So, even in this article there was a phrase: “...Pinocchio will win...” It would seem, what is the connection? But no... I'm watching TV, and they tell me that the first work of the Brussels Theater, performed after a two-year break, was the opera "Pinocchio", a friend tells me about some "rich Pinocchio", the news reports that Russia will have purchase TOS-1A “Buratino” weapons...

TOS 1 A “Pinocchio” = 160 = Doors of consciousness = The key is the heart = I Am Door

Complex TOS 1A “Pinocchio” = 269 = Curiosity is the key =See what is invisible

If I didn’t hear from Pinocchio for several days, I started to get bored... and at the same moment he appeared and it was as if I even saw him putting his thumb to his long nose, waving his hand and shouting in a ringing voice: “You can’t wait! "

Pinocchio will win! = 179 = Stone Pinocchio = Matrix from A to Z = Number 96

96 = Papa Carlo = We are playing = My game ( my harmonious number!)

At one of her last classes, Lyubov Vladislavovna said that during the renovation process in her apartment, she changed the doors and lock. The castle was very symbolic and was called “Sirius”.

Sirius Castle = 149 = The Last Sign = Star Seeding = Find the Keys

Well, everything was confirmed - this number had already appeared at the very beginning of my “thought process”, which means I received the last sign that we had sown everything “star-wise” and all that remained was to find the keys.

And our “star” group found them! As I already mentioned, on the day of the autumn solstice we were in Pskov. Located not far from him ancient city Izborsk, where you can find many springs and underground springs, which are considered sacred and have healing properties. And the most powerful in this regard are the Slovenian springs, whose age is estimated at more than one thousand years.

The Slovenian springs, also called the keys of the twelve apostles, are located not far from the Izborsk fortress, near Lake Gorodishchenskoye. The legend says that once a terrible battle took place on the Slovenian field, after which the water in the springs turned red with blood and then dried up. One young man began to pray earnestly for the return of Izborsk water. And he had a vision: God promised that he would return the water if the local residents held a prayer service and named the springs in honor of the apostles of Christ. The residents fulfilled God's will and the water returned.

Many people believe that keys have special powers. Some sources can heal from many diseases, others can give happiness, and still others can give love. Alas, no one remembers what each of the keys can do, so we drank the miraculous water from each.

Slovenian keys = 211 = Izborsk - Iron City = Our group names = Find important clues = Congratulations on your victory = Group triumph

What are Slovenian keys? = 327 = Russia begins here (Pskov) = The door leading to God is open = The key is given in Russian = Tortilla the turtle key = This is the Key to the Star Gate

The keys, manifested on the mental plane from the very beginning of my story, were embodied on the physical plane. This means that the door to Jerusalem, which was shown to us on the wall, should have been open in real life.

The hierarchs arranged for us to open these doors on the most appropriate day - Teacher's Day! Egle came to Moscow from Vilnius and we went to open the door to New Jerusalem.

This monastery was founded in 1656 by Patriarch Nikon, according to whose plan a complex of holy places in Palestine was to be recreated near Moscow. The relics of the Holy Martyr Tatiana are considered one of the main monastery relics. We wanted to buy ourselves icons with the image of this Saint, but in response we heard that they had 50 teachers today and all the icons were sold out. Only then did it dawn on us that we were on such a significant day - Teacher's Day - with the patroness of students. And students are students of higher educational institutions! We can assume that the heavenly Teachers highly appreciated our abilities and the credits were received!

In addition, Tatiana I. was with us, as the personification of the law of Thoth Hermes: “As above, so below.”

Lyuba + Tatyana + Egle + Natasha + Maya = 343 = Executors of will Higher powers= We have fulfilled our mission = The key to any lock is love = Christ has returned to Earth

We went into Edicule - the Chapel of the Holy Sepulcher, climbed Golgotha ​​and saw there open door Royal Doors. At this moment a phrase came to our earthly Teacher:

“Go through death and be reborn by the Sun” = 555 = Without knowledge, a person can never become free = Life takes over again, God’s smile does not leave this world = Perfect Numerical Substitution Changes Reality

In the magical Dictionary, the word death and ascension are equal to 105, which means we can safely change this phrase to “Pass through Ascension and be reborn by the Sun.” And the sun shines and pleases everyone equally. And Pinocchio believed that he was created for the joy of people. That is why Tortilla the turtle gave him a golden key, although before that she swore that no one would ever receive it.

And only when all the keys were found and all the doors were open, it was broadcast on TV that starting October 12, new Russian money would be put into circulation in Russia - 200 and 2000 rubles. The two hundred depicts a monument to sunken ships in Sevastopol and Tauride Chersonesos. Hooray! The money tree begins to bear its first fruits!

New money in Russia = 232 = White City – Jerusalem = Receive the key = Key “Eleven” = Key of “Transfiguration” = Keys to the Universe = We are handed the keys = School " Stargate 11:11" = This is the key

At the same time, in Israel, archaeologists for the first time in the last 1700 years found sensational material evidence of the existence of Aelia Capitolina, as well as the remains of a Roman theater.

Aelia Capitolina is a city built in 135 by Emperor Hadrian after suppressing a Jewish revolt. In 325, Constantine the Great restored the name Jerusalem, already as a Christian city.

Elia Capitolina = 202 = Calvary Cross = Life is a theater = The key was given to us = Open - enter = Praise of the Teacher = Goal achieved

Jews are very smart people. They manage to harvest several times a year. That’s why we just planted it, and they already dug up and found everything.

Found Elia Capitolina = 286 = First Star Seeds

“We could not even imagine that a window into the secrets of the lost theater of Jerusalem would open before us,” said the stunned scientists.

“The whole world is a theater, and the people in it are actors!

Who is a rogue, who is a jester, and who is a simpleton, a sage or a hero.”

And therefore, and therefore, leave your disputes -

Look for your role in life, sculpt your image.

Our world is a hall! Our life is a stage

Where laughter and tears, grief and love mixed

But, live at least a hundred lives at the same time,

Be and always remain yourself."

It’s not for nothing that Pinocchio, this honest, brave, cheerful little boy, dreamed of buying Papa Carlo’s theater in order to bring freedom to the dolls, to please everyone and to be happy himself.

This is how we play on the theatrical stage of history, creating a new reality and sowing the seeds of a new life that give rise to shoots and a rich harvest not only in our country, but also far beyond its borders to the joy of all people.


Greetings to all readers! Today we will look at the sixth and last illusion within this topic - this The illusion of the “Money Tree or Pinocchio syndrome in the land of fools.”Let me remind you that you can read about previous illusions in the following articles:

The Money Tree Illusion

It's an illusion that you can plant something like a tree (like invest), and it will give me fruits until the end of my days, and I will drink tequila under a sun lounger on an exotic island, and I can do nothing! It's an illusion! Think for yourself - if the universe gives it to you, you will sit, and your Soul will grow fat and become overgrown with layers of laziness and a feeling of your own uselessness! This means that you will stop growing and developing, and MONEY grows and multiplies only where there is development. Where development stops, the cash flow narrows and disappears sooner or later! This is the same freebie syndrome! If you want your financial flow to grow, grow yourself and increase your positive impact on the world, then the world will bestow blessings on you!

The Money Tree Illusion or Pinocchio Syndrome in the Land of Fools (video)

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