Until what time does the admissions committee work? Acceptance of documents to universities ends. What next... Until what date is the admissions office open?

When to Apply to College 2018

The admission campaign in colleges and technical schools in 2018, as well as in universities, starts no later than June 20. The closing date for accepting applications will depend on the chosen specialty. For example, it will be possible to apply for professions with creative and specialized tests until August 10. Deadline for accepting applications for specialties without entrance exams extended until August 15. Subject to availability of places, the acceptance of documents will be extended until November 25.

Entrance tests are considered completed after the announcement of the surname list of persons recommended for enrollment. This list can be found on the official website of the college or on its information stand.

Within five days after this, applicants who are admitted without entrance examinations can bring original documents to educational institution. Applicants admitted based on the results of entrance exams must submit the originals within seven days. Ten days before the start of the academic year, enrollment in full-time training ends.

List of documents for admission to college 2018

The success of entering college largely depends on the correct package of documents provided by the applicant. The admissions committee will ask you to:

    Certificate of secondary education and its copy;

    USE/OGE results;

    Application from the applicant (you will need to fill it out at the admissions committee);

    Six 3x4 photos

    Medical certificate form 086U (as a rule, it is issued at the school to all graduates after undergoing medical examination).

College Admission Scores

You cannot enter college without the results of the Unified State Examination/Unified State Examination. Certification for ninth-graders consists of four exams. Two of which are Russian and mathematics. The student can choose the remaining two independently. Pupils from previous years who did not receive a certificate are also allowed to take the OGE.

In case of unsatisfactory results of the OGE, the student will be offered to retake the exam on a reserve day. If this attempt is unsuccessful, it will be possible to retake the OGE only next year.

The passing score for graduates of the 9th grade is set according to the average grade of the school certificate, usually ranging from 3.5 to 5. For those who decide to go to college after the 11th grade, the passing score is based on Unified State Exam results- on average from 130 to maximum in three subjects.

As we have already said, in some colleges you will need to take additional entrance examinations on the basis of the educational institution itself. Therefore, when choosing a future place of study, be sure to check all the information on exams on the college website or at the admissions office.

Admission conditions Deadlines for accepting documents Deadlines for entrance examinations Note
Places within check digits reception ( budget places) from June 20 to July 22 from July 1 to July 26 (streams as applications are submitted) for applicants to study based on the results of entrance tests (according to general education disciplines), conducted by MPEI independently
from June 20 to July 26 -
Contractual full-time study places from June 20 to August 5 from July 1 to August 7 (streams as applications are submitted) for applicants to study based on the results of entrance tests (in general education disciplines and creative fields) conducted by MPEI independently
from June 20 to August 15 - for applicants to study without passing entrance tests conducted by MPEI independently
Contractual places for full-time and part-time study, with the exception of IPEEf from June 20 to September 13 from July 1 to September 15 (streams as applications are submitted)
Contractual places for full-time and part-time forms of study, IPEEf Institute from August 19 to September 13 from September 14 to September 15
Contractual places for distance learning at the Institute of IDDO from April 21 to April 27 from April 21 to April 27 acceptance of documents by authorized officials of MPEI on the premises of the Almaty University of Energy and Communications (AUES), Republic of Kazakhstan. Entrance tests using remote educational technologies are carried out in the presence and under the control of an authorized representative of the MPEI selection committee in the premises of AUPET
Contractual places for distance learning (Moscow) from June 20 to September 13 from July 1 to September 15 accepting documents and conducting entrance tests on the premises of MPEI
Contractual places for correspondence courses (Smolensk) from June 20 to September 13 from July 1 to September 15
Contractual places for distance learning (Volzhsky) from June 20 to September 11 from July 1 to September 11
Contractual places for correspondence courses (Dushanbe) from June 20 to October 15 from July 1 to October 15

Stages and procedures for admission to places within the framework of the CTC for full-time and part-time forms of study

No later than July 27 Posting lists of applicants on the official website and at the information stand
Priority stage
- enrollment without entrance examinations;
- enrollment in places within a special quota and target quota(places within quotas)
July 28 Acceptance of applications for consent to enrollment from persons entering without entrance examinations, entering places within quotas is completed, if these persons simultaneously submitted applications for admission to two or more organizations higher education in accordance with clause 4.13 of the Admission Rules;
July 29 An order(s) is issued for the enrollment of persons who have submitted an application for consent to enrollment from among those applicants without entrance examinations who are admitted to places within quotas
Enrollment based on the results of entrance tests for the main places within the CCP, remaining after enrollment without entrance examinations (main competitive places) First stage of enrollment
for the main competitive places - enrollment in 80% of places
August 1 The acceptance of applications for consent to enrollment from persons included in the lists of applicants for the main competitive places and wishing to be enrolled at the first stage of enrollment in the main competitive places has ended. Within each list of applicants, persons who have submitted an application for consent to enrollment are allocated until 80% of the main competitive places are filled
August 3 An order(s) is issued for the enrollment of persons who have submitted an application for consent to enrollment until 80% of the main competitive places are filled
Second stage of enrollment
for the main competitive places - 100% enrollment
August 6 The acceptance of applications for consent to enrollment from persons included in the lists of applicants for the main competitive places is completed. Within each list of applicants, persons who have submitted an application for consent to enrollment are allocated until 100% of the main competitive places are filled.
August 8 An order(s) is issued for the enrollment of persons who have submitted an application for consent to enrollment until 100% of the main competitive places are filled

Stages of enrollment in contract places for full-time and part-time education

1. Enrollment in contracted full-time study places is carried out in streams from July 9 to August 16 (07/09, 07/16, 07/23, 08/13 and 08/16).

After passing the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam, every high school student knows: the most interesting thing begins with graduation - entering a university or college.

On the websites of educational institutions you can preview the information:
✔ about the number of budget and paid places,
✔ about the number of places for targeted reception,
✔ about available benefits for winners and prize-winners of Olympiads at various levels,
✔ about dormitories,
✔ schedule of entrance examinations (indicating the locations of entrance examinations).

We bring to your attention the schedule of the 2018 admissions campaign.


Not earlier than July 7
Completion of acceptance of documents from persons applying as a result of additional entrance tests of creative and (or) professional orientation.

Not earlier than July 10
Completion of acceptance of documents from persons applying based on the results of entrance examinations conducted by the university independently.

July 26
Completion of accepting documents from persons arriving only based on the results of the Unified State Exam.
Completion of entrance tests conducted by the university independently.


July 28-29
The stage of priority admission of applicants entering out of competition and in targeted areas.

July 29
The university publishes competition lists(lists of applicants recommended for admission) for 80% of the budget places remaining after priority admission.

No later than August 15
The university posts information about additional admissions (if there are still vacancies).

The university sets its own deadlines for enrollment in correspondence courses and paid places.


No later than June 20
Start of accepting documents for colleges and technical schools.

Until August 10
Acceptance of applications for admission to specialties (professions) with creative or specialized tests.

Until August 15
Acceptance of applications for admission to full-time study in a specialty without entrance examinations.

Until November 25
Extension of acceptance of documents from applicants if there are free places.

Deadlines for accepting applications to colleges and technical schools for full-time and part-time forms of study are established by the rules of admission.


The end date of the entrance examinations is the announcement on the official website and information stand of the college (technical school) admissions committee of the surname list of persons recommended for enrollment.

Within 5 days after this date, the original documents are brought by applicants who are enrolled without entrance examinations.

Within 7 days, applicants admitted based on the results of entrance examinations must submit the originals.

Enrollment in full-time studies ends 10 days before the start of classes.


The start of accepting documents for admission to master's programs is determined by universities independently. Usually coincides with the start of accepting documents for admission to bachelor's and specialty programs (no later than June 20).

Usually, the acceptance of documents for admission to the master's program ends in August. At the same time, the deadline for applicants correspondence department scheduled 2 weeks later.

The university determines the timing of entrance examinations and enrollment in master’s programs independently. As a rule, exams take place in July-August.

Universities can admit students to certain master's programs even in December-January.

June 20

June 20 Started working with applicants from 9.00 Moscow time admissions committee RGSU at the address: st. Stromynka, 18. For all specialties and fields of study at the university, the procedure for accepting documents will last until the end of August.

Chairman of the Admissions Committee- Rector of RGSU, d Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Fedyakina Lidiya Vasilievna.

Executive Secretaryadmission committee Larisa Viktorovna Prokhorova:

“The first day of the admissions committee’s work is full-fledged and responsible. Due to the fact that most school graduates have not yet received certificates of passing the Unified State Exam and certificates wishing to submit documents today are applicants who have already received secondary vocational education or graduated from school earlier last year. The main flow of applicants is expected from the end of June. It is worth noting that already on the first day of accepting documents, compared to last year, the interest of applicants is growing towards technical specialties. About the admissions committee staff: Most of the staff have been working with applicants for several years, and newcomers quickly get involved in the work process.”

In 2012, the Russian State Social University announces enrollment:

  • in 44 areas of bachelor's training;
  • in 5 specialty programs;
  • in 24 areas of master's training;
  • including a shortened program based on secondary vocational education;

carries out recruitment and training:

  • in 15 specialties of secondary vocational education (Social College);
  • including a reduced program.

This year, to improve the efficiency of working with applicants, the admissions committee introduced an innovative online service- “Request for a call from the admissions committee.” On the website, in the section dedicated to applicants, in the marked fields you must indicate your name and contact phone number, after which an admissions officer will call you back at the specified number as soon as possible.

The 25th is the last day for submitting documents to universities. The most nervous period lies ahead: enrollment as a student. In order for it to pass without much harm to health, applicants must clearly understand both the enrollment procedure itself and the intermediate stages of this process.

So, on July 25, admissions committees Russian universities The last day they accept documents from late applicants. The entire next day they will process the received data, and already on July 27, a complete list of applicants applying for admission will appear on the information stand of the admissions committee and on the official website of the university, in accordance with the established procedure. In this case, the lists will be grouped into several conditional groups. At the very beginning there should be the names of applicants who have the right to admission without entrance examinations (winners and runners-up All-Russian Olympiads, as well as winners and prize-winners of Olympiads for schoolchildren included in the established one). They should be followed by the names of applicants entering without competition. Next, the names of those who are going to the target admission, and the last of the list are applicants applying on a general basis (based on the results of the Unified State Exam). At the same time, universities are required to form lists in each conditional group in descending order of points scored by applicants.

The next stage begins on July 30. On this day, the stand of the admissions committee should be replenished with new information - an order for the admission to the first year of those who have the right to admission without competition, admission without entrance tests and target places. Also (if available) vacancies) a list of persons recommended for enrollment on a general basis should appear on the stand. Similar information should be duplicated on the official website of the university. From now until August 4, inclusive, applicants recommended for enrollment can bring original educational documents to the educational institution. This stage ends on August 5, when an order is issued to enroll those who provided the originals into the first year. Applicants who do not do this are automatically eliminated from the competition and are considered to have refused enrollment.

If there are free places, further enrollment should be carried out from the remaining number of persons included in the complete list by name. In this case, the scheme will look like this: on August 5, a list of people recommended for enrollment in vacant budget places is published on the university website and on the information stand of the admissions committee. These applicants are given 5 days to provide original documents, until August 9 inclusive. The stage ends with the fact that on August 10, the following order for the enrollment of persons who have successfully passed the entrance examination and submitted the original document of education should appear on the official website of the university and on the information stand of the admissions committee.

As for paying students, on August 5, a list of applicants by name should also be announced, ranked in descending order of the number of points scored (with their indication), highlighting the lists recommended for enrollment in each area of ​​training (specialty) for commercial places. In this case, the actual enrollment of paid students will occur only after all budget places are filled, but will be completed, however, no later than 10 days before the start of classes. At the same time, the enrollment of applicants entering the correspondence form training.

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