Exam English training tasks. Exam in English

The Unified State Examination, in any language, has always raised many questions. But the Unified State Exam in English does not cause so much negativity. It’s just that most schoolchildren studied from textbooks, in which a huge number of tasks were written in a test version. Since schoolchildren are accustomed to such tasks, taking the Unified State Exam is psychologically comfortable. But many questions remain for future employers. Are tests capable of showing the level of language proficiency? After all, written language is one thing, and pronunciation and speaking skills are another. But the rules are the same for all subjects and this is the format of the final exam, and you need to prepare for it.

Types of preparation for the Unified State Exam in English

Since oral skills will not help you pass the exam, classes with a tutor may be wasted. If classes consist mainly of oral communication, then they will not help you prepare for the Unified State Exam. The same is true with English language courses. A huge amount of online has appeared on the Internet. So basically they improve oral skills, then Unified State Exam results they won't make things any better. This raises the question: what is the best way to cook To Unified State Examination in English?

How to prepare for the Unified State Exam in English?

The first step is to identify gaps in your knowledge. After that, start eliminating them. The best way to see your problems is by taking online test tests of the Unified State Exam in English. On educational portal Uchistut.ru you can take practice tests of the Unified State Exam in English an unlimited number of times. During the test, your time is not limited, and you can open the textbook to refresh your knowledge. You do not need to register or send SMS from your phone to take the tests. Once you have identified topics in which you do not feel confident, you can turn to specialists or improve the material yourself. But self-study threatens to make mistakes that can cost you dearly in the exam. Therefore, it is worth choosing English courses that will focus specifically on knowledge gaps and help you prepare for the Unified State Exam. Best help training courses at

Unified State Exam 2017 English 10 training options Muzlanova

M.: 20 1 6. - 160 p.

The purpose of the manual is to help students in grades 10–11 and applicants prepare for the final certification in English in the form of a unified state exam as soon as possible. The collection presents options exam papers, which can be used as practice material to prepare for the exam. Each option is equipped with keys and texts for listening.

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Preface 4
Option 1 5
Section 1. Listening 5
Section 2. Reading 6
Section 3. Grammar and vocabulary 10
Section 4. Letter 12
Answer forms 13
Option 2 15
Section 1. Listening 15
Section 2. Reading 16
Section 3. Grammar and vocabulary 20
Section 4. Letter 22
Answer forms 23
Option 3 25
Section 1. Listening 25
Section 2. Reading 26
Section 3. Grammar and vocabulary 30
Section 4. Letter 32
Answer forms 33
Option 4 35
Section 1. Listening 35
Section 2. Reading 36
Section 3. Grammar and vocabulary 40
Section 4. Letter 42
Answer forms 43
Option 5 45
Section 1. Listening 45
Section 2. Reading 46
Section 3. Grammar and vocabulary 50
Section 4. Letter 52
Answer forms 53
Option 6 55
Section 1. Listening 55
Section 2. Reading 56
Section 3. Grammar and vocabulary 60
Section 4. Letter 62
Answer forms 63
Option 7 65
Section 1. Listening 65
Section 2. Reading 66
Section 3. Grammar and vocabulary 70
Section 4. Letter 72
Answer forms 73
Option 8 75
Section 1. Listening 75
Section 2. Reading 76
Section 3. Grammar and vocabulary 80
Section 4. Letter 82
Answer forms 83
Option 9 85
Section 1. Listening 85
Section 2. Reading 86
Section 3. Grammar and vocabulary 90
Section 4. Letter 92
Answer forms 93
Option 10 95
Section 1. Listening 95
Section 2. Reading 96
Section 3. Grammar and vocabulary 100
Section 4. Letter 102
Answer forms 103
Appendix 1. Section “Speaking” 105
Appendix 2. Texts for listening. 107
Appendix 3. Answers to tasks 139
Appendix 4. What is KIM Unified State Exam:
structure and content 153
Appendix 5. Criteria and assessment schemes for completing assignments in the “Writing” section 154
Appendix 6. The order of counting words in the tasks of the “Writing” section 157
Appendix 7. The procedure for determining the percentage of textual matches in task 40 157
Literature 158

The purpose of this manual is to help students in grades 10-11 and applicants to quickly prepare for the final certification in English in the form of the Unified State Exam (USE). It can also be useful for teachers, who will find in it the necessary material for working in the classroom.
The collection contains training versions of the written part of the examination paper, which can be used as practical material for preparing for the exam. The manual is focused on adaptation to test control technologies, taking into account their new format and content.
The test work options are identical to the KIM version (control and measurement options) of the Unified State Exam in English and consist of four sections (“Listening”, “Reading”, “Grammar and Vocabulary”, “Writing”), including 40 tasks.
Section 1 (“Listening”) contains 9 tasks, the first of which is to establish correspondence and 8 tasks with the choice of one correct answer from three proposed. The recommended time to complete this section is 30 minutes.
Section 2 (“Reading”) contains 9 tasks, of which 2 are matching tasks and 7 tasks with choosing one correct answer out of four proposed. The recommended time to complete this section is 30 minutes.
Section 3 (“Grammar and Vocabulary”) contains 20 tasks, of which 13 tasks with a short answer and 7 tasks with a choice of one correct answer out of four proposed. The recommended time to complete this section is 40 minutes.
Section 4 (“Writing”) consists of two tasks and is a short written work (writing a personal letter and a written statement with elements of reasoning). The recommended time to complete this section is 80 minutes.
The total time for the written part of the exam is 180 minutes.

Preparation for the OGE and the Unified State Exam

Average general education

Line UMK M.V. Verbitskaya. English language "Forward" (10-11) (basic)

Line of teaching materials of O. V. Afanasyeva, I. V. Mikheeva, K. M. Baranova. "Rainbow English" (10-11) (basic)

We analyze the Unified State Examination in English: oral part

We analyze the oral part of the exam with experienced teachers, build a reasoning, and select the optimal answer options.

Jalolova Svetlana Anatolyevna, English teacher of the highest qualification category. Winner of the competitive selection for the Moscow Grant in the field of education in 2010. Senior expert of the State Examination Agency Unified State Exam in English. Winner All-Russian Olympics English teachers "Profi-krai" 2015. Certificate of honor from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation 2014, Certificate of winner of the competition for the best teachers of the Russian Federation 2007, Diploma of the winner of the competition for the Moscow Grant 2010. Work experience - 23 years.

Nedashkovskaya Natalya Mikhailovna, English teacher of the highest qualification category. Winner of the PNPO 2007. Winner of the competitive selection for the Moscow Grant in the field of education 2010. GIA OGE expert in English. Conducted a pedagogical examination of educational publications at the Russian Academy of Education 2015-2016. Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation 2013, Certificate of the winner of the competition for the best teachers of the Russian Federation 2007, Diploma of the winner of the competition for the Moscow Grant 2010. Work experience - 35 years.
Podvigina Marina Mikhailovna, English teacher of the highest qualification category. Winner of PNPO 2008. Winner of the competitive selection for the Moscow Grant in the field of education 2010. Senior expert of the State Examination Agency Unified State Exam in English. Conducted a pedagogical examination of educational publications at the Russian Academy of Education 2015-2016. Certificate of honor from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation 2015, Certificate of winner of the competition for the best teachers of the Russian Federation 2008, Diploma of the winner of the competition for the Moscow Grant 2010. Work experience - 23 years.
Trofimova Elena Anatolyevna, English teacher of the highest qualification category. Senior expert of the State Examination Agency Unified State Exam in English. Certificate of honor from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation in 2013. Work experience - 15 years.

Task 3. Description of the photo

Task 3. These are photos from your photo album. Choose one photo to describe to your friend

You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). In your talk remember to speak about:

  • where and when the photo was taken
  • what/who is in the photo
  • what is happening
  • why you keep the photo in your album
  • why you decided to show the picture to your friend

You have to talk continuously, starting with: “I’ve chosen photo number …”

Work program for the Enjoy English teaching and learning complex (basic level) for grades 10-11. Available for viewing and free download.

Methodical hint

Read the assignment carefully and familiarize yourself with the presented plan. You have 1 minute 30 seconds to prepare for this task. It takes 2 minutes to complete it (that is, describe the photo). Select one of the photographs suggested for description. When choosing, be guided not by what kind of photo you like, but by how familiar you are with the topic and vocabulary on it, and how much you can describe in it. The choice should not take more than three seconds.

Important! The proposed plan does not indicate an introduction and conclusion, but they must be present, since you are asked to make a coherent, complete description of the photograph, which in itself presupposes the presence of an introductory and final part.

For the introduction and conclusion, as well as for answers to the first, fourth and fifth questions, you can prepare several templates in advance that can be easily and quickly modified depending on the photo. Thus, you can spend the bulk of the time (about a minute out of one and a half) allotted for preparation on describing the photo itself, that is, who and what is in the photo (second point of the plan) and what is happening in it (third point of the plan) . Some tips:
1. It’s always easier to talk about people you know, so imagine that the photographs are of your friends or relatives, determine what kind of family connections you have, and give the people names.
2. When describing the photograph itself, it would be advisable to divide it into parts and describe first what is in the background (in the background), then on the sides (on the left / right side), gradually moving towards the center or foreground (in the center of/in the foreground). Don't forget that if the photo was taken outside, you can always say a few words about the weather.
3. When describing the people in the photograph, you can say about their age and appearance, what they are wearing, what emotions they experience.
4. Next we describe what is happening in the photograph. For this we use time Present Continuous. Sometimes, for some reason, there is practically no action in the photo. It is necessary to mention this, explaining the reason. It is enough to name three actions.

The description of the photograph itself (that is, the answer to the second and third points of the plan) should take up approximately half of the total time, the second half should include the introduction and conclusion and the answer to points 1, 4, and 5 of the plan.

Important! Remember that this is not a story about what was happening in your life or in the lives of your relatives/friends at the time the photo was taken, but a description of what is happening in the photo.

Approximate completion of task 1

I"ve chosen photo number 1. (Introduction) You know, taking photos is my hobby, and I always take a lot of photos wherever I go. I keep the best photos in my family album. (Question 1 of the plan) I took this photo last summer in the forest near our country house when we had a family reunion. (Question 2 of the plan). In the photo you can see a group of children playing football (general information on the picture). The day is nice, it is sunny and not windy. In the background you can see a forest with tall trees and bushes and in the foreground there is green grass. There are some children in the center of the picture - they are all my relatives. They are all quite young. The oldest girl is 6. She is my sister Olga. She is at the front of the group. And the youngest one is my nephew Nikolay who is just behind Olga. They are all wearing light clothes-T-shirts and shorts as it is very warm. They all look very happy and excited as they are playing together. They are running after a ball trying to kick it. And you can see that Nikolay is very concentrated as he is moving very fast to be the first to catch the ball. (Please note that the entire description is in the present tenses - Present Simple (to describe statics) and Present Continuous (to describe movement)! (Answer to question 4) I keep this photo in my family album as it is very dear to me. It was actually a very memorable day when our big family got together and I could meet all my cousins ​​and nephews and nieces and enjoy time together. (Answer to question 5 of the plan) I decided to show it to you as I"m proud of my family and happy that we get together from time to time and I wanted to share my emotions with you. Maybe next year you'll be happy to spend time together with us. (Conclusion) This is all I wanted to tell you about this photo. I hope you liked it.


Task 4. Comparing two photographs, identifying commonalities and differences.

Task 4. Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:

  • give a brief description of the photos (action, location)
  • say what the pictures have in common
  • say in what way the pictures are different
  • say which of the professions presented in the pictures you’d prefer
  • explain why

You will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). You have to talk continuously.

When performing this task, remember the following:

You have 1 minute 30 seconds to prepare for this task and 2 minutes to complete it.

Just like in the third task (description of a photograph), when completing task 4, you need to make an introduction and conclusion before you proceed directly to the answer according to the plan. The introduction is one or two sentences general theme, revealed in photographs (the fourth paragraph of the plan can suggest the topic) and one sentence telling what you will do now. If the topic is not formulated in any way, one last sentence is enough. In conclusion, to summarize what has been said, we need to return to the topic again (one or two sentences).

In response to the first point of the plan, it is quite brief description each photo. It is necessary to say for each picture what is happening and where. And you can add one sentence at a time general about what is in the first and second photographs.

When we reveal the second and third points of the plan, we need to find two common features and two differences. There should be similarities and differences general plan. Point number 4 of the plan can help not only with the introduction, but also with significant common features and differences, because they are also related to the main theme of the photographs.

When answering the fourth point of the plan, it is enough to rearrange the word order of the phrase I"d prefer the ...... (Profession) presented in the picture number indicated in the plan....... You cannot say I"d prefer the picture number. ... because it does not correspond to the task. You cannot say “I"d prefer to be in the picture number...., since this is incorrect in meaning - we cannot be in the picture. In the fifth point of the plan, you need to justify your choice made before this with 2-3 detailed sentences (point 4).

Don’t forget that task 4 is structurally close to the essay format, so it is necessary to use linkers (conjunctive words) when listing common features and differences. For example, Firstly, /Secondly,..... Or To begin with, -Furthermore, (Moreover,....What is more....). In conclusion/To conclude....-in conclusion.

Before listing the general features, it is necessary to say that you will now talk about general features. For example, Both pictures have some features in common. Before moving on to the differences, this also needs to be mentioned. For example, however, there are some differences.

When comparing, phrases or verbs expressing assumptions will sound good. For example, they could be designers. They must be in the office. They seem to be teenagers. They look like young employees. ......

Differences should not repeat common features. With an approximate time schedule, the introduction and response to the first and second points of the plan should not take more than one minute.

Example of task 4

(In modern society there is a great variety of different professions. People try to choose one according to their taste and abilities. And these two pictures show this. - this part of the introduction need not be said) Now I"d like to compare and contrast these two photographs. In the first picture there is a young teacher explaining something to the pupils in front of her. They all are in the classroom. In the second photo there are two people who look like designers studying what might be a project in their office .Both pictures have some similarities. Firstly, the most striking common feature is that both pictures show people engaged in doing jobs. Secondly, people are interested in what they are doing. They look quite concentrated on their work. Nevertheless, both photos have some differences. To begin with, in the first picture we can see the profession which presupposes working with people - the teacher is teaching pupils on her own, other people are not included in the process. Whereas in the second picture there is a profession which involves doing the job with co-workers. Moreover, in the first picture the classroom is practically empty except for a blackboard and some desks while the second picture depicts an office with a lot of furniture, models and whiteboards. I would prefer the profession presented in picture number one as I think it is a very challenging but rewarding job. Besides I love working with people, especially children and I have always been good at teaching my friends and my younger sister"s friends some things. (In conclusion, choosing the right profession which will suit you in all aspects is a very hard task and we must think a lot and ask for advice before we make the correct choice. – in case of lack of time, this sentence can be omitted) That is all I wanted to tell you.

The purpose of the manual is to help students in grades 10-11 and applicants to quickly prepare for the final certification in English in the form of a unified state exam.
The collection contains options for exam papers that can be used as practical material for preparing for the exam. Each option is equipped with keys and texts for listening.

Why do not scientists use satellites to get necessary data?
1) The satellites can’t carry out detailed observations.
2) They only provide a long-term view of things.
3) They don’t measure things.

Why are scientists going to look at the Arctic haze?
1) They are worried about an unprecedented loss of Arctic ice.
2) They want to study components that come from pollution.
3) They are interested in atmospheric contribution to climate change.

Why is ozone so important for studying climate change?
1) It is emitted by pollution.
2) It is created by the chemistry of pollutants.
3) It is the most recognizable greenhouse gas.

What makes the ARCTAS mission really important?
1) The interest why the snow and ice are melting.
2) The fact that the black carbon hastens the melt season.
3) The necessity to study the black carbon.

Option 1
Section 1. Listening
Section 2. Reading
Section 4. Letter
Answer forms
Option 2
Section 1. Listening
Section 2. Reading
Section 3. Grammar and vocabulary
Section 4. Letter
Answer forms
Option 3
Section 1. Listening
Section 2. Reading
Section 3. Grammar and vocabulary
Section 4. Letter
Answer forms
Option 4
Section 1. Listening
Section 2. Reading
Section 3. Grammar and vocabulary
Section 4. Letter
Answer forms
Option 5
Section 1. Listening
Section 2. Reading
Section 3. Grammar and vocabulary
Section 4. Letter
Answer forms
Option 6
Section 1. Listening
Section 2. Reading
Section 3. Grammar and vocabulary
Section 4. Letter
Answer forms
Option 7
Section 1. Listening
Section 2. Reading
Section 3. Grammar and vocabulary
Section 4. Letter
Answer forms
Option 8
Section 1. Listening
Section 2. Reading
Section 3. Grammar and vocabulary
Section 4. Letter
Answer forms
Option 9
Section 1. Listening
Section 2. Reading
Section 3. Grammar and vocabulary
Section 4. Letter
Answer forms
Option 10
Section 1. Listening
Section 2. Reading
Section 3. Grammar and vocabulary
Section 4. Letter
Answer forms
Appendix 1. Section “Speaking”
Appendix 2. Texts for listening
Appendix 3. Answers to tasks
Appendix 4. What is KIM Unified State Exam: structure and content
Appendix 5. Criteria and assessment schemes for completing assignments in the “Writing” section
Appendix 6. The order of counting words in the tasks of the “Writing” section
Appendix 7. The procedure for determining the percentage of textual matches in task 40

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