Economic policy. Presentation on the topic "Economy of the Russian Federation" Economic policy of the Russian Federation presentation

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Economic and social policy of the Government of the Russian Federation in the years. 1.Chairman of the Government: B.N. Yeltsin (– d) simultaneously with the post of President of the Russian Federation. 2. Gaidar E.T. (– g.) Main policy directions Beginning of radical Economic reform – “shock therapy” (January 1992) 1. A sharp decline in production. 2. Decline in living standards of a significant part of the population. 3. The emergence of unemployment. 4. Massive delays in payment of wages.

Economic and social policy of the Government of the Russian Federation in the years. 3. Chernomyrdin V.S. (g.) Main policy directions 1. Achieving commodity abundance. 2. Attracting foreign investment. 3. Stabilization of the ruble exchange rate. 3. The beginning of privatization. 1. Sharp social stratification. 2.Growth of the shadow economy. 3. The emergence of an oligarchic clan 4. The rise and collapse of financial pyramids. 5.Gangster methods of privatization. 6.Commercialization of science and culture. 7.Speculation in the GKO (state credit obligations) market in order to support high rate ruble to dollar. 8. Dependence on imports of consumer goods.

Economic and social policy of the Government of the Russian Federation in the years. 4.Kirienko S.V. (d.) Main policy directions An attempt to balance the state budget, an end to speculation in the GKO market. 1.Financial and banking crisis (default) on August 17, 1998. 2. Worsening of the energy crisis. An attempt to balance the state budget, an end to speculation in the GKO market. 1.Financial and banking crisis (default) on August 17, 1998. 2. Worsening of the energy crisis.

Economic and social policy of the Government of the Russian Federation in the years. 5. Primakov E.M. (g.) Main directions of policy 1. Maintaining the ruble exchange rate 2. Stabilization of the situation in society. 3.Repayment of debts on salaries and pensions. 4. Anti-corruption criminal cases. 1. The beginning of industrial growth in the country. 2.Growing tensions in relations with the West. 3. Failures in the negotiation process with the IMF.

Economic and social policy of the Government of the Russian Federation in the years. 6. Stepashin S.V. (d.) Main policy directions 1. Obtaining loans from Western countries. 2.Debt restructuring former USSR. Aggravation of the situation in the North Caucasus.

Economic and social policy of the Government of the Russian Federation in the years. 7. Putin V.V. (d.) Main directions of policy Course towards stabilization of political and social relations. The beginning of the counter-terrorism operation in Chechnya and Dagestan. (August 1999) 2nd Chechen war.

Economic and social policy of the Government of the Russian Federation in the years. 8. Kasyanov M.M. (d.) Main policy directions 1. Carrying out tax reform. 2. Introduction of 13% income tax and unified social tax. 3. Beginning of pension reform. 1. Reducing the volume of barter in the economy. 2. Decrease in unemployment rate. 3.Growth of real incomes. 4. The beginning of economic growth.

Economic and social policy of the Government of the Russian Federation in the years. 9. Fradkov M. (–) Main policy directions 1. Beginning of monetization of benefits. 2. Housing and communal services reform. 3. Doubling the level of GDP by 2010 through the development of high technology. 4.Army reform. 5.Creation of a stabilization fund. 1.Increase in social benefit payments. 2. Rising prices in housing and communal services structures. 3.Growth of Central Bank reserves. 4.Containing the growth of the ruble exchange rate. 5. The beginning of the creation of Science Cities. 6.Increasing spending on the army, science and culture. 7.Changing the procedure for electing local authorities in order to monitor efficiency government controlled. 8.Increasing salaries for public sector employees.

Economic and social policy of the Government of the Russian Federation in the years. 10. Zubkov V. (–) Main policy directions Stable rhythm of government work during the parliamentary (December 2, 2007) and presidential (March 2008) elections in Russia. October 2007 – Vladimir Putin headed the United Russia List in the Duma elections. On December 2, United Russia received 67%. December 2007 – Vladimir Putin announces First Deputy Prime Minister D.A. Medvedev as his political successor.

The main directions of the policy of Russian President V.V. Putin in the years. 1. Strengthening the vertical of power and achieving political stability in society. 2.Creation of seven federal districts with authorized representatives of the President. 3. Changing the principle of forming the upper house of the Federal Assembly - the Federation Council and turning it into a permanent legislative body. 4.Creation of the State Council of the Russian Federation as an advisory and advisory body of the heads of constituent entities of the Russian Federation under the President of the Russian Federation. 5.Change in the procedure for electing heads of constituent entities of the Russian Federation. 6. Course towards consolidation of regions of the Russian Federation.

The main directions of the policy of Russian President V.V. Putin in the years. 1. Continuation of the course towards economic liberalization: weakening of bureaucratic guardianship and state control over business activities; taking measures to support small businesses; 2. More efficient use of budget funds in the field of social payments through monetization of benefits and targeted assistance. 3.Use of the stabilization fund to increase real incomes of public sector employees. 4.Control over the growth of tariffs in the housing and communal services sector and energy companies. 5. Guarantees of non-revision of the results of privatization in order to attract investment in production. 6.Creation of Science Cities to increase the share of exports of technology, not energy resources. 7. Strengthening the fight against terrorism. 8. January 2006 Adoption of 4 national projects: healthcare, education, housing, agriculture and measures to increase the birth rate in the country.

The main directions of the policy of Russian President V.V. Putin in the years. 1.Adoption of a new concept foreign policy Russia based on a multipolar system international relations. 2.Development of partnerships with all countries of the world. 3.Striving for Russia's entry into the WTO and the structure of the EEC. 4. Strengthening cooperation in the fight against international terrorism. 5. The struggle for an equal position for Russia in the European community in terms of partnership in the economy, human rights, and the position of Russian-speaking citizens in the countries of the former USSR. 6. Reform of emigration policy.

1. Stabilization of political relations and improvement of the psychological mood of citizens. Putin's popularity. 2. The collapse of financial pyramids in August 1998, which diverted funds to the speculative market from the real sector of the economy. The devaluation of the ruble means an increase in the attractiveness of Russian exports on the world market. 3. Strengthening domestic production. Revival in the military-industrial complex. Over the years of reforms, the emergence of a critical mass of enterprises operating effectively in market conditions. 4. Favorable conditions on the world oil and metals markets for domestic exporters. 5.Creation of a program to double GDP by 2010. 6.Reducing the inflation rate to 8% per year. Revival of activity in the credit and banking sector.

Features of the modern economy in

social studies lesson in 11th grade

TRANSITION ECONOMY- economy of countries that abandoned the state-planned model during the transition to a market economy TRANSITION ECONOMY- the economy of countries that abandoned the state-planned model during the transition to a market economy is CHARACTERISTIC FOR COUNTRIES of Eastern Europe, former republics of the USSR, Russia, China. CHARACTERISTIC FOR COUNTRIES OF Eastern Europe, former republics of the USSR, Russia, China. Character traits transition economy: the initiator of market reforms and changes in the political system is the state; Characteristic features of a transition economy: the initiator of market reforms and changes in the political system is the state; the beginning of market reforms is the saturation of the consumer market; rapid growth in production or import of consumer goods A peculiar logic economic reforms: first of all, market relations cover the sphere of consumer production and sales, starting with agriculture; then they are distributed into the sphere of production of means; large-scale liberalization of prices, which leads to a decline in the living standards of the population. A peculiar logic of economic reforms: first of all, market relations cover the sphere of consumer production and sales, starting with agriculture; then they are distributed into the sphere of production of means; large-scale liberalization of prices, which leads to a fall in the living standards of the population. The state pursues a policy of blocking inflation, significant price increases, and maintaining the national currency; Active formation market infrastructure, including private entrepreneurship, borrowing foreign experience. The state's policy of blocking inflation, significant price increases, and maintaining the national currency; Active formation of market infrastructure, including private entrepreneurship, borrowing foreign experience. Characteristic features of the Russian economy:
  • Inconsistency of reforms, half-hearted decisions made
  • Significant increase in the degree of risk of business activity
  • High level of economic instability and shortage of investment funds, underdevelopment of the investment sphere
  • Stable, fairly high level of inflation
The USSR occupied 2-3 place in the world in terms of production volume, but in terms of GDP 25-30 place. The USSR occupied 2-3 place in the world in terms of production volume, but in terms of GDP 25-30 place GDP per capita (1990): USSR - 4, 9 thousand dollars, USA - 18.3 thousand dollars, Canada - 17.2 thousand, Japan - 14.7 thousand dollars The share of Russia in the production of the world product decreased from 8.31 to 5.2% (USA 22.47 %) Russia's wealth has decreased since 1990 from 17 to 5% (more than 3 times). In industry by 54%, in agriculture by 33%, in construction by 66%, in transport by 57%. Such a decline has never happened in any country in the world! Russia's share in the production of the world product decreased from 8.31 to 5.2% (USA 22.47%). Russia's wealth has decreased since 1990 from 17 to 5% (more than 3 times). In industry by 54%, in agriculture by 33%, in construction by 66%, in transport by 57%. Such a decline has never happened in any country in the world! Over the 10 years of reforms in Russia, the volume of industrial production in the country decreased by 53%. Russia actually lost these 10 years in the production of fixed assets. Over the past 200 years, no country that has embarked on the path of industrial development has allowed this to happen. Over the 10 years of reforms in Russia, the volume of industrial production in the country decreased by 53%. Russia actually lost these 10 years in the production of fixed assets. Over the past 200 years, no country that has embarked on the path of industrial development has allowed this to happen. Improving the investment climate, modernizing industry, integrating into the world community, reducing government interference in the affairs of economic entities - Improving the investment climate, modernizing industry, integrating into the world community, reducing interference state in the affairs of economic entities - The goal of the new economic policy Strategic development program until 2015: Strategic development program until 2015:
  • The state's withdrawal from direct regulation of the economy
  • Establishing equal rules of the game for all
  • Reducing the tax burden and social programs
  • Deficit-free budget
  • Development of the financial instruments market
Results so far: Results so far:
  • The economy is gradually recovering
  • Russia's financial position has strengthened, external debt has decreased significantly, and the volume of gold and foreign exchange reserves has increased significantly. Today the ruble is backed by them by 150%. No other currency in the world has such an indicator of reliability.
  • A modern tax regime has been created, the tax burden has been reduced
  • The legislative framework of the economy continues to improve.
In September 2003, Russia became one of the most attractive countries for foreign investment. In September 2003, Russia became one of the most attractive countries for foreign investment. In 2005, Russia was ahead of the G8 members (USA, Japan, Canada, France, England, Germany, Italy) in terms of GDP growth, industrial production, according to the inflation rate (10.9% - 1.6 to 3.5%). In 2005, Russia was ahead of the G8 members (USA, Japan, Canada, France, England, Germany, Italy) in terms of GDP growth, industrial production, and inflation rate (10.9% - 1.6 to 3.5%) . Russia is the largest exporter of fuel and energy resources in the world. The country's credit rating is the highest in the entire history of the new Russia. For the first time in half a century, Russia is a grain exporter. High rates of development of information technologies. From 2000 to 2008, Russia lived with a budget surplus. Russia is the largest exporter of fuel and energy resources in the world. The country's credit rating is the highest in the entire history of the new Russia. For the first time in half a century, Russia is a grain exporter. High rates of development of information technologies. From 2000 to 2008, Russia lived with a budget surplus. The Stabilization Fund is a special fund formed by the state or in the international community with the aim of providing financial assistance to stabilize the state's economy. As of March 1, 2007, the Stabilization Fund amounted to 2 trillion 708.85 billion rubles. Stabilization fund is a special fund formed by the state or in the international community with the aim of providing financial assistance to stabilize the state's economy. As of March 1, 2007, the Stabilization Fund amounted to 2 trillion 708.85 billion rubles. STATISTICS STATISTICS During the first 4 years of V.V. Putin's rule, incomes of the population increased by 32%; The average pension amount is equal to the subsistence level; The number of poor people decreased from 33 to 29 million people. Recommendations for the future: reorientation of the economy from raw material to knowledge-intensive, develop the manufacturing sector of industry, create a favorable investment climate Recommendations for the future: reorientation of the economy from raw material to knowledge-intensive, develop the manufacturing sector of industry, create a favorable investment climate

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General Lesson Objectives

1. Get acquainted with the main cycles of economic development, get an idea of ​​the cyclical nature of economic development. 2. Find out what the contribution of the Russian scientist N.D. Kondratiev to economic theory is.

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UE-1. Tasks

1. What is the Russian economy? 2. What is a sector of the economy? 3. Give examples of economic sectors. 4: What areas is the Russian economy divided into? 5. What are the differences between areas of production? 6. What is the structure of the economy? 7. Name the leading sector of the Russian economy? 8. Why did the share of people employed in industry and non-production increase during the twentieth century and decrease in agriculture? 9. Name the 3 stages of development of society and the economy. At what stage is the Russian economy?

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UE-2. Independent work

Studying the theory of cycles by N.D. Kondratiev

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1. Clarify and write down which industries determined the development of each way of life in the corresponding cycle. 2. What determines the cyclical nature of economic development? 3. What innovations will determine the production complex of the 5th cycle? 4. Which industries during which cycles were most developed in the USSR and which ones are clearly lacking in Russia at the present stage? 5. Having considered the circuit diagrams of N.D. Kondratiev and the waves of reforms and counter-reforms, characterize any cycle (of your choice) and those historical reforms and counter-reforms that are caused by the rise and fall of the waves. 6. Predict the time frame of the next big cycle (time of the start and end of the wave, its maximum). 7. Calculate at what age you will be during the next economic depression, what segment of your life will it be, what category of labor force will you be in? What should you do to mitigate the consequences for yourself?

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UE-3. Self-esteem

Try to evaluate the acquired knowledge and skills as follows: 1. I understood everything, I can explain the material to another. 2. I understood the material, I can explain it to someone else, but with some help from the teacher. 3. I partially understood the material. 4. I didn’t understand anything.

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UE-4. Homework

Sum up the self-assessment points awarded for UEs 1-3. Using the resulting number, determine your homework and write it down in your diary

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Used sources

Kondratyev, Nikolai Dmitrievich: Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia: Version 38419171, saved at 16:24 UTC October 13, 2011 // Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. - Electron. Dan. - San Francisco: Wikimedia Foundation, 2011. - Access mode: Dronov V.P. Geography of Russia. Population and economy. 9th grade: textbook. For educational institutions/ V.P. Dronov, V.Ya. Rum. – M. Bustard, 2001. – 384 p. Zhizhina E.A. Lesson developments in geography: Population and economy of Russia: 9th grade. – M.: “VAKO”, 2005, 288 p.

This presentation was developed for the lesson "Modern Russian Economy" during the testing of a new curriculum“Economics” for 10th grade students with a two-hour weekly planning, developed within the framework of the European Commission TEMPUS project “Development and introduction of sustainable structures for nurturing the entrepreneurial spirit in Russia.”

This presentation can be used by the teacher during the lesson.



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Lesson 1.5 – 1.6 Modern Russian economy Development of the Russian market economy Until 1991, Russia had a command-administrative system economic system From 1991 to 1998, there was an active transition stage on the way to a market economy, which was accompanied by: Changing forms of ownership The formation of modern legislation (Civil, Tax Code) Crisis phenomena (high inflation From 2000 to 2008. Stable growth and development of the Russian economy ( on average 7% of GDP growth) After the crisis in 2008, a course was taken to modernize the Russian economy, and a long-term concept of the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation until 2020 was formed

Lesson 1.5 – 1.6 Modern Russian economy Characteristics of the Russian economy Large-scale economy, the whole range of minerals, huge territorial resources are represented. In the structure of economies, the intangible sphere occupies 56%, the material 44%, which allows us to classify the Russian economy as post-industrial. The most developed industries: - Defense-industrial complex (MIC) - Mechanical engineering - Agriculture- Heavy engineering - Oil refining industry - Ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy - Energy 80% of all production occurs in the European part, as the main population of Russia is concentrated here, about 100 million. 6th place in the world in terms of GDP (54 trillion rubles) GDP per capita population 13236 $ About 10 largest Russian companies provide 20% of GDP In the RF budget for 2012, expenses for social policy amounted to 3.898 trillion. rubles or 30.8% of the total budget.

Lesson 1.5 – 1.6 Modern Russian economy On October 15, 2008, after the start of the IFC, the “Long-term concept of the socio-economic concept of development of the Russian Federation until 2020” was adopted. The main goal of which is the modernization of the domestic economy, the transition to innovative industries, the production economy, as well as the growth in the number and well-being of citizens. Russia joined the WTO Russia joined the WTO quite recently on August 22, 2012, becoming 157 members. The entry process is one of the longest - 18 years. What does this give: + First of all, advantages for consumers, domestic markets have become freer for foreign companies (reduction of customs barriers), this leads to competition, usually lower prices for goods, and improved quality of products. + For domestic firms, the fact is that since domestic markets have become more open to foreign companies, accordingly foreign markets have become more accessible to Russian firms, which creates additional sales areas for domestic products. - The biggest disadvantage is also associated with Russian firms and enterprises, namely fierce competition with foreign companies; if foreign products are cheaper and of higher quality (and this is the case), then Russian enterprises will incur losses, and as a result may lead to their ruin.

Lesson 1.5 – 1.6 Modern Russian economy Development challenges Long-term challenges: changing nature of globalization new technological wave increasing role of human capital in economic development depletion of sources of export-raw materials type of development Short- and medium-term challenges global financial crisis - it is necessary to take a set of short-term measures to increase the sustainability of the Russian economy financial system and the economy as a whole Orientation of policy towards strategic development goals Formation of long-term “rules of the game” necessary for decision-making by economic agents CDR-2020

Lesson 1.5 – 1.6 Modern Russian economy Implementation of the CDR “WHAT” Ideology, “image of the country”, goals and principles of policy “HOW” Specific directions, tasks, mechanisms, indicators Within the framework of the Concept, “ideology” and “technology” of long-term development are balanced. At the same time, the detail is not excessive: the measures are formulated more specifically in the Main Directions of Government Activities and the Action Plan

Lesson 1.5 – 1.6 Modern Russian economy Stages of implementation Stage 1 – consolidation of competitive advantages, 2009-2012 Realization of competitive advantages in “traditional” sectors Adaptation to crisis processes in the global economy. Creation of conditions and technological foundations that ensure the transition of the economy to innovative development. Advanced investments in human capital and infrastructure 2nd stage - innovative breakthrough, 2013-2020 A breakthrough in increasing competitiveness based on: transition to a new technological base improving the quality of human potential and the social environment; structural diversification of the economy and completion of the modernization of infrastructure sectors. Formation of a society of trust and social well-being, mitigation of social and regional differentiation.

Lesson 1.5 – 1.6 Modern Russian economy Russia 2020: image of the country Attractive for life Innovative high standard of living multiple increase in the share of the middle class availability of quality education and healthcare services comfortable living conditions new image of Russian regions developed democratic institutions 5-10% share in the markets of high-tech goods and intellectual services in 8-10 positions Leading positions in fundamental and applied scientific developments and related technologies

Lesson 1.5 – 1.6 Modern Russian economy Globally competitive Status of one of the world leaders Multiple increase in labor productivity Energy intensity – reduced by up to 1.7 times High competitiveness of markets Geographical and product diversification of exports Russia is a logistics hub in the global energy infrastructure the largest transit country Russia’s leadership in integration processes in the Eurasian space, the stability of connections with world economic centers, an active role in the development of the economic world order, a key participant in the development of rules for the functioning of global energy markets, a high level national security and defense capability Russia 2020: image of the country

Lesson 1.5 – 1.6 Modern Russian economy Social development Involving youth in social practice, supporting scientific, creative and entrepreneurial activities Supporting talented youth and leadership Civic education and patriotic education Improving the social climate in society, reducing poverty and stratification Increasing the effectiveness of state support Rehabilitation and integration of people with disabilities Social service for the elderly NPOs in the social sphere Support for people in difficult life situations Improving the social climate in society, reducing poverty and stratification Increasing the efficiency of state support Rehabilitation and integration of the disabled Social services for the elderly NPOs in the social sphere Support for people in difficult life situations Increasing the flexibility of the labor market and reduction of illegal employment Development of labor market institutions, growth of employment and efficiency of labor use Creation of favorable working conditions Attraction of foreign labor Youth policy Social support Cultural policy Labor market

Lesson 1.5 – 1.6 Modern Russian economy Pension system Goal: Objectives: Indicators: increasing the level of pension provision for all categories of pensioners and ensuring long-term balance of the pension system; streamlining the taxation of employer contributions to non-state pension funds; introducing a limit on annual earnings on which insurance contributions are calculated; and the loss of which is subject to replacement of the labor pension; introduction of insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance at a single rate; strengthening the funded element of the pension; increasing pensions for the older generation by increasing the monetary value (valorization) of pension rights; creating a system for assessing and monitoring long-term pension obligations; The average size of the old-age pension is at least 2.5 subsistence pensioner minimums, achieving an individual replacement rate of 40% by 2020

Lesson 1.5 – 1.6 Modern Russian economy Health GOAL: ensuring the availability of high-quality medical care, its compliance in terms of volume, type and quality of technologies with the level of morbidity and needs of the population Key directions: Development and mass implementation of clinical and medical standards Concretization of the state guarantee program, convergence of territorial programs Development of primary care health care, emphasis on clinical examination Protecting the rights of the patient and doctor Improving the supply of medicines Informatization of healthcare, development of science and new medical services. technologies Effective prevention system, promotion of a healthy lifestyle Formation and implementation of the State Health Care Development Program Indicators: Increase in government spending from 3.6% of GDP in 2008 to 5.2-5.5% Reduction in mortality from diseases of the circulatory system - 1.4 times, from external reasons – 2 times. Infant and maternal mortality – at the level of developed countries

Lesson 1.5 – 1.6 Modern Russian economy Demography Goal: Objectives: Indicators: reducing the rate of natural population decline, stabilizing the population and creating conditions for its growth, improving the quality of life and increasing life expectancy Reducing mortality Preserving and strengthening public health, increasing active life expectancy Increasing the birth rate Managing migration processes Providing protection from emergency situations Russia's population growth to 145 million people by 2025 mortality rate - no higher than 10.8-11 total fertility rate - 1.75-1.80

Lesson 1.5 – 1.6 Modern Russian economy significant IMPROVEMENT OF THE QUALITY OF THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT AND ECOLOGICAL CONDITIONS OF HUMAN LIFE, the formation of a balanced environmentally oriented model of economic development and environmentally competitive production “Ecology of production” gradual reduction of levels of environmental impact from all anthropogenic sources “Human ecology” Creation of environmentally friendly safe and comfortable environment residence of the population, places of work and recreation, other social activities “Ecology of the natural environment” conservation and protection of the natural environment “Ecological business” - creation of an effective environmental sector of the economy new system standardization of maximum permissible limits for the environment, etc. Reducing specific levels of environmental impact by 3-7 times, depending on the industry. establishing standards for the quality of water, air, soil, standards for permissible anthropogenic load, etc. Reduction by 2020: -5 rubles. number of cities with high and very high level pollution - 4 rubles. number of residents living in unsatisfactory conditions. conditions Formation of environmental audit rules, requirements for technology development, etc. - Growth of the market for eco-development, goods and services by 5 times; new methods of territorial planning, land use and development - preservation of natural ecosystems, etc. Increasing bioproductivity. Restoration of species diversity Living conditions - ecology

Lesson 1.5 – 1.6 Modern Russian economy increasing the availability of QUALITY EDUCATION that meets the requirements of innovative economic development, the modern needs of society and every citizen Indicators: Share teaching staff those receiving salaries above the regional average will increase from 12% to 45% The share of citizens receiving continuing education services will increase from 15% to 50% Growth in total expenditures on education - from 4.8% of GDP to 7%, expenditures of the budget system - from 4 .1% of GDP up to 5.5-6% World-class scientific and educational complexes Educational standards new generation Allocation of a part of the state budget to universities for Scientific research etc. Support for gifted children and talented youth Provision preschool education Development of primary and secondary vocational education, etc. Introduction of the “applied bachelor’s degree” system Creation of support systems for consumers of continuing education services and organizations providing these services, etc. Education

Lesson 1.5 – 1.6 Modern Russian economy National competitiveness. Science and innovation Creation and dissemination of innovations in all sectors of the economy, including increasing the competitiveness of the research and development sector Indicators: share of enterprises carrying out technological innovations - 40-50% in 2020 (2007 -9.5%); the share of innovative products in the total volume of industrial products - up to 25-35% in 2020 (2007 - 5.5%); internal costs for research and development - 2.5-3.0% of GDP in 2020 stimulation of investments in technology, R&D, their commercialization, capitalization of IP transfer of part of the government order for R&D to small and medium-sized innovative businesses, innovative focus of government procurement Implementation of a technological system and research initiatives (projects) ensuring Russia’s breakthrough position in scientific and technological competition in world markets; introducing an institute for independent assessment of the activities of state scientific organizations; increasing the share of competitive financing; creating 5-7 national research centers (“ national laboratories"), 20-30 research. universities radically increasing the efficiency of innovation infrastructure (SEZs, technology transfer centers, business incubators and technology parks, etc.) development of financial innovation infrastructures supporting the entry of Russian enterprises both in the high-tech sectors and in other sectors into business alliances, Russian participation in global technology projects, international programs

Lesson 1.5 – 1.6 Modern Russian economy Infrastructure GOALS OF INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT Removing obstacles to accelerating economic growth associated with its backwardness, ensuring the necessary volumes, quality and reliability of infrastructure services Energy transport communications Directions and main projects (example) Increasing the capacity of the core transport network implementation of PPP projects (including concessions), construction of roads (WHSD, Central Ring Road...); railway infrastructure in areas of promising industrial growth; modernization of the fleet of aircraft and river vessels, railway cars Realization of transit potential creation of large logistics centers on the border (dry ports); international transport corridors in the directions “East-West”, “North-South”, “Transpolar air routes”, “Northern Sea Route”; development of port SEZs; Security regional development ensuring comprehensive development and development of the territories of Siberia and Far East and development of new mineral deposits

Lesson 1.5 – 1.6 Modern Russian economy Industrial policy GOALS OF THE STATE INDUSTRIAL POLICY: Diversification of the economy Increasing the global competitiveness of industrial products Supporting the export of Russian industrial products Ensuring the technological security of the country

Lesson 1.5 – 1.6 Modern Russian economy Energy efficiency technical regulations and energy efficiency standards labeling products according to energy efficiency levels stimulating the use of renewable energy sources. (Growth in electricity production based on alternative renewable energy sources: 2007 - 0.5 billion kWh, 2020 - 10-20 billion kWh) support for the development of domestic models of new generation energy-saving technologies. stimulating the development of energy auditing within the framework of programs to support the development of small businesses on equipping consumers of the retail market with energy consumption meters; implementing special measures to increase the energy efficiency of housing and communal services. Energy saving potential in housing and communal services is more than 80 million t.e. Russia has the potential to reduce energy intensity by up to 4% per year. This will allow us to reach a level of energy efficiency comparable to Canada in 2020, reducing energy intensity by 40% compared to 2008.

Lesson 1.5 – 1.6 Modern Russian economy Global competitiveness GROWTH OF COMPETITIVENESS IN WORLD MARKETS BY 2020 Civil aviation is the third place in the production of civil products; achieving 10-15% of the global sales market level at the turn of 2020-2025. Rocket and space industry - the share of product presence in segments of the global space market will increase from 8 to 15 percent. Space launch market - maintaining leading positions; up to 30% of the commercial launch market. Shipbuilding industry - exports of civilian products will increase by more than 5 times, military products by 1.5-2 times (20% of the market). Nuclear energy industrial complex – exports at least 8-14 billion dollars per year. 2007 2020 Russia’s share in the world economy, % 3.2 4.3 Exports, billion dollars 354 > 900 Export of machinery and equipment, billion dollars 20 110-130 Contribution of domestic products to cover domestic demand, % 50 80 share Russian exports in the global volume of exports of high-tech goods,% 0.3 2

Lesson 1.5 – 1.6 Modern Russian economy Foreign economic policy Priority is integration in the Eurasian space. Transformation of the ruble into a regional reserve currency Focusing export support and joint projects on countries with fast-growing markets Diversification of exports and rationalization of imports Shifting the emphasis from foreign trade in goods to global production cooperation (joint projects, mutual exchange of assets, entering third-country markets, etc. .) Active role in the activities of international and regional economic organizations, especially influencing the formation of oil and gas markets

Lesson 1.5 – 1.6 Modern Russian economy Financial system Development of the banking system Development of the stock market Development of the insurance market increasing the capitalization of banks - improving prudential supervision optimizing mergers and acquisitions procedures; - introduction of irrevocable deposits; expansion of refinancing instruments facilitating the issuance of shares and bonds of banks improvement of regulation expansion of investment volumes in the financial market of Russian institutional investors development of organized trade infrastructure (central depository, clearing organization, clearing house, exchanges) development of the business environment and improvement of the investment climate development of endowment life insurance in t .h. through non-state pension funds, development of mechanisms for insuring the liability of business entities in case of harm, as well as in case of natural disasters

Lesson 1.5 – 1.6 Modern Russian economy Regional policy Innovative and social orientation of regional development Formation of territorial production clusters Development of scientific, technical and educational potential of large urban agglomerations Significant reduction of interregional and intraregional differentiation in the level and quality of the social environment and income of the population Development of large transport networks - logistics and production hubs Formation and development of tourist and recreational areas with a high level of service provision in territories with unique natural and climatic conditions Preservation of cultural diversity, traditional way of life and employment of indigenous peoples of the North

Lesson 1.5 – 1.6 Modern Russian economy The growth poles of the Northwestern Federal District are transport and business services - high-tech. import-substituting industries - traditional industries Resource-extracting regions - new technologies for the development and modernization of traditional industries ARCTIC - development of oil and gas fields - increasing knowledge of the Arctic continental shelf and determining its boundaries - extraction of marine biological resources and their processing - increasing the competitiveness of the Northern Sea Route - environmental protection - security national security, etc. Volga Federal District - modernization of industrial potential through the introduction of new technologies in the Central Federal District - expansion of the network of high-speed highways - new centers of advanced industry and service economy - development of Moscow. logistics hub - international. transport corridors Central-Chern. zone - advanced technologies in agriculture - modernization of enterprises focused on the Kursk magnetic anomaly of the Southern Federal District Primorsky and mountainous areas - tourism Regions with the potential of processing industries - new technologies in processing - development of high-performance industries of the Siberian Federal District - efficient use of natural resources (incl. depth of processing) based on new technologies South of Siberia - processing of agricultural raw materials - tourism Ural Federal District - mining mineral resources based on new technologies - modernization of industrial potential - development of business, innovation, educational services in large agglomerations of the Far Eastern Federal District - introduction of new technologies in the production of hydrocarbon raw materials - gasification - development of transport and energy infrastructures - modernization major cities- efficient use of marine biological resources - mechanical engineering - shipbuilding, aircraft construction - ship repair - aircraft construction

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