Electronic application of the applicant. Distance admission: options and features of submitting documents electronically Electronic submission of documents to universities

The 2018 admission campaign provides the opportunity to submit applications in electronic form to participate in the competitive selection.

To do this, the applicant must register on the website at: http://ez.osvitavsim.org.ua (the site works only during the introductory campaign) and enter the following personal data:

E-mail address;

Series and number of the document on the basis of which the receipt is made;

Information about the VNO Certificate (number, PIN code, year of receipt).

Important!!! When submitting an electronic application, it is necessary attach a scanned copy of the Appendix (Addendum) to the certificate of complete general secondary education.

After registration, the applicant receives access to Personal electronic account, where he fills out an electronic form and notes information about himself: gender, place of residence, telephone numbers, number and date of issue of medical certificate No. 086, average score of the Appendix to the certificate of complete general secondary education. Also indicates the selected educational institution and specialty.

After submitting an electronic application, the applicant receives a notification to the specified email address or mobile phone.

All submitted applications are reflected in the Unified Database, to which everyone has access educational establishments Ukraine. A submitted electronic application may be canceled by the applicant. But after assigning him the status "Registered at the University"- not anymore.

If there are certain shortcomings in the electronic application, an authorized person of the University Admissions Committee grants such an application the status “Requires clarification for applicants”, indicates exactly what needs to be corrected or added, as well as the date by which everything needs to be corrected.

WHAT ASSESSMENTS SHOULD BE OBTAINED First, you need to understand how the applicant’s knowledge will be tested, what grades he will receive and how they will determine his competitive advantage. Admission is influenced by annual grades in school subjects, GIA and UPE grades. GIA is a state final certification, the equivalent of final exams. This year, the State Examination Test is taken in Ukrainian language and literature, a foreign language, as well as one subject of your choice - history of Ukraine or mathematics. The graduates passed the foreign language in their schools, and the remaining 2 subjects - as part of the External Economic Examination session. Testing in these disciplines is counted immediately as a GIA assessment for a school certificate and an assessment for an External Economic Examination certificate. EIT is an external independent assessment, the equivalent of entrance exams. Occurs in test form. Each subject is taken on the same day throughout the country at 11:00. In total, 12 subjects have been submitted for external examination, 4 of which have already been passed (Ukrainian language and literature, history of Ukraine, mathematics, Russian). 8 more subjects (biology, chemistry, physics, geography, as well as foreign languages: English, French, Spanish, German) will be taken on June 6-17. WHAT ARE THE POINTS To enter, all points must be unified and converted to a scale of 100-200, where 100 is the lowest result, 200 is the highest. The school certificate score is the arithmetic average of annual grades in all subjects and GIA grades, rounded to the nearest tenth. For example, in the certificate there are 19 subjects together with GIA subjects, the sum of marks for them is 192. The average score of the school certificate is 192:19 = 10.105 = 10.1. It will be automatically transferred to a scale of 100-200 when entered into a single electronic database. Table for converting the average school certificate score into a scale of 100-200 1,106.0 4,124.0 8,162.0 1.1 106.6 4.1 125.0 8.1 163.0 1.2 107.2 4.2 125.9 8.2 1.3 107.8 4.3 126.9 8.3 164.9 1.4 108.4 4.4 127.8 8.4 165.8 1.5 109.0 4, 5 128.8 8.5 166.8 1.6 109.6 4.6 129.7 8.6 167.7 1.7 110.2 4.7 130.7 8.7 168.7 1.8 110 .8 4.8 131.6 8.8 169.6 1.9 111.4 4.9 132.6 8.9 170.5 2 112.0 5 133.5 9 171.5 2.1 112.6 5.1 134.5 9.1 172.4 2.2 113.2 5.2 135.4 9.2 173.4 2.3 113.8 5.3 9.3 174.3 2.4 114, 4 5.4 137.3 9.4 175.3 2.5 115.0 5.5 138.3 9.5 176.2 2.6 115.6 5.6 139.2 9.6 177.2 2 .7 116.2 5.7 140.2 9.7 178.1 2.8 116.8 5.8 141.1 9.8 179.1 2.9 117.4 5.9 142.1 9.9 180.0 3 118.0 6 143.0 10 181.0 3.1 118.6 6.1 144.0 10.1 181.9 3.2 119.2 6.2 144.9 10.2 182, 9 3.3 119.8 6.3 145.9 10.3 183.8 120.4 6.4 146.8 10.4 184.8 3.5 121.0 6.5 147.8 10.5 185 .7 3.6 121.6 6.6 148.7 10.6 186.7 3.7 122.2 6.7 149.7 10.7 187.6 3.8 122.8 6.8 150.6 10.8 188.6 3.9 123.4 6.9 151.6 10.9 189.5 7,152.5 11,190.5 7.1 153.5 11.1 191.4 7.2 154.4 11.2 192.4 7.3 155.4 11.3 193.3 7.4 156.3 11.4 7.5 157.3 11.5 195.2 7.6 158.2 11.6 196, 2 7.7 159.2 11.7 197.1 7.8 160.1 11.8 198.1 7.9 161.1 11.9 199.0 12 200.0 Therefore, upon admission the average certificate score is 10, 1 will count as 181.9. For graduates of previous years, the university admissions committee is responsible for calculating the average score of the certificate and generating a certificate with the specified score. If the grades in the certificate are given on a scale of 1-5, they are calculated according to the following principle: 3=6, 4=9, 5=12. Threshold score (pass/fail threshold) is minimal amount points for the UNO test, according to which the exam is considered passed. The expert commission determines the threshold score for each individual test. This year, the threshold scores for Ukrainian language and literature are 23, for the history of Ukraine - 25, and mathematics - 9. An applicant with a low score for a specific test cannot use the result for admission to a university. At the same time, an applicant who “failed the threshold” in Ukrainian language and literature is generally not allowed to take further UPE tests. After all, Ukrainian language and literature is the only compulsory subject for admission to a university. It is impossible to avoid it. EIT certificate score - the rating score depends on the number of points of the applicant for the EIT test and the number of points of other EIT participants. Its lowest mark of 100 is assigned to a certain threshold score in this subject, and 200 is assigned to the highest of the test participants' results. The remaining grades are distributed evenly using the software. Find out which external assessment assessment corresponds to the received one test score, can be found on the website of the Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Assessment (UCAQA) in the tab “Determination of EIT results“. This year, only VNO-2016 certificates are taken into account for admission. Next year it will be possible to apply for both 2016 and 2017 certificates. The participant will learn about the test scores in his personal account on the UTSKO website. After this, if necessary, he has 5 days to file an appeal. It is sent in writing by registered mail addressed to the director of UTSKO. In this case, the applicant indicates his last name, first name and patronymic, EIT certificate number, name of the academic subject for which he is challenging the result, personal telephone number and date of filing the appeal. Send the letter to the address: 04053, Kyiv, st. Yuri Kotsyubinsky, 5 (marked “UTSOKO Appeals Commission”). Within 15 days, the appeal commission will consider the application and notify the decision by letter to the applicant’s address. The competitive score is the main tool of competition between applicants. It takes into account the results of the external examination, school certificate, personal achievements and the results of the competition for admission, if one is provided. The calculation methodology consists of both mandatory and recommended requirements of the Ministry of Education. Each university in its entry rules indicates which calculation scheme is used in this institution. But everyone must adhere to certain requirements. Among the mandatory conditions are the following: the “weight” of the EIT certificate must be at least 20% of the competitive score. Accordingly, 3 certificates will account for at least 60% of the competitive score. The “weight” of the school certificate is no more than 10% of the competitive score. The score for the entrance competition cannot exceed 25%, except for entry into the field of Art History and the direction of Architecture, where the score will be no more than 50%. After calculation according to the formula, the competitive score should not exceed 200. * * * * * The formula for calculating the competitive score recommended by the Ministry of Education of the KB = K1 x 1 subject of higher education + K2 x 2 subject of higher education + K3 x 3 subject of higher education + K4 x A + K5 x OU KB - competitive score, three certificates in EIT subjects (in this case, the university can replace the third subject with a competition of creative or physical abilities); A - average school certificate score; OU - point for special achievements for Olympic medalists in specialized subjects, winners of the Minor Academy of Sciences, successful completion preparatory courses university for admission to this university (applies only to natural-mathematical and engineering-technical specialties, and the training must last at least 150 academic hours and at least 3 months). K1,2,3,4,5 – coefficients by which to multiply the indicators. They are determined by the educational institution itself, depending on the specialty and the importance of the indicator. For example, when applying to physics and mathematics majors, an Extension Extension Certificate in Ukrainian Language and Literature will have a lower coefficient than an Extension Extension Certificate in Mathematics. According to the requirement of the Ministry of Education, the sum of the coefficients should be equal to 1. The coefficients for EIT certificates should not exceed 0.2. The coefficient for the competition of creative or physical abilities (K3) should not exceed 0.25 and 0.5 for certain areas. For a school certificate - do not exceed 0.1. For special successes - 0.05. * * * * * Many graduates are interested in the passing grade. It is understandable to want to know in advance what score you will definitely get into your chosen university. However, this will become known only after the completion of the entrance campaign, because the passing score will depend on the competitive scores of applicants who applied for a specific specialty. The lowest score of those who get into the training will be passing. For example, 20 students (budget form) with scores of 200-192 were accepted into a certain specialty at a university. Anyone who received 191 points could not pass the competition. Therefore, the passing score for this specialty will be 192. The minimum score is determined by the universities themselves. It may vary depending on the specialty. Admissions committees will accept applications from applicants with this or the highest score. Low - no. For example, NTUU “KPI” this year requires for admission to the Faculty of Informatics and Computer Engineering EIE certificates in Ukrainian language and literature, mathematics and physics. The minimum score in the “Ukrainian language” is 100. The minimum score in mathematics and physics is 100 or 140 for the choice of one or two subjects. Don't be too happy about being short minimum points. Their task is to completely cut off hopeless applicants and simplify the work of the selection committee. For comparison, last year the passing score for the department mentioned above was 182.547. INTRODUCTION: NEW LIST OF SPECIALTIES, ELECTRONIC APPLICATION AND PRIORITY SYSTEM After the applicant has passed all stages of the knowledge test and received grades, he can begin to compete for a place in a higher educational institution. You should decide on the desired specialties, educational institutions and send applications electronically. Specialties and qualification levels The current campaign is the last one that allows entry to the qualification levels of specialist and junior specialist. Next year, the specialist degree will be replaced by a master's degree. The list of industries and specialties this year has been updated. Check it out on the GOVERNMENT PORTAL. It is interesting that the current list of industries and specialties has been significantly unified, that is, reduced compared to the previous ones. This is dictated by the need to simplify the process of mastering a profession and further employment for students, noted First Deputy Minister of Education Inna Sovsun. After all, too narrow a specialization limited the possibility of changing the educational trajectory and gave rise to problems with finding a job. The ideology of the new list, Inna Sovsun emphasizes, is based on European approaches. Bachelors will be trained in broad specialties. But a narrow specialization will await students during their one-and-a-half to two-year master's studies. Submission of applications Higher educational institutions enter into the Unified Database a list of areas (specialties) for which admission to study is announced in 2016, and indicate detailed information about them. The applicant must submit an application to participate in competitions for places in universities. The applicant should go to the website of the Unified State Electronic Database for Education http://ez.osvitavsim.org.ua and register. Also indicate your e-mail, details of your school certificate and EIT certificates, passport or birth certificate. After checking the data by the system, the applicant receives a “personal account” on the website. The applicant needs to provide information about himself, the average score of his school certificate and select educational institutions and specialties. After completing the procedure, the application receives the status “Registered in the Unified Database”. The applicant selects a university and specialty and sends an application there, indicating its priority (highest level 1, low 15). Attention! The website http://ez.osvitavsim.org.ua will work only during the entrance campaign, from July 11. Attention! Applications are submitted only online - in electronic form. Submission deadline: July 11-27. For those who have entrance exams or creative competitions - July 20. The exception is for representatives of preferential categories of applicants; they submit applications in paper form. Attention! You can choose no more than 3 specialties and submit no more than 15 applications (the limitation does not apply to specialties for which training is not provided for public funds). Attention! Even applicants who do not expect to enroll in a budget-funded form of education need to register in the system. Although the priority of statements is indicated only in budget statements. An exclusively electronic format for submitting applications from applicants will be used for the first time. This is intended to simplify the work of admissions committees, the Ministry of Education hopes. “Any responsible applicant will be able to submit applications and do so without errors,” assesses the innovation Natalya Radysh from the OPORA civil network, which monitors the admissions campaign. What do application statuses mean? * “Registered in the Unified Database” – confirmation of the fact of submitting an electronic application to the selected higher education institution. * “Requires clarification by applicants” - the electronic application has been accepted by the higher education institution for consideration, but the information regarding the applicant requires clarification. The university informs the graduate what data should be clarified and how to do it. * “Registered at a higher educational institution” - the university has accepted the electronic application for consideration, the applicant’s personal file has been accepted and a decision has been made on the applicant’s admission to participate in the competitive selection. * “Admitted to the competition” – the owner of the electronic application is allowed to participate in the competitive selection. * “Refused by a higher education institution” – the owner of the electronic application is not allowed to participate in the competitive selection (the reason for the refusal will be indicated). * “Canceled by the applicant (or higher education institution)” – the fact of filing an application is canceled in the Unified Database if: it is canceled by the applicant in his personal account before the status is assigned “Registered in a higher education institution” or “Requires clarification by applicants”; canceled by the university until the status “Recommended for enrollment” is established if a technical error is detected when entering data into the Unified Database. * “Recommended for enrollment” – the applicant has passed a competitive selection process and is recommended for enrollment. If an electronic application is assigned such status for enrollment in studies, the applicant is required to submit original documents to the university before August 6 state uniform training, until August 10 - on paid training. Exactly which documents are included in this list should be clarified with the university. * “Excluded from the list of recommended” - the applicant lost the right to be enrolled in a university because he did not submit documents and was enrolled in another educational institution, received a recommendation from a university with priority top level etc. The specific reason will be indicated when setting the status. * “Admitted to the competition (training at the expense of physical and legal entities )" - the applicant did not submit documents for enrollment to the state budget within the established time frame, but can be enrolled in education at the expense of individuals and legal entities. * “Included in the order” – the applicant is enrolled in the university. How the application priority system works Each applicant must carefully consider where and in what priority to apply for admission. The electronic form for filling out contains lines indicating the university, specialty, form of study, need for a hostel and the priority of this application among other applications of the graduate. Under number 1 you need to indicate the place of study that you would most like to go to. Number 15 (or simply the lowest among your applications) is the least priority position of the selected ones. Thus, the system records all applications of all applicants applying for education at public expense. The selection of the best begins - consideration comes from the highest priority application of each applicant. If an applicant passes the competition based on his application with priority 1, he receives a recommendation for study specifically based on it. If his score does not allow him to overcome the competition, a second application is considered, a third, and so on. As a result, an applicant may receive one offer to study with government funds, and it will be the highest priority application on his list. When an applicant receives a recommendation for this application, the system will cancel the rest of his applications - they will no longer participate in other competitions. Attention! Two years ago the priority system did not work. Applicants competed in so-called enrollment waves. An applicant with a high competitive score could apply for the state form of education on the lists of 10 different universities. In the end, I chose one institution and took the documents there. Then in the remaining 9 the places he occupied were vacated and the next applicants came up. Then the second, third “waves” of enrollment took place, and so on. The last one was the “originals competition”. Unfilled study places at state expense were provided to those whose original documents were available at the admissions office. The vagueness of the procedure for this part of the competition opened the way to numerous abuses and corruption. In certain universities, according to Inna Sovsun, up to 80% of applicants were admitted through a “competition of originals.” Enrollment in two stages was partially observed last year. If an applicant received a recommendation from a university that was lower in his priorities, he could refuse to study, hoping to get into an institution that is a priority. Now this is impossible. Refusal of a recommendation deprives the applicant of the right to a budget-funded form of education. Natalya Radysh says: “Last year, those applicants who had the highest competitive score among those who applied for a contract were transferred to such “vacated” places. This year there is no such norm, so it is obvious that such places will remain unused.” Of course, if the competitive score is too low for admission to the budget, he will not receive a single recommendation for study with public funds. Formation of government orders Due to demographic processes, the number of graduates decreased by 15%. The state order for the training of specialists, the Ministry of Education notes, will be reduced by 10.8% this year. A noticeable oversupply of “humanities” students in the labor market is causing a reduction in government orders primarily for specialists in this field. But the requests for engineering, technical and natural-mathematical specialties are stable and promising. The state will support this trend. At the same time, the Ministry of Education continues to move away from manual distribution budget places. This year, universities will independently offer the state to finance a certain number of budget places. Funds will be provided based on the results of rating distribution of applicants by the Single Electronic System. The more applicants apply for a certain specialty at a university, the more funds the state will allocate to it. This is how the principle “money follows the student” is implemented. “It is not the ministry that will decide how much to allocate to whom, but the applicants themselves “will bring funds to the selected universities,” explains Yegor Stadny, executive director of the CEDOS analytical center. The universities that are most popular among applicants will receive more government orders and vice versa. This is a kind of voucher system, when the state allocates money for education to a specific person, and he can only spend it on training. At the same time, the Ministry of Education is depriving universities of the right to teach any specialties for budget funds. Technical universities, for example, will not be able to train humanities students under state orders, agricultural universities will not be able to train lawyers, and so on. HOW IT WORKS ABROAD Online format of the admission campaign is the norm developed countries, notes Egor Stadny, executive director of the CEDOS analytical center. “But the voucher system is not so widespread,” says the expert. – It was first introduced in the US state of Colorado in 2004. Since then in in different forms tried in Chile, the Netherlands, Georgia, Lithuania, Australia, Kazakhstan. In the Netherlands they gave up over time, in Lithuania they refuse. The main problem is that universities over time begin to invest exorbitantly in advertising and marketing to attract as many vouchers as possible, forgetting about quality educational programs. Applicants had less and less opportunities to understand where the advertising is and where the essence is.” Poland has a voucher system, and a single electronic system There are no applicants for admission either. “The budget funds that the university receives are calculated based on a certain algorithm. 65% subsidies from the Ministry of Science and higher education distributed between universities based on subsidies from the previous year. The rest of the funds are distributed based on the quantitative composition of undergraduate and graduate students, the quantitative and qualitative composition of teachers, research, international exchanges, etc. That is, there is a relationship between the number of students and funds received from the budget, but it is not decisive,” says Andrei Savenets, a teacher at the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin. Admission to studies is based on grades in matriculation certificates, while for each specialty universities independently set their own criteria: grades in which subjects are taken into account. Some specialties may require entrance exams. Applicants register on university websites even before final exams. You can submit documents to any number of universities, but you have to pay for submitting documents, about 20 euros. 0 In Poland, phased enrollment is possible - when an applicant passes the competition to several institutions at the same time, he chooses one, and the universities select candidates from the reserve list to fill the vacant places. Wherein rating system operates at the school level. When moving from primary school to a second level school (gymnasium) or from a gymnasium to a third level school (lyceum or technical school), all students are registered in one electronic system created in a given city and can submit applications to 3 schools, setting their priority, and then based on entrance tests , the results of final exams, as well as social criteria (large families, disabilities, single-parent families, etc.), the admissions committee finally forms lists of accepted students. In the Czech Republic, in order to be admitted to the budget, you must pass exams in Czech in specialized subjects, says Angelina Kharchenko, an expert at the educational agency Studex. There is no general electronic rating system in the country. Admissions committees begin work at the end of February and can operate until July, while the applicant submits applications to each university separately. Upon admission, you must pay a registration fee of 20 euros. The amount of payment depends on the educational institution. Each university determines the exam format, requirements for applicants and the set of documents independently. They may change, so every year you need to check with each institution regarding the current requirements. In Latvia, each university separately announces its admission conditions. This could be exams in certain disciplines, a certificate competition, or an interview. The severity of the selection depends on the number of applicants who applied to the university. The winners of the competition will study at state expense, the rest can enter on a contract.

Previously, in order to apply to a university in another city, the personal presence of the applicant and his parents was required if he had not reached the age of majority. But today you can send an application for admission to a university remotely.

There are 2 ways to do this:

  • send documents by mail,
  • submit electronic documents via the Internet.

Mail delivery

On the website of the educational institution you need to find out what documents you need to send, and download a sample application there. A complete set of documents with a completed and signed application is sent by mail or delivery services. There are certain risks in mail delivery. The package will reach the recipient in approximately 5-7 days. The same amount (plus time for consideration of your application) will require a return response.

Therefore, documents need to be sent as early as possible in order to be on time.

If the letter is delayed or lost due to the fault of the post office itself, you may not be included in the list of applicants. There are alternatives to mail - various commercial delivery services or couriers. By choosing this option, you don’t have to worry about timely delivery, but it is much more expensive.

Electronic delivery

Easier and more convenient to submit electronic documents to an educational institution via the Internet. On the university website you need to download an electronic version of the application, fill out and sign. It is necessary to attach scanned copies of other documents to the application (as a rule, a passport, educational document and its attachment are required) and send everything to the email address of the admissions committee.

You can sign documents in the Microsoft Office interface or special programs - for example, Kontur.Crypto.

On average, consideration of an email by the commission takes 2-3 business days. Then the applicant is also informed about the result electronically. The maximum number of universities to which documents can be submitted at the same time has not changed and is 5 educational institutions.

Nuances of submitting documents via the Internet

The order of the Ministry of Education and Science requires organizing the reception of documents “in electronic form, if such a possibility is provided at the university.” There are no uniform requirements, so each university implements this in practice in different ways:

  • for example, Moscow Humanitarian University accepts documents by email,
  • MSU will accept documents in PDF format signed by the CEP of any accredited CA.

Therefore, carefully read the rules at the educational institution you are interested in. There are universities that allow you to print out the application form, sign it with a handwritten signature, and then attach it in scanned form to a package of documents without using an electronic signature. But in this case, the application will not be available and you will have to hurry to provide its original.

To avoid risks, we offer the applicant the following course of action:

  1. Make sure that the university you want to enroll in accepts documents in electronic form.
  2. Send a document via the Internet, signing them with a qualified electronic signature of an individual.
  3. Receive a response and make sure that it is significant: that is, it is signed, or the application was included in the list and published, or in another way.
  4. If there is no answer, duplicate it by mail with an explanatory letter stating that you previously submitted it electronically. If possible, come in person to admissions committee.

How much does an electronic signature cost?

In most cases, the cost of travel with parents and accommodation in another city exceeds the cost of an electronic signature. And the time saved on the trip can be spent on preparing for entrance exams.

Without leaving home? How to do it? In our article you will find answers to these questions.

Documents can be submitted to the university via the Internet

Let's consider all possible options for submitting documents to a university.

There are several ways to submit documents:

1. Come to the admissions office in person. This is the simplest option. You arrive with a package of documents required for admission and fill out all the applications and forms yourself. If you choose this method, plan all expenses in advance. For example, the price of tickets to Moscow and back, depending on the remoteness of the region of permanent residence, will be from 4,000 rubles. The cost of living in a hostel or dormitory is from 500 rubles per day per person; in a rented one-room apartment with daily rent - from 750 rubles per person per day. In the best case, friends or relatives will shelter you. Be sure to plan two trips: the first to submit copies; the second - for submitting the originals after the competition situation has been clarified.

2. Draw up a notarized power of attorney. The authorized representative can dispose of copies and originals of your documents, as well as sign applications and perform all actions related to the execution of the principal’s instructions. To do this, a power of attorney must be drawn up indicating all the study options you are interested in: full-time, part-time or evening, on a budget or commercial basis. Be careful! If the authorized person is not allowed in the document to submit documents in the format you need, then the university simply will not be able to accept your application from the wrong hands.

3. Send by Russian Post. You download the application on the website, fill it out, attach copies of the necessary documents and send it all by registered mail with a list of attachments. Please note: you can only send copies of documents. If you live far away, this is very convenient, because you will only need to visit the university once - to submit the originals. But do not forget to take into account the speed of the Post Office; send everything as early as possible, and not a week before the end of accepting applications.

4. Submitting documents by e-mail. All Required documents and you send the scans to the admissions committee’s mailbox. And there are many nuances here.

Some universities do not allow electronic registration.

Features of submitting documents electronically

The ability to submit documents electronically is not available at all universities. Among them are both top universities - and regional ones - and. There is no need to have all documents certified by a notary before sending.

Please note that when submitting documents by e-mail in some universities, for example, in order to sign documents, an electronic signature of a PDF file is required.

What documents are needed when filling out documents on the university website?

To submit documents electronically, you need to scan the following documents:

  • application for admission to study, in which you need to indicate the specialty, direction or programs that you have chosen;
  • consent to the processing of your personal data (the form can be downloaded on the university website);
  • passport or other identity document;
  • certificate and annex with marks to it;
  • medical certificate (if a medical examination is required);
  • 2 black and white photos measuring 3 x 4 (sometimes they may require more);
  • military ID if you are liable for military service;
  • document confirming your individual achievements(participation in Olympiads, awarding a gold or silver medal, GTO insignia, etc.);
  • documents confirming your special rights or benefits upon admission (orphan status, disability, etc.).

Each university determines the mandatory list of digital copies of documents independently. You can find it on the institution’s website in the “Applicants” or “Applicants” section with the note “Submission of documents.”

You can check whether your dream university accepts documents in electronic format using search services using key phrases:

  • submit documents by email;
  • submit an application online;
  • submit documents electronically on the website;
  • electronic digital form for submitting documents.

How to properly submit documents electronically: step-by-step instructions

Let's consider the general algorithm for electronic filing of documents:

If you did everything correctly, you will receive a response letter from the university or your data will appear in the lists of people who submitted applications (they are published on the website). If you have any questions, please call the admissions office.

Official instructions for registering an applicant's electronic account 2018

Instructions for working with the electronic application filing system:

Instructions 2017

How to submit documents to a university via the Internet(Instructions for electronic submission of applications to universities -)

In 2017, applicants will submit documents and applications online

Registration of electronic accounts of applicants to participate in the admission campaign starts on June 29 to higher educational institutions of Ukraine. This year, instead of standing in line at the admissions office, all applicants will submit documents via the Internet (for first-year applicants based on secondary education). To help applicants master new system electronic submission of applications, SE “InfoResource” has developed step by step instructions and explained how to properly submit documents this year, including how to properly submit documents online.

ATTENTION! Updated version of the instructions including application procedure You can

3. Message about successful registration in the system

(from 07/12/17 in the applicant’s electronic account)

11. Review of competitive proposals and submission of applications by applicants (continued)

Download official instructions on working with the system including submission procedure statements in electronic form:

Briefly about the most important:

Registration of applicants on the website

Registration of applicants will take place on the website: http://ez.osvitavsim.org.ua/. This link will become active on July 11 - that’s when you can register and start submitting documents.

The state-owned enterprise notes that according to statistics, it is on the first and last days of submitting documents via the Internet that the greatest load on the site occurs. That is why these days there may be technical problems with the operation of the site, which is something applicants should pay attention to when they submit their own applications for admission.

Instructions for working with the electronic application system for universities

Download instructions for working with the electronic application system for universities in 2016

Step-by-step instructions for working with the electronic application system for universities in 2016 can be found

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