Fahrenheit: psychological thriller walkthrough. Walkthrough of the game Fahrenheit Fahrenheit controls

Finally got around to it, and damn, how could I ignore her then?! It’s incredibly interesting to play even now, but for the mid-2000s it was just a breakthrough. I haven't been so annoyed for a long time that I got acquainted with the game so many years after its release.

And when I played on ios in 15-16 it was extremely boring, just Over. I just finished the game 3 times before and already knowing everything, the game was simply incredibly painful to play. Of course, I recently wrote that I was sad that they cut out the Fahrenheit from iOS and do not update it, but in fact I have already gone through this. Passed stage. It makes no sense. And in general, it’s always like this with these Cage games I don’t want to go through it again

I still can’t show Harl to the end: we get to the office with the spiders and lose interest. And remembering a couple of levels, I just want to howl.

But nevertheless, yes for the mid-2000s, when I got acquainted with it, it was just mega-cool. Just like the first Max Payne.

I was also delighted with the action sequences, especially the escape from the police and the fight with Oracle. I don’t know whether Cage or another person was responsible for them, but this is the highest aerobatics of the production. Now I don’t understand at all why, instead of developing the strengths (direction, atmosphere, suspense), all the following games focus on the weaknesses (weak plot, dialogue, human relationships). I didn’t particularly like Heavy Rain on PS3, I only liked the mechanics, which, as I now know, were simply taken from Fahrenheit. Beyond is simply hopelessly sad. Detroit hasn't played it yet, but as far as I know, it's about cheap philosophy and again drama. It would be better if they made a cool action/thriller, like Mission Impossible

Because what delighted you (the fight with the Oracle) was attributed to drug addiction, the desire to imitate the Matrix and the leaked plot (and generally the second half of the game as a whole). They probably listened. By the way, the first fight with Oracle also worked for me. Especially Mouzon it’s really epic!

I liked Detroit more than Beyond, but less than Heavy Rain. But I can’t evaluate it objectively, because at one time I liked Fahrenheit so much that I was just looking for any information about their next project. And I bought the PS3 on the same day as Heavy Rain. And I was delighted too!

It's a pure anime/jrpg: it starts with an ordinary guy who gets into trouble, and ends with saving the world: D Quite a crazy plot, mb Cage wrote the second half there on acid. But I really liked it: at first there was intrigue, a twist in the plot, then mysticism grew, and then it drifted into fantasy. It was interesting and entertaining, unlike the same person you are talking about there - she is a dull cliché from beginning to end.

I'm a fan of both ^_^ Persona 5, in my opinion, is a mega-stylish game, and style often matters. Music, costumes, dungeon design, theme, appearance of enemies outside the battlefield, battle menu (which has already become a meme) and much more - it’s all so cool and unusual that I was completely fascinated. Even taking into account familiarity with previous games. It was precisely this approach that lured me into the network of the FF VIII genre, which was also cool and unusual compared to other games from the PS1. Well, along with Yakuza, Persona 5 is a good attempt to be a guide to Japan. And taking into account that they give you the opportunity to play as a schoolchild who is a criminal and the attitude (and prohibitions) towards him are appropriate, then this becomes an interesting sale for the residents of Japan. Real role-playing game in terms of playing the role of a subject, which in the IRL you, God forbid, will not find yourself.

In Fahrenheit, I remember I was always interested in those one and a half to two months that passed after the meeting of neo-Lucas (how I turned it out, right?) and Carla. They didn't become good friends.

Well, there’s something like “the ice is melting, everything is returning to its place, I’m sitting on a stump and don’t know what to do with my strength.” And there’s nothing interesting between them, it seems to me. Relationships are like relationships.

The style in p5 is definitely very cool. But this is not about him. I’m talking about everything that’s incredibly formulaic: heroes without any individuality (Character. They’re drawn cool, but the authors themselves admitted that the creation of the entire game began with Ann’s sketch), ridiculous caricatured villains, the most wretched dialogues, and the whole plot in Overall, 100 percent standard; not a single interesting twist or move, just the theme of thieves and outcasts.

You can't do without spoilers here, I guess.

Who would turn out to be the “rat” was obvious even at the development stage: Goro Akechi is the only hero who seemed to be shoved onto the poster (and into additional costumes), but for a long time they could not really say whether he would be a fighter or not. Until release. And in most of the cutscenes it was not there.

But, in principle, the very beginning of the action (the capture of the Joker) and how the narration was regularly interrupted for interrogation (it was especially cool with the discovery of new Arcana, ala: “You definitely couldn’t commit so many crimes without having a personal doctor at hand. Who was it?” ?) it really hit me incredibly hard. Almost applauded.

And the way they ultimately pulled off a multi-move with the rescue of the Joker was not entirely predictable. I personally couldn't figure it out. And in general, this whole plot is in the spirit of: “We knew who the traitor was” with the disclosure of all the details + the Joker’s imprisonment at home everything is very cool. In general, I really like the last month of the game. Like the ending itself, where they drive away in a car. Somehow it turned out to be a lamp.

From Anne's sketch, you say? Mmm, it’s the design that suits me the most. Although I read other data. Perhaps they were invented later, because it is impossible to actually confirm them.

Here he is an ideal example of an unobtrusive discussion that begins with one subject, then the conversation smoothly flows into adjacent ones, and then memories/impressions begin.

You can’t just talk about one game. Man is not a robot

The brainchild of one of the most specific French studios, Quantic Dream, was released in 2005. It should be said that at that time such games were perceived in a special way, because interactive cinema and many options for getting out of the situation to some extent expanded the idea of ​​​​the gameplay. Therefore, Fahrenheit, the passage of which is exciting from the very beginning, received the most high marks critics and consumers. At the moment, the Quantic Dream studio has released a couple more similar, intriguing projects: Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls. All of these games are outright sensations with unique atmosphere and gameplay.

Where and how?

The main character of Fahrenheit, the passage of which is structured in the form of an investigation, is a certain Lucas Kane, a simple employee of an ordinary bank. He lives an ordinary life without any special adventures or worries: he goes to work, reads newspapers and books, has his own goals and dreams. Probably, everything would have remained in place if Lucas had not come to that ill-fated diner on a winter evening in 2009...

Then events occur that radically change his life. In a trance, Kane kills an unknown man. Waking up in the restroom on a chopped up corpse, he realizes that he is seriously in trouble. An unintentional murder forces him to flee the scene of the crime. Further main character begins to suffer from various visions showing him events of the near future. With their help, Lucas manages to avoid suspicion in a timely manner. But that is not all. The passage of the game Fahrenheit will be shown from several angles, or rather, from the side of several characters. This means that the user will have to control two more characters: detectives Tyler Miles and Carla Valenti. This approach to game mechanics allows you to fully experience and understand the current situation. Another interesting and quite a lot important point- throughout the game Fahrenheit, the passage of which will reveal the mystery of inexplicable events, the temperature throughout the world will rapidly decrease down to -76 degrees Fahrenheit.

Hurricane of events

Well, now let's look at some specific aspects of the Fahrenheit game. The passage of the entire plot will be accompanied by small cut-scenes in the form of in-game videos, in which the user will need to press the appropriate keys as quickly as possible to avoid pain and despair. Such a highlight does not allow you to relax for a second (after watching one such video, the rest will be perceived with increased attention). The second very important point is that in this interactive world, events never stop! After the first, the second will definitely follow, then the third, and after that the fourth. Detective elements are successfully intertwined with mystical ones, making the game's plot unpredictable and fascinating. The main characters are depicted as believably as possible in the sense that everyone has individual character, behavior, emotions and thinking. This allows you to get into the skin of the main character, while being in the thick of things. In short, the game turned out to be extremely unique and indescribable! The only pity is that there will be no Fahrenheit-2 - the developers themselves announced this.

Fahrenheit/Indigo Prophecy

The walkthrough contains only those actions that bring positive points and contribute to the successful completion of the game. When two circles appear on the screen, you will need to press the keys that will be highlighted. The left circle corresponds to the arrow keys. The right circle corresponds to the arrow keys on the numpad.

Murder (Lucas)
Get rid of a lot of evidence that you left in the toilet after the murder. Drag the corpse to the central booth by quickly moving the left and right arrow keys. Use a mop to remove the blood on the floor by moving the mouse up and down. Pick up the knife lying near the urinal from the floor and get rid of it (Lucas will hide it himself). Then wash yourself. Go to the machine near the exit from the toilet. Examine it to notice that it is broken, then knock on it. Take a coin. Exit the toilet. Go to your desk and sit down. Eat, drink, then look at the bill presented to you and pay it. Use the coin on the jukebox to listen to music. Then exit the cafe onto the street. Using the subway or taxi, leave the area adjacent to the crime scene.

Investigation (Police)
Let Carla talk to the policeman who discovered the body. Then talk to the two guys at the counter and the waitress Kate. Be kind to her to get the most information from her. Go behind the counter, pour yourself some coffee and drink it. Do the same for the second police officer, Tylor. While operating it, examine the table where the suspect was sitting and talk to the guys at the counter. Then examine the table with Carla, she will find more evidence than Tylor. Go to the toilet. Carla look at the corpse, the mop, the booth where Lucas was sitting. Find a knife whose location is random. It could be hidden in the niche in the stall where Lucas sat, or in the window frame, or in the tank in the stall that is closer to the urinals. Tylor also examine the corpse and the shell.

Talk to the experts at the counter again, then talk to Carla. Tell her it's time to leave and get into the car you drove here.

A Day Later (Lucas)
You wake up and realize that what happened the day before was not a dream at all, but a real reality. The bed is covered in blood, my hands are scratched. Stand up and take the pills from the table. Throw a blanket over the bed to hide bloody marks. Go to the living room. Answer your brother's phone call and arrange a meeting with him. After that, pick up the shirt from the floor and throw it into the washing machine in the bathroom. Take a shower, use the toilet. From the first aid kit above the sink, take a bandage and bandage your hands with it. Return to your room. Take clothes out of the closet and put them on. In the living room, in one of the cabinets in the kitchen, find a bonus, you will find another one on the balcony. Drink milk from the refrigerator and wait for the police to arrive. Pick up the key from the table and unlock the front door. Let the policeman into the apartment and tell him that you cut yourself. He'll leave soon enough after checking out the apartment. Then you leave and meet your brother.

Confession (Lucas)
In the park, go forward to find Brother Marcos. Explain to him what happened. Convince him without aggression that it was not you who committed the murder. At the end of the conversation, he will ask you to take the cross. Accept this gift as it is an extra life. Marcos will go home, and you will have a vision of a child falling into the water. Later he will actually fall, the vision did not disappoint. Jump into the water after him and save him by using the arrow keys. When the child is on the ground, ventilate him. In this way you will save him. One of the police officers who was patrolling the park will recognize you, but will not arrest you. Today is clearly your day.

Police work (Police officers)
Controlling Carla, go up the stairs and go through the double door. Walk to your office, which is located in the upper right corner. Call Tylor from your phone, then switch control to him. Go to the bathroom where you will find a bonus. Take a shower and use the toilet. In the room, take some clothes from the closet. In the living room, drink coffee and talk with your girlfriend. She is not happy that you go to such a dangerous job every day, so encourage her. Put on your jacket, kiss her and go to work. Go to Karla's office. Before you enter, the guy will ask you to return the debt. Make him an offer he can't refuse. If he wins basketball, then you will pay him back twice as much, if not, then the debt is forgiven. Now go to the office. Hang the jacket on the hanger, then catch up with Carla. Listen to Garrett's report, then, controlling Carla, go to the office, where you check your email.

Reality Shift (Lucas)
Even though Lucas committed murder, he decides to forget about it and return to ordinary life. In the toilet, find the bonus, wash your hands and go to your office (marked on the map with a red dot). Take a seat. Take the cross from the drawer on the right. You can see visions by pressing the illuminated keys. Answer Tiffany's call and allow her to come to your home in the evening. Dig around the computer. After your partner is informed about the malfunction of one unit, move to the place of the breakdown. Next you will find a mini-game where you will need to press the highlighted buttons.

Reconstruction (Carla)
Listen to the coroner's autopsy report and press the right buttons to try to reconstruct the murder.

Taylor and Kate (Taylor)
Taylor, with the help of waitress Kate, must create an identikit of the killer.

Lost Love (Lucas)
Play the guitar before turning on the amplifier. Turn on the stereo, go to the toilet. Find the bonus in the kitchen cabinet. Go to the room where you take the pills. And finally, go to bed before Tiffany comes. All these actions will help you achieve good health. When Tiffany arrives, let her in. Ask her about the news, offer her a drink. The drink is in a niche in the counter. Bring her two boxes with her things, one from the room, the other from the living room. Next, speak sincerely, then sentimentally. Ask if she is alone now. Play the guitar for her, then kiss her. And eventually, have sex with her.

Hide and Seek (Lucas)
Go to Lucas's mother's grave, where you will talk to Marcus. Place flowers on the grave. At this moment, Lucas will be transported back in time to his childhood. Marcus will invite Lucas to play in an abandoned hangar, but he will refuse. Later, Lucas sees a vision of a fire in the hangar where Marcus and his friends went to play. He decides to save them. Go to the northeastern part of the map (north will be considered the red cross on the map). Climb over the fence, then go forward to the trench. Follow it west until you notice a hole in the fence. Make your way through it. Hide behind the crates and wait for the truck to come. Next, walk parallel to the truck, thereby hiding from the guards, and then quickly slide to the place marked in red on the map. Enter the hangar. Inside, Lucas will tell Marcus to leave while he goes to look for the rest of the guys. There are three of them in total. One is at the top, the other is on the plane down the stairs (he still has to be convinced), the third is in the part of the hangar opposite the plane.

Friendly Fight (Police)
It's time to get some rest and decompress. Let Carla drink from a bottle of water, then exercise on two apparatuses. Do the same for Tylor. Get into the ring and fight. You will fight while controlling Carla. Make sure you win and then you can either continue or stop.

Questioning (Carla)
Talk to your boss. Report to him about the progress in the mysterious murder case in the cafe. When Carla takes control, find the bonus in front of you and then go to the gate. Turn on the light first and then move on. It is worth saying here that Carla suffers from claustrophobia, and therefore you must control her condition. Keep the mark on the bar at the bottom of the screen in a central position using the left and right arrow keys on your keyboard. If the mark touches the edge of the strip, then you will have to start over from that level. Don't be afraid, everything you do won't have to be redone. So, go straight ahead. There will be large shelves in front of you. With the help of a valve you can move them. Find a computer that is turned off. To your left behind the shelves there will be a switch. If you move it to another position, the computer will work. Now go to the other side of the room. Open a path to the left side, turn the valve at the end, and then move along the right side to the rack with archives from 1990 - 2000. Take the film from the rack and watch it on the computer.

Questioning (Taylor)
Tylor was brought into a bookstore in order to get at least some information about the book found at the crime scene. Go down and go under the stairs. Look at Shakespeare's book with a magnifying glass. On one of the pages in the upper left corner you will find a barely noticeable inscription. When you pick up the book, a piece of paper with some numbers will fall out of it. Talk to the old man who looks like a Chinese. He won't help you in any way unless you help him first (this will happen when you are about to leave the store). He will give you a book and ask you to find a similar one. First, look at the book under a magnifying glass. You will see the inscription "De Gruttola". Go up the stairs and look at the book there. You will learn that "De Gruttola" is numbered 1796. Now look at the book behind the old man. Book number 1796 is located on the third floor in the white area. Go there and take the book from the shelf. Give it to the old man. After the conversation, receive a bonus and leave the store.

Agatha (Lucas)
Find Agatha's house, which is a little ahead on the left. Ring the bell, and then go inside. Go forward to the living room, from there to the bedroom, where Agatha will be. Take an extra life from the nightstand and find a bonus in the bathroom. Agatha is blind and confined to a wheelchair. Take her to the living room. She will want to feed her birds, so take her to the room located along the corridor to the right. Take the seeds from the chest of drawers and feed all the birds. Then talk to Agatha. Take her back to the living room. Before you can begin the trance, you will need candles and matches. You will find candles here in the drawer of one of the chests of drawers, and matches in the kitchen (along the corridor to the left, there will be a bonus there). Place three candles in candlesticks and light them. Then close all the curtains and turn off the lights in the room. Agatha will take you to the moment when you killed the person. After the session, she will ask you to come again tomorrow.

Questions and bullets (Carla)
Talk to Mitchell at the back of the shooting range. Put on your glasses and headphones and hit your targets. Your task is to shoot and ask Mitchell questions from time to time.

Double up or leave (Taylor)
It's time to play basketball with a work colleague. Win and forget about debt once and for all.

Storm (Lucas, Marcos)
Answer the phone call. Everything around you will begin to act supernaturally. A strong wind will blow and your apartment will begin to collapse. Dodge flying objects, run, etc. You will end up hanging from the balcony railing. Management will pass to Marcos. Ring the doorbell where Lucas lives. Next, break into the apartment and save Lucas.

Dark Omen (Cops)
Use the toilet (the bathroom is also a bonus) and watch TV to make Carla happy. Put it on and wait for your neighbor Tommy to arrive. He will bring wine with him. Take the glasses from the kitchen cabinet and place them on the table. After drinking a glass of wine, Tommy will take out fortune cards. Choose a couple of cards each time, and Tommy will tell you what awaits you next. After Tommy leaves, switch to Tylor. Let him use the computer. Check the Internet and look at the "World" tab. He will realize that the piece of paper found in Shakespeare's book contains stock quotes. Call Carla and report this to her. Take a piece of paper from the table and fax it to Karla. Switch back to Carla. Check the fax and then go to your neighbor. Ask him if it is possible to find out which bank this paper belongs to. He will say that watermarks should be visible on the paper. Contact Tylor by phone and tell him about this. While controlling Tylor, sit at your desk. Take the paper and look at it under the lamp. You will find a watermark on it from the bank where it was printed. Taylor will ask Carla who will go to this bank. I chose Carla as a more tactful and detail-oriented employee.

No Face (Lucas, Carla)
Lucas is at work. He will receive a vision of Carla walking towards his workplace. Before Carla comes, hide the paper with quotes and the book of Shakespeare. Sit on the chair and check the right drawer, where the bonus will be. Carla will come in and ask some questions. Throughout the interrogation, you can read Carla's thoughts and, based on this, answer questions with minimal risk of being suspected. Soon Lucas will go to the toilet, and you, controlling Carla, will look for evidence. Take the paper with quotes from the box to the right of the table, and take a pen from the table. This is enough to accuse Lucas of murder. Wait for Lucas to arrive and leave.

Back to Agatha (Lucas)
Enter the house, then go to the living room, where you will find Agatha's corpse. Someone called the police and they're on their way here, so you don't have much time. Go to the room with the birds. Take the key from the chest of drawers and use it to unlock one of the cages. Inside you will find a clipping from an old newspaper. You could also open the cage with a knife you might find in the kitchen. Return to the living room and leave the house through the window.

Happy Anniversary! (Police)
When Taylor comes home, Sam will ask you to turn on the oven and pour champagne into the glasses. You will find champagne in the refrigerator. Having done this, Sam will enter. She would like to dance, so turn on the music and dance with her. Carla works while Taylor rests. You must connect the evidence found at the crime scene and at Lucas's work together. Study the quote sheet and memorize it. Match it with a piece of paper and you will find that they fit perfectly. Next, answer the phone call. Check the fingerprints from the pen that were emailed to you and match them with the fingerprints found on the knife. 100% match. Carla found the killer. Tell Taylor about this by phone and he will come to work immediately.

Blood Shower (Lucas)
Nothing you can do here. Just watch.

Confrontation (Carla, Lucas)
Carla and Taylor are going to arrest Lucas. Knock down the front door to Lucas' apartment. Nobody here. Now check the bathroom and bedroom. It's also empty. You will be informed that Lucas is crossing the street and is about to enter the house where he lives. The police will try to arrest him, but to no avail. Lucas will run, fantastically avoiding obstacles. You will help him with this.

Captain Jones is very upset (Police)
Captain Jones is furious. Just let Carla and Tylor justify themselves.

Fallen Angels (Lucas)
Get up from the bench and talk to Agatha. She will explain some things to you. None of this is real, and so soon enough you will be attacked by statues. Avoid their attacks by quickly pressing the illuminated buttons. This nightmare will end when Marcos wakes you up. Explain to him what has happened recently.

Soap, blood and evidence (Police)
Carla and Taylor will arrive at the laundry room where the double murder took place. Go to the laundry room. Carla will tell Tylor to come inside while she talks to Garrett. Find out the details from him and go inside. Let Carla examine the dead man and the blood in the corner near the case, as well as the bloody trail between the man and woman trail. Switch to Tylor and examine the corpse of the man, woman and phone. You can leave after talking to your partner first.

Fugitive (Lucas)
Go around the corner and move forward (on the opposite side of the street is a bonus) until Lucas sees the police watching Tiffany's apartment, where we are now actually going. Turn around, find a fence nearby and climb over it. Then after another. Two policemen positioned themselves nearby. While they are not looking in your direction, run forward. Climb up the drainpipe and move along the ledge to the next drainpipe, along which you go down. Open the window to Tiffany's bedroom (this will require a little sweat). Then get into the apartment. You will be able to see a vision of Tylor looking under the bed. Lie down for a while and go into the living room. Fortify yourself with food from the refrigerator and cupboard (you'll find a bonus in one cupboard). Watch TV. Find extra life on the bathroom shelf. Sooner or later Tiffany will come. Talk to her and explain what's what. When the police ring at the door, you will need to hide. Climb outside through the bedroom window and wait, pressing buttons, until Tylor inspects the house.

Hanos (Carla)
At the mental hospital, Barney will tell you that you can visit Hanos. Go straight along the corridor, then turn right after one corridor. Find a guy who will show you Hanos' camera. Inside, talk to him to gain valuable information about the murders. When you're done, talk to the hospital employee outside. At this moment, the electricity in the building will be cut off, and all the cells with patients will open. The psycho will kill the guy, and you move towards the exit (straight and to the right). All you have to do is walk when there is no danger, stop when a mental patient passes nearby, and also monitor Carla's breathing. When the power is restored, Carla will be surrounded by maniacs. Run to the glass door and knock on Barney to let you in.

Meeting with Kurakin (Lucas)
You introduced yourself as a journalist who has an appointment with a professor. Before you talk to him, look for a bonus in the corner of the room. Tell the professor you write for the New York Times. Ask him about what interests you most. Then the professor will ask who you really are. Tell him the whole truth and then exit through the service entrance. When you reach the parking lot, several cars will try to run you over. Play with the keyboard to avoid death.

Mysteries of Maya (Lucas)
Maya's boyfriend will tell you that it is time to die and will summon an animal that will try to kill you. Run away from him using the button game. Agatha will appear here again and tell you that you must find the little girl before they find her.

Clan (Oracle)
Watch the vision of the clan meeting while slowly pressing the buttons.

Everywhere Danger (Lucas, Carla, Marcos)
You will wake up in a hotel bed. You will see Carla and Tylor walking up the stairs. You will see three screens: one for Lucas, another for Marcos, and a third for the police. While in control of Lucas, stand up and call Marcos on the phone. Controlling Marcos, select the phone from two options and then follow to the room from which the phone call is heard. Answer it. Controlling Lucas again, say that there is no time for explanations. Then, while controlling Marcos, lock the door and then call the police. Management will pass to Carla and Tylor. Approach Tylor, who will be standing near the room supposedly belonging to Lucas. Knock down the door: uh: not that: At the end of the corridor, find the desired room with number 369. Having broken in, Lucas will no longer be there. When the police leave, Lucas will appear from the window. Answer the phone to find out that Tiffany has been kidnapped.

Roller Coaster Fate (Lucas)
The raven will show you the way. Follow him and you will reach the roller coaster control cabin. Climb into the arriving trailer and in a moment you will find yourself at the top. Exit and head to Tiffany's. You must keep your balance while moving along the beam by pressing the left and right arrows on the keyboard. Once you get to the other side, free Tiffany. An oracle will appear and you and Tiffany will fall down.

Children's Games (Lucas, Marcos)
Get out of bed, then wake up Marcos. Get out of the house through the window. Follow the path shown on the map, avoiding the floodlights. Run from house to house without the guards noticing you. After you pass the car, a soldier will appear on your way. Hide behind the car and wait until he passes by you. Continue along the path until Lucas and Marcos notice the guard. Controlling Lucas, go back a little to the red cross drawn on the map. Throw the bottle to the side so that the guard turns around, and you can move on first with Marcos and then with Lucas. Having reached the next red cross, go around the house with Markas and hit the barrel to attract the attention of the guard. Controlling Lucas, climb onto the pole and cross the wire to the other side without falling under the spotlights. Next, follow to your final destination to enter the hangar.

Checkmate (Oracle)
Simply press the buttons at the right time to listen to the conversation between the Oracle and other clan members.

Treaty (Carla)
Walk to the flower-lined grave where Tiffany was buried. Suddenly Lucas appears. Let him talk to Carla and convince her to help him.

Jed (Lucas)
Just press the buttons to find out where the girl is.

Chilled to the Bone (Cops)
Confess to Tylor that you saw Lucas and are helping him. Next, Sam will come to the police station, and control of Tylor will pass into your hands. Approach her and she will ask you to choose between going with her and quitting the police job or staying here and breaking up with Sam. Make your choice.

Where's Jed? (Lucas)
Carla will bring Lucas to the shelter. Get out of the car and go inside. Go through the door on the left at the end of the corridor. There in the room you will find a girl. Throw it over your shoulder and leave the room. At this time, the Oracle will arrive at the shelter. Climb the fire escape to the roof, where a fight with him will await you. You will finish fighting in a small room where you will meet Agatha, who in fact is not one. Don't give her the baby and protect yourself from attack.

Bogart (Lucas, Carla)
Follow the homeless man into the subway where the homeless have made a shelter. Among them you will see your brother Marcos. Talk to the homeless guy who is sitting near the fire. He will tell you a lot of interesting things. After the conversation, Lucas will go to bed, and you will take control of Carla. Get up and walk to the radio at the end of the tunnel. You will need batteries and an antenna to fix the radio. Go into the nearby carriage to find a life and batteries. Walk back to where you came from. Find the bonus and tear off a twig from the metal plate, which will ideally make an antenna. Use the items you found on the radio and listen to the latest news. Enter the first train and lie down on the bed next to Lucas.

Discovery (Lucas)
Get out of bed and open the door. Walk along the corridor to the next door and listen to the parents' conversation, from which you will learn about the supernatural radiation that Lucas received while in the womb.

Latest report (Lucas, Carla)
Control Lucas and enter the hangar. There is a good and bad ending to the game. The good ending is to defeat the orange and purple clans. Then place the girl in the center of the chromium. The bad ending is being defeated by the orange or purple clans.

The Murder

After a murder has been committed, you need to remove the evidence. Take a mop, remove traces of blood, wash yourself, hide the corpse in the stall, and also hide the knife that is located near the former blood stain. Leave the toilet and run outside.

Go to the right of the entrance, there you will find a taxi, get in and leave.

The Investigation

Now control passes to two policemen, Carla and Tyler. Playing as Carla, talk to the waitress, calm her down and support her during the conversation. Now examine the table where the killer was sitting. Take the Shakespeare book under the table.

Go to the toilet. For Karla, examine the body of the murdered man, the mop, the blood in the booth and open the booth on the right. For Tyler, examine the corpse, the sink, the trash can, and if there is no knife there, search the drain tank.

As Carla, exit the toilet and go through the door on the right and also on the right, find the homeless man and talk to him. Find the taxi Lucas took to leave. Talk to Tyler at the diner and leave

The Day After

We wake up for Lucas and we need to remove all the evidence, make the bed, take the medicine. Go through the hall, taking the bloody clothes behind the pillar, to the bathroom, put the clothes in the washing machine, wash your face, open the first aid kit (above the sink) and bandage your hands.

Get dressed in the bedroom. Drink milk from the refrigerator and listen to music. When the policeman approaches, take the key from the table and open the door. Let him look around the apartment, say that you are alone in the apartment, and when asked about your hands, lie. After finishing the inspection, follow the policeman out of the apartment.


Follow the path to the square where Marcus is waiting. Talk to him. When he offers to take the cross, take it. On the way back, you will see a child falling through the ice. You have the choice to save the child or leave.

Jump into the water and pull the child to dry land. Start doing cardiac massage, count to three between shocks.

Police Work

Climb the stairs to left side and go through the door there. Go into the office in the opposite corner. Call Tyler and switch to him.

Get out of bed and go to the shower, go back to the room and get dressed, and then go to the hall and drink coffee, talk to the girl. Try to calm her down, kiss her and go to work.

Go to the office, offer to play basketball to pay off the debt, and go into the office. Take off your jacket and go back to the office.

Talk to Garrett, ask him everything.

Alternate Reality

Go to your office using the map, the office will be marked with a red dot. Sit down at table.

Open the boxes to get an extra life and bonus. Use the computer, then the phone rings, answer.

Use the computer again and go repair the computer, also following the map, go to the broken computer and fix it.


The pathologist will open the body, you need to win the QTE and get as much information as possible, then the doctor will mention Kirsten's case.

Tyler & Kate

Make an identikit of Lucas; if you make it correctly, it will be easier to create an accusation in the future.

Lost Love

We need to wait for Tiffany. Play the guitar, hit the punching bag, drink milk, relieve yourself, watch TV, stand on the balcony, take pills, check your email, and when Lucas starts yawning, go to bed.

Tiffany arrives, let her in, ask her what news she has, offer her a drink. Pour the gin into a glass and bring it to Tiffany.

You will be asked to bring boxes of things, they will be marked with initials, the first box is to the right of the refrigerator, the other is in the bedroom near the computer.

The second time you will wake up in the middle of the night. You can fall asleep again or leave the apartment into the corridor.

Hide and Seek

Follow the path to Marcus and place flowers on the grave.

Lucas will begin to remember his childhood in a military town. We watch the video, there will be a QTE, after completing it, the path to the hangar will be shown on the map.

Climb the grid on the right, run to the stone, when you are sure that the guards cannot see you, climb into the hole. Run over to the boxes, wait for the truck and follow it to the straight line to the hangar.

After saving your brother, run to the cockpit, lie to him, then run to the other end of the hangar, to the boxes, convince him to leave, the last one will be on the second floor behind the sheets of iron.

Friendly Combat

Warm up in the gym as Tyler and Carla, get in the ring, win in 10 rounds, and that's the end of the chapter.

Debriefing Carla

Playing as Carla, you need to find Kirsten's case in the archive, but there is one problem, Carla has claustrophobia, you will need to hold your breath on the arrow in the center, turn with the right mouse button.

Approach the terminal and go left from it to clear the passage by turning the valves on the stands. There will be a switch on the wall between the two stands on the left, use it and you will turn on the terminal. Now go to the stands at the other end.

The case is on the stand from 1990-2000. Turn the left valve, go forward and turn the next one. Go back and turn the valve, then another one on the right. Go through the passage and turn the last valve. Take the cassette and insert it into the terminal.

Debriefing Tyler

Go to the seller, he will tell you to find the book, take the book you were given to the table under the stairs and examine it, then go up to the 3rd floor and find the area with the white lights, go to the fifth (from the wall) cabinet and take the book. Take the resulting book to the seller, and return to the table under the stairs and examine the Shakespeare book, there will be an inscription on the second page, then remove the book and you will receive a piece of paper. Leave the store.

Ring the doorbell for Lucas, and go through the door in front, then the door on the left.

Talk to Agatha and take her to the room to the left of the entrance to the house. She asks you to feed the birds, there will be a box to the left of the entrance to the room, open the bottom box and take the food and pour food into three cages. Continue the conversation with Agatha.

Take her to the room at the end of the corridor, take the candles in the same room in the cabinet, the matches will be in the kitchen, to the right of the entrance to the house. Place the candles and light them, closing the curtains and turning off the lights, using the switch at the entrance, sit on a chair.

Complete the QTE and the chapter will end.

Questions & Bullets

Go to the penultimate booth and talk to the investigator, you will have to shoot.

Shoot at the red targets, and talk to Mitchell during the breaks.

Double or Quit

Basketball game, complete the QTE and after winning 10 times it will all be over.

The Storm

Upon returning home, your phone will ring and a large number of QTEs will begin.

Dark Omen

Exit the bathroom and through the bedroom into the hall, take the phone on the left. Tyler will say that he will send you a piece of paper. Get dressed. Tommy will come with wine, let him inside.

Find the glasses in the cabinets. After drinking wine, he will offer to find out fate on Tarot cards.

Switch to Tyler. On Carla's desk you will find a newspaper, there you will see stock reports. Call Carla. Take the scrap and go to the fax, use it.

Switching to Karla, take the fax. Tommy will call soon. Ask him about the paper. He will mention watermarks. Call Tyler.

Switch to Tyler. Take the paper from the fax machine, turn on the lamp, and sit at the table. Examine the paper. Call Carla.

Face Off

Take the printout on the table, then the book.

Tell her you're sick when she asks about strange things happening in the office. When they show you the photo, laugh it off. You may also be asked about your hands and where you were on the night of the murder. Lie to the first question, avoid the second.

During the interrogation there will be QTEs, completing them will give you additional answer options. Beetles will also appear, do not press anything while they appear.

As soon as Lucas comes out, look at the photos and take the pen from the table.

Back to Agatha

Go to Agatha's hall. Run to the room with the crows and open the bottom cabinet on the right, you will find a key in it, open the cage in the center. Take the newspaper and leave through the window in the hall.

Happy Anniversary!

Turn on the oven, remove the champagne from the refrigerator and pour it into glasses. When your friend leaves the room, turn on the music and dance while completing the QTE.

After a while, Garrett will call. Now we need to find two matches to prove Lucas' guilt.

Connect the folder with Lucas's personal file with the addresses where the taxis went. Match the prints from the knife and the prints on the handle.

Now call Tyler. Move Sam aside and pick up the phone. Time to work.

Bloody Washing

See Lucas' vision.


Walk along the corridor to the desired apartment. Look around the rooms. Playing as Lucas, complete the QTE.

Captain Jones is Really Upset

Alternately answer with Tyler and Carla.

Fallen Angels

Talk to Agatha. Complete the QTE, then talk to Marcus.

Soap, Blood & Clues

Talk to Garrett. Inside, examine two corpses, traces of blood, and a toolbox to the left of the entrance.

Switch to Tyler. After examining the bodies and the phone, go to the door and examine it. Leave.

The Fugitive

Climb over two fences, wait until the police are looking in your direction, and climb up the pipe, in a limited amount of time you must get to the other side, there will also be a couple of QTEs.

Take the brick opposite the window and break out the glass.

Inside, after completing the QTE, you will see a hint. Eat a sandwich in the refrigerator, drink milk there, eat some nut butter from the cabinet nearby, and watch TV.

When Tiffany arrives, talk to her. The police will come, run to the window through which you came and hide there. Complete QTEs to avoid detection.

In the hospital, go along the corridor to the second turn to the right, talk to the patient there.

Move straight down the corridor and watch your breathing. At the intersection turn left and walk hugging the left side. When you see another patient, stop and do nothing until Carla says "He's leaving." Continue forward.

Run to the door, this will end the chapter.

Meeting Kuriakin

Approach the professor and tell him that you are an independent journalist. Complete the QTE, if you fail, avoid the questions.

Follow the professor to the painting and select the phrases: “Another World” and “Oracle”. Go to the next canvas and answer: “The Oracle kills,” “The Executioner.” Then tell the professor the truth and show him your hands.

Mayan Secrets

Talk to the Oracle, then there will be QTEs.

The Clan

Complete QTEs.

Danger & Ubiquity

Get out of bed, go around it and call Marcus. Say you'll answer the call. Take the phone, and when Marcus asks questions, say: “No time.” Go to the door, close it and continue the conversation.

Fate on Russian Hills

Follow the raven. At the slides, go into the booth and call the trolley. Sit in it. Go to the other side and untie Tiffany.

Child's Play

Get out of bed, wake up Marcus and climb out through the window. Avoid spotlights.

Run across the soldiers when they turn away. When another soldier appears, run back and hide behind the jeep, passing by you, move on.

Having met another soldier, as Lucas (or Marcus), go around the house, go to the pile of garbage and throw a stone. Take turns running to the other side of the town. As Marcus, go around the house again and find a trash can, hit it. Now run as Lucas to the pillar and climb up.

Crawl along the wires, avoiding the spotlights. Run to the hangar, do not get caught in the spotlight.


During the Oracle's report, complete the QTE.

The Pact

Walk along the path and you will see a grave with a wreath on it, go up to it. When talking to Lucas, choose the phrases "Trust", "Why" and "Oracle".

Frozen to the Bone

Tell Tyler the truth about Lucas.

Then Sam will come to Tyler's office, tell her that you are leaving with her.

Another vision of Lucas, remember the picture.

Where is Jade?

Run to the shelter, run straight to the end of the corridor, and go through the door opposite the picture from the vision. Having taken the girl, you will see the oracle, go a little to his side, to the door with the inscription “Exit” on top. Next there will be a big QTE scene. Once in Agatha’s room, she will ask you to give the child to her; during this request there will be a QTE scene, after completing which you will hear strange noises; it’s up to you to give the child or not.

Follow the tramp. Talk to Marcus, and sit on the box to the right of that tramp that we saw near the diner, talk to him. Ask him anything you want, the conversation will end with the phrase “What now?”

Lucas goes to bed. As Carla, immediately go to the first carriage of the train.


Final Countdown

If you kept the child for yourself.

Get out of the car and carry the child to the hangar.

The Oracle and several soldiers will meet you in the hangar; complete the QTE.

Following the Oracle, will appear artificial intelligence, resist its influence and destroy it. Once all enemies are defeated, carry the child to the source of chromium.

After losing the battle with the Oracle, you will need to switch to Karla and run to the hangar, there you will find a crowbar, stun the soldier and wake up Lucas, waking him up, there will be a battle with IR and soldiers. If you lose the stage with the soldiers, the IR will appear and destroy them.

If you gave your child to IR.

There will be a battle with IR in the hangar. Destroy it and pick up the child. Following the IR, the Oracle will appear along with Carla. He will tell you to give the indigo child, refusing, Complete the QTE and Carla will kill the Oracle. If you lose, you will have to fight the Oracle. Having won, carry the child to the source of chromium.

If you give the indigo child to the Oracle or lose the battle with him, then victory will remain with the orange clan. The snow will melt and the clan will become stronger than ever.

If you lose IR, the Oracle will appear and they will start fighting each other. Playing as Carla, run to the Hangar and make Lucas wake up, time will be limited. IR will defeat the Oracle and throw Carla away. Fight the IR, win the battle, and you will save the world.

If you lose the battle with IR or do not have time to wake up Lucas, victory will remain with the purple clan. People will be destroyed and the earth will be covered with snow.

The game is non-linear.

Be sure to complete the tutorial before starting the game.
While playing, you will often have to use both hands and the mouse at the same time, so reassign convenient hotkeys for yourself. For example, for the left hand - the WASD keys, and for the right - the arrow keys. The character moves using the first set of keys (or by holding both mouse buttons simultaneously), the second set is needed for mini-games.
Interaction with objects and dialogues appear at the top of the screen - you see an action icon with a white ball moving next to it. Your cursor is indicated by a red dot. To perform the necessary action or talk with another character, hold down the left mouse button and repeat the movement of the ball.

You will play as several characters. In every scene, you need to maintain their mood and physical health.
The mood scale appears in the lower right corner of the screen and can range from 0 to 100. If you do the right things, you get points for it, and your mood level increases. Otherwise, the mood level may drop to zero and your character will die.
Physical health appears as white dots at the top of the screen. Collect crucifixes throughout the game to earn some lives.

The main character's name is Lucas Kane, he lives in New York and works as a programmer at a bank.

1. Murder

Let's play as Lucas.

The action takes place in the restroom of a diner. After Lucas kills the stranger, his mood level will drop by 60 points.
Approach the corpse and drag it into one of the booths (+5). Take a mop and wipe away the traces of blood on the floor (+5), but a bloody trail will still remain. Go to the sink, look at yourself in the mirror and wash off any traces of blood (+5, you need to use the right sink). Go to the door and pay attention to the machine for selling condoms. Hit it several times and take the coin (+5). Only after this, go to the knife that is lying around the urinals and take it (+5).
Timed task.
Quickly exit the toilet and go left to the tables. If you do it very quickly, the policeman at the counter will not notice anything, if you do it slowly, he will go check the toilet and the game will end.
Find your table (second to the left), sit down and eat (+5 – eat, +5 – drink). Examine the bill and cup of coffee. Stand up and pay (+5). Go left to the door. There is a music machine behind the policeman, throw a coin into it and listen to the melody (+5). Go outside through the main exit or through the emergency exit (near the toilet). Turn right, cross the road and go down to the metro or take a taxi (+10).
Incorrect actions: look through the window in the toilet (-5), call (-5), talk to a homeless person on the street (-5), walk long and aimlessly along the street (-5), talk to the waitress (-5), talk to police officer (-10), leave without paying (-10).

2. Investigation

Let's play as Carla.

Two investigators, Carla and Tyler, arrive at the diner.
Go to the cafe and talk to the policeman (his name is Martin). Approach the waitress (her name is Kate) and talk to her about all topics (the murdered man's name is Winston). Arrange that the next day she will come to the police to draw up a sketch of the killer. When she goes home, look at the table where Lucas was sitting. Examine the remains of food, the bill and the cup of coffee, look under the table (+10, there is a book there) and look at the sofa (there are traces of blood here). Talk to both experts (+5). Go behind the counter, find a coffee pot and drink coffee (+5).
Go to the toilet. Examine the corpse, go into the left booth and find traces of blood. Inspect the mop. Go outside and find traces of blood in the snow near the door (+5).

Let's play as Tyler.

Talk to both experts (+5), go behind the counter and drink coffee (+5). Examine the corpse, go into the right stall and open the toilet cistern - there is a knife there (it can also be in the toilet cistern in the left stall, in the window frame, in the trash can, in the recess of the floor - only Karla can get it here). Examine the sink - there are traces of blood. Talk to the experts and Carla. Get in the car and drive away.
Wrong actions: turn on the jukebox (-10), talk to the homeless man (-5, each), go to the toilet (Tyler, -10).

3. The next day

Let's play as Lucas. Two bonus cards (+15)

Lucas wakes up with a headache and discovers that because of the cuts on his hands, there is blood all over the sheets.
Make the bed (+5) and take the medicine from the nightstand (+10).
Turn around and go to the living room. At this time, your brother Marcus will call and leave a message on the answering machine. Near the pillar you should see a bloody sweater, take it with you and go to the bathroom (left door behind the pillar). Put the sweater in the washing machine, make Lucas go to the toilet (+5), wash himself (+5). Open the drawer above the sink and take out the bandages (+10). After this, you will see Winston in the reflection in the mirror, and Lucas's mood will worsen again (-20). Go to the bedroom - at this time a policeman will knock on the door.
Timed task.
The message “Get ready!” will appear on the screen very quickly. Quickly place both hands on the hot keys and repeat the sequence of keystrokes at the computer (the left circle is the first set of keys, the right circle is the second). If you succeed, you will see what evidence needs to be hidden.
Take clothes out of the closet and go to the living room. Go left and take the key from the table near the kitchen unit. Open the door.
Tell the policeman that you cut yourself and allow him to inspect the apartment. In dialogues, try to answer naturally so that the suspicion scale indicator does not grow in the lower left corner of the screen.
After he leaves, go to the kitchen unit, open the refrigerator and drink milk (+5). Go left and take the bonus card (+5) from the cabinet above the sink. Go out onto the balcony, look at the crow, and then walk along the balcony to the left - you will receive another bonus card (+10). Turn on the audio system (+5). Call Marcus (the phone is on the wall to the right of the refrigerator) and agree to meet in the park (+5). Leave the apartment.
Wrong actions: watching TV (-10), looking at a photograph on the table in the bedroom (-5), reading a newspaper in front of the front door (-5), drinking alcohol after taking a pill (the hero may die).

4. Recognition

Let's play as Lucas.

Lucas came to the park to meet his brother.
Follow the path until you see a snow-covered square and near the monument - Marcus. Talk to him about murder and take the crucifix (this is an extra life).
After this, Lucas will automatically go back and see first the vision, and then the child who fell into the wormwood.
Timed task.
Quickly place your hands on the hot keys. Run after the child (direction key + Run key). Dive, swim to the child and pull him to the surface (when an arrow with divisions appears on the screen, you need to very quickly press the “A” and “D” keys in turn to keep the cursor in the extreme right position). After this you need to do a heart massage. A countdown will appear on the screen; click on the count “3”. When you do this successfully several times, you will earn 20 points.
The child will wake up, and one of the policemen (Martin) will recognize Lucas, but will allow him to leave.

5. Police work

Let's play as Carla. Two bonus cards (+15)

Carla came to work for the police.
Go through the right metal detector and grab the bonus card in the corner by the bookcase. Go up to the second floor. Try to stay away from co-workers who will lower your mood. You can drink coffee from the machine at the right wall (+5).
Go to the opposite end of the hall and find the door to your office. You will automatically talk to Jeffrey, who Tyler owes $100 to (the mood level will drop), and Garrett, who did the tests at the diner. Enter the office, sit at the desk and open the right drawer of your desk (bonus card +5). Look through the email messages - there is an email about someone called Kirsten. Call Tyler.

We play as Tyler (bonus card +10).

Get out of bed. You can click on Tyler's girlfriend Sam and watch the love scene (+5), then switch to Carla, do some actions for her and return to Tyler (does not affect the passage).
Go to the bathroom (door on the left). Go to the toilet and get 10 bonus points. Make the character go to the toilet (+5) and take a shower (+5). Go out to the bedroom, open the closet and get dressed. Go out to the living room, go to the kitchen counter and drink coffee. Tyler will automatically talk to Sam. In a conversation, choose the lines “Understanding” and “Reconciliation” (up to +20). Go to the door, take the jacket off the hanger. Walk up to Sam and kiss her (+10). Leave the apartment.
When you arrive at the police station, go to Karla’s office. Automatically you will talk to Jeffrey, who is owed $100. Invite him to play basketball, and if you lose, promise him $200. Go into the office and hang your jacket on the hook. Exit into the hall and go to Garrett’s table, near which Carla is standing.
Listen to the test results.

Here you can make a choice as to who to play for.

6. Another reality

We play as Lucas (bonus card +10).

Lucas is in the restroom at Nether and Jones Bank, vomiting.
Exit the booth, go right and get a bonus card (+10). Wash your hands (+5) and go out into the corridor. An office map will appear in the upper left corner of the screen, where the blue dot is your location and the red dot is your office. Go there and sit down at the table. Open the desk drawer and take the crucifix.
Quickly place your hands on the hot keys and play two. First you need to guess the thoughts of your colleague (who is afraid of you), then you will see that the coffee mug should soon tip over. After this, talk on the phone with your ex-girlfriend Tiffany (+10).
A colleague will answer another phone call - equipment has broken down somewhere in the office. Go repair it (the correct compartment is marked on the map with a red dot).
As soon as you enter the booth and crawl under the table, Lucas will be attacked by a horde of bugs. He backs away into the corridor. As soon as the screen says “Go,” walk forward and quickly place your hands on the hot keys.
You will be attacked by giant beetles, which will take you a long time to fight off. When the giant beetle begins to choke Lucas, very quickly press the arrows “A” and “D” in turn to keep the cursor at the far right position of the scale (here you can lose the collected lives). As a result, Lucas will see Winston killed, and the beetles will drive him into a corner. Lucas will then wake up on the office floor.
Incorrect actions: look at the photo on the table (-5).

7. Autopsy

Let's play as Carla.

Carla came to the morgue to find out the cause of Winston's death.
Place your hands on the hot keys and after each explanation from the pathologist, quickly press them - then you will see videos, and Carla will draw conclusions (for each hit +10, if it doesn’t work, -10). As a result, the pathologist will tell you that three of the victim’s arteries were cut, and he knows only one person who was previously killed in the same way - his name is Kirsten.

8. Tyler and Kate

Let's play as Tyler.

The waitress came to the police. You need to create a sketch of the criminal. Make an approximate portrait (it is advisable to try).

9. Lost Love (bonus card +5)

Let's play as Lucas.

Lucas came home.
Try to bring your hero into a normal mental state. Go to the toilet (+5), beat the punching bag properly (timed task, +10), drink milk (+5), play the guitar (+5). You can drink one glass of alcohol (+10) or take a pill (+10). You can watch TV, where you will learn about latest news. In the cabinet above the sink in the kitchen, take the bonus card (+5). Go to bed (+10).
Tiffany will ring the doorbell. Open up to her and ask her about the news. Offer her a drink if you want to make peace. When she agrees, go to the kitchen unit and find a bottle of gin in the counter opposite the refrigerator. Pour it into a glass and give it to Tiffany (+10). After this, she will ask you to bring two boxes with things (the initials are written on them: “TN”). One box is in the corner next to the refrigerator, the second is in the bedroom to the left of the computer. When you do this, you will have a choice - make peace or let Tiffany go. The right action is to make peace. Therefore, in dialogues, choose: “Sincerity”, “Alone”, “Sentimentality”. Tiffany will ask you to play the guitar for her. Go to the balcony, connect the amplifier and pick up the guitar.
Quickly place your hands on the hot keys and press after the computer. (+10)
Kiss the girl and go to the bedroom to watch a love scene (+30).
At night you will wake up because the TV has turned on. Turn it off and go to bed.
Wrong actions: take a pill and then alcohol, let Tiffany go (-30), go out into the corridor at night and see a girl (-20).

Again you have the opportunity to choose to play as any of the heroes.

10. Hide and seek game (bonus card +5).

Let's play as Lucas.

Lucas came to the cemetery on the anniversary of his parents' death.
Walk forward, turn right, walk forward a little, turn right and switch to first person view. At the branch of the main road you will see a bonus card (+5). Find your parents' grave (it's better to periodically switch to first-person view and look for Marcus's figure) and place flowers. Automatically you will find yourself in Lucas's past.
Marcus and his friends invite him to play in one of the hangars, but he refuses. Get up and walk a couple of steps.
Play the mini-game and find out that there is a bomb in the hangar. We need to save our brother.
A map will appear on the screen. First you need to get to its south-eastern point (i.e. run forward straight to the fence and find a camouflage net in the very right corner). Lucas is marked with a green dot, the soldiers are marked with blue. Climb over the fence, very quickly repeating the movements of the ball with the mouse.
Switch to first person view and look at the soldiers. When they all turn the other way, run diagonally across the road to get to the left of the checkpoint into a gutter that will cover you. Switch to first person view and look to the left. You need to run to a large stone - there is a hole in the fence.
Turn right and run behind the box. There is another box ahead, carefully hide behind it. Don't run across the road, because... There is a soldier standing by the hangar, and if he spots you, the game will end. Wait until a truck passes by you and run out.
Run to the right diagonally towards the truck and then parallel to it. Stop near the box by the road, let the truck go ahead and run across the road. Go into the hangar and talk to Marcus.
Now you need to save his friends (there are three of them). If you save all three, you will receive +10, if you do not have time to save at least one, then -20.
Timed task.
Run forward and right past a row of boxes. Go around them and enter the passage between two rows of boxes. The first child sits in the box on the right (at the level of the boxes in the center of the aisle).
Now you need to very quickly run to the other end of the hangar and turn right.
The second child is sitting near the stairs on the plane. He needs to lie that his mother is looking for him.
There is a staircase nearby, go up to the second floor. Run all the way to the left and find metal sheets, near which there are three boxes. Look behind the sheets on the left - there is the third child.
After this, Lucas will return to the present and receive the medium's address from Marcus.

11. Friendly fight

Let's play as Carla.

Carla came to the gym.

Go around the ring and in the corner to the right of the table take the bonus card (+5).

Let's play as Taylor.

Drink water (+5), choose any two exercise machines and warm up (+10).

Let's play as Carla.

Go to the ring and beat Taylor in 10 rounds (+20).
Wrong actions: lose (-5).

Here you can choose which character you want to play as.

We play as Tyler (two bonus cards, +40).

After your meeting with the boss (no matter how you answer his questions), you go to the bookstore to look for information about the book you found in the diner.
When you enter the store, immediately go right along the balcony. In the farthest corner is a bonus card (+20). Now go down the central stairs and talk about the book with the owner (his name is Takeo), but, unfortunately, he will not be able to help. When you go back, Takeo will bring you back. He will be able to help in exchange for a favor - find a rare book and give you another book from the same series as a sample. Go under the stairs and place the book on the table. Look at it - it's called "De Gruttola". Now look through Lucas’ book through a magnifying glass and on one of the pages find the dedicatory inscription “From M.K.” When you leave the table, a piece of paper will fall out of your book, take it with you (+20). Go up the stairs, go right and look at the catalog on the library cart. "De Gruttola" is numbered 1796. Return to Takeo and look at the book on the center table (behind him). Find out that books from 1700-1800 are on the 3rd floor, and books "A" to "D" are on shelves with white labels. Go up to the 3rd floor and take the book from any shelf with a white label. Take it to the owner (+10), but he won’t really say anything in response. Go back and take the second bonus card (+20) from the stairs.

We play as Karla (bonus card +10).

Carla reports that she suffers from claustrophobia, but goes to the archives to look for information about Kirsten.
Immediately turn left, enter the nook and collect the bonus card (+10).
Go out into the corridor and go right to the iron grate. Turn on the light on the right by the grate and go inside.
One of the most difficult moments of the game begins.
Passing tactics: you will have to use both hands at the same time. Move forward while holding both mouse buttons simultaneously. To step back, press the "S" key with your left hand. At the same time, you will have to constantly adjust Carla’s breathing so that she does not escape from the archive by quickly pressing the “A” and “D” keys in turn. Look at the scale and keep the needle in the middle (it will slide to the side about every 5 seconds).
Go to the valve and unscrew it. Go into the resulting passage between the shelves. Turn left and unscrew the left valve in the second row of shelves. Step back, turn right and approach the right valve. Unscrew it, step back and enter the passage. In front of you is a room with a computer, where you can take a short break.
Go to the computer and turn it on - it doesn’t work, you need to connect the power. Turn left and go through the first row of shelves. Turn to the right and unscrew the right valve in the second row of shelves. Step back, turn left and unscrew the left valve in the second row of shelves. Step back and go through the opened passage towards the wall. There should be a switch in front of you, illuminated with a red light. Turn on the power, turn around and go to the computer.
Now you need to find the required file. Facing the computer, turn to the right and unscrew the left valve in the first row of shelves. Step back and go into the opened passage. Turn left and unscrew the left valve in the second row. Step back, turn around and return to the room with the computer. Face the racks you just came from and unscrew the right valve in the first row of racks. Retreat and go into the resulting passage. Unscrew the right valve in the second row of racks. Step back and go into the opened passage. Take the cassette from the right shelf. Go back to the computer and watch the tape. Carla will find out that the case of the murdered Kirsten was led by Detective Mitchell (+20).
Incorrect actions: fail to hold Carla's breath (each time -10), after the first failure, switch to Tyler, who does not suffer from claustrophobia, and find the tape with Tyler (-30).

Here you can choose who you want to play as.

14. Agatha's House (two bonus cards, +25)

Let's play as Lucas.

Lucas came to the medium.
Go forward and stop at the next house. Go up to the porch, ring the bell and go inside. There is a narrow corridor in front of you, enter the door on the right - this is the kitchen. Take the bonus card (+5). The door in the corridor opposite is an empty room with cages. Go to the end of the corridor, enter the living room, and from it through the door on the left into the bedroom. Meet Agatha, who wants you to take her to the birds. Before you do this, go around Agatha and take the crucifix from the nightstand. Walk past the bed, go into the bathroom and pick up the second card (+20). Take the wheelchair and go to the room with the birds.
She will want you to feed them. There is a small buffet near the wall, take a bag of seeds from its box and feed all three crows in turn. Take Agatha back to the living room. Now she wants you to find candles and matches.
Go to the door into the corridor, and to the left of it, take out the candles from the chest of drawers. Go to the kitchen and pick up the matches from the table. Return to the living room, place the candles in the candlesticks on the table and light them one by one. After that, curtain both windows, go to the door and turn off the light to the right of it. Sit down next to Agatha.
Put both hands on the hot keys - you will have to follow the computer for a very long time before Agatha thoroughly delve into Lucas' memory and schedule the next meeting for tomorrow. If you complete the task, you will receive +20 points, if not, - 5.

15. Questions and shooting

Let's play as Carla.

Carla came to the Police Academy to talk with Inspector Mitchell, who was in charge of Kirsten's case.
Find an inspector in one of the booths and agree to shoot.
Try to shoot only at red targets. Shot - left mouse button, change magazine - right mouse button.
If you shoot well, then at the end of the level you will get +10, if you shoot poorly, -10.
The inspector will tell you that Kirsten’s killer, named Janos, has gone crazy and is now in the Bellevue psychiatric clinic.

16. All or nothing

Let's play as Tyler.

I'll have to play basketball with Jeffrey.
If you win 10 rounds without losing points, you will receive +20. If you make a joke, also +5.

Let's play as Lucas.

Lucas came home.
Answer the phone and quickly place both hands on the hot keys.
You will have to dodge your own furniture for quite a long time and hold back gusts of wind (if there are gusts, you need to move towards the toilet). Here you can lose your accumulated lives. After this, Lucas' apartment will be destroyed, and control will pass to Marcus, who came to visit him.
Timed task.
From the elevator, go forward and find Lucas' apartment. Call and then knock down the door. Run to the balcony and give your brother your hand. If you make it in time, you'll get +10.

18. Prediction (bonus card, +10)

Let's play as Carla.

Carla came home.
When she takes a shower, go to the other corner of the bathroom and pick up the bonus card (+10). Go out through the bedroom into the living room, there is a telephone near the door. Talk to Tyler, who will send you a bookmark from the book at the diner.

Let's play as Tyler.

Go to the fax machine (stands near the coat rack) and send the bookmark to Karla (+15). Take the bookmark back.

Let's play as Carla.

Return to the bedroom, get dressed and watch TV in the living room (+5). Eventually, your doorbell will ring. Open (+5) – the neighbor has come. Agree to have a drink with him and go to the kitchen unit. Take the glasses from the drawer above the sink and drink the wine (+5).
Tommy brought tarot cards with him. There is nothing to do, you will have to agree to his fortune telling. Select two cards at a time (Carla’s hand will appear on the screen, which you need to bring to the card; to turn the card over, press “Enter”). Tommy will guess for quite a long time, but will only intimidate Carla (-30). When he gets ready to leave, he will turn his attention to the fax. Tommy will say that this is a stock exchange report that can be used to identify the bank.
You can lie on the bed (+5), go to the toilet (door from the living room near the bookcase), eat (+5). Call Tyler.

Let's play as Tyler.

You can drink water (+5) and play basketball (+5).
Sit down at table. Turn on the lamp above the computer and take the bookmark. Tyler will turn it over in his hands, and a circle of light will appear on the screen in the lower right corner. Rotate the light using the arrow keys (it worked for me with the second set of keys) until Tyler finds the bank name (+10).
Tyler will call Carla and you have to choose who will go to the bank the next day. It's better to choose Carla.
Wrong actions: talking to Tommy about work (-5), about Carl (-5), getting tired (-20, Tyler).

19. Throw-in (bonus card, +10).

Let's play as Lucas.

Lucas is sitting at work and sees that Carla is coming to interrogate him.
Timed task.
Quickly open the right desk drawer and take the bonus card (+10). Get up and grab the bank printout on the table to the right, then grab the book to the left of the computer. Sit down at the computer and pretend that you are working.
When Carla comes here, you will have to answer several questions.
Attention! If you answer incorrectly, the suspicion bar will increase in the lower left corner of the screen, and when it is full, Carla will arrest Lucas after interrogation. Also, during the interrogation, Lucas will constantly be attacked by bugs, and if you react to them and press hotkeys after they appear, Lucas will twitch, his mood level will begin to fall, and Carla's suspicion level will increase. Therefore, under no circumstances respond to any call “Get ready!” (otherwise you might just be guessing Carla's thoughts out of curiosity).
There are 8 questions to answer in total. Answer the first one with “Reason”; the second and third must be answered “True”; on the fourth – “No”; on the fifth (Karla will show you your sketch) - “Joke”; on the sixth - “No”; on the seventh - “Lie”; on the eighth - “Truth”. After that, Lucas will go to wash up.
Incorrect actions: react to bugs (-50).

Let's play as Carla.

Timed task.
Quickly take the pen (+5) from the table - it has Lucas's fingerprints on it. If your desk drawers are active, take out a book from the left one, and a bank printout from the right (they were inactive for me).
After this, Carla will leave.

You have a choice of who to play as.

20. Agatha's House (bonus card, +10)

Let's play as Lucas.

Lucas returned to Agatha's house.
Enter the house (+20) and immediately go to the living room. Lucas will see Agatha lying on the floor and an open window.
Timed task.
Quickly go to the bedroom and pick up the bonus card (+10). Go to the room with the birds and examine the central cage - you should see that there is something in it. Take the bag of food from the cupboard drawer - it contains the key. Open the cage and read the newspaper clipping from 1926, which talks about the exact same murder that Lucas committed (+10). Return to the living room and, without waiting for anyone, go out through the window.
Incorrect actions: examining Agatha's body (-30).

21. Meeting Anniversary (bonus card, +20)

Let's play as Tyler.

Taylor returned home.
While Sam is busy, help her a little: turn on the oven and get the champagne out of the refrigerator. Pour it into glasses, and when Sam comes out, dance with her (+30).

Management will pass to Karla.

You need to find two pieces of evidence against Lucas Kane. On Tyler's desk there is evidence from the diner, on Carla's desk there is evidence from the bank. Mandatory evidence: on Tyler's desk there is a recording of telephone conversations from the diner, on the wall there is an identikit. Carla will receive a call from Garrett and fax a list of all the passengers who took a taxi near the diner on the night of the murder. Also, after finding the first evidence, Martin will enter the office and admit that he saw Lucas Kane in the park. If you stand facing the fax and turn to the right towards Carla's desk, then from the paper tray you can take the last mandatory evidence - a list of bank employees, which contains the personal file of Lucas Kane. A piece of paper with his photo will also end up on Carla’s desk.
You have to make pairs to get evidence. When you pick up the first item, click on “Remember,” then look for a pair and click on “Compare.” If the items are compatible, then Carla will find a connection between them and say that this is evidence.
All other items you found or did not find in the game (depending on your progress).
For example, if you found Lucas' pen, Garrett will call you and email you the fingerprints from the pen. They need to be compared with the fingerprints from the book in the diner (if you found one). You can compare a bank printout and a bookmark, both books (if you found both). You can also compare the book from the diner (with the initials M.K. and L.K.) and the list of bank employees. If you called from the diner, compare the call log with Lucas' personnel file. If you left by taxi, compare the list from the fax with the folder from the bank. You can compare a bank printout and a bookmark. If the composite photo is well compiled (100% match), it can be compared with a list of bank employees.
You can leave the office and go around the hall - on its opposite side you can take a bonus card (+20). If you do everything slowly, Carla will get tired (-20 for each yawn). You can cheer her up by playing with a yo-yo (on her desk, +5). After you find both clues, you will receive +20.
Now call Tyler.

Let's play as Tyler.

Answer the phone and go to work (-20).

22. Bloody wash

The video is about Lucas walking down the street and seeing a murder in a laundry room.

23. Confrontation

Let's play as Carla.

Carla and Tyler go to arrest Lucas.
First, you will get +30 for going to Lucas's apartment.
Open the door and look around the living room, bedroom and bathroom. Lucas is missing and the game will take -20 from you.

Let's play as Lucas.

Lucas approaches the entrance of his house and sees that they have come for him.
Put your hands on the hot keys and run away from the police. This will take quite a long time (here you can lose your accumulated lives).

24. Captain Jones is very upset

Carla and Tyler are in the chief's office. Take turns answering with both characters, because... their mood will begin to fall (-5). After that, they will go out into the corridor and find out that another murder has occurred.

Now you have the opportunity to choose who to play as.

25. Fallen Angels

Let's play as Lucas.

Lucas came to the cathedral where Marcus serves.
Get up from the bench and talk to Agatha, who will tell you about the Mayan civilization, the Oracle and sacrifices.
Place your hands on the hot keys and fight off two angels (here you can lose the collected lives). When the fight is over, Marcus will enter the church. Talk to him and Lucas will walk away.

26. Soap, blood and evidence (bonus card, +10)

Let's play as Carla.

Carla and Tyler arrived at the laundromat.
Cross the road. Automatically, Carla will talk to Tyler, then go to the laundry room door and talk to Garrett. Go inside and examine the male corpse (+5), then pay attention to the bloody trails and examine the female corpse (+5).

Let's play as Tyler.

Go down the left passage and take the bonus card from the cart (+10). Examine the female corpse (+5), the telephone receiver (+5), examine the male corpse (+5) and go to the exit. Note the key in the lock (+5).
Switch to Carla and leave.

Here you can choose a character.

27. Fugitive (2 bonus cards, +25)

Let's play as Lucas.

Lucas goes to Tiffany's house to hide from the police.
Walk forward to the corner, then forward to the bus stop. Lucas will see that the police are waiting for him here. Go to the other side of the road and at the opposite bus stop, pick up the bonus card (+20).
Go back to the opposite side of the road and approach the trash containers. Now your fence climbing skills will come in handy - there are several of them. Climb over two fences in a row and Lucas will be in the courtyard. There is a crow sitting on the brick fence to the left. Get to the end of the fence and Lucas will see the police. Wait until they turn away and run to the other side. Go to the drainpipe and climb up (each unsuccessful attempt -10). Now you need to go along the cornice (to the corner you need to press the “A” key; to go further, press the “W” key).
Timed task.
When you go over the cops, you'll have to win a mini-game three times to keep Lucas from falling. Then you need to carefully climb down the other drainpipe (each unsuccessful attempt -10). Climb over the third fence and go to the one-story house. The second window is Tiffany's apartment. You need to open it (mini-game, if it doesn’t work, -5) or find a brick in the yard and break the glass.
In the bedroom, it is advisable to win the mini-game so that Lucas sees that Tyler will come with a search and look under the bed. Go to the living room. Be sure to watch TV (+10) to learn about the Mayan civilization specialist Kuryakin. Go to the kitchen unit. Check the lockers - in one of them there is a bonus card (+5), in the other - some kind of food. In the refrigerator, eat another sandwich (+5) and drink milk (+5). You can go to the toilet (the door to the right of the front door).
After that, Tiffany will enter the apartment, and then Tyler will call.
Timed task.
Hide somewhere - in the bathtub behind the curtain, under the table in the living room, in the closet in the bedroom, you can climb out through the bedroom window onto the street. Then you need to select “Wait”.
Tyler will walk around the apartment, and you will have to win the mini-game four times so that he does not find Lucas.
Incorrect actions: talk to the homeless man (-5), look at the crow (-5).

28. Janos (bonus card, +10)

Let's play as Carla.

Carla came to Bellevue to talk to Janos.
Go to the clinic and talk to the orderly. Go out into the corridor and go to the very end to pick up the bonus card (+10). After this, return to the intersection and go to the second corridor to the right, where another orderly is waiting for you near the cell. Go inside and talk to Janos, Kirsten's killer. In dialogues, choose lines: “Kirsten”, “Not crazy”, “Kirsten”, then as you wish. You will receive +10 points and learn a little about the Orange Clan of Oracles. After that, go out into the corridor, and suddenly the light goes out. The doors of all cells will open, and the orderly will be killed by crazy people.
Carla will start to feel claustrophobic (-20).
You will again have to walk and even out her breathing at the same time. This is easier to do than in the chapter in the archive, but you will have to go in complete darkness.
When the screen says “Walk,” walk forward, evening out your breathing. After a short time, the first maniac will appear on the screen; here you need to stop and not press any keys. Move on until you meet the second maniac. Wait for him to pass, turn left and go forward to the doors. The lights will turn on, and maniacs will begin to surround Carla from all sides.
Timed task.
Just run forward until you hit the door.
The orderly will open the door and save Carla.

29. Professor Kuryakin (bonus card, +5)

Let's play as Lucas.

Lucas came to the museum to get information about Mayan sacrifices.
Walk past the guard and immediately turn left. Behind the display case in the corner, take the bonus card (+5). Find a professor and tell him you're a freelance journalist, then make a joke. The professor will start the tour, ask questions about the Mayan oracles and sacrifice. After this, Kuryakin will suspect that Lucas is not a journalist. Tell him the truth first, and then show him your hands. Kuryakin will believe you and offer to take you out through the back door (+20). Follow him.
You will find yourself in an underground garage, where they will try to run you over. There is a rather long mini-game ahead in which you can lose your earned lives.
After you win, Lucas will approach Kuryakin. He dies, but manages to talk about the child prophet (-20).

30. Secrets of the Mayans

Let's play as Lucas.

Lucas wakes up in an unknown place.
Talk to the Oracle for a bit and run away from the panther (here you can lose the lives you find). Agatha will then appear and explain that Lucas needs to find the child prophet and hide him in a safe place.

31. Clan

You are present at the clan council and listen to the Oracle being reprimanded while playing a mini-game.

32. New threat

Let's play as Lucas.

Lucas is sleeping in the hotel and sees that Marcus is about to be attacked by the Oracle. At this time, Carla and Tyler (+30) are walking along the corridor.
Timed task.
Get out of bed, walk around it and call Marcus at the cathedral.

We play as Marcus.

Say hello to the Oracle and select “Phone” in the dialogues. Go left, open the door to the sacristy and take the telephone receiver (the telephone is on the table).

Let's play as Lucas.

When Marcus asks what happened, select “No time” in the dialogues and demand that his brother lock the door.

We play as Marcus.

Timed task.
Go to the nearest door (near the table) and lock it with the key (+30). Return to the table and talk to Lucas.

Let's play as Carla.

Go along the corridor to the room next to which Tyler is standing and knock down the door to room 369. It turns out that this is the wrong number. Go out into the corridor and find room 369 (in the left corner of the corridor). Knock down the door - Lucas is not here (-20).

Let's play as Lucas.

When he climbs through the window, answer the phone - this is Tiffany, who was kidnapped and taken to an amusement park (-20).
Wrong action: leaving the door open, and Marcus will die (-60).

33. Roller coaster (bonus card, +20)

Let's play as Lucas.

Lucas arrived at the amusement park.
Pay attention to the crow - it will show the way where to go.
If you have less than 6 lives left, go right from the entrance and pick up a crucifix in the corner behind one of the houses. Return to the crow and follow it - somewhere along the way you should pick up a bonus card (+20). When you find the roller coaster, go into the house next to it and turn on the switch. A cabin will arrive, get in and go upstairs.
Here is Tiffany tied to a post. To get over to it, you need to walk along a narrow beam over the abyss.
This is one of the most difficult mini-games. Very carefully adjust the cursor so that it is exactly in the middle of the scale. One tactic: as soon as the cursor deviates, press a key to align it, wait a moment and press the key again, then quickly press the key in the opposite direction, wait a moment and press the same key again (“ A", pause, "A", "D", pause, "D"). Lucas will go on his own.
When you untie Tiffany's hands, the Oracle will appear here and you will both fall down (-95).

Here you can choose who you want to play for next.

34. Baby talk

Play as Lucas

Lucas has a dream from his childhood.
Get out of bed, wake up Marcus and climb out the window.
A map will appear in front of you, where the green dot is your character, the red crosses are the destination, and the route is marked in yellow. Along the way, searchlights and soldiers will interfere with you.
First, go right and go around the house (it is better to wait until the spotlight deviates in the opposite direction so as not to run towards its light). Get to the end of the house and you will see soldiers. Wait for one of the soldiers to turn around twice and move on. Go through the second and third houses. As you turn the corner, you will meet another soldier. Go back and hide behind the car that is parked on the right near the house (or behind the boulder on the opposite side of the road). Wait a bit and get back on the route. Turn the corner and you will see another soldier who needs to be distracted somehow (marked with a red cross on the map).
Turn around and walk back along the house. You should see a pile of garbage. Go around it and find the stone (on the right). Throw a stone, and while the soldier goes to check, return to the route. While hiding from the spotlights, run past Marcus to the other side of the road. Enter the passage between the two houses and Lucas will decide to wait for his brother.
Control will automatically pass to Marcus. Just run across the road, hiding from the spotlights, and join your brother. Run to the red cross - this is another soldier. The brothers will decide to split up again.
Management will pass to Marcus. Turn around and walk around the house you are sitting near. On the other side of the house there is a barrel (marked with a red cross). Hit it and the soldier will be distracted.
Control will automatically pass to Lucas. Climb onto the pole, then climb over the wires to the other side of the road and go down. Run forward to the road, then left to the hangar wall. Go around the hangar and find the entrance. Enter the elevator and open the door at the top.

35. Checkmate

The Oracle is again in the clan hall.

36. Agreement

Let's play as Carla.

Carla came to the cemetery to visit Tiffany's grave.
Walk through the cemetery until you see flowers in the snow. Touch them and Lucas will be behind Carla. He's kind of strange - his chest is bandaged, there's no steam coming out of his mouth... Tell each other the truth and play

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