Gapou "LMK" (Lipetsk Medical College): address, specialties, passing grade. Gapou "LMK" (Lipetsk Medical College): address, specialties, passing score Lipetsk Medical College admission order

Lipetsky Medical College– winner of the competition “Best Medical College of Russia”

State Autonomous Professional Educational Institution "Lipetsk Medical College" is the oldest educational institution in Lipetsk.

Founder - Health Department of the Lipetsk Region (398050, Lipetsk, Zegelya St., 6). The director of the college is T.I. Stepanova, PhD, Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation.

Lipetsk Medical College traces its history back to October 30, 1930, when the Lipetsk Medical Polytechnic was created by the decision of the Lipetsk City Council. Over the years of its existence, the educational institution was called the Lipetsk Medical Assistant and Midwifery School, and since 1955 - Lipetsk medical school, in 1995 received the status of a basic medical college, and since 2014 it has become a state autonomous educational institution.

More than 22 thousand graduates of our college - nurses, paramedics, laboratory assistants, dental technicians, pharmacists - work in medical organizations Lipetsk region and other regions Russian Federation.

Among its graduates is Hero Soviet Union Ksenia Konstantinova, honored doctors of the Russian Federation, winners of regional medical professional competitions, heads of medical organizations.

The educational institution is accredited and licensed to carry out educational activities in 8 medical specialties and programs additional education with an annual graduation of more than 400 specialists.

The college employs honored teachers of the Russian Federation, excellent students in health care and education, and honorary workers of secondary specialized education.

Today, tradition and innovation are fused together in the work of the college. medical education. The special attention to education, the formation of the specialist’s personality, creativity, pedagogical skill, professional culture and high dedication of the teaching staff.

Our college is a dynamically developing educational organization with a good resource and material and technical base, with more than one and a half thousand like-minded people: students, teachers, administrative workers and technical staff - united by common goals, decisive general tasks, dedicated to the cause of domestic medicine and education, participating in the social and cultural life of Russia.

The priority area of ​​activity of the teaching staff is to improve the quality of training of graduates. The competency-based approach to teaching requires teachers to have an innovative approach to developing personality and professionally significant qualities. This allowed the College to become the winner of the “Best Medical College of Russia” competition, a regional quality competition of the Administration of the Lipetsk Region. College teacher is the winner All-Russian competition"Best teacher"

College students are annual winners of professional skills competitions: All-Russian Olympics, interregional competitions, the National Championship “Abilimpix”, the Regional Championship “Young Professionals (WorldSkills Russia)”.

At the service of students - modern concepts and teaching methods, audio, video, multimedia technologies, the ability to access the Internet, classes in a creative group, interesting sports activities. The library fund has educational and scientific literature in the amount of 75 thousand copies. Upon completion of college, graduates receive a state diploma of secondary vocational education.

Loyalty to the traditions of national education, reliance on fundamental principles medical knowledge and achievements of pedagogical science, a unique combination of methodological experience and findings, the development of research directions in matters of youth education - these components predetermine the successful work of the entire team of the Lipetsk Medical College.

The volunteer movement is actively developing in the college. There are 6 volunteer teams in various areas, including bedside care in medical organizations. Behind active work in 2018, the Year of the Volunteer, student volunteers became winners of the regional competition “Volunteer of the Year 2018” in the “Medical Volunteering” category.

In 2018, the college carried out the procedure of primary accreditation of specialists for the first time. College graduates confirmed the high quality of knowledge acquired with an indicator of 94.3%, which is higher than the average for the Central Federal District (91.1%) and the Russian Federation (92.9%).

In accordance with an independent assessment of the quality of the conditions for carrying out educational activities by professional educational organizations of the Lipetsk region, carried out by the Public Council, the Lipetsk Medical College has the following rating:

25th place in the Lipetsk region among 783 organizations engaged in educational activities;

46th place in the Russian Federation among 94,517 organizations engaged in educational activities (out of 160 points - 159.32).

An independent quality assessment was carried out according to the following criteria: openness and accessibility of the organization (out of 40 points - 39.83), comfort of the conditions for providing services and accessibility to receiving them (out of 70 points - 69.49), waiting time for service provision (0 points), friendliness, politeness, competence of the organization’s employees (20 points out of 20), satisfaction with the quality of service provision (30 points out of 30).

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated May 15, 2018 No. 463 “On conducting in 2018 monitoring the quality of personnel training in educational organizations implementing educational programs average vocational education"and letter from the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated June 27, 2018 No. IP-518/06 "On monitoring the quality of personnel training in 2018" by the Russian technological university an assessment of the quality of personnel training in educational organizations in Russia was carried out based on criteria approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Based on the results of this study, the ranking TOP -500 by Russian Federation included 2 educational institutions of secondary vocational education in the Lipetsk region, including the Lipetsk Medical College. To the rating TOP 10 subject of the Russian Federation includes, among others, GAPOU "Lipetsk Medical College".

High-quality organization of the educational process, close cooperation with medical and pharmaceutical organizations, high level qualifications, wisdom and hard work of the teaching staff are the best calling card of our college!

It traces its history back to 1930. It all started with the formation of a small school, in which only 3 student groups were formed in the first year of work. Today Lipetsk Medical College is a significant educational institution in the city and the entire Lipetsk region. The college pays attention not only to the training of mid-level specialists, but also to the formation of personalities.

Educational organization building

Lipetsk Medical College operates on 9 May Street, 18. It is a four-story building consisting of educational, cultural and mass premises. social purpose. The college building is equipped with classrooms for theoretical training, laboratories, a library, a dining room, sports and assembly halls, and a leisure center.

For several years now, a practical skills center has been operating at the basic medical college in the city of Lipetsk. It was opened on the basis of the phantom class. The center has a variety of simulators, dummies, and phantoms that allow students to learn how to examine and care for patients, and develop practical skills in the field of obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation.


Lipetsk Medical College carries out educational activities in a wide range of specialties. One of them is “healing”. It trains paramedics capable of providing first emergency medical, therapeutic and sanitary care.

This specialty provides quality education. College students study all the necessary disciplines, and at clinical practice sites they acquire their first skills. At City Emergency Hospital No. 1, students work with:

  • auscultation simulator;
  • helic device;
  • a simulator for measuring blood pressure and pulse;
  • automatic external defibrillator;
  • simulator for practicing cardiopulmonary resuscitation skills, etc.


A popular specialty at Lipetsk Medical College is “nursing.” The training is aimed at developing in students knowledge and skills in providing qualified nursing care, caring for patients during illness and rehabilitation. Simulators, mannequins, and phantoms are also involved in the educational process in this area of ​​training.

Training in “nursing” is carried out both free and on a paid basis. There are more budget places allocated for this program compared to other specialties of the medical college. This is what attracts applicants who choose medicine for their future professional activity. The profession of a nurse (nursing brother) is also notable for the fact that it is extremely relevant. Many public and private medical institutions have corresponding vacancies for which they are ready to accept graduates of Lipetsk Medical College.


This is one of the most significant and spiritual specialties in medicine. very responsible, because the health and life of pregnant women, women in labor, and newborn children depends on the actions of a specialist. Work in the field of obstetrics and gynecology requires modern professional knowledge. All of them are provided at Lipetsk Medical College.

The principles of training in obstetrics and other specialties of the secondary school are similar. Students also learn theory when studying general and professional disciplines, practice skills on mannequins, using kits for examining the birth canal, primary and secondary treatment of the umbilical cord, etc. To undergo practical training and get acquainted with the profession, students go to the antenatal clinic, maternity hospital .


An interesting, but at the same time complex specialty of the basic medical college of the city of Lipetsk is “pharmacy”. Over the course of several years of study, students learn the basics of pharmaceutical sciences - they study analytical chemistry, pharmaceutical science, quality control of drugs, etc. Students become familiar with existing drugs, their indications and contraindications. This knowledge will make it possible in the future not only to sell goods in pharmacies, but also to provide advice to clients regarding the use of certain medications.

At a certain stage in college, the business game “Pharmacy” begins to be offered. Here, students learn to dispense medications, operate a cash register, and decorate display windows. No less interesting activities when studying “pharmacy” are identifying medicinal plants by external signs, preparing and drying raw materials, and making dosage forms.

"Laboratory diagnostics"

Future laboratory technicians are trained in the specialty “laboratory diagnostics”. Students who choose this direction at the Lipetsk Medical College are offered the most modern training. On practical exercises In college lectures, teachers use computer technology. Presentations, videos, visuals educational materials are demonstrated to students using a computer and a multimedia projector.

For hematology classes, a special microscope with a built-in digital camera was purchased. The material and technical base of the college, formed for the training of laboratory technicians, also includes:

  • set of equipment for enzyme immunoassay;
  • coagulometer to determine blood clotting;
  • to perform any biochemical tests, etc.

Other specialties of the educational institution

Lipetsk Medical College offers 2 more specialties besides those listed above - these are “medical and preventive care” and “orthopedic dentistry”. The first of them trains medical paramedics. The training is aimed at providing knowledge on organizing sanitary and anti-epidemic measures, as well as on carrying out sanitary educational work among the population and medical staff.

“Orthopedic dentistry” is a specialty in which training is implemented at a high-quality level. For a complete educational process A special laboratory with modern equipment has been created. It is equipped with dental tables with all the necessary tools. This is where students learn how to make dentures.

Competition and passing scores

On a college major budget places many applications are being submitted. The competition (number of people vying for 1st place) in 2017, according to applicants’ applications, was:

  • based on 9 grades - 4.08 in “obstetrics”, 3.50 in “nursing”, 4.12 in “laboratory diagnostics”;
  • based on 11 classes - 3.12 in “nursing”, 2.82 in “medicine”.

Another interesting indicator for applicants is the passing grade at Lipetsk Medical College. In 2017 it was:

  • 4,364 in “midwifery”;
  • 4,412 in “nursing” (based on 9 classes);
  • 4,250 for “laboratory diagnostics”;
  • 4,188 in “nursing” (based on 11 classes);
  • 4,167 in “medical practice”.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that admission of applicants is carried out through a competition of certificates. You need to try to study at school in order to eventually receive a document with good grades and increase your chances of entering the specialty of the Lipetsk Medical College. The results of entrance tests are also taken into account during admission. They are not complicated. Graduates of 9th grade pass psychological testing, and 11th grade graduates have an interview. In "orthopedic dentistry" entrance test Another, but also simple, is drawing.

Lipetsk Medical College traces its history back to October 30, 1930, when the Lipetsk Medical Polytechnic was created by the decision of the Lipetsk City Council. Over the 85 years of its existence, the educational institution was called the Lipetsk Medical and Obstetric School, and since 1955 – the Lipetsk Medical School, and in 1995 it received the status of a basic medical college, since April 2009 it has become an autonomous educational institution, and in 2014 it acquired the status of “State autonomous professional educational institution".

Continuously improving, Lipetsk Medical College serves its main mission - to train in-demand specialists for healthcare in the Lipetsk region and other regions of Russia.
The educational institution has accreditation and a license to carry out educational activities in 6 specialties and additional education programs for retraining and advanced training of a medical profile at the secondary vocational level.
The college prepares unique specialists who are necessary for every person from the first minute of life to the last breath. The outcome of treatment and the condition of the patient, and often the saving of a human life, largely depend on the kindness, sensitivity, mercy and professionalism of the medical assistant, medical laboratory assistant, and midwife. Only skillful and kind hands, only support and compassion, high moral qualities of our specialists can help a patient.
More than 22 thousand graduates of our college work in medical institutions in the Lipetsk region and other regions of the Russian Federation. Among the graduates are Heroes of the Soviet Union, Honored Doctors of the Russian Federation, winners of regional medical professional competitions, and heads of medical institutions. Their high professionalism, their loyalty to the profession is the pride and highest reward of our educational institution. We express our sincere gratitude to veterans for their invaluable contribution to the establishment of traditions of training and education of specialists.
Currently, the college has about one and a half thousand students with an annual graduation rate of 350-400 people. Educational process leads a creative team of talented teachers who are deeply devoted to their profession.
An important feature of the team is the leadership position of many teachers and a common desire for success. Students, parents, social partners note the amazing atmosphere that reigns in the college; they want to cooperate and interact with us.
Effective innovations introduced into the educational process ensure the competitiveness of an educational institution in its niche of the educational space.

The college has carried out repeated external certification of the quality management system of the educational process according to international standards ISO 9001-2011 and received a certificate.

The college was awarded a memorial badge "For services to the city of Lipetsk."

The college is included in the national register of leading educational institutions healthcare.

Diploma of the laureate of the regional competition "Best Electronic educational resource"among average professional educational organizations Lipetsk region received Maria Aleksandrovna Osipova for the development of an electronic teaching aid for academic discipline"Psychology".

Every year, students of our college, together with the leaders of their circles, take part in the All-Russian Burdenkov Student Scientific Conference and traditionally take prizes.

As part of the implementation of the action plan for celebrating the 60th anniversary of the formation of the Lipetsk region, on the basis of the college together with the Health Department, a museum-exhibition “History of Health Care of the Lipetsk Region” was opened. The exhibition museum has 5 stands, 11 stained glass windows, which display more than 500 exhibits. Work to fill the museum continues.

Today, the work of the college combines traditions and innovations of medical education. But the special attention to education, the formation of a specialist’s personality, creativity, pedagogical skills, professional culture and high dedication of the teaching staff remains unchanged. The college took part in the interregional competition "Best in Profession" in the specialty "Pharmacy" in Kursk in March 2013. Graduate Nelly Frolova took 3rd place.

On the basis of the college in 2014, for the first time, the Interregional Complex Olympiad was held in the disciplines "Human Anatomy and Physiology", "Fundamentals Latin language with medical terminology", "Pharmacology" among medical educational institutions of the Central Federal District of the Russian Federation. College student Tatyana Kasatkina took 2nd place.

Today, the work of the college combines traditions and innovations of medical education. But the special attention to education, the formation of a specialist’s personality, creativity, pedagogical skills, professional culture and high dedication of the teaching staff remains unchanged.


Markhasina L. Triple injection of the 40s: // Lipetsk newspaper. – 2014. – April 8. – P. 3.

Holiday of kindness and mercy: // Lipetsk newspaper. – 2012. – December 8. – P. 1.

Provotorov I. The glorious path of medical college: [LMK - 80 years] // Neon City. – 2010. - No. 9. – P. 14.

Bright symbols: [regional results summed up. competition to create the emblem and anthem of the Year environment. The best logo was the work of Lipets students. honey. College M. Guseer and R. Pozhidaeva] // Lipetsk newspaper. – 2013. – April 27. – P. 6.

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