Annual work plan for a speech therapist teacher. Annual work plan for a school speech therapist work plan for a speech therapist in a kindergarten

I affirm:

Director of MBOU Secondary School No. 4

_______ /Strekalova M.G./

Appendix __ to the order_________

Annual plan of a speech therapist teacher for the 2015-2016 school year.

Target: Timely identification and provision of assistance to students with oral and writing, caused by ONR, FFNR.

1. Diagnostics and analysis of sound pronunciation, phonemic perception and analysis, grammatical structure of speech, coherent speech of first-graders.
2. Analyze oral speech and some non-speech processes of students and determine the causes of difficulties in mastering written speech.
3. Analyze written works second and third grade students.
4. Develop and implement the content of correctional work to prevent and overcome violations of oral and written speech in students primary classes.
5. Explanation of special knowledge in speech therapy among teachers and parents.

6. Development and implementation of individually oriented development programs for children with disabilities studying at home.

Area of ​​activity and forms of work

Purpose of the event


Diagnostic and design activities

    Primary examination of oral and written speech.

    Familiarization with medical examination data, collection of anamnesis.

    Formation of groups and subgroups.

Identification of violations of oral and written speech.

Clarification of the etiology of character speech disorders

Filling out speech cards, drawing up long-term plans for working with each group.

    Repeated examination of oral and written speech.

    Testing reading technique in primary grades.

Filling out speech cards.

Timely identification of students with reading disabilities.

At the end of the first half of the year.

Start academic year, input control.

At the end of each quarter.

Corrective and developmental activities.

1. Conducting individual and group classes with students to correct violations of oral and written speech.

2. Stage I of correctional work

3. Stage II of correctional work

3-4 grades.

4. Stage I of correctional work

Stage II of correctional work

3-4 grades.

5.III stage of correctional work, grades 1-4

Correction of speech disorders in students.

Correction of speech disorders in students.

Systematically throughout the academic year.




Advisory and methodological activities.

1. Parent meetings in 1st grade.

“Results of diagnostic examination of first-graders”

2. Consulting teachers and parents of students in grades 1-3 based on the results of an examination of children’s oral and written speech.

3. Activities to promote speech therapy knowledge among teachers and parents (conversations, lectures, speeches at parent-teacher meetings, at councils)

4. Speech at the Moscow School of Primary School Teachers

“Advice to the teacher. Dysgraphia."

"Teacher Tips. Dyslexia."

“Tips for the teacher. Dysorphography."

5. Interaction with teachers, psychologist. Visit open lessons in grades 1-4.

6.Work in the primary medical care (k) MBOU secondary school No. 4. Filling out speech therapy presentations for students. Drawing up individual correction programs. Collegial opinion.

Speech at the pedagogical council with an analysis of the work of a speech therapist teacher during the school year.

7.Work in the city PMPK

Familiarization of parents with the results of diagnostics of children’s speech development

Providing an individual approach to the child, taking into account the identified features of his speech development.

Familiarization of teachers and parents with current problems of correctional education of a child

Timely identification of students who do not master the curriculum secondary school in primary school.

Familiarization with the results of correctional work.




Throughout the school year.


Throughout the school year.




Methodical work. Promotion professional competence.

    Methodological association of speech therapists.

Meeting of the Ministry of Defense No. 1

“Analysis of the activities of speech therapy centers in schools for the 2014-2015 academic year.”

MO meeting No. 2

1. “Non-standard techniques for the development of motor skills (general, fine, articulatory) in speech therapy classes.”

2. “Test therapy in speech therapy classes.”

MO meeting No. 3

    "Interhemispheric interaction"

    "Fairytale therapy in speech therapy classes"

MO meeting No. 4

    “Report on the activities of speech therapy centers in schools for the 2015-2016 academic year”

    "Analysis of the activities of speech therapist teachers' educational organizations."

Familiarization of speech therapists with new approaches to the work of speech therapists. Increasing professional competence.

Report of the teacher-speech therapist of MBOU Secondary School No. 4 Chernyavskaya I.V.

Report of the teacher-speech therapist of MBOU Secondary School No. 5 Belous L.V.

Report of the head of the MO of speech therapists A.V. Gritsenko

Report of the teacher-speech therapist of MBOU Secondary School No. 6 Meleshenko G.G.

August. Based on MBOU Secondary School No. 6.

December. Based on MBOU Secondary School No. 5.

February. Based on MBOU Secondary School No. 1.

May. Based on MBOU Secondary School No. 1

2.Working with scientific and journalistic literature


3. Conducting observations of the dynamics of speech disorders in speech therapy classes, the influence of certain methods on speech development and correction of the child’s speech.

Choosing the most effective ways to teach and restore children's oral and written speech


Filling out speech cards

4. Planning methodological work for a year

5. Drawing up speech therapy programs for working with students.

6. Filling out speech cards

7. Filling out the attendance register speech therapy sessions, examination log and consultation log.

8. Taking class notes

Increasing professional competence.

9.Completing distance training courses.

10. Completion of one-year correspondence courses professional retraining in order to obtain theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of special defectological education in the specialty “Speech Therapy”, Taganrog Institute named after A.P. Chekhov (branch) of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution “Russian State Economic University”.

11. Accumulation of material on the topic of self-education: “Diagnostics and correction of writing and reading disorders.”

Obtaining theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of special defectological education

1 time per quarter



First half of the academic year



Work to improve the equipment of the speech therapy room

    Production and purchase of teaching aids: “Interactive cards for cognitive and speech development of students.”

2.Update methodological literature in speech therapy.

Working with disabled children

1. Development and implementation of adapted individual correctional programs for disabled children. Conducting individual lessons on the development of oral and written speech.

2.Consulting parents of disabled children.

3.Use of logarithmic activities, technology for modeling and playing fairy tales, and computer developmental programs when working with disabled children.

Correction of speech disorders

Familiarization of parents with current problems of correctional education of a disabled child

Increasing the efficiency of correctional work

During the school year


Teacher-speech therapist of the Education Department of the Administration municipal district Ilishevsky district

R.R. Karamova


I affirm:

Head of MBDOU

"Child Development Center-Kindergarten"

Nizhneyarkeevo village



Annual work organization plan

speech therapist teacher at speech therapy center

MBDOU "Child development center-kindergarten" Nizhneyarkeyevo village

Sakhipova A.Ya.

for the 2015-2016 academic year

Analysis of the work done for the 2014-2015 academic year

    Organizational, diagnostic, correctional and developmental activities.

    At the beginning of the school year, a speech therapy examination was conducted for students in the senior and preparatory school groups.

    A schedule of individual correctional classes, a long-term work plan, a working time schedule have been drawn up, and other necessary documentation has been drawn up.

    Work continued on completing the methodological and didactic libraries in the office, replenishing the toy library with speech therapy and games developing fine motor skills.

    Conducted individual lessons with the pupils, according to long-term planning. Each student received speech therapy assistance 2-3 times a week.

The final diagnostics at the end of the school year (May) to monitor the effectiveness of correctional work revealed positive dynamics in the development of pupils’ speech:

Number of pupils enrolled in the speech center in the 2014-2015 academic year.

Number of students graduating with clear speech

Number of students released with significant improvement in speech

Number of pupils without speech improvement

Number of pupils retained to continue correctional work

Number of students leaving

    Advisory activities.

There was a close relationship with teachers and parents of students. In accordance with the annual work plan, consultations were held with educators. Thematic speech therapy corners have been set up in the groups to systematically promote speech therapy knowledge and involve parents in corrective work on the child’s speech development. Recommendations and advice were given to parents' questions.

    Methodological activity.

    Participation in pedagogical councils inside MBDOU.

    Throughout the academic year, work was carried out to improve qualifications: new items in methodological literature were studied, work was carried out on the topic of self-education: “Development of fine motor skills in preschoolers with speech disorders”, taking advanced training courses in Neftekamsk under the program: “Speech therapy massage in an integrated system” overcoming speech disorders."

    Replenishment of the subject-development environment in the speech therapy room, design of the “Speech therapist’s corner” (near the speech therapy room). Selection of methodological and correctional literature and manuals, speech therapy games.

Having analyzed the correctional and speech therapy work for the 2015-2016 academic year, the results of diagnosing the speech of pupils, we can conclude that the tasks set at the beginning of the school year have been solved.

Job prospects:

    Formation of speech breathing of pupils attending a speech center.

    Correction of disturbed sounds, their automation and differentiation.

    Development of phonemic awareness.

    Development of phrasal and coherent speech.

    Improving fine motor skills of the fingers.

    Implementing a closer relationship with parents through individual consultations, since the general awareness of children, their vocabulary, and grammatical understanding largely depend on their immediate environment.

Annual work organization plan for the 2015-2016 academic year


    Carrying out diagnostics and conducting speech therapy classes to correct speech disorders in the institution’s students;

    Development in pupils with speech disorders of mobility of the articulatory apparatus, attention to the sound side of speech, phonemic perception, coherent speech, attention, memory, thinking;

    Enrichment vocabulary;

    Interaction with educators of an educational institution and parents (legal representatives) on the formation of speech development of students and promotion of speech therapy knowledge among teachers, parents (legal representatives) of students of an educational institution.

Direction of work



I . Organization of speech therapy work

Preparation and maintenance of documentation:

Summing up the work for the 2014-2015 academic year

Sakhipova A.Ya.

Drawing up an annual work organization plan for the 2015-2016 academic year

Sakhipova A.Ya.

Drawing up and approval of a work schedule


Drawing up and approval of a schedule of speech therapy classes


Sakhipova A.Ya., head of MBDOU

Registration of individual speech cards


Sakhipova A.Ya.

Drawing up and approval of a long-term work plan


Sakhipova A.Ya., head of MBDOU

Drawing up a work schedule

throughout the year

Sakhipova A.Ya.

Keeping a class attendance log

throughout the year

Sakhipova A.Ya.

Maintaining individual notebooks for children methodological recommendations for parents.

throughout the year

Sakhipova A.Ya., parents

II . Diagnostic work

Primary oral speech assessment of pupils in senior and preparatory school groups to identify those in need of speech therapy help.

Sakhipova A.Ya.

Individual in-depth examination of pupils enrolled in a speech center.

Sakhipova A.Ya.

Collection of information about parents and early speech development of children. Parent survey.

Sakhipova A.Ya., parents

Examination of the speech of preparatory school pupils and senior groups MBDOU



Sakhipova A.Ya.

III . Corrective work

Individual and subgroup speech therapy sessions with students


Sakhipova A.Ya.

Summing up the work for the academic year. Report on the corrective work done.


Sakhipova A.Ya.

IV . Preventative work

    1. Working with teachers

Familiarization of teachers of senior and preparatory school groups with the results of an examination of the speech of preschoolers, with the lists of pupils enrolled in the speech center and the schedule of classes.


Sakhipova A.Ya.

Consultation: “Continuity in the work of the speech therapist and educators on the formation of sound pronunciation among students”


Sakhipova A.Ya.

Conversation with teachers about the need to monitor correct pronunciation pupils in spontaneous speech, in classes and during routine moments


Sakhipova A.Ya.

Workshop: " Game methods and techniques at the stage of sound automation.”


Sakhipova A.Ya.

Consultation: “Features of the formation of children’s vocabulary in preschool age”


Sakhipova A.Ya.

Consultation: “Speech and non-speech (phonemic) hearing.”


Sakhipova A.Ya.

Consultation: “Formation of word formation skills in preschoolers with speech impairments”


Sakhipova A.Ya.


Sakhipova A.Ya.


Sakhipova A.Ya.

Participation in the educational organization of MBDOU teachers

According to the Moscow Region plan

Sakhipova A.Ya.

Advisory and methodological work

upon request

Sakhipova A.Ya.

    1. Working with parents

Familiarization of parents of pupils with the results of speech therapy examination

September, May

Sakhipova A.Ya.

Individual conversations with parents in order to establish contacts, clarify anamnestic information, talk about the need for parents to participate in the formation of the child’s motivational attitude towards learning from the speech therapist and daily lessons with the child according to the tasks and recommendations of the speech therapist.

As needed

Sakhipova A.Ya.

Participation in holding a parent meeting (On organizing the work of the logo center in the MBDOU).

According to the MBDOU plan

Sakhipova A.Ya.

Consultation: “Partnership between preschool educational institutions and families in speech therapy work”

During the year

Sakhipova A.Ya.

Consultation: “Childhood mistakes. Should I ignore it or correct it?

Consultation: “The role of homework for the successful correction of speech disorders. How to work from individual notebooks at home"

Consultation: “Development of fine motor skills at home”

Consultation “Home speech therapist. Speech correction at home"

"Some practical advice parents who want to help their child fall in love with learning"

Consultation: “Your child is preparing to become a schoolchild”

Individual consultations “Question and answer”

Article in the regional newspaper “Mayak” - “What is a logopunkt and the system of work at a logopunkt”


Sakhipova A.Ya.

3. Working with specialists

Refer pupils for clarification of diagnosis, observation, consultation and assistance to a pediatrician, neurologist, dentist, otolaryngologist.

As needed

Sakhipova A.Ya.

Maintain close contact with doctors, speech therapists, psychologists, and PMPK specialists

During the year

Sakhipova A.Ya.

    Visual propaganda

Speech therapist's corner:

    1. To caring parents about the work of a speech therapist in kindergarten in the conditions of a logopunkt.

      Memo to parents for organizing classes on the instructions of a speech therapist.

      Why is articulation gymnastics needed?

      Smart fingers.

      Rules for parents.

      The speech of an adult is an example to follow.

      Memo for parents on conducting speech motor exercises at home.

      Articles in the parent's corner lexical topics.

      Breathing exercises, etc.


    Articulatory gymnastics (complex for the sound L, for the sound R, sounds Ш, Ж, N, W, C)

    Breathing exercises complex

    Games and exercises for the development of articulatory and fine motor skills, etc.

Once a quarter in each age group

Sakhipova A.Ya.

V . Work on professional development

Work on the topic of self-education“Development of fine motor skills in pupils preschool age with speech disorders"

throughout the year

Sakhipova A.Ya.

Independent work with special literature. Studying new products in methodological literature on speech therapy.

Prepare a portfolio

Taking advanced training courses

Open classes for speech therapists

Visiting the speech therapy center of the district, speech therapy centers of other preschool educational institutions in order to exchange experiences.

Introduction to innovative programs and technologies

Participation in the work of the district municipality of speech therapists

VI . Speech therapy room equipment

Replenishment of methodological and didactic libraries, games library of speech therapy and games developing fine motor skills.

throughout the year

Sakhipova A.Ya.

Replenishment of speech material in grammar, vocabulary, coherent speech.

Replenishment of the subject-development environment in the speech therapy room.

Speech therapist teacher:________ Sakhipova A.Ya.

Goal: Timely identification and assistance to students with oral and written speech disorders (dyslalia, rhinolalia, dysarthria, stuttering, dysgraphia, dyslexia, speech disorders due to hearing loss);


  1. Diagnostics and analysis of sound pronunciation, phonemic perception and analysis, grammatical structure of speech, coherent speech of first-graders.
  2. Analyze oral speech and some non-speech processes of students and determine the causes of difficulties in mastering written speech.
  3. Analyze the written work of second and third grade students.
  4. Develop and implement the content of correctional work to prevent and overcome violations of oral and written speech in primary school students.
  5. Explanation of special knowledge in speech therapy among teachers and parents.
  1. Organizational work.
  2. Development of phonetic-phonemic processes. Formation of correct listening skills in the learning process. Prevention and correction of dyslexia.
  3. Formation of grammatically correct coherent speech. Dictionary development.
  4. Development of fine motor skills. Propaedeutics of writing skills. Prevention and correction of dysgraphia.
  5. Correction of sound pronunciation.
  6. Working with teachers.
  7. Working with parents.
  8. Methodical work.
  9. Self-education.

Area of ​​activity and forms of work

Purpose of the event


Organizational work. Diagnostic and design activities

Draw up an annual plan for correctional and methodological work for the 2014-2015 school year. year of operation of the logo center

Conduct a timely examination of children.
Primary examination of oral and written speech

Detection of oral and written speech disorders

Familiarization with medical examination data, medical history collection

Clarification of the etiology of the nature of speech disorders


Recruitment of groups and subgroups

Filling out speech cards, drawing up long-term plans for working with each group

Provide equipment for the pedagogical process


Compose complex form speech card of speech therapy examination.


Timely fill out the speech cards of speech pathologists in accordance with the decision of the protocols of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission (PMPC).


Based on the results of the examination, draw up a diagnostic map of work with speech pathologists, reflecting the dynamics of their development.

Track and analyze the dynamics during correctional work.


Systematically equip the speech therapy room with speech aids and literature.


Draw up an annual report on the work of the log center.

Repeated examination of oral and written speech

Filling out speech cards.

Development of phonetic-phonemic processes. Prevention and correction of dyslexia. Corrective and developmental activities.

1.1. Formation of correct listening skills. Propaedeutics and correction of dyslexia. Development sound analysis. Memorizing and repeating series of sounds and syllables, highlighting vowel sounds in words, speaking in series.

The ability to isolate certain sounds in words, a linear series of phonemes, division into syllables, stress, finding the first and last sound in a word (from a picture).


Exercises in differentiating oppositional groups of sounds by ear and pronunciation.

Getting to know all the vowel sounds in pairs and the rules for writing them. Marking a soft consonant with a subsequent vowel. Differentiation of vowels of the 1st and 2nd row:
a o u e y and,
I e yu e.

According to long-term planning

Formation of the action of changing words. Free operation of sound and graphic models of words:
analysis of a syllable by sounds;
analysis of words by sounds;
finding the sound in words with a combination of consonants at the beginning of the word, the end of the word, the middle of the word;
transforming words by replacing some sounds and letters with others;
transforming words by adding and subtracting sounds (letters);
transforming words by increasing consonants.

Correction of speech disorders in students

According to long-term planning

Help in teaching speech-language pathologist children to read (working with mixed word models):

syllabic analysis - synthesis of a word into 2, 3,4, (5) syllables of different syllabic structure;

reading sentences and short stories syllable by syllable;
adding words from pictures;

assistance to the teacher in teaching smooth, continuous reading (up to 40-60 words per minute).


Exercises in differentiating oppositional groups of sounds by ear and pronunciation:

highlighting consonants from pictures and in words (as you learn the alphabet): b-p; v-f; g—k—x; s—sh; h—f; s—h; s—c; w—f; ts—h; h—ts; h—t;
identification and differentiation of paired consonant sounds: p-b; d—t; r-l.


Conducting individual and subgroup classes with students to correct oral speech disorders

Correction of speech disorders in students


Formation of grammatically correct coherent speech. Dictionary development.

Enrichment, consolidation and activation of vocabulary:
nouns, adjectives;


Working on understanding the meaning of synonyms, antonyms, homonyms and ambiguous words in different parts speech. Less common words.


Development of generalizing concepts (classification of objects).


Word formation work.

Systematization of children’s knowledge about word formation methods:
suffixal method of forming nouns, adjectives with different semantic connotations;
suffix-prefix way of forming verbs.

According to long-term planning

Work on the formation of the grammatical structure of speech:

Exercises in the formation and agreement of nouns and adjectives in gender, number, case with a focus on their endings;
selection of definitions for nouns;
education of quality and relative adjectives short form of an adjective;
teaching different ways of forming degrees of comparison (adjectives and adverbs);
activation of the use of verb vocabulary (in the form of present, past, future tense, singular and plural);
compiling and evaluating the meaning of phrases (sentences) with given words;
exercises in the selection of epithets, comparisons, metaphors, sayings, proverbs, phraseological units and other means of forming words.

According to long-term planning

Development of fine motor skills. Propaedeutics of writing skills. Correctional speech therapy work on the prevention and elimination of reading and writing disorders in students in grades 2-3.

Correction at the phonetic level:
a) prevention and correction of acoustic dysgraphia:
structure and functions of the speech apparatus (repetition);
speech sounds and letters (repetition);
b) phonemic analysis of words:
simple forms of sound analysis;
complex shapes sound analysis;
hard and soft consonants;
designation of softness of consonants in writing using vowels of the 2nd row;
the second way to indicate the softness of consonants in writing (through the letter ь);
c) formation of phonemic perception; differentiation of phonemes having acoustic-articulatory
vowels e, yu, o, u;
voiced and unvoiced pairs consonants v-f; p-b; d-t; d"-t";z-s;g-k;zh-sh;

- deafening of voiced consonants: s-sh; z-f; s"-sch"; r-l; r"-l"; g-k-x; s-ts; h-t"; h-sh"; ts-ts.

Correction at the phonetic level.

According to long-term planning

Corrective work at the lexical level.
Identification of students' active vocabulary.
Clarification and expansion of students' vocabulary:
words - “weeds”,
words - “buddies” (synonyms),
“enemy” words (antonyms),
“twin” words (homonyms),
how many meanings do words have? (multi-meaning words). Syllable analysis and synthesis of words.
Types of syllables.
Emphasis on a word.
Schemes of the slogorhythmic structure of words.
Unstressed vowels.
Composition of a word (morphemic analysis and synthesis of words).
The root of the word. Difficult words.
Prefix. Suffix.

Propaedeutics of semantic dyslexia and dysgraphia.

According to long-term planning

Corrective work at the syntactic level.
Phrase and sentence. Coordination various parts speeches in number, in gender.
Whom? What? (accusative case).
Whom? What? (genitive).
To whom? Why? (dative).
About (in, on) whom? how? (prepositional).
By whom? How? (instrumental case).
Consolidation of case forms.
Connection of words in a sentence (phrase).
Add-ons and offers.

Propaedeutics of agrammatic dyslexia and dysgraphia.

According to long-term planning

Propaedeutics and correction of optical dysgraphia:
formation of spatial representations,
formation of temporary representations,
differentiation of letters having kinetic similarity:
b-d; b-c; d-v; and-y;
o-a; i-sh
p-t; sh-t; ts-sh; n-r; g-h; u-shch; u-z.

Propaedeutics and correction of optical dysgraphia.

According to long-term planning

Finger gymnastics.

Development of fine motor skills.


Correction of sound pronunciation.

Providing systematic assistance in correcting the speech of speech-language pathologist children.


Advisory and methodological activities
Working with teachers. Communication between speech therapist and parents.

Assisting teachers in planning and implementing work on speech development for speech pathologists.

Assisting teachers in organizing the training and development of speech pathologists.

Familiarization of teachers and parents with current problems of correctional education of a child

Specific mutual assistance in organizing a speech therapy room.

Organization of a speech library.

Organization of parent school. Systematic promotion of speech therapy knowledge:

Involve parents in correctional and educational work on the development of the child’s speech;
take an active part in parent meetings;
bring to the attention of parents the progress in the development of the child’s speech;
conduct systematic consultations and individual conversations with parents.

Parent meetings in 1st grade “Prerequisites for learning to read and write”
“Development of hand-eye coordination of first-graders”

Familiarization of parents with the results of diagnostics of children’s speech development


Consulting teachers and parents of students in grades 1-3 based on the results of examination of oral and written speech

Providing an individual approach to the child, taking into account the identified features of his speech development


Activities to promote speech therapy knowledge among teachers (conversations, lectures, speeches at parent meetings)
Speech at the Moscow School of Primary School Teachers
“Literacy Readiness for First Grade Students.”
"Finger gymnastics"

Familiarization of teachers and parents with current problems of correctional education of a child


Interaction with teachers, psychologist, psychotherapist


Methodical work. Increasing professional competence

Attending courses, lectures, methodological associations, sharing experiences

Increasing professional competence

1 time per month

Working with scientific and journalistic literature


Conducting observations of the dynamics of speech disorders in speech therapy classes, the influence of certain methods on the speech development and correction of the child’s speech.

Choosing the most effective ways to teach and restore children’s oral and written speech

Filling out cards
"Dynamics of Development"

Planning methodological work for the year

Drawing up long-term plans for working with students

Filling out speech cards

1 time per quarter

Taking class notes


Select methodological and corrective literature and manuals, speech therapy games to help teachers and parents.

Filling out the attendance register


Organize a survey of sound pronunciation and phonemic perception in children attending the “Good School” preschool school

At the request of the administration

Replenish the speech therapy room with didactic tools for all sections of the plan.


Self-education. Work to improve the equipment of the speech therapy room

Production and acquisition of teaching aids

Increasing the efficiency of correctional work


Replenish knowledge in a timely manner, get acquainted with innovative programs and technologies. Systematic review of defectological literature.


Take an active part in regional seminars and methodological councils.

1 time per quarter

Visit the nearest ones to enrich your experience educational institutions preschool and school type.

Participate in various courses at the Institute for Advanced Training of Education Workers.

Replenish methodological developments your website.


Purchasing methodological literature

Municipal budget educational institution

“Secondary school No. 4 village. Iglino named after D.S. Tikeev"


Director of MBOU Secondary School No. 4 village. Iglino

__________/HA. Aetbaev/

« » __________ 2015


Deputy Director of HR

__________/ Sisanbaeva R.R /

« » __________ 2015

Annual plan

educational and methodological work

speech therapist teacher

MBOU Secondary School No. 4 village. Iglino

for the 2015 – 2016 academic year

speech therapist teacher:

Kharunova S.A.

Target: Prevention, identification and elimination of speech disorders.


    organize work to diagnose the level of development of speech activity;

    implement individually oriented development programs taking into account the structure of the speech defect.

Priority areas of activity:

    improvement of correctional and educational work in the most important areas;

    structured and dynamic observation of children’s speech activity in and outside of class;

    systematization of educational methodological material.

n /n

Job title

Completion deadlines


Section 1. Organizational work

Examination of the speech of primary school students in order to identify children in need of speech therapy help

Familiarization of primary school teachers with the results of the survey

Identification of students in need of consultation with a psychiatrist and MPC

During the school year

In-depth examination of students' oral and written speech

During the school year

Analysis medical records first grade students and newly arrived students


Formation of groups of students taking into account the homogeneity of the structure of speech defects

Section 2. Working with documentation

Registration of a journal for examining oral and written speech

As the examination progresses

Filling out speech cards for students enrolled in speech therapy classes

During the school year

During the hours of advisory and methodological work

Drawing up and approval of a schedule of speech therapy classes

Compiling a list of students in need of speech therapy assistance

Registration of information on the number of students with oral and written speech disorders

At the request of the administration

Drawing up calendar-thematic plans for speech therapy sessions with each group

Drawing up and filling out an attendance register for speech therapy classes

As classes progress

Compilation annual report about the work done

Section 3. Corrective and developmental work

Enroll first of all students with complex speech defects that impede successful learning for speech therapy classes school curriculum

As places become available in the group, students can be enrolled during the academic year

Realize correctional work taking into account school operating hours

During the school year

Group and subgroup classes should be conducted after school hours at least 2-3 times a week, according to the approved schedule

During the school year

Provide individual lessons with children with complex speech defects 2-3 times a week

During the school year

As needed

To develop interest in activities, use in work speech games, visual aids, handouts

During the school year

Study individual characteristics students, show individual approach to overcome speech disorders

During the school year

Section 4. Relationships in working with primary school teachers and other specialists

Familiarization of primary school teachers with diagnostic results


Involvement of administration and class teachers to monitor attendance at speech therapy classes

During the year

During the year

On request

Mutual attendance at classes

According to the establishment plan

Participation in pedagogical councils

According to the establishment plan

Collaboration with a teacher-psychologist

During the year

Collaboration with school health workers

During the year

Participation in work methodological unification primary school teachers

During the year

According to the establishment plan

Diagnostics and preparation of children at RMPK

During the year

According to the school PMPk plan

Section 5. Self-education and advanced training

Work on the topic of self-education “Use of ICT in the work of a speech therapist teacher”

During the year

Studying new products in methodological literature.

During the year

Participation in methodological associations.

During the year

Teacher - speech therapist: S.A. Kharunov A

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