State budgetary educational institution boarding school intellectual. Admissions news. Additional sections, clubs, events

Boarding school "Intellectual"


Kremenchugskaya, 13, metro station "Slavyansky Boulevard".

Yuri Tikhorsky. Graduated with honors from Moscow Pedagogical University in 2002, majoring in geography and ecology. Young (born in 1980) and progressive. Gives priority to young teachers and a new, varied approach to teaching. She teaches science in the fifth grade and geography in the eighth grade.

School profile
In grades 10–11, it is possible to study in the following profiles: humanities, socio-economics, physico-mathematics, chemical-biological and chemical-physical. All high school students whose interests do not fit into a specific profile study on an individual schedule. Mathematics and languages ​​can be studied in depth regardless of which profile the student chooses.

There is a system of individual curricula, when, starting from the fifth grade, each department offers, in addition to the regular group, an in-depth group. Every child has the right to study their favorite subjects in in-depth programs.

In the 9th grade, students have the right to deepen the study of all 15 subjects or not to deepen anything. The average number of “deepening” from the 5th to the 9th grade is approximately 3 subjects. Record holders have 9 indentations. Classes are held 5 days a week with a 6th developmental day. Permissible load - 29 hours.

Entrance tests
The school is en masse accepted in the 5th and 7th grades; it is extremely difficult to get into the intermediate grades.

Three-stage set. The first stage includes basic testing in mathematics and the Russian language, as well as a psychological questionnaire and a complicated erudition task - you had to write two elective subjects. Second round - defense of creative or project work. This could be work on site (like biologists), it could be a literary assignment or solving interesting problems. mathematical problems. Based on the results of the second round, children are invited to enroll in the third round. It takes place at the beginning of June and includes trial studies in age-appropriate subjects that children have not yet taken. The classes are attended by class teachers, psychologists and teachers of other subjects. This continues for a week. At the end of the week, there is a teachers' meeting about recruitment.

There are a total of 105 teachers in the school. 24 teachers have the highest category and 27 have the first category. 26 candidates of science, 3 professors, 2 doctors of science, 1 associate professor. 8 winners of the Moscow Grant award, of which three times winner of the Moscow Grant competition in the field of science and technology in education, Alexey Sgibnev is the author of manuals and textbooks, teaches mathematics, algebra and geometry.

History teacher, Candidate of Historical Sciences Alexander Avdeev was twice awarded the Dogma Prize for training schoolchildren - winners of subject Olympiads (2 times); In addition, he is the winner of the district “Teacher of the Year” competition.

Foreign language teacher Irina Shishova is a laureate of the Moscow Prize in Education in 2011.

Quality of education - parents' opinions
Parents' opinions regarding the quality of education vary. Some people like everything very much, but others complain that the discipline is not particularly strict, and this discourages the children. However, all parents agree that teachers are very respectful of children, never allow rudeness and are creative in their work.

Foreign languages
From the fifth grade, children learn English as a basic language foreign language, from the sixth grade - a second foreign language. The compulsory program has a choice - French and German languages. Learning a third foreign language (Spanish and Chinese) is possible within the framework of additional education.

Statistics on the Unified State Exam
The average score in the Russian language in the 2011–2012 academic years was 83, in mathematics - 68, in biology - 86, in a foreign language - 83.

Statistics of admissions to universities
98–100%. About half of them enter MSU in a variety of faculties. The remaining graduates chose other universities and institutes in Moscow, of which the most “massive” were MIPT, HSE, MSTU, MIEM, RGGU, MGIMO, and Moscow Psychological and Pedagogical University.

Olympiad statistics
In the 2011–2012 school years, 4 school students became winners All-Russian Olympiad(physics, biology, MHC, computer science and ICT) and three more - prize-winners (two in biology and one in MHC). 44 students became winners and prize-winners of regional Olympiads (mainly in biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics and MHC).

Number of students in graduating classes
There are from 15 to 40 people studying in one parallel.

Additional sections, clubs, events
School newspaper, film and photo studios, art studio, ceramic workshop, historical workshop, archaeological club, philology and ethnography, chemical workshop, environmental school, physics laboratory, Internet and multimedia technologies, school theater, ballroom dancing, Latin American dancing, rhythmics, sports sections.

How much money do parents give per year?
Every month parents pay a receipt of 150 rubles. - for round-the-clock accommodation and meals. Inside the class, about 5,000 rubles are collected: 3,000 - for holding school-wide scientific conferences and 2,000 rubles. per year for intra-class needs. Everything is on a voluntary basis.

How much does graduation cost?
5,000 rubles, celebrated at school.

Building and equipment
The school has 27 classrooms, a metalwork and carpentry workshop, a pottery workshop, a home economics room, two computer classes, a library, a gym, a choreography room, an assembly hall, a sports and playground. Checkpoint with a guard at the entrance to the territory, access using a magnetic key.

Two dormitory buildings - old and new. In the new dormitory building there are rooms for two or three people, a toilet-shower is attached to every two rooms. In the old building before the renovation there were 5–10 people in rooms, a toilet and showers on the floor. Many children do not live in a boarding school all week, and there are usually 1-2 people in a room.

Our own full-fledged dining room, we cook ourselves. There are six meals in total, three of which are intermediate snacks. There is a hot breakfast before classes at 8.30, then lunch after the third lesson (usually some kind of fruit), lunch at 14.30–15.00, an afternoon snack at 17.00 (usually baked goods), a hot dinner at 19.00 and a dairy product at 20.30.

Medical service
Branch of the clinic No. 30.

Who is studying
There are a lot of children of Moscow State University teachers, children of doctors and office workers. Families are mostly not particularly wealthy, with an average level of income.

Special classes are available:

  • gymnasium,
  • profile.

Subjects studied in depth:

  • mathematics,
  • physics.
  • chemistry,
  • biology,
  • Informatics,
  • English language,
  • Russian language.

The Intellectual school was founded in 2003 by the decision of the Moscow Department of Education.

The scientific management of the school is carried out by the Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University, whose employees provide continuous supervision of the school.

Many teachers have advanced degrees and are active scientists.

School "Intellectual" is special educational institution, intended for teaching schoolchildren with increased mental capabilities, from the 5th to the 11th grade.

Training is conducted in small groups, with a choice of difficulty level for each subject (basic level or advanced).

In high school, education is specialized depending on the student’s existing system of educational priorities:

  • humanitarian department,
  • physical and mathematical
  • chemical and biological.

The school admits students who are characterized by three most important qualities:

  • A pronounced need for knowledge, a love of intense mental activity;
  • High intelligence (developed logical thinking, critical mind, sufficient erudition);
  • Sufficient efficiency and organization, allowing you to work hard and still have time to play sports, attend hobby groups and studios in the evenings.

In this case, of course, it is necessary to have basic knowledge of the main subjects.

An important area for the school is additional education: special courses, clubs, studios, which children from other schools can attend.

During the holidays, numerous expeditions, trips and summer schools are organized, which anyone can also join.

School "Intellectual" is a boarding school, i.e. Children can spend the night from Monday to Saturday (except holidays and holidays).

The canteen provides six free meals a day.

There are contractual relations with the pool - during physical education lessons children are taken to swim.

Primary School

Children who have a predisposition to intellectual work (positive motivation and ability to learn with increased difficulty) are admitted to the 1st grade of elementary school.

In the 1st grade, subject teaching of the following academic disciplines will be organized:

  • mathematics,
  • Informatics,
  • Russian language,
  • literary reading,
  • natural history,
  • music,
  • physical training.

The efforts of teachers will be aimed, first of all, at creating pedagogical conditions and an environment for the full development of children’s abilities, the disclosure of their personal potential based on the material of educational subjects.

The Gifted Child program is practiced, as well as traditional methods.

Much attention will be paid to preserving the physical and mental health of students through the use of a special technique, including

  • permanent shift types of activities,
  • baby's body position,
  • a variety of games in the classroom,
  • psychological training and alternation between work and rest,
  • good nutrition,
  • support from medical and psychological services.

The continuing education center will operate in the afternoon.

Here children will have the opportunity to broaden their horizons and deepen their knowledge in accordance with their individual abilities and inclinations.

Much attention will be paid to the spiritual, moral and aesthetic education of students, their mastery of traditional cultural values.

The primary school is organized as a multi-age educational community.

Parents of students will have the opportunity not only to attend classes in the first half of the day, learning from the experience of teachers, but also to take an active part in family activities and leisure activities in the second half of the day, attend the “Family Literary Club”, “Family Club of Interesting Meetings”, “Family theater" etc.

At the Intellectual school there is a wide system of additional education, represented by many electives, clubs and studios.

We invite children from other schools!

The classes are free.

Evening department

In 2010-2011 academic year The Intellectual school will continue to operate an evening department for students in grades 5-9.

The evening department is a specific set of classes for students of various classes in all areas:

biological-chemical, humanitarian, physical and mathematical.

The main goals of the evening department are to broaden the horizons of schoolchildren, develop non-standard thinking skills, and reveal creative abilities.

Evening courses will be devoted to important sections of educational disciplines that are usually not discussed at school, or are not discussed in sufficient detail.

During the classes it is expected to devote time to practical work, non-standard Olympiad problems, individual work schoolchildren.

Organization of studies in the evening department

Students will be divided into groups by grade level. Each group will have a curator, analogous to a class teacher in a regular school.

A unified schedule of clubs will be drawn up. Students can independently choose any of the proposed clubs.

Rights and responsibilities of evening department students.

A student in the evening department is required to:

  • Attend your group's classes as scheduled.
  • Carry out assignments from teachers.
  • Take a test at the end of the semester (year) or test for each selected course.

If these requirements are not met, the student may be expelled from the evening department of the school.

A student of the evening department has the right:

  • Participate in any extracurricular activities of the Intellectual school: concerts, tour meetings, expeditions, trips and hikes (if the director agrees)
  • Study project activities under the guidance of school staff. With the consent of the heads of departments
  • Take part in school project sessions.
  • Visit any extracurricular activities schools "Intellectual", incl. any clubs of interest that are not part of the evening department system (in particular, aesthetic circles) by agreement with the director.

Based on the results of work in the evening department, at the end of the year, schoolchildren receive diplomas or certificates of attendance at the Evening Department.

In mid-September, we will conduct multi-subject testing for all those enrolled in the evening department in order to recommend that schoolchildren attend certain clubs. Testing is mandatory for all applicants to the evening department.

Boarding school "Intellectual"

District: Company


Since 2010, Yuri Tikhorsky has been appointed director of the school. He graduated with honors from Moscow Pedagogical University in 2002 with a degree in geography and ecology. Young (born in 1980) and progressive. Gives priority to young teachers and a new, varied approach to teaching. He has been working at the school since its founding in 2003, teaching science and geography.

School profile

Students have been studying here since the 5th grade. In grades 10-11 it is possible to study in the following profiles: humanities, socio-economics, physico-mathematics, chemical-biological and chemical-physical. All high school students whose interests do not fit into a specific profile study according to an individual schedule, which they choose together with their parents and teachers. Mathematics and languages ​​can be studied in depth regardless of which profile the student chooses.

There is a system of individual curricula, when each department (from grade 5) offers an in-depth group (in addition to the usual ones). Every child has the right to study their favorite subjects in in-depth programs.

In grade 9, students have the right to in-depth study of all 15 subjects or not to study any subject in depth. The average number of “deepening” from grades 5 to 9 is approximately 3 subjects. Record holders take 9 advanced subjects. Classes are held 5 days a week with a 6th developmental day. Permissible load - 29 hours.

Entrance tests

The school is en masse accepted in grades 5 and 7; it is extremely difficult to get into the intermediate grades. Three-stage set. The first stage includes basic testing in mathematics and the Russian language, as well as a psychological questionnaire and a complicated erudition task. The second round is the defense of creative or design work. This could be field work, a literary assignment, or solving interesting mathematical problems. The winners of the second round move on to the third, which takes place in early June and includes a trial week of study in age-appropriate subjects that the children have not yet taken. The classes are attended by class teachers, psychologists and teachers of other subjects. This continues for a week. Enrollment occurs based on the results of the teachers' council.


Many teachers combine work at school with scientific activities. 38 teachers have candidate's degree. Not all teachers have Teacher Education. The majority are experienced leaders of extracurricular, so-called “informal” work with schoolchildren on various expeditions and summer schools, but many of them have no experience in mass school. There are many men under 40.

Quality of training. Parents' opinions

Many parents complain that the school environment is too free:

“Unfortunately, irreversible changes have been taking place with the new director for two years now. What worries me most: lack of education, lack of understanding of responsibility for one’s actions. The number of children taken through cronyism is small, but in the absence of the necessary control on the part of adults (pseudo-democracy declared by the school), they become leaders and set the tone both in studies (systematically disrupting lessons) and in relationships between children (choosing and persecuting outcasts, rudeness , profanity). Teachers cannot cope with this, and some do not even try to cope. Of course, all this has an impact on your studies; your grades are falling and will continue to fall. But the main thing, after all, is not studying. The main thing is children growing up in an atmosphere of almost complete permissiveness. Think about whether you need it." ()

“It is naive to think that the atmosphere of permissiveness does not affect children. A child who is completely self-organizing and self-learning from the fifth grade, completely ignoring surrounding temptations, is a rare phenomenon.” ()

However, all parents agree that teachers are very respectful of children, never allow rudeness and are creative in their work. ()

Foreign languages

From the fifth grade, children learn English as the main basic foreign language, and from the sixth grade - a second foreign language. The compulsory program has a choice of French, German or Spanish. It is also possible to study Chinese language within the framework of additional education.

Statistics on the Unified State Exam

In all subjects, the average score on the Unified State Exam exceeds 68%, and also exceeds the average score in these subjects in Moscow. One graduate received 100 points on the Unified State Exam in chemistry this year, and 10 out of 38 graduates received 95 points or higher (Russian language, chemistry, history, biology, social studies).

Statistics of admissions to universities

98% arrive. About half of graduates go to Moscow State University. The rest choose different universities, including RUDN University, Higher School of Economics, Moscow State Law Academy, RANEPA, Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogova.

Olympiad statistics

This year, seven students became winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad (physics, computer science, biology, MHC), 44 people became winners and prize-winners of the regional (Moscow) stage of the All-Russian Olympiad (in almost all subjects). There were more than 150 winners and prize-winners of the second (district) stage.

Number of students in graduating classes

This year the school graduated 36 people.

Additional sections, clubs, events

The school has 70 different clubs, including the Intelvideo film studio. Special courses are taught in all classes.

Every autumn, the school hosts a traditional tourist rally with the initiation of newcomers into intellectuals. Study trips are organized to Novgorod, Kazan, St. Petersburg, and Singapore. India. All year long, under the guidance of teachers, schoolchildren go on expeditions, hikes, and summer schools.

How much money do parents give per year?

Since the school is public, education is free. Parents pay for boarding school accommodation and food - 150 rubles for each month. About 5,000 rubles are collected within the class: 3,000 for holding school-wide scientific conferences and 2,000 per year for intra-class needs. Everything is on a voluntary basis.

How much does graduation cost?

Graduation was celebrated at school; in total, about 20 thousand rubles were spent.

Building and equipment

The school building is old, but has been renovated. Primary classes They study in a separate building. There is a gym, an assembly hall and a choreography class. Middle and high school students sleep in different buildings. The school has 27 classrooms, a metalwork and carpentry workshop, a pottery workshop, a home economics room, two computer classes, a library, a gym, a choreography room, an assembly hall, a sports and playground. Checkpoint with a guard at the entrance to the territory, access using a magnetic key. Many children do not live in a boarding school all week, and usually there are 1-2 people in a room.


Our own full-fledged dining room, we cook ourselves. Six meals a day, three meals - intermediate snacks. There is a hot breakfast before classes, at 8.30, then lunch after the third lesson (usually some kind of fruit), lunch at 14.30-15.00, an afternoon snack at 17.00 (usually baked goods), a hot dinner at 19.00 and a dairy product at 20.30 .

Medical service

Branch of the clinic No. 30.

Who is studying

Children from families of different incomes.

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Dear applicants and their parents!

Day open doors will take place on January 18 at 11:00. The registration form will close on January 16 at 22:00.

The Year 10 Open Day date will be announced in early February. Follow the updated information on the website.

We are recruiting for the 5th grade and recruiting for the 7th, 8th and 10th grades.

There is no additional admission to primary school and 6th, 9th and 11th grades.

Main reception dates

March 11 (Wednesday)We will open registration for the first round for 5th grade
March 18 (Wednesday)We will open registration for the first round for 7th, 8th, 10th grades
April 11 (Saturday)Closing of registration for the first round for 5th grade
April 18 (Saturday)Closing of registration for the first round for 7th, 8th, 10th grades
April 18 (Saturday)First round for 5th grade
April 25 (Saturday)First round for applicants to 7th, 8th, 10th grades
Will be announced on the day of the first round.

Testing on a reserve day is possible for a valid reason with the provision of the necessary documents.
Reserve day for 5th grade
Reserve day for 7th, 8th, 10th grades
April 30 (Thursday)Publication of the results of the first round
May 6 (Wednesday)Showing work of students entering fifth grade
May 7 (Thursday)Display of works of students entering 7th, 8th, 10th grades
May 16 (Saturday)Children-parent meeting for 5th grade
May 17 (Sunday)Parent-child meeting for 7th, 8th and 10th grades
May 23 - 27 (Saturday - Wednesday)Trial study for 5th grade
May 28 (Thursday)Day creative works for 5th grade
May 29 (Friday)Publication of the list of applicants for 5th grade and the reserve list
June 1 - 4 (Monday - Thursday)Trial study in 7th and 8th grades
June 5 (Friday)Creative work day in 7th and 8th grades
June 5 (Friday)Publication of the list of applicants to the 7th and 8th
June 8 at 11:00 (Monday)Parent meeting for those entering 5th grade
June 8 at 14:00 (Monday)Parents' meeting for those entering the 7th, 8th,

Admission rules for 5th, 7th and 8th grades

Round 1 - written test. First, the applicant completes written assignments in compulsory subjects. Then selects at least two optional tasks. The maximum score for each test is 20 points. The passing score is formed from the average result of all applicants.

Round 2 - trial study and day of creative and research work. The applicant completes the work independently in one of the following subject areas: mathematics, philology, history, biology, world artistic culture.

List of test papers for 5th grade

Required items: a comprehensive test including tasks in mathematics, English language and dictation in Russian.

Optional subjects: mathematics, philology, history, natural science.

  • Geidman, Misharina - Preparation for Mathematical Olympiad. Elementary School. 2-4 grades. 2007.
  • Levitas. Non-standard tasks for grades 3 and 4, Ilexa. 2017.
  • Kalinina, Katz, Tilipman - Mathematics in your hands: Primary school, 1st - 4th grade. – 3rd ed., rev. – M.: VAKO, 2013
  • Zabelin, Sorokina – The Door to Mathematics, MCSME, 3rd ed., rev. 2019.

List of test papers for 7th grade

Required items: mathematics, philology, English.

Optional subjects: mathematics, philology, history, geography, biology.

Demo versions of required works:

Demo versions of optional tasks:

List of test papers for 8th grade

Required items: mathematics, philology, English

Optional subjects: mathematics, philology, history, geography, biology, physics.

Demo versions of required works:

Demo versions of optional tasks. Options 2017:

Rules for admission to the profile for 10th grade

Round 1 - written testing for the profile, as well as a basic test in mathematics and philology. Demo versions of these items will appear on the site during January.

Round 2 - after successfully passing the first round, the applicant is invited for an interview.

Round 3 - exams in the chosen profile. Information about exams will appear on the website during January. The third round will take place after the end of the OGE and the presentation of certificates for grade 9.

List of profiles and tests of the first round:

Physics and mathematics profile (direction - physics)

Tests: mathematics, physics.

Physics and mathematics profile (direction - computer science)

Tests: mathematics, computer science.

Biological and chemical profile

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