Games based on fairy tales, senior group. Fairytale games for children. Game “What are they?”

Natalya Karaseva
Games based on fairy tales




methodological manual for teachers

Games based on fairy tales for older children.

Developed by the teacher of MBDOU d/s No. 41

Karaseva Natalya Nikolaevna

Explanatory note

Preschool age - age fairy tales. For preschool age fairy tale acts as one of the main sources of knowledge and mastery of the surrounding world. The child has a strong craving for everything fabulous, unusual, wonderful. child in fairy tales captivated by the unexpected luck and happy fate of simple, modest heroes close to children with their naivety and innocence, the miraculous transformations of frogs and swans into beautiful princesses, the punishment that befalls evil, arrogant proud people, envious old women, greedy and cruel rich men and rulers. The language itself is close and dear to them fairy tales, its style, simplicity and expressiveness, brightness and clarity of images, abundance of comparisons of repetitions that are so characteristic of a child’s speech. Play is the main and most important activity of a preschooler. To make it easier for the child to remember fairy tales and then tell them, you can use various games: mobile, didactic and creative. Meeting with fairy-tale characters during the game encourages children to once again remember Russian folk, as well as author's fairy tales(or any other work of its heroes; allow children to discover and activate their abilities. Develop intelligence, thinking, and also develop an interest in fiction.

Target: Introducing children with games that will help develop an interest in fiction and comprehensively develop the child. First these are chants, nursery rhymes, songs and, of course, then fairy tales.

Tasks: develop imaginative and logical thinking child, his Creative skills, coherent speech, the ability to be relaxed. Develop attention, dexterity, speed of reaction, ability to navigate in space.

Finger games

Target: development of attention, memory, fine motor skills.


(based on a folk song)

A squirrel sits on a cart

Sells his nuts;

To my little fox sister,

Sparrow, titmouse,

To the clubfooted bear,

Bunny with a mustache.

(extend all fingers one by one, starting with the thumb)

"Pick mushrooms"

One two three four five,

We're going to look for mushrooms!

This finger went into the forest,

This finger found a mushroom.

I began to clean this finger.

This finger began to fry,

This finger ate everything

That's why I got fat.

(alternately bend your fingers, starting with the little finger)


The fingers are spread out; We alternately “walk” along the table or knees with each of our fingers.

This fat piglet was wagging his tail all day long,

This fat pig was scratching his back against the fence.



La-la-la-la, lu-lu-lya, I love piglets

We clench and unclench our fists.

This fat pig was picking the ground with his nose,

This fat pig drew something himself.

Index marks.

La-la-la-la, lu-lu-lya, I love piglets

We clench and unclench our fists.

This fat pig is lazy and impudent,

He wanted to sleep in the middle and pushed all the brothers out of the way.

We clench our hand into a fist and press our thumb inward.

Didactic games:

Target: fix the names of folk and copyright fairy tales, their heroes; instill interest and love for fiction (fairy tales) . Guessing riddles with fairy-tale characters.

1. "Magic Items": objects from different fairy tales, and the children must guess them.

2."Magic Words":

A. At the behest of the pike, in my opinion... (willingly).

b. Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka! Stand in front of me... (like a leaf in front of the grass).

V. Fly, fly, petal, through the west to the east, through the north, through the south, come back, making a circle. (as soon as you touch the ground, in my opinion, order).

3. "Guess a fairy tale in three words»

Goat, kids, wolf (“The Wolf and the 7 Little Goats”)

Rooster, ice hut, hare ( "Zayushkina's hut")

Bear, Masha, box of pies ( "Masha and the Bear")

Naf - naf, wolf, straw house ( "Three piglets")

Tsar, Ivanushka, Little Humpbacked Horse ( "The Little Humpbacked Horse")

Alyonushka, apple tree, Baba Yaga ( "Swan geese")

Sister Alyonushka, little goat, Baba Yaga ( "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka")

Arrow, Ivan Tsarevich, Koschey - immortal ( "Princess Frog")

Grandfather, grandmother, goldfish ( "Gold fish") - Hedgehog, hare, lifesaver ( “The wand is Suteev’s lifesaver”)

Ivanushka - fool, pike, stove ( "By magic")

Swallow, girl with an inch, mole ( "Thumbelina") and etc.

4. "Name the other half"

Target: The adult says the first half of the hero’s name, and the children say the second.

Move: Baron (Munchausen, old woman (Shapoklyak, Winnie (Pooh, Nightingale) (Robber, doctor (Aibolit, sister (Alyonushka, uncle) (Styopa, Fedor, turtle (Tortilla, Elena) (Beautiful) Little Red (Red Riding Hood, Ivanushka (Fool, Snake) (Gorynych, Ivan (Tsarevich, Koschey) (Immortal, Puss (in Boots, Leopold, Matroskin, crocodile (Gena, Boy (from a finger), Fly (Tsokotukha, Vasilisa (The Wise, Little Horse) (Humpbacked Little Humpback)

Movable games

"Flies in the Web"

Target: Develop dexterity, speed of reaction, ability to listen and follow commands when given a signal.

Move: Some of the children depict a web. They stand in a circle and lower their hands. Other children pretend to be flies. They buzzing: w-w-w, flying in and out of the circle. At the teacher’s signal, children pretending to be a web join hands. Those who did not have time to run out of the circle fall into the web and are eliminated from the circle. games. The game continues until the flies are caught.

"By the Bear in the Forest"

Target: Develop dexterity; the ability to run quickly without bumping into each other; navigate in space.

Move: The players choose a bear according to the counting rhyme, determine the location of its den at one end of the site, the children - at the other end. They go into the forest to pick mushrooms and berries and sing song:

By the bear in the forest

I'll take mushrooms and berries!

Frozen on the stove!

The bear wakes up, leaves the den, and slowly walks across the clearing. Suddenly he quickly runs after the players and tries to catch someone. Caught becomes a bear and others games. Creative games:

Target: to develop the child’s imaginative and logical thinking, his creative abilities, coherent speech, and the ability to be relaxed.

"Meetings of Heroes": The game helps develop oral dialogic speech, better remember the sequence of actions fairy tales and their plot. Reading to a child fairy tale optional. After reading, he is offered images of two heroes from fairy tales. The child’s task is that he needs to remember what the characters said to each other and voice the dialogue. You can suggest heroes who are do not occur in fairy tales. For example, in fairy tale"Kolobok" The hare and the bear do not meet each other. But what could they say each other when meeting? Praise the bun for being so smart and cunning or complain to each other about the deceiver.

"Sound engineers": This game is also aimed at developing oral coherent speech, helping to better remember the sequence of actions fairy tales and their plot. After reading fairy tales, look at the illustrations for it. Stop at the one you like. Offer to your baby "to voice" picture. Let him remember what the heroes said at the moment, what actions they performed.

"New fairy tales» : The main objectives of this games is the development of creative imagination, fantasy of coherent speech. Take a well-known one fairy tale. Remember the sequence of events in it, specify where the action takes place, which characters are encountered. And suddenly in fairy tale something has become to another: the scene has changed or appeared new hero. For example, in fairy tale"Turnip" Let's change the scene and send all the heroes to the stadium or to the cinema. There are many options.

"Missed Frame": Target games: teach how to compose story according to a series of plot pictures, help the child remember the sequence of events fairy tales. For games you can use a series of paintings for telling stories, which can now be purchased in sufficient quantities in stores. In order, pictures of one of the following are placed in front of the child. fairy tales. One picture is deliberately removed. The child is given the task of remembering which plot was missed. After voicing the missing plot, it is necessary tell the whole story.

« Fairy chain» : The purpose of this games: teach how to make sentences using subject pictures. Help the child remember the characters, the object environment, the sequence of events fairy tales. Select for games any fairy tale you read. Prepare separately all the heroes, various items that are found in this fairy tale. To complicate the task, you can add heroes and items from other fairy tales.

They took place back in May in Vyatka. The spectacle, I tell you, was fantastic. At the fairy-tale procession we met four Vasilis the Beautiful and three Koshchei immortals.

After the procession, contests and competitions began. The idea of ​​fairy-tale games for children seemed very interesting to me. After all, all children read classic fairy tales, which means that the game is understandable and interesting to them. I remember some of the games I especially liked and share them with you.

Fox Alice and cat Basilio

Remember, Alice was not only cunning, but also lame, and Basilio was blind? Participants in this competition must portray these fairy-tale characters.

So, the children get into pairs and compete with each other. In each pair, one of the players portrays the Fox, the other Basilio: that is, one bends his leg (holds it with his hand), and the other closes (or is blindfolded) his eyes. The “lame man” puts his hand on the “blind man’s” shoulder and they head towards the finish line. The pair that comes first is considered the winner.

Fairy tale connoisseurs

According to the rules of this game for children, all “experts” must be divided into two teams. Each team has a writer (if the guys still write poorly, an adult should become the writer).

The host announces the start of the game. It lasts only three minutes (the presenter keeps track of the time using a stopwatch). The task of each team is to remember as many fairy tales as possible in which some animal participates. For example, the mouse is found in the fairy tales “Teremok”, “Puss in Boots” and so on.


Some time before the start of the competition, the presenter selects two fairy-tale characters and several cards are prepared for each of them. Their body parts of the heroes are written on them. For example, the characters Pinocchio and Puss in Boots. On Pinocchio cards they write the words: cap, nose, eyes, ears, mouth, jacket, shoes, arms, legs... On Puss in Boots cards: hat with a feather, mustache, eyes, mouth, sword, boots...

The Pinocchio cards are shuffled together and placed in a pile, and the same is done with the Puss in Boots cards.

Two lines are drawn on the ground, approximately 30 meters apart. A large sheet of paper and pencils are placed at one line, and next to it is a stack of cards.

The leader announces each team's name fairy tale hero who they will draw. At the signal, the first player of the team runs from one line to another, takes the top card, reads the task (for example, a mustache) and draws. Then he quickly returns back to the line, where the team is waiting for him. Then the second participant enters the game, also runs to a sheet of paper, takes the top card and draws.

The winner is the team that is not only faster, but also the one who drew their character better.


The names of fairy-tale characters are written on cards and laid out on the table, lettering down. The participants of the game stand nearby. They will all have to take turns telling one common tale.

The first player draws a card, reads the name of “his” character and begins to tell the story. If the hero has any magical abilities, the player must mention this in his tale. After 2-3 minutes (the time is set by the presenter), the second player enters the game and so on.

At the end of the game, the jury evaluates the artistic characteristics of each fairy-tale work separately and thus reveals the winner. But, so as not to offend other participants, it is better to prepare consolation prizes.

This game for kids has a classic list of characters that you can use:

1) Little Red Riding Hood;
2) Vasilisa the Beautiful;
3) Zmey Gorynych;
4) Puss in Boots;
5) Goldfish;
6) Thirty-three heroes;
7) Ivanushka the Fool;
8) The Frog Princess;
9) Koschey the Immortal;
10) Snow Maiden;
11) Prince;
12) Cinderella.

Poetry competition

For this competition you will need recordings with music from children's cartoons. Precisely with music without poetry.

Each participant must announce the poem that he will read. He starts - and at the same time they turn on music from the cartoon. Everyone’s task is to read their verse to the end with expression and not get lost.

In fact, this is not easy; words from the song willy-nilly begin to sound in your head, and the player must keep the “general line” and read his verse. From the outside it looks funny: for example, reading the poem “Telephone” by Korney Chukovsky to the music “Blue Car”.

Guessing game

First, adults will have to thoroughly study fairy tales in order to draw up questions. Moreover, for warm-up questions can be easy, such as “What color was Little Red Riding Hood’s headdress?”

But as the game continues, the questions should become more complex:

  • What log of wood was Pinocchio made from?
  • Name all the dwarves from the fairy tale "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"
  • What TV show did Freken Bock take part in?

This game for children greatly develops attentiveness and memory. But if you think that it will be difficult for your kids to cope with it, then you can simplify the game. For example, before the game starts, read a fairy tale to the children and then ask pre-prepared questions about it with suggested answer options. For example:

  • What did Baron Munchausen fly on?
  • on a magic carpet
  • on the core
  • on the wings

The player who answers the question faster than others is awarded a point. The one who scores the most points wins.

Fairy tale in reverse

They choose a well-known fairy tale. The players' task is to tell it: the first player says the first sentence, the second - the second. BUT! A fairy tale needs to be told not just, but vice versa.

The well-known “Little Red Riding Hood” will sound something like this:

“Once upon a time there was a little wolf cub with his dad. One day, dad sent the wolf cub to the city to visit his grandfather, who did not get sick, but decided to get married for the ninth time. Dad put strawberries in a jar, gave it to the wolf cub and sent him on his way...”

If the player makes a mistake and calls the hero by a name other than his, he is eliminated from the game.

Filling for a fairy tale

The players or the presenter come up with two phrases with fairy-tale characters. Phrases, like characters, should not be connected in any way.

For example:

First phrase: "Pooh the bear was walking along the forest path"
Last phrase: “Shapoklyak trembled with fear and ran away.”

The players' task is to come up with a fairy tale. What happened then to Pooh, where did Shapoklyak come from and why was she scared? There are no winners or losers in this game, but there is a lot of laughter and fun in it. Sometimes the stories are very funny.

Position: teacher

Objectives: to instill a love of books; develop intelligence and ingenuity, logical thinking, the ability to select definitions, expand lexicon; cultivate friendly relationships in the team.

Presenter: “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it. A lesson to good fellows.” We all love to read and listen to fairy tales. And there are a great many fairy tales in the world. Do you know fairy tales? This is what we will find out today. Get ready, we're going on an adventure through fairy tales.

Game "Guess the fairy tale"

(you need to guess the name of the fairy tale)

He left his grandmother

And he left his grandfather,

And the fox outsmarted

And she put it on her nose (Kolobok)

Someone came to their house

He created a mess in it.

Ate from a bowl

The chair broke

And lay in the crib (Three Bears)

A girl is sitting in a basket behind Mishka

Without knowing it, he carries her home.

He wanted to sit on a tree stump and eat a delicious pie,

But Masha sits in the box and quietly, quietly says:

“Don’t sit on a stump and don’t eat the pie.

Bring it to grandma, bring it to grandpa” (Masha and the Bear)

Who didn't share the fish -

Pretended to be a dead animal.

Who caught a fish with his tail,

Then he was beaten by a bucket.

Guess who I'm talking about (The Fox and the Wolf)

The mouse is pushing the grain there,

The frog bakes pies -

And the fox with the prickly hedgehog

Cutting lard with a sharp knife (Teremok)

Who didn't listen to his sister,

He drank water from his hoof.

Who was looking for whom then?

He called from the lake mud.

Answer without prompting

Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? (Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka)

Presenter: Well, you guessed the riddles and you recognized the heroes. But there is more than one hero in a fairy tale; search a little and show all the heroes. I have pictures of fairy tale characters on my table - I need to choose my own heroes for each fairy tale.

Game "Show me a fairy tale"

(children are given the name of the fairy tale and they must put on a magnetic board from the general set of characters those who are suitable for their fairy tale)

For example: for the fairy tale “Kolobok” - kolobok, grandmother, grandfather, hare, bear, wolf, fox; for the fairy tale “Turnip” - turnip, grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, Bug, cat, mouse; for the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s hut” - fox, hare, wolf, bear, rooster, etc.

Presenter: Well done guys! All the heroes are good! Now let's imagine that you are actors. And you need to get ready to perform.

Game “Dress up the fairy-tale hero”

(we choose four children: two of them will be fairy-tale characters, and two will help them dress up)

Presenter: Here we have the costumes of fairy-tale characters, but unfortunately, due to the frequent relocation of the theater, they got mixed up. You need to find a costume for your fairy-tale hero. Each costume contains 5 items. (The name of the fairy-tale hero is given)

For example: grandfather - wig, mustache, hat, shirt, trousers; baba - scarf, skirt, blouse, bast shoes, basket; wolf - ears, vest, trousers, tail, toy hare; fox - ears, vest, skirt, tail, toy fish.

Presenter: Well done, guys! At least get on stage now! If you take a closer look at our fairy-tale characters, you can tell a lot about them.

Article title:

Game “What are they?”

1. Tiny - havroshechka. What is she like? (kind, hardworking, affectionate, compassionate, hard-working...)

2. Fox in fairy tales. What is she like? (red-haired, cunning, resourceful, greedy, deceitful...)

3. Mashenka from the fairy tale “Mashenka and the Bear”. What is she like? (kind, loving, hardworking, savvy...)

4.Wolf in fairy tales. What is he like? (gray, angry, rude, greedy, hungry...)

5. Cockerel from the fairy tale “Cockerel is a golden comb.” What is he like? (stupid, disobedient, loud, helpless...)

6.Snegurochka. What is she like? (snowy, icy, loving, fearful...)

Presenter: Now, thanks to you guys, we know what fairy-tale characters they are. You, of course, know that every fairy tale has a beginning and an end. Let's try to guess its name from the beginning and end of the fairy tale.

Game "Guess the fairy tale"

This fairy tale begins with a snow woman and ends with a white cloud (Snegurochka)

This tale begins with an arrow and ends with the death of Koshchei (the frog princess)

This fairy tale begins with planting a vegetable and ends with the help of a mouse (Turnip)

This tale begins with the forbidden drinking from a hoof, and ends with the death of a witch (sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka)

This fairy tale begins with baking and ends on the tip of the fox's nose (Kolobok)

This fairy tale begins with a fish and ends with a ride on a beaten wolf (Fox - sister and wolf)

This fairy tale begins with a rolling pin and ends with a torn off tail (Fox with a rolling pin)

Presenter: Well done, guys, guessed the names of the fairy tales. But no matter what the fairy tale is, in it good always triumphs over evil. Read fairy tales and grow up kind, smart, honest. And our adventure in the world of fairy tales is over and for your incredible knowledge of fairy tales you receive medals “Fairytale Experts”.

Some hero lives in every fairy tale,

The hero dreams of making friends with you

Give him your hand quickly

And step boldly into the fairy-tale world.

Title: Game - entertainment for older preschoolers “In the world of fairy tales” (based on Russian folk tales)
Position: teacher
Place of work: MBDOU D/S KV No. 27 “Yolochka”
Location: Seversk city, Tomsk region, Russia

Natalia Sidorenko
Games with fairy tales for preschoolers

Municipal preschool budget preschool educational institution № 13 "Forget-me-not"


Games with fairy tales for preschoolers

Prepared: teacher middle group

Ponomarenko Natalia Yurievna

Severodvinsk 2017




1 "Entering fairy tale»

Create a mood for working together Creating motivation for gaming activities.

2 "Knowledge Updating" Remember what events happen in fairy tale V-l asks questions about fabulous conditions and events that occur in fairy tale.

3 "Dive into fairy tale» Adoption fabulous environment and fulfillment of the game role. Using magic spells, transformations, we are immersed in fairytale setting.

4 “Modeling conflict and difficulties” To solve the problems, it is necessary to overcome difficulties. (traps, monsters) with the help of helping objects. Playing out situations when a child plays out fairy tale negative emotions, overcomes fears.

5 “Overcoming obstacles, solving fairytale tasks in the maze» Act according to developing events Using various ways(direct attack, magic objects and spells, your own intelligence and cunning) achieve your goal.

6 “The transition from a labyrinth to a role-playing game” Connect new acquired experiences with real life Based on fabulous plot to develop s-game in conditions fairytale reality.

7 "Exit from fairy tales» Prepare for interaction in a familiar social environment Work through fabulous situations from the perspective of how fairy the lesson will be used by us in real life, in what specific situations.

8 "The Prospect of Further Adventures" Fantasizing about further games and adventures The adult tries to interest the child in possible further adventures and thereby maintain interest in the game.

Creative game fairy tale

"The Scarlet Flower"

Target: teach children to find various options for solving problematic problems, justify their answer, and actively participate in the discussion. Develop the ability to work in a team, strengthen

positive relationships between children in the process of joint project activities. Develop creative imagination, fantasy, encourage children's word creativity. Cultivate love for fairy tale and a friendly attitude towards each other.

Progress of the lesson.

Today these petals were in the group. What flower do you think this is from? Something happened in this fairy tale and Nastenka asks for help. Let's split into teams and hit the road.

To get into fairy tale, you have to go through the labyrinth. The evil witch has set many traps.

(The captains take turns leading through the maze)

Here is the first task. We need to guess which one fairy tale drawn in the picture?

("Swan geese", "Morozko", "By magic") And if a monster from fairy tales"The Scarlet Flower" which of the heroes of this fairy tales can help him? How? Who could harm? Let's move on.

Here's another task. The evil witch encrypted message:

("Keep your chin up" ,"A tongue without bones" "A tongue is like a broom") Let's decipher it. How do you understand these expressions?

Here is the third task. A blot appeared on the paper. Turn her into a monster and come up with a name. What does it mean?

Physical exercise.

If you combine Scarlet Flower and Oak, what do you get?

What magical properties will it have?

Guys, look, the evil witch took all the paints and decorations and destroyed the castle. Let's decorate it. (joint productive activity)


"Princess Frog"

Target: teach children to create a play environment, develop the ability to build role-playing relationships based on rules games, To follow the rules

behavior during the organization and conduct of joint games, bring the game to the end, train in the ability to negotiate, prove your opinion to others, tolerate the position of other children if it differs from your own,

Preliminary work: reading fairy tales"Princess Frog", looking at illustrations for a book, inventing fairy tales based on the plot of a fairy tale, dramatization game, making attributes for the game, finishing drawings and coloring.

Progress of the game:

Today we are going on a journey. Guys, look, an arrow with a letter has arrived. Let's read what it says there (My Vasilisa the Beautiful was kidnapped by the immortal Koschey. Help save her)

What do you think from which fairy tales did an arrow fly towards us?

Who wrote this letter? This is a signal for help, let's help Ivan Tsarevich find

Vasilisa the Beautiful?

On this day we will be divided into teams:

1- will build the ship on which we will sail

2- will help Ivan Tsarevich,

3- will help the king.

We have decided on the teams, we will choose a team captain.

Look, there is a stone on the road. Let's see what is written on the arrows?

Captains and their team approach the playing field, rules games:

How many 0s are dropped on the game cube - that’s how many moves you make, we find the envelope with the tasks (same number of figures) Using a counting machine we choose

who will make the first game move, for the correct answer the captains receive chips and

then I add up the shapes of the key and the chest.

And here is the magic chest and the key to it. What's in the chest? There is a map in the chest. Quicker

Let's go sailing. We board the ship, the captain give up the mooring lines, raise the anchor,

Look how the wind has risen, what huge waves, and here is a school of sharks right there.

And here is the island. We are mooring to the island, and now the map will show us the way. And here is the castle

Koshchei the Immortal. We free Vasilisa.

And Vasilisa, for saving her from the clutches of Koshchei, gives you coloring books so that you can draw your adventures.

Follow-up work:

We ended up back in the castle. Who could we meet there? Who else could live in the castle?

Let us draw a map of our adventure in Koshchei Castle.

-(Who did we meet? Who did we defeat? Who helped us? What magic words or

spells helped us with this)

Compilation story based on a map-scheme.

Children make up story.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of entertainment in the middle group “Chest of Fairy Tales” Summary of entertainment on ecology for children of the middle group “Chest with Fairy Tales” Objectives: - to expand children’s knowledge and ideas about winter.

Summary of the lesson “Box of Fairy Tales” in the preparatory group Summary of a lesson on the development of fine motor skills in the preparatory school group “Box of Fairy Tales.” Goal: To form in children with disabilities.

Game for older children “Lukoshko with fairy tales”

Target: introducing preschoolers to the values ​​of fiction


- cultivate an aesthetic perception of the environment;
- show understanding and respect for the values ​​of other cultures;
- analyze and characterize the emotional states and feelings of others, build your relationships taking them into account;
- evaluate situations from the point of view of rules of behavior and ethics;
- show kindness, trust, attentiveness, and help in specific situations.

- introduce the heroes of Russian folk tales and fairy tales of great writers;
- develop creative imagination, logic of thinking and memory;
- transform independently practical problem into cognitive;
- be able to independently carry out information search, collect and isolate essential information from various information sources.

Leading : Do you like fairy tales? And I love. All people in the world love fairy tales. And this love begins from childhood. Magical, funny and even scary - fairy tales are always interesting. You read, you listen, it takes your breath away.
“A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, good fellows lesson". There is always a lesson in a fairy tale, but the lesson is good, most often it is friendly advice. The fairy tale teaches us to distinguish good from evil, good from bad.
Competition 1. Warm-up.

What was the name of the boy whose heart almost turned to ice.(Kai)

What was the duckling like before he became a swan? (Ugly )

The most rounded fairy-tale hero? (Kolobok )

He will heal everyone, he will heal... (Aibolit )

What was the name of the girl who made a long journey in the fairy tale? (Gerda)

Nose is special distinguishing feature this hero. (Pinocchio )

Who helped Thumbelina get to warmer climes? (Martin )

Who did the ugly duckling turn into? (In Swan)

Girl with unconventional hair color (Malvina)

Old man Hottabych's vehicle (Carpet plane )

Which heroine of Russian folk tales has a long braid? (Varvara )

The disco that Cinderella was going to (Ball)

The first miracle of the goldfish (Trough)

Who fulfilled all of Emelya’s wishes? (Pike )

Doctor Aibolit's main enemy(Barmaley )

Alice the fox's faithful friend (Basilio)

What's in Winnie the Pooh's head? (Sawdust )

The name of the girl who saved Kai's brother(Gerda )

Competition 2 "Heroes of fairy tales in riddles"

The presenter reads one riddle at a time, you need to guess the hero of the fairy tale.

To fly above the ground,
She needs a mortar and a broom. (Baba Yaga.)

Wooden naughty
I could make friends with a book.
He got into the puppet theater
He became a loyal friend to the dolls. (Pinocchio.)

Loves honey, meets friends
And he composes grumbling stories,
And also - puffs,
chants, sniffles... Wow!
Funny little bear... (Pooh).

Wasn't left without a tail
Our good donkey... (Eeyore)

Grandma baked for grandfather -
Grandfather was left without lunch:
The boy ran into the forest,
It hit the fox on the toe. (Kolobok.)

Lives in Prostokvashino.
All the farming is done there.
I don't know the exact address
But the surname is maritime. (Cat Matroskin.)

There is no more beautiful girl than that
That girl is no smarter.
And Pierrot, her admirer.
He sings about her all day. (Malvina.)

Yes, guys, in this book
The kids live, the little ones,
And there lives one eccentric.
He does everything wrong.
He is reputed to be an incompetent.
Who will name it for us? (Dunno.)

Mischievous merry fellow
It just flies through the window.
He came to the Kid's house
And he started a pogrom there. (Carlson.)

Competition 3. “Add the name of the fairy-tale hero”

The presenter calls the first part of the hero's name, and the participants in the game fill in the missing name.

1. Dad... Carlo.
2. Brownie... Kuzya.
3. Doctor... Aibolit.
4. Postman... Pechkin.
5. Signor... Tomato.
6. Dwarf... Nose.
7. Princess... Swan.
8. Iron... Woodcutter.
9. Ole-...Lukoye.
10. Old man... Hottabych.

Competition 4. “Magic objects”

*(1 option)
3 children stand in a circle. Next comes a poem - an introduction to the game.

There are magical objects in fairy tales,
They fulfill the wishes of heroes:
Flying carpet - to rise above the world,
A wonderful pot - to eat sweet porridge.
Well, try it too, my friend,
Collect a box of magical objects.
Remember, don’t yawn, name those objects.

Participants in the competition take turns (in a circle) naming magical objects from fairy tales that they know.

*(Option 2) Name all the items:

1. Magic objects that make wishes come true (magic wand, petal, ring, hair).
2. Items, telling the truth and telling what is happening (mirror, book, golden saucer).
3. Items that do the work for the hero (self-assembled tablecloth, needle, treasure sword, batons).
4. Items that restore health and youth (rejuvenating apples, living water).
5. Objects showing the way (stone, ball, feather, arrow).
6.Items that help the hero overcome difficulties, distance and time (invisibility hat, walking boots, flying carpet)....

Competition No. 5 “Heroes of fairy tales in riddles”

The presenter reads one riddle at a time.
Guess which heroes the riddles are about and which fairy tales these heroes are from.

1. The guy got off his favorite stove,
I trudged to the river for water.
Caught a pike in an ice hole
And from then on I had no worries. (Emelya from the fairy tale “At the Pike’s Command.”)

2. It’s not gold that sparkles,
It's not the sun that's shining,
This is a fairy bird
He sits on an apple tree in the garden. (Firebird from the fairy tale “Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf.”)

3. The bride-to-be is waiting on a hummock in the marsh,
When will the Tsarevich come for her? (Frog from the fairy tale “The Frog Princess.”)

4. Lots of silver and gold
He hid it in his chests,
He lives in a gloomy palace
And he steals other people's brides. (Koschei the Deathless.)

Competition 6. “Round dance of fairy tales”
At the beginning of the text, learn a Russian folk tale.

1. “In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king and a queen; he had three sons - all young, single, such daredevils that neither could be said in a fairy tale, nor described with a pen...” (“The Frog Princess.”)

2. “Once upon a time there was a king Berendey, he had three sons, the youngest was called Ivan. And the king had a magnificent garden; There grew in that garden an apple tree with golden apples...” (“Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf.”)

3. “In a certain kingdom in ancient times, there lived in a small hut a grandfather, a woman, and a daughter, and she had a doll...” (“Vasilisa the Beautiful.”)

4. “Once upon a time there was an old man, he had three sons. The older ones took care of the housework, were overweight and dapper, but the younger one, Ivan the Fool, was so-so - he loved to go to the forest to pick mushrooms, and at home he sat more and more on the stove. The time has come for the old man to die...” (“Sivka-Burka.”)

Competition No. 7 "Who lives here?

This shelter is located on the roof of the house. And there is something to see in it: cherry pits, nut shells and candy wrappers on the floor. Who is the owner of this house? (Carlson)

This building, on command, turns its back to the forest, its front to the guest, and its owner senses the “Russian spirit.” (Baba Yaga)

In this dilapidated, dilapidated shelter by the very blue sea they lived for 30 years and 3 years. (Old man and old woman)

One of them has a quickly made house from straw, another has a more durable one - from branches and twigs, but the third has a stone house with a strong door. Name all the residents. (Nif-Nif, Naf-Naf, Nuf-Nuf).

Competition No. 8

1. What was Cinderella’s carriage made of? (from pumpkin).
2. How much does a ticket to the Karabas Barabas Theater cost? (4 soldi).
3. Who is Freken Bock? (housekeeper).
4. Who was able to defeat the Cockroach? (sparrow).
5.What did the Scarecrow need to get from the Great and Terrible? (brain).
6. What substance did Fatima smear on Ali Baba’s measure? (honey).
7.What was the name of the disease that Dunno suffered on the Moon? (yearning).
8. What did Kai need to lay out from the ice floes? (the word "eternity").
9. In what case does the hair from old man Hottabych’s beard not work? (when the beard is wet). 10. What was in Little Red Riding Hood’s basket? (pies and a pot of butter).
11. How did Thumbelina get to the land of the elves? (on a swallow).
12. What animal did Brother Ivanushka turn into? (into a little goat).
13. What did Emelya drive? (on the stove).
14. Where did the seventh kid hide? (in the oven).
15. Malvina is a girl with what kind of hair? (with blue ones).
16. Who brought Aibolit to Africa? (eagle).
17. In what fairy tale did a bird save the emperor from death? ("Nightingale").
18. In which fairy tale did the sea burn? ("Confusion").
19. What is a “red flower”? (fire).
20. What was the name of Malvina’s poodle? (Artemon)....

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