Ilyin. Psychology of individual differences. E. P. IlyinPsychology of sports Psychological characteristics of the pre-start stage

The second edition of the textbook (the previous one was published in 2001) has been revised and expanded. The book outlines theoretical and methodological issues in the study of human emotions and feelings. The main attention is paid to the analysis of the structure of the emotional sphere and its components: emotional tone, emotions, emotional properties of the individual, feelings, emotional types. The theories of the emergence of emotions, their functions and role in human life, changes in the emotional sphere in ontogenesis and in pathology are considered. The manual contains numerous methods for studying various components of the human emotional sphere, which can be successfully used for both scientific and practical purposes. The scientific content of almost all chapters of the second edition has been expanded taking into account domestic and foreign research published over the past 15 years.

The textbook is intended for psychologists, psychophysiologists, teachers, as well as for undergraduate and graduate students of psychological and pedagogical faculties...

Evgeniy Pavlovich Ilyin

Psychology of Individual Differences


The book presents basic information on the psychology of individual differences, considered in differential psychology and differential psychophysiology. The problems of differential psychophysiology were outlined by me in my previously published book “Differential Psychophysiology” (2001). This book was partially included in this textbook, although in a restructured form and with some additions and abbreviations, which was dictated by the volume of the latter. Thus, the “Psychology of Individual Differences” does not include part 5 “Functional asymmetry as a problem of differential psychophysiology”; Those interested in this problem can refer to the above publication. Differences between men and women are also not addressed. This problem received fairly complete coverage in my other book, “Differential psychophysiology of men and women” (2002).

The new chapters of this textbook are mainly devoted to issues that are considered in differential psychology.

It should be immediately clear what individual differences will be discussed in this book. These are differences in the properties of temperament and personality, which determine not so much quantitative as qualitative differences in the behavior and activities of people. Qualitative differences are an expression of quantitative ones, but the latter are often so great that people, being at different poles of the continuum (that is, when one or another psychological or psychophysiological parameter is manifested in them to a different extent), behave and work differently.

At the same time, despite the existing differences, a qualitative (typical) similarity of people is also revealed - in the degree of expression of certain parameters, in the manner of behavior, in the style of activity and communication, etc. Being individual, inherent in a particular person, these qualitative differences are also characteristic of others individuals, i.e. they can be called typical. They talk about typical differences when people are divided into strong and weak, kind and greedy, emotional and unemotional, etc. However, for example, quantitative differences are also observed among the strong: one person is strong, but not to the same extent as another, and that one is not like the third, etc.

B. M. Teplov pointed out the need quality approach to individual differences. It is the qualitative typical and individual differences between people that are discussed in this book. At the same time, we will talk about their genesis (origin): what is their conditionality - genetic or social, as well as their influence on behavior and the effectiveness of human activity. Accordingly, based on the individual-typical characteristics of a person as an individual and a person, it is possible, with a certain degree of probability, to predict the characteristics of his behavior, the effectiveness of his activities and create optimal conditions for each person that contribute to such effective activities. This is practical significance this section of psychological science, obvious to the luminaries of Russian physiology and psychology I. P. Pavlov, B. M. Teplov, V. S. Merlin.

I will give an excerpt from the preface by E. A. Klimov to the book by V. S. Merlin “Essay on an integral study of individuality” (1986).


When B. M. Teplov’s laboratory plunged into questions of the physiology of types of higher nervous activity (Boris Mikhailovich himself threw out the phrase that in questions of typology he was now more of a physiologist than physiologists themselves), V. S. Merlin used to say something like this: “Well done, Boris Mikhailovich! He is criticized for moving away from practice, from school, even from psychology, but he is deeply right, because without knowledge real basics individual psychological differences it is impossible to truly move into practice” (p. 12).

When writing the book, I adhered to the principle of historicism, that is, I described the stages of development of the doctrine of individual differences in people in sequence, as it actually happened - starting from the study of general characteristics (types of temperament and constitution) to the consideration of particular individual (properties nervous system, temperament and personality), then returning again to the generalized - individuality. It would seem more logical to present the material in a different way - to move from the description of particular characteristics to the presentation of generalized ones, but this path has its drawbacks. In particular, it seems impossible to show the difficulty of forming the positions of scientists of different generations on the problem of individual differences; it would also be difficult to highlight not only the discoveries of psychologists, but also the mistakes they made.

The book consists of five parts. The first examines various approaches to generalized individual characteristics of a person - types of temperament and personality. The second part is devoted to the peculiarities of the manifestation of the properties of the nervous system, which represent the natural basis of individual differences. The third part deals with individual differences in behavior.

The fourth part examines the effectiveness of human activity depending on its individual characteristics. This part consists of three sections. The first is devoted to the fundamental problem of differential psychology and differential psychophysiology of abilities and giftedness, on which the effectiveness of an individual’s activity largely depends. The second section concerns styles of activity and leadership in which individual characteristics of a person are manifested. The third section contains rich empirical material about the influence of typological features on the success of various types of human activities. In addition to purely theoretical significance (the problem of the relationship between the biological and the social in human development), knowledge of these facts is also of great importance practical significance, since on their basis the selection of people for various areas of professional and sports activities, the optimal teaching and training methodology and style of activity for the given subject is selected.

The fifth part of the textbook concerns the connection between individual characteristics and predisposition to various diseases. This issue is little covered in the specialized literature. At least not a single book on individual differences even mentions this.

It should be especially emphasized that the proposed manual is intended for those who are already familiar with the basics of psychology, physiology of the nervous system and psychophysiology. Therefore, an unprepared person may have some difficulties when reading this book.

I tried to show the problem of individual differences not in the form of axiomatic propositions, but to illuminate it in all its complexity, without hiding the contradictions and erroneous judgments that exist in the history of science, in order to encourage the reader to think, to active mental activity and, ultimately, to gain own point view on the problem under consideration. Big number references to literary sources are due to my desire to give the provisions expressed in the book scientific validity, argumentation.

The book contains an appendix that provides methods for studying individual characteristics of a person and an extensive list of references, which may be useful to those who want to study the issues presented in the manual in more depth.

I hope that the book will be useful for practical psychologists, physicians, as well as for university psychology teachers and will help bridge the existing gap between the physiological and psychological knowledge obtained by psychologists. At the same time, it may also be of interest to physiologists who study humans, helping them to understand the psychological manifestations of physiological processes. The book can also be useful for teachers, since it allows us to understand the natural foundations of students’ abilities and behavior, individual approach to them in the process of training and education.

1.1. The beginning of the development of ideas about individual-typical differences

The origin of differential psychology was due to human experience accumulated over centuries. Over time, it became clear that people have individual differences in behavior. Naturally, this forced us to systematize the observed differences, to give them a certain scientific explanation. And it is no coincidence that already in Ancient Greece philosophers have discussed this problem. Plato in his book “The Republic” wrote that two people cannot be exactly the same: each differs from the other in his abilities, therefore one should do his own thing, and the other should do his own thing. Moreover, Plato proposed, as they would say now, a test for professional suitability for military service.

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E. P. Ilyin
. Psychology of Individual Differences
SPb.: Peter, 2004, ISBN 978-5-4237-0032-4

The book provides basic information on the psychology of individual differences, which are discussed in differential psychology and differential psychophysiology.

Particular attention is paid to: various approaches to generalized individual characteristics of a person - types of temperament and personality; features of the manifestation of the properties of the nervous system; individual differences in behavior; the effectiveness of human activity depending on his individual characteristics; connections between individual characteristics and predisposition to various diseases.

The appendix includes methods for studying individual human characteristics and an extensive list of references, which may be useful to those who want to study the issues presented in the book in more depth.

The publication is addressed to practical psychologists, doctors, and psychology teachers at universities. It will be of interest to physiologists, as well as teachers, since it allows us to understand the natural foundations of students’ abilities and behavior, and the need for an individual approach to them in the process of training and education.

Psychology of Individual Differences


Chapter 1. A brief excursion into the history of the study of differences between people

Part one. Temperament and personality types

Chapter 2. The doctrine of temperament

Chapter 3. New approaches to the study of typological differences between people

Part two. Properties of the nervous system as the natural basis of individual differences

Chapter 4. General ideas about the properties of the nervous system and typological features of their manifestation

Chapter 5. Characteristics of individual properties of the nervous system

Chapter 6. Methodological issues studying the properties of the nervous system

Part three. Individual differences in behavior

Chapter 7. Differences in the manifestation of temperament properties

Chapter 8. Differences in emotional manifestations

Chapter 9: Motivational Differences

Chapter 10. Differences in the manifestation of “willpower”

Chapter 11. Human individuality

Part four. Individual characteristics and activities

Chapter 12. Two approaches to considering abilities

Chapter 13. Abilities and talents

Chapter 14. General ideas about the style of activity

Chapter 15. Styles of professional and educational activities

Chapter 16. Information (cognitive) styles and personality types

Chapter 17. Leadership and communication styles

Chapter 18. Efficiency of various types of activities and typological features

Chapter 19. Differential-psychophysiological aspects of becoming a professional

Chapter 20. Success of educational activities and typological features

Chapter 21. Methodology for studying the connection between performance efficiency and typological features of the manifestation of the properties of the nervous system and temperament

Part five. Health and individual characteristics

Chapter 22. Differences in coping strategies (overcoming behavior) and in the use of defense mechanisms

Chapter 23. Individual characteristics and pathology

Appendix I. Dictionary of basic psychological and physiological concepts

Appendix II. Methods for studying individual characteristics

1. Methods for identifying types and properties of temperament

Methodology “Determination of the predominant type of temperament”

Methodology “Rating scale for measuring student reactivity” (Ya. Strelyau)

Methodology “Properties and formula of temperament”

Hex questionnaire for determining the characterological characteristics of personality

Test “Temperament and Sociotypes” (Heymans)

Questionnaire for assessing the level of infantilism (psychopathy) of a person

2. Methods for studying individual characteristics of the emotional sphere

Quadmodality Emotional Questionnaire

Methodology “Optimist - Pessimist”

Test “Pessimist or Optimist”

Optimism – Activity Scale

3. Methods for studying individual characteristics of the motivational sphere

Methodology "Impulsivity"

Methodology “Measuring Rationality”

Methodology “Value Orientations” (M. Rokeach)

Questionnaire for diagnosing gaming addiction (gambling)

4. Methods for studying individual behavioral characteristics

Shyness measurement technique

Methodology “Tendency to exaltation” (V. V. Boyko)

Test "Egocentric associations"

Methodology “Conscientiousness Scale”

Questionnaire “Auto- and heteroaggression”

Methodology “Conflict Personality”

Methodology “Aggressive behavior”

Experimental psychological methodology for studying the type of frustration reactions

Methodology “Shyness-Shyness Scale”

5. Methods for identifying connections between individual characteristics and diseases

Diagnosis of types of attitude towards illness (TOBOL)

6. Methods for studying individual characteristics of the volitional sphere

Patience Self-Assessment Questionnaire

Methods for experimental study of perseverance, courage, determination

Grit Self-Assessment Questionnaire

Self-Assessment Questionnaire for Perseverance

Scale "Social Courage"

7. Methods for studying the typological features of the manifestation of the properties of the nervous system

8. Methods for identifying styles of perceptual-intellectual activity

Methodology “Analysis by a teacher of the style of his teaching activity”

Techniques for identifying cognitive styles

B. Kadyrov's questionnaire to identify the relationship between two signaling systems

9. Methods for studying leadership styles

Methodology “Self-assessment of management style”

Methodology “Leadership Style”

Methodology “Tendency towards a certain leadership style”

Methodology for assessing the level of democratization of management based on style characteristics

Methodology "Management style"

Evgeniy Pavlovich Ilyin is a professor at the Department of Developmental Psychology and Education, Faculty of Psychology and Education, Russian State Pedagogical University named after A. I. Herzen. Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Honored Scientist Russian Federation. Laureate of the National Psychological Competition “Golden Psyche” in the category “Patriarch of Russian Psychology (2006), member of the Grand Jury of the competition. For a cycle of work on fundamental problems Psychology was awarded the gold medal of the All-Russian Exhibition Center (2003). Awarded anniversary medal in honor of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg.

Evgeny Pavlovich graduated from the Leningrad Sanitary and Hygienic School in 1957 medical school, then in 1962 – graduate school at the Leningrad Research Institute physical culture majoring in sports physiology, having defended his thesis on the topic “On symmetry and asymmetry in the activity of the human motor analyzer.”

Area of ​​scientific research of E. P. Ilyin: general and developmental psychology, differential psychophysiology, psychology of physical culture and sports, occupational psychology.

From 1963 to 1969 Evgeny Pavlovich Ilyin worked in Leningradsky state university: first in the Laboratory of Occupational Physiology at the Faculty of Biology, and then in the Laboratory of Engineering Psychology and at the Department of Ergonomics of Engineering Psychology of the Faculty of Psychology. In 1968, he defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Psychology on the topic “Optimal characteristics of human performance.”

Since 1969, E. P. Ilyin has been working at the Russian State pedagogical university named after A.I. Herzen: from 1969 to 1992. - professor of the department theoretical foundations physical education, faculty of physical culture; since 1992 - Professor of the Department of General Psychology, subsequently transformed into the Department of Developmental Psychology and Education of the Faculty of Psychology and Education.

For many years, E.P. Ilyin was deputy chairman of the scientific and methodological council for physical education under the USSR Ministry of Education. For participation in the work of this council he was awarded the badge “Excellence in Education of the USSR.” Currently he is a member of dissertation councils at the Russian State Pedagogical University and St. Petersburg State University, chairman of the State Certification Commission at the Faculty of Psychology of St. Petersburg State University.

Over the years of research work, Evgeniy Pavlovich Ilyin created scientific school on general and differential psychophysiology of sports and labor activity. The express methods for diagnosing the typological characteristics of the properties of the nervous system (tapping test and kinematometric techniques) developed by him are known to every psychologist and are widely used in scientific research and in practical work.

A special role in professional activity E.P. Ilyin is played by his many years of teaching work, in which he generously shares his achievements with colleagues and students. Evgeniy Pavlovich trained 6 doctors and 41 candidates of sciences. Compiled 11 collections scientific works, in which over 150 articles were published by his students.

  • Psychology of physical education. M., Education, 1987; second revised and expanded edition: St. Petersburg: Publishing House of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A. I. Herzen, 2000.
  • Psychology of will. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000, 2002, 2011.
  • Motivation and motives. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000, 2007, 2008, 2011.
  • Differential psychophysiology. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001, 2002.
  • Emotions and feelings. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2002, 2003, 2008, 2011.
  • Differential psychophysiology of men and women. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2002,2006, 2007.
  • Psychomotor organization of a person. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2003.
  • Psychology: Textbook for secondary special education educational institutions. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2004.
  • Psychology of individual differences. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2004, 2011.
  • Psychophysiology of human states. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2005.
  • Differential psychology of professional activity. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2008, 2011
  • Work and personality. Workaholism, perfectionism, laziness. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2011.
  • Sex and gender. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2011.
  • Psychology of communication and interpersonal relationships. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2011, 2012, 2013.
  • Psychology of creativity, creativity, giftedness. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2011, 2012.
  • Psychology of sports. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2011, 2012.
  • Psychology of risk. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2012.
  • Psychology for teachers. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2012.
  • Psychology of adulthood. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2012.
  • Psychology of love. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2013.
  • Psychology of trust. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2013.

The contribution of Evgeny Pavlovich Ilyin to the development of modern psychology has long received unconditional recognition of the professional psychological community.

We sincerely wish Evgeniy Pavlovich to receive inner spiritual satisfaction from his work, without which psychological and pedagogical activity is unthinkable! And let there always be passionate, interested and successful students and followers nearby!

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