Research project "my grandfathers are defenders of the homeland." A story about my great-grandfather Thanks to Great-Grandfather for the Victory

Svetlana Marinina
Project “My Grandfather Defended the Motherland”


find out about the fate of my great-grandfather, a WWII participant


1. Find out about the war years of my great-grandfather.

2. Arouse the desire of friends to learn and talk about their relatives who participated in the Second World War

3. Create a book of memory about relatives who defended our Motherland during the war.

Work plan:

1. View photos about the war.

2. Conversation with great-grandfather about the Second World War.

3. Visit to the museum of our village

4. Tell your friends about the war, about your great-grandfather.

5. Visit to the memorial

6. Learning poems and songs about war

7. Stories from friends about their relatives, defenders of the Fatherland.

8. Design of the “Book of Memory”.

Progress on the project:

One day I saw my great-grandfather Vladimir Mikhailovich Lachugin examining an old triangle, yellowed with time. I asked him what it was. He replied: “This is my letter from the front.”

I wanted to know more about my great-grandfather, a participant in the Great Patriotic War. Then the grandfather took out an album with old war photographs and talked about how he joined the army at the age of 17. He became a paratrooper, and during the war he fought on different fronts.

The first important battle was when crossing the Svir River. The river was very wide and deep, and on the other bank there were a lot of Germans. Great-grandfather was the first to land on the enemy shore on a wooden boat under fire from the Nazis, for which he received the first medal “For Courage.”

My great-grandfather fought until the end of the war. He met victory in Hungary.

Many years have passed, but my great-grandfather still visits the battle sites every year and meets with his friends.

My great-grandfather is an honored veteran of the Nizhny Novgorod region.

He and I visited the local history museum. He told me that from the first days of the war, the people of Pilny tried to do everything possible to defend their Motherland.

In the museum, I especially liked the exhibition of military weapons, a model of a tank and military uniforms. There I saw the same yellowed triangle that I had seen at my great-grandfather’s house. This was also a letter from the front.

When I came to kindergarten, I shared my impressions with my friends. They also became interested and then Natalya Viktorovna, our teacher, suggested that we go on an excursion to the memorial.

At the memorial, we observed a minute of silence in memory of the soldiers who died in the Second World War and laid flowers at the Eternal Flame.

In our kindergarten, holidays dedicated to Victory Day are held, where children of the eldest and preparatory groups dance, read poetry, sing songs. (song)

Natalya Viktorovna suggested creating a “Book of Memory” in our group. My friends began to bring photographs and stories to kindergarten about their relatives, participants in the Second World War.

My family and I are proud of our great-grandfather and want to be like him.

My dear grandfather,

We are all proud of you!

And I'll tell you a secret:

There is no better grandfather in the world!

I will always try

Look up to you in everything!

Project result:

1. I learned about where and how my great-grandfather fought.

2. After visiting the memorial, my friends had a feeling big interest and a desire to talk about your relatives who participated in the Second World War

3. Together with the teacher and the children of my group, we created a “Book of Memory”

Publications on the topic:

"Grandfather". Grandfather didn’t take me in his arms, didn’t stroke my head, and didn’t tell me any fairy tales about Baba Yaga on a broom, he didn’t sing me heartfelt songs, no.

Short-term creative project “They fought for their homeland.” Short-term creative project “They fought for their Motherland” Prepared by teacher of the 1st qualification category: Shcheglova N.V. Project type:.

Short-term creative project “They fought for the Motherland!” 04/14/15 -05/14/15 Project basis: Currently, adults in conversations with their children rarely touch on the topic of the Great Patriotic War.

There is a lot to tell, but unfortunately many of those who lived and participated in the war are no longer alive. Here is my grandfather already.

Educational project: “There is such a profession as defending the Motherland” Educational project: “There is such a profession as defending the Motherland.” Project passport Type of project: information-practice-oriented. Target.

Project on patriotic education of children of senior preschool age: “To be president, you must love your homeland” Project on patriotic education of older children preschool age: “To be a president, you need to love your homeland” Goal: - Implement.

On the eve of the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, I decided to make a wall newspaper “They defended the Motherland.” I asked my parents for this.

Ustimenko Elizaveta

An essay about Prokopiy Sergeevich Plastinin, one of those who defended our Motherland and won this war.



Municipal educational institution

average comprehensive school Lalsk town


My grandfather is the defender of the Motherland.

Work completed:

Ustimenko Elizaveta

4th grade student

MOUSOSH town Lalsk


Osennikova Irina Anatolyevna

teacher primary classes

MOUSOSH town Lalsk


  1. History of writing the abstract. 3 pages
  1. Difficult childhood. 3 pages
  1. War. 3 pages
  1. Post-war years. 3 – 4 pp.
  1. Address to schoolchildren. 4 pages
  1. We live as long as we remember. 4 pages
  1. Literature. 5 pages
  1. Applications. 6 -8 pp.

One day, when I was 5 years old, I saw a very old photograph in my grandfather's album. There was a young man on it. I asked my grandfather: “Who is this?” He replied that it was his father. I was surprised: “How? He’s already old.” Grandfather told me that this photo was taken a long time ago. I began to ask my grandfather to tell me about his father, about the time in which he lived. And every time I came to visit my grandfather, he told me about his father, about how he fought, how he was wounded, what orders and medals he was awarded.

Recently at school we were asked to take part in the conference “The People and the Army in the Great Patriotic War" And here I remembered my great-grandfather. After consulting with my mother, I decided to participate in the competition and wrote an essay “My grandfather is the defender of the Motherland.”

My great-grandfather, Plastinin Prokopiy Sergeevich, was born on March 5, 1921 in the village of Yaishnitsino, Nizhnelalsky village council, Lalsky district. The family had two children. My great-grandfather’s mother was left alone early, as her husband died of a cold. Procopius studied at the Factory School, lived with friends in an apartment, and went home only on weekends. Yes, yes, I went. At that time there were no buses or even cars, so children walked to school. They considered it very lucky if a horse went towards Lalsk and gave the children a ride. So the children go to school shabbyly dressed, and they also carry the bread given for the week. It’s hard, but you have to go. It was a very difficult time. Life was difficult and hungry. But her mother wanted her Procopius to receive an education. And after finishing 7th grade, she sent her son to study in Veliky Ustyug at a construction technical school.

Procopius had just finished college when the Great Patriotic War began. Great-grandfather was sent to Arkhangelsk for sapper courses. Since the war was going on, the courses were accelerated. And just six months later he went to the front as a lieutenant. Great-grandfather took part in one of the most terrible battles of the Great Patriotic War - the Battle of Stalingrad. For five months (from September 1942 to January 1943) my great-grandfather fought for Stalingrad. It was a scary time. The main work of the sapper units was mining and demining roads, bridges, and ensuring the crossing of rivers for our troops. Great-grandfather and his comrades ensured the transportation of equipment and the pull-up of troops to the river at the central crossing near Stalingrad across the Volga River. They worked mainly at night. The front line was on the right bank, very close to the Volga. The wounded were taken to the left bank, there were many of them. All this happened under the constant bombing of fascist planes. The city was completely destroyed. Everything around was burning. After the Germans were encircled in Stalingrad, stubborn fighting still continued. Although the enemy was doomed, he did not give up for long. The Nazis were completely defeated only in January 1943.

After the Battle of Stalingrad, my great-grandfather was promoted to rank. He became a first lieutenant. He was also awarded the Order of the Red Star. Later, my great-grandfather became deputy battalion commander. He participated in the liberation of the cities of Nikolaev and Odessa, in the crossing of the Dnieper, and fought in Romania and Hungary. In Hungary in October 1944 he was seriously wounded. The fragment flew through the shoulder blade and got stuck in the lung. Then, in the hospital, two of my grandfather’s ribs were removed, but the fragment was never recovered. Until my grandfather’s death, the fragment was in him as a reminder of the war. After being wounded, my great-grandfather was demobilized. He returned home in February 1945 with the rank of captain, a disabled person of the second group. His chest was decorated with awards: the Order of the Red Star, the Order of the Patriotic War of the second degree, medals “For Courage”, “For Victory over Germany”.

In November 1945, my great-grandfather got married and built a house in Lalsk. Then the children came: three sons (Vladimir, Nikolai, Yuri) and daughter Alexandra. During his life, my great-grandfather changed many professions. He was a technical director, a foreman, a chief engineer, and a director of a regional industrial plant. And since 1960, he worked, built, and repaired at the Zarya state farm, which was later renamed the Lalsky state farm. In 1981 he retired. My great-grandfather lived with his wife Susanna for 53 years. My great-grandfather died in 2004, when he was 84 years old. I was 6 years old then. I don’t remember him well, but I know about him from the stories of my grandfather Kolya. At home we have many photographs from our great-grandfather’s family album (see attached). I often look at them and try to imagine what my great-grandfather Prokopiy Sergeevich was like.

When the 40th anniversary of the Victory was celebrated, grandfather spoke to schoolchildren. In his speech he addressed all children. This text has been preserved, and I want to introduce this appeal to my peers.

"Dear Guys!

Why did we, your grandfathers, achieve Victory?

For you guys, for the future generation.

So that you do not know the severity of the fascist invasion,

So that you live under the peaceful sun, study well and

Have a good rest so that you can become worthy sons and daughters

Our country, so that they become great scientists and specialists

Factories, factories, ships and space. And for this you need

Now it’s good to study, be disciplined,

Respect your teachers and take everything from them,

What do they give you...

You will live in another millennium and you need to prepare for it.

I wish you guys great success in your studies, straight A's!

Good discipline, be patriots of our Motherland and everything

The best from former front-line soldiers - Stalingrad residents." (see attached)

On May 9, 2010, the whole world will celebrate the 65th anniversary of the end of World War II. All countries will host holiday events. But for our country this date is special, because May 9 is our main holiday - Victory Day. On this day, our country won a victory over a formidable enemy, fascist Germany.

Many years have passed since the victory day, May 9, 1945. Many of my classmates already had grandparents born after the war. Every year there are fewer and fewer veterans of the Great Patriotic War. But we must not forget those terrible years when our country fought the enemy. We must not forget those people who brought this Victory closer, thanks to whom we can live and enjoy every day. I am proud that my great-grandfather, Plastinin Prokopiy Sergeevich, was one of those who defended our country and won this war.


1. Newspaper “Severnaya Pravda” No. 55 dated May 8, 2003, article “Undermined the enemy, only created in peaceful life,” author V. Gondyukhin.

2. Memoirs of Plastinin P.S.


Plastinin Prokopiy Sergeevich

Plastinin P.S. with wife, children

Plastinin P.S. in the family.

Military awards of Plastinin P.S.

Text of the speech by Plastinin P.S. in front of schoolchildren in May 1985,

in the year of the 40th anniversary of the Victory.

Zarubina Arina

In this work, Arina talks about how her grandfather defended our Motherland.

War is tears. She knocked on every home, brought misfortune, and touched the lives of many people. From every family, fathers and children, husbands, grandparents, brothers and sisters went to the front.



My grandfather is the defender of the Motherland!

War is tears. She knocked on every home, brought misfortune, and touched the lives of many people. From every family, fathers and children, husbands, grandparents, brothers and sisters went to the front. Thousands of people experienced terrible pain. But they survived and won. We won the most difficult battle we have endured so far. And those people who defended their homeland in the hardest battles are still alive. The war became the most terrible memory in their memory. How many troubles it brings: many die defending the honor and dignity of their Motherland, many become disabled for life. Every spring there is a holiday on May 9th. On this day, all people come to the memorial to honor the memory of those who died, giving us life. Many people died, but there are those who reached the end, enduring all the hardships of the war. One of these people is my grandfather Alexey Nikiforovich Zarubin. Born March 1, 1926. He grew up in a large family: mother, father, two sisters and two brothers. He grew up an exemplary boy. As the years passed, he grew older. And so, in 1943, he was drafted to the front as a boy. He was only 17 years old. He was a participant in the fighting with Germany and Japan. He lived during the war. Many people died before his eyes, and funerals were sent to their families. How hard it was for them, but my grandfather stood firmly on two legs on the battlefield. He stood not even for the sake of freedom, but for the sake of his family and the future generation. For this I am proud of him.

Tanks were blown up by mines,

Soldiers fought there to the death.

And at the age of eighteen,

They gave their lives for us.

For the courage he showed, my grandfather was awarded the order Patriotic War, second degree, anniversary medals, badge of honor - “Veteran of the Trans-Baikal Front”. I hold heavy medals and certificates for them in my hands, leaf through the yellowed, tattered pieces of military ID, look at the few old black-and-white photographs of my grandfather and try to imagine how many trials and hardships befell him, the lot of the entire Soviet people.

We remember you, heroes, by name.

And we proudly call them “veterans”.

And from the descendants of the whole vast country

For your feat of arms, I bow to you!

I must say that after the end of the war my grandfather did not go home, but joined the ranks Soviet army, where he served for another 9 years. He stood guard over his Motherland so that no one else could encroach on the life and freedom of our people. Not everyone can bear such a burden.

After moving to the village of Bereznyaki, he worked as an electrician in a local hospital for the benefit of all residents of our village, and then as an electrician in a communications center in the village of Bereznyaki. Even after the army, my grandfather cared about people. He wanted people close to each other to communicate with each other, regardless of the distance between them.

My grandfather died on October 24, 1994 in the village of Bereznyaki at the age of 68. Now there is a memorial plaque on the house where Alexey Nikiforovich used to live, and where his wife Maria Nikolaevna now lives. It says that a Veteran of the Great Patriotic War lived in this house. And even though more than twenty years have passed since his death, looking at the memorial plaque attached to the wall of the house, I always think about those people who defended our Motherland and gave their lives for our future. And the fact that my grandfather returned from the war was probably not just like that, because thanks to him I was born. And I am very grateful to him for this.

Every year on May 9, our country celebrates another peaceful spring. It has long been this exciting day in the history of our country, an important day for all our compatriots! More than 69 years have passed since that heroic time, but we can still imagine how much this day meant to our grandfathers and great-grandfathers! And we cannot be left indifferent by the excited stories of eyewitnesses of those events - those few who have lived to this day!

Many years have passed since the day great Victory Soviet troops over the Nazi invaders, but even now May 9 is celebrated by all of us with honor and pride. On this day, a minute of silence is announced, volleys of military guns sound three times, and at this moment we all think about our own, but essentially about the same thing, mentally remembering our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, who gave their lives on the battlefields for the sake of victory, for the sake of our lives and our future!

I am sure that the importance of this day cannot be forgotten! In our family, we carefully preserve and pass on the memory of the events of the Great Patriotic War. Our great-grandfathers fought and lived to see this happy May 1945. Unfortunately, now they are no longer alive, but their memories, photographs, and awards have been preserved. When our grandparents, with a special sparkle in their eyes and sadness in their voices, tell us about those days, showing faded photographs of past years, we vividly imagine those events and are filled with pride for our country!

I want to talk about my great-grandfathers who fought at the front during the Great Patriotic War. I don’t remember them myself, but my grandfather, grandmother, and mother told me about my ancestors.

I’ll start my story about my great-grandfather, my mother’s grandfather. His name is Fedor Pavlovich Skibin. He was born in December 1920 in Voronezh region. Received Teacher Education, did not have time to start work, he went to war. His service began in March 1942, when he was 21 years old. At this time, the 174th Infantry Division was being formed in the city of Borisoglebsk, Voronezh region. He had poor eyesight, so his great-grandfather was hired as a radio operator with the rank of sergeant. In October-November 1942, their division advanced to the village of Korotoyak, Voronezh region, and marched for 7 nights. The first battle was precisely for the village of Korotoyak, which was occupied by the Hungarians. Our troops knocked them out of the village and caused fire on themselves, in connection with this, they pulled many German troops away from the cities of Voronezh and Stalingrad. For this feat, the division was awarded the title “Guards 46th”.

In July 1943, my great-grandfather was wounded. During the battle, when he was transmitting information via radio, an enemy shell exploded next to them, his friends, the radio operators, were killed, and he was seriously wounded, his entire right side was damaged. Due to his injury, my great-grandfather was taken to the hospital. I couldn’t stay there for a long time because I was afraid to fall behind my squad, so I persuaded the nurse and ran away a few days later. The wounded were brought to the hospital in cars. The great-grandfather climbed into the back of one of these cars, the nurse loaded him with a stretcher, and so he drove out of the hospital territory. I caught up with my regiment. But since he did not leave the hospital, a funeral was sent to his family. And when my great-grandfather was able to write again, he wrote a letter home, but since his hand was injured, his handwriting changed greatly, and his wife did not immediately believe that it was he writing to her. There was almost no one left from their platoon.

In winter, on February 23, near the city of Velikiye Luki, Pskov region, when they were crossing the Lovat River, he fell into the wormwood along with the walkie-talkie, and it was very heavy and pulled him to the bottom. His fellow soldiers pulled him out. It was 30 degrees cold outside, and it was a long way from spending the night. All his clothes and felt boots were covered with ice and became stiff in the cold, and his walkie-talkie was frozen over. That’s how my great-grandfather walked, there was nothing to change into. When they reached the village and settled in the house, he took off all his clothes, hung them on the stove, and his friends rubbed him with alcohol, because there was no other medicine. So Great-Grandfather Fedya didn’t even have a runny nose! No one got sick during the war, apart from injuries. And all because it was very big nervous tension, and the human body can mobilize in such difficult situations.

I would like to talk a little about what the work of a radio operator or, in other words, a radiotelegraph operator was. He was in charge of communications. There were no cell phones back then, so communication was a little different. The radio operator carried a large box with him - this was the walkie-talkie, plus there was also a large reel on which the wire was wound. In any place and in a short time, the radio operator had to establish communication, often under fire. And to do this, he had to unwind the wire, tune in to the desired wavelength and be able to transmit and receive messages. For this, Morse code was used - transmitting information using certain symbols: dots and dashes. The radio had a lever (key), when pressed, sounds (short and long) appeared. Radio operators had to work very quickly on the key.

Great-grandfather Fedya ended the war in the city of Koeniksberg, today it is the city of Kaliningrad, and during the war it was german city, which was very strongly fortified by the Germans. Long and terrible battles took place here. Just on that day, May 9, my great-grandfather was on duty on the radio when they announced that the war was over, that Russian troops had won a victory over the fascist invaders. You can imagine how much joy and happiness they all experienced at that moment!

But my great-grandfather did not immediately mobilize. He was retained in the service and given the rank of lieutenant. Until December, he was engaged in sending demobilized soldiers home. He refused further service and said that a teacher should teach children. And he returned home. He devoted his entire life to working with children; he was the director of a rural school and taught almost all subjects. Great-grandfather Fedya lived a decent and happy life and died in June 2006.

He was awarded: the medal “For Military Merit”, the Order of the Red Star, and there were other awards. Now they are kept by my grandmother.

After the war, my great-grandfather went to meetings with his fellow soldiers. Every year on May 9 they met in different cities in which they fought.

Outstanding heroes of the great historical events, participants in turning points in history – our grandfathers and great-grandfathers! Their time was a time of fighting. They fought for our happiness, so that we now live in peace and tranquility! Let those few participants in the Great Patriotic War who have lived to this day see and know that their cause, their exploits, the death of their comrades were not in vain, that the memory of them has not faded, and the reflections of those fighting years will illuminate the path of new generations. And Victory Day will always remain a great day, the only holiday that is celebrated with a joyful heartbeat and at the same time with tears in the eyes!

It is the duty of every person to preserve the memory of this day!
We are grateful to our great-grandfathers for defending the freedom of our country so that today we can live under a peaceful sky!

Class hour in 4th grade

“My family’s contribution to the well-being and prosperity of the Fatherland. My grandfather is the defender of the Motherland."

Prepared by a primary school teacher

MBOU Secondary School No. 7, Essentuki

Chistyakova Natalya Viktorovna

This methodological development is devoted to the problem of moral education of primary school students on the basis of universal human values ​​- love for the Motherland, parents, respect for elders. Helps to find ways to develop in children an understanding of the correct norms in relationships with loved ones. This topic is one of the main ones within the framework of the moral education of children, promotes the family as the highest value of society, helps to increase the importance of the family in the eyes of the child, and also provides an opportunity to instill in children not only a sense of respect for loved ones, but also a sense of responsibility towards to them, and therefore in relation to other members of society and to society as a whole.

The purpose of this work is to develop creativity students aimed at developing interest in their family, in the ability to find out what is the contribution of each citizen to the well-being and prosperity of the Fatherland.

In this methodological development the system of work to educate students in responsibility to family, society and the Motherland is traced.

The main educational goal is to develop in children humane attitudes towards their grandparents, parents, a sense of citizenship and patriotism, and respect for the history of the Fatherland. This work allows the primary school teacher to involve in the presentation of information about the historical heritage of the Motherland.

The development complements a set of activities aimed at instilling patriotism, a sense of pride in your country and people close to you, and responsibility for their fate. Contributes to improving the system of organizing joint activities of teachers, parents and students, increasing the social activity of the family, involving children and parents in joint project activities, brings up true family values, a sense of citizenship, and patriotism in the younger generation. A child who knows the history of his Motherland and his family will listen to his relatives and friends who explain to him what Love for the Motherland, Fatherland, home, family means.

Target: find out what the contribution of each citizen’s family is to the well-being and prosperity of the Fatherland.

Tasks : continue to form in students the concepts: Fatherland, Motherland, small Motherland, family, heroism;

cultivate love for your homeland and family;

determine the contribution of the teacher’s family to the victory over Nazi Germany.

The feeling of love for the Motherland begins with the attitude towards the family. Family! What a beautiful word! How it warms the soul! It reminds us of a mother’s gentle voice and a father’s caring sternness. And how many mysteries and instructive discoveries are in the word “family”! For example, the word “family” can be divided into two words - “seven” and “I”. And then it seems to tell us: “A family is seven people like me.” Her Majesty's family was born a long time ago. Once upon a time the earth did not hear about her.

You and I are growing up in a family circle, the foundation - the foundation - is the parental home.

All your roots are in the family circle, and you come into life from the family.

In the family circle we create life, the basis of the foundation is the parental home. For a family to be strong and friendly, you need a little happiness.

What is happiness? Undoubtedly, happy is the one who can do what he loves, happy is the one who loves and is loved, so that there are loved ones nearby who accept you for who you are, with all your advantages and disadvantages, who understand you perfectly, support you, ready to lend a shoulder at any moment. And, of course, happiness is to have a family in which mutual understanding and harmony reign. A truly happy person is one who is happy in his family, in his home. Cicero wrote: “There is no place sweeter than home.”

Home is a lot of different concepts,

Home is everyday life

Home is a holiday.

Home is creativity, it is dreams.

Home is me, home is you!

Let everyone have their own home,

So that he knows - in moments of bad weather

They are waiting for him in the house

Joy, hope and happiness!

This is exactly what my family is, where everyone gives a piece of themselves to another member of their family. My family is large, but each of us always listens to each other and tries to maintain a warm, family atmosphere. We have many traditions, but the most important tradition is hospitality and respect for everyone. We are pleased to give pleasure to our loved ones, give gifts, and organize holidays for them. Common joys gather us all around the big table on the occasion of family celebrations. Sitting at the table and drinking hot tea with jam, we discuss how our days went, what interesting things happened to us. But there is a misfortune that has touched every family and entered the home of each of us. Her name is the Great Patriotic War.

Every year on May 9, our country celebrates Victory Day. This is a great holiday for our entire country. On this day, the Victory Parade takes place on Red Square, where Russian army demonstrates the military power of military equipment. And in the evening, volleys of festive fireworks are fired from artillery guns over the city.

The Great Patriotic War changed the course of history not only of entire states, but also mercilessly intervened in the fate of millions of people. We celebrate this holiday to remember at what cost this victory was achieved. After all, the war years are terrible years. Grief did not spare one family in our country; everyone suffered: both adults and children.She left a mark on every family.The Great Patriotic War changed the course of history not only of entire states, but also mercilessly intervened in the fate of millions of people. It scorched every family with its fire, robbed children of their childhood, deprived young people of their education, separated loving hearts, and deprived women of the joy of motherhood. For my family, the war was also a difficult ordeal.

Very often, sitting at a large family table, in my grandfather’s stories these terrible pictures appear before us.

My grandfather, Dmitry Grigorievich Katelevsky, was born on October 18, 1914 in the village of Naguty, Mineralovodsk district. During the war he commanded the Katyusha rocket launcher. The Germans repeatedly tried to take possession of the rocket launcher and find out what it consisted of. Therefore, the Katyushas were equipped with self-exploding charges. One day such a rocket launcher sank. Then the Germans sent their troops to this place and tried to get the Katyusha out of the water. But they failed. Russian saboteurs were able to undermine it. In comparison with the Katyushas, ​​the Germans invented the Vanyushas, ​​also secret installations. My grandfather was an excellent commander of the famous “Katyusha”; in 1943 he took part in the fighting for the defense of Stalingrad, for which he received a medal.

Let us bow to those great years,

To those glorious commanders and fighters,

And the marshals of the country, and the privates,

Let us bow to both the dead and the living, -

To all those who must not be forgotten,

Let's bow, bow, friends.

The whole world, all the people, the whole earth -

Let us bow down for that great battle.

My grandfather remembered well the fascist planes that flew overhead, the trembling sky from explosions, and the destroyed buildings in the city. But Battle of Stalingrad Not only he remembers, many people remember her.

One cannot help but be amazed at the courage of the people who fought in the monstrous chaos of fire and hot metal, when the earth itself literally stood on its hind legs. “For the Motherland - not a step back” - with these words the glorious defenders of Stalingrad went into battle. “Die, but not surrender Stalingrad” - this was the motto of its defenders. The whole country came to the aid of the defenders of Stalingrad. There was a continuous stream of trains carrying weapons and ammunition. The enemy could not withstand the onslaught of Soviet troops and began to retreat. Never before have the Nazis suffered such a brutal defeat. “It was a long-awaited, joyful victory. It was a hard-won victory... A victory for all the great people,” my grandfather recalled.

In the name of the future - victory!

We must crush the war!

And there was no higher pride

After all, besides the desire to survive -

There is still the courage to live!

Towards the peals of roaring thunder!

We rose into battle lightly and sternly!

On our banners is inscribed the word:

"Victory! Victory! Victory!"

R. Rozhdestvensky

Subsequently, my grandfather, Dmitry Grigorievich Katelevsky, participated in further military operations, for which he received two Orders of the Red Star and the Order of the Patriotic War. The word “Stalingrad” has forever entered the vocabulary of all languages ​​of the world. When foreign tourists or delegations visit Russia, the routes include the one that leads to the city on the lower Volga. A pilgrimage here is not mere curiosity. This city is a witness and participant in our victories. The city, which for a long time was the center of fierce and bloody battles and shells, the ruins of buildings were smoking, the asphalt of squares and streets was melting, and fire was raging. Each of the participants in the defense of Stalingrad realized that it was here, on the banks of the Volga, that the outcome of not only the Patriotic War, but also the Second World War was decided. And the soldiers of Stalingrad survived. They crowned the Battle of Stalingrad with their great victory. This victory will be forever in the memory of the soldiers who miraculously survived.


Through centuries, through years, -


About those,

Who will never come again


Do not Cry!

Hold back the moans in your throat.

In memory of the fallen

Be worthy!



Bread and song

Dreams and poems

Spacious life

Every second

With every breath

Be worthy!

R. Rozhdestvensky

Victory in war is both rejoicing and sorrow. Time does not dull them. And you and I must pass on this memory of the most terrible war that affected every family from generation to generation. Victory Day was, is and must remain the holiest holiday. After all, those who paid for it with their lives gave us the opportunity to live now. We must always remember this.

In our family, Victory Day is a holy holiday. It’s a pity that we often remember courage, dedication, and feat only on the eve of Victory Day. For our family, May 9th is a holiday “with tears in our eyes”, because our loved ones to whom we owe our lives are no longer around. The older generation remembers these days everything that they had to endure.

We need peace - you and me, and all the children in the world,
And the dawn that we will see tomorrow must be peaceful.

We need peace, grass in dew, smiling childhood,
We need peace, a beautiful world that we have inherited.

No!" - we declare to the war, to all evil and black forces...
The grass should be green and the sky should be blue!..

Do you hear, friend, the streams are ringing, the birds are singing on the branches.
We happened to be born on a wonderful land.

So let it always bloom, let the gardens make noise.
Let people look at her with loving eyes!

So that again on the earthly planet
That disaster did not happen again.
We need,
So that our children
They remembered this
Like us!
I have no reason to worry
So that that war is not forgotten:
After all, this memory is our conscience
We need her as strength...

Traditions unite the family, allow us to preserve those grains of reason and kindness that were found earlier by older members and make them the property of our younger generation. Family traditions play an important role in ensuring the continuity of generations, in the harmonious development of society and the individual. My son, Roman Chistyakov, every time he listens to stories about his great-grandfather’s war, becomes more and more “burning with the desire” to become like him and his fellow soldiers - to become a military man and defend his country. Meetings around a large family table create for him unique childhood memories that he will one day tell his children about. They make you feel proud of yourself and your family.

Everything that happens in our country depends at least a little on you and me. Our country won the war because we love our Motherland, we honor and remember our heroes who gave their lives for the happiness of other people. Their names are immortalized in the names of cities, streets, squares, and monuments have been erected in their honor.

I am proud of those people who went into the fire of war, did not think about themselves, who overshadowed a woman with a child, who worked in the rear, who forged victory. There are few left who survived the terrible days of World War II. And won’t your heart tremble when you give a simple spring flower to a lonely gray-haired veteran, walking along the elegant May streets?

Russia is called great country not just because it's big. Russia is home to people of more than a hundred nationalities. That is, Russia is a multinational state. The peoples who inhabit our country are very different, but they have a common historical destiny.

What do we call Motherland? The house where you and I live,

And the birch trees along which we walk next to our mother.

What do we call Motherland? A field with a thin spikelet,

Our holidays and songs, a warm evening outside!

Love and respect your Motherland just for what it is!

The homeland is like a huge tree on which you can’t count the leaves. And everything we do good adds strength to him. Love for their Motherland, their Fatherland raised people to heroic deeds. Many heroes died defending their Fatherland. Their names have become symbols of courage and honor for us. But every tree has its roots. They nourish the tree and connect it to the earth. Roots are what we lived with yesterday, a year ago. This is our story. If a people does not have deep roots, then it is a poor people. Love for the Motherland is in each of us. It is in us from birth, it is in us from our fathers and grandfathers. This love is in every snowflake, in every smile, in every turn of the road called life. Meetings with people like my grandfather teach me and our entire family love for the Motherland, patriotism, and selflessness.

He and all the heroes of the Great Patriotic War are warm-hearted, sympathetic people with a gentle soul. They behaved heroically on the battlefield, bravely fighting for their homeland,

Many of his contemporaries declared love for the Motherland, love not with the mind, but with the heart. After all, when you really think about the fact that it is you who are the successor of the deeds and instructions of those who lived and suffered in their souls many years before you were born, then this makes your heart beat much faster.

I think that simply loving, respecting and being proud of the Motherland is not enough. After all, it is not words that make a person beautiful, but his deeds. And you need to live in such a way that you receive satisfaction from every day you live. And every such day can be filled with actions that you, your loved ones, parents and children can be proud of. For every person, the Motherland is a purely internal sensation. This is the city where you were born, this is the street where you go to school, this is the park with your favorite flowering chestnut trees, this is the mailbox that you look into every morning to find there a letter that your grandmother has been waiting for a long time. The older I get, the more sensations and ideas about the Motherland gather in my “I”.

The homeland is, first of all, people. And I'm proud of the boys passing by military service, grandmothers raising their grandchildren, doctors not leaving the sick in intensive care wards, teachers explaining Newton's laws for the hundred thousandth time, policemen on duty, pilots and miners, workers and students.I am proud of the spirit of the Russian person, his character. And let him be in constant search for himself. This is a Russian nature, requiring development, striving for spiritual perfection. The main characteristic of a Russian person is to sacrifice oneself for the sake of another, to rejoice in someone else’s happiness, to forgive the enemy. This is an open and kind soul, this ability to see beauty in everything that surrounds you, this is love for the “small homeland”, for the places where you were born and raised - and this is the basis of true patriotism and spirituality.

I think that each of you will cherish the memory of the Great Patriotic War in your heart.

Used Books:

  1. A. Kuraev. Basics Orthodox culture. Education. 2010.
  2. E. A. Voronova. Raise a patriot. Rostov-on-Don. Phoenix. 2008.
  3. L. I. Gaidina. O.E. Zhirenko. V.Ya Yarovenko. Patriotic education: event scenarios. Moscow. 2009.
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