Teachers quit en masse from the Institute of Psychology of the Russian State University. Teachers left the Institute of Psychology of the Russian State University in large numbers. The oldest: Moscow State University named after. M.V. Lomonosov

Having gained unprecedented popularity in the late 90s. last century, the specialty of psychologist has all this time maintained a leading position in the rankings liberal arts education, and competition for psychology departments at Moscow universities has remained consistently high for more than ten years. But, as in any industry with high demand, there is a huge (and not always high-quality) supply. Let's try to figure out which Moscow universities train the best specialists in the field of Psychology, and what specializations exist.

Medical: First State Moscow Medical University named after. THEM. Sechenov and Moscow State Medical and Dental University

The Moscow medical universities mentioned above train not psychologists, but psychiatrists: doctors specializing in mental illness. In other words, graduates of “First Med” and “Stomat” have the full legal and moral right to treat patients not only in word, but also in deed - to prescribe them medications, perform procedures, etc.

This circumstance results in incredibly high competition even for contract training. And if you consider that almost all (or even all) places in the field of “Clinical Psychology” in 2011 were occupied by target students, most likely, applicants will have to fork out money. However, the cost of studying at these universities in Moscow in these specialties is relatively low. In addition, a graduate with a diploma in Clinical Psychology from a prestigious medical university in Moscow can easily find a good position with a salary of 40,000 rubles or more, even without work experience.

The oldest: Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov

Of the non-medical universities that train specialists in the field of psychology, Moscow State University, as one would expect, took first place. With an average competition of 5.01 people per place, applicants have the opportunity to choose many specialties:

  • Clinical psychology
  • General psychology
  • Psychology of Personality
  • Social Psychology
  • Labor psychology and organizational psychology
  • Psychophysiology
  • Developmental and age psychology
  • Pedagogical psychology
  • Psychology of safety
  • Psychology of developing innovative education
  • Psychology of conflict
  • Psychology of negotiations
  • Organizational psychology
  • Psychology of sports
Branch Number of budget places Sum of Unified State Exam points of the weakest student (out of 400 possible) Number of “contract” places
Clinical psychology, psychology of professional activities (full-time study) 84 309 50 272 000
Pedagogy and psychology of deviant behavior (full-time education) 5 271 4 272 000
Clinical psychology, psychology of professional activities (full-time and part-time courses) 40 270 10 180 000
Pedagogy and psychology of deviant behavior (full-time and part-time education) 10 221 0 180 000

Psychological education at Moscow State University is rightfully considered one of the most fundamental in Russia; many famous psychologists work at the university, and after graduating from this university, the graduate will be considered, even if he has no work experience. The only disadvantage of the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University is a large competition and the highest cost of training.

Elite: International Institute of Public Service and Management (RAGS)

In terms of elitism, no institute of psychology in Moscow can compare with the International Institute civil service and management, which is part Russian Academy civil service under the President of the Russian Federation. It is quite difficult to enter this Moscow institute for the specialty “Psychology” (bachelor, 4 years): in 2011, you had to score at least 198 points on the Unified State Exam out of 300 possible, and if you don’t get enough, you will have to pay 160,000 rubles a year. But the department of “Psychology of Professional Activities” (specialist, 5 years) gives hope: only 106 points on the Unified State Examination out of 300 possible, but training for on a paid basis here it will cost 180,000 rubles per year. After graduating from this department of the International Institute of Public Service and Management, a graduate can easily find a job as a training manager or business consultant in a large company.

Classical: Institute of Psychology named after. L.S. Vygotsky (RGGU)

Russian State University for the Humanities, or rather its division - Institute of Psychology named after. L.S. Vygotsky - gives applicants the opportunity to choose one of four faculties: Faculty of Social Psychology and Pedagogy, Faculty of Psychology, Faculty of Medical Psychology and Faculty of Educational Psychology. This institute of psychology in Moscow has only one problem: only 4-10 places are allocated from the budget for all departments, which means the competition reaches 20 people per place. Minimum score The Unified State Exam, depending on the department, ranges from 136 to 167 (out of 300 possible), and the cost of training (full-time) is from 124,000 to 168,400 rubles per year. However, many will be pleased that this Moscow institute does not need to provide Unified State Exam result mathematics.

Available: Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University

Our list of Moscow universities that provide good psychological education will be incomplete without the Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University. It is much easier to enroll in many faculties of this educational institution than at Moscow State University, and if you don’t get enough points, studying here will be noticeably cheaper. Meanwhile, among psychologists, a diploma from this Moscow university is valued. Applicants who plan to work with children in the future should try to enroll in MSUPE. After graduating from university, they will be able to quickly find part-time work in schools or development centers with a salary of 10,000 rubles, and with a full-time job - from 20,000 rubles.

Faculty Number of budget places Directions Sum of Unified State Exam points of the weakest student (out of 300 possible) Competition for budget places Tuition fees in 2011
Educational Psychology 75 Psychology 176 5,44 84 000
Psychological and pedagogical education 173 5,32 120 000
Clinical and special psychology 42 Psychology 192 7,84 101 200
Clinical psychology 208 20,12 103 000
Psychological counseling 41 Psychology 198 9,84 102 000
Clinical psychology 216 8,8 108 000
Legal psychology 42 Psychology 184 4,32 90 000
Clinical psychology 211 8,18 98 000
Pedagogy and psychology of deviant behavior 191 6,56 94 000
Extreme Psychology 25 Psychology 196 8,8 78 000
Social psychology 50 Psychology 187 7,9 68 000

If the above results seem unattainable to the applicant, and psychology is his calling, then it is worth considering unpopular state universities Psychology of Moscow or others

As Associate Professor of the Department of Psychological Counseling Marina Novikova-Grund wrote in her statement, “I cannot work under the leadership of people who demonstratively neglect the interests of science and education. This insults me as a scientist and as a teacher.” We tried to find out from Marina Vilhelmovna herself what the teacher means by this formulation.

The conflict between part of the teaching staff and the university management began in March of this year, when Evgeniy Ivakhnenko became the new rector of the Russian State University for the Humanities. Then such prominent teachers as Yuri Mann, who is a major expert on Gogol’s work, Nina Pavlova, who is on the board of the Goethe International Society, RAS academician Vladimir Dybo, theater expert Vadim Gaevsky, and linguist Alexander Militarev, were asked to leave the walls of the educational institution. However, when the incident became public, Evgeniy Ivakhnenko denied the information. Later, a number of not so eminent teachers - hourly and part-time workers - were cut. According to those who remained, their workload was increased significantly and they were persistently offered to replace those fired, despite the fact that the remaining teachers were not specialists in other fields. According to teachers, this attitude significantly reduces the quality of education. In response to such measures, some teachers decided to write letters of resignation.

During the work of the new rector, a completely unacceptable situation has developed,” says Marina Novikova-Grund. - And not at all because of his personal qualities. He cannot be blamed for the fact that the university is in a terrible financial crisis; this happened before him. He's just faced with a situation that he doesn't know how to get out of. Apparently, Evgeniy Ivakhnenko listens to the advice of those people who brought the university to this situation. And he simply chopped up all the connectivity as an optimization curricula. He created a crazy staffing situation when most of the teachers teaching small courses were fired. Entire departments ceased to exist. We held on until the last and left compactly, because it is very important for us to maintain the direction in psychology. Now the main problem for us is preserving the staff of the institute. Absolutely unique, unique specialists worked here. Each of us individually will not be lost, but the direction of cultural-historical psychology, which is very popular and promising, will be lost. Vygotsky societies are open all over the world; people come to us for experience from all over the world. We have built a program that many people borrow. After we leave for the Russian State University for the Humanities, she simply will not exist. To understand what is unique about our direction, here is an example - among other things, I taught the author’s course on linguistics for psychologists. It was devoted to how to analyze defaults in a text, how to reconstruct what was not said, and using mathematical tools. There were no such courses anywhere except our university. If we specifically determine where the knowledge that we provided is used.... Not so long ago I did a forensic examination of what one very famous attacker said, who killed a huge number of people. He lied, confused the investigation, deliberately spoke complete nonsense, and did it well and convincingly. However, based on what exactly he said, I managed to find out not only where he was lying, but also to find what he buried. By pretexts, conjunctions, omissions, etc. Elena Evgenievna Kravtsova, our director, made the course continuing education for those working with orphans. Crowds flock to her. And she, too, is now resigning. However, now technical staff, library and publishing staff are also leaving the university, and this is a systemic problem at the Russian State University for the Humanities, and not the result of a change in leadership.

And here is what the press service of the Russian State University for the Humanities told MK.

The leadership of the Russian State University for the Humanities emphasizes that educational process the situation with the Vygotsky Institute will not affect. Classes are conducted as scheduled. As for the submitted resignations from employees, each of them will be considered individually, perhaps someone will decide to reconsider their intentions. In any case, we have already received a number of applications from a number of distinguished scientists wishing to fill these positions.

The Academic Council has already repeatedly discussed the issue of the Institute of Psychology. At the end of 2015-2016 school year, for example, the topic of an actual call for a strike was raised, which is a violation of labor discipline (among the coal miners is E.E. Kravtsova, - ed.)

Institute named after L.S. Vygotsky is not independent legal entity is a department (faculty) of the university, the Institute of Psychology. L.S. Vygotsky Russian State University for the Humanities. At the same time, the leadership of the Institute of Psychology. L.S. Vygotsky behaves as an administrative unit completely independent from the Russian State University for the Humanities, and indeed, apparently, believes that the director of the Institute, and not the rector of the Russian State University for the Humanities, is their employer.

The teaching load, hours, practices, etc. fully comply with the orders of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. And the complaints against the rector look strange, to say the least.

At the same time, the university management is obliged to act in the interests of students. The demarche of a number of teachers at the Institute of Psychology was undertaken at a time when the schedule for the semester had already been drawn up and classes had begun. To date, the rector has received a number of initiative proposals from leading Russian psychologists who are ready to teach classes, replacing teachers who have resigned.

It should be noted that the current leadership of the Institute of Psychology, systematically trying to attract students to their side, actually acts contrary to the interests of students and graduates. An eloquent example is that neither the director of the Institute nor his deputies even showed up to present diplomas to graduates in July of this year. Teachers miss and disrupt classes. The Institute employs about 40% of teachers without specialized psychological education. More than 50% of disciplines in all areas of training are not provided teaching materials. Submitted educational programs do not meet the level of requirements set by the university for the quality of methodological support. Educational plans require improvement in accordance with the requirements of Federal State Educational Standards.

However, the press service reports, the university administration is ready for a constructive dialogue on these and other problems of the Institute.

Calls for a strike are completely untrue, says Marina Novikova-Grund. - When in April the students realized that everything was collapsing, they asked us “What should we do to stop this?” They wanted to protest. We literally held their hands. We said that this was not necessary, not because it was not effective, but because we did not have the right to drag students into these disputes. We said: “If you respect us, you will not go anywhere.” And they listened to us, although they were full of determination to intercede for us.

In response to statements from the press service, Elena Kravtsova writes on Facebook:

Everything the press service says is a lie. I have never called anyone to go on strike. You can ask about this from those teachers who have not submitted their resignation.

And here is what former students write about what is happening at the psychology department of the Russian State University for the Humanities.

Oh how bad! Who stayed to work at the Russian State University for the Humanities?! We were, of course, very lucky to study there before. The Institute of Psychology is no longer the same. Sadly.

I feel so sorry! This year I was supposed to start a master's degree in psycholinguistics, that's all.

No, I think that young people will not understand your course, because it no longer exists.

Thank you for having us! For fascinating lectures, for subtle humor, for good books and for being an example for us!

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, according to Intefax, also responded to what was happening.

“The Ministry is interested in ensuring that all the rights of teachers are protected, and in parallel with the inspection, it will oblige the university administration to conduct a conversation with each of the teachers, individually understanding the situation. Whatever the results of the inspection, it is unacceptable to create a work process in such a way that this process causes dissatisfaction of a significant part of the teaching staff,” says the press service in a statement received by the agency.

Director and more than ten employees of the Institute of Psychology named after. L.S. Vygotsky at the Russian State University for the Humanities quit due to the plans of the new university rector Evgeniy Ivakhnenko to optimize the staff and increase the load on teachers

One of the buildings of the Russian State University for the Humanities in Moscow (Photo: Lori)

Leading teachers of the Institute of Psychology named after. L.S. Vygotsky Russian State humanitarian university(RGGU) wrote letters of resignation due to the personnel policy of the new rector of the university, Evgeniy Ivakhnenko. Reports about the dismissal of teachers originally appeared in a group of university employees in Facebook. The mass departure of the institute’s staff was confirmed to RBC by Marina Novikova-Grund, a teacher of psycholinguistics and candidate of sciences. According to her, at least 12 employees of the institute wrote a letter of resignation, including its director, Doctor of Psychology, Professor Elena Kravtsova.

Institute of Psychology named after. L.S. Vygotsky was founded at the Russian State University for the Humanities in 1995. The institute initially had only one department, and about three dozen students were trained. Currently, the institute includes two faculties, 11 departments, more than 1,500 students and undergraduates study there, and the teaching staff consists of 97 teachers, it is said in the information about educational institution on the RSUH website.

​Problems for the institute’s staff began after Evgeniy Ivakhnenko, head of the department of social philosophy at the Russian State University for the Humanities, was elected to the position of rector in March of this year, Novikova-Grund claims. The new rector announced plans to optimize the institute's staff in order to save money while redistributing additional workload to the remaining teachers. “At the same time, the load was already 900 hours, which is incredibly high. As a result, they tried to assign courses to experts in their field that they simply could not teach, because there is no universal replaceability in teaching,” explains the teacher.

The director of the Kravtsov Institute, continues Novikova-Grund, refused to optimize the staff, because of this pressure began to be put on the teachers. In particular, university employees were deprived of the opportunity to determine their schedule, and shortly before the mass dismissal of employees, Ivakhnenko, according to Novikova-Grund, refused to approve the institute’s staffing table. There were also interruptions in vacation pay, the teacher says. “As a rule, vacations for teachers begin on July 8; vacation pay should be transferred to employees before this date, but this was not done in full last summer. People with interruptions that were incomprehensible to everyone had 3-5 thousand rubles dropped into their accounts. It was simply impossible for young teachers with children to live for two months on this money,” notes Novikova-Grund. All this, she summarizes, forced the teachers and the director to write letters of resignation.

Ivakhnenko was unavailable for comment at the time of writing. The press service for public relations and media of the Russian State University for the Humanities told RBC that the situation with the Institute named after. L.S. Vygotsky will not be affected. “Classes are conducted as scheduled. As for the submitted resignation letters from employees of the Vygotsky Institute, each of them will be considered individually,” the press service said.

Put on that Hotel California, dance around like I"m insane. © Lana del Rey

I completed my studies in special psychology, graduation ceremony on the 6th. I can say that there are several strong teachers who provide a good theoretical basis in general (anatomy and physiology of the central nervous system, fundamentals of GND, general psychology) and some special subjects (psychology of people with mental retardation, cerebral palsy, RDA). But some of these teachers also teach at Moscow State University.
In general, even in the lecture part there is no practice-oriented training specifically in the chosen specialty, at most they talk about psychodiagnostics. Further stages of working with the client are considered as transfers; there is no preparation for them. The only exception was when working with children with speech disorders, but correction was considered more from a speech therapy point of view. There is no first-hand transmission of psychocorrectional techniques, so to speak.
There is no practice either. For it to exist, the university must enter into agreements with institutions and give them money for admitting students. IP RSUH concludes all contracts on a non-monetary basis, supposedly too poor for this. As a result, all visits to institutions for children with different types dysontogenesis (which this specialty is aimed at working with) were limited to an “excursion” of which office was which. We often did not see children with disabilities and developmental disabilities in one institution or another.
Since there is no normal cooperation with these institutions, we looked for the contingent for course research ourselves. Needless to say, now it’s difficult for students from the street to even enter secondary schools? It is possible to more or less recruit a sample of mentally retarded people, but this is a rotten sample. With difficulty, you can try to organize a sample junior schoolchildren with ZPR, but this is rather an exception (one teacher has, as it were, an oral agreement with one school with KRO classes where these children study. But this teacher is not from the department of specialists, and in general this school will soon break off contacts with her. I think so, because I wrote her thesis research).
The teachers from the department of special psychology don’t give a damn about you (there are 3 of them). If you write a term paper for them, they don’t read it (I wrote for two of these three). I wrote for them because not every teacher from another department will “take” you on a topic related to children with developmental disabilities. And even if he does, his consultations will not concern children with developmental disabilities, they will only affect the norm (which, in general, is understandable).

Plus the disgusting organization of training. Up to 4th year inclusive, they have a good understanding of general education subjects, while in many specialized ones they are even weak theoretical training, but the practical one, as I said, is simply not there or it is inferior in effectiveness to reading literature. There were multiple cases of duplication of subjects, when the same course was taught by different teachers for a couple of years in a row (in particular, neuropsychology, family counseling). One group was given both the psychology of deviant behavior and the psychology of deviant behavior as different subjects. Sometimes 2 subjects are called slightly differently, but in essence they are the same (we had psychological and developmental psychological counseling. Well, the teacher was the same and there were no divisions, everything was read in the age aspect).
Some teachers are simply incompetent, but no one cares. Some can, for a set time (and it can reach up to 3 pairs in a row on the same subject), naturally start discussions on extraneous topics (how terrible it is to live in Russia, how stupid teachers and parents are now). Some ingenuously only assign reading on a subject and in class they only ask to tell what they have read, but they themselves do not explain anything, even when working in this field. It was as if I had come to an absentee meeting. This happened with us, for example, with the psychology of people with visual impairments.

In general, the schedule is very busy, and you won’t come to most of the subjects. As a result, you spend 13 hours a day at the Russian State University for the Humanities, but it’s of no use.
Now, in general, due to the elimination of specialty training, the training departments have become lame. If I remember correctly, the specialty remained in clinical psychology, but not everyone will go there.

I hope I didn’t tire you out.))) But, by God, don’t go to the Russian State University for the Humanities.


State educational institution higher vocational education



Institute of Psychology named after. L.S. Vygotsky

Rules for writing term papers and dissertations by students of all specialties and specializations of the Institute of Psychology

Moscow 2007

1. General provisions. 3

2. Structure of the thesis or course work.. 4

3. Formalization of work.. 7

4. Criteria for evaluating the thesis.. 8

1. General Provisions

Coursework or graduate work is independent educational and research, educational and methodological or educational and practical student project. Accordingly, it must meet the requirements for scientific research or methodological publication: contain a logically structured review-theoretical and correctly conducted empirical parts and be formatted in accordance with established standards (see below).

Unlike coursework, which is the result of work during one academic year, a diploma is a systematization of diverse knowledge acquired by a student over the entire period of study at the university, testing the ability to use research, diagnostic and design techniques, as well as the degree of preparedness of the graduate to perform professional duties in as a specialist in the field of psychology.

A high-quality thesis or course work must indicate the student’s ability to: clearly formulate the problem and assess the degree of its relevance; justify the chosen methods for solving the assigned problems; independently work with literature and other information and reference materials; select the necessary information, analyze and interpret it, and present it in graphic or other illustrative form; draw reasonable conclusions, give practical recommendations(where appropriate); express your thoughts competently, literary language, format the work correctly.

The coursework or thesis must be psychological in its subject and methods of its analysis and can be devoted to any substantive area of ​​psychological science and/or practice. What is mandatory is not the use of any specific methods or a certain number of them, but the systematic collection of data and the strictly evidentiary nature of the presentation of the content. It is unacceptable to substitute scientific work popular scientific, metaphysical or journalistic texts. In general, the work should be aimed at achieving the goals formulated in its introduction and should not contain unfounded statements (unverified or generally unverifiable statements by scientific methods).

The topic of the thesis must correspond to the specialty that the student receives upon graduation from the university. Moreover, it can be written at any of the IP departments of the Russian State University for the Humanities. There are no restrictions on the topics of coursework.

Term papers are written by students in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th years, the thesis is written in the 5th year under the guidance of scientific supervisors - teachers and employees of the IP named after. L.S. Vygotsky Russian State University for the Humanities or other psychological organizations in Moscow (with scientific degree candidate or doctor of psychological sciences). All work is subject to mandatory protection: coursework - at a meeting of one of the IP departments, diploma works - at a meeting of the State Attestation Committee. Writing term papers and dissertations without scientific supervisor not allowed.

By genre coursework or diploma work can be research, methodological or applied.

A coursework or dissertation is research, if it is aimed at a theoretical explanation of certain psychological phenomena and at the empirical study of their characteristics.

The work is methodological, if it is related to the development of new or improvement of existing tools and methods psychological diagnostics, impact or research (including testing of their reliability, validation, standardization, etc.), as well as analysis of the comparative effectiveness of several methods (for more details, see Appendix No. 1).

Work counts applied, if it involves solving a practical problem and includes a description of the procedures actually carried out in this direction (for more details, see Appendix No. 2).

In the second year, it is allowed to write term papers, which are literary reviews on the problem being studied. Review coursework in the 3rd and 4th years and survey, as well as purely theoretical diplomas are not allowed. It is also not allowed to count translations made by students from foreign languages ​​as coursework or diploma work.

2. Structure of the thesis or course work

A coursework or dissertation must include a title page, table of contents, introduction, review, theoretical and empirical chapters, conclusion and/or conclusions and a list of references, as well as appendices if necessary. It is also possible to allocate a separate theoretical chapter.

1. In Administered briefly designated relevance of the work, problem which it is aimed at solving, it is briefly described goal and tasks, as well as her theoretical and methodological basis, indicates the genre of work. In the case of research work, it must be formulated general hypothesis. Also, if possible, the theoretical and practical significance work. In addition, the introduction may describe the sample used, list the methods used, and indicate the structure and scope of the course or dissertation work.

In the case of research work, this chapter is devoted to the consideration of approaches to the development of the posed or similar problems existing in domestic and foreign psychological literature. The chapter should adequately reflect the state of the problem being developed at the time of writing the work, contain a critical analysis of existing approaches to its solution, and indicate which features of existing approaches do not allow the problem to be considered solved and require its further development. Summary theoretical views and empirical results of other authors are accompanied by a meaningful analysis of the directions, trends, problems identified by the author of the work in the area of ​​research covered. “Blind spots”, contradictions in positions and results obtained are shown, methodological problems ongoing research. The methodological and theoretical position of the author is formulated. The review and theoretical part of the work ends with a brief summary and a logical transition to the empirical part of the study.

The result of writing a review chapter should be:

Explanation of the work problems,

Formulation and justification of a theoretical research hypothesis that determines in which direction it is necessary to seek a solution to the formulated problem,

Staging common tasks work related to both finding a general theoretical solution to the problem and specific experimental or other procedures for testing research hypotheses,

A justified transition to the empirical part of the work.

In the case of methodological work, the content of the review chapter comes down mainly to the analysis of psychodiagnostic methods, experimental procedures or methods of influence existing in the field, and the fitting of new developments into the existing context. The result of writing the chapter is proof of the need to develop and test new methods and procedures proposed by the author of the work.

In the case of applied work, the review chapter is devoted to a description of the practical difficulty that has arisen and the methods for overcoming it that exist to date, including an analysis of their strengths and weaknesses. The result of writing the chapter is an explanation of the practical difficulties encountered by the author and the identification of performance criteria that must be met. possible solutions(including copyright).

The review and theoretical part of the thesis or course work should not be secondary, i.e. built solely on the reproduction of reviews made by someone previously in the area being analyzed. The value of the review is also determined by the fact that it contains material that is new to specialists in this field (i.e., the author should not limit himself to presenting works known to specialists before him).

The work must contain own suggestions aimed at solving the problem, proposed by the student. This part of the work may constitute a separate theoretical chapter, or maybe perform paragraph of the review-theoretical chapter.

3. Empirical or experimental chapter is dedicated to describing the methods and presenting the empirical results of the research, methodological or applied work that was done by the student. This chapter should also have a title that reflects its content.

IN research work This chapter introduces the reader to the procedures for testing experimental hypotheses aimed at testing the truth of the proposed theoretical constructs and the results obtained here. IN methodological works, in which there are no explicit hypotheses, the chapter describes the activities carried out to identify empirical indicators, test or improve the reliability and/or validity of the methods being developed, improved or compared. In applied works, in which there are also no hypotheses, this chapter records the procedures carried out to solve a practical problem and the results obtained in this process. In this case, the chapter also contains an assessment of the effectiveness of the proposed solutions.

In all genres of work, this chapter includes a justification for the methods used, which contains the answer to why these particular methods were used and what their advantages over similar ones (if any).

Description methods assumes:

Description of the tasks the subjects performed and the instructions they received

Characteristics samples from the point of view of those characteristics that underlie the choice of subjects. Such signs include the qualities of the subjects related to the subject of the study, as well as their demographic characteristics, such as age, education, profession, length of service, etc. For example, all subjects are 1-2 year psychology students, or adults with higher education, or preschool children.

A description of what quantitative and qualitative indicators were recorded, and how they were recorded during the study.

In addition, it is necessary to describe the procedure for conducting empirical work.

For a more visual presentation of research methods, it is recommended that stimulus material or questionnaires be placed in appendices to coursework or dissertation work. This recommendation turns into a requirement if the methods used in the work are proprietary.

After characterizing the methods, we outline results and describes the procedure for processing them, including the methods used mathematical statistics . The results of the work should be presented in a way that is understandable to the reader. Primary data is translated into an easy-to-read form - graphs or tables demonstrating the quantitative relationships of the data obtained. In addition, some primary protocols, the most indicative from the point of view of interpretation of the study results, can be given in the appendices.

After presenting the results, they are made interpretation– an explanation of what the results obtained mean in terms of the hypotheses formulated in the work, or its methodological or applied goals. It is also necessary to compare the results obtained with those available in other works. In the absence of a meaningful interpretation, a coursework or dissertation cannot qualify for a positive assessment.

4. The main results of the thesis or course work are recorded in the form Conclusions And conclusions. They are formulated based on all the work done and the interpretation of the results obtained. It is advisable to present findings in the form of a numbered list.

3. Design of work

The thesis or course work must be drawn up on one side of a sheet of A4 paper in accordance with GOST 9327-60. It is allowed to submit tables and illustrations on A3 size sheets. The text should be printed at 1.5 line spacing using Times New Roman font size 14, observing the following margin sizes: left - at least 30 mm, right - at least 10 mm, top - at least 15 mm, bottom - at least 20 mm . Paragraphs in the text should begin with an indent of 12 mm.

The diploma is submitted bound.

The title page of the work must contain (see Appendix No. 3):

Full name of the university, institute and department where the work was prepared,

Designation of the type of work (coursework or diploma),

Job title,

The name of the student who wrote the work

Last name, position and scientific degree of the scientific supervisor,

Place and year of work defense.

The title page should be followed by a table of contents that lists the titles of chapters, sections, and paragraphs and their corresponding pages. Applications are not included in the content.

After the main text of the work, the requirements for which are set out above, it follows bibliography, arranged in alphabetical order, containing the full name of the literature sources used and their output data. The list of references should include both basic work that has become classic in this field, and “fresh” publications that reflect the current level of development of the problem being solved. For senior course students, the list of works in foreign languages ​​is welcome, which are listed after Russian-language sources, also in alphabetical order. For the thesis, the presence of foreign language sources in the list of references is mandatory.

References to literature placed in the text of the work must contain the name of the author and the year of publication of the work to which the link follows (For the bibliographic description of sources and list of references, see Appendices No. 4 and 5). When quoting, the text must contain a link to the source of the quote indicating the page on which the quoted text is located.

After the list of references are placed applications. Appendices must be numbered and titled in accordance with the content of the material contained in them. A reference to the application in the main text of the work is made by indicating the application number (for example, (see Appendix No. 1)).

Applications should give the reader the opportunity to get a complete picture of the research conducted - its methodological basis, the results obtained and methods of processing them, as well as the opportunity to check the calculations and conclusions made. Therefore, the information contained in applications must be accurate and complete.

The following are included in the appendices: texts and keys of methods; primary data tables; results of statistical processing of the obtained data; volumetric graphs, histograms, drawings and diagrams that would look cumbersome in the main text of the work.

In addition, the annexes include data on piloting the techniques; individual data (completely, selectively or individually for example) - protocols for filling out methods, interview protocols, observation protocols and other materials.

4. Criteria for evaluating the thesis

The main qualitative criteria for evaluating the thesis are:

1. relevance and novelty of the topic;

2. sufficiency of the used domestic and foreign literature on the topic;

3. completeness and quality of collected empirical data;

4. the validity of using certain methods for solving the assigned problems;

5. depth and validity of the analysis and interpretation of the results obtained;

6. clarity and literacy in the presentation of the material, quality of work design, taking into account these “Rules”;

7. the ability to conduct debate on theoretical and practical issues of the thesis, the depth and correctness of answers to questions from members of the State Attestation Committee and comments from reviewers.

“Excellent” grades are awarded to dissertations whose topics are of scientific, methodological or practical interest, evidence of the author’s use of adequate analytical techniques, modern methods and means of solving assigned problems. The structure of work rated “excellent” must be logical and consistent with the goal. Its conclusion should present clear, substantiated conclusions that contribute to the resolution of the problem posed and outline prospects for its further development.

The work must be written in literary language, carefully verified, the scientific reference apparatus must comply with current GOSTs and these “Rules”, contain applications in the form of diagrams, tables, graphs, illustrations, etc.

The condition for receiving an excellent grade is the brevity and logic of the student’s introductory speech, which reflects the main provisions of the thesis, as well as clear and reasoned answers to questions from members of the State Attestation Committee.

In cases where the thesis does not fully meet the above requirements, it is assessed with a lower score.

The diploma grade may be reduced in the following cases:


1.1. Presence of uncorrected typos and missing lines.

1.2. Lack of names of tables, graphs, histograms.

1.3. Lack of explanations and symbols for tables and graphs.

1.5. Absence of “Introduction” or “Conclusions” in the work, or both.

1.6. Presence of errors in the design of the bibliography: many “blind” footnotes (when there is a footnote to the author of an idea, but there is no link to the work itself where this idea is discussed).

1.7. There are errors in the design of the bibliography: the list of references is not made in accordance with GOST.

1.8. Omission of individual paragraphs or even entire chapters in the table of contents.

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