Department of English Philology. Department of English Philology Higher Education - Master's Degree

The Department of English Philology was founded in 1992 d. The department teaches practical English and complex theoretical disciplines in English philology and theory and practice of translation.

    Areas of activity of department graduates:
  • Pedagogical and methodological activities;
  • Translation in the field of professional communication;
  • Research activities;
  • Editorial, reviewing, artistic and critical activities.
    The level of training of specialists allows them to work:
  • Teachers of English in the system of general, special, higher and additional education;
  • Translators;
  • Researchers in the field of philology, linguistics and pedagogy;
  • In positions that require higher philological (humanitarian) education, namely: in the media, publishing houses, archives, museums, libraries;
  • Consultants and referents in government institutions, administrative and management structures.
    Significant contributions to the development of the department were made by:
  • Prof., Doctor of Philology N.V. Feoktistova, who came to work at our department in 1986 and worked with us until 2007. She was the author of fundamental scientific works in the field of lexicology, history of language. Under her leadership, 19 graduate students defended their Ph.D. theses.
  • Doctor of Philology, Professor G.I. Lushnikova, headed the department from 1993 to 2014, participant in many international conferences in England, Tunisia, Germany, UAE. She completed internships and advanced training courses in England, France, Belgium, Moscow, St. Petersburg. Under her leadership, 6 graduate students defended their Ph.D. theses, 4 of them work at our department. He has about 100 scientific and methodological publications, including 2 in foreign and 10 in VAK publications, 2 monographs, 3 textbooks. Together with Associate Professor L.P. Prokhorova organized and conducted 6 international scientific conferences "Concept and Culture", were editors of 6 collections of materials from these conferences.
  • From August 28, 2014, Ph.D., Associate Professor L.P. was appointed acting head of the department. Prokhorova, was elected to the position of head of the department from February 26, 2015. Participant of many international conferences in England, Scotland, France. He has published in foreign collective monographs published by CambridgeScholarsPublishers. She has won scientific grants from the Central European University, Budapest, Caledonian University, Glasgow, and the Russian Society of Friends of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. From 2011 to September 2016, she was the dean of the faculty of the Russian Humanitarian Faculty. Organizes the invitation and reception of foreign specialists to give lectures and conduct classes at the RHF faculty.
  • Candidate of Cultural Studies, Associate Professor T.Ya. Kostyuchenko, member of professional associations for cultural studies: Russian Society for the Study of US Culture (OICS) at Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov and the American Cultural Association (PCA/ACA).
  • Ph.D., Associate Professor S.V. Omelichkina, member of the methodological council of teachers of the Kemerovo region, chairman of the jury of regional Olympiads for schoolchildren.
  • Ph.D., Associate Professor Yu.A. Bashkatova, member of the Russian Association of Linguists and Cognitors (RALC).
  • Doctor of Philology, Professor V.A. Kameneva, author of more than 100 scientific papers published in Russia, Kazakhstan, Germany, and Bulgaria. Member of the dissertation council D 212.088.01 for the defense of doctoral and master's theses at Kemerovo State University, Kemerovo. Under the scientific guidance of V.A. Kameneva. Four candidate dissertations were defended in the dissertation council D 212.088.01 for the defense of doctoral and candidate dissertations at the Kemerovo State University.
  • Ph.D., Associate Professor E.N. Ermolaeva, deputy head of the department, author of more than 40 scientific, educational and educational works (including textbooks recommended by the SibRUMC); member of the organizing committee of the International Scientific Conference "Concept and Culture"; supervisor educational project, awarded the gold medal of the competition “GOLD MEDAL ITE Siberian Fair” (Novosibirsk, April 2012); carries out scientific supervision of coursework and diploma works of students, dissertation research graduate students. Area of ​​scientific interests: lexicology, linguoculturology, translation and translation studies, pragmatic aspects of communication, Internet communication.
  • Ph.D., Associate Professor N.A. Baeva, the author of many scientific articles, a textbook with the stamp of the SibRUMC “Intertextuality as a Text Category” and the monograph “Intertextuality in the Novel Work of Charles Dickens”. Gives presentations at international and federal conferences in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Barnaul, Kemerovo. He is the scientific supervisor of many prize-winning students and winners at international scientific conferences in Moscow, Novosibirsk, Kemerovo, Belov. He is the head of the graduate school.

The Department of English Philology was founded in 1953. The first head of the department was Polina Samoilovna Rabinovich (1953–1955). In 1955, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Semyon Lazarevich Sheinzon was elected to this position. From 1958 to 1968 The department was headed by a candidate of philological sciences, associate professor Fedor Petrovich Markov, and in 1969 Yuri Pavlovich Zotov, who defended his Ph.D. thesis in 1975, was elected head. From 1969 to 1994 Irina Borisovna Khlebnikova, a world-famous philologist, worked at the department. She trained 56 candidates of philological sciences. In 1995, Doctor of Philology, Professor Yulia Mikhailovna Trofimova was elected to the position of head of the department. Since 2010, the department has been headed by Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor Konstantin Bertoldovich Svoykin.

Department of English Philology:

  • has high scientific potential (2 professors - doctors of philological sciences, 12 associate professors, candidates of philological sciences, cultural scientists and philosophies)
  • conducts Scientific research in various areas: intercultural communication- language-culture-mentality (theoretical and applied problems); linguoculturology, linguodidactics; optimization of speech communication; text linguistics. linguistic genderology;
  • supervises graduate students in the specialty 10.02.04 “Germanic languages” (Doctor of Philology, Professor Trofimova Yu.M., Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor K.B. Svoykin)
  • actively participates in the publication of scientific and educational works of the faculty
  • collaborates with the faculty pre-university training on the issue of teaching Russian to foreign students
  • receives grants on a competitive basis for participation in scientific and methodological seminars and conferences: grant from the Government of the Republic of Moldova “Internet and multimedia in teaching foreign languages” (together with other departments); grant from the Jean Monnet program (together with the Faculty of Economics) for holding an international conference on the Bologna process; TEMPUS program grant to modernize the training of English language teachers; 3 Fulbright grants to invite American teachers to the faculty to teach theoretical and practical courses in English and other types of academic activities
  • takes an active part in international, regional, city and intra-university scientific and scientific-practical conferences
  • actively develops cooperation with foreign specialists: the department employed teachers from the USA, Great Britain, New Zealand, who conducted practical classes in modern English and participated in the preparation and conduct of subject Olympiads for students of the faculty (Matthew Stewart Barkley, Robin Schroeder, students of Oxford and Cambridge universities Ready Mark Dolby, Marta Tomashevskaya, Claire O'Brien, Oliver Ready), and also gave courses of lectures for teachers and students on linguodidactics (Robin Schroeder), modern US literature (Professor Fuller), methodology for testing language competencies (Professor Anthony Green)
  • is the organizer of regional, Russian and international scientific and practical conferences, in which both Russian and foreign scientists take part
  • actively cooperates with the publishing houses “Longman”, “Heinemann”, “MacMillan”, “Cambridge University Press” (Russian representative office) in order to modernize educational and methodological support educational process
  • facilitates the completion of advanced training courses and internships for teachers and students under Russian and international programs
  • prepares students to participate in Regional competitions in English, in the All-Russian open competition of scientific works of students in the section “Philological Sciences”
  • contributes to students receiving various scholarships, in particular named after M.M. Bakhtin, Head of the Republic of Moldova, President of the Russian Federation, international academic mobility programs
  • has been the headquarters since 2001 regional office All-Russian Association of Teachers of English (NATE)

Department of English Philology originates in 1993, when, on the basis of the Faculty of Philology and Journalism of Rostov state university the department was formed Romano-Germanic philology, which included the areas of English, German and French philology. In 2004, the Department of English Philology gained independence as structural subdivision, whose team has always been distinguished high level qualifications, activity in the scientific field, the desire to introduce innovative methods into the educational process and a responsible attitude towards their professional responsibilities.

Head of the department throughout its history remains Doctor of Philology, Professor Nikolaev Sergey Georgievich.

Teachers of the department play a key role in the preparation of bachelors in the “Foreign Philology” program. English language and Literature" (direction "Philology"), where 26 specialized disciplines are taught, and masters in the program "Western European Philology" (16 special courses). Also, members of the department take part in the preparation of bachelors in the International Journalism program (7 disciplines aimed at mastering English language skills) and masters in a number of programs in the Journalism direction.

Main directions scientific work departments:

Linguistic research: comparative linguistics (Germanic and Slavic languages); theory of linguistic and speech expressive means, linguistics of poetic text; problems of translation studies modern stage development of linguistics; cognitive linguistics, frame theory; lexicology; linguoculturology; medialinguistics; gender linguistics.

Literary studies: history of English and American literature of the 19th-20th centuries, the phenomenon of intertextuality, mythopoetic analysis, study of film adaptations.

Research in Pedagogy and Education: modern models of the educational process; modern technologies testing and assessing proficiency in practical skills of a foreign (English) language.

Prof. Nikolaev S.G. is a member of the Council for the Defense of Doctoral and Candidate's Dissertations D 212.208.17 at the Southern Federal University and a member of the Council for the Defense of Doctoral and Candidate's Dissertations D 212.208.09

Prof. Kolesina K.Yu. is a member of the Council for the Defense of Doctoral and Candidate's Dissertations D 212.208.27 at the Southern Federal University.

IN2011. The department received the EU grant TEMPUS IV ProSET “Formation of competencies and practical skills in assessing the language knowledge of English language teachers” (“Promoting Sustainable Excellence in Testing and Assessment”). During the implementation of planned project activities in 2012, employees of the department created Professional Development Center IFZhiMKK (www. prof - devcentre. com) as an educational information center and as a community of fellow teachers. The primary objectives of the Center are: creating an environment favorable for the introduction of advanced techniques in the field of teaching foreign languages, testing and assessing language knowledge; ensuring productive interaction and cooperation with other professional organizations in Russia and educational and research centers.

On the basis of the training center, training is carried out in additional programs vocational education: “Academic English”, “Green Rhetoric”, or mastery public speaking" And " Educational technologies and monitoring of the educational process"; master classes and methodological seminars are organized according to the Center’s programs for teachers, students, graduate students of SFU, as well as English teachers of secondary schools in Rostov-on-Don and the Rostov region.

In 2013, with the active participation of the Center’s staff, the international conference “Academic Writing and Effective Bilingual Communication in the Sciences” was organized (November 13-16, 2013, SFJ SFU).

IN 2008. within the framework of the National project for the development program of the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Southern Federal University", the staff of the department prepared 5 semester courses of lectures, 18 teaching aids, 4 packages test tasks, 6 educational and methodological complexes.

Since 2007 the department has been collaborating with Foundation "Oxford - Russia""and participates in annual seminars held at the Perm State University (Perm).

Active cooperation is also maintained with the following organizations:

· State budgetary educational institution for additional education of children of the Rostov region "Regional Center for Additional Education of Children";

·Centre for Language and International Relations, Solent University Southampton, Southampton (UK);

· Center "Global Language Services";

· Magazine International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education (IJCRSEE), Serbia;

· Regional organizational and methodological center distance education gifted children;

· Publishing house "Old Russians";

· Publishing house "Prof-Press";

· Translation agency "Intourist";

· OJSC "Tenth Bearing Plant";

· language center "Pilot"

Basic areas of graduate employment departments under the program “Foreign Philology. English language and literature":teaching foreign languages ​​and literature: secondary schools in Rostov-on-Don and the Rostov region; language centers and schools, such as “Pilot”, “Context”, “Ella’s School” in Alicante, Spain; other departments of foreign languages ​​of SFU; other universities in Rostov-on-Don; foreign schools and universities;translation activities: Chinese News Agency (TV), Moscow, Biokond company, GPZ-10 plant, Rostselmash plant, City Hall of Rostov-on-Don, Department international relations SFU, etc.

Teachers of the department regularly take advanced training courses, including foreign internships.

The Department of English Philology was established as an independent structural unit in 1994. Its first head was Dr. Philol. Sciences, Professor V.V. Kabakchi, from 1997 to 2014 the department was headed by Dr. Philol. Sciences, Professor N.L. Shadrin, from 2014 to 2017 - Doctor of Philology. Assoc. HE. Morozova, the Department of English Philology is currently headed by Dr. Philol. Sciences, Professor Svetlana Viktorovna Ivanova,.

The main activities of the department are:

  • teaching English as a first and second foreign language for students studying in the field of preparation 03/44/01 Teacher Education, profile Foreign language (bachelor’s degree) and direction 44.04.01 Pedagogical education, training program “Language education” (master’s degree);
  • teaching theoretical disciplines of linguistic and methodological cycles;
  • teaching English to postgraduate students in non-linguistic areas of training;
  • training of postgraduate students in the field of study 06/45/01 LINGUISTICS AND LITERARY STUDIES, profile Germanic languages.

Training at the department is carried out in accordance with the Federal State educational standard higher education. Targeted training allows graduates of the department to successfully implement professional activity in pedagogical, scientific-methodological, scientific-research, educational spheres. Our graduates work as foreign language teachers, researchers, scientists, and managers educational institutions, methodologists-consultants, experts in the field of education.

Teachers of the department are constantly improving the content theoretical courses(“Introduction to linguistics”, “Lexicology”, “Stylists”, “Theoretical phonetics”, “Theoretical grammar”, etc.), elective courses, special courses, seminars and practical classes using achievements in their development modern science and the results of their own methodological and research activities. All teachers of the department are constantly working to improve their qualifications, attend courses, take part in conferences and scientific and methodological seminars.

Teachers of the department annually hold a university Olympiad in English among graduates of schools in the Leningrad region and St. Petersburg.

The department maintains and develops previously established connections with scientific and educational institutions of St. Petersburg and other regions and countries, participating in joint scientific and methodological seminars and conferences (St. Petersburg State University, Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen, St. Petersburg State Agrarian University, Novgorod State University named after Yaroslav the Wise , Tula Pedagogical University and etc.).

Teachers of the department, as well as students of the English department, are members of the St. Petersburg Association of Teachers of English (SPELTA) and the International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL).

List of directions and levels of training

higher education - bachelor's degree

higher education - master's degree

higher education - training of highly qualified personnel

Teaching staff

Ivanova Svetlana ViktorovnaHead department
Morozova Olga NikolaevnaDoctor of Philology, ProfessorProfessor
Serova Irina GeorgievnaDoctor of Philology, ProfessorProfessor
Abazovik Ekaterina ViktorovnaCandidate of Pedagogical SciencesAssistant professor
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