Department of Anthropology. About the Department of Ethnography and Anthropology. Horizons of philosophical anthropology

The Department of Anthropology was created at the Natural Sciences Department of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Moscow State University in 1919 on the initiative of Academician D.N. Anuchin and Professor V.V. Bunaka. Since 1930, the department became part of the Faculty of Biology of Moscow State University. Since its formation, the department has been headed by: since 1919 - academician D.N. Anuchin, anthropologist, archaeologist, ethnographer and geographer, founder of the Research Institute and the Museum of Anthropology of Moscow State University; since 1923 - Professor V.V. Bunak, since 1933 - Professor M.A. Gremyatsky, since 1964 - Professor Ya.Ya. Roginsky, since 1975 - Professor V.L. Yakimov; From 1980 to the present, the department is headed by the director of the Research Institute and Museum of Anthropology of Moscow State University, Professor V.P. Readers.

The Department of Anthropology of Moscow State University is the only one in the country where the entire range of subjects necessary for training specialists in the field of both physical anthropology (human biology) and historical anthropology is taught.

The training program at the Department of Anthropology includes a variety of courses taught by members of the department, specialists from the Research Institute of Anthropology at Moscow State University, the Department of Anthropology at the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology. N.N. Miklouho-Maclay RAS, Institute of Archeology RAS, Medical Genetics Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

The course “Anthropology” is taught not only in biology, but also in other faculties of Moscow State University: psychology, fundamental medicine, philosophy and geology.

Students of the Faculty of Biology specializing in the Department of Anthropology listen to lectures and conduct practical lessons for a whole range scientific disciplines, which provide a huge choice and opportunity for professional guidance in almost any area of ​​modern anthropological science.

A wide range of directions and topics in the scientific work of the department allows students to carry out interesting and multidirectional coursework and theses both in line with classical anthropology (evolutionary and ethnic anthropology, morphology), and in the field of somatic, functional, hormonal, population, forensic, sports anthropology, etc.

At the Department of Anthropology of Moscow State University, specialization has been introduced in the following areas: “General Anthropology”, “Anthropogenesis”, “Human Morphology”, “Ethnic Anthropology”, “Population Genetics”. Students have the opportunity to continue their studies in graduate school.

Graduates of the department, accustomed to working at the intersection of natural science and humanitarian problems, work in various institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, industrial research institutes, expert institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. They work both in institutions of anthropological and archaeological profile, and in the field forensic medicine, clinical genetics, in sports research institutes, and also teach anthropology at various Moscow and Russian universities.

At the Department of Anthropology there are Scientific research within the following main areas: evolutionary anthropology; age and constitutional anthropology; morphological, functional, medical and environmental anthropology; anthropogenetics; population and ethnic anthropology; ethology of humans and primates.

The data obtained by the staff of the department is widely practical use V educational process, medicine, psychology, pedagogy, and also make a significant contribution to the development of human sciences.

Modern anthropology is the science of man as a biological species: his origin and biological variability in time and space (anthropogenesis, racial studies and human morphology). At the same time, man is also studied as a biosocial phenomenon, since the manifestations of his biological nature are largely mediated by the social environment.
Updated 06.2018

1880 The Department of Anthropology was established at the Natural Sciences Department of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Moscow State University on the initiative of Professor A.P. Bogdanova, existed for 4 years.
1907 The specialty “anthropology” has been created at the Department of Geography and Ethnography of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Moscow State University.
1919 The Department of Geography and Ethnography of the Natural Sciences Department of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Moscow State University is divided into two: the Department of Geography and the Department of Anthropology.
1933 The Department of Anthropology is part of the Faculty of Biology.

Head of the department: Buzhilova Alexandra Petrovna – Doctor of Historical Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, member of the European Anthropological Association, Paleopathological Association, European Society for the Study of Human Evolution, American Archaeological Society.

A.P. Buzhilova is a graduate of the Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University, Director of the Research Institute and Museum of Anthropology of Moscow State University named after D.N. Anuchina, head of the department of scientific funds and exhibitions, since 2012 – head of the department of anthropology.

A.P. Buzhilova is a major specialist in the field of human paleopathology, paleodemography, paleoecology and adaptation, bioarchaeological reconstruction and paleogenetics, author of more than 200 scientific works, incl. 2 monographs and 52 sections in 19 collective monographs.
From the beginning of his creative activity (1987) to the present time, the work of A.P. Buzhilova are published in leading international journals on anthropology, archeology and genetics (including,).


Heads of the department since the founding of the department

Full name Year of entry into office Year of leaving office

Anuchin Dmitry Nikolaevich
honorary doctor of geology, professor, academician, holder of the Orders of St. Vladimir, St. Anne, Legion of Honor (France)



Bunak Viktor Valerianovich
Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, awarded the Order Lenin and USSR medals



Gremyatsky Mikhail Antonovich
Doctor of Biology, Professor, laureate of the USSR State Prize, awarded the Order of Lenin and medals of the USSR



Roginsky Yakov Yakovlevich
Doctor of Biology, Professor, Lomonosov Prize laureate



Yakimov Vsevolod Petrovich



Chtetsov Vladimir Pavlovich
Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Director of the Research Institute and Museum of Anthropology of Moscow State University



Buzhilova Alexandra Petrovn
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the Research Institute and Museum of Anthropology of Moscow State University


Until now

Directions of scientific research

The department annually graduates 3-10 specialists in the specialty “anthropology”.

The department has 4 professors, 2 associate professors, 1 senior lecturer, 1 assistant, 3 researchers.

Department courses

Course name Teacher
Anthropology with basic human anatomy prof. V.Yu. Bakholdina, prof. M.A. Negasheva
General archeology Assoc. S.V. Drobyshevsky
Morphology of the human skeleton (osteometry) Assoc. I.A. Slavolubova
Anthropometry prof. M.A. Negasheva, ass. THEM. Sineva
Fundamentals of hormonal anthropology prof. L.V. Betz
Craniometry Assoc. S.V. Drobyshevsky
Traditional and multidimensional biometrics senior teacher N.N. Goncharova
Anthropogenesis prof. V.Yu. Bakholdina
Ethnic anthropology and ethnography Assoc. S.V. Drobyshevsky
Paleoanthropology senior researcher S.B. Borutskaya
Introduction to population and medical science. genetics V.N.S. A.A. Movsesyan
Human population genetics senior researcher V.A. Sheremetyev
Dermatoglyphics Assoc. I.A. Slavolubova
Somatic and functional anthropology prof. M.A. Negasheva
Genogeography prof. O.P. Balanovsky
History of anthropology prof. V.Yu. Bakholdina
Auxology prof. E.Z. Godina
Cerebrology prof. L.V. Betz
Odontology n.s. ON THE. Leibova
Human ecology prof. M.A. Negasheva
Paleopathology head of department A.P. Buzhilova
Molecular anthropology V.N.S. A.A. Movsesyan
Morphology and ethology of primates senior researcher S.B. Borutskaya
Forensic anthropology senior teacher N.N. Goncharova
Anthropology of the peoples of Northern Eurasia senior researcher V.A. Sheremetyev
Anthropological standardization senior teacher N.N. Goncharova
Medical anthropology prof. L.V. Betz, assistant professor I.A. Slavolubova
Ergonomics senior teacher N.N. Goncharova

Cathedral practices

  • Workshop on human anatomy (general faculty);
  • In the summer after the 2nd year, students of the department undergo archaeological practice (going on excavation expeditions, studying methods of excavation, collecting anthropological material, studying bone material in the field);
  • Summer practice in the specialty after the 3rd year includes anthropometric practice (in a city clinic), practice in the reconstruction laboratory of the Research Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, craniological and bibliographic practice (at the department);
  • Workshops on anthropogenesis, osteometry, methods of paleoanthropological and forensic research, dermatoglyphics, anthropological photography and photo-alignment, molecular genetic methods, etc.;
  • Individual pre-diploma internships in accordance with the topics of the educational research work being carried out.


  • Zelenogorsk University (Poland)
  • University of Bratislava (Slovakia)
  • Transnistrian University (Tiraspol, Transnistria)
  • Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (Minsk, Belarus)

Scientific and educational achievements of the department

Year(s) of work
above topic
Full name Topic, achievement
1931-1940 V.V. Bunak A constitutional scheme has been developed to determine the physique of men, which is still widely used in Russian anthropology
1946 Ya.Ya. Roginsky The hypothesis of broad monocentrism in the origin of man and his races is substantiated ( Lomonosov Prize)
1960-1970 SOUTH. Rychkov Population genetic and molecular anthropological research emerged and developed
1964-1980 SOUTH. Rychkov,
V.A. Sheremetyeva and others.
A permanent Siberian genetic-anthropological expedition was organized. Throughout North Asia, the concentrations of several dozen genes that control various systems of human blood groups and functionally important proteins have been established
1965-1979 SOUTH. Rychkov,
V.A. Sheremetyev
Using the methods of experimental serological genetics, 37 thousand genotypes were identified and maps of the distribution of human blood group genes were constructed in Siberia; the dependence of population genetic processes in humans on factors of socio-historical and demographic development has been established and mathematically modeled
1969-1978 E.N. Khrisanfova A detailed morphological description of the evolutionary changes of the entire hominid skeleton was carried out
1969-1980 Ya.Ya. Roginsky,
V.P. Yakimov
A solution to a number of theoretical problems of anthropogenesis has been proposed, for example, the problem of the “edge” and the morphological criterion of hominids
1975 M.A. Deryagina Prospective studies of primate behavior (social, aggressive, communicative, manipulative) have begun with an attempt to reconstruct the early stages of anthropogenesis
1975-1980 V.P. Readers As part of the study of the composition of the human body, densitometric studies were carried out, having great importance for fractionation of body weight and human constitution
1975-1990 V.Z. Yurovskaya The brachiatory theory of anthropogenesis is substantiated
1975-2010 V.A. Sheremetyev A comparative study of the primary structure of DNA in the populations of Europe, Africa and Asia was carried out in connection with the search for family ties of the peoples of Russia and neighboring countries at the molecular level
1980 V.V. Bunak Classification developed human races. The scheme of the origin and settlement of races is based on a triple hierarchy and the rejection of dichotomy in branching (“bush”). The diagram reflects the time of divergence of the branches and the contribution of ancient forms to modern types.
1980 E.N. Khrisanfova,
L.V. Betz
A new direction has been created - hormonal anthropology
1983 V.P. Readers A scheme for diagnosing the physique of men and women has been developed, excluding a subjective approach and based on objective measuring signs
1985-2000 L.V. Betz For the first time, a comprehensive assessment of individual and interpopulation variability of human hormonal status in spatial and temporal aspects is presented
1988 V.Yu. Bakholdina A scheme of anthropogenesis is proposed through gradual transformation within synchronous heterogeneous evolutionary strata of hominids, within which progressive traits could be dispersed, concentrating under the influence of selection as integration processes intensify
1990-1999 S.B. Borutskaya A new, detailed diagram of the postures and movements of modern primates has been developed. For the first time, a comprehensive ethological and morphological study of primate locomotion was carried out in connection with the problem of the origin of hominid bipedia
1992 L.V. Betz,
E.N. Khrisanfova and others.
Some constitutional markers for non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus have been identified and their distribution in different ecological and population groups of Russia and the CIS countries has been studied.
1995 N.N. Goncharova According to paleoanthropology and craniology, the medieval population of Novgorod was studied. Evidence of genetic connections between the Novgorod Slavs and the Bilti Slavs and their relative isolation from the East Slavic world has been revealed
1996 M.A. Negasheva A morphological typology has been developed for individual diagnosis of variant size and shape of the face
1998-2010 E.N. Khrisanfova,
M.A. Negasheva
Based on mass screening surveys of Moscow youth over the past 80 years, an increase in body length has been noted in both sexes and a tendency towards asthenia in physique
2000-2005 A.A. Movsesyan A comprehensive classification and phylogenetic analysis of fossil populations within the ecumene was carried out using paleophenetic data
2000-2005 I.A. Slavolubova The relationships between the magnitude and topography of subcutaneous fat deposition and the rate of ontogenesis in different age, gender and ethno-territorial groups have been studied; associations of signs of fat deposition with genetic markers were studied
2001 A.P. Buzhilova According to paleoanthropology, adaptive processes in ancient population of Eastern Europe. Shown Negative influence urbanization on the development of human populations: a decrease in sexual dimorphism and the level of reproduction, an increase in some pathologies of the female population and an increase in the incidence of cranial injuries, arthrosis pathologies, and specific infections
2001-2010 L.V. Betz An assessment of the associations of hormonal status indicators with polymorphisms of some DNA markers is presented, illustrating the genetic cause of variability in hormonal indicators
2001-2010 S.B. Borutskaya A comprehensive paleoanthropological study was carried out large number populations of ancient people of different historical eras in Europe, Asia and Africa
2004 L.Yu. Shpak For the first time in anthropology, the dermatoglyphics of the middle and proximal phalanges of the fingers is presented in a comprehensive manner.
2004 N.N. Goncharova,
Yu.I. Pigolkin
O.M. Pavlovsky
V.A. Bacevich et al.
A method has been developed for assessing a person’s age using planimetry using radiographs of the hand.
2007 S.V. Drobyshevsky For the first time in the last 40 years, studies in paleoneurology have been carried out, which show the main stages of the evolution of the brain from Australopithecus to Homosapiens
2008 M.A. Negasheva A holistic view has been formed and an original model of the relationships between somatic, dermatoglyphic and psychological signs in the structure of the general human constitution has been developed.
2008 V.Yu. Bakholdina A hypothesis has been proposed that differences in the discriminatory and taxonomic significance of the features of the brain and facial skull were formed during the evolution of the species Homosapiens
2008-2010 A.A. Dorofeeva Stable trends in the joint variability of the characteristics of the color and structure of the iris have been identified; the Bunak scale for determining eye color in anthropological studies was objectified
2008-2013 THEM. Sineva Patterns of mutual variation in osteometric characteristics of the tubular bones of the extremities were revealed. Using a complex method that takes into account the characteristics of many bones, a method for diagnosing gender has been developed. New osteometric signs have been proposed that complement or replace traditional ones in conditions of poor preservation of bone material
2011-2014 NOT. Lapshina,
M.A. Negasheva
A model of relationships between various systems of traits (morphological, functional and genetic) with biological age has been developed, illustrating the varying degrees of influence of biological and some social factors on the rate of human aging
2014-2016 A.A. Movsesyan,
V.Yu. Bakholdina,
S.B. Borutskaya,
V.A. Sheremetyeva and others.
The intergroup variability of the population of the Baikal region of the Neolithic and Early Bronze Ages was studied using craniometric data. It is shown that, according to craniometric data, as well as according to data on discretely varying characters, the Angara Chinese and the Serovians who replaced them are carriers of different gene pools. It has been revealed that many pathologies are associated with cold exposure, a violation of the mineral composition of the blood, as well as a lack of calcium in food and water
2015-2017 M.A. Negasheva
I.A. Slavolubova
THEM. Sineva
A.M. Yudina and others.
An original model of intersystem connections of somatic, physiological, dermatoglyphic and psychological characteristics, as well as polymorphism of some genes, has been developed, illustrating the differential contribution of biological and social factors to the formation of the adaptive capabilities of the body in the conditions of an urbanized information society


  1. Problems of anthropogenesis / Ya.Ya. Roginsky - M.: graduate School, 1969.
  2. Constitution and biochemical individuality of a person / E.N. Khrisanfova - M.: Moscow State University Publishing House, 1990.
  3. Anthropology: Textbook / E.N. Khrisanfova, I.V. Carriers - M.: Moscow State University Publishing House, Publishing house. 1-4: 1991-2005.
  4. Fundamentals of gerontology: Textbook / E.N. Khrisanfova - M.: Vlados, 1999.
  5. Gene pool and genogeography of population. Volume I and II edited by Yu.G. Rychkova, Yu.P. Altukhova - St. Petersburg: Nauka, 2000, 2003.
  6. Workshop on the anatomy of the human brain / S.V. Savelyev, M.A. Negasheva - M.: Vedi, Publishing house. 1-2: 2001, 2005.
  7. Predecessors. Ancestors? Parts I-IV / S.V. Drobyshevsky - M.: URSS, 2002-2010.
  8. Human Origins. Findings, terms, hypotheses / V.Yu. Bakholdina - M.: Folium, 2004.
  9. Phenetic analysis in paleoanthropology / A.A. Movsesyan - M.: Nauka, 2005.
  10. Variability and taxonomic structure of signs of the human craniofacial system / V.Yu. Bakholdina - M.: KDU, 2007.
  11. Problems of the origin of hominid bipedia / S.B. Borutskaya, S.V. Vasiliev - M.: Association Ecost, 2007.
  12. Course of lectures on multidimensional biometrics for anthropologists / V.E. Deryabin - M.: Moscow State University Publishing House, 2008.
  13. Lectures on general human somatology. Parts I-III / V.E. Deryabin - M.: Moscow State University Publishing House, 2008.
  14. Anthropology: Course of lectures / V.E. Deryabin - M.: Moscow State University Publishing House, 2009.
  15. Archeology: Educational and methodological manual/ S.V. Drobyshevsky - M.: MaxPress, 2009.
  16. Origin of human races. Parts I and II / S.V. Drobyshevsky - M.: URSS, 2013, 2014.
  17. Human evolution and morphology: Tutorial– M.: Moscow State University Publishing House, 2014.
  18. Anthropogenesis / S.V. Drobyshevsky - M.: Modern, 2017.
  19. The missing link. Books I and II / S.V. Drobyshevsky - M.: AST, 2017.
  20. Fundamentals of anthropometry: Textbook / M.A. Negasheva - M.: Ekon-Inform, 2017.
  21. Tutor on human anatomy: Textbook / M.A. Negasheva, I.A. Slavolubova, S.V. Drobyshevsky, I.M. Sineva - M.: Arche, 2018.

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