How to write a message in an electronic diary. How to use the service of an electronic student diary through government services. Different log views

In the citywide electronic journal-diary(hereinafter referred to as OEJD), each parent has the opportunity to contact the administration using the “Personal Messages” section educational organization, class teacher, subject teachers, parents and students of the class in which the child is studying.

A parent can go to the “Private Messages” section in any of the following ways:

  • through the “User Block” in the upper right corner of the screen by clicking on the icon with an envelope;
  • through the vertical menu by clicking on the icon with an envelope;
  • through the main screen of the OJSC, selecting the “Personal messages” section.

A page with personal messages will open. On the left side of the page there is a window with a list of chats. To create a new chat, click on the “+” icon.

When creating a chat, you need to give it a name, determine the chat participants who will have access to all messages, and click on the “Create” button.

The parent can choose from the following groups of chat participants:

· school administration;

· class parents;

· students of the class;

· class teacher.

After selecting a group, a window opens in which you can mark the chat participants who will receive messages, and then click on the “Select marked” button.

You can remove a chat participant using the “x” icon. After this, the remote user will not receive messages from this chat.

It is possible to search for a user to whom you need to send a personal message. To do this, start entering your full name. in the “Search” line, the system will find all matches and offer all found options for selection.

After creating a chat, you can edit it. To do this, click on the “Chat Settings” icon.

Not long ago, a system of electronic tracking of student progress was introduced in the Russian education sector, which has become widespread among parents and students. The PSU electronic journal and school diary, available on the State Services portal, allow you to timely find out students’ grades online and check student attendance. It is worth examining in more detail the features of using an electronic diary on the State Services website.

What is an electronic diary on the State Services portal?

The student’s electronic diary is an online service of the State Services website, which displays data on the progress of each individual student. Here you can view not only grades, but also missed lessons, as well as teachers’ comments on grades. To more accurately form an idea of ​​the situation in the country, data on the child’s behavior for each past week is provided. Parents have access to only their child's diary, and can also sign it using an electronic signature.

What is an electronic journal on the State Services portal?

An electronic journal is created for each class separately, to which not only parents and students, but also all teachers, subject teachers, class teacher and principal have access educational institution. In the electronic journal, teachers can do the following:

  • give grades for lessons and comment on them;
  • mark absenteeism by children;
  • submit homework;
  • make announcements to parents and students;
  • conduct correspondence with certain parents of the student.

For each subject, the average score and the number of absences are calculated, which allows you to quickly view the data of interest.

Documents required to provide the Electronic Diary service

To gain access to the electronic diary, the secretary of the educational institution must provide a set of the following documents:

  • identification of the parent or guardian;
  • child's birth certificate;
  • application for the provision of services;
  • consent to the processing of personal data.

The application must be filled out carefully and according to the sample, because if there is the slightest inaccuracy it will be rejected:

Service cost

You can apply for access to the electronic diary by contacting the educational institution in person or through an official representative. The duration of the service is 15 minutes.

Important! The student’s electronic diary through State Services displays complete information about the student’s progress completely free of charge. You should not turn to other sites and pay money for it. Services on the school portal are provided without charging money, because an agreement is previously concluded with each parent defining the procedure and conditions for the free provision of the service.

How to access the electronic diary through State Services?

To log into the electronic diary, you need to go to the city services portal via the link and log in with your username and password using the website

Next, you will see a form to create an account. You can request your login and password from your school's class teacher. It is enough to enter this data only once, after which the portal will automatically remember and save it in the Unified personal account. Then click on the green “Go to diary” button.

This video clearly shows how to access a student’s electronic diary:

What additional services can be obtained on the school portal?

In addition to the services described above, the following opportunities can be obtained on the State Services portal:

  • progress table. A table is created for each student, which is formed from the grades he received for the quarter. Absences and final grades for each period of study are also noted here. Recently, an additional function for calculating average scores was added, which allows high school students to focus on passing scores for universities. Here you can see which teacher gave a grade, as well as a remark or comment on the score. The function is available not only to teachers, but also to parents and students. It became possible to track progress throughout the entire quarter;
  • progress chart. You can track your progress not only by grades, but also in graphical form. The graph makes it possible to vary comparisons across different criteria and categories;
  • lesson schedule not only for students, but also for teachers;
  • call schedule;
  • personal data of each registered user of the school portal;
  • chat communication within the school.

Why did I receive a refusal to provide the service?

The reason for refusal to receive the electronic diary service may be an incorrectly completed application form. If you inaccurately indicated your first name, last name or patronymic, then you should fill out a new form again, because otherwise you will not be able to open the electronic diary on the State Services portal.

If a teacher comes to the department, he must provide the journal of the class that he wants to access in in electronic format. Only if this requirement is met will the teacher be able to open an electronic journal through State Services.

Benefits of using the school portal

The main advantages of the school portal on the State Services website are the following:

  • functionality. The portal system can be completely customized from the start. Some tabs are easy to remove if you don't need them at the moment;
  • full control over the child. Children do not always tell the truth about their grades and behavior at school, which can then result in unpredictable circumstances;
  • the appearance of the program corresponds to the usual paper analogue of a school diary and magazine;
  • high speed of response to requests when using the portal;
  • constant updating of the database. Each teacher must record changes in the electronic journal immediately after class;
  • The notification system for changes on the school portal is designed in such a way that there is no need to constantly check for updates. The electronic journal on the State Services portal allows you to instantly find out about the student’s progress.

In other words, the teacher will not be able to create conditions for the formation key competencies students, if he himself is not competent in these matters. Thus, the key competencies that must be developed in students must first of all be possessed by the teacher; he must have professional competence.

New realities increase the complexity professionally – pedagogical activity. Changes in the field of education are accompanied by an expansion of the professional functions of the teacher.

One of the key competencies of a modern teacher is information competence. The formation of information competence is an important component of his professionalism.

INFORMATION COMPETENCY TEACHERS assume the following skills:

Possess the skills of working with various sources of information: books, textbooks, reference books, atlases, maps, guides, encyclopedias, catalogues, dictionaries, CD-Rom, Internet;

Independently search, extract, systematize, analyze and select information necessary to solve educational problems, organize, transform, save and transmit it;

To navigate information flows, to be able to highlight the main and necessary things in them; be able to consciously perceive information disseminated through media channels;

Possess the skills to use information devices: computer, television, tape recorder, telephone, mobile phone, pager, fax.

Use information and telecommunication technologies to solve educational problems: audio and video recording, e-mail, Internet.

One of the components of a teacher’s information competencies today is maintaining an electronic journal and student diary. Electronic journals and diaries are slowly but surely becoming part of the daily life of schools. Education should not lag behind other areas of life, because schools educate people who will live in the society of the future. And it is no longer possible to imagine tomorrow without computers, the Internet and other technical means of the new century.

The introduction of electronic diaries in schools and other educational institutions is planned to be made mandatory. The President of the Russian Federation spoke very unequivocally on this issue at a visiting meeting of the Council for the Development of the Information Society in Russia on July 8, 2010, held in Tver, at which the issue of implementing the Strategy for the Development of the Information Society in RF.

What should an electronic journal be like?

The electronic journal should be similar to the school paper journal and have an easy way to fill it out.

Student data on grades (as well as other information entered into the electronic journal, such as comments, omissions, etc.) should be available only to those who have the right to see them: teachers, school administration, parents (in the student’s electronic journal) .

Students and their parents should be able to control the average grade in subjects, thereby working to improve their performance.

The quantity and completeness of grades given must be monitored to ensure correct certification of students.

The class teacher and school administration must have tools for monitoring and diagnosing class performance.

The electronic journal should provide the opportunity to see a complete picture of academic performance, monitor absences from lessons, and also make it possible to qualify these absences for reasons - valid, disrespectful, or illness.

Users of the electronic journal should be able to visually distinguish grades for tests, independent and other types of work on the page with class grades.

The main advantages of this system can be formulated as follows:

The diary is now impossible to forget at home or lose!

Parents have constant and easy access to their child's diary. All you need is internet!

The student has full access to the system and feels responsible for the results of his studies, in addition, even if he got sick or for some other reason was unable to enroll homework, you just need to go online to get it.

An electronic diary allows the teacher to keep attendance and progress reports in one place

The electronic diary system greatly simplifies the accumulation of all school information and its analysis

Connecting to the electronic diary system is a very simple procedure and does not require additional equipment. A regular computer and Internet access are enough.

Our school is one of the educational institutions in Shadrinsk that strives to keep up with the times and implements educational process the latest developments and technologies. In order to effectively communicate with parents, the need arose to maintain an electronic classroom journal. For the second year now, the school has been operating an “Electronic Journal” - based on the portal “”, which involves the educational institution in the process of electronic storage and processing of data, automates the process of monitoring academic performance, duplicates school journal entries, protecting it from distortion, and makes it possible to control the accumulation of grades in subjects. At this stage, 7 classes, 190 students, 186 parents, 14 teachers are participating in the ED system. 5 classes will start working in the system from the 2nd quarter.

The Internet today is an integral part of our lives. Modern schoolchildren are well versed in social electronic networks. It should also be noted that the parents of students are mainly the younger generation, for whom, like their children, the virtual world is familiar. This means that time and modern conditions dictate new requirements for us teachers and provide new opportunities.

A modern teacher needs to be an active Internet user. Moreover, be able to use this space in educational and educational purposes. Using electronic resources to interact with parents and children, the teacher can organize work to inform parents quickly, efficiently and effectively.

Diary features

Electronic diary is:


Electronic diary

Teacher's electronic journal


Fiction Library

Media library (educational literature, audio and video)

Dictionaries and online translator


Personal pages of students, teachers and parents

Private messages

Thematic groups and events


Storing and sharing documents, photos, audio, video and other files

Using convenient services, optimizes the work of the teacher:

The lesson schedule reflects all types of reporting periods: quarters, trimesters, semesters and modules.

The diary allows you to visually display information about the student’s current and final grades. It is also possible to record missed lessons and post comments from teachers.

School staff have the ability to create announcements.


“” takes all necessary measures to ensure the security of the information posted, and complies with the Federal Law “On Personal Data”.

Teachers, students and their parents can register on the site only after receiving invitation codes from their school. All codes are kept by the school administration and are not subject to disclosure. The ability to add new users to is provided only to school administrators, so the absence of unauthorized persons on the site is guaranteed.

Each user can restrict access to their personal page. In order to ensure information security, the school administrator has the right to control the activities of students of his educational institution within the network.


"" is available to everyone.

The diary can be used immediately after connection. The school does not require any additional costs for equipment, technical support or training.

To work with the Diary, you only need a computer with Internet access and an Internet browser. No special software installation required.

"" is a free educational network. No payment is required for connection and daily use of

Benefits of a diary

For school:

Increasing the prestige of an educational institution.

Improving school performance;

Improving computer literacy of school staff;

Possibility of quickly informing parents;

Ability to create automatic reports

For parents:

Active participation of parents in the upbringing and education of the child;

Reliable information about grades and absenteeism;

For the student:

The class schedule is always at hand;

Homework information;

Full picture of ratings;

Other useful information.

Possibility of communication

Having an electronic diary at school is a great help for teachers . Using it in his work, the teacher can at any time enter the necessary information, such as: assign homework, leave a message for parents of students, view performance statistics for each student and for the class as a whole.

“Electronic Diary” is a system for interaction between schoolchildren, their parents, teachers and school administration via the Internet. Using electronic diaries, parents monitor their child’s progress: their class schedule, homework, grades, attendance. Students have their schedule and homework at hand, as well as the ability to view statistics and ratings of their grades by week and month.

For a teacher, this form of work is good because there is no need to duplicate information in several copies; the information is relevant and well-informed, which leads to increased parental responsibility.

What difficulties arise when a teacher uses electronic resources in his work?

1.The need to master the skills of working with the program.

2.Time to fill out electronic forms. Forms exist independently whether we work with them or not. By filling it out once and systematically adding data, the teacher can get a clear picture of any student’s performance at any time without much effort. But doesn’t writing out grades by hand, when you have to duplicate the same thing, take time?

3.Availability of a computer and Internet network freely available to the teacher. Yes, the technical equipment of the offices is not enough for large-scale systematic work. But schools are creating computer classes where the Internet is connected, and opportunities are gradually expanding. Will it be too late to start mastering electronic diaries when the system is fully operational?

4.Parental interest. Teachers often doubt: will parents go to the website and view the electronic diary in a timely manner? Yes, if the parent is not indifferent, and the class teacher has carried out explanatory work with him and the process is organized at a competent professional level.

Thus, an electronic journal (diary) is a convenient and accessible tool for creating a unified information and educational space of an educational institution and the interaction of an educational institution with parents of students.

In my opinion, the use of electronic resources in the work of teachers when interacting with parents and students is effective, necessary, and modern.

The teacher has no right to stop there. He works with the younger generation, prepares them for life in a new society, which means he himself must keep up with the times, without citing the fact that “in our time everything was different and I am not able to master new things.” The degree of success of teachers in mastering new technologies and methods depends less on their age, but more on their dedication to the profession, desire to learn new things, and interest in self-education.

I'd like to end this talk with Bill Gates saying, "All the computers in the world won't make a difference without passionate students, knowledgeable and dedicated teachers, caring and knowledgeable parents, and a society that emphasizes the value of lifelong learning."

Today there are several electronic grade books and electronic student diaries. The most famous are, AVERS: Electronic Class Magazine, ACS “Virtual School”. Each of these software was created with the goal of making the teacher's work easier, as well as accessibility and increasing control on the part of parents in relation to their children.

Of course, development information technologies is an absolute plus for the system school education in Russia. However, the key issue in connection with the introduction of the electronic journal and diary was the question of the teacher’s work with the electronic journal.

Today, school teachers are absolutely required to fill out two journals, paper and electronic. But it was not even this that caused general indignation among teachers, but the fact that many of them do not have a workplace equipped to work with an electronic class register, which is why many teachers are forced to fill it out after school hours, often at home.

Procedure for working with the electronic journal

If all requirements are met and the teacher’s automated workstation is fully organized, filling out an electronic journal is completely similar to the procedure for filling out a regular paper journal, which is familiar to every teacher. To work with the electronic resource, each school teacher creates an account with individual logins and passwords. It is important for the teacher to prevent the spread of information about his account, otherwise students will have the opportunity to be included in the magazine. Students and parents have their own accounts.

At the beginning of the new school year, each class teacher enters a list of students in his class in an electronic journal, fills in certain information identical to that in the paper journal on the last page - residential address, information about parents. Depending on the program, the choice of which depends on the region and even the specific school, the completeness of information about students and parents varies. By the way, next time academic year The class teacher will not have to fill out the list of students - at the end of the year the program will automatically transfer them to the new school year. That is, the class list can be created once, and then new students can be added as needed.

The teacher must enter calendar and thematic planning into the electronic system. Often this simply requires uploading a Word or Excel file. Next, each school teacher fills out an electronic log for each lesson. He introduces the topic of the lesson and notes those who are absent at the beginning of the lesson. During the lesson, during the survey, the students’ work at the blackboard, the teacher puts marks directly into the electronic class register. At the end of the lesson, the teacher is required to enter homework into the electronic journal.

It is worth saying that the electronic journal is directly connected to the student’s electronic diary, so information about grades and homework goes there automatically. This is convenient, since time is not wasted on entering grades in diaries and substitution of grades by students is practically eliminated.

The electronic classroom magazine is the future, and the paper one will eventually become a thing of the past. But how long teachers will have to fill out two types of logs is still unknown.

You can check your child’s schedule in the electronic diary. To do this, select a service on the site and log in. Further:

  • To view the lesson schedule for the week, select the “Diary” section in the top horizontal menu, then the “Diary” or “Schedule” tab. In the menu that appears on the right, indicate the week you are interested in;
  • To view the schedule of holidays, weekends and vacations for the current academic year, select the “Education” section in the top horizontal menu, then the “Academic calendar” tab. In the calendar that opens, vacations, training modules, and weekends are marked in different colors. You can hide one of the sections from the calendar - to do this, click on it in the right menu.

If you have more than one child, you can switch between their diaries by clicking on the gray triangle under your last name and initials in the upper right corner of the screen.

2. How to inform that a child will not be at school?

The “absence notification” function is available only to parents. To report that a child will not be at school, select the “Diary” section in the top horizontal menu, then the tab. In the calendar that opens, specify the date for which you want to create a notification. If your child misses one or more lessons, select "Some Lessons" and mark the lessons he or she will be absent from. If your child misses one or more school days entirely, select "By Day" and mark when he or she will be absent from school. Confirm your selection by clicking the “Create on selected range” button. Days when the child does not go to school will be marked in blue on the calendar, when part of the day will be absent - in green.

If you need to delete a notification, select in the calendar the date on which the notification was made (marked in green or blue), indicate which notification you want to delete, and click “Delete on the selected range.” It is not possible to delete notifications from past days.

3. How to contact school staff and students' parents using the diary?

Go to the section (envelope icon), click on “+ New chat” and specify the name of the chat.

You can add students, their parents, teachers and school administration to the chat. To do this, enter the first letters of the last name of the person you want to send a message to in the “Start entering full name” field or select a category (parents, teachers, students, etc.) and the last name of whom to add to the chat. After that, click the “Go to chat” button.

To edit an already created chat (delete, leave, rename, add or remove participants), click on the “ ” icon in the upper right corner of the chat itself.

4. How to use an electronic diary through a mobile application?

  • download the free mobile application (available for Android and iOS devices);
  • open the application and register in it, indicating your mobile phone number;
  • on the main screen, select the “Electronic diary” section and enter the email address that you provided to the school to access the electronic diary.

If the application encounters an error, make sure you have the latest version of the application installed. If the update does not solve the problem, take a screenshot (screenshot) of the error and contact customer support.

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