What color is the name Misha? History of origin and interpretation of the name Mikhail. Negative character traits

  • Male name
  • Meaning and origin of the name Mikhail: This name of biblical origin translated from Hebrew means “Who is like God.”
  • Energy named after Mikhail: Mobility, curiosity, sensitivity

In terms of sound energy, this name is quite light and quiet, although it ends on a fairly low note, giving the word some solidity and even severity. It is not for nothing that in Rus' it became the nickname of the bear - Mikhailo Potapych. On the other hand, behind his silence one can discern clearly expressed mobility, and even impetuosity. Of course, the impact of the name on a person in this case is noticeably smoothed out, and this is due to the fact that today this name is very common; nevertheless, it still largely determines the character of its bearer.

Most often, from childhood, Misha displays such traits as mobility, curiosity, and excitement in children's games. It is unlikely that his interest will be focused on any one subject; rather, he will be attracted to a wide variety of activities: from all kinds of interests and hobbies to interest in school subjects. Much here will be determined by the influence of his parents and the environment where Misha will grow up. At the same time, his mobility is usually balanced, which makes him a fairly obedient child, whose whims rarely bother his parents too much. In general, the name inclines him towards good nature, but it also often endows its owner with a fair amount of touchiness. Sometimes grievances reach such strength that Misha can give up, which he soon begins to regret and feel guilty about.

In adulthood, Mikhail's mobility is replaced by calm poise; in the family he is usually a good boss, at work he is a neat and diligent worker, but touchiness may remain inherent in him throughout his life. This is an important point. Firstly, it testifies to Mikhail’s significant pride. Secondly, grievances can seriously complicate his life and interfere with the fulfillment of many life plans.

It is very important to remember that often touchiness is not compatible with ambitious aspirations; if a person has set high goals for himself, he must be prepared for resistance from others and even their opposition. This is an objective law of psychology, and it is not so smart to be offended by it. It is interesting that many Mikhails overcome this resistance with the help of a sense of humor, often bordering on caustic irony. Most people are defenseless against such weapons, and therefore it is useful that these qualities are sufficiently developed in Misha, it is not for nothing that today there are so many satirists and humorists among the Mikhails. However, even here you need to know when to stop, otherwise you can make yourself a great many secret enemies, which are much more dangerous than obvious ones. The most optimal thing for Mikhail is to rid his pride of pain, which can be done with the help of simple faith in oneself and the ability to see behind people’s shortcomings not malicious intent, but misunderstandings, not only other people’s, but also one’s own.

What do you think of the name Mikhail?

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What does the name Mikhail mean?

The name Michael means equal to God (ancient Hebrew)

The meaning of the name Mikhail is character and destiny

A man named Mikhail is sedate and balanced. All his actions are thoughtful and balanced. However, under the veil of equanimity hides an emotional, lively nature. Mikhail cannot stand criticism, does not like pressure, is not influenced, although he does not enter into conflicts. He does not tolerate loneliness well and is in dire need of participation. Therefore, family for him is the meaning of life. Mikhail does not hesitate to marry the woman he likes. Easy to communicate with and find mutual language. His wife does not have to be offended by her husband for a long time; he himself goes for reconciliation, he can ask for forgiveness, even if he is not guilty. In women, Mikhail most of all values ​​good nature, complaisance, and easygoing nature. He is generous and does not skimp on gifts. A man named Mikhail is attentive to his elderly parents, takes care of them, and tolerates their whims. He loves children and is a very economical person. He definitely has a garden plot, and both a dog and a cat live in the house. Mikhail very rarely leaves his family; divorce for him is the ruin of his whole life.

Meaning of the name Mikhail for sex

The formation of Mikhail's sexual individuality is quite slow. He learns the intimate side of life later than his peers. It happens that his first partner turns out to be his wife. Mikhail is inclined to idealize a woman; in his youth he considers her an unearthly being worthy of worship. With age, a man named Mikhail gets rid of this idea, but he does not change his attitude towards a woman as a weak creature in need of male protection and patronage, and still overestimates the merits of his partner. Mikhail is relatively cold and reserved in love pleasures, although he easily succumbs to the intoxicating charm of erotic caresses. “Summer” Mikhail often reduces the pleasure of love to rare episodes that occur out of necessity. At the same time, he is quite skilled in the technique of sex and, when he wants to demonstrate his masculine abilities, he can show off his skill. “Winter” Mikhail does not like external manifestations of love, does not tolerate tender phrases and cannot stand being caressed, and his own caresses are always somewhat rude, sometimes he causes pain to a woman. All Mikhails are squeamish, so they are terrified of casual relationships.

The character and fate of the name Mikhail, taking into account the patronymic

First name Mikhail and patronymic....

Mikhail Alekseevich, Mikhail Andreevich, Mikhail Artemovich, Mikhail Valentinovich, Mikhail Vasilievich, Mikhail Viktorovich, Mikhail Vitalievich, Mikhail Vladimirovich, Mikhail Evgenievich, Mikhail Ivanovich, Mikhail Ilyich, Mikhail Mikhailovich, Mikhail Petrovich, Mikhail Sergeevich, Mikhail Fedorovich, Mikhail Yurievich slow, imposing, clumsy, heavy. But he is kind, sensitive, calm and diplomatic. Avoids conflicts, it is better to step aside if he feels someone's irritation. Tactful, he will not offend anyone, even if that person deserves a sharp reaction from him. Stability and peace of mind are most valuable to him. With women, Mikhail is respectful and unobtrusive. Even with a woman he likes, he will continue to get acquainted only if he feels interested in himself. Otherwise, he will not insist on meetings. Patient, he can look after his beloved girl for a long time, without demanding a quick decision from her. He cannot be called timid or shy, but he does not want to look annoying or assertive. As a rule, he marries a woman who is not too bright, without any special pretensions. His wife should be a good mother, an excellent housewife, friendly and welcoming. This is what he most often has. Often, Mikhail and his wife are even very similar in appearance. He gives birth to children of different sexes.

First name Mikhail and patronymic....

Mikhail Alexandrovich, Mikhail Arkadyevich, Mikhail Borisovich, Mikhail Vadimovich, Mikhail Grigorievich, Mikhail Kirillovich, Mikhail Maksimovich, Mikhail Matveevich, Mikhail Nikitich, Mikhail Pavlovich, Mikhail Romanovich, Mikhail Tarasovich, Mikhail Timofeevich, Mikhail Eduardovich, Mikhail Yakovlevich energetic, mobile, full of vitality. Proud, independent. Easily gets carried away, often falls in love. He has many friends, he feels relaxed in any company. He drinks little, becomes sentimental after a drink, and makes impossible promises. In a fit of emotion, he will share the latter. He is somewhat boastful, likes to show off and exaggerate his capabilities. What he values ​​most in a woman is kindness and sexuality. However, he is very jealous, and even a slight flirtation of his beloved with another man can become a reason for a breakup. He can’t stand scandals, so he simply stops dating the “traitor.” A woman will have to make a lot of effort to dispel doubts and assure him of the sincerity of her feelings. Mikhail is stubborn, vain, proud. He is to some extent the owner, which is clearly manifested after the wedding. He is squeamish, despite the fact that he is very sexy, and is terrified of casual relationships. Mikhail's wife can have no doubt about his fidelity. He is attached to home, to family. He loves his sons very much. Divorce is unlikely for him, even if there are good reasons for this.

First name Mikhail and patronymic....

Mikhail Bogdanovich, Mikhail Vladislavovich, Mikhail Vyacheslavovich, Mikhail Gennadievich, Mikhail Georgievich, Mikhail Danilovich, Mikhail Egorovich, Mikhail Konstantinovich, Mikhail Robertovich, Mikhail Svyatoslavovich, Mikhail Yanovich, Mikhail Yaroslavovich balanced, serious, has the gift of an educator and teacher. He loves to tinker with children and knows how to approach them. He is friendly with others, courteous with women, respectful with elders. Old people love him. Mikhail is always calm and never panics. He does not like to take risks; all his actions are carefully thought out. Be careful in love. He likes soft and compliant women. Sex for him is an indispensable part of communication and does not leave a special mark on his soul. Spiritual intimacy with the woman he loves makes a much greater impression on him. Mikhail is building family relationships based on partnership and equality. He doesn’t try to manage family members, but he doesn’t allow himself to be bossed around either. He gives birth to children of different sexes.

First name Mikhail and patronymic....

Mikhail Antonovich, Mikhail Arturovich, Mikhail Valerievich, Mikhail Germanovich, Mikhail Glebovich, Mikhail Denisovich, Mikhail Igorevich, Mikhail Leonidovich, Mikhail Lvovich, Mikhail Mironovich, Mikhail Ruslanovich, Mikhail Olegovich, Mikhail Semenovich, Mikhail Filippovich, Mikhail Emmanuilovich less balanced, more impulsive, reacts emotionally to everything that happens. Temperamental, he learns the intimate side of life later than his peers, but manages to catch up. He tends to idealize women; he can marry the first girl he likes, and most often successfully. Treats a woman as a weaker creature in need of his protection and patronage, and is always ready to become a support for her. If Mikhail's marriage is unsuccessful, he may seek solace with another woman, but rarely decides to divorce. If the wife knows how to appreciate the best qualities of the soul of such a Mikhail, then she will become the most happy woman. You can get along with him, he is compliant and condescending, cheerful, the life of the party. He knows how to make friends, is very hospitable, economical, devotes a lot of time to raising his daughters, never conflicts with his mother-in-law, and is friends with his father-in-law.

First name Mikhail and patronymic....

Mikhail Albertovich, Mikhail Anatolyevich, Mikhail Veniaminovich, Mikhail Vladlenovich, Mikhail Dmitrievich, Mikhail Nikolaevich, Mikhail Rostislavovich, Mikhail Stanislavovich, Mikhail Stepanovich, Mikhail Feliksovich he is quick-tempered, harsh and rude in a fit of anger, but, knowing this shortcoming, he tries to control himself, avoids conflicts, and avoids quarrels. Highly sexual, but picky in intimate relationships. Very squeamish. He is overly jealous, although he himself is not particularly faithful to his beloved. Marries late to a temperamental, outwardly attractive, intelligent woman. His choice is not always successful; such a Mikhail can be married twice. He cannot stand criticism and reacts painfully to jokes directed at him. Narcissistic, vain, domineering. Generous. Obligatory and punctual. Having made a decision, he acts quickly and always achieves his goal. More often he has daughters who copy his character. They adore their father, although he does not have the opportunity to devote much time to them. Mikhail usually supports his family alone, not allowing his wife to work.

Numerology of the name Mikhail

To be faithful to duty in adversity is a great thing.


The meaning of the name Michael is “who is like God” (Heb.).

Michael is one of the oldest names in the history of the universe. According to Fr. Pavel Florensky, “this name is lightning speed and irresistible power, or the energy of God in its implementation, in its messengership. This is an instant and insurmountable fire, for some - salvation, for others - death. It is “full of angelic strength.” It is more mobile than a flame, obedient to the highest command, and more indestructible than the diamond of the Celestial Spheres, which holds the Universe together.”

There are a great many memorial days, including 01/03, 02/27, 08/04, 09/13, 10/03, 10/14, 11/12, 12/27.

Personality. Singing in the universal choir. Diamond of the celestial spheres.

Characteristics of the name Mikhail by letter:

M - peacemaking, peacefulness;

And - love of art;

X - understanding of Christ, religiosity of the highest order;

A - hard work;

And - repeat;

L - the need to harmonize the world.

What does the name Mikhail mean in numerology:

MICHAEL = 515114 = 8 (Uranus). The goal of a person’s life with the name Mikhail is set by Uranus, the planet of surprises and genius.

What does the name Michael mean in astrology:

5-1 (Jupiter - Sun), point 1 (Sun) deepened - desire, opportunity to spread your authority through higher Knowledge;

1-4 (Sun - Mercury) - developed intelligence, creative self-expression, energy;

8-4 (Uranus - Mercury), name lock - agile mind, insight, nervousness.

Characteristics of the name Mikhail, taking into account the analysis

Creatively gifted, successful in any endeavor, restrained in desires. He always moves to the forefront, is prone to hoarding, and is enterprising, although everything comes to him with great difficulty. He is characterized by slowness and nervousness. He is torn between the heavenly and the earthly. The roots of his name do not live, do not take root in the earth, it is as if there is no place for them in dense spheres. This is the name of the Archangel of the heavenly army, this is the name of the highest spirituality. It is the opposite of earthly inertia with its inhibitions and impulses. The name remains a revelation on earth; it has not become its own here. Mikhail feels this and is ready to blame the whole world for it. He feels a lot of energy within himself. But from the outside he seems clumsy, slow, always delving into little things, unable to separate the wheat from the chaff. His deeds, despite their seriousness, do not, as a rule, find full recognition and deserved appreciation.

Hence the irritation caused by the discrepancy between the efforts expended and the results achieved. Fields of activity: pedagogy, society, military affairs, jurisprudence, philosophy, literature.

Average sexuality. A wonderful family man, a caring father. The women's names don't matter.

Forms of the name Mikhail

Short form of the name Mikhail. Misha, Mishanya, Mishunya, Mishuta, Mishutka, Mikhasya, Mikhalya, Miki, Mikhanya, Minya, Minyasha, Minyusha, Mika, Mikhailushka, Mikha, Mikhailushka, Mishara, Mishata, Mishulya. Synonyms for the name Mikhail. Michael, Michael, Miguel, Michele, Mihai, Michal, Michel, Michael, Michael, Michelangelo, Mikal.

Short and diminutive options: Mikhailo (folk form), Misha, Mishenka, Mishutka, Mishanya, Mishka, Mishgan, Mikha.

Patronymics: Mikhailovich, Mikhailovna; colloquial form: Mikhalych.

Name Michael in different languages

Analogues of the name in other languages: English Michael, Belarusian Міхал, Мікас, Hungarian Mihaly, Spanish Miguel, Italian Michele, Lat. Michael, German Michael, Polish Michal, Romanian Mihai, Ukrainian Mikhailo (Mykhailo), Mikhail, Finnish Mikka, French Michel, Czech Michael.

Latin transliteration in the Russian passport - Mikhail.

Origin of the name Mikhail

The name Michael, translated from the ancient Jewish language, means “equal, like God,” and there is also a translation option - “asked from God.” The name Mikhail is widespread in Europe: Michael, Michel, Miguel, Mihai - these are all analogues of the name Mikhail. From the male name, female names were formed: Mikhaila, Michel, Michelle, Michaela, Migela, Michaela, Migelina, Michelangela, Michela, Mikhailina, Mikhalina, Mikhala.

Diminutive of endearmentThe corporal address to Mikhail - Mika - is both an independent name and a short form for some female names(For example, ). The affectionate address Asya is also a diminutive address for many female and male names (, Askold, and many others).

Among Christians, Michael is especially revered - the main of the seven archangels, one of the biblical characters. “Archangel Michael” consists of five words: “arch angel mi ka el,” where each of these words is given a special meaning. “Arkh” means “elder,” “angel” means “messenger,” “mi ka el” means “like God.” Therefore, we get the following interpretation of the expression “Archangel Michael”: “Senior messenger endowed with the powers of El (one of the names of God)” or “Senior authorized envoy of El.” Which is very similar to the truth, since it was Archangel Michael in the Old Testament who was the messenger of the Almighty, he became the protector of the people of Israel.

Archangel Michael is considered the heavenly patron of Kyiv, Northern Rus' (in particular, Arkhangelsk, built on the site of the Archangel Michael Monastery). In Orthodoxy, Archangel Michael is revered as the patron saint of construction and builders. Archangel Michael is also considered the conqueror of evil spirits, which in Christianity were considered the source of disease. It is he who is the head of the holy army of angels.

Mikhail's character

As a child, Mikhail is a charming, gentle, affectionate child, very handsome and intelligent, to the point that he can use his beauty to achieve his goals with his parents. From an early age he is drawn to beauty, and very often from birth he is surrounded by beautiful things and objects of art.

Mikhails are especially sensitive to aesthetics, beauty and art. Sometimes they can be narcissistic or simply beautiful, they want to achieve perfection, even maniacally, to the point of focusing on some small details necessary for them. Michaels are extroverts, sociable, but often under influence, especially from their loved ones and their family members. However, they are proactive and work, even if the pace of work is uneven, and are usually firmly committed to achieving their goals.

The secret of the name Mikhail

By nature, Mikhail is a logician who can prove himself in many areas of activity. He can become a successful teacher or lawyer. The role of manager will also suit him.

Mikhail is a balanced person, able to navigate any situation. But he cannot tolerate criticism and takes it painfully. There are almost always animals in Mikhail’s house; such a man tries to be kind to children. The worst thing for Mikhail is loneliness. He is patient and often looks after his parents. Mikhail easily comes to reconciliation; it is impossible to be angry with him for a long time.

Mikhail behaves relaxed at parties and loves to joke. He chooses a kind and sympathetic partner.

Astrological characteristics of the name:

Color name: yellow
Radiation: 97%
Planets: Mars
Stone-mascot: agate
Plant: elm
Totemic animal: tiger
Basic features character: activity, sexuality, will, health

Additional characteristics of the name:

Vibration: 114,000 vibrations/s.
Self-realization(character): 98%
Psyche: follows its own logic
Health: must monitor the circulatory system and heart

Numerology of the name Mikhail

To be faithful to duty in adversity is a great thing.


Meaning name: “who is like God” (Heb.).

There are a great many memorial days, including 01/03, 27/02, 04/08, 13/09, 03/10, 14/10, 12/11, 27/12.

Personality. Singing in the universal choir. Diamond of the celestial spheres.

Michael is one of the oldest names in the history of the universe. According to Fr. Pavel Florensky, “this name is lightning speed and irresistible power, or the energy of God in its implementation, in its messengership. This is an instant and insurmountable fire, for some - salvation, for others - death. It is “full of angelic strength.” It is more mobile than a flame, obedient to the highest command, and more indestructible than the diamond of the Celestial Spheres, which holds the Universe together.”

Characteristics of the name Mikhail by letter:

M - peacemaking, peacefulness;

And - love of art;

X - understanding of Christ, religiosity of the highest order;

A - hard work;

And - repeat;

L - the need to harmonize the world.

What does the name Mikhail mean in numerology:

MICHAEL = 515114 = 8 (Uranus). The goal is set by Uranus, the planet of surprises and genius.

What does the name Michael mean in astrology:

5-1 (Jupiter - Sun), point 1 (Sun) deepened - desire, opportunity to spread your authority through higher Knowledge;

1-4 (Sun - Mercury) - developed intelligence, creative self-expression, energy;

8-4 (Uranus - Mercury), name lock - agile mind, insight, nervousness.

Characteristics of the name Mikhail, taking into account the analysis

Creatively gifted, successful in any endeavor, restrained in desires. He always moves to the forefront, is prone to hoarding, and is enterprising, although everything comes to him with great difficulty. He is characterized by slowness and nervousness. He is torn between the heavenly and the earthly. The roots of his name do not live, do not take root in the earth, it is as if there is no place for them in dense spheres. This is the name of the Archangel of the heavenly army, this is the name of the highest spirituality. It is the opposite of earthly inertia with its inhibitions and impulses. The name remains a revelation on earth; it has not become its own here. Mikhail feels this and is ready to blame the whole world for it. He feels a lot of energy within himself. But from the outside he seems clumsy, slow, always delving into little things, unable to separate the wheat from the chaff. His deeds, despite their seriousness, do not, as a rule, find full recognition and deserved appreciation.

Hence the irritation caused by the discrepancy between the efforts expended and the results achieved. Fields of activity: pedagogy, society, military affairs, jurisprudence, philosophy, literature.

Average sexuality. A wonderful family man, a caring father. The women's names don't matter.

Sexuality of the name Mikhail

The formation of Mikhail’s sexual individuality is quite slow; he does not know himself for a long time. He learns the intimate side of life later than his peers. It happens that his first partner turns out to be his wife, and before the wedding he himself did not fully realize either his sexual needs or his sexual capabilities.

Mikhail is inclined to idealize a woman; in his youth he considers her an unearthly being worthy of worship. With age, he gets rid of this idea, but his attitude towards a woman as a weak creature in need of male protection and patronage does not change, and he still overestimates the merits of his partner.

Mikhail is relatively cold and reserved in love pleasures, although he easily succumbs to the intoxicating charm of erotic caresses. “Summer” Mikhail often reduces the pleasures of love to rare episodes that occur out of necessity. At the same time, he is quite skilled in the technique of sex and, when he wants to demonstrate his masculine abilities, he can show off his skill. “Winter” Mikhail does not like external manifestations of love, does not tolerate tender phrases and cannot stand being caressed, and his own caresses are always somewhat rude, sometimes he causes pain to a woman.

All Mikhails are squeamish, so they are terrified of casual relationships. With their wives they are diplomatic and patient. They like women who are gentle and compliant; they do not accept rudeness in a woman.

For the “January” Mikhail, sex is a kind of indispensable part of communication and does not leave a big mark on his soul. He strives for entertainment, a pleasant pastime, and is in no hurry to get married. IN family life strives for independence, makes quite high demands on his wife, including sexual ones. In life together, Mikhail is easy. He is generous, not petty, charming.

The mystery of the name Mikhail according to the theory of Father Pavel (P.A. Florensky)

The comparison between the Mikhails and the bear has been firmly established, just as, on the contrary, the name of the latter is generally accepted - Mishka. The bear is a good-natured bumpkin, but he is also very dexterous and fierce when the time comes. What characterizes him is not just his clumsiness and heaviness, but the duality of his nature. It would be an extreme mistake to think about the lethargy of his temperament, about internal slowness and inhibition of mental movements.

Contrary to the usual interpretation, Mikhail is not a phlegmatic person at all, and his element is by no means water, but fire. But his body, both his physical and mental body (meaning by body the entire organization of organs, tools and means of manifestation of internal movement outside in the world), is a body of great energy and great internal friction, it lags behind the orders coming from within and carries them out with a significant delay. A tight, heavy, perhaps rusty mechanism is controlled by Mikhail, and the corresponding consequences are inevitable - slowness and unevenness of movement, difficulty in subtle movements, fatigue of the manager himself. At the same time, the name Mikhail is the opposite of earthly inertia.

Mikhail, in himself, in the moral order, is not yet bad or good, and can become both. Mikhail requires great internal effort and willpower to achieve what he wants in the world. He has to climb before he gets to where most others come easily and almost without thinking. Therefore, Mikhail’s case, despite the significant efforts invested in it, is usually poorly accessible and does not find full recognition and full appreciation. Hence the dissatisfaction of Mikhail himself, and even irritation and anger at the discrepancy between his efforts and external recognition and success.

Characteristics of the name Mikhail according to P. Rouget

Character (?): 98%

Radiation (?): 97%

Vibration(?): 114,000 vibrations/s

Color(?): red.

Basic features: will - activity - sexuality - health.

Type: men named Mikhail are very inclined to withdraw into themselves and look harshly at others. They are overly subjective, rarely try to put themselves in the place of another person.

Psyche: guided by logic, they lack diplomacy somewhat. Favorite saying: “It’s either hit or miss.” Pride is their vulnerable trait, and it is quite possible to play on their desire to always and everywhere be the best and unsurpassed.

Will: very strong, even despotic.

Excitability: weak, but gives them some warmth.

Speed reactions: These are choleric people, but they are in complete control of their reactions. They carefully select smart and intelligent friends to whom they remain faithful, but they cannot imagine friendship without the complete subordination of their friends to their will. Very sensitive to defeats and failures.

Activity: No comments needed!

Intuition: more or less listen to her voice.

Intelligence: have a lively, cold analytical mind. Without thoroughly studying the situation, they do not draw conclusions.

Susceptibility: strong, although they try to hide their sensitivity. They have a merciless memory, never forgetting either the good they have done or the evil they have caused.

Moral: high morality is one of their main features; They don’t accept jokes on this topic.

Health: have enormous vitality! Healthy, resistant to disease, but must take care of the circulatory system and heart.

Sexuality: very sensual. They reach sexual maturity early, but do not know or understand female psychology at all. Instead of trying to seduce a woman, they behave like cavemen...

Field activities: achieve success easily. They have been accustomed to discipline since childhood and demand the same from others. They work to achieve a specific and clearly defined goal, and not for the sake of unexpected discoveries. They like medicine and achieve great success in trade.

Sociability: This is their weak point. Lack of tact leads to the fact that those around them begin to experience antipathy towards them.

Additionally: there is no need to make “evil wolves” out of them, as this gives them great pleasure, while those around them develop an inferiority complex. Do not forget that from childhood they need to be put in place; later this will be much more difficult... if not completely impossible!

Michael and pets

Winter Mikhail, as a rule, loves animals and prefers dogs of the Leonberger, South Russian Shepherd breed. He is able to raise any dog, is careful about its training, respects it and loves it.

Summer and spring Mikhails are more fond of cats, birds, and if they get a dog, then one of a calm, peaceful disposition: St. Bernard, Newfoundland.

The following nicknames are more compatible with the name Mikhail: Calvin, Quint, Lucia, Zyuzi, Zita, Isolde, Isis, Cort.

Name popularity and statistics

The name Mikhail, which parents gave to their son at birth, is very popular. For every 1000 newborn boys this name was given (on average by period, Moscow):
1900-1909: 88 (3rd place)
1924-1932: 29 (11th place)
1950-1959: 55 (5th place)
1978-1981: 38 (6th place)
2008: (7th place)

Mikhail is one of the most popular male names of the 20th century, almost on a par with Alexander.

Positive traits of the name

Ease of communication, activity, inquisitiveness and logical mind, curiosity, strong will, maximalism. Mikhail’s motto: “either pan or perish.” Mikhail has broad interests. As a child, he can study in several studios and clubs at once. Obedient and good-natured Mikhail does not cause his parents much trouble.

Negative traits of the name

Vulnerable pride, increased sensitivity to losses and failures. Mikhail suspects many of evil intentions and looks for a threat to his dignity in people’s actions. He has a negative attitude towards criticism and is inclined to defend himself. Mikhail is characterized by passion and passion for bold ideas.

Choosing a profession by name

Mikhail knows how to use his potential for specific purposes. He is capable of studying exact sciences and changing his specialty even in his mature years. Many talented leaders and organizers emerged from among the Mikhails. In addition, Mikhail may be gifted with a sense of beauty, have “golden” hands, and be a master of his craft. Employee Mikhail proves himself to be a neat and efficient worker.

The impact of a name on business

Mikhail is lucky in money matters, but he often shows some inclination towards a luxurious life in order to “show off” with the generosity of his hospitality.

The influence of a name on health

Mikhail may have . Depression does occur at times, but in trying to prevent periods of depressed mood, it is best to avoid the use of stimulants and drugs. You may have to undergo surgery, and injuries are likely.

Psychology of the name

Mikhail treats his parents with attention; the whims of old people do not irritate him. He is kind with children and happily spends his time with them. free time. In company he knows and loves to joke. Teenager Mikhail needs to develop healthy self-esteem and self-confidence. You cannot condone his touchiness or ignore his whims.

Famous people named Mikhail

Mikhail Borisovich ((1453-1505) the last Grand Duke of Tver (1461-1485), brother-in-law of Ivan III by his first wife)
Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov ((1596-1645) the first Russian Tsar from the Romanov dynasty (reigned from March 24, 1613), was elected to reign by the Zemsky Sobor, which closed the period of the Time of Troubles. According to the famous Soviet historian, Professor A.L. Stanislavsky, a famous specialist in the history of Russian society of the 16th-17th centuries, an important role in the accession of Mikhail was played by the Great Russian Cossacks, free Great Russian people, whose liberties the tsar and his descendants took away in every possible way.)
Monk Mikhail ((mid-16th century) monk of the Vladimir Nativity Monastery, writer, hymnographer)
Archbishop Michael ((1912-2000) in the world - Mikhail Mudyugin; clergyman of the Russian Orthodox Church, theologian)
Archimandrite Mikhail ((1379-?) in the world – Mityai; archimandrite of the Moscow Spassky Monastery; designated metropolitan of “Great Rus'” (viceroy), compiler of a selection of extracts from the “Bees of Orthodoxy”, confessor of Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy and the oldest boyars.)
Michael VIII Palaiologos ((1224/1225-1282) Byzantine emperor from 1261 (as the Nicaean emperor - from 1259), founder of the Palaiologan dynasty. He began his path to the throne as regent under the heir of the Nicene emperor Theodore II Lascarides - the young John IV, whom he blinded on December 25, 1261, which made it impossible for John IV to ascend the throne.Recaptured Constantinople from the Crusaders, which they had captured during the Fourth crusade, and revived Byzantine Empire. At the same time, Michael laid the foundation for the further weakening of his country. Having found support in the aristocracy, he turned away from the common people, which later resulted in two civil wars. In addition, the emperor stopped supporting local trade and craft, which allowed the Italian trading republics to strengthen their positions in the country.)
Michael Psellus ((1018-c.1078) learned Byzantine monk, close to many emperors; author of historical and philosophical works. One of the first to put forward the teachings of Plato as a counterweight to the medieval passion for Aristotle, which prepared the flowering of Platonism during the Renaissance.)
Mikhail Bulgakov ((1891-1940) Soviet writer, playwright and theater director. Author of stories, short stories, feuilletons, plays, dramatizations, film scripts and opera librettos.)
Mikhail Vrubel ((1856-1910) Russian artist turn of XIX-XX centuries, glorifying his name in almost all types and genres visual arts: painting, graphics, decorative sculpture and theatrical art. He was known as the author of paintings, decorative panels, frescoes and book illustrations. He was married to the famous singer N.I. Zabela, whose portraits he painted several times.)
Mikhail Glinka ((1804-1857) Russian composer, founder of the national school of composition. Glinka’s works had a strong influence on subsequent generations of composers, including A.S. Dargomyzhsky, members of the “Mighty Handful”, P.I. Tchaikovsky, who developed in his ideas in his music.)
Mikhail (Mikhailo) Lomonosov ((1711-1765) the first Russian natural scientist of world significance, encyclopedist, chemist and physicist; he entered science as the first chemist who gave physical chemistry a definition very close to the modern one, and outlined an extensive program of physical- chemical research; his molecular kinetic theory of heat largely anticipated modern performance about the structure of matter - many fundamental laws, including one of the principles of thermodynamics; laid the foundations of the science of glass. Astronomer, instrument maker, geographer, metallurgist, geologist, poet, established the foundations of modern Russian literary language, artist, historian, champion of the development of national education, science and economics. He developed a project for Moscow University, which was later named in his honor. Discovered the presence of an atmosphere on the planet Venus. Full member of the Academy of Sciences and Arts (adjunct in physics class since 1742, professor of chemistry since 1745).)
Mikhail Lermontov ((1814-1841) Russian poet, prose writer, playwright, artist, officer)
Mikhail Lazarev ((1788-1851) Russian naval commander and navigator, admiral (1843), holder of the Order of St. George IV class for long service (1817), commander Black Sea Fleet and discoverer of Antarctica.)
Mikhail Gorbachev ((born 1931) Soviet, Russian and world political and public figure. Head of the CPSU and the Soviet Union. The first and last president of the USSR. He has a number of awards and honorary titles, the most famous of which is the Nobel Peace Prize in 1990. With activities Gorbachev as head of the CPSU and the state are inextricably linked in the minds of his contemporaries: the end cold war, introduction of the policy of glasnost, freedom of speech and press in the USSR, conclusion Soviet troops from Afghanistan (1989), a large-scale attempt to reform the USSR (“perestroika”), the collapse of the USSR, the return of most socialist countries to a market economy and capitalism.)
Mikhail Gorshenev ((born 1973) nickname - “Pot”; vocalist, author of music and lyrics, as well as founder of the punk rock band “Korol and Shut”)
Mikhail Boyarsky ((born 1949) Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, singer, TV presenter, Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1984), People's Artist of the RSFSR (1990). The actor made his film debut in the films “Bridges” (1974) and “Straw Hat” "(1974), and fame came to him in 1975 - after the role of Silva in the film "The Eldest Son". One of the actor's best works was Teodoro in the musical film by Jan Fried "Dog in the Manger" (1977) (based on the play by Lope de Vega Boyarsky's finest hour came in 1978, with the release of G. Yungvald-Khilkevich's film "D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers", in which he played the main role - although at first they intended to film him in the role of Rochefort. Thanks to d'Artagnan and popular songs from the film, the actor’s fame reached incredible heights, and he subsequently played this role in the sequels of this film.The actor’s work in another series of historical costume films directed by Svetlana Druzhinina, Midshipmen, Forward! midshipmen!" (1991). After the death of Yuri Nikulin in 1997, he was one of the hosts of the TV show "White Parrot". Nowadays he directs the “Benefit” theater organized by him, whose performance “Intimate Life” (after N. Coward) received a prize at the international festival “Winter Avignon” in 1997. Mikhail Boyarsky's repertoire includes about 400 songs. He considers his most favorite songs to be those written by Maxim Dunaevsky, Viktor Reznikov and Gennady Gladkov.)
Michael Barclay de Tolly ((1761-1818) born Michael Andreas Barclay de Tolly; outstanding Russian commander, Field Marshal General (from 1814), Minister of War, Prince (from 1815), hero of the Patriotic War of 1812, full holder of the Order of St. George. Commanded the entire Russian army at initial stage Patriotic War of 1812, after which he was replaced by M.I. Kutuzov. In the foreign campaign of the Russian army of 1813-1814, he commanded the united Russian-Prussian army as part of the Bohemian army of the Austrian field marshal Prince Schwarzenberg. According to Western authors, he entered the history of military art as the architect of the “scorched earth” strategy and tactics - cutting off the main enemy troops from the rear, depriving them of supplies and organizing guerrilla warfare in their rear. IN Russian history he is remembered as a commander who was forced to make a strategic retreat before Napoleon in the Patriotic War of 1812 and for this was unfairly condemned by his contemporaries.)
Mikhail Bakunin ((1814-1876) Russian thinker, revolutionary, Pan-Slavist, anarchist, one of the ideologists of populism)
Mikhail Zadornov ((born 1948) Soviet and Russian satirist writer, playwright, member of the Union of Writers of Russia. Author of more than ten books. Among them are lyrical and satirical stories, humoresques, essays, travel notes and plays.)
Mikhail Zadornov ((born 1963) Russian economist and statesman, Minister of Finance of Russia in 1997-1999, deputy of the State Duma of Russia of the first to fourth convocations. Awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Government of Russia.)
Mikhail Kalinin ((1875-1946) Soviet statesman and party leader. In 1919, L.D. Trotsky called him the “All-Russian headman,” after 1935 he began to be called the “All-Union headman.” Due to his great activity in the underground During the strike, he was repeatedly arrested and exiled, while at the same time moving up the party ladder.)
Mikhail Lavrentyev ((1900-1980) mathematician and mechanic, founder of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences (SB USSR Academy of Sciences) and the Novosibirsk Academic Town, academician (from 1946) and vice-president (1957-1975) of the USSR Academy of Sciences)
Mikhail Golenishchev-Kutuzov, His Serene Highness Prince Golenishchev-Kutuzov-Smolensky ((1745-1813) commander-in-chief of the Russian armies during the Patriotic War of 1812, the first full holder of the Order of St. George. In 1812 he received the rank of Field Marshal and the title of His Serene Highness Prince of Smolensk. )
Mikhail Tukhachevsky ((1893-1937) Soviet military leader, military leader of the Red Army during Civil War, military theorist, Marshal of the Soviet Union (1935). Repressed in 1937 for the “military case”, rehabilitated in 1957.)
Mikhail Kasyanov ((born 1957) Russian statesman and socio-political figure, Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation from 2000 to 2004)
Mikhail Zhvanetsky ((born 1934) Russian satirist writer and performer of his own works. People’s Artist of the Russian Federation (2012). Zhvanetsky’s performances and works are distinguished by a special “Odessa humor”; in them, human shortcomings and the vices of society are ridiculed.)
Mikhail Evdokimov ((1957-2005) pop artist, comedian, film actor, singer, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (1994), head of the administration of the Altai Territory (2004-2005))
Mikhail Prishvin ((1873-1954) Russian Soviet writer, author of works about nature, who revealed in them a special artistic philosophy of nature, hunting stories, works for children. His diaries, which he kept throughout his life, are of particular value.)
Mikhail Prokhorov ((born 1965) entrepreneur, billionaire, president of the private investment fund ONEXIM Group, president of the Russian Biathlon Union. Since 2011, he has been involved in political activities. In June - September 2011, chairman of the Right Cause party. Participant in the presidential elections 4 March 2012, in which he took 3rd place, receiving almost 8% of the vote.)
Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin ((1826-1889) real name- Saltykov, pseudonym - Nikolai Shchedrin; Russian writer, Ryazan and Tver vice-governor)
Mikhail Botvinnik ((1911-1995) 6th in the history of chess and 1st Soviet world champion (1948-1957, 1958-1960, 1961-1963). Grandmaster of the USSR (1935), international grandmaster (1950) and chess arbiter compositions (1956); Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1945), 6-time champion of the USSR (1931, 1933, 1939, 1944, 1945, 1952), absolute champion of the USSR (1941). Champion of Moscow (1943/44). "Patriarch" Soviet chess school. Honored Worker of Culture of the RSFSR (1971), Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Russia (1991). Doctor technical sciences, Professor.)
Mikhail Gerasimov (anthropologist, archaeologist and sculptor, Doctor of Historical Sciences)
Mikhail Isakovsky (Russian Soviet poet)
Mikhail Speransky (Russian statesman of the era of Alexander I, reformer)
Mikhail Zharov (actor, director)
Mikhail Larionov (painter, graphic artist, theater artist, art theorist)
Mikhail Svetlov (poet and playwright)
Mikhail Baryshnikov (Russian and American ballet dancer (b. 1948))
Mikhail Skobelev ((1843-1882) outstanding Russian military leader and strategist, infantry general (1881), adjutant general (1878). Participant in the Central Asian conquests Russian Empire and the Russian-Turkish War of 1877-1878, liberator of Bulgaria. He went down in history with the nickname “white general” (Turkish Ak-Pasha), which is always associated primarily with him, and not only because he participated in battles in a white uniform and on a white horse.)
Mikhail Frunze ((1885-1925) party pseudonyms - Trifonych, Arseny, literary pseudonyms - Sergei Petrov, A. Shuisky, M. Mirsky; revolutionary, Soviet statesman and military leader, one of the most prominent military leaders of the Red Army during the Civil War, military theorist)
Mikhail Khodorkovsky ((born 1963) Russian entrepreneur, public figure, publicist. Currently serving a 13-year sentence in a general regime colony in Segezha (Karelia). In 1997-2004, co-owner and head of the Yukos oil company. Arrested in 2003. At the time of his arrest, he was one of the richest people on the planet. In 2005, he was found guilty by Russian justice of fraud and other crimes. The Yukos company was subject to bankruptcy proceedings. In 2010-2011, he was sentenced due to new circumstances. Criminal the persecution of Khodorkovsky has received a controversial assessment from the Russian and international public: some consider Khodorkovsky to be justly convicted, others - a prisoner of conscience, persecuted for political reasons. Amnesty International awarded Khodorkovsky and his colleague Platon Lebedev the status of "prisoners of conscience." European Court of Human Rights in his decision made in 2011, he found procedural violations during the arrest, preliminary detention, privileges of relations with a lawyer, and consideration of Khodorkovsky’s appeals. At the same time, the ECHR considered that irrefutable evidence of the political motivation of the authorities in the criminal prosecution of Khodorkovsky was not presented.)
Mikhail Tsvet ((1872-1919) Russian botanist-physiologist and biochemist of plants. Created a chromatographic method. He studied the pigments of plant leaves, obtained chlorophylls a, b and c in pure form and a number of xanthophyll isomers. Tsvet’s discovery has been widely used and recognized since the beginning of 1930 's in the separation and identification of various pigments, vitamins, enzymes, hormones and other organic and inorganic compounds and served as the basis for the creation of a number of new directions analytical chemistry(gas chromatography, liquid chromatography, thin layer chromatography). For the physiology of plants, the conclusions of M. S. Tsvet about the nature of chloroplasts, the state of chlorophyll in the plant, the mechanism of photosynthesis, etc. are significant.)
Mikhail Sholokhov ((1905-1984) Russian Soviet writer and public figure. Laureate Nobel Prize in literature (1965 - “for the artistic strength and integrity of the epic about the Don Cossacks at a turning point for Russia”). Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1939), Hero of Socialist Labor (1967). Classic of Russian literature.)
Prince Mikhail Shcherbatov ((1733-1790) Russian historian, publicist; honorary member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences since 1776, member Russian Academy (1783))
Mikhail Fridman ((born 1964) is a major Russian entrepreneur. Co-owner and chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Alfa Group Consortium, member of the bureau of the board of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, founder and member of the bureau of the presidium of the Russian Jewish Congress, member of the International Advisory Council on Foreign Relations ( USA). With a personal fortune of $15.1 billion, in 2011 he took 7th place in the list of the 200 richest businessmen in Russia (according to Forbes magazine).)
Mikhail Koribut Vishnevetsky ((1640-1673) king of Poland and Grand Duke Lithuanian since 1669. Representative of the princely family of Vishnevetsky coat of arms of Koribut (Gediminovichi). Elected to the throne on June 19, 1669 after the abdication of John II Casimir. The first monarch of the united Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth of Lithuanian origin.)

According to Mendelev

A good, simple, gentle and cold name. Soft, even weak and compliant in small things, but stubborn and adamant in the main and defining issues. Calm, self-confident, he will not immediately approach anyone. These same qualities determine a high degree of criticality when perceiving other people’s ideas and “resistance to fire”; It is almost impossible to captivate him with anything reckless. Nevertheless, Mikhail can take risks, but will not rush headlong into any adventure.

He has a strong will and a stable psyche. Strives to develop a unified approach in similar situations, which allows him to make quick decisions, despite the presence of the “slow” sign, but is not inclined to impulsive, unexpected actions,

Misha has not yet shown the “good” sign; that will come later. He is “small” and “feminine”, but kind and reliable, although not very strong. He doesn’t have the “cold” sign yet. Entering the world of adults, Misha seems to gain strength and puts on the armor of equanimity and calm.

Mikhail's intelligence is above average, but his excitability and suggestibility are lower. He is inclined to complete the work he has started. He does not fall into euphoria when he succeeds and steadfastly endures the inevitable streaks of bad luck.

He is very attached to his family, loves children, and leaves current household issues to be solved by his family.

The main color of the name is blue. There is also a dark red stripe.

According to Popov

Healing from mental wounds is easiest to find next to Michael. He perceives someone else's pain as his own and will not hesitate to help with advice or action.

According to Florensky

The comparison between the Mikhails and the bear has been firmly established, just as, on the contrary, the name of this latter is generally accepted - Mishka. This equation between Michael and the shaggy beast is made on the basis of clumsiness, clumsiness, and some disheveledness. By its nature, the name Mikhail is the opposite of earthly inertia with its both hostile and beneficial inhibition of impulses and aspirations. And, falling on the earth, this name lives on it as alien to the earth, not adapting to it and not being able to adapt. Michael is one of the oldest known names in history. But even during the many thousands of years of its presence on earth, it remains a revelation on earth and does not become its own here, although it has become overgrown with everyday connections and everyday growths. It is difficult for this name to exercise itself in earthly environments that are too dense for it. A bird, even if it could somehow exist at the bottom of the ocean, could not fly under water on wings adapted to a much more subtle element - air. Likewise, the heavenly being, Michael, falling to earth, becomes slow and clumsy, although in himself he is incomparably more mobile than those who surround him on earth.

Mikhail requires great internal efforts and corresponding willpower to achieve what he wants in the world. He has to climb before he gets to where most others come easily and almost without thinking. And therefore Mikhail feels unlucky and blames the world for this, which is inert and unresponsive, but in fact receives from Mikhail impulses that are little accessible to him, the world. Michael, either with bitterness, if he is good, or with anger, when he is bad, denounces the world for its inertia, rightly noting this property of the world, but unfairly not taking it into account precisely as a property, without which the world would not be a world.

According to Higir

Comes from the Hebrew name Mikael - equal, like Yahweh (God).

Little Mikhail can be seen in the children's choir. He has good hearing, and he is also a very sociable boy. Educators and teachers have no trouble with him. Misha tries to do everything correctly and well.

Mikhails are endowed with a logical mind. They can successfully work as teachers, lawyers, and there are military leaders among them. They quickly navigate in unfamiliar surroundings and are balanced, but they take criticism painfully. They love animals and rarely do without a cat or dog in the house. Children feel Mikhail’s kindness, he loves to play with them, does not refuse them anything, and pampers them with expensive toys. Enjoys spending time in the garden. Doesn't tolerate loneliness well. Patiently cares for his elderly parents, the whims of the elderly do not irritate him. It’s easy to communicate with Mikhail, just put up with it... A wife shouldn’t be angry with him for a long time - her husband highly values ​​a woman’s gentleness and easygoing nature. Mikhail is generous and not petty. He drinks a little, after drinking, he becomes sentimental and, in a fit of emotion, can give away everything he has. At parties, Mikhail behaves relaxed, jokes, sings songs, he is what is called the “soul of the party.” Likes to show off a little. The main thing for him in a woman is kindness; he avoids rude women. He is jealous and has difficulty hiding it.

He has a wide choice for marriage, he can be successful with Alexandra, Alina, Bogdana, Borislava, Vanda, Varvara, Venus, Vera, Vesta, Gelena, Gella, Juliet, Diana, Dina, Eva, Elena, Elizaveta, Clara, Lydia, Leah, Marina, Martha, Nina, Raisa, Rimma, Ruslana, Seraphima, Tamara, Christina, Ella, Jadwiga. Family life with Glafira, Elizaveta, Inga, Kira, Oksana, Olga, Yana will not work out happily.

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name: “Who is like God” (biblical)

Energy of the name and character: In terms of sound energy, this name is quite bright and quiet, although it ends on a fairly low note, giving the word some solidity and even severity. It is not for nothing that in Rus' it became the nickname of the bear - Mikhailo Potapych. On the other hand, behind his silence one can discern clearly expressed mobility, and even impetuosity. Of course, the impact of the name on a person in this case is noticeably smoothed out, and this is due to the fact that today this name is very common; nevertheless, it still largely determines the character of its bearer.

Most often, from childhood, Misha displays such traits as mobility, curiosity, and excitement in children's games. It is unlikely that his interest will be focused on any one subject; rather, he will be attracted to a wide variety of activities: from all kinds of interests and hobbies to interest in school subjects. Much here will be determined by the influence of his parents and the environment where Misha will grow up. At the same time, his mobility is usually balanced, which makes him a fairly obedient child, whose whims rarely bother his parents too much. In general, the name inclines him towards good nature, but it also often endows its owner with a fair amount of touchiness. Sometimes grievances reach such strength that Misha can give up, which he soon begins to regret and feel guilty about.

In adulthood, Mikhail's mobility is replaced by calm poise; in the family he is usually a good boss, at work he is a neat and diligent worker, but touchiness may remain inherent in him throughout his life. This is an important point. Firstly, it testifies to Mikhail’s significant pride. Secondly, grievances can seriously complicate his life and interfere with the fulfillment of many life plans.

It is very important to remember that often touchiness is not compatible with ambitious aspirations; if a person has set high goals for himself, he must be prepared for resistance from others and even their opposition. This is an objective law of psychology, and it is not so smart to be offended by it. It is interesting that many Mikhails overcome this resistance with the help of a sense of humor, often bordering on caustic irony. Most people are defenseless against such weapons, and therefore it is useful that these qualities are sufficiently developed in Misha, it is not for nothing that today there are so many satirists and humorists among the Mikhails. However, even here you need to know when to stop, otherwise you can make yourself a great many secret enemies, which are much more dangerous than obvious ones. The most optimal thing for Mikhail is to rid his pride of pain, which can be done with the help of simple faith in oneself and the ability to see behind people’s shortcomings not malicious intent, but misunderstandings, not only other people’s, but also one’s own.

Secrets of communication: For all his calmness, Mikhail often likes to start all sorts of disputes, in which he often either gets excited or quite successfully ironizes. Nevertheless, it will hardly be logical if you answer him in the same way; it is much more appropriate to recognize not his rightness, but his right to such a point of view, if, of course, it is not associated with personal insults. We should also not forget that among the Mikhails there are few vindictive people.

The name's trace in history:

Michelle Nostradamus

Many different stories and legends are told about the French predictor Michel Nostradamus, some of which are similar to jokes. So, they say that one day, when Nostradamus was sitting near his house, his neighbor’s pretty daughter passed by, heading into the forest to get some brushwood.

“Good afternoon, monsieur,” she said.

“Good afternoon, girl,” Nostradamus answered her.

An hour later she returned home with a bundle of brushwood on her shoulder.

“Good afternoon, monsieur,” she greeted again.

“Good afternoon... little woman,” came the answer.

It is difficult to argue with the statement that Michael (Michel) Nostradamus (1503–1566) is not only the most mysterious, but also the most famous figure among the many predictors around the world, whose personality is so overgrown with legends, speculation, and in some cases pure fantasies that after five centuries it is no longer so easy to separate fact from fiction. Nevertheless, much can be said for sure about Nostradamus. Thus, there is no doubt that he was one of the most educated people of his time, well acquainted with medicine, astronomy, mathematics, philosophy and speaking several languages.

A passionate, witty man who loved to eat well (Nostradamus’s works include a cookbook), he bore very little resemblance to the image of the gloomy hermit that is often associated with his name these days. Having barely graduated from university and received a doctor's license, Nostradamus rushed into the thick of things, directing all his energy to fight the plague - a real curse of France. And it was he, with his knowledge and extraordinary intuition, who managed to do the impossible: he managed to stop the plague epidemics in several large cities.

Later in his life there was everything over the edge - love (in a total of two marriages, Nostradamus became the father of nine children), and death, and fame, and wanderings. Nostradamus's first wife and two of his children died of the plague; then the Inquisition showed a keen interest in him, forcing him to flee his native country, then he returned to France and at the age of 45 - a new marriage... It is difficult to say at what exact moment the laconic inscription “Prophet” appeared on the pages of the Book of Fate by Michel de Notre Dame . It is only known that until the end of his life, Nostradamus considered himself a conductor of some divine Power, which wished through him to inform people about the events of the future.

One way or another, with the death of the soothsayer, his real life has only just begun. Even now, five centuries later, the ten poetic “Centuries” (“Centuries”) he wrote in encrypted form excite and captivate, as if promising to open the invisible curtain separating us from tomorrow. And where the Mystery lives, there is no place for oblivion and indifference, and therefore who knows how many more centuries or millennia people will remember the name of Michel Nostradamus?

1. Personality: those who besiege

2.Color: red

3. Main features: will - activity - sexuality - health

4. Totem plant: elm

5. Totem animal: tiger

6. Sign: Virgo

7. Type. They are very inclined to withdraw into themselves and look harshly at others. They are overly subjective, rarely try to put themselves in the place of another person. Don't let these boys become like their totem - the tiger.

8. Psyche. They are guided by logic, they lack diplomacy somewhat. Favorite saying: “It’s either hit or miss.” Pride is their vulnerable trait, and it is quite possible to play on their desire to always and everywhere be the best and unsurpassed.

9. Will. Very strong, even despotic.

10. Excitability. Faint, but gives them some warmth.

11. Reaction speed. These are choleric people, but they are in complete control of their reactions. They carefully select smart and intelligent friends to whom they remain faithful, but they cannot imagine friendship without the complete subordination of their friends to their will. Very sensitive to defeats and failures.

12. Field of activity. They achieve success easily. They have been accustomed to discipline since childhood and demand the same from others. They work to achieve a specific and clearly defined goal, and not for the sake of unexpected discoveries. They like medicine and achieve great success in trade.

13. Intuition. More or less they listen to her voice.

14. Intelligence. They have a lively, cold analytical mind. Without thoroughly studying the situation, they do not draw conclusions.

15. Receptivity. Strong, although they try to hide their sensitivity. They have a merciless memory, never forgetting either the good they have done or the evil they have caused.

16. Morality. High morality is one of their main features; They don’t accept jokes on this topic.

17. Health. They have enormous vitality! Healthy, resistant to disease, but must take care of the circulatory system and heart.

18. Sexuality. Very sensual. They reach sexual maturity early, but do not know or understand female psychology at all. Instead of trying to seduce a woman, they behave like cavemen...

19. Activity. No comments needed!

20. Sociability. This is their weak point. Lack of tact leads to the fact that those around them begin to experience antipathy towards them.

21. Conclusion. There is no need to make them “huge evil wolves”, as this gives them great pleasure, while those around them develop an inferiority complex. Do not forget that from childhood they need to be put in place; later this will be much more difficult. ..if not completely impossible!

Sexy portrait of a name (according to Higir)

The formation of Mikhail’s sexual individuality is quite slow; he does not know himself for a long time. He learns the intimate side of life later than his peers. It happens that his first partner turns out to be his wife, and before the wedding he himself did not fully realize either his sexual needs or his sexual capabilities. Mikhail is inclined to idealize a woman; in his youth he considers her an unearthly being worthy of worship. With age, he gets rid of this idea, but his attitude towards a woman as a weak creature in need of male protection and patronage does not change, and he still overestimates the merits of his partner. Mikhail regarding

cold and reserved in love pleasures, although he easily succumbs to the intoxicating charm of erotic caresses.

“Summer” Mikhail often reduces the pleasures of love to rare episodes that occur out of necessity. At the same time, he is quite skilled in the technique of sex and, when he wants to demonstrate his masculine abilities, he can show off his skill. “Winter” Mikhail does not like external manifestations of love, does not tolerate tender phrases and cannot stand being caressed, and his own caresses are always somewhat rude, sometimes he causes pain to a woman. All Mikhails are squeamish, so they are terrified of casual relationships. With their wives they are diplomatic and patient. They like women who are gentle and compliant; they do not accept rudeness in a woman. For the “January” Mikhail, sex is a kind of indispensable part of communication and does not leave a big mark on his soul. He strives for entertainment, a pleasant pastime and is in no hurry to get married. In family life he strives for independence and makes quite high demands on his wife, including sexual ones. In life together, Mikhail is easy. He is generous, not petty, charming.

Lunar calendar for today

The symbol of the day is moderation, which clearly echoes the XIV Arcana of the Tarot cards “Moderation”, calling us to maintain calm, purity of thoughts, balance in emotions. This is a pure day - justice, purification. This...

"Mi-ka-el" - known as Michael, male name, which has become classic in Rus', is interpreted from Hebrew as “who-is-like-God.”

Origin of the name

The first information about Michael as an angel of God is recorded in the Old Testament book of the prophet Daniel, and in parallel in the Koran. Probably, the Jewish chronicles became the source of the worldwide publicity and popularity that the name Michael received.

The meaning of the name for a child accordingly indicates that his family belongs to a branch of Christianity, and also informs those around him how desired the baby “begged from the Lord” was. It is this formulation of the translation of the basis of the nickname that is more accurate.

general characteristics

Mishenka is growing up as a sociable boy and everyone's favorite, he loves to talk, easily joins the team and establishes contact with his peers. Such sociability can turn into an unpleasant development of events for the baby.

Having made friends with yard hooligans, he can copy a negative pattern of behavior, so parents should control their son from a tiny age, explaining the criteria for choosing friends.

Mishanya is a fairly active little boy, he constantly runs around, comes up with various pranks, and when he hears his favorite song, he immediately starts dancing and singing along.

At home, when there are no friends around, Mishutka’s time will be spent putting together puzzles or construction sets, modeling from plasticine, and drawing. The energy of this child is so irrepressible that he is quite capable of mastering even girlish hobbies of sewing, knitting, beading, and clothing design.

Striving to be on time everywhere, Mikhail does not miss the opportunity to stand out at school. Often he is an excellent student and manages to participate in all creative activities.

Positive character traits

The bear is artistic. He will enjoy attending a theater or dance club, where he can fully open up and throw out the emotions that overwhelm him.

In addition to Mikhail’s inherent sociability, he is characterized by kindness and tolerance. The owner of the name will never allow himself to laugh at the weak or infirm, and if in Misha’s presence someone allows himself to show arrogance and arrogance, he will immediately put down the bully, emphasizing the weaknesses of his opponent.

Negative character traits

As a child, Mishanya was not very confident in himself, even somewhat timid. Parents will have to try to ensure that their son overcomes shyness and is not afraid to express himself. Mikhail will spend a long time looking for an approach to the woman he likes, so he is often chosen. And the man follows the lead of the more active lady.

Misha is fickle, he tries to grab onto something new without having time to complete what he started. The guy needs to develop patience and perseverance. Otherwise, he will be inattentive, begin to study poorly, and in adulthood he will become a hostage to his own inconstancy.

Mikhail endures life's troubles with difficulty. When a series of failures comes, he often stops fighting, so in the ups and downs he desperately needs the support of his family.

Zodiac sign

If a baby named Mikhail, whose meaning and destiny interests you, was born in Libra, his life will be long, full of achievements.
The patron planet of the name is the brilliant, hardworking Saturn.
The color that brings harmony to Misha’s life is turquoise.
A protective talisman that gives inner confidence is jasper.


Misha, Mishka, Mishenka, Mishulya, Mishulka, Mishutka, Mishanya, Mishanka, Mishanechka, Mikhas, Mikhasya, Mikhasik, Mikhasenka, Mishik, Mishunya, Mishunka, Mishuta, Mikha, Mikhanya, Mikhailushka, Mihai.

Name options

Michael, Michelle, Miguel, Michele, Mikeu, Mihai, Michael, Mihailo, Michal, Mikael, Mikhail, Meikal.

Historical figures

1711 – 1765 – natural scientist Mikhail Lomonosov.
1804 – 1857 – composer Mikhail Glinka.
1814 – 1841 – Russian poet Mikhail Lermontov.
1856 – 1910 – artist Mikhail Vrubel.
1881 – 1964 – Russian avant-garde artist Mikhail Larionov.
1891 – 1940 – writer Mikhail Bulgakov.
1903 – 1964 – poet, playwright Mikhail Svetlov.
1957 – 2005 – comedian and actor Mikhail Evdokimov.
1962 – 2002 – Russian bard Mikhail Krug.
1973 – 2013 – lead singer of the Russian group “King and Jester” Mikhail Gorshenev.
Born 1931 - Soviet politician Mikhail Gorbachev.
Born 1934 – satirist, writer Mikhail Zhvanetsky.
Born 1948 - playwright, writer, humorist Mikhail Zadornov.
Born 1948 – pop singer Mikhail Shufutinsky.
Born 1948 - American choreographer, native of the USSR, Mikhail Baryshnikov.
Born 1949 - Soviet, Russian actor, singer, musician Mikhail Boyarsky.
Born 1957 – Russian politician Mikhail Kasyanov.
Born 1979 – comedian, actor, TV presenter, producer Mikhail Galustyan.
Born 1967 – ex-president Georgia, now the chairman of the regional administration of Odessa Mikheil Saakashvili.

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