Criteria for Unified State Exam scores in social studies. What to pay attention to

assessment criteria for the Unified State Exam in social studies! and got the best answer

Answer from Karina[guru]
Part 1
For the correct answer to each task in Part 1, 1 point is given.
If two or more answers are indicated (including the correct one),
incorrect answer or no answer – 0 points.
Part 2
Correctly completed tasks B1, B2 are scored 1 point, B3 – B6
are assessed as follows: 2 points – no errors; 1 point – admitted
one error or one character is missing from the correct answer combination;
0 points – two or more mistakes were made.
Part 3
C1-C2 maximum 2 points
C3-C4 maximum 3 points
C5 maximum 2 points
C6-C7 maximum 3 points
C8 maximum 2 points
K1 Revealing the meaning of the statement
The meaning of the statement is revealed - 2
The meaning of the statement is not explicitly disclosed, but the content of the answer indicates its understanding - 1
The meaning of the statement is not disclosed, the content of the answer does not give an idea of ​​​​its understanding - 0
K2 Presentation and explanation of one’s own position
Presented own position with argumentation - 1
Own position presented without explanation OR own position not presented - 0
K3 Level of judgments and arguments presented
Judgments and arguments are revealed based on theoretical principles, conclusions and factual material - 2
Judgments and arguments are based on theory, but without using factual material OR
Judgments and arguments are given based on factual
material, but without theoretical provisions - 1
Judgments and arguments are not given - 0
Maximum score 5

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: assessment criteria for the Unified State Exam in social studies!

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Memo for the Unified State Exam in Social Studies

There are 29 tasks in total; by difficulty level: basic -12; elevated – 10, high – 7; Operating time 235 minutes (3h 55m)

Maximum primary score for the work – 62 (35 for Part I and 27 for Part II);


Answer form, number of points

task execution time

What to pay attention to

20 short answer questions

The answer to the tasks in Part 1 is given by the corresponding entry in the form of a word (phrase) or a sequence of numbers written without spaces or separating characters.

Tasks 1–3, 10, 12 are scored 1 point.

Correct completion of tasks 4–9, 11, 13–20 is scored 2 points; completing a task with one error (one incorrectly indicated, including an extra, digit along with all the correct digits) OR incomplete completion of the task (missing one required digit) – 1 point; incorrect completion of the task (indicating two or more incorrect numbers) – 0 points.

1) for each of tasks 1–3, 10 – 1–4 minutes;

2) for each of tasks 4–9, 11–20 2–8 minutes;

tasks 1–3 aimed at testing knowledge and understanding biosocial essence of man, the main stages and factors of socialization of the individual, patterns and trends in the development of society, the main social institutions and processes, etc.

tasks 4–18 knowledge is tested in 5 blocks: man and society, including knowledge and spiritual culture (tasks 4–6); economics (tasks 7–10), social relations(tasks 11, 12); politics (tasks 13–15); law (tasks 16–18).

– tasks for choosing and recording several correct answers from the proposed list of answers;

– task to identify structural elements concepts using tables;

– a task to establish the correspondence of positions presented in two sets;

– a task to differentiate facts, opinions and theoretical positions in social information ( task 19– fact, assessment, theory);

– a task to define terms and concepts corresponding to the proposed context ( task 20 – insert the missing words into the text).

Task 12 – working with a diagram, task 10 – with a demand (supply) schedule.

Task 14 tests knowledge of organs state power Russian Federation and the federal structure of the Russian Federation, and task 16– knowledge of the basics of the constitutional system Russian Federation, human and civil rights and freedoms

1. You need to know the content of concepts in all sections of the course and be able to relate them to each other.

Example: Match with spheres public life following public institutions:

1. School A. Economics

2. Budget B. Policy

3. Marginal V. Spiritual sphere

4. Party G. Social sphere

Answer: A–2‚ B–4‚ C–1‚ D–3.

2. When working with diagrams and tables, fill them out slowly, reading the tasks carefully.

3. Write down the answer first in the work and only then transfer it to the Unified State Examination form.

9 tasks with detailed answers.

In these tasks, the answer is formulated and written down by the examinee independently in a detailed form.

For complete correct completion of tasks 21, 22, 2 points are awarded; tasks 23–28 – 3 points each; tasks 29 – 5 points

1) for each of tasks 21–28 – 2–8 minutes;

2) for task 29 - 45 minutes.

knowledge in 6 blocks: social philosophy, economics, sociology, political science, social psychology, jurisprudence

tasks 21-24– analysis of sources;

task 25 - the ability to independently discover the meaning of key social science concepts and apply them in a given context (the answer must contain THREE sentences).

Task 26- the ability to concretize the studied theoretical principles with examples;

Task-task 27- formulation and argumentation of independent evaluative, prognostic and other judgments, explanations, conclusions;

Task 28 - drawing up a plan for a detailed answer on a specific topic of a social science course.

Task 29- an alternative task that involves writing an essay on one of 5 topics.

1. This will require skills in working with tables, diagrams, diagrams, as well as the ability to compare the data presented in them.

2. In the essay, give a full detailed analysis of the quotation (choose from six proposed) using subject terminology (theoretical argumentation)‚ based on factual material and your own life experience (at least two examples from different sources).

3. Don’t neglect the tasks of this block: any statement can be correct and bring extra points.

4. Do not forget that lengthy sayings will not be taken into account. The answer must be clear, clear and fully relevant to the topic.

The results of completing tasks in Part 1 are processed automatically. Answers to tasks in Part 2 are analyzed and evaluated by experts based on specially developed criteria.

Scale for converting primary scores into test scores (A – primary, B – test)



According to many experts, the Unified State Exam 2016 will be the last in the history of modern Russian education. In the next graduation year, students will take Soviet-style final exams.

In 2016, the minimum passing scores will increase, and an additional number of retakes will be introduced.

Changes in the Unified State Exam 2016

According to forecasts, creative written tasks in exams in such subjects as history, Russian language, and literature will be expanded. The number of test tasks will be significantly reduced, which will avoid elementary cheating on the part of graduates, and will allow assessing the real level of their knowledge, since test tasks they could simply guess the correct answer without knowing it.

As before, mathematics and Russian will remain compulsory subjects. To get admission to the Russian language exam, you will need to write, which will now be assessed on a pass/fail basis. At the same time, the Ministry of Education and Science does not rule out that in the foreseeable future the list of required exams will be supplemented with foreign languages, physics and history.

Discussions on the topic of certificates

Despite the fact that many find the innovations for the Unified State Examination in 2016 radical, experts from the Ministry of Education and Science hold a different point of view on this matter, without excluding the possibility that in the future the exams will become mandatory only for applicants and will turn into a tool for admission to a university. Regarding school and lyceum graduates, now everyone will have certificates. Even unsatisfactory grades will be noted in the certificates. Thus, experts believe that a graduate will be able to study at a university in those specialties where the subjects in which he received an unsatisfactory grade are not specialized.

A similar initiative has already been discussed in the State Duma at the round table. The reason for such a discussion was an appeal from Professor Rukshin from pedagogical university named after Herzen, in which he asked to consider his proposal to issue certificates to everyone without exception, without regard to his performance in exams. The condition will be only completed 11th grade high school. There is a high probability that this initiative will be approved. Its supporters believe that such a reform in the education system will give people with a special mindset a greater chance of implementation and will become an impetus for true personal development.

In addition, as reported by the Ministry of Education and Science, in 2016, when submitting documents to the admissions committee, graduates will have to take additional entrance exams in mathematics and foreign language, if the selected specialty contains such exams in the list of exams required for enrollment. Moreover, after the ninth grade, a student can find out what his chances are of passing the entrance exams and whether he will be admitted to them.

The USE 2016 and its possible abolition next year puts an end to the debate about the imperfection of the system. Rumors about a new form of final exams do not subside, but until the result of the reforms is visible in practice, it is too early to talk about their correctness or error.

Table of assessments of the minimum passing score of the Unified State Exam 2016 in all subjects

Item Minimum passing score
Russian language (required) 36
Mathematics (required) 27
Biology 36
Story 32
Literature 32
Computer science 40
Foreign languages 22
Social science 42
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