License for educational activities. How to obtain a license for additional education: from preparing documents to the finished permit Committee on Licensing of Educational Activities

Licensing educational activities- Obtaining an educational license from 35 thousand rubles. Registration of a package of documents for obtaining a turnkey educational license - promptly and with a guarantee! License for additional education. License for additional professional education (advanced training and professional retraining). Moscow, Moscow region, Russian Federation. Re-registration of educational licenses. Consultations on conducting educational activities.

The legal bureau "Vendikt-NPK" offers obtaining an educational license for organizations and individual entrepreneurs. It should be noted that not all types of educational activities require mandatory licensing.

Licensing of educational activities and obtaining an education license is not required in cases:

  1. For conducting one-time lectures, trainings, internships and seminars, after passing which a final certification is not carried out, and a document on completion, education or qualification is not issued. In the event that the seminars are not “one-off” in nature, then it is necessary to obtain an educational license to legally conduct their activities.
  2. For providing educational services individual entrepreneurs. Obtaining a training license is not required even if an individual entrepreneur trains students in preschool, basic secondary, higher and preschool education. remained unchanged, so that the activities carried out were individual, that is, carried out by the individual entrepreneur himself.
  3. rendering childcare services (in other words, kindergarten short stay groups). If you provide exactly these services, then you do not need to be licensed. However, the issue of obtaining or not obtaining a license in this case is quite controversial, since fines may be imposed on the entrepreneur if the inspection authorities actually discover a kindergarten without a license issued in the prescribed manner.

In all other cases, licensing of educational activities is mandatory, and obtaining an educational license is a mandatory step to begin educational process!

Features of obtaining an educational license:

  1. Individual entrepreneurs can obtain a license only to conduct the following types of educational programs:
    • basic and additional general educational programs(for example, developmental activities with children, training foreign languages, etc.);
    • main programs - vocational training (for example, training in the professions of blue-collar workers, etc.); preschool education.
    ATTENTION: Individual entrepreneurs cannot obtain a license for additional professional education(advanced training and professional retraining) - to implement these programs it is necessary to open either a commercial or non-profit organization.
  2. It has become possible to obtain an educational license for structural units commercial organizations(LLC, JSC, others) in the following areas of educational programs:
    • basic vocational training programs, including for its employees, in worker professions and office positions.
    • additional education programs, including preschool education programs.
    • programs of additional professional education (programs professional retraining, advanced training programs).
  3. Various forms of non-profit organizations can be fully engaged in educational activities, mainly private institutions and autonomous non-profit organizations (in accordance with their charter and OKVED codes), created specifically for the implementation of educational activities.
  4. To open online courses, You also need to have a premises where they will be physically located classrooms: it is not possible to obtain a license for a home address or apartment or private house (the premises must have NON-RESIDENTIAL status). Also, when teaching online or, for example, through YOUTUBE, you still need to rent premises to host classrooms, otherwise a license will not be issued.

If you find it difficult to determine whether you need to undergo compulsory licensing of educational activities, call or write to us. We will advise you by phone or email general issues: about the cost of our services; We will tell you about the general algorithm for obtaining a license, and whether or not you need to undergo licensing in your particular case.

The license is issued indefinitely and only on place of actual activity, Therefore, if you plan to change your actual address in the future, then the license will need to be reissued practically from scratch.

Obtaining a license for education in Moscow is the responsibility of the Moscow Department of Education, and obtaining an educational license for the Moscow Region is the responsibility of the Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region. It must be remembered that obtaining a training license takes place in several stages, one of which is checking the compliance of the declared data with those specified in the application for registration and issuance of a license. In particular, a special commission checks the place where it is planned to conduct educational activities. If this location does not meet the legally established requirements, the license applicant is denied a license.

That's why we have payable service by analyzing the customer’s specific situation , which is advisable to carry out even before applying to the licensing authority, in order to understand whether you can obtain a license for your premises according to the declared programs. The paid consultation includes an analysis of the customer’s documents for the requirements imposed by licensing and regulatory authorities), including statutory documents, documents for the premises, information on the availability of educational programs, etc. The cost of a consultation is 7,000 rubles (via email, with recommendations based on the data provided)/10,000 rubles (in our office on the Paveletskaya metro station).

1.Preliminary consultation on licensing of educational activities and obtaining a license. Conducted by our specialists in the office of our company (as well as by phone or e-mail). During the consultation, our specialist will examine in detail the submitted documents and your situation, clarify the correctness of their execution, and advise on the forms of documents necessary for you to successfully obtain a license. Also at this consultation you can ask all your questions regarding not only licensing, but also further activities educational organization after receiving an educational license, etc.

2.Obtaining an educational license through us. If you are not sure that you will be able to obtain a license yourself, or the employees of your organization do not have enough time to spend on the rather difficult process of obtaining a license, we recommend that you contact our specialists.

!!! To calculate the cost of services, send us a request for the cost of services by e-mail with the obligatory indication of the following information:

1. Data on the license applicant - organizational and legal form (LLC/IP/non-profit organization) with the region of registration (Moscow/Moscow region/other), where the classrooms are located, if any (Moscow, with the Moscow district/Moscow region) .

2. At what stage is the collection of documents for obtaining a license (premises for the actual conduct of activities, what documents are collected - lease agreement, BTI documents, conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor, conclusion of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for NPOs, others).

3. What educational programs do you plan to implement - who and what to teach (children/adults, area of ​​training).

We offer different options for cooperation with our bureau, depending on the capabilities and wishes of the Customer.

4. It is also possible to obtain a license for educational activities "turnkey" (Moscow within the Moscow Ring Road). The cost of obtaining a turnkey educational license is negotiable and is determined in each specific case separately.

The scope of our services includes:

Analysis of the Customer's documents and premises - the Customer must have a premises with a valid lease agreement. If there is no premises, we can select premises based on the requirements of regulatory authorities;

Obtaining an opinion from Rospotrebnadzor for training adults or children: familiarizing the Customer with the current Sanitary Regulations for his activities, providing the necessary contracts for undergoing an inspection by Rospotrebnadzor, visiting our employee to fully support the Rospotrebnadzor inspection, drawing up expert opinions and research reports, receiving ready-made documents. The period for obtaining an opinion is 1 month, the cost is from 40,000 rubles, depending on the Moscow district;

Writing educational programs for submitting documents for licensing. We have experience in writing any programs for additional education for children and adults, according to the requirements and needs of the Customer. The duration of registration of one educational program is from 1 week, a larger amount of work is determined on an individual basis. Cost - from 22,000 rubles (additional general education programs), from 25,000 rubles for programs for additional professional training (for example, advanced training for medical workers for 144 hours), basic programs for the Federal State Educational Standard (except for higher education) - from 45,000 rubles, depending on the complexity of the work.

Please note that the indicated price includes writing an educational program in full compliance with the requirements of 273-FZ and Methodological recommendations Department of Education of Moscow, the volume of each program received will be from 90-100 pages of text, with our programs you can easily pass both unscheduled and scheduled inspections of the licensing department.

Checking the existing organization or individual entrepreneur of the Customer for its compliance with the requirements of legislation in the field of licensing, if necessary, giving appropriate recommendations for making the necessary changes to the charter, Unified State Register of Legal Entities/Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, etc.;

Registration and submission of documents to the Moscow Department of Education, the service includes: collection of necessary documents and certificates, making photocopies, registration of a licensing case, filling out all necessary applications and certificates for registration of a licensing case, sending documents to the Moscow Department of Education, responses to notifications from the Department Education of the city of Moscow, conducting other correspondence with the Department of Education of the city of Moscow, participation in an on-site inspection of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow, obtaining a finished license and transferring it to the Customer. The period for obtaining a license from the department is up to 45 working days (in practice 1-1.5 months). Cost - from 35,000 rubles + 7,500 rubles state duty.

Our bureau has extensive experience in obtaining educational licenses; we are known in the Moscow Department of Education and the Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region.

We can proudly say that all license applicants received their licenses through our office and did not receive a single refusal, including in non-standard situations, even in the presence of refusals from regulatory authorities, received independently or by other law firms.

For questions regarding obtaining a license for educational activities, please contact our company, we We also provide assistance in registering non-profit organizations for subsequent obtaining an educational license in Moscow and the Moscow region!

5. Services for correcting refusal notices from the Moscow Department of Education. If you submitted a licensing case to the Moscow Department of Education yourself and received a Notice of refusal to accept documents for consideration on the merits, come to us. We will prepare a response to the refusal Notification of the Moscow City Department , if it is possible to correct such notice, which will allow you to obtain the required license .

6. Obtaining an educational license in the Moscow region. In the Moscow region our company offers services only for licensing educational activities, namely interaction with the Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region.

For organizations and individual entrepreneurs registered and operating in the Moscow region, before contacting our company you must obtain on your own:

-lease contract(sublease, use) for the premises where educational activities will take place;

-conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor on the type of activity- educational activities, indicating the level of education - for all organizations and individual entrepreneurs;

-conclusion of the Ministry of Emergency Situations- for educational organizations (non-profit organizations). LLCs and individual entrepreneurs do not receive a conclusion from the Ministry of Emergency Situations!

The cost of our services for obtaining a training license for the Moscow region is:

50,000 rubles + 7,500 rubles state duty. The visit of our expert to an on-site inspection of the Ministry of Education is not included and is paid additionally, based on the technical feasibility of the visit and the specialist’s workload.

7. Services for licensing educational activities - remote services for regions of the Russian Federation, as well as Moscow and the Moscow region in terms of obtaining and re-issuing educational licenses:

-providing remote consultations (telephone/email) on registration/re-issuance of licenses for the right to conduct educational activities. Providing consultations on the conduct of educational activities. Cost of consultation - see above.

- preparation of a package of documents for submission to the licensing authority (application for issuance/re-issuance of a license, certificate of material and technical compliance, other certificates depending on the nature of the application to the licensing authority). Cost - from 20,000 rubles, depending on the volume of services.

- writing educational programs for submitting documents to the licensing authority/for conducting scheduled inspections by the licensing authority, based on the requirements of the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” No. 273-FZ. We will write you a program that will 100% satisfy the requirements of licensing authorities. What programs we write - we can write them both “from scratch” and put your work in order:

1) ANY programs for additional education for children and adults (foreign languages, cosmetology, early development, programming, etc.).

2) ANY programs for additional professional education.

3) ANY basic vocational training programs.

The cost of writing programs - see above.

8. Services for re-registration of educational licenses. Our bureau helps not only with the initial registration of educational licenses in Moscow and the Moscow region, but also provides services for their re-issuance for any reason

Re-issuance of education licenses is required in cases where changes are made to the license itself, as well as to the level of education provided by the license holder. Also, re-issuance of a license is mandatory if the address of the place of educational activity changes, as well as when additional places of educational activity are opened.

Additionally, services for obtaining sanitary and epidemiological conclusions and conclusions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations (if required), state duty (750/3500 rubles, calculated individually, depending on the basis for re-issuing licenses for educational activities) are paid.

Our specialists work for a positive result; we do not undertake all cases of obtaining a license. But if we take on your case, you can be sure that we will receive a license with a positive result.

The company “Etalon Garant” carries out work on obtaining a license for education on a turn-key basis. The permit is issued by the regulatory authority - the Ministry of Education - in a short time and at a reasonable price. The educational license is valid indefinitely throughout the country.


Regulatory and legal framework for licensing in the educational sector

The need and procedure for licensing educational activities is regulated by several basic legislative and regulatory documents. The first of them is No. 99-FZ, approved by the President of the Russian Federation on May 4, 2011. The provisions of the Federal Law, as amended on August 2, 2019, classify activities in the field of education as licensed.

Second base document- No. 273-FZ, signed by the Head of State on December 29, 2012. It contains the main provisions of the policy of the Russian Federation regarding the provision of educational services. The version of the Federal Law adopted on December 27, 2019 is currently in force.

The procedure for licensing educational activities is described in more detail in the Regulations adopted by GD No. 966 of October 28, 2013. The text of the document has been revised several times, so the version approved on December 12, 2019 is relevant today.

The need for licensing educational activities in Moscow

The current regulatory framework in Russia provides for the need to license activities for the provision of educational services. This rule applies to both organizations and individual entrepreneurs.

Individual entrepreneurs who do not have employees are exempt from obtaining an education license. In other cases, licensing is mandatory for all types of education - preschool, secondary, specialized secondary and higher.

Stages of obtaining an educational license in Moscow

Our company has extensive experience in successfully obtaining licensing in the field of education. The standard procedure for obtaining a license to conduct training involves the sequential implementation of the following activities:

    determination of types of educational activities and establishment of requirements in terms of necessary equipment and premises;

    renting or purchasing premises for training and equipping it with specialized equipment;

    inspection of the premises by the SES authorities with the issuance of an appropriate conclusion;

    checking the premises for compliance with requirements fire safety;

    checking the personnel of the educational institution for fulfillment of qualification requirements in terms of specialized education, work experience and certification;

    development of a training program;

    formation of a set of documents required for licensing;

    submission of collected documentation to the regulatory body, which is the Ministry of Education;

    consulting and legal support for checking an applicant by specialists from the Ministry of Education;

    obtaining a license for educational activities.

Cost of obtaining an education license

The minimum cost of obtaining a license to provide educational services at the Etalon Garant company is 35 thousand rubles. The exact price is determined individually for each customer. It is formed taking into account several factors, including:

    scheme of cooperation with the client. It is possible to issue both a turnkey license and individual events;

    list of works performed by company specialists. It is established at the stage of negotiations and depends on the specifics of the customer’s activities;

    compliance of the client with the requirements for the educational institution. First of all, speech in in this case It concerns the availability and equipment of suitable premises for training, as well as the presence of personnel of the appropriate level of training on the staff of the organization or individual entrepreneur.

To receive a personal commercial offer with the final cost of obtaining an educational license, just contact an employee of our company and answer his questions. The final price for the provision of the service is fixed and does not change during the process of its provision.

Required Documentation

One of the key stages of licensing educational services is the formation and submission of a set of documents to the Ministry of Education. Its main function is to prove that the license applicant fulfills the requirements provided for by law. The set of mandatory documentation includes:

    application for a license indicating specific types of educational activities;

    registration documentation package;

    package of constituent documentation (for LLC) or passport (for individual entrepreneurs);

    educational programs developed by employees of the institution, on the basis of which it is planned to conduct training;

    documents confirming the right to lease or own the premises intended for training;

    sanitary and epidemiological conclusion and results of inspection of the premises for compliance with fire safety requirements;

    documentation confirming that the institution has a sufficient number of specialists with the required qualifications, experience and work experience;

    documentation indicating the availability of the necessary specialized equipment, teaching aids and materials;

    document confirming payment of state duty.

Advantages of cooperation with our company

“Etalon Garant” has been working productively on the Russian market for a long time, providing customers with a range of consulting services. The main advantage of contacting a company to obtain an educational license is the guarantee of a positive final result.

Other important advantages of the proposed cooperation are:

    short deadlines for obtaining a license to conduct educational activities;

    professionalism of the company’s employees, eliminating the possibility of refusal to issue a permit;

    the possibility of successful licensing of an educational institution in difficult conditions, for example, when the applicant fails to comply with one or more mandatory requirements.

At all stages of cooperation, the client receives comprehensive consulting and legal support. The company’s specialists take upon themselves the solution of any issues that arise during licensing, including: completing a package of documents, selecting suitable premises or including specialists of the required profile and work experience in the staff of an educational institution.

Electronic services

Full name of the service

Licensing of educational activities

Conditions for receiving services on the site

  • Who can apply for the service:

    Legal entities

    Individual entrepreneur

  • Cost of the service and payment procedure:

    State duty - 7500.0 rub.

    the size is established by subparagraph 92 of paragraph 1 of Article 333.33 of the Tax Code Russian Federation

  • List of required information:

    Application for a license to carry out educational activities (for a legal entity) (original, 1 pc.)

    • Required
    • Available without return

    Application for a license to carry out educational activities (for individual entrepreneurs) (original, 1 pc.)

    • Required
    • Available without return

    Copies of documents confirming that the license applicant or licensee owns or has on another legal basis equipped buildings, structures, structures, premises, territories that comply with the established licensing standards for ensuring educational activities (notarized copy, 1 pc.)

    • Required
    • Available without return
    Copies of documents confirming that the license applicant or licensee has, in ownership or on another legal basis, equipped buildings, structures, structures, premises, territories that comply with the established licensing standards for ensuring educational activities according to the educational programs applied for licensing, as well as copies of title documents if the right to these buildings, structures and transactions with them is not subject to state registration in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation

    Details of the sanitary and epidemiological report issued in accordance with the established procedure on compliance with sanitary rules of buildings, structures, structures, premises, equipment and other property necessary for the implementation of educational activities (certified copy, 1 pc.)

    • Required
    • Available without return

    Details of the conclusion on the compliance of the object of protection with mandatory fire safety requirements when carrying out educational activities (if the license applicant is an educational organization). (certified copy, 1 pc.)

    • Required
    • Available without return

    Details of a license issued in accordance with the established procedure to carry out work using information constituting a state secret for educational programs containing information constituting a state secret (if there are educational programs) (original, 1 pc.)

    • Required
    • Available without return

    A copy of the agreement concluded by the license applicant in accordance with Part 5 of Article 82 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", confirming the existence of conditions for the implementation of practical training of students in professional educational programs medical education and pharmaceutical education (if educational programs are available) (certified copy, 1 pc.)

    • Required
    • Available without return

    Details of the document issued in accordance with the established procedure by the State Security Inspectorate traffic Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation conclusion on the compliance of the educational and material base with the established requirements (if there are educational programs for training drivers of motor vehicles) (original, 1 pc.)

    • Required
    • Available without return

    Copies of training (retraining) programs for drivers of motor vehicles, trams and trolleybuses, agreed with the State Road Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (if there are educational programs) (certified copy, 1 pc.)

    • Required
    • Available without return

    Information about citizens who are founders of organizations planning to carry out educational activities in basic vocational training programs for work as private detectives, private security guards; for additional professional programs heads of private security organizations (original, 1 pc.)

    • Required
    • Available without return
    Information about citizens who are founders of organizations planning to carry out educational activities in basic vocational training programs for work as private detectives, private security guards and additional professional programs for heads of private security organizations, as well as citizens who are founders (participants) of organizations acting as founders organizations planning to carry out educational activities according to basic vocational training programs for work as private detectives, private security guards and additional professional programs for managers of private security organizations, confirming their compliance with the requirements provided for in Article 15.2 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On private detective and security activities in the Russian Federation ".

    Representation of religious organizations - founders of educational organizations (notarized copy, 1 pc.)

    • Required
    • Available without return
    Representation of religious organizations - founders of educational organizations (if such religious organizations are part of the structure of centralized religious organizations - representations of the corresponding centralized religious organizations), information on qualifications teaching staff spiritual educational organizations with theological degrees and theological titles (if a religious educational organization acts as a license applicant), as well as copies of documents confirming the placement of a religious educational organization in premises owned or otherwise legally owned by its founder, for carrying out educational activities according to educational programs (if such premises are available)

    Information on the qualifications of teaching staff of religious educational organizations with theological degrees and theological titles (notarized copy, 1 piece)

    • Required
    • Available without return
    if the license applicant is a religious educational organization

    Documents confirming the placement of a religious educational organization in premises owned or otherwise legally owned by its founder, for the implementation of educational activities under educational programs (notarized copy, 1 pc.)

    • Required
    • Available without return
    if a religious educational organization acts as a license applicant, if such premises are available

    Certificate of logistical support for educational activities for educational programs applied for licensing (original, 1 pc.)

    • Required
    • Available without return

    Certificate of availability of educational programs developed and approved by the organization carrying out educational activities (original, 1 pc.)

    • Required
    • Available without return

    A certificate confirming that a professional educational organization, an organization carrying out educational activities in basic vocational training programs, has special conditions for obtaining education by students with disabilities disabilities health (original, 1 pc.)

    • Required
    • Available without return

    Certificate of availability of conditions for the functioning of the electronic information and educational environment in the presence of educational programs using exclusively e-learning, distance learning educational technologies(original, 1 pc.)

    • Required
    • Available without return

    A copy of the regulations on the branch (certified copy, 1 pc.)

    • Required
    • Available without return
    Provided if the licensee intends to carry out educational activities in the branch

    A copy of the regulations on the structural unit (certified copy, 1 pc.)

    • Required
    • Available without return
    Provided if the license applicant is an organization providing training, structural subdivision which implements educational programs

    Inventory of submitted documents (original, 1 pc.)

    • Required
    • Available without return
  • Terms of service provision

    45 working days

  • Result of service provision


    • Valid license (original, 1 pc.)

      The original license is provided upon renewal of the license


    • Entering information into the license register (New entry in registers, cadastres, registries)
  • Receipt forms

  • You can go to the executive authorities of the city of Moscow as part of a pre-trial appeal.





    1. The applicant has the right to file a complaint against the decision and (or) action (inaction) of the authorized body, an official of the authorized body or a state civil servant in the provision of a public service (hereinafter referred to as the complaint).

    2. The subject of the complaint includes, among other things, the following decisions and actions (inaction):

    1) violation of the deadline for registering the applicant’s request for the provision of a public service;

    2) violation of the deadline for the provision of public services;

    3) requesting from the applicant documents not provided for by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation for the provision of public services;

    4) refusal to accept from the applicant documents the submission of which for the provision of public services is provided for by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation;

    5) refusal to provide a public service, if the grounds for refusal are not provided for by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation adopted in accordance with them;

    6) the requirement from the applicant for the provision of public services of a fee not provided for by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation;

    7) refusal of an authorized body, an official of an authorized body, a state civil servant to correct typographical errors and (or) errors in documents issued as a result of the provision of public services, or a violation of the established deadline for such corrections.

    3. The complaint is submitted to the authorized body in writing on paper, including when receiving the applicant in person, or in in electronic format.

    4. If the complaint is submitted through a representative of the applicant, a document confirming the authority to take actions on behalf of the applicant is also submitted. The following may be submitted as a document confirming the authority to carry out actions on behalf of the applicant:

    a) a power of attorney issued in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (for individuals);

    b) a power of attorney issued in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, certified by the seal of the applicant (if any) and signed by the head of the applicant or a person authorized by this head (for legal entities);

    c) a copy of the decision on appointment or election or order on the appointment of an individual to a position, according to which such an individual has the right to act on behalf of the applicant without a power of attorney.

    5. A written complaint can also be sent by mail.

    If a complaint is filed in person, the applicant presents a document proving his identity in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    A complaint can be submitted electronically by the applicant using the official website of the authorized body, portals of state and municipal services.

    When filing a complaint electronically, the documents specified in paragraph 82 of these Regulations may be presented in the form of electronic documents signed with an electronic signature, the type of which is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, and no identification document of the applicant is required.

    6. The complaint must contain:

    a) the name of the body providing the public service, an official of the body providing the public service, or a state civil servant whose decisions and actions (inaction) are being appealed;

    b) last name, first name, patronymic (the latter - if available), information about the place of residence of the applicant - an individual or name, information about the location of the applicant - a legal entity, as well as contact telephone number (numbers), email address (addresses) ( if available) and postal address to which the response should be sent to the applicant;

    c) information about the appealed decisions and actions (inaction) of the authorized body, an official of the authorized body or a state civil servant;

    d) arguments on the basis of which the applicant does not agree with the decision and actions (inaction) of the authorized body, an official of the authorized body or a state civil servant. The applicant may submit documents (if any) confirming the applicant’s arguments, or copies thereof.

    7. If making a decision on a complaint is not within the competence of the authorized body, within 3 working days from the date of its registration, the authorized body sends the complaint to the body authorized to consider it and informs the applicant in writing about the redirection of the complaint. In this case, the period for consideration of the complaint is calculated from the date of registration of the complaint with the body authorized to consider it.

    8. A complaint received by the authorized body is subject to consideration by an official of the authorized body authorized to consider complaints (hereinafter referred to as the official authorized to consider complaints).

    9. The official authorized to review complaints ensures:

    a) receiving and considering complaints;

    b) sending complaints to the body authorized to consider them in accordance with paragraph 85 of these Regulations.

    10. Complaints against decisions made by the head of the authorized body are submitted:

    the highest official of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

    V Federal service on supervision in the field of education and science.

    11. A complaint received by the authorized body must be registered no later than the next working day from the date of its receipt. The complaint is considered within fifteen working days from the date of its registration, unless a shorter period for consideration of the complaint is established by the authorized body.

    In the event of an appeal against the refusal of the authorized body, an official of the authorized body to accept documents from the applicant or to correct typographical errors and (or) errors, or in the event of an appeal against a violation of the established deadline for such corrections, the complaint is considered within 5 working days from the date of its registration.

    12. There are no grounds for suspending the consideration of a complaint by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    13. Based on the results of consideration of the complaint, the authorized body makes one of the following decisions:

    1) satisfies the complaint, including in the form of cancellation decision taken, correction of typos and (or) errors made by the authorized body in documents issued as a result of the provision of public services, return to the applicant of funds, the collection of which is not provided for by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as in other forms provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

    2) refuses to satisfy the complaint.

    14. If the complaint is satisfied, the authorized body takes comprehensive measures to eliminate the identified violations, including issuing the result of the public service to the applicant, no later than 5 working days from the date of the decision specified in paragraph 91 of these Regulations, unless otherwise established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    15. The response based on the results of consideration of the complaint is signed by the official authorized to consider complaints.

    16. The response based on the results of consideration of the complaint is sent to the applicant no later than the day following the day the decision is made, specified in paragraph 91 of these Regulations, in writing.

License for educational activities is a special document that makes it possible to engage in educational activities and provide relevant services. However, it is immediately worth noting that this educational license is not needed for individual entrepreneurs who are engaged in tutoring or have a private club, studio or similar structure. True, if these services are provided not by you personally, but by invited teachers, then in this case a license is required.

Registration period – 30 days

Licensing authority – Moscow Department of Education.

State duty – 7,500 rubles

Price – from 50,000 rubles

As for who definitely needs license for educational activities, then this includes the following:

  1. Opening of a higher educational institution.
  2. Creation and organization of an educational organization of federal significance.
  3. Creation of Russian organizations outside the Russian Federation.
  4. It is needed by foreign organizations that plan to open in the Russian Federation.

Where do you get a license?

The government agency that issues or reissues educational licenses is Rosobrnadzor. The procedure does not take very much time, but it requires care and a lot of effort. In addition, this procedure has a large number of nuances and features. Therefore, in order to be guaranteed to receive required document, do not encounter unsolvable problems and go through this entire process favorably, we recommend that you contact us. We specialize in this issue, our specialists are well versed in every area related to obtaining a license, and you are guaranteed to achieve a favorable result.

Receiving stages

How to obtain a license for educational activities? Just contact us and we will help you go through the following stages of preparation and completion:

  1. We will prepare the premises for further educational activities in accordance with all requirements.
  2. We will obtain positive conclusions for you from the fire inspectorate and the SES.
  3. We will check your educational programs to ensure they meet all requirements.
  4. We will check and prepare documents that confirm the educational qualifications of your employees.
  5. We will advise and help you resolve issues regarding equipment, technology, methodological manuals and literature that must be present in your organization.
  6. We will prepare all the necessary documents.
  7. All that remains is to pay the state fee.
  8. The last step is submitting documents to government agencies; we also support this procedure.

All you need is to simply explore the range of available services of our organization, select those that you need, and then you can begin the procedure for obtaining a license for educational activities.

Receipt times

Like any other document, a license for educational activities has its own deadlines for obtaining:

  1. The total period required to receive the document is 30 days.
  2. Validity period of the license for educational activities: unlimited.

If the license is denied, you will receive a document describing all the shortcomings and errors. To prevent this from happening and to prevent you from wasting precious time, just contact us for help. We will definitely study the situation in detail, collect a package of documents and prepare everything necessary.

Difficulties in obtaining a license

The only problem when obtaining a license is full compliance with all the necessary requirements, which are as follows:

  1. There must be premises available that fully correspond to the educational programs provided.
  2. A positive conclusion from SANPIN, which should check your premises.
  3. Comprehensive material and technical support, meeting federal standards.
  4. Compliance with conditions regarding the protection of student health.
  5. Educational programs of our own development.
  6. Various materials in printed and electronic formats, created specifically for the developed programs.
  7. Employees of the organization who have vocational education and acceptable work experience.


Accompanying services:

  1. Get it, it is also on the mandatory list of documents for applying for a medical license. Obtaining a SEZ is required to confirm compliance with the conditions for performing certain activities regulated by rules and regulations. The nuances of its design are presented in the corresponding section.
  2. – verification process professional level competencies of teachers who undergo remote testing and receive special documents proving their level of education and professional training.
  3. Departure of an employee for full support of a pre-licensing inspection or for an already existing organization.

Only at first it may seem that these requirements are easy to fulfill, but in fact they have a lot of additional features and nuances. Therefore, in order to avoid unpleasant moments and be guaranteed to obtain a license, we suggest that you entrust this matter to our specialists. They have a wealth of experience, have completed more than one case and are now ready to support you in every possible way until you receive a license in your hands. The success of this matter depends only on your decision, do not hesitate, the sooner we start, the sooner you will receive a license.

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