Speech therapy errors. Diagnosis of dysgraphia. Analysis of written work. Games with sounds

Diagnosis of dysgraphia impossible without analyzing students' written work. Availability dysgraphia teachers and parents assume when a student’s notebooks are full of mistakes. But not all those who fail in the Russian language are dysgraphic.

Now I want to analyze the students' actual written work and show you specific examples clearly what they are dysgraphic errors.

The diagnostics were carried out by 2nd grade students. The children were offered 2 types of work: copying and dictation. Cheating is an easier type of written work to perform. Children who don't have dysgraphia, they extremely rarely make mistakes when cheating. Dictation is more complex look written work. When checking a dictation, it is especially important to distinguish dysgraphic errors(marked in green) from spelling (marked in red). A child may have a huge number of spelling errors, but this will not be considered dysgraphia. For diagnostics dysgraphia Older students also use analysis of presentations and essays.

First example. Works by Olya, 2nd grade student. Cheating "In the camp." Dictation "Autumn".

Olga's cheating and dictation, 2nd grade.

In copying, I underlined the title, which is written on the same line where the main text begins. This indicates an inability to format text and is not dysgraphic error, but such problems are also corrected by a speech therapist.

Both in copying and in dictation, a large number of omissions of letters in words and underwriting of words to the end are allowed (love = love, many = many, etc.). Big number such errors indicate dysgraphia due to violations language analysis and synthesis (in in this case about violation of phonemic analysis). This is also evidenced by the addition of extra letters (wind = wind).

There are errors that are associated with failure to distinguish phonemes by ear (more often = more often, pours = lod). The omission of a soft sign can also be treated as a phonemic dysgraphia, and to dysgraphia due to a violation of language analysis and synthesis.

The continuous spelling of prepositions with words is corrected as part of the work on digraphy on the basis of linguistic analysis and synthesis (namely, when analyzing sentences into words) and when correcting agrammatic dysgraphia.

A small letter at the beginning of a sentence indicates an inability to indicate the boundaries of a sentence.

Interesting double error (in the field = in the share, i.e. replacing p with d) Why is this double error? The initial error was in distinguishing the sounds P, the girl recognized it as B, but when writing, an optical error was made - replacing B with D.

There are also a couple more optical errors (replacing A with O in the word collect, and adding an extra element to the letter E in the word camp).

I have outlined the main dysgraphic errors in this dictation. Based on the above, we can conclude that Olya, due to a violation of language analysis and synthesis with elements of acoustic and optical dysgraphia. Based on this, I drew up an individual correction plan. dysgraphia this child has.

Of course, the state of oral speech was also taken into account and additional diagnostics were carried out, but the main conclusions can be drawn by analyzing written work.

One more example dysgraphia. Petya, 2nd grade. The same dictation and the same copying.

Peter's copying and dictation, 2nd grade

Dysgraphic errors obvious and quite rude, but, nevertheless, both children after the course correctional work began to consistently get 4 in Russian. Dysgraphia can be corrected, but for second-graders, correction requires less time and the results are more lasting than for older students.

If you suspect dysgraphia your child, I can analyze his written work, which you will send to me by email [email protected]. To do this, you need to scan or photograph the pages from typical mistakes your child and attach them to the letter (the more works you send, the better). The letter must indicate the child’s age, class, what school the child is studying in (mainstream, correctional), what grade he has in the Russian language and other basic subjects.

If you have questions, write in the comments. If the information was useful to you, share it with your friends on social networks.

Psychophysiological structure of the writing process

Dysgraphia - partial specific violation of the writing process.

The letter represents complex shape speech activity, multi-level process. Various analyzers take part in it: speech-auditory, speech-motor, visual, general motor. A close connection and interdependence is established between them in the writing process. The structure of this process is determined by the stage of mastering the skill, the tasks and the nature of writing. Writing is closely related to the process of oral speech and is carried out only on the basis of sufficient high level its development.

The writing process of an adult is automatic and differs from the nature of the writing of a child mastering this skill. Thus, for an adult, writing is a purposeful activity, the main goal of which is to convey meaning or fix it. The writing process of an adult is characterized by integrity, coherence, and is a synthetic process. The graphic image of a word is reproduced not by individual elements (letters), but as a whole. The word is reproduced by a single motor act. The writing process is automated and occurs under dual control: kinesthetic and visual.

Writing Process Operations

Automated hand movements are the final step in the complex process of translating spoken language into written language. This is preceded by complex activities that prepare the final stage. The writing process has a multi-level structure and includes a large number of operations. In an adult, they are shortened and rolled up. When mastering writing, these operations are presented in expanded form.

A. R. Luria in his work “Essays on the psychophysiology of writing” (See: A. R. Luria. Essays on the psychophysiology of writing. - M., 1950) defines the following writing operations.

A letter begins with an incentive, a motive, a task. A person knows why he writes: to record, save information for a certain time, transfer it to another person, motivate someone to action, etc. A person mentally draws up a plan for a written statement, a semantic program, a general sequence of thoughts. The initial thought “relates to a specific sentence structure. In the process of writing, the writer must maintain the desired order of writing the phrase, focus on what he has already written and what he has to write.

Each sentence to be written down is divided into its constituent words, since the boundaries of each word are indicated on the letter.

One of the most difficult operations of the writing process is the analysis of the sound structure of a word. To write a word correctly, you need to determine its sound structure, the sequence and place of each sound. The sound analysis of a word is carried out by the joint activity of the speech-auditory and speech-motor analyzers. Pronunciation plays a major role in determining the nature of sounds and their sequence in a word: loud, whispered or internal. The role of speaking in the writing process is evidenced by many studies. Thus, L.K. Nazarova conducted the following experiment with children of the first grade. In the first episode, they are given accessible text to write. In the second series, a text of similar difficulty was given with the exception of pronunciation: the children bit the tip of their tongue or opened their mouth while writing. In this case, they made many times more mistakes than with normal writing.

At the initial stages of mastering the skill of writing, the role of pronunciation is very important. It helps to clarify the nature of the sound, distinguish it from similar sounds, and determine the sequence of sounds in a word.

The next operation is the correlation of a phoneme isolated from a word with a certain visual image of a letter, which must be differentiated from all others, especially from graphically similar ones. To distinguish graphically similar letters, a sufficient level of formed visual analysis and synthesis, spatial representations is required. Analyzing and comparing letters is not an easy task for a first grader.

Then follows the motor operation of the writing process - reproduction using hand movements visual image letters. Simultaneously with the movement of the hand, kinesthetic control is carried out. As letters and words are written, kinesthetic control is reinforced by visual control and reading what is written. The writing process is normally carried out on the basis of a sufficient level of formation of certain speech and non-speech functions: auditory differentiation of sounds, their correct pronunciation, linguistic analysis and synthesis, formation of the lexical and grammatical side of speech, visual analysis and synthesis, spatial representations.

The lack of development of any of these functions can cause a disruption in the process of mastering writing, dysgraphia.

In children with dysgraphia, many mental functions are undeveloped: visual analysis and synthesis, spatial representations, auditory-pronunciation differentiation of speech sounds, phonemic, syllabic analysis and synthesis, dividing sentences into words, lexico-grammatical structure of speech, memory disorders, attention, emotional volitional sphere.

Literature: Speech therapy / Ed. L.S.Volkova, S.N.Shakhovskaya. 1999.

Dysgraphic errors- these are specific errors in writing that are not related to the application of spelling and grammatical rules of the Russian language.

I. Specific (dysgraphic) errors

1. Errors caused by immature phonemic processes:

2. omissions of letters and syllables - “trva” (grass), “krodil” (crocodile), “pines” (brought);

3. permutations of letters and syllables - “onko” (window), “zvyal” (took), “peperisal” (rewrote), “natuspila” (stepped);

4. underwriting of letters and syllables - “krasny” (red), “shovel” (shovel), “nabukhl” (swollen);

5. word buildup extra letters and syllables - “tarawa” (grass), “katorai” (which), “bababushka” (grandmother), “klyukikva” (cranberry);

6. distortion of the word - “naotukh” (to hunt), “habab” (brave), “chuki” (cheeks), “specki” (from a stump);

7. continuous spelling of words and their arbitrary division - “nas tupila” (stepped on), “visitnastnye” (hanging on the wall), “u stala” (tired);

8. inability to determine the boundaries of a sentence in a text, writing sentences together - “My father is a driver. The work of a driver is difficult; the driver needs to do well. Know the car after school too. I’ll be the driver.”;

9. replacing one letter with another - “zuki” (beetles), “punka” (bank), “shapogi” (boots);

10. violation of softening of consonants - “vasilki” (cornflowers), “smali” (crumpled), “kon” (horse).

II. Errors caused by unformed lexical and grammatical aspects of speech:

1. agrammatisms - “Sasha and Lena are picking flowers. The children sat on large chairs. Five little yellow chicks (five little yellow chickens).

2. continuous writing of prepositions and separate writing of prefixes - “in your pocket”, “when you flew”, “in zyala” (took), “on the road”.

III. Errors caused by an insufficient level of development of visual-spatial perception, visual-motor coordination:

1. increase or decrease in the number of similar elements: p-t, i-sh, l – m, ...;

2. replacement of the second dissimilar element: i- y, b - d, i - c...;

3. replacement of similar elements of letters by location in space: d-v, p- and...;

4. mirror letter: E - 3, U - Ch...

Peculiarities writing in children with dysgraphia

For children studying in mass schools, there are various forms of dysgraphia, often combined with each other. Below are the main features of written and oral speech of dysgraphic children.

Articulatory-acoustic dysgraphia

Articulatory-acoustic dysgraphia is a reflection of incorrect sound pronunciation in writing. The child writes as he pronounces. At the initial stages of learning, he writes, pronouncing syllables and words, relying on defective pronunciation of sounds, and reflects his incorrect pronunciation in writing.

At the same time, the child’s work contains substitutions and omissions of letters that correspond to substitutions and omissions of sounds in pronunciation. Sometimes replacements of letters in a letter remain even after the elimination of sound pronunciation problems in oral speech. This can be explained by the fact that when speaking internally, the child does not yet have sufficient support for correct articulation, since clear kinesthetic images of sounds are not formed.

Acoustic dysgraphia

Acoustic dysgraphia (dysgraphia due to impaired phoneme recognition) is most often based on a violation of the auditory differentiation of speech sounds. With this form of dysgraphia, unlike the previous one, there are no violations of the pronunciation of those speech sounds that are incorrectly indicated in writing.

Acoustic dysgraphia manifests itself in the child’s work in the form of substitutions of letters corresponding to phonetically similar sounds. Most often in writing there are substitutions of letters denoting the following sounds:

- whistling - hissing (s-sh, z-zh),

- voiced - voiceless (b-p, v-f, g-k, d-t, z-s, zh-sh),

- hard - soft, especially stops, affricates and their components included in the composition (h-t", h-sch, h-sh, ts-t, s-ts).

This type of dysgraphia is also manifested in the incorrect designation of the softness of consonants in writing due to a violation of auditory differentiation, as well as the complexity of designation in writing (“pismo” - “letter”, “mach” - “ball”, “vosla” - “oars”).

Frequent errors are the replacement of vowels even in the stressed position, especially acoustically and articulatory similar sounds (oo, e-yu).

Dysgraphia due to impairmentlanguage analysis and synthesis

Dysgraphia, caused by a violation of language analysis and synthesis, manifests itself in the erroneous division of sentences into words, words into syllables, syllables into sounds and letters.

Underdevelopment of sound analysis and synthesis manifests itself in writing in violations of the structure of sentences and words. It could be:

- combined spelling of two independent words (“pits wood” - “saws wood”), auxiliary and independent, especially prepositions and nouns (“dodge” - “at the gate”);

- a combination of mergers of two independent words and a service word with an independent one (“umami krayokofta” - “mom has a red jacket”);

- separate writing of parts of a word (“so chinila” - “composed”).

The most complex form of language analysis and synthesis is phonemic analysis of words, as a result of which distortions of the sound-syllable structure of the word appear in writing. It could be:

- omission of a vowel (“krova” - “cow”), or a consonant, especially in conjunction (“ratet” - “grows”, “mika” - “bear”, “lit” - “leaf”);

- adding a vowel (“tents” - scarf”);

- rearrangement of letters (“kono” - window”);

- omissions, rearrangements, insertions. syllables (“kova” - “cow”, “palota” - “shovel”, “leaflet” - “leaflet”).

Agrammatic dysgraphia

Agrammatic dysgraphia is caused by underdevelopment of the grammatical structure of speech - morphological and syntactic generalizations. This form of dysgraphia manifests itself in writing in agrammatisms at the level of words, phrases, sentences and texts and is a component of systemic speech underdevelopment in children with OSD.

Children find it difficult to establish logical and linguistic connections between sentences. The sequence of sentences does not always correspond to the sequence of events described; semantic and grammatical connections between sentences are broken.

Your child probably has dysgraphia. This assumption is increasingly heard from teachers by parents of schoolchildren who are not performing well in the Russian language. Let's take a closer look at what dysgraphia is and how you can fight it.


This is a partial violation of the writing process, which manifests itself in repeated and quite persistent errors in the writing process, due to the immaturity of the higher mental functions involved in the writing process.

The definition is very similar to the concept of dyslexia, only here reading is replaced by writing. Indeed, the processes of reading and writing have much in common and are strongly interconnected, but writing is more complex process Therefore, dysgraphia is more common than dyslexia.

Characteristics of dysgraphic errors

1. With dysgraphia, errors are persistent and repeated, this allows us to distinguish them from errors that are normal when mastering writing and quickly disappear.

2. Errors are of a recurring, typical nature, appear in similar situations, and are especially evident when tasks become more complex.

3. Dysgraphic errors can only occur in children school age. In preschoolers, such errors are natural due to insufficient development of higher mental functions.

Symptoms of dysgraphia

Many of the symptoms are similar to those found in dyslexia.

1. Slow mastery of writing skills.

2. Slow writing process.

3. Handwriting disorders in children.

4. Specific dysgraphic errors are required.

The following groups of errors are identified.

1) Failure to master letters

a) distortion of the visual image of a letter (mirror writing, underwriting of any element, attribution of an extra element, distortion of any element of the letter, distortion in the spatial arrangement of letters);

b) replacing or mixing letters (mixing letters that differ in the spatial arrangement of elements ( w-t, v-d), letters that differ in the complement of elements (i-sh), letters that are similar in general graphic image (b-c)

Such errors can manifest themselves to varying degrees.

2) Distortion of the sound-syllable structure of the word.

As in the reading process, this is the most common group of errors. It includes omissions of consonants in combinations, adding vowels between sequences, rearrangements of letters in consonant combinations, perseveration (getting stuck on one sound), omission of syllables, rearrangements, and addition of extra syllables.

3) Violation of sentence structure.

They manifest themselves in the continuous spelling of words (prepositions are often written together with words), in some cases part of the word is written separately (prefixes are separated from the root), or the word is written in parts.

With such errors, the sentence may look like this (The cow is chewing hay. = Koro in a zhu yotseno.) But this is the most crude version.

4) Replacement of letters denoting phonetically similar sounds (S-Sh, R-L, P-B, etc.)

5) Agrammatisms in writing

a) morphological agrammatisms (violation of coordination, control, incorrect word formation in writing)

b) syntactic agrammatisms (incorrect reproduction of sentence structure, which is reflected in children’s oral speech)


Dysgraphic errors should be distinguished from spelling errors. With dysgraphia, the phonetic principle of spelling is violated (both we hear and write).

A persistent violation of the use of spelling rules is called dysorthography. In this case, the child knows the rules of spelling, but cannot use them due to the underdevelopment of many speech functions.

In France, all writing disorders (dysgraphia and dysorthography) are called dysorthography. And in the USA, all written language disorders are called dyslexia. Here in Russia everything is quite clearly differentiated.

A speech therapist also deals with the correction of dysorthography. If a child knows all the rules, but cannot apply them at all, do not look for a Russian language tutor. Most likely, he will not help you. You need a speech therapist!

Dysgraphia correction

A speech therapist deals with the correction of dysgraphia. Before starting classes, a specialist will study the child’s written work to determine the nature and typicality of errors. The speech therapist will examine the child’s speech and higher mental functions that take part in the writing process, and will definitely listen to how the child reads, even if you have no complaints about reading.

Only after this can the specialist draw up a plan and begin corrective classes. At school speech centers, dysgraphia is corrected in group classes, which is less effective than in individual work.

Therefore, in particularly complex and persistent cases of dysgraphia, it is advisable to work with a private speech therapist who can provide an individual approach.

In this article, I talked about a written language disorder called dysgraphia. If you have questions about this topic, write in the comments. I will definitely answer. If you found this information useful, share with friends.

A colleague from the city of Maloyaroslavets, Kaluga region, Yulia Viktorovna Vedel, prepared a presentation on the types of dysgraphia, which I present to your attention.

Sections: Working with parents

Teaching children to read and write is not an easy task. And not all children are given these, in the opinion of adults, basic things easily and simply. A child can be in many ways smarter and more talented than his peers - and make the most incredible, from the point of view of parents or teachers, mistakes in reading and writing. For example, skip letters: watch-clock; write all words or prepositions with words together; make two from one word: OK And but - window and so on.
Unfortunately, many parents, and sometimes teachers, attribute these mistakes to inattention. At best, the teacher recommends that parents write more dictations with their child. And then a difficult period begins for both parents and children. The child develops a negative attitude towards writing, towards the subject, towards school. To avoid this, analyze your child’s mistakes. If such “ridiculous” mistakes are not random, but are repeated regularly, then the child should seek advice from a speech therapist.
Errors in reading and writing may be the child’s only problem, or may be accompanied by poorly developed oral speech, a poor vocabulary, a violation of grammatical structure, and unformed logical-grammatical relations. In this case, the inability to give a detailed, competent oral answer leads to the child’s failure in so-called oral subjects. Poor reading technique prevents you from understanding the content of what you read, which entails incorrect solving of mathematical problems. In short, by the middle of second grade, a child may already be persistently behind in all subjects.
Repeated rewriting of poorly completed assignments, daily training dictations in additional classes only multiply the child’s failures, causing self-doubt and dislike for learning in general. A child who is a speech pathologist needs qualified help from a speech therapist, special correctional tasks selected taking into account specific disorders of the speech and non-speech centers that provide speech activity.
Let's talk about what a teacher needs to pay attention to in order to timely identify children with dysgraphia. Most often, written speech disorders are detected in children with certain oral speech deficiencies. Sometimes these shortcomings have already been corrected by the beginning of school, but when writing they manifest themselves in various specific errors. Let's look at the most common of them:

Dysgraphia based on phoneme recognition disorders(phoneme differentiation). According to traditional terminology, this is acoustic dysgraphia

They manifest themselves in substitutions of letters corresponding to phonetically similar sounds. At the same time, in oral speech, sounds are pronounced correctly. Most often, letters denoting the following sounds are replaced: whistling and hissing, voiced and voiceless, affricates and the components that make up them ( ch-t, ch-sch, ts-t, ts-s). This type of dysgraphia is also manifested in the incorrect designation of soft consonants in writing due to a violation of the differentiation of hard and soft consonants (“ writing", "lubit", "licking") Frequent mistakes are vowel substitutions even in stressed position, for example OU(cloud - “point”), e-i(forest - “fox”)
The confusion of letters, when the writer has identified a certain sound in a word, but has chosen an inappropriate letter to denote it, can also be caused by the instability of the correlation between the sound and the letter, when the connection between the meaning and the visual image of the letter has not yet been strengthened.
Before moving on to the next type of errors, I would like to note that even such an incomplete analysis presents many of the same errors that litter the notebooks of low-performing schoolchildren. All these errors have one source - phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech, i.e. impairment of perception, analysis and synthesis of speech sounds and mismatch between the sound and the corresponding letter.
The II grade program includes a section “Sound-letter analysis”, the study of which would help many schoolchildren. Unfortunately, this section, difficult for many children, is perceived by teachers as secondary, and they try to quickly “skip” a topic difficult for children. As a result, by the third grade, children are no longer able to explain how a sound differs from a letter, a voiceless consonant from a voiced sound, and a vowel from a consonant sound. A persistent inability to hear and identify sounds in a stream of speech, to correlate them with letters and, as a consequence, numerous “stupid” errors in notebooks - this is the price to pay for ignoring the importance of the skills of sound-letter word analysis. The next type of error is usually called agrammatism.

Agrammatic dysgraphia

It is associated with underdevelopment of the grammatical structure of speech: morphological, syntactic generalizations. At the sentence level, agrammatisms in writing manifest themselves in distortion of the morphological structure of the word, replacement of prefixes and suffixes (overwhelmed- “swept” kids- “kids”); changing case endings (“many trees”); violation of prepositional constructions (over the table– “on the table”); changing the case of pronouns (beside him– “near him”); number of nouns (“children are running”); violation of agreement (“white house”); There is also a violation of the syntactic format of speech, which manifests itself in difficulties in constructing complex sentences, omitting members of a sentence, and violation of the sequence of words in a sentence.
All the errors discussed above are associated with insufficient development of the child’s oral speech. But impairments in written speech are one of the manifestations of a systemic disorder that affects, in addition to speech development, and a number of important non-speech functions, especially hand motor functions and auditory-motor coordination. Delayed or distorted development of these functions also leads to specific errors in the written speech of primary schoolchildren.

Optical dysgraphia is associated with underdevelopment of visual gnosis, analysis and synthesis, spatial representations and manifests itself in substitutions and distortions of letters in writing.
Most often, graphically similar handwritten letters are replaced: consisting of identical elements, but differently located in space ( h-d, t-sh); including the same elements, but differing in additional elements ( i-sh, p-t, x-f, l-m).
TO optical dysgraphia This also applies to mirror writing, which is sometimes observed in left-handed people, as well as in cases of organic brain damage.

Mixing letters by kinetic similarity

The following letters of the Russian language have kinetic similarities:

An important and, unfortunately, negative role in this is played by the unlawful methodological requirement of continuous writing from the very first weeks of training. There are few graphic exercises for practicing element-by-element writing of letters, and the time allotted for these exercises is clearly not enough. Thus, the ability to stop before making a mistake and correct oneself in the process of writing is not developed. With the transition to the stage of coherent writing, the pace quickens and the volume of written work increases, which accordingly causes an increase in the number of letter mixtures. And although such errors are not caused by poor pronunciation or ignorance of spelling rules, they cannot be considered as harmless “misprints”.
In conclusion, I would like to note once again that the errors listed above when reading and writing occur in students are not due to laziness, inattention, or failure to learn spelling rules. Such errors appear due to incorrect or insufficient development of the areas of the brain that control speech and non-speech processes during reading and writing. An attentive, friendly teacher will be able to spot these specific problems in time, provide his student with psychological support and give advice to parents on how to behave with the child and where to look for help in difficult situation. This will help the student avoid psychological discomfort from failures that he himself is not able to cope with, and receive the qualified help he needs from a speech therapist.

Home > Guidelines

Letter from OMCTSOUOg. Moscow dated 11/19/2007 No. 559/1

Guidelines for teachers primary classes and subject teachers of grades 1-11 on assessing the knowledge of students with speech therapy problems, and students, who do not speak Russian spoken language, on various stages training

Checking and assessing the achievements of schoolchildren is a very significant component of the learning process and one of the most important tasks pedagogical activity teachers. This component, along with other components of the educational process (content, methods, means, forms of organization) must comply with modern requirements of society, pedagogical and methodological sciences, the main priorities and goals of education in school. The monitoring and evaluation system cannot be limited to The main goal is to test the assimilation of knowledge and the development of skills in a specific academic subject. It poses a more important social task: to develop in schoolchildren the ability to test and control themselves, critically evaluate their activities, find errors and ways to eliminate them. The educational function of assessment determines the result of comparing the expected effect with the actual one. On the part of the teacher, a statement of the quality of learning by students is carried out educational material: completeness and awareness of knowledge, the ability to apply acquired knowledge in non-standard situations, the ability to choose the most appropriate means to accomplish educational task: the dynamics of academic performance are established, the formation (immaturity) of personality qualities necessary both for school life and outside it, the degree of development of basic mental operations (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization): it becomes possible to identify problem areas in work, record successful methods and techniques, analyze which content of training is advisable to expand and which to exclude from the curriculum. On the part of the student, it is established what the specific results of his educational activities are; what has been learned firmly and consciously, and what needs to be repeated and deepened; which aspects of educational activity have been formed and which need to be formed. The educational function of assessment is expressed in considering the formation of positive motives for learning and readiness for self-control as a factor in overcoming students’ low self-esteem and anxiety. Properly organized control and assessment removes schoolchildren’s fear of tests, reduces the level of anxiety, forms correct goals, focuses on independence, activity and self-control. The emotional function of assessment is manifested in the fact that any type of assessment (including marks) creates a certain emotional background and causes a corresponding emotional reaction of the student. Indeed, an assessment can inspire, direct to overcome difficulties, provide support, but it can also upset, place you in the category of those lagging behind, aggravate low self-esteem, disrupt contact with adults and peers. The implementation of this most important function when checking learning results is is that the emotional reaction of the teacher must correspond to the emotional reaction of the student (rejoice with him, be upset with him) and orient him towards success, express confidence that these results can be changed for the better. This position correlates with one of the main laws of pedagogy of primary education - junior schoolboy must learn from success. A situation of success and emotional well-being is a prerequisite for the student to calmly accept the teacher’s assessment, analyze mistakes together with him and outline ways to eliminate them. (Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated November 19, 1998 No. 1561/14-15 “Monitoring and evaluation of learning outcomes in elementary school.”) In elementary school, along with certain achievements, omissions and shortcomings in the child’s speech development become obvious. Any delay, any disturbance in the development of a child’s speech negatively affects his activity and behavior, the formation of his personality as a whole. From the first grade, special work is necessary to identify the initial level and dynamics of speech development of each student and the class as a whole. Based on the data obtained, the prospects for work on the development of children's speech are determined. Writing disorders are one of the most common forms of student learning difficulties junior classes secondary school. According to a number of authors, a special writing disorder, dysgraphia, causes failure in 20-32% of primary schoolchildren. Many children experience serious difficulties when learning to write, which sharply reduce their school motivation, leading not only to school maladaptation, but also to academic failure .Dysgraphia is a partial violation of the writing process, manifested in persistent, repeated errors caused by the immaturity of the HMF (higher mental functions) involved in the writing process. In speech therapy practice, the study of writing of primary school students is traditionally carried out by analyzing independent, test and tests In Russian. The following types of specific errors are distinguished:"

Phonemic errors


A mixture of letters denoting paired voiced and voiceless consonants, hard and soft consonants, whistling and hissing consonants, affricates and their components; vowel mixing

Differentiation b-p, d-t, 1 v-f, g-k, z-s, w-sh. Differentiation ts-s, sh-s, h-t, ts-h, h-sch, sh-sch, z-zh, r-l, m-n, n-v. Difficulties in indicating the softness of consonants (vowels of the 2nd row, letter b). Differentiation o-y, e-yu, o-a, e-i, e-ya (under stress)


analysis and synthesis

Omissions of vowels, consonants and syllables; permutations, insertions, perseveration, anticipation of letters and syllables; violation of word selection from a sentence______

Sentence boundaries (capital letter, period), merging words, breaking a word, skipping a word, repeating a word, continuous writing pretext _____________



Mirror writing of letters

Differentiation i-y, b-d, b-v, n-t, l-m, x-zh, n-p, sh-Shch, o-a (under stress); h-y, e-z

An important adaptation measure is the imposition of reduced demands on children with dysgraphia. Measurement control and examinations are carried out specifically, with replacement exam papers oral answers. One of the most important conditions for correctional work is the development of unity of requirements for the student by the speech therapist on the part of the teacher and the speech therapist. The teacher must very carefully and carefully evaluate the work of the speech pathologist student. The fact is that these students, with all their desire and effort, are not able to complete assignments, especially written ones, in accordance with the standards accepted at school. The task of the speech therapist is, firstly, to draw the teacher’s attention to the fact that errors of a speechpathic nature should not be counted when assessing a student’s work; as one of the options for assessing the work of students with such disorders, it is proposed to introduce grade-free education, transferring students to a credit assessment system, and in - secondly, to teach the teacher to distinguish a logopathic error from an error caused by the fact that the student has not learned this or that rule of grammar. When assessing reading skills in children with dyslexia disorders (reading impairment), it is necessary to remember specific errors that should also not be taken into account. Students of a general educational institution who have impairments in the development of oral and written speech in their native language are enrolled in the speech therapy center ( general underdevelopment speech of varying degrees of severity; phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech; phonemic underdevelopment of speech - stuttering; pronunciation deficiencies - phonetic defect, speech defects caused by a violation of the structure and mobility of the organs of the speech apparatus (dysarthria, rhinolalia); impairment of reading and writing caused by general, phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech). First of all, students who have disorders in the development of oral and written speech that impede their successful development are enrolled in the speech therapy center general education programs(children with general, phonetic-phonemic and phonemic underdevelopment of speech). Students are released from the speech therapy center throughout school year after eliminating their impairments in the development of oral and written speech. Group classes are held: with students who have general speech underdevelopment(impaired reading and writing caused by general underdevelopment of speech) - at least three times a week; with students who have phonetic-phonemic orphonemic speech underdevelopment,- at least two to three times a week; with students who have phonetic defect,- at least once or twice a week; with people who stutter students - at least three times a week. Individual lessons are held at least three times a week with students who have general speech underdevelopment of the second level according to R.E. Levina, speech defects caused by disturbances in the structure and mobility of the organs of the speech apparatus (dysarthria, rhinolalia). As these students develop pronunciation skills, classes are held with them in a group. At the same time, classes with these students cannot be conducted in the same group with students who stutter and students with deficiencies in the pronunciation of individual sounds. If it is necessary to clarify the diagnosis, students with speech disorders, with the consent of their parents (legal representatives), are sent by a teacher-speech therapist to the appropriate treatment and preventive center an institution for examination by medical specialists (neurologist, child psychiatrist, otolaryngologist, ophthalmologist, etc.) or to a psychological, medical, and pedagogical commission. Responsibility for students’ mandatory attendance at classes at a speech therapy center lies with the speech therapist, class teacher, and supervisor educational institution. A speech therapist teacher provides advisory assistance to teachers of general education institutions and parents (legal representatives) of students in identifying the causes of failure and gives recommendations on how to overcome them. The speech therapist teacher is responsible for organizing and timely identifying students with primary speech pathology and for recruiting groups. Teacher speech therapist: a) conducts classes with students to correct various violations of oral and written speech. During classes, work is carried out to prevent and overcome poor performance in the native language, caused by a primary speech disorder; b) interacts with teachers on the issues of students’ mastering general education programs (especially in the native language); c) maintains contact with preschool institutions, with special (correctional) educational institutions for students, pupils with developmental disabilities, speech therapists and medical specialists of children's clinics and psychological-medical-pedagogical commissions; d) participates in the work Methodical associations teachers-speech therapists; e) submits to the head of a general education institution an annual report on the number of students with disorders in the development of oral and written speech in a general education institution and the results of training in a speech therapy center in the form (Appendix 4). (Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated December 14, 2000 No. 2 “On the organization of the work of the speech therapy center of a general education institution” (Bulletin of Education. 2001. No. 2)). Memo for teachers primary school for specific speech therapy errors1. Errors caused by immature phonemiccultural processes and auditory perception: omissions of letters and syllables- “trava” (grass), “krodil” (kroko-dil), “pinnes” (brought); rearrangements of letters and syllables- “oako” (window), “zvyal” (took), “peperisal” (rewrote), “natushila” (stepped); underwriting of letters and syllables -“krasny” (red), “lopat” (shovel), “swollen” (swollen); building up words with extra letters or syllables -“tara-va” (grass), “katorai” (which), “bababushka” (grandmother), “klyukikva” (cranberry); distortion of a word- “Naotuh” (to hunt), “habab” (brave), “chuki” (cheeks), “s peki” (s penka); continuous spelling of words and their arbitrary division -“us tu-pila” (stepped on), “Visitnastne” (hanging on the wall), “u became” (tired). inability to determine the boundaries of a sentence in a text, continuouswriting proposals- “My father is a driver. The work of a driver is difficult; the driver needs to do well. Know the car after school too. I’ll be the driver”; replacing one letter with another - tuki" (beetles), "punka" (ban-ka), "telpan" (tulip) ? "caps" (boots); violation of softening of consonants -“vaselki” (cornflowers), “smali” (crumpled), “kon” (horse). 2. Errors due to unformed lexico-grammathematical side of speech: agrammatism- “Sasha and Lena are picking flowers. The children sat on large chairs. Five little yellow chickens" (five little yellow chickens); continuous writing of prepositions and separate writing of adjectiveswok- “in the pocket”, “when they flew”>, “in the green” (took it), “on the road”. The speech therapist must convince the teacher that much more important than normative assessment is the creation of a favorable psychological climate for the speech pathologist student in the lesson. Bilingual children can be assessed according to the same criteria, taking into account the characteristics of their native language. On initial stage mastering the Russian language, classes in the subject are best assessed orally. Bilingual children, as one of the options, should be taught Russian as a foreign language at the initial stage in special groups for at least two years. Standards for grades for written work of students of grades 1-9 of non-Russian nationality studying in mass schools according to programs and textbooks for Russian schools may increase by 1-2 errors, which are acceptable for the corresponding assessment. This category includes children who have poor command of oral Russian speech. In addition, any educational institution has the right by decision pedagogical council exempt for one or another period of study a student (students) who does not have a good command of oral Russian colloquial speech, from marking the student’s achievements in any academic subject (subjects) at any stage (class) of education to language leveling (language adaptation).
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