Speech therapy errors in writing table. Recommendations for teachers “Speech therapy errors in writing. Dysgraphia due to impairment of language analysis and synthesis

Psychophysiological structure of the writing process

Dysgraphia - partial specific violation of the writing process.

The letter represents complex shape speech activity, multi-level process. Various analyzers take part in it: speech-auditory, speech-motor, visual, general motor. A close connection and interdependence is established between them in the writing process. The structure of this process is determined by the stage of mastering the skill, the tasks and the nature of writing. Writing is closely related to the process of oral speech and is carried out only on the basis of sufficient high level its development.

The writing process of an adult is automatic and differs from the nature of the writing of a child mastering this skill. Thus, for an adult, writing is a purposeful activity, the main goal of which is to convey meaning or fix it. The writing process of an adult is characterized by integrity, coherence, and is a synthetic process. The graphic image of a word is reproduced not by individual elements (letters), but as a whole. The word is reproduced as a single motor act. The writing process is automated and occurs under dual control: kinesthetic and visual.

Writing Process Operations

Automated hand movements are the final step complex process translation of oral speech into written language. This is preceded by complex activities that prepare the final stage. The writing process has a multi-level structure and includes a large number of operations. In an adult, they are shortened and rolled up. When mastering writing, these operations are presented in expanded form.

A. R. Luria in his work “Essays on the psychophysiology of writing” (See: A. R. Luria. Essays on the psychophysiology of writing. - M., 1950) defines the following writing operations.

A letter begins with an incentive, a motive, a task. A person knows why he writes: to record, save information for a certain time, transfer it to another person, motivate someone to action, etc. A person mentally draws up a plan for a written statement, a semantic program, a general sequence of thoughts. The initial thought “relates to a specific sentence structure. In the process of writing, the writer must maintain the desired order of writing the phrase, focus on what he has already written and what he has to write.

Each sentence to be written down is divided into its constituent words, since the boundaries of each word are indicated on the letter.

One of the most complex operations in the writing process is the analysis of the sound structure of a word. To write a word correctly, you need to determine its sound structure, the sequence and place of each sound. The sound analysis of a word is carried out by the joint activity of the speech-auditory and speech-motor analyzers. Pronunciation plays a major role in determining the nature of sounds and their sequence in a word: loud, whispered or internal. The role of speaking in the writing process is evidenced by many studies. Thus, L.K. Nazarova conducted the following experiment with children of the first grade. In the first episode, they are given accessible text to write. In the second series, a text of similar difficulty was given with the exception of pronunciation: the children bit the tip of their tongue or opened their mouth while writing. In this case, they made many times more mistakes than with normal writing.

On initial stages In mastering the skill of writing, the role of pronunciation is very large. It helps to clarify the nature of the sound, distinguish it from similar sounds, and determine the sequence of sounds in a word.

The next operation is the correlation of a phoneme isolated from a word with a specific visually letters that must be differentiated from all others, especially from those that are graphically similar. To distinguish graphically similar letters, a sufficient level of formed visual analysis and synthesis, spatial representations is required. Analyzing and comparing letters is not an easy task for a first grader.

Then follows the motor operation of the writing process - reproduction of the visual image of the letter using hand movements. Simultaneously with the movement of the hand, kinesthetic control is carried out. As letters and words are written, kinesthetic control is reinforced by visual control and reading what is written. The writing process is normally carried out on the basis of a sufficient level of formation of certain speech and non-speech functions: auditory differentiation of sounds, their correct pronunciation, linguistic analysis and synthesis, formation of the lexical and grammatical side of speech, visual analysis and synthesis, spatial representations.

The lack of development of any of these functions can cause a disruption in the process of mastering writing, dysgraphia.

In children with dysgraphia, many mental functions are undeveloped: visual analysis and synthesis, spatial representations, auditory-pronunciation differentiation of speech sounds, phonemic, syllabic analysis and synthesis, dividing sentences into words, lexico-grammatical structure of speech, memory disorders, attention, emotional volitional sphere.

Literature: Speech therapy / Ed. L.S.Volkova, S.N.Shakhovskaya. 1999.

Dysgraphic errors- these are specific errors in writing that are not related to the application of spelling and grammatical rules of the Russian language.

I. Specific (dysgraphic) errors

1. Errors caused by immature phonemic processes:

2. omissions of letters and syllables - “trva” (grass), “krodil” (crocodile), “pines” (brought);

3. permutations of letters and syllables - “onko” (window), “zvyal” (took), “peperisal” (rewrote), “natuspila” (stepped);

4. underwriting of letters and syllables - “krasny” (red), “shovel” (shovel), “nabukhl” (swollen);

5. word buildup extra letters and syllables - “tarawa” (grass), “katorai” (which), “bababushka” (grandmother), “klyukikva” (cranberry);

6. distortion of the word - “naotukh” (to hunt), “habab” (brave), “chuki” (cheeks), “specki” (from a stump);

7. continuous spelling of words and their arbitrary division - “nas tupila” (stepped on), “visitnastnye” (hanging on the wall), “u stala” (tired);

8. inability to determine the boundaries of a sentence in a text, writing sentences together - “My father is a driver. The work of a driver is difficult; the driver needs to do well. Know the car after school too. I’ll be the driver.”;

9. replacing one letter with another - “zuki” (beetles), “punka” (bank), “shapogi” (boots);

10. violation of softening of consonants - “vasilki” (cornflowers), “smali” (crumpled), “kon” (horse).

II. Errors caused by unformed lexical and grammatical aspects of speech:

1. agrammatisms - “Sasha and Lena are picking flowers. The children sat on large chairs. Five little yellow chicks (five little yellow chickens).

2. continuous writing of prepositions and separate writing of prefixes - “in your pocket”, “when you flew”, “in zyala” (took), “on the road”.

III. Errors caused by an insufficient level of development of visual-spatial perception, visual-motor coordination:

1. increase or decrease in the number of similar elements: p-t, i-sh, l – m, ...;

2. replacement of the second dissimilar element: i- y, b - d, i - c...;

3. replacement of similar elements of letters by location in space: d-v, p- and...;

4. mirror letter: E - 3, U - Ch...

Peculiarities writing in children with dysgraphia

For children studying in mass schools, there are various forms of dysgraphia, often combined with each other. Below are the main features of written and oral speech of dysgraphic children.

Articulatory-acoustic dysgraphia

Articulatory-acoustic dysgraphia is a reflection of incorrect sound pronunciation in writing. The child writes as he pronounces. At the initial stages of learning, he writes, pronouncing syllables and words, relying on defective pronunciation of sounds, and reflects his incorrect pronunciation in writing.

At the same time, the child’s work contains substitutions and omissions of letters that correspond to substitutions and omissions of sounds in pronunciation. Sometimes replacements of letters in a letter remain even after the elimination of sound pronunciation problems in oral speech. This can be explained by the fact that when speaking internally, the child does not yet have sufficient support for correct articulation, since clear kinesthetic images of sounds are not formed.

Acoustic dysgraphia

Acoustic dysgraphia (dysgraphia due to impaired phoneme recognition) is most often based on a violation of the auditory differentiation of speech sounds. With this form of dysgraphia, unlike the previous one, there are no violations of the pronunciation of those speech sounds that are incorrectly indicated in writing.

Acoustic dysgraphia manifests itself in the child’s work in the form of substitutions of letters corresponding to phonetically similar sounds. Most often in writing there are substitutions of letters denoting the following sounds:

- whistling - hissing (s-sh, z-zh),

- voiced - voiceless (b-p, v-f, g-k, d-t, z-s, zh-sh),

- hard - soft, especially stops, affricates and their components included in the composition (h-t", h-sch, h-sh, ts-t, s-ts).

This type of dysgraphia is also manifested in the incorrect designation of the softness of consonants in writing due to a violation of auditory differentiation, as well as the complexity of designation in writing (“pismo” - “letter”, “mach” - “ball”, “vosla” - “oars”).

Frequent errors are the replacement of vowels even in the stressed position, especially acoustically and articulatory similar sounds (oo, e-yu).

Dysgraphia due to impairmentlanguage analysis and synthesis

Dysgraphia, caused by a violation of language analysis and synthesis, manifests itself in the erroneous division of sentences into words, words into syllables, syllables into sounds and letters.

Underdevelopment of sound analysis and synthesis manifests itself in writing in violations of the structure of sentences and words. It could be:

- combined spelling of two independent words (“pits wood” - “saws wood”), auxiliary and independent, especially prepositions and nouns (“dodge” - “at the gate”);

- a combination of mergers of two independent words and a service word with an independent one (“umami krayokofta” - “mom has a red jacket”);

- separate writing of parts of a word (“so chinila” - “composed”).

The most complex form of language analysis and synthesis is phonemic analysis of words, as a result of which distortions of the sound-syllable structure of the word appear in writing. It could be:

- omission of a vowel (“krova” - “cow”), or a consonant, especially in conjunction (“ratet” - “grows”, “mika” - “bear”, “lit” - “leaf”);

- adding a vowel (“tents” - scarf”);

- rearrangement of letters (“kono” - window”);

- omissions, rearrangements, insertions. syllables (“kova” - “cow”, “palota” - “shovel”, “leaflet” - “leaflet”).

Agrammatic dysgraphia

Agrammatic dysgraphia is caused by underdevelopment of the grammatical structure of speech - morphological and syntactic generalizations. This form of dysgraphia manifests itself in writing in agrammatisms at the level of words, phrases, sentences and texts and is a component of systemic speech underdevelopment in children with OSD.

Children find it difficult to establish logical and linguistic connections between sentences. The sequence of sentences does not always correspond to the sequence of events described; semantic and grammatical connections between sentences are broken.

Diagnosis of dysgraphia impossible without analyzing students' written work. Availability dysgraphia teachers and parents assume when a student’s notebooks are full of mistakes. But not all those who fail in the Russian language are dysgraphic.

Now I want to analyze the real written works students and show you specific examples clearly what they are dysgraphic errors.

The diagnostics were carried out by 2nd grade students. The children were offered 2 types of work: copying and dictation. Cheating is an easier type of written work to perform. Children who don't have dysgraphia, they extremely rarely make mistakes when cheating. Dictation is more complex look written work. When checking a dictation, it is especially important to distinguish dysgraphic errors(marked in green) from spelling (marked in red). A child may have a huge number of spelling errors, but this will not be considered dysgraphia. For diagnostics dysgraphia Older students also use analysis of presentations and essays.

First example. Works by Olya, 2nd grade student. Cheating "In the camp." Dictation "Autumn".

Olga's cheating and dictation, 2nd grade.

In copying, I underlined the title, which is written on the same line where the main text begins. This indicates an inability to format text and is not dysgraphic error, but such problems are also corrected by a speech therapist.

Both in copying and in dictation, a large number of omissions of letters in words and underwriting of words to the end are allowed (love = love, many = many, etc.). Big number such errors indicate dysgraphia due to violations of language analysis and synthesis (in in this case about violation of phonemic analysis). This is also evidenced by the addition of extra letters (wind = wind).

There are errors that are associated with failure to distinguish phonemes by ear (more often = more often, pours = lod). The omission of a soft sign can also be treated as a phonemic dysgraphia, and to dysgraphia due to a violation of language analysis and synthesis.

The continuous spelling of prepositions with words is corrected as part of the work on digraphy on the basis of linguistic analysis and synthesis (namely, when analyzing sentences into words) and when correcting agrammatic dysgraphia.

A small letter at the beginning of a sentence indicates an inability to indicate the boundaries of a sentence.

Interesting double error (in the field = in the share, i.e. replacing p with d) Why is this double error? The initial error was in distinguishing the sounds P, the girl recognized it as B, but when writing, an optical error was made - replacing B with D.

There are also a couple more optical errors (replacing A with O in the word collect, and adding an extra element to the letter E in the word camp).

I have outlined the main dysgraphic errors in this dictation. Based on the above, we can conclude that Olya, due to a violation of language analysis and synthesis with elements of acoustic and optical dysgraphia. Based on this, I drew up an individual correction plan. dysgraphia this child has.

Of course, the state of oral speech was also taken into account and additional diagnostics were carried out, but the main conclusions can be drawn by analyzing written work.

One more example dysgraphia. Petya, 2nd grade. The same dictation and the same copying.

Peter's copying and dictation, 2nd grade

Dysgraphic errors obvious and quite rude, but, nevertheless, both children after the course correctional work began to consistently get 4 in Russian. Dysgraphia can be corrected, but for second-graders, correction requires less time and the results are more lasting than for older students.

If you suspect dysgraphia your child, I can analyze his written work, which you will send to me by email [email protected]. To do this, you need to scan or photograph the pages from typical mistakes your child and attach them to the letter (the more works you send, the better). The letter must indicate the child’s age, class, what school the child is studying in (mainstream, correctional), what grade he has in the Russian language and other basic subjects.

If you have questions, write in the comments. If the information was useful to you, share it with your friends on social networks.

« Speech therapy errors in writing» .

A speech therapist, working with students in his classes, takes a very specific approach to assessing their activities. The assessment in such a lesson is given, first of all, according to the psychological and pedagogical parameters of the child’s work, i.e., for attentiveness, activity, desire to work, and for the number of independently discovered and corrected errors, rather than those made by the child. When checking the work of such a student, a primary school teacher must consider the student’s knowledge and skills from a different perspective.

Typical errors in dysgraphia and dyslexia:

1. Errors caused by immaturity of phonemic processes and auditory perception:

Omissions of letters and syllables - “trava”, “krodil”, “pines” (brought);

Permutations of letters and syllables - “onko” (window), “zvyal” (took), “peperisal”


Failure to complete letters and syllables - “krasny” (red), “shovel” (shovel);

Building up words with extra letters and syllables - “tarawa” (grass), “katorai” (which), “bababushka” (grandmother), “klyukikva” (cranberry);

Distortion of the word - “naotukh” (to hunt), “habab” (brave), “chuki” (cheeks);

Continuous writing of words and their arbitrary division - “nas tupila” (stepped on), “visitnastne” (hanging on the wall). “have become” (tired);

Inability to determine the boundaries of a sentence in a text, writing sentences together - “My father is a driver. The work of a driver is difficult; the driver needs to do well. Know the car after school too. I’ll be the driver”;

Replacing one letter with another - “zuki” (beetles), “panka” (bank), “telpan” (tulip);

Violation of softening of consonants - “vaselki” (cornflowers), “smali” (crumpled), “kon” (horse);

2. Errors due to lack of formation lexical-grammatical sides of speech:

Agrammatism - “Sasha and Lena are picking flowers. The children sat on large chairs. Five little yellow sawn-off stripes.” (five yellow chickens);

Continuous writing of prepositions and separate writing of prefixes - “in the pocket”, “while flying”, “in the village” (took), “on the road”.

Dear teachers!

Pay more attention to a student who reads and writes with errors and does not master the program primary school and perhaps a disobedient poor student will turn into a diligent excellent student.

1. Accept your child for who he is, with all his strengths and weaknesses.

2. Be kind and attentive to the child. Don't separate it from children's group, seated in the back desk.

3. Correctly evaluate the student’s activities and make adequate demands on him. This increases the child's self-confidence.

4. At the beginning of the lesson and during physical education, give exercises to develop phonemic awareness and develop correct phonemic concepts.

5. With the help of game and didactic exercises, lead the student to an independent awareness that speech can be divided into separate components: words, syllables and sounds.

6. When working with a first-grader, give up the continuous writing of capital and capital letters, otherwise this may lead to the reproduction of the first letter in the word twice, example: Aaugust, Rruchey.

7. From the first weeks of teaching children in the first grade, give up the “continuous” writing of the first words, this leads to the student’s inability to differentiate subtle movements of the hand, as a result in the letter there is an incorrect transfer of the number of homogeneous elements (u-i, p-g, i-sh). This can be corrected without shortening or removing the stage of element-by-element writing of letters.

8. Good development of reading aloud is influenced by proper breathing. To do this, during physical education sessions, during the lesson, perform breathing exercises that will help the child breathe correctly while reading.

9. In the structure of the lesson, include exercises on attention, memory, and most importantly thinking; this is necessary to understand the content of the text and its meaning.

10. In lessons and in extended-day groups, give more exercises to develop lexical and grammatical concepts. This develops children’s ability to independently learn spelling rules.

11. During Russian language lessons, develop children’s auditory perception, this will help the child avoid mistakes on grammatical rules, such as unstressed sh-s, in the sound of consonants n and nn, s and ss.

12. To prevent errors in the structural construction of a phrase or sentence, it is recommended to pay more attention to the development of the lexical and grammatical side of speech, i.e., the ability to correctly use the grammatical connections of words in a sentence: control and coordination.

13. Paying attention in class to the intonation and semantic side of speech, the teacher helps the child learn to correctly mark the boundary of a sentence in writing, which allows the student to correctly put periods at the end of a sentence and when writing a capital letter at the beginning.

14. In order to avoid difficulties in retelling, writing a presentation, an essay, the teacher needs to work on expanding vocabulary, constructing common sentences, understanding connections in the text.

15. When reading and writing, pay attention to a complete understanding of the meaning of the sentence; this will protect the student from the skill of abrupt reading with pauses between words.

16. In order for children to acquire the skills of correct reading and writing, rely in your work on the help of parents and teachers of extended day groups, reinforcing through them the skills learned in the lesson.

17. It is very important to celebrate every, even minor, success of a child, this stimulates his activity.

18. We must remember that the formation of the apparatus of written speech occurs at the initial stage of mastering reading and writing, and only after 1 - 2 years from the start of training, writing and reading can be considered as a mental action, since their technical side is automated and the semantic side of these processes comes to the fore.

19. Remember, students, with all their desire and effort, are not able to complete written assignments in accordance with the standards adopted at school.

Material prepared by:

teacher-speech therapist CPMPK

This article offers a selection of possible diagnostic work to identify the immaturity of the writing process and problems in its development in junior schoolchildren secondary schools. The proposed works can be used in whole or in part by speech therapists and teachers primary classes to identify problems in mastering writing processes in children.

The problem of written speech disorders (dysgraphia), often combined with reading disorders (dyslexia) in children school age is one of the most relevant for learning, since writing and reading directly affect the success of students’ further acquisition of knowledge.
The presence of specific errors not related to the application of spelling rules is the main symptom of dysgraphia. These errors are persistent in nature, and their occurrence is not associated with disorders of the child’s intellectual development or with the irregularity of his school attendance.

Normally, the writing process is carried out on the basis of a sufficient level of formation of certain speech and non-speech functions:

  • auditory differentiation of sounds,
  • their correct pronunciation,
  • language analysis and synthesis,
  • formation of the lexical and grammatical side of speech,
  • visual analysis and synthesis,
  • spatial representations.

Despite the fact that the doctrine of written speech disorders has existed for more than a hundred years, until now diagnostic and correction issues these disorders are relevant and complex.

Children enter the first grade of school unprepared, having problems with the development of various functions necessary for successfully mastering the processes of writing and learning in the future.

To get a complete picture of the student, diagnostic work should include not only dictation and copying, but also a number of tasks to assess the development of language analysis skills, as well as the full assimilation school curriculum for the previous period of study.

In addition to this work, it is necessary to evaluate home, classroom and test papers student, because sometimes there are children who, out of excitement in front of an unfamiliar teacher and in front of responsible work, feel confused and perform it much worse than their real capabilities, making ridiculous mistakes. It also happens the other way around: when successfully writing a text from dictation, children are not able to divide words into syllables, perform sound-letter analysis, and do not understand the tasks.

The speech therapist needs to clearly differentiate between students’ mistakes. You should not keep a record of all spelling and punctuation errors, even if their number exceeds the permissible limits, and the work is unsatisfactorily completed. Their character is taken into account. Particular attention should be paid to the student’s ability to navigate on a sheet of paper, ideogram - involuntary writing (name, surname, address, etc.). As well as errors in delimiting speech units (sentences, words, prepositions, conjunctions), errors in sound analysis (omissions, insertions, simplification of word structure, permutations, contamination), errors in indicating the softness of consonant sounds (vowels of the 2nd row and the letter ь ), mixing of letters according to acoustic-articulatory similarity (vowels, voiceless and voiced paired consonants, whistling and hissing, sonors R-L, Africat), mixing according to kinetic characteristics, perseverations, anticipations, agrammatisms (violations of word formation, coordination, control, use of prepositions) .

These types of errors indicate:

  • immaturity of mental and phonemic processes;
  • violations of the lexical and grammatical aspects of speech;
  • disorders of auditory and visual attention, perception and memory;
  • difficulties in switching from one type of activity to another.

The manual by I. N. Sadovnikova, “Writing Disorders and Overcoming Them in Primary School Children,” presents a table for recording specific writing errors, which can be useful in examining the written speech of elementary school students.

When assessing writing as a school skill, it is also taken into account pace(average standard: 1st grade -15-20 words per minute; 2nd grade - 35-45 words; 3rd grade - 55-60 words; 4th grade - 75-80 words) and calligraphy skill.

Tasks for diagnosing written speech disorders in primary school students

Below is an approximate list of tasks for diagnosing written language disorders in primary school students.

It does not matter significantly if some of them (for example, the proposed dictation) have already been performed by the class during school year. As practice shows, this has absolutely no effect on the successful writing of work by children with problems in writing. Moreover, comparison and analysis of the recordings of the text of the same dictation, which was written by the child more than once, will make it possible to draw an expanded picture of the student’s capabilities in different time day and from various types assistance provided to him.

The purpose of all tasks is to identify the immaturity of any of the functions that cause disturbances in the process of mastering writing. One of the main tasks of a speech therapist is to correctly determine the mechanisms that underlie writing impairment in each individual child. The methods and duration of training will depend on this.

Diagnostic work should be carried out at the beginning and end of each year of education, starting from 2nd to 4th grade. To draw a preliminary picture of the performance of children in 2nd grade, it is also necessary to conduct diagnostics at the end of 1st grade. It is worth noting that at the beginning of the school year, diagnostic work will be more revealing if children are examined according to the principle of decreasing age.

So, naturally, for 4th grade students the writing process is more automated and differs from the nature of the writing of a 2nd grade child. Therefore, it is advisable to distribute the first two weeks of September, allocated for examining speech in children, as follows:

Each job is designed for one school lesson(40 minutes)

for 1st grade students (end of schooling)

Task No. 1

Listen to the words and write down only those that begin with a consonant:

antelope, seal, platypus, bison, dolphin, rhinoceros, lynx, deer, kangaroo, leopard.

Task No. 2

In task No. 1, mark all hard consonant sounds in blue and soft consonants in green.

Task No. 3

Write down from memory:

Ten boys live in one closet.
(sentence repeated only once)

Task No. 4

For the words of the objects, write down words that are suitable in meaning and denote their actions:

Wind __________
Sun _________

Task No. 5

"Spring came"

The sun is shining. The snow is melting. Icicles are crying. The ice on the river has cracked. A woodpecker knocks loudly in the forest. Animals and birds are happy about the warmth and spring.

Task No. 6

Write down only the last sounds that you hear in the named words:

house, picture, noise, doll.

The sounds you recorded should form a word.

Diagnostic speech therapy work
to identify writing violations
for 2nd grade students (beginning of education)

Task No. 1

Make up a word from the given letters:

Task No. 2

Christmas tree

Determine how many letters and sounds there are in words and write them down next to each word.

Task No. 3

Make a sound diagram for the word APPLE.

Task No. 4

Listen to the words and write down only the names of the berries:

raspberries, tomatoes, potatoes, currants, onions, cherries, cabbage.

Task No. 5

Put stress in the words from task No. 3 and divide them into syllables.

Task No. 6

"Our dogs"

We have a dog named Bulka. Bulka has two puppies. We named them Timka and Tom. We often went to the river. Timka and Tom ran after us.

Diagnostic speech therapy work
to identify writing violations
for 2nd grade students (end of education)

Task No. 1

Write the following words in a dictation column:


Task No. 2

cucumber, seagull, notebook.

Divide them into syllables with a vertical line.

Task No. 3

Make up phrases with one of the words from task No. 2 noun+adjective (subject and its attribute)

Task No. 4

Make sound patterns for the words:


Task No. 5

Spring came. Streams flow. The grass is turning green. The first spring flowers have appeared. Young leaves have blossomed on the trees. Earrings appeared on the birch trees. The voices of birds are heard in the forest. Rooks are making nests. The bear crawled out of the den. Hares change their winter coats.

Diagnostic speech therapy work
to identify writing violations
for 3rd grade students (beginning of education)

Task No. 1

Write down the words that I call by sounds:

[y'enot], [brother'y'a], [y'ula]

Task No. 2

Write the following words on a dictation line:

Porridge, cargo, 24 hours, coffee, juices, bucket, net, firewood, cat.

Underline the words in which all consonants are voiceless.

Task No. 3

Listen to the words and write down only adjectives:

Happiness, fat, release, fluffy, harvest, fast, wonderful.

Task No. 4

Make up phrases with words from task No. 3 noun + adjective (subject and its attribute)

Task No. 5

"Bunny and Squirrel"

A blizzard winter has arrived. Fluffy snow covers the ground with a white carpet every day. The squirrel was sitting in the nest, and the bunny was jumping under the spruce tree. The squirrel looked out of the hollow. She grabbed the frozen mushroom. The bunny was nearby. The squirrel did not recognize his friend. He was white.

Diagnostic speech therapy work
to identify writing violations
for 3rd grade students (end of education)

Task No. 1

Come up with and write down 5 words with a soft separator.

Task No. 2

Write the following words in a dictation column:


Choose test words for the unstressed vowels at the root of the word.

Underline the word that consists of two roots.

Task No. 3

Make a sound diagram for the word EARS.

Task No. 5

Owl - predatory bird. She hunts mice and other small animals. The owl sees well at night, and during the day it sleeps. Owls have sensitive ears. They are hidden on the head under the feathers. The owl flies silently. This helps her suddenly attack prey.

Find in the dictation a word with a double consonant and underline it.

Diagnostic speech therapy work
to identify writing violations
for 4th grade students (beginning of education)

Task No. 1

Write down 3 verbs in a column under dictation:


Using prefixes, you -, pri-, - form three new words from each verb.

Task No. 2

Write down 5 nouns in a column under dictation:


Match the nouns with feminine adjectives of the same root, write them side by side and highlight the root.

Task No. 3

"Bird Houses"

Spring is coming. It's time to welcome feathered guests. The guys decided to make houses for them. They chose new, smooth boards. Beautiful houses came out. But the birds did not live in them. They don't like smooth boards. They are slippery, like people on ice. Flocks of birds have chosen the garden. They found old birdhouses. Work was in full swing. Birds carried moss, feathers, straw. The wonderful singing of birds resounded throughout the surrounding area.

Task No. 4

Find the word NEIGHBORHOOD in the dictation, write it down and make a sound diagram.

Diagnostic speech therapy work
to identify writing violations
for 4th grade students (end of education)

Task No. 1

Write down 2 words in a column under dictation:


Choose test words for the unstressed vowels at the root. Please note that each word contains two unstressed vowels at the same time.

Task No. 2

Write down only nouns with a preposition for dictation:

ran up, behind the river, along it, breathe, plantain, fly away, under the bridge, under the moon, over the river

Determine their case.

Task No. 3

Answer the questions and write the answers separated by commas on the line:

  • Which day of the week has two B's in its name?
  • What girls' names contain two H's?
  • What type of transport has two letters L in its name?
  • What names of weight measures contain two letters M?
  • Which country's name has two C's?

Task No. 4

Write down only those nouns that are always used in the plural form:

Railings, suits, watches, textbooks, gates, trousers, screens, trains, shorts, felt boots, chairs, glasses, fairy tales, cream, swings, scales.

Task No. 5

Make a sound diagram of the word COSTUMES.

Task No. 6

"Mysteries of the Forest"

Late autumn can no longer retain the heat. Cold wind is blowing. The meadows and fields are sad. The leaves flew off the trees. We arrived at a familiar area. There in the clearing a mighty oak reigns. The yellow leaves stick stubbornly to the oak tree. They make a quiet noise. Lingonberry bushes are covered with shiny leaves. They even go green under the snow.

List of used literature:

  1. Speech therapy: Textbook for students of defectology. Fak. Ped. Universities / Ed. L. S. Volkova, S. N. Shakhovskaya. – M.: Humanit. Ed. VLADOS center, 1998. – P. 458.
  2. Sadovnikova I. N. Impairments in written speech and their overcoming in primary schoolchildren: Tutorial– M.: Vlados, 1995. – 256 p.
  3. Efimenkova L.N. Correction of errors caused by immature phonemic hearing. Issue 2. – M.: Knigolyub, 2004. – p4.
  4. Mazanova E.V. School logo center. Documentation, planning and organization of correctional work. – M.: GNOM and D, 2008.p. 62-63, 108.
  5. Speech therapy diagnostics and correction of speech disorders in children. Collection methodological recommendations. – S.-Pb. – M.: Saga – Forum, 2006. P. 172-173, 176-177, 197-201.
  6. Kuznetsova M.I. 5000 examples in the Russian language. Tasks for repetition and consolidation. 2nd grade. - M.: exam, 2012.
  7. Barylkina L.P., Davydova E.A., Russian language. We repeat during the holidays and after school (set of notebooks for grades 1-4). – M.: 5 for knowledge, 2009.

Mitina Irina Mikhailovna,
teacher-speech therapist (1st quarter category),
Non-state Educational Institution
"Average Comprehensive school"Phoenix" ( 12 liked it, average score: 5,00 out of 5)

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