“My first teacher. Essays on the topic “my first teacher” A story about 1 teacher

Very briefly: At the dawn of Soviet power, a young, illiterate guy comes to an village in the Kazakh steppe and founds a school, opening up a new world for local children.

The composition of the work is built on the principle of a story within a story. The initial and final chapters represent the artist’s reflections and memories, the middle is the main character’s story about her life. The entire narration is told in the first person: the first and last parts are from the narrator’s point of view, the middle is from the academician’s point of view.

The artist is planning to paint a picture, but cannot yet choose a theme for it. He remembers his childhood in the village of Kurkureu, in the Kazakh steppe. The main symbol of my native place appears before my eyes - two large poplars on a hillock. This bare hillock in the village is called the “school of Duishen”. Once upon a time, a certain Komsomol member decided to organize a school there. Now one name remains.

The artist receives a telegram - an invitation to the opening new school in the village. There he meets the pride of Kurkureu - academician Altynai Sulaymanovna Sulaymanova. After the ceremonial part, the director invites the collective farm activists and the academician to his place. From former students They bring telegrams of congratulations: Duishen brought them. Now he delivers mail. Duishen himself does not come to the party: he must finish his work first.

Now many people remember with a grin his idea with the school: he, they say, did not know the whole alphabet himself. The elderly academician blushes at these words. She hastily leaves for Moscow that same day. Later she writes a letter to the artist and asks him to convey her story to people.

In 1924, young Duishen appears in the village and wants to open a school. He puts the barn on the hill in order with his own efforts.

Orphan Altynai lives in the family of an aunt who is burdened by the girl. The child sees only insults and beatings. She starts going to school. Duishen's affectionate attitude and kind smile warms her soul.

During the lesson, the teacher shows the children a portrait of Lenin. For Duishen, Lenin is a symbol of the bright future of ordinary people. Altynai recalls that time: “I think about it now and am amazed: how this illiterate guy, who himself could hardly read syllables, ... how could he dare to do such a truly great thing!.. Duishen did not have the slightest idea about the program and teaching methods... Without knowing it, he accomplished a feat... for us, Kyrgyz children, who had never been anywhere outside the village,... suddenly an unprecedented world opened up... "

In the cold, Duishen carried children in his arms and on his back to wade across an icy river. Rich people, passing by at such moments in fox robes and sheepskin coats, laughed contemptuously at him.

In winter, on the night of the teacher’s return from the volost, where he went for three days every month, the aunt drives Altynai out to her distant relatives - the old men Saikal and Kartanbai. Duishen lived with them at that time.

In the middle of the night, a “nasal, guttural howl” is heard. Wolf! And not alone. Old man Kartanbai realized that the wolves were surrounding someone - a person or a horse. At this moment, Duishen appears at the door. Altynai cries behind the stove with happiness that the teacher has returned alive.

In the spring, the teacher and Altynai plant two “young bluish-trunked poplars” on a hillock. Duishen believes that the girl’s future is in learning and wants to send her to the city. Altynay looks at him with admiration: “a new, unfamiliar feeling from a world still unknown to me rose in my chest like a hot wave.”

Soon an aunt comes to school with a red-faced man who recently appeared in their house. Red-faced and two other horsemen beat Duishen, who was protecting the girl, and take Altynai away by force. Her aunt gave her as a second wife. At night, the red-faced man rapes Altynai. In the morning, a bandaged Duishen appears in front of the yurt with policemen, and the rapist is arrested.

Two days later, Duishen takes Altynai to the station - she will study at a Tashkent boarding school. The teacher, with his eyes full of tears, shouts “Altynai!” to the departing train, as if he forgot to say something important.

In the city of Altynai he studies at the workers' faculty, then in Moscow at the institute. In the letter, she confesses to Duishen that she loves him and is waiting for him. This ends their correspondence: “I think that he refused me and himself because he did not want to interfere with my studies.”

The war begins. Altynay learns that Duishen has joined the army. There is no more news about him.

After the war, she travels on a train across Siberia. In the window, Altynay sees Duishen in the switchman and breaks the stop valve. But the woman misidentified herself. People from the train think that she saw her husband or brother who died in the war and sympathize with Altynai.

Years pass. Altynai is marrying a good man: “We have children, a family, we live together. I am now a Doctor of Philosophy."

She writes to the artist about what happened in the village: “...it was not I who should have been given all sorts of honors, it was not I who should have sat in the place of honor at the opening of a new school. First of all, our first teacher had this right... - old Duishen... I want to go to Curcureu and invite people there to call the new boarding school “Duishen’s school.”

Impressed by the story of Altynai, the artist thinks about the painting that has not yet been painted: “... my contemporaries, how can I make sure that my idea not only reaches you, but becomes our common creation?” He chooses which of the episodes told by the academician to depict on his canvas.

Straw-colored straight hair, which he throws away with a nod of his head from his forehead, and a beautiful green suit make Yuri Grigorievich’s appearance noticeable and special. He works as a village teacher primary classes. Originally from Altai, but somehow ended up in the outback of the Kostroma region. The school is spacious, the windows are large and bright and we, all four classes primary school, we study with the same teacher, in the same room. Our first class is the largest - there are six students in it. We arrive at school at different times, apparently so that the teacher has the opportunity to explain the material to the fourth or second graders. Well, the lessons of drawing, singing, and physical education seemed to be combined and were common to the entire school.

How we learned to write and count is something I don’t even remember now. Somehow we learned. But the love of reading was instilled in many of us by our first teacher. In the pioneer room there was a large homemade brown cabinet that stored countless treasures - books of different thicknesses and formats. And they all concealed within themselves most interesting stories. After two compulsory lessons, having exhausted himself with explaining the material and interviewing students of four classes at once, Yuri Grigorievich entered the class after the bell rang (the bell was rung by the technician Angelina, and when she remembered about him). He had a book in his hands, and we were excitedly fidgeting on our desks, getting comfortable, because now they would read the book out loud to us. The books were wonderful: from Nosov’s children’s heroes “Dunno and His Friends” to the patriotic stories of B. Polevoy “The Tale of a Real Man”, N. Ostrovsky “How the Steel Was Tempered”, military stories and short stories. During the four years of my studies, I read many good books. Listening to and reading books is much more interesting than watching a movie. After all, when reading, I am a co-author of the writer. He tells the plot, and I imagine myself or myself as a hero, placing the hero in an environment familiar to me.

Well, for example, a girl is walking across a field, and the field, of course, is the one that I pass several times a day, becoming close to its larks, grass, path, flowers, bees, dragonflies and ladybugs. I, from our village, went to this school alone for three years, but I was never bored. There were always imaginary travel companions with me.

In Ostashkov, on the station square, there is a monument to the partisan Konstantin Zaslonov, linking together my life - the impressions of childhood (exciting military adventures of which this partisan was the hero), and the realities of adult life - every month, being on a business trip to the railway station of the station. Ostashkov mentally warmly greets the monument.

In 1961, the head of the country N.S. Khrushchev. , having given the command to sow the fields with corn, left the people without wheat bread. But schoolchildren were sold bread in schools every day. Sometimes these were buns, and sometimes just loaves of white bread, which were cut in the classroom on the teacher’s table for rations, and we, decorously and nobly, approached one by one and took this bread. Angelina brought a hot kettle, mugs were taken from the desks and we slowly ate bread, washing it down with tea. And Yuri Grigorievich read aloud to us wonderful and often instructive books. The severe winter frosts made adjustments to our time at school. In the corridor there was a metal stove-stove, firewood was thrown into it, we sat in a circle, throwing on outerwear, continued to listen to the wonderful reading, invariably asking us to read a little more when it was time to send us home.

Who would dare say that this was a violation of the curriculum for children in primary school? Maybe this was one of the most correct programs?

Our teacher's talents seemed inexhaustible. From time to time we prepared speeches for parents on the eve of revolutionary holidays or the New Year. All performances were accompanied by live music - the teacher played the button accordion well. And we sang loudly, something from the new patriotic repertoire like “Cuba, my love!”

The love of reading has accompanied me all my life, sometimes to the detriment of other activities, as was the case later, already in the sixth grade. While studying at another, now high school, I brought a diary with final grades for the quarter, consisting of only Cs. It was a shock for the parents, especially for dad. His only daughter I couldn’t be an ordinary C student. Searching for the reasons for my “successes,” dad shouted:
- “Get out!” Throw out all the books from the house, keep only the textbooks! All she does is read books. But we need to learn lessons.”

Later, some kind of compromise solution was found for reading and lessons. But I still care about the sight of shelves with books, and I always consider libraries to be the most useful and noble institutions. I just want to end the story with the Soviet slogan: “Love the book, the source of knowledge”! And remember your teachers.

January 2010


So many similarities! I, too, walked from Sloboda to Dagda for the first three classes, in any weather, without an umbrella, I also simply loved reading books, I was friends with the librarian Olga Dmitrievna, later in Dagda we lived with her in neighboring houses, and she was the first to let me read new books that entered the library, when I started reading Main Reed, I picked up so many twos! I read all the time, completely abandoned my homework, didn’t even do my homework assignments... In general, I’ve been reading a lot all my life... R.R.

My first teacher and my father instilled in me a love of reading. In the sixth grade, during the first quarter, my diary was decorated with only C grades. I think that they were undeserved, because I only covered myself with lessons, and under my notebooks there was always an art book. Maybe it was Mine Reed too...

I’m sitting in class, on my knees - Mine Reed... - Grintsevich, to the blackboard! - Sorry, I didn’t prepare the lesson... - and again the eyes are in the text... - That means two! - but I don’t give a damn... R.

9th grade student Tatyana Razumkova

This material is a student’s story about her first teacher



Supervisor - Tatyana Vasilievna Gorbenko, teacher of Russian language and literature, municipal budget educational institution"Kurikha main secondary school", village Kurikha.

Completed the work9th grade student Tatyana Razumkova.

“All the pride of a teacher is in his students, in their growth

The seeds he sown."

D. Mindeleev.

Essay on the topic “My first teacher”

Strict, almost always with a serious expression on her face, with a loud voice, but so kind and understanding - this is my first teacher Nina Aleksandrovna Shapina.

I met her ten years ago, when for the first time I came to an unfamiliar place with large bows and a huge backpack on my shoulders. There was so much fear and misunderstanding in the little child’s heart. There she was in front of me - a festively dressed woman, with short hair, radiant big eyes and a radiant smile. Nina Alexandrovna took me by the hand and led me to my desk. Thus began our journey through the land of knowledge.

With what impatience we waited for the morning to make new discoveries together with the teacher. No one had any idea: in order for us to get into the “secret” in the morning, the teacher sat at the table all evening, looking for interesting material for tomorrow’s lesson.

When we went to bed, she was still checking our notebooks, inventing, composing, and sometimes went to bed in the morning. She wanted us to enjoy going to school and not get bored in class. Giving herself to other children, unfortunately, left little time for the family. The teacher strives to ensure that the students understand him, because the work of any teacher is aimed at ensuring that the children have a happy future. I am grateful to Nina Alexandrovna for my first class, for everything she taught me.

It’s true what they say: “A teacher is a second mother.” After all, it was she who was able to understand, help, and reach every little heart. During the four years spent with Nina Alexandrovna, there were many happy moments. Like every child, I couldn’t do without tears, bad grades, and comments. The loud voice of the teacher always alarmed us, so naughty, praise from her lips delighted us, made us blush and feel embarrassed.

I will never forget being at our school camp "Dandelion". Nina Aleksandrovna was the teacher on my shift. It was there that I felt that my teacher was my second mother. She helped us in our endeavors. Hiking in the forest, instructive stories, and playing together brought us very close. Oh, what a wonderful time it was! At the camp we studied, talked, learned songs, and danced. It was a lot of fun, and all thanks to the leisure time that our beloved teacher organized for us.

I remember an incident when, while playing, I accidentally hurt myself. It was very painful. And then I ran for help to Nina Alexandrovna, it was to her, kind and understanding, who would help in difficult times, just like my mother.

Years passed. Every day we became more and more accustomed to our first teacher. She became our support and support. Even now, when I pick up threads and a needle, I remember my labor lessons with a smile. It was Nina Alexandrovna who taught us to sew and knit. If something didn’t work out for me, she diligently explained it. When I saw the smile on her face, all fears and misunderstandings disappeared. Her confidence gave us confidence.

Every day at school, sitting at our desks, we admired our teacher. She was always busy with us, her students. loving person knows how to give warmth to others. There was enough love and care for his family. Nina Alexandrovna has two daughters, for whom she has become a support and support in life. She is a grandmother who, like all women, I think, spoils her beloved grandchildren, just like us.

It seems to me that all this happened to me quite recently. And ten years have already passed. Now, as a whole class, we very often remember our first teacher, our second mother. Everyone remembered something different. We share our memories because they will live in our hearts forever. First letter, first number. The first word we read, the first poem we learned - our first teacher taught us everything.

Now Nina Alexandrovna is on a well-deserved pension. Therefore, we began to see each other less often. We hardly notice the work of our teachers and congratulate them only on Teacher’s Day, once a year, and even then not all... the teacher hears few warm words from us and from our parents, but this is unfair. I really like these lines:

If there were no teacher,

It probably wouldn’t have happened

Neither poet nor thinker,

Neither Shakespeare nor Copernicus.

Without his sunny smile,

Without his hot fire

Sunflowers to the light of our eyes

They wouldn't be able to turn.

Without him without a good heart

The world was not so amazing.

That is why the name of our teacher is so dear to us.

Don't forget the teachers!

Let life be worthy of their efforts!

But she doesn’t forget us and happily comes to school holidays. When we see her, we understand that this is our dear person. At the last meeting, I became interested, and I decided to ask Nina Alexandrovna herself about what remained in her memory about our class, and what the profession of a teacher generally means to her. She happily talked to us and said:

Yes, I, of course, remember your mischievous 1st grade. I remember everyone like family. You have always been cheerful and active. You didn’t always succeed, but thanks to perseverance and unity, you achieved success. They got upset, cried because they got grades, behaved hooliganly, and then asked for forgiveness. I remember all the excellent students, all those who were distinguished by good behavior. I remember everyone who had learning difficulties and how you overcame them. I really want each of you to find your own path in life and be happy.

After a short silence, Nina Alexandrovna continued:

Undoubtedly, a teacher is a calling, it cannot be otherwise. The teacher must feel with all his soul that this is truly his, his calling and the meaning of life. Only by putting soul into his work can a teacher teach successfully and connect with students. If there is coziness and warmth in the classroom, new ones are easier to learn, sometimes complex topics, and it is pleasant and easy for a teacher to work in such an environment.

I have dedicated my entire life to the teaching profession. I worked at school for more than thirty years. Since childhood, I dreamed of teaching children. My dream has come true. When I look at you, I realize that I have chosen the right profession. I am very pleased to see my successful graduates who have achieved their goals in life. I feel their gratitude expressed by their kind faces. I understand that I have chosen the right profession. Pedagogy is my whole life!

At the holiday dedicated to Teacher's Day, we sang the song “Our Good Teacher”. Everyone expressed gratitude to their first teacher. And I looked at Nina Alexandrovna with tears in my eyes and said a sincere “thank you” to her.

Years will pass. A lot will change. I will become an adult and master my favorite profession. But I will definitely return to my native land, I will come to the class where we sat at our desks, where we learned the ability to be people, we learned from her, my beloved teacher Nina Alexandrovna. I thank the fate that is on mine life path I met just such a Teacher.

With my excellent studies, I confirm all the knowledge that my second mother instilled in me. I want her to be proud of me. I know that all the students who have ever studied with her love, remember and respect this wonderful and sincere person who, sparing no effort and time, patiently and persistently taught us. I want to finish my essay with the wonderful lines of N.A. Nekrasov:

"Teacher, before your name

Let me kneel humbly."

NOMINATION: "Essay-story

"My first teacher"
Polishchuk Tatyana Vladimirovna, 7th grade, Lviv Secondary School
My first teacher
The first of September is the most exciting holiday!

Every child probably remembers his very first lesson. This is so beautiful, so touching! And it seems to you that you are the most happy man in the world!

I remember my first day at school, at my desk, with a book, notebook and pen. And, of course, my very first teacher, Irina Alekseevna Mostovaya. She is short, thin, with a pale face. But as soon as she smiles, cute dimples appear on her cheeks. Cheerful sparkles flashed in her green eyes, covered with thick eyelashes. This was when we made our first successes. She is kind, beautiful and understanding.

It’s so wonderful when you walk hand in hand with your first teacher with flowers in your hands. Everyone looks at you and admires you.

And the first lesson is so exciting! For the first time, the teacher brought me to class, sat me at my desk and told me and my classmates about the school, about the rules of behavior, about the subjects that we would study. She talked about what each subject will teach us and where it can be useful to us. I especially liked the penmanship lesson. It was necessary to print each letter, each stick according to the pattern. How many times did she force me to rewrite the letter! I tried, and I did pretty well. And my teacher helped me with this. I enjoyed attending this lesson. Of course, I liked the rest of the lessons, but I especially liked the penmanship lesson.

Our teacher explained everything in detail and clearly. She never scolded us, she was friendly, calm, always smiling, and this calmness was passed on to us. She was always in a good mood. But she was also demanding. She didn't let anyone down.

I especially remember the holiday that took place at our school. Our class prepared a congratulations concert for mothers. Our teacher drew up a script, came up with musical numbers and various competitions. We performed very well. The mothers were pleased with our performance. It was so great! And after the concert we had a tea party. All the students in our class brought something sweet for tea, and the teacher baked a huge cake. While drinking tea, we played and participated in competitions invented by our teacher. When the holiday came to an end, everyone cleared the tables and went home, satisfied and happy.

I think being in first grade was my favorite memorable experience in school.

And when I moved to second grade, my first teacher left our village. Then in the elementary level we were taught by another teacher.

I will never forget my first teacher and my first lesson. I would like her to teach me now, but, unfortunately, this is impossible. But I still have the best memories of my first teacher.


My first teacher

Your experience is a treasure of wisdom

I, Petina Ksenia, am a 7th grade student at the Sorochinskaya Secondary School. I really like the school. Large bright corridors, cozy offices, lots of flowers. This is our school, our childhood, our youth. Many years will pass, we will change, the world around us will change, but the school will forever remain in our memory. I don’t know a single person who doesn’t remember his school years with love and warmth. And, of course, thoughts about school are inextricably linked for us with thoughts about our teacher. When I was faced with the question of which teacher to write about, I seriously thought about it. I would like to tell you about several teachers at once. But still, my choice fell on a person who is very dear to me, and not only to me, but also to my older sisters Vika and Angela, whom this teacher also taught. This is Tatyana Ivanovna Zamorovskaya - an excellent teacher and a wonderful woman.

She has been working at our school for 20 years. Teaching experience – 30 years. Tatyana Ivanovna’s path to teaching is direct and simple: 19 years old - graduation from Omsk Pedagogical School No. 1, 25 years old - graduation from the Omsk State Pedagogical Institute named after M. Gorky, 20 years old - beginning of teaching activity.

Tatyana Ivanovna and I met when we entered fifth grade. At first, we were very afraid of the strict and demanding teacher. And I had a wary attitude towards the Russian language: this subject seemed too boring and difficult. But Tatyana Ivanovna quickly turned our ideas upside down. Cheerful and at the same time strict, kind and demanding, she instantly became the subject of our constant disputes. Many of us did not believe that such “incompatible” qualities could be combined in one person. But after getting to know the new teacher better, we realized that this was possible. Gradually we began to become more and more attached to Tatyana Ivanovna, and she fell in love with us. Sometimes, right in class, we could distract ourselves from the topic, listen to stories about her life, joke and laugh, which did not interfere with studying at all new material. It was thanks to Tatyana Ivanovna that I, not expecting to understand and love the Russian language, suddenly realized that I have an interest in humanities. In Tatyana Ivanovna’s presentation, many difficult questions of the Russian language acquired “fresh shades” that aroused curiosity and interest in us. Tatyana Ivanovna always knew how to liven up boring lessons. Of course, everything was not always so smooth, there were also unpleasant stories, but I think it’s not worth talking about them. These misunderstandings were rare and minor, and no one held any grudges against each other. She will be remembered not only as a wonderful teacher, but also as a kind-hearted person who never remained indifferent to our problems. Tatyana Ivanovna always meets us halfway, sparing no time of her own to help us take part in any competition, Olympiad, or give us extra work after school. But the main thing is not even this, the main thing is that with the help of Tatyana Ivanovna we were able to understand what a truly good teacher is.

Years will pass. A lot will change. I will become an adult and master my favorite profession. Tatyana Ivanovna will probably retire. But I will definitely return to my native walls of the school, I will come to the class where we sat at our desks, where we learned the Russian language and the ability to be human, we learned from her, my favorite teacher. Her work has been awarded many awards, among them is the Certificate of Honor from the Ministry Russian Federation, and this year Tatyana Ivanovna became the winner All-Russian competition « Best teacher Russia" within the framework of the national project "Education". We are very proud of her and think that it is good that she works in our Sorochinsk school.

I would like to wish my teacher all the best, brightest, most beautiful things and give her these heartfelt lines:

Life tells you to teach, and for us to learn.

Your experience is a treasure trove of wisdom.

Everything we took from you will be useful

And it will become a hundred times more significant.

Teach light, sensitivity, truth

Our souls and our minds.

Everything you ask us in life,

We will try to fulfill it.


My first teacher

For the stomping, hubbub and worries

Forgive us, teachers!

You won't be left without work,

As long as the earth turns.

The first teacher is a person who opens the door to the land of knowledge for students, and therefore is remembered for a lifetime. You are always happy when you see him, because this is your second mother.

My first teacher was Elena Mikhailovna Bobkova. When I walked into her class for the first time, I immediately liked everything. And most of all I liked Elena Mikhailovna herself. As I remember now, she was always a very friendly, smart and intelligent woman with a bright sparkle in her eyes. She taught me everything I know now. I am very grateful to her for her interesting lessons, for her such necessary work! If only there were more teachers like Elena Mikhailovna Bobkova!

I will never forget my first teacher. Many, many years later, I will suddenly come to school to visit Elena Mikhailovna, hug her like a loved one and tell her about everything good and bad that happened in my life. And she will listen to me, give me good advice and encourage me. I have no doubt about it!


My first teacher

School is a long ladder in the life of every person. We walk up this ladder, and every year - new class, a new step. The foundation for our long, difficult journey is laid by the person closest to us - the first teacher. And a lot depends on what kind of person this person will be.

Bobkova Elena Mikhailovna can proudly bear the title of teacher. How many children did she pave the way to the world of knowledge, to the world of school, to the world of childhood?! At home - mom, for friends - Lena, at school - Elena Mikhailovna. At home she is kind and loving, at school she is strict and fair. So many different characters come together in one person. This is probably why my warmest, most pleasant memories are associated with elementary school. Elena Mikhailovna always prepared interesting lessons and interesting events for us, and always tried to come up with something new and original. In addition to the knowledge that she gave us in her lessons, she instilled in us kindness, good-heartedness, patriotism and much more.

Elementary school! The name itself speaks for itself: the beginning of the journey. It is very important that you are accompanied on this path by a smart, good man and teacher. I was very lucky with my teacher. Thank you, dear Elena Mikhailovna, for being such a wonderful person and a very good teacher!


My first teacher is T.N. Shmigelskaya.
From early childhood I was an inquisitive, sociable and restless child. I constantly asked my mother to read me various fairy tales. And my mother and grandmother decided that I needed to learn to read on my own. So, at the age of six I already knew how to read children’s fairy tales on my own and write letters in a foreign language. Everyone taught me: my mother, my grandmother, and my neighbor Lyuda. It's time to get ready for school, first grade. I was worried: how would I study there, and what if I wasn’t interested? After all, I already know how to do everything they teach in first grade.

Finally, the first of September. All the children came to school beautiful, dressed up, and a little scared. We were greeted by our first teacher. She introduced herself to us - Shmigelskaya Tatyana Nikolaevna. I still remember my first impression of meeting her. Tatyana Nikolaevna, a young, beautiful, slightly anxious, tall woman, with a surprisingly kind look and a sweet smile, entered the class. It seemed that her gaze was directed at each of us individually, but at the same time, she saw the whole class at once. In those few minutes when Tatyana Nikolaevna silently, with a barely noticeable smile, looked at us, we got the feeling that she managed to penetrate the soul of each student, study his character, hear his thoughts. Everyone involuntarily became silent. Her voice sounded clear and loud. That's how I met my first teacher. My fears about how I would study were not confirmed at school, because the teacher’s lessons were interesting and exciting. And every day I learned something new and useful for myself. I wasn’t bored in class because Tatyana Nikolaevna always found interesting and more difficult tasks for those who have already understood the new material. Simple school lesson She turned her knowledge of the world into a whole journey into the natural world. In mathematics lessons, she taught us not just to solve, but to think logically. After all, this will be so useful in high school. Russian language and reading were lessons on developing the culture of speech and language. Tatyana Nikolaevna has always been a serious teacher, strict and fair. But during breaks and after classes, she lived the life of the students: our worries, sorrows, our children's problems. She could understand everyone. And she tried to help everyone. Cool watch became a real holiday for us, no matter what the conversation was about. Tatyana Nikolaevna taught us to live in a group and for a group, tried to unite and make friends with all the children in the class, although we are all so different.

So two and a half years of schooling flew by unnoticed. But one day our teacher got sick. Other teachers began to take over the lessons. And we really wanted Tatyana Nikolaevna to return to us quickly. They were constantly interested in her health and counted the days of her recovery. And when she arrived, there was so much joy and fun!

Now I'm in 7th grade. But we remember and do not forget her. We always congratulate you on the holidays, we come running to our former class during breaks, sit at our desks and dream. With my excellent studies, I confirm all the knowledge that she invested in me. And I guess that she is proud of me too. I do not forget her, and maintain a good relationship with her. I will always congratulate you on the holiday and inquire about her health. I constantly tell you what's new in our class. And she always wonders how we, her children, are doing here.

Being a real teacher is a talent. After all, a teacher must be able to convey his experience and knowledge to children. Probably every teacher wants his student to achieve success in the future. And, of course, every teacher is pleased when this happens. But the most important joy for a teacher, I think, is the gratitude of the students. I want to say a huge thank you to Tatyana Nikolaevna for everything she did for us, for the fact that she, sparing no effort and time, patiently and persistently put into our little children’s heads the knowledge that will be useful to us in life.

My first teacher
I don’t want to remember and tell on this page about my first teacher Tatyana Dmitrievna Chepovskaya.

I remember how six years ago my mother led me by the hand to school. I was a little scared then: what was going on at school, what if the teacher was angry. For some reason, everyone scares little children about school.

And here we are standing on our first school line. Lots of people, flowers. Everyone congratulates us.

Our teacher is standing next to us, first graders. She smiles and tells us something.

After the line, Tatyana Dmitrievna brought us to class, sat us at our desks and kept talking and talking...

We quickly became friends with Tatyana Dmitrievna. We learned to write and read syllables.
I liked studying, although I was often lazy to do my homework well and was restless in class. But Tatyana Dmitrievna patiently worked with me, never shouted at me, never complained to my mother, although she gave bad grades in the journal. I wasn't offended by it. It was fair.

And how many interesting holidays our teacher spent with us, arranged birthday greetings, and gave gifts to everyone. If we quarreled, Tatyana Dmitrievna always tried to reconcile us so that we immediately forgot all the grievances. The most unforgettable experience for me was my 4th grade graduation party. There were many gifts, flowers, kind words. It was also a little sad to part with my beloved teacher.

This year Tatyana Dmitrievna is teaching first-graders. And it seems to me that they will be just as comfortable with their teacher as I was then, six years ago.

Samutenko Alexander Dmitrievich, 7th grade MBOU "Oryol Secondary School"
My teacher
The first teacher... Who is he?

In everyone's life there is a first teacher whom they really like and want to imitate. And I am glad that I have such a teacher. This is Elena Anatolyevna Pustovit, our class teacher. She met us in the fifth grade kindly, with a smile, in the Russian language classroom festively decorated with flowers and bright balloons.

I was very worried, worried about how our life would go in the fifth grade. Everything is different: different teachers, a new class teacher. But we were lucky. Elena Anatolyevna – very interesting person, a good teacher and class teacher. She teaches us to express our thoughts correctly and beautifully, to read works carefully, to talk about the actions of heroes, to see the beauty of a poem.

And what interesting things are happening in our class! Quiz “New Year's Field of Miracles”, games: “Myths and Stars”, “Through the Mouth of a Baby”, “Two Ships”, competition “ The Magnificent Seven", a holiday concert for mothers "Russian gatherings", a ceremonial line "Glory to Stalingrad". We not only learn something new, but also discover each other, new qualities in ourselves. We can come up with and host an event ourselves.

I remember an interesting class hour-project “In the world of professions”: we composed a defense, an advertisement for professions, prepared a message, staged the excerpt “The Magnificent House Painter”. I like the profession of a driver, which I talked about.

It turns out that we are all capable children, “stars,” as Elena Anatolyevna calls us. We are used to seeing her smiling every day before classes start. She is interested in our mood, health and always wishes us success for the current day. And it becomes joyful and easy. She loves us and treats us like a mother.

Together with Elena Anatolyevna, we take part in various school activities. She teaches us to be kind, honest and always help each other. Thanks to Elena Anatolyevna, we have a very friendly class.

I am very glad that I have such a wonderful class teacher.


Today is September 1st!!!

Well, now it’s time to go to school, learn various necessary and interesting things. My parents enrolled me in Gymnasium No. 1 in the city of Kalachinsk. I was told that I would study in the 1st “B” grade.

On this exciting day I got up early. Flowers and briefcase are in place... And your heart is in your heels! I wish I could look at you in first grade!

All the students of the school met us at the ceremony. The director and the most authoritative mentors gave solemn speeches to us.

And now the most exciting moment for us - the first school bell rings.

Here is our future class, with whom I have to go along the school road to knowledge.

Here is my first teacher. I still remember my first impression of meeting her. A slightly overweight, rather tall woman, with a surprisingly kind look and a sweet smile, entered the class. Her voice sounded clear and loud.

Look what kind of teacher we have! Her name is Balatsun Oksana Igorevna. I wonder if she is strict? If it is strict, then it must be fair. We will love her, because she will teach us how to solve the first problems in our lives. That's how I met my first teacher.

After such an acquaintance, lessons began. Every day I learned something new and useful for myself. I was not bored in the lessons because Oksana Igorevna always found interesting and more difficult tasks for those who had already understood the new material.

She turns simple lessons into something new and useful for us students, and in mathematics lessons we not only solved problems, but also learned to think logically together with the teacher. Each of the first-graders tries to help her with something, no matter what, wipe it off the board, or help lay out the preparatory material for work. Oksana Igorevna teaches us to live in a team and for a team, tries to unite and make friends with all the children in the class, although we are all so different.

And so, day after day, almost the first quarter of my first grade passed. The holidays are coming, but I will miss my teacher, because being a real teacher is a talent.


For students, learning is light,

and for teachers, lecturers and

teachers are also warm.

Konstantin Kushner

The teaching profession has always been considered very honorable and at the same time difficult. It's a great talent to find common language with students, pass on their experience and knowledge to the younger generation. Everyone remembers the image of their first teacher, because it was he who taught us the most important things: to write, read, communicate with children and adults, and overcome difficulties.

But the first teacher is also the main person: the one from whom you want to take an example, before whom you want to bow your head. And this is not necessarily an elementary school teacher. In my opinion, the teacher who gives his whole soul to children has an excellent command of the subject of teaching, and is a Teacher with capital letters.

In my life, the first real teacher is English teacher Tatyana Mikhailovna Kaigorodova. She has been teaching us this amazing subject since the fourth grade. From the first day we met, she charmed me as a person with her charm and kindness. She has been teaching me and my classmates for six years now. foreign language. Each of her lessons is unique and different from the previous one. In one lesson we read English poems, in another we sing English songs, and we all travel around the world of the English language. At every lesson we visit the cities of England and study the customs of the people. I want these trips to be endless...

To be a good teacher, you need to love what you teach and love those you teach. Tatyana Mikhailovna is exactly such a teacher - a talented teacher who knows perfectly English language, able to captivate, respecting the personality of each student.

I go to every lesson with great desire, because I know that today will be interesting, that today our teacher will surprise us with something.

We are engaged project activities. Tatyana Mikhailovna so skillfully organizes the process of defending projects that we want to do them again and again, not only to perform in front of our classmates, but also to grow in the eyes of the teacher. And how interesting competitions can be in the classroom! No one is left without attention and a well-deserved prize.

Tatyana Mikhailovna has no favorites, she treats everyone equally, and this is how she earned the respect of the guys. She understands everyone and supports everyone. In our class, everyone feels free in her lessons and no one feels out of place. It instills in us a sense of confidence, teaches us to achieve our goals and deal with difficulties. She teaches us to love and respect each other.

Tatyana Mikhailovna is very erudite and creative person. She writes wonderful poems in English and Russian. I am proud that she is the author of the words of the gymnasium anthem.

He is also a very impressionable and vulnerable person, sensitive to the world around us. Tatyana Mikhailovna is very kind and charming. Her large and wise eyes speak of the depth of her soul, her soft facial features speak of the gentleness of her character. It is very pleasant to communicate with her even outside of school hours. She will always listen, support and give necessary advice. This is a very tactful person. I am sure that the lines of V. Tushnov’s poem are dedicated to my beloved teacher:

... You say to the weakest: “Hold on!”

You are ready to help them with all your heart...

And again someone's little life

It becomes big in your hands...

I tried to draw a portrait of my first Teacher and I hope that I succeeded. Come to our gymnasium and you will be able to meet this wonderful person who gives his whole soul to children! And I am proud to know this wonderful teacher!


In the city of Kalachinsk there is a wonderful Gymnasium No. 1, where my friends and I study. Gymnasium is not only a place where we gain new knowledge, but also a place where we make new friends. Every person remembers his first day at the Gymnasium. This day is the first of September. An exciting, festive, beautiful day. It was from that day that I realized that “Gymnasium” is an interesting, exciting journey in the world of knowledge. Since then, every day at the Gymnasium is unique for me. In every lesson I learn more and more new and interesting things.

I study in 1st "A" class, and, in my opinion, our class is the best, the most capable. Our class teacher's name is Natalya Alekseevna! She is a very good person with a kind heart and is able to find an approach to every student. Natalya Alekseevna teaches us to be polite and responsive; in every lesson she puts most of her soul into us. Also, our class teacher organizes various entertainment events for us, for example, dedicated to Autumn Day, Birthday Day, and we often visit various exhibitions and clubs. We are very interested in her! Without knowledge, a person cannot live today in any country in the world. An educated person is valued anywhere on Earth. Therefore, our teachers help each child learn new material not only for good grades, but also for quality knowledge!

Our teacher needs to be loved and respected, because every day she gives us goodness and teaches us beautiful things!

My dear, Ekaterina Mikhailovna
In first grade I had to go to Velikorusskaya high school. My mother and older brothers studied at this school. I was very worried, thinking about how my teacher would treat me, whether I would find friends, whether I would like this school, how my studies would turn out???

My doubts were dispelled on the first day. The meeting with the teacher, Ekaterina Mikhailovna Kapochkina, and the guys with whom I was to study, was a success! The first day was a day of joy, smiles, flowers. I was happy to have such a teacher: caring, attentive.

Ekaterina Mikhailovna became a second mother for me. She was always kind and fair. Ekaterina Mikhailovna worked in an office with two classes and taught us to be attentive, care and help each other. She could teach the most “unlucky” student. There was always a warm atmosphere in the class. We had fun classes and events. The lessons were interesting and memorable. Every day was bright, full of new discoveries and achievements. I and all the guys in our class fell in love with Ekaterina Mikhailovna.

There will be many more different teachers in my life who will leave very kind and good memories of themselves. I will try to respect and appreciate them. And I will always remember Ekaterina Mikhailovna. She left the brightest “mark” in my life, the most pleasant memories! I will be grateful to her all my life!!!


oh first teacher - Fokina Galina Vladimirovna. I remember first grade. At that time everything primary classes studied in the building of kindergarten No. 5. Galina Vladimirovna taught first-graders the Russian language, literature and mathematics.

I remember my first teacher, because it was he who began to shape me as a person. Galina Vladimirovna was very kind and fair. I appreciated not only the pedagogical skill of my teacher, but also his human qualities: calmness, prudence, love for children. Unfortunately, now we don’t see her often, but if we meet in the spacious corridors of the gymnasium, she, as always, will hug me and gently ask: “How are you doing?” For me, such attention and support are very valuable.

I want to meet with my first teacher more often, because only now I understand how much work and patience was invested in each of us. I am sure that I will always remember the lessons of Galina Vladimirovna, in which we learned to value friendship, appreciate love and understanding from others, and distinguish between good and evil. You will not find such knowledge in any textbook; it is passed on to you by a wise mentor. And therefore, the first years of school are especially dear and remain forever in our memory.

Now I understand the importance of the teaching profession. I know that being a teacher is very difficult, that it is a lot of work and responsibility, because my mother also taught elementary grades, taught them the first lessons of life.


If you want to train your student's mind,

you educate the forces that he must control.

Exercise his body constantly;

make him healthy and strong...

let him be a man of strength,

and soon he will become one according to his mind...

J.J. Rousseau

Just recently I was going through old things and came across my school children's diary. Pictures of the past, experienced feelings, old emotions began to emerge in my memory. I accidentally came across an entry for September 1, 2003: “Today my mother took me to a building that was unfamiliar to me. This was my school. The school was dressed up, music was playing, many happy and joyful faces were met, and future first-graders were getting acquainted with the school. I thought she looked a lot like kindergarten, only instead of educators there are teachers, and small groups have been replaced by spacious classrooms.”

Re-reading my childhood notes, I understand that at that time I was unable to fully convey and express all those feelings that filled my heart, although the memories of the first school days, about my classmates and the first teacher are still alive. I clearly remember how at the festive assembly the director announced that class teacher Class 1A will be Natalya Anatolyevna. Following thunderous applause, a very beautiful, fragile, little girl came out to meet us. She moved gracefully and proudly. Her shining eyes and radiant smile made us feel warmer and more joyful on this cloudy autumn day. We, Natalya Anatolyevna’s new students, rushed to congratulate our teacher, and all the bouquets that day were intended only for her. On happy eyes young teacher Tears of joy flashed, and we were proud that already on the first day we were able to win the trust and love of Natalya Anatolyevna.

My first teacher-mentor had a huge influence on the formation of my worldview, my interests and inclinations. After all, my teacher is a very versatile person, highly educated, a creative and interesting person. Natalya Anatolyevna ensured that our class became the most united, we have always been distinguished by high academic success.

We were childishly proud of our teacher, because, despite her youth and short work experience, Natalya Anatolyevna enjoyed great respect from her colleagues, her opinion was always listened to. The whole class took care of her reputation, strengthened her authority by participating in competitions, olympiads, and competitions. Now we can fully appreciate everything that Natalya Anatolyevna has done for us.

Even though time is fleeting, it moves inexorably forward, only truly sincere moments will never be forgotten, we will always remember our happy school years and those who were always with us - our teachers.


Just thinking about us,

You live with one concern:

To succeed in life as an adult

We could go everywhere without any problems!

We all know how difficult it is

And thank you very much!

Many beautiful and kind words were said about the teacher and about his school years. But we turn our kindest thoughts and words to the first teacher. The first teacher is the beginning of our school life, this is the first school breath, the first victories and the first failures, the first ups and the first downs. The first teacher and his kids went through everything. And no matter what happens to the little man who first crossed the school threshold, the first teacher is always there and always rushes to help.

My first teacher, Margarita Petrovna Chernyavskaya, was and is exactly such a teacher. This name and this patronymic will remain in my memory forever. And not without reason, because how many times did these simple two words “Margarita Petrovna” fly from my lips during the four years of elementary school? I said them in joy and in sorrow, with a smile and with tears, but I always knew that she - my first teacher Margarita Petrovna - would always help me, caress me, support me, warm me. The first teacher is like a mother: with her gentle hands she was able to disperse any clouds, dispel any doubts and dry children's tears.

For me, Margarita Petrovna is the ideal teacher. She is a magnificent woman: kind, affectionate, wise, intelligent and very beautiful. I am already in seventh grade, but I still love and respect Margarita Petrovna very much. No teacher can replace her. I miss my first teacher and sometimes go to visit her. Now she has other kids, but she will always find a free minute to talk a little and be confidential with me, as happened several years ago.

Margarita Petrovna’s lessons were always interesting; she could captivate us so much with the material being studied that we all listened to her with bated breath. Of course, we were very small, but it’s even more difficult to teach small and naughty children.

There were so many memorable lessons. They are still in my memory. I remember gestures and facial expressions, I remember favorite phrases and movements with which Margarita Petrovna explained new material to us. I remember the charm and humor with which Margarita Petrovna was filled. I remember her kind smile and eyes that strictly watched the little naughty girls.

I’ll probably reveal a little secret and maybe I’ll upset Margarita Petrovna a little, but the most pleasant moments were not the lessons, but those hours when my friends and I stayed after classes. This is where all the fun began. We kept it secret, told Margarita Petrovna everything that worried and concerned us, helped check notebooks and diaries. At these moments we learned a lot of interesting things about Margarita Petrovna, we recognized her not as a teacher, but as a simple woman, mother, wife, daughter. It seems to me that she also trusted us with her little secrets, shared her sorrows and joys with us.

The warmth that she so generously gave to us does not leave me even now. I think that my classmates quite agree with me. Love, patience, understanding, affection, care - there are countless qualities, and there are probably no words in our language that can fully and comprehensively describe what a Teacher with a capital T is. And I am deeply convinced that our Margarita Petrovna is a Teacher with a capital T! The respect this man inspires in me knows no bounds. The fire that Margarita Petrovna lit in my soul will flare up and shine brightly throughout my life, helping me overcome difficult situations. Thank you and bow to you to the ground, dear Margarita Petrovna!


My first teacher
Each of us has our first teacher in life. There are different types of teachers: good and cool! Some people perceive their first teacher as a school teacher, but this is not entirely true. I will now explain why I think so.

I consider my parents to be my first teachers, because they taught me the most important thing - to be kind. What if they hadn’t taught me this? Then it would have been more difficult for my first teachers at school to work with me. In addition, my parents taught me many other things: walking, talking, reading, drawing. I am very grateful to my parents, but we also must not forget about the first teacher at school.

Valentina Dmitrievna Serova became this person for me! I remember how I learned her name after learning that she would be my first teacher at school. And it was like that. There is a “Valentina” store near our house, and my full name is Dmitry. So it turns out - Valentina Dmitrievna. In this way I quickly remembered the name of my teacher. She was kind. She taught me, and my entire class, a lot: to make friends, communicate with each other, write accurately, count. A year and a half later, Valentina Dmitrievna moved to another job, and Tatyana Alekseevna Razumova became my teacher.

I remember Tatyana Alekseevna more because she taught my lessons until the fourth grade.

Tatyana Alekseevna is a demanding and fair teacher. She is a friendly person and treated each of us with respect. Tatyana Alekseevna managed to instill in me a love for mathematics. Her lessons were clear and interesting. She taught the kids and me different rules of the Russian language and mathematics. Tatyana Alekseevna is a good teacher!

It so happened that about many people I can say that this is my first teacher.

Now do you understand why, when talking about the first teacher, you need to clarify whether this is the first school teacher or the first teacher in life?


My first teacher

The child remembers his first teacher for the rest of his life. It is thanks to him that we learn the most important things - to write, read, listen, explain. We learn this already in elementary school, but only as we grow up do we understand the full meaning of what we have learned.

My first real teacher was Tatyana Alekseevna Razumova. She taught my class 6 years ago. Tatyana Alekseevna always explained topics simply and clearly, and skillfully maintained discipline in the class, which not all teachers succeed in doing. If I had a question, I approached her before or after the lesson, and Tatyana Alekseevna patiently explained what I could not understand.

In the fall, I got sick and missed half of the second quarter. When I returned to school, it was very difficult for me to learn all the material I had missed. I was afraid that in the quarter I would have a lot of threes. Sometimes after classes I stayed at school, and Tatyana Alekseevna explained to me the material I had missed and assigned additional exercises and paragraphs for homework. I tried very hard and diligently did what the teacher asked. As a result, I only got a C in mathematics, which I didn’t understand well at the time. I had good grades in other subjects, largely thanks to my efforts and such a wonderful teacher as Tatyana Alekseevna. She still teaches children junior classes read and write. I am grateful to her for the knowledge I received.

Our Gymnasium can be proud of such teachers.


My first teacher
From early childhood I was an inquisitive child. I constantly asked one of the adults to read a book to me. And my mother decided that I needed to learn to read on my own. So, at the age of seven I already knew how to read on my own. It's time to get ready for school, first grade.

Finally, the first of September. All the children came to school beautiful, dressed up, and a little scared. We were greeted by our first teacher. She introduced herself to us - Olga Igorevna Suftina. I still remember my first impression of meeting her. It seemed that her gaze was directed at each of us individually, but at the same time she saw the whole class at once. During those few minutes when Olga Igorevna silently, with a barely noticeable smile, looked at us, there was a feeling that she managed to penetrate the soul of each student, study his character, hear his thoughts. Everyone involuntarily became silent. Her voice sounded clear and loud. That's how I met my first teacher. My mother’s fears that I would not be interested in school were not confirmed, because Olga Igorevna’s lessons were interesting and exciting. And every day I learned something new and useful for myself. I was not bored in the lessons because Olga Igorevna always found interesting and more difficult tasks for those who had already understood the new material. She turned a simple school lesson on learning about the world into a whole journey into the natural world. In mathematics lessons, she taught us not just to solve, but to think logically. After all, this will be so useful in high school. Russian language and literature were truly lessons in developing the culture of speech and language. Olga Igorevna has always been a serious teacher, strict and fair. But during breaks and after classes, she lived the life of the students: our worries, sorrows, our children's problems. She could understand everyone. And she tried to help everyone. Class hours became a real holiday for us, no matter what the conversation was about. Olga Igorevna taught us to live in a team, tried to unite and make friends with all the children in the class.

So four and a half years of schooling flew by unnoticed. But we remember and do not forget about her. With my excellent studies, I confirm all the knowledge that she invested in me. And I want Olga Igorevna to be proud of me. I don’t forget her, and I maintain good relations with Olga Igorevna. Although I have now moved to live in Russia, I still call her and congratulate her on the holidays.

Being a real teacher is a talent. After all, a teacher must be able to convey his experience and knowledge to children. Probably every teacher wants his student to achieve success in the future. And, of course, every teacher is pleased when this happens. But the most important joy for a teacher is the gratitude of his students. I want to say a huge thank you to Olga Igorevna Suftina for everything she did for us, for sparing no effort and time, patiently and persistently putting into our little children’s heads the knowledge that will always be useful to us in life.


Autumn. The first of September is the day when school doors across the country hospitably open and millions of students enter spacious, bright classrooms.

I am dressed up, with a huge bouquet of flowers in my hands, going to school with my mother. I’m a little scared, I’m squeezing my mother’s hand tightly, but I’m curious.

Dressed schoolchildren walked past us in flocks, in a chain. The first-graders were accompanied by mothers, fathers, and grandmothers. We're in the yard. The schoolyard was noisy, voices and exclamations were heard, only first-graders timidly huddled close to their mothers, everything was new and unusual for them. After the ceremonial assembly, the first bell rang for those who had just sat down at the school desk.

We were led into the classroom by Valentina Gennadievna Kozyakova, my first teacher, who led us along the steps of knowledge from first to fourth grade. I liked her right away. She was beautiful, kind, her eyes shone, but most of all I liked her smile. The fears disappeared.

School days passed by. I now understand how much patience and love Valentina Gennadievna invested in each of us. How many times did she have to show and explain to us when a letter or a number did not work out, the letters did not form into syllables, and the syllables into words. She rejoiced at our every victory and always said: “What a great fellow you are!” I wrote letters, wrote numbers, and read. And for me there was no smarter person in the world than my teacher.

Valentina Gennadievna taught not only school subjects, she taught to love and take care of nature, respect elders, and help younger ones.

How many amazing matinees and holidays were held! Trips to the circus in Omsk, trips to Lake Chernenkoe, and sports competitions left unforgettable impressions. And our Valentina Gennadievna was with us everywhere. She sincerely rejoiced at our victories, and was upset with us if we lost.

Our teacher is also a wonderful needlewoman. She taught us to sew, knit, and embroider. And then the farewell evening came, we graduated from fourth grade. It was joyful and sad, we understood that we would not be greeted warmly every day by our Valentina Gennadievna, tears glistened in the girls’ eyes. We all told our first teacher thank you for your affection and kindness and knowledge.

We all loved our teacher for her humanity, kindness, and motherly care for us. We happily ran to school, where Valentina Gennadievna was waiting for us, and together with her we went into the world of knowledge, into a fascinating and endless world. Thank you, our beloved first teacher, for everything you have invested in us.

Our dear teacher,

We really want you to know

What roads there were for us!

Your heartfelt conversations...

Forgive us... After all, sometimes

We are such fidgets!

The first teacher is not only the one who gave you your first knowledge, but also the one who instilled in you a love for school and learning. This man plays a big role in everyone's destiny, and we should be grateful to him for everything he did for us.

I remember the first time I went to school. His eyes were drooping from lack of sleep, a heavy backpack weighed down his shoulders, and large white bows adorned his head. Walking around in uniform was terribly uncomfortable, I had difficulty standing on the line, and I wanted to give a beautiful bouquet of flowers to someone. “I won’t come to this strange, scary place again,” I thought about school then. I didn’t want to get up every day at six in the morning, much less study.

That day I met her - Maria Alekseevna. She was to become our first teacher, the class teacher of grade 1 “B”. To be honest, at first glance I didn’t like her. I looked at her and thought that I had never seen a nastier and angrier person. But as often happens with children, my first impression was false. Maria Alekseevna turned out to be a kind and sympathetic woman. She loved children very much and really tried to teach us something, and didn’t do it for show. She never shouted, tried to explain the material clearly, conducted warm-ups, games and open lessons.

The first knowledge was difficult for me, I didn’t want to learn, I didn’t have any motivation. But Maria Alekseevna was not angry, she calmly explained the topic to the class, and then explained the points I did not understand. With her help, I gained my first knowledge, first A's, and, most importantly, a desire to learn. It was only thanks to Maria Alekseevna that I went to school with pleasure, which I still do to this day. Lessons are no longer a problem for me, I grasp all the material on the fly, without a word. Words cannot express how grateful I am to this woman who managed to interest me and teach me to study.

What is my opinion about the first teachers? I think that they play a big role in our lives, if not the main one. The first teachers - important stage a growing up that needs to be celebrated.

Essay on the topic My first teacher

I remember that when I had not yet gone to school, I was very afraid who my teacher would be. After all, this is exactly the person you need to listen to. Mom was also very worried about what my first teacher would be like. We were waiting for this day when we would see him and be able to finally meet him in person.

And here it is, the day has come. The first of September - everyone is beautiful and smiling everywhere. It is very exciting to stand waiting and even a little scary. And not even because there are a lot of unfamiliar faces around me. It was just important for me to see the teacher and get to know him. And finally, the moment has come. I see him, my first teacher.

A radiant smile and kind eyes. Our acquaintance went well, we all got to know each other and were told about what awaited us. The first impression of him was positive. The teacher's tone was calm and pleasant, which did not carry any negativity. In the following school days, I wanted to talk more with the teacher, ask something or tell something. But my embarrassment and fear came first. On a certain day, I don’t remember what happened, but then I was sitting at my desk alone, and the teacher came up to me. This is an incredible person who helped lift my spirits and support me in a certain situation. I have never felt as much kindness and warmth as from him from anyone else.

I will always remember my first teacher. I will not forget how I waited with trepidation and excitement for his arrival. With a smile on my face, I remember how afraid I was to talk to him for the first time, or to ask him something. In fact, he was a very friendly person who would never refuse and would understand at a glance. Of course, he also knew how to get angry. But this is entirely our fault. Memories of him are only positive and I am glad that I came across just such a teacher.

1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 11th grade

Several interesting essays

    IN modern world Few people can imagine their life without a computer or the Internet. We are used to having 24/7 access to the Internet and being able to get an answer to our question at any time, but this was not always the case.

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