Primary school themed classroom hours. Methodology for organizing and conducting classroom hours in elementary school. Cyclic planning of classroom hours in primary school

Developmental classroom hours for elementary school students exclude notation, must be interesting to students and unusual in form, therefore, determining the topics of classroom hours and the prevailing forms of their implementation is the psychological and pedagogical problem of the class teacher. Here are some tips to solve it:

  • it is advisable to think through the entire system of classroom hours at once, if not for all four years of children’s education, then at least for one academic year;
  • To determine the topic of class hours in the future plan of educational work, the class teacher can conduct a class hour “What interests me.” During this class hour The teacher gives the kids the opportunity to talk about their hobbies, hobbies, and interests. In addition to the pleasure for the children, such a class hour will help formulate a plan for conducting thematic class hours for several years;
  • It would be advisable for schoolchildren in grades 2–4 to choose interesting topics for discussion during class hours from the list proposed by the teacher, for example: “Favorite books”, “Who to be, what to be?” etc.;
  • Another technique for forming a plan for thematic class hours is organizing cycles of class hours (see below for more details);
  • Having chosen any topic and form of a class hour, remember the main principles of their implementation in elementary school, namely:
  • – openness,
  • – attractiveness,
  • – activities,
  • – freedom of participation,
  • – feedback,
  • – co-creation,
  • – success.

An example of a classroom theme in elementary school

  • 1st class.
  • 1. "What is good and what is bad?"
  • 2. "About ignoramuses and politeness."
  • 3. "What does it mean to be responsible?"
  • 4. "Let's talk about what we look like."
  • 2nd grade.
  • 1. "About laziness and lazy people."
  • 2. "About accuracy."
  • 3. "About grievances and causes of grievances."
  • 4. "Egoists. Who are they?"
  • 3rd grade.
  • 1. "Truth and lies."
  • 2. "About greed and the greedy."
  • 3. "What is character?"
  • 4. "What does praise mean in life?"
  • 4th grade.
  • 1. "My dreams and desires."
  • 2. "A friend in my life."
  • 3. "Spirituality and soullessness."
  • 4. "What does it mean to be happy."

Classroom clock shapes

Organizational class hours.

Class hour - travel.

Class hour - concert.

Cool hour in nature.

Class hour - meeting (with high school counselors, professionals).

Class hour - Mind games and competitions. Class hour - reflection.

Class hour dedicated to the study of creativity.

Class hour - a story about the achievements of students.

Class hour dedicated to the holiday.

Game class hour.

Sports class hour.

Class hour - fun tasks.

Family class hour.

Economic class hour.

Cyclic planning of classroom hours in primary school

One way to make extracurricular work more effective is to organize class cycles. That is, the teacher chooses a topic and plans several class hours on it, the forms of which can be different. When starting to develop the cycle, the teacher determines those areas of development of the junior schoolchild that will be provided during extracurricular time, taking them into account, selects and organizes specific topics of class hours, formulates their tasks, and selects forms of delivery.

Let's give an example of class cycles and topics that are relevant for discussion in elementary school. (The case for the chapter contains examples of 10 more classroom cycles.)


By the end primary education some junior schoolchildren Some bad habits may develop that can create serious difficulties in high school: lateness to school, failure to complete homework (especially oral), forgetfulness (for example, regarding pens, pencils, rulers, notebooks, etc.). Class hours can help schoolchildren eliminate such habits. During these sessions, you can invite students to playfully come up with first comic and then more serious punishments. For example, third-graders of one Moscow school proposed the following punishments: comical - during the day, make sure that everyone enters the classroom on time with the bell ringing and scold those who are late (you need to say at least one sentence to each late person): serious punishment - meet Svetlana Nikolaevna for a whole week (teacher) near the school and escort her to class.

Obviously, one single class hour cannot provide an educational effect. In this case, it would be advisable to conduct a cycle of class hours, which includes the following class hours.

"Bad habits and useful tips".

"About lazy people."

"About politeness and politeness."

"My bad habits."

In table 8.1 shows an example of three cycles of classroom hours, subordinated to the goal of developing the communicative and organizational abilities of fourth-graders.

Table 8.1

Classroom cycles for fourth graders

Sample class topics

Key Discussion Questions

How we can be friends

"What is friendship?",

"How to find a friend?",

"Who are my friends?"

"Get to know me, I am...", "Collective creative work"

  • How do you choose your friends?
  • How do you meet?
  • What requirements do we make of friends?
  • Why are they friends with me?
  • Who finds it difficult to make friends?
  • How do we play?
  • How do we negotiate?
  • What is a "team"? How to work in a team?

Bad habits and useful tips

"About laziness and lazy people"

“About forgetfulness and the forgetful”, “Who does my homework?”,

“How to become independent?”, “Why is it difficult to study?”

  • Where do lazy people come from?
  • How can I get rid of laziness? How to “cure” my laziness?
  • What am I forgetting and why?
  • Why don't I like doing homework?
  • When do I need help? How do I ask for help?
  • Can I be considered an independent person?
  • What is the difference between an independent person and a non-independent person?
  • What secrets of successful teaching have not yet been discovered by me?

Everyone should know and be able to do this

“Daily routine”, “Road rules”, “I am a primary school graduate”,

"My hobbies"

  • What don't my friends know about the road?
  • What rules am I breaking?
  • Who in our house follows the daily routine?
  • What kind of fifth grader will I become?
  • What can I teach others?
  • Why am I a man of mystery?

Typical class structure

Preparatory stage. The teacher needs to make sure in advance that the topic he will offer to the children is relevant. At the same time, relevance is determined not only by the need for the teacher to discuss technical or other issues and problems, but also by the significance for the student. This importance must be realized by the student.


If a teacher is going to conduct a class lesson on traffic rules, he can invite children in advance (at least 1-2 days in advance) to take a closer look on the street (on the way to and from school) to see which pedestrians are more likely to violate traffic rules - adults or children. Already from the second year of study, you can ask students to answer questions in advance (orally or in writing) that will help make the discussion of the class problem relevant (“What traffic rules for cars (vehicles) do you know?”).

At the stage of preparing a class hour, the teacher also determines the form of its implementation and place. It is better to move to another classroom (room) for class time. If the class hour is planned to be held in a classroom where lessons are being held, it is advisable to somehow update the atmosphere: move the desks to the center or, conversely, to the walls of the classroom, freeing up space for games and acting out skits.

At this stage, the goals of the whole cycle of class hours and the objectives of a separate class hour are formulated.

The stage of activating interest in the problem. If we take into account that class hours are held in the afternoon, then it is necessary to take into account that some children are tired, others then rush to additional classes, to clubs, to sections. Therefore, usually at this stage the teacher uses various pedagogical techniques in order for the student to feel comfortable, “not like in the lesson.”

Game part. Creating and playing situations in which the student will see, understand and be able to consider the problem proposed for discussion. It is very important that feedback is established. The student should never feel like he is in class. It is better if he switches roles with the teacher. It is best to offer even new information (about the profession, about events and phenomena) in the form of some problematic or conflict situations or questions.

Business part. At this stage, students try to solve a problem, determine directions for solving it, express their opinions, and “play out” a way to resolve a problem or conflict. The student learns to express and prove his point of view, listen to what others say and offer, choose a more correct and rational decision, and draw conclusions from what he learns.

Self-esteem and self-control. At this stage, the results of the discussion of the problem are summed up, conclusions are drawn not only on the main content of the class hour, but also on what the students knew and what they became acquainted with, how they saw the problem before discussing it and what has changed now.

The development of virtues is necessary
start from the very youth,
before vice takes possession of the soul.
Ya.A. Comenius

The development of personal qualities and abilities of junior schoolchildren is based on their acquisition of experience in various activities: educational and cognitive, practical, social, etc. Therefore, in the draft Federal component of the state standard for primary general education A special place is given to the activity-based, practical content of education, specific methods of activity, and the application of acquired knowledge and skills in real life situations.

Of course, knowing the peculiarities of the formation of human personality, we want to raise a person capable of being an individual. And this is where the great strength lies. pedagogical assistance. The teacher should not live the child’s life, but should structure the educational process in such a way that his pupil is able to accept independent decisions in your life in any circumstances and take responsibility for them yourself, and not shift it to others. At the same time, he should not infringe on the interests and lives of other people.

Developing a personality is not easy, the main thing is that the work is truthful and sincere. In terms of educational work with the class, a special place is occupied by - Classroom hour .

Class hour must be spent systematically and weekly (1 hour per week), then there will certainly be a positive result.

Exemplary thematic plan for classroom hours in grades 1-4.

Thematic planning of classroom hours in 1st grade.


1 class. Class topic.




Familiarization with the rules of behavior (RC) of students at school, class, and during breaks.

Fire safety rules. Evacuation from the classroom, corridor, bathroom during class and recess.

Catering in the school canteen.

Familiarization with the rules of the road (RD), a tour of the area adjacent to the school.

Memo “Rules of behavior at school” (in the classroom corner).

Evacuation plan (corner).

Memo “Rules of duty in the canteen” (corner)

Memo “Route from home to school” (in diaries)


Class duty rules.

Schoolchild's daily routine.

Every thing has its place.

Memo and duty schedule (corner)

Memo (diaries).


PP “If you are home alone.”

PP are mandatory for all people.

Me and my parents.

Who are your classmates?

Diary entry 01, 02, 03,04.

Memo (corner).


A quarrel between children, what can this lead to?

About child labor.

Life safety during the winter holidays.

What you don’t love in someone else, don’t do it yourself.

Game “Make peace, make peace…”

I studied paintings in the briefing magazine.

Memo (corner).


Animals are our smaller friends.

My favorite activities.

TV, computer and children.

4. Be mindful of others.

Memo “Rules for handling animals” (corner).

Memo “Rules for combating telemania” (corner).


How to give joy to another.

About children's friendship and choice of friends.

Unusual adventures with boys.

How can I overcome difficulties?

DIY gift.


1.What is independence?

2. Rules of good manners.

3.Girls' get-togethers.

4. Reading is the best teaching

Rules for working with the book (corner).


Veselchak's jokes are charades.

Polite words and actions.

“The child has rights...”

What we learned in clubs.

List polite words(corner).

Exhibition of crafts and drawings.


How we spent the first academic year at school - results.

Learning without fun is like life without adventure.

Life safety during the summer holidays.

The camp is a useful and fun vacation.

Newspaper “We are proud of them.”

I studied paintings in the briefing magazine.

Thematic planning of classroom hours in 2nd grade.


2nd grade. Class topic.

Date of.



PP at school.

Fire safety rules. Evacuation routes.

Traffic regulations - a tour of the area adjacent to the school.

Catering and canteen duties.

Memo (corner).

Evacuation plan (corner).

Canteen duty schedule (corner)


How to organize educational work.

How to develop speed reading.

Daily routine of a second grader.

Life safety during the autumn holidays.

Filling out diaries.

10 ways to develop reading speed (corner).

Daily routine (corner).

I studied paintings in the briefing magazine.


What is diligence and diligence?

Free time - how to use it profitably?

Difficulties in learning, how to overcome them?

Communication with others.

Club schedule (diaries).


Mood is no small thing.

Is assessment a holiday?!

About laziness and lazy people.

Life safety during the winter holidays.

Memo “How to get a good grade.”

I'm learning painting.


Laws of family and class life.

Deception and its consequences.

There is strength in friendship.

Dogs can bite...

Memo (corner).

Memo “Rules of strong friendship” (corner).

Rules for handling pets (corner).


Children's aggression.

About greed and greedy people.

Knight Tournament.

Academy of Politeness.

Reminder for polite students.


What do rewards and punishments lead to?

These funny girls!

Polite refusal.

Remember your classmates.


1.Convention. Child's rights.

2. Rules of decency in everyday situations.

3.Traditions – family and class.

4. About child labor.


1. Turning the pages of the school year.

2.Healthy summer holiday.

3.Life safety during the summer holidays.

4. Am I ready to study in 3rd grade?

I'm learning painting.

Thematic planning of classroom hours in 3rd grade.


3rd grade. Class topic




1.PP at school.

Memo (corner).

Evacuation plan (corner).

Route from home to school (diaries).


Every thing has its place.

2.If you are polite...

3. Neatness and neatness in clothing.

4. Traffic expert

Memo (corner).

I'm learning painting.


Labor responsibilities of a child in the family.

Are you visiting...

PP in public places.

Life safety during the autumn holidays.

Memo (corner).

I'm learning painting.


1. Dictionary of positive moral qualities of a person.

2. Dictionary of negative moral qualities of a person.

3.What can a student’s diary tell you about?

4. Rules for handling explosive objects.

Memo (corner).


1. How to learn to live in the world of people.

2. In the world of the obvious and the incredible.

3.How to become a true friend?

4.Emotional communication.


1. Fun at the King of the Zodiac.

2.About the benefits of being in the fresh air.

3. Life safety during the winter holidays.

4.About the benefits of physical activity.

I'm learning painting.


1.Health - useful tips for every day.

2.The finest hour for girls.

3.Who will say more compliments?

4.We are responsible for our class!

Poster “If you want to be healthy...”


1. If you sow a habit, you will reap a character.

2. Why are we all so different?

3. Travel to the country of your favorite hobbies.

4. Safe world for a child.

Poster “Peculiarities of temperament”.


1. Conversation on a difficult topic (prevention of bad habits).

So we have become a year older.

Life safety during the summer holidays.

You are at home!

Exhibition of drawings.

I'm learning painting.

Thematic planning of classroom hours in 4th grade.


4th grade. Class topic




1.PP at school.

2. Fire safety rules. Evacuation routes.

3. Traffic rules – excursion around the area adjacent to the school.

4.Organization of meals and duty in the canteen.

Memo (corner).

Evacuation plan (corner).

Route from home to school (diaries).

Duty schedule for the canteen (corner).


You're the only one left at home...

How can you approach another person with a request?

Ethics lesson.

Do you know yourself?


Stubbornness – is it good or bad?

Who is a naughty child?

What a prank can lead to.

Life safety during the autumn holidays.

I'm learning painting.


Relationships in the class team.

How to find the right way out in a controversial situation.

Learning - step by step.

Memo “Ways to exit difficult situation” (corner).


Shy and insecure children.

A homeless person always feels bad. Talk about animals.

Your living corner.

Your phone rang...

Memo “Rules for caring for animals” (corner).


We go, we go, we go...

“The theater is already full...”

Memo “How to behave in transport.”

“How to behave in the theater” (corner).


Competition “Oh, yes, smart girl!”

How to take care of things yourself. Fashion, fashion, fashion!

Why are jeans dangerous?

Taste is a sense of proportion.


Games are jokes.

Don't distort your language!

“Polite” grammar.

So that words are free, but thoughts are cramped.

Memo (corner).


“What was your discovery…”

Mood is no small thing.

What gives you more happiness?

Life safety during the summer holidays.

I'm learning painting.

Methodology for organizing and conducting class hours in

primary school.

One of the main forms of extracurricular educational work has been and remains the classroom hour.

Class hour is a form of educational work in which schoolchildren, under the guidance of a teacher, are included in special organized activities, contributing to the formation of a system of relations to the surrounding world. V.P.Sergeeva

Class hour is a flexible form of frontal, educational work, which is a specially organized communication between the class teacher and class students outside of class hours in order to facilitate the formation of the class team and the development of its members. E.N. Stepanov

Class hour performs various educational functions: educational, orienting, guiding and formative.

    The educational function is to expand the information field of students on ethics, aesthetics, mathematics, about events and phenomena occurring in the country, in the world, in the city, in the family, i.e. any phenomenon of social life can become the object of consideration.

    The orienting function is the discussion of moral problems and moral values ​​that are relevant for a given age. If the educational function involves getting to know the world, then the orienting function involves evaluating it. The above functions are inextricably linked.

    The guiding function is the acquisition of practical experience by students when discussing moral and ideological problems; provides for the transfer of conversation about life into the area of ​​​​real practice of students, directs their activities. This function acts as a real influence on the practical side of the lives of schoolchildren, their behavior, their choice life path, setting life goals and their implementation.

    The formative function is the development of students’ self-esteem and self-control, analytical skills when discussing a particular class topic.

Most often, a classroom hour simultaneously performs all functions: it educates, orients, shapes, and guides students.

The class teacher determines the topics and content of class hours when he studies the level of education of schoolchildren, their moral ideas, views, interests, desires, judgments (using a questionnaire, conversation), and identifies problems of education and relationships in the team. The teacher can involve children and their parents in identifying the most important topics to cover in class.

Preparing a class teacher for a class hour involves performing the following actions:

1) determining the topic of the class hour, formulating its purpose based on the objectives of educational work with the team;

2) careful selection of material taking into account the set goals and objectives based on the requirements for the content of the class hour (relevance, connection with life, experience of students, compliance with their age characteristics, imagery and emotionality, logic and consistency);

3) drawing up a plan for preparing and conducting a class hour;

4) involving schoolchildren in active activities during the preparation period and during class hours, using a variety of methods and techniques that influence the consciousness, feelings and behavior of students, increasing interest and attention to the problem under discussion;

5) selection of visual aids, musical arrangement, preparation of the premises, creation of an environment favorable for frank, relaxed conversation;

6) determining the feasibility of participation in the class hour by students and their parents, friends, senior and junior comrades, school employees, and specialists on the topic of the class hour;

7) determining one’s role and position in the process of preparing and conducting an educational hour;

8) identifying opportunities to consolidate the information received during the class hour in the further practical activities of children.

In order for a class hour to work, it is necessary that its content meets the following requirements:

    Cool watch should be structured so that their content goes from simple to complex, from information to assessments, from assessments to judgments.

    During the class hour, the class teacher should not impose his opinions and judgments on students, but he must tactfully correct students’ opinions and provide assistance in finding the right solution.

    It is necessary to take into account the psychological characteristics of students when constructing the content of the class hour. The content of the class hour should include different kinds activities.

    The class hour should carry a positive emotional charge, develop students’ feelings and positive emotions.

    The class hour must contain a reflective (final) part. This is the moment when the child will be able to appreciate the class hour itself, the time spent on it, and his attitude towards this class hour.

When preparing and conducting class hours, various techniques are used: a) storytelling, reading newspaper and magazine materials followed by discussion, reviews of periodicals; b) lectures given by invited specialists; c) survey and analysis of its results; d) round table discussions, discussion of specific events; e) acquaintance with works of art, elements of artistic and creative activity of the students themselves (when they sing, draw, compose during class hours); e) appeals to statements outstanding people followed by discussion; g) brainstorming, work in creative groups.

Practice shows that the techniques and elements of the method of collective creative activity are the most effective and interesting for children.

Depending on the methodology, classroom hours are divided into three types.

TOfirst type include classroom hours, which require the class teacher to have broad knowledge, life and teaching experience. During their implementation, children are only involved in discussing certain issues, presenting facts and examples. These are, for example, classroom hours on the topics: “What is self-education?”, “How to develop memory?”, “About individuality and individualism,” etc. It is advisable to conduct some classroom hours of this type with the involvement of specialists - a doctor, a psychologist, a lawyer. The task of the class teacher is to help them prepare a conversation or speech.

Second type classroom hours are characterized by joint activities of the class teacher and students. The definition of the main ideas and content, as a rule, belongs to the teacher, and the teacher develops ways and methods for their implementation together with the children. Under the guidance of the teacher, schoolchildren prepare individual fragments of the educational hour, the teacher leads the class hour, involving children in discussing the problem, combining the performances of schoolchildren and individual groups into a single whole. Approximate topics for such class hours: “About the culture of appearance”, “About internal and external beauty”, “Do good for the sake of good”, etc.

Third type classroom hours involves active independent work of the students themselves. Responsibility for their preparation and implementation rests with a group of schoolchildren. The class teacher, together with the students, thinks through only ideas, the general composition of the class hour, helps micro-teams create creative tasks. At self-training in groups, students show a creative approach, a lot of invention, imagination, and a spirit of competition arises between groups. The educational hour is led by the students themselves; the teacher only occasionally guides them. After conducting class hours of this type, it is advisable to sum up the results and evaluate the work of the groups.

The choice of the type of class hour depends on the topic, content of the material, the age of the students, their level of knowledge on this issue, experience in collective activities, as well as pedagogical excellence And individual characteristics the class teacher, the nature of his relationship with schoolchildren.

To prepare and conduct a class hour, there is an algorithm that allows you to organize the educational process in the most rational and competent way.Algorithm elements:

    Defining the topic, goals and objectives.

    Choosing a form and name.

    Preliminary preparation:

Select appropriate material, visual aids, musical accompaniment, etc. on this topic;

Draw up a plan;

Give homework to students for preliminary preparation for class;

Determine the extent to which it is advisable for other teachers or parents to participate in the class.

4. Carrying out the event itself.

5. Pedagogical analysis is carried out at two levels:

Discussing with students the success (not success) of the objective result of designing more productive activities in the future;

Actually pedagogical analysis– analysis of educational results carried out by adult participants.

Structurally, the class hour consists of three parts: introductory, main and final.

Purpose of the introductory part: to activate students’ attention, to ensure a sufficiently serious and respectful attitude to the topic of conversation, to determine the place and significance of the issue under discussion in human life, production, the development of society and science

The goals of the main part are determined by the educational objectives of the class hour.

During the final part, it is important to stimulate the need of schoolchildren for self-education, their desire to make changes in the work of the class.

For grades 1-4, a class hour can last up to 15-20 minutes.

Organization and conduct of class hours.

1. Title (the title reflects the topic of the class hour; it should not only accurately reflect the content, but also be concise and attractive in form).

2. Goal, objectives (objectives must be very specific and reflect this content).

3. Equipment (to equipment extracurricular activities include various means: manuals, toys, videos, transparencies, literature, etc.).

4. Form of conduct (for example, excursion, quiz, competition, performance, etc.)

5. Move

1. Organizational moment (0.5 – 3 min.) Goal: to switch children from educational activities to another type of activity, to arouse interest in this type of activity, positive emotions.

Common mistakes: duplication of the beginning of the lesson, time delay.

1. surprise in organizational moment, i.e. using a riddle, problematic issues, game moment, sound recording, etc.

2. changing the organization of children (positioning children on the carpet, in a circle) or moving to another room (school museum, library, music class, etc.)

2. Introductory part (from 1/5 to 1/3 of the time of the entire lesson).

Goal: to activate children, to position them for educational influence, to determine the level of children’s awareness on this topic, to “throw a bridge” from personal experience child to the topic of the lesson. At this stage, the teacher needs to not only “ignite” the children, but also determine whether adjustments need to be made during the lesson. For example, the teacher counted on the novelty of his message and planned a story, and the introductory conversation showed that the children were familiar with this problem. Then the teacher needs to replace the story with a conversation or a game situation.

Typical mistakes:

1. The teacher builds the introductory part not on the child’s activity, but on his own, excluding feedback.

2. The teacher does not attach importance to the emotional mood of the children.

In the introductory part, the teacher forms the children’s primary ideas about the upcoming lesson, organizes their activities, i.e. introduces the assessment system, informs the lesson plan, breaks it into teams, explains the necessary rules.

If children are divided into teams, then their actions need to be based not on competition, but on cooperation. The following technique is effective: instead of points for correct answers, teams are given parts of a cut picture. When summing up in the final part, the overall picture is assembled from these pieces and it becomes obvious that it is not the number of points that is important, but the overall result. In the introductory part, you can use a variety of methods and means of activating children: conversation, rebus, crossword puzzle, ingenuity task.

3. Main part (the longest 2/4 of the time).

Goal: implementation of the main idea of ​​the lesson.

Typical mistakes:

1. The activity of the teacher when children are partially or completely passive.

2. Monotony of methods - only conversation or story.

3. The predominance of methods of forming consciousness over methods of forming behavior.

4. Creating a learning atmosphere for the lesson.

5. Edification.

Recommendations: 1. The educational effect will be greater if children are as active as possible in class. In activating children in the classroom, the creation of a special emotional atmosphere, different from the lesson, is of paramount importance. For example, children are not required to raise their hand and stand up. To maintain discipline, special rules are introduced: the one at whom the arrow pointed answers, the forfeit falls, etc.

2. The creation of a warm atmosphere is facilitated by the absence of value judgments in the teacher’s speech: “right”, “wrong”, “well done”, and the use of friendly, emotional reactions instead of evaluations: “How interesting”, “Thank you for the new version”, “Wow! ", Wow!"

4. Final part (from 1/5 – 1/4 of time).

Goal: to set children up for practical use the experience gained and determine to what extent the idea of ​​the lesson was realized.

Typical mistakes: this part is ignored altogether or reduced to two questions: “Did you like it?”, “What new did you learn?”

1. Test tasks in a form that is attractive to children: crossword puzzle, mini-quiz, blitz, game situation, etc. to determine primary results.

2. Various recommendations for children on applying the acquired experience in their personal lives (this could be showing books on a given problem; discussing situations in which children can apply the skills or information acquired in class; advice - what they can tell their loved ones, what to ask on this topic; where you can go, what you can pay attention to, what you can play, what you can do yourself).

Classroom forms can be very different. The choice of the form of the class hour depends on the level of development of the team, on the characteristics of the class, on age characteristics children.

The following forms of class hours are distinguished:

Class meeting;

Conversation (ethical, moral);


Meetings with interesting people;

Quizzes on various areas of knowledge;

Discussions (discussions can be free, or they can be discussions on a given topic);


Interactive games;

Travel games;

Theater premieres;


Readers' conferences.

Tips for organizing a class hour:

    The content of class hours should be structured in such a way as to gradually move from subject information to its assessment, from general assessments to detailed judgments.

    In the process of discussing the questions posed, the class teacher must be very attentive to the students’ performances, must make the necessary adjustments, set additional questions, focus on important points, think with children and help them find the right solutions to a moral problem.

    It is necessary to take into account the psychological characteristics of students’ perception of the material, monitor their attention and when it decreases, use material that is interesting in content or pose a pressing question, use a musical break, change the type of activity, etc.

    The amount of time spent on a class hour depends on the topic of the hour, its purpose, the expected result, the age of the class participants, the form of its implementation, the life situation and the development of the class team.

    The class hour should not be conducted in an edifying tone; the class teacher should not suppress the initiative of students during the class hour, their desire to express their opinions and criticize.

    In order for the class hour to be interesting to all students, and for them to have a desire to take part in its preparation, the children are recommended to name the topics of all the class hours planned in the class. Each student is given the right to participate in the preparation and conduct of the class hour that interests him in some way.

Class hour effectiveness criteria:

personal significance for students

comfort, favorable psychological climate

an opportunity for the manifestation and development of individual and creative abilities of schoolchildren.

enrichment of students' life experiences

spiritual and moral value

student involvement in preparing and conducting class hours


The moral hour of communication requires an adult to be well prepared for such a conversation. After all, a class hour dedicated to moral problems, should prepare students for adult life. The moral values ​​formed will become the support and basis of the adult moral behavior of the students.

Objectives of the moral class hour:

1. Educating students in order to develop their own moral views, judgments, and assessments.

2. Study, comprehension and analysis of the moral experience of generations. 3. Critical reflection and analysis of one’s own moral actions, as well as the actions of peers and classmates,

4. Development of moral personal qualities such as kindness, the desire to help other people, the ability to admit one’s mistakes, analyze them and draw conclusions, the ability to forgive and be forgiven, the ability to prove one’s rightness and admit that other people are right, etc.

In preparing for a moral class or a series of moral classes, the classroom teacher can conduct a preliminary assessment of students' understanding of moral concepts and moral situations.

For example, you can ask students to reflect on the following moral concepts (give them an interpretation):freedom, good, evil, responsibility, independence, duty, honor, dignity, obligation, right, love, friendship, commitment, openness, etc.

The ability of students to explain such concepts determines the class teacher’s choice of future topics for moral class hours.

Preparation of a moral class hour must be accompanied by serious preliminary work, namely:

I. Defining the theme

Having determined the topic of the class hour, the class teacher asks the students to find in the dictionary the interpretation of the moral concepts written on the board and give their explanation to the teacher. Of course, not all children in the class will begin to look for explanations of moral concepts in dictionaries, but those children who can do this should become assistants in preparing such class hours.

P. Material selection

Periodicals, events and facts can serve as material for preparing a moral lesson. real life country, school, class, as well as plots of feature films, fiction.

It also happens that a moral class hour is held unplanned, as it is connected with the current situation in the class or school. The main thing is that such a meeting with the guys does not turn into edification and lecturing. A moral class hour is a time of joint search with students for the truth, the meaning of their own existence, both as an adult and as a child; learning moral lessons that will become the general line of behavior in adulthood.

It should be noted that a moral class hour cannot be held often. In this case, moral classroom hours cease to be interesting and meaningful for the children. It is enough to hold such a class hour once every quarter: the main thing is that it is significant in the lives of the children, a noticeable event in the life of the class, and makes the children want to participate in such events in the future.



Goals and forms of intellectual and cognitive classroom hours

The intellectual development of students is an integral part of the educational work of the class teacher. Today, the school faces new tasks - not only to give the student a certain amount of knowledge, and then evaluate how well and skillfully he manages this knowledge, but to teach him to independently obtain various knowledge in accordance with his intellectual abilities. Extracurricular activities should be aimed at developing the intellectual skills of students, at developing personal structures of consciousness - reflection on self-awareness of their capabilities and the desire for their self-improvement.

The following forms of work with schoolchildren can serve to develop the intellectual sphere of students, their self-knowledge and self-actualization:

Intellectual marathons;

Days of Intellectual Creativity;

Protection of intellectual projects;

Intellectual rings and quizzes;

Meeting of clubs of intellectuals;

School of Intellectual Development.


The purpose of a thematic class hour is to develop students' horizons, promote the spiritual development of students, the formation of their interests and spiritual needs, the ability for self-development and self-expression.

Thematic classes require serious preparation from the teacher and can be united by a certain topic for a long time. These hours can be the start and end of serious class work, which can be supplemented by other forms of extracurricular work.

Thematic classroom hours give greater results if they are built taking into account the age of the students and the educational needs of the class team.

Information class hour

An information class should broaden the horizons of children, introduce them to periodicals and extract from it a lot of interesting and useful things for their own development, develop the inquisitiveness of the mind and the research skills of students. Information hours can be thematic and overview.

Review information hours introduce students to current events in the world, country and city.

Thematic information hours introduce students to the problems of today, interesting phenomena and events of our lives, anniversaries memorable events in the life of the country.

When preparing an informational class hour, the class teacher can be guided by the following rules.

Rule one. Information class hour should be relevant and modern.

Rule two. The information that the children discuss should be interesting and entertaining, taking into account the age of the students.

Rule three. The information should be known to the whole class in advance.

Rule four. The information that the class teacher offers to students must be impartial.

Rule five. Information class hour should develop the intellectual skills of students (the ability to compare, generalize, draw conclusions).

The main forms of work during information hour can be the following:

*newspaper reports;

*retelling events in the world and the country using newspaper texts;

*travel using maps and globes;

*commented reading of newspaper and magazine materials;

*watching and discussing television materials.

Information class hour can take the form of:


    information ring;

    erudite competition;

    competition of cartoonists and poster artists;

    meetings and excursions;

    holidays of newspapers and magazines;

    time travel.

Classroom plays a big role in the lives of students. This is a form of mass educational work that is flexible in content and structure, which is a specially organized out-of-class communication between the class teacher and class students in order to promote the formation and development of the class team and the self-actualization of participants in educational interaction.

Sections: Cool tutorial

Relevance of the chosen topic: Friendship mutually enriches children: it expands children’s interests, they have a desire to help each other, to experience joy and sorrow together. That's why this topic relevant in elementary school. And the accompanying presentation increases the cognitive interest of students.

Students are involved in preparation for extracurricular activities. Poems were learned with them. The rest of the children independently looked for proverbs and sayings about friendship. The material used was selected taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the class.

A positive emotional charge, communication style, the use of playful moments, the use of ICT, involvement in joint activities, personal participation of children, organization of the beginning, setting tasks for classes contribute to the development of speech, children’s feelings, and the development of positive emotions.

During the lesson you must adhere to the following principles:

  • respect and accept the world of others;
  • treat students with absolute confidence;
  • focus on the child’s positive behavior;
  • avoid value judgments in relation to children;
  • unconditional acceptance of the child.

Subject:“From childhood, they teach you to value friendship at school...”

Target: reveal the essence of the concept of “friendship”, show what qualities a true friend should have, what role friends play in our lives; develop a desire to be friends with others.

Form of work: conversation-reasoning with presentation.


I. Class organization. Emotional mood

There's a song playing V. Shainsky “What they teach at school”

Firmly - firmly be friends,
Treasure friendships from childhood
They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.

Application , 1st slide.

II. Reporting the topic and purpose of the lesson

- Let each of you think and answer the question for yourself: “Do I have a friend?”
-Who do we call a friend? Let's think about this.

III. Conversation about the meaning of the word “friendship”

Students read the poem “Friendship” in roles dressed as heroes.

“What is friendship?” I asked the bird.
- This is when a kite flies with a tit.
I asked the beast: “What is friendship?”
- This is when the hare does not need to be afraid of the fox.
And then she asked the girl: “Friendship – what is it?”
– This is something huge, joyful, big.
This is when the guys all play at once, all together.
This is when boys don’t hurt girls.
Everyone in the world should be friends: animals, birds, and children.

Say the word "friendship".
– What do you remember?
-What am I? What is my friend?
– What would I like to be?
– What kind of person would I like to be?
– How would I not like to see my friend?
– Which character trait do you value most in your friend? And in yourself?

Friendship– close relationships based on mutual trust.
Friend- a person who has a friendship with someone.
Comrade- a person close to someone in views, activities, living conditions; friendly towards someone.

(S.I. Ozhegov “Dictionary of the Russian Language”)

Application , 2nd, 3rd slides.

– What is the meaning, the value of friendship in life?

IV. Reading and discussion of the poem “If the drops weren’t friends”

M. Sadovsky

If the drops weren't friends,
How would puddles live then?
How would the rivers flow?
Where would the ships sail?

If the notes weren't friends,
How would we put the song together?
How can birds sing?
How would the sun rise?

If people weren't friends,
How would we live in the world?
After all, without friendship for a long time
There is nothing in the world!

– Let’s think about the fact that both children and adults need friendship in different life situations.

– What kind of friend can be called a real one? (Completing tasks on the slide)

Application , 4th slide.

V. Proverbs about friendship

Application , 5th slide.

– What proverbs about friendship do you know?

Game “Finish the Proverb”

Application , 6th slide.

Fizminutka(children perform in pairs)

You are a blackbird and I am a blackbird (show)
You have a nose and I have a nose.
You have red cheeks and I have red cheeks,
Your lips are scarlet and my lips are scarlet.
We are two friends, we love each other (hug).

VI. Continuing the conversation

- Who are you friends with?
– Are you friends with your parents?
– Should parents be childhood friends? (Ask them about this at home.)
– Do you think it’s possible to keep childhood friends?
– Would you like your friends to be with you throughout your life?
– Do you think you can only be friends with people? Are you friends with animals, nature, books?

VII. Quiz “Who is friends with whom?”

1. Green crocodile Gena and... (Cheburashka)
2. Trusting Pinocchio and... (Malvina)
3. Funny bear Winnie the Pooh and... (Piglet)
4. A boy named Baby and... (Carlson)

– There are many books about friendship. By reading these books, you will also make literary friends.

  • L. Voronkova “Sunny Day” (“Girlfriends Go to School”);
  • A. Gaidar “Timur and his team”;
  • V. Dragunsky “Childhood Friend”, “Deniska’s Stories”;
  • L. Kassil “My dear boys”;
  • N. Nosov “Vitya Maleev at school and at home”;
  • V. Oseev “Three Comrades”, “Rain”, “Vasek Trubachev and his comrades”.

Application , 7th slide.

IX. Feeling and emotional experience of a state of friendliness

– Where does friendship begin?

The song “Smile” sounds (lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky, music by V. Shainsky).

...From the blue stream
The river begins
Well, friendship begins with a smile.

Application , 8th slide.

X. Mimic gymnastics

– Smile at each other.
– Adopt the facial expression that a friendly person should have.
– What expression should a hostile person have?

Application , 9th slide.

– Can hands help make friends?
– What are our hands like? (Good, evil.)
– Touch each other’s hands. What can you say about them?

Application , 10th slide.

XI. Repetition of the rules of speech etiquette

– Show how to greet a friend, express approval, say goodbye, etc.
What music do you hear when you think and talk about friendship?
– What does friendship “smell” like? (your feelings)
– What does it feel like?
- Does it taste like it?
– What weather would you compare “friendship” to?
– What animals can the word friendship be associated with?
– What colors will you use to “paint” friendship?

XII. Summing up the lesson

Now you are just learning to be friends. And for friendship to be strong, you need to follow the laws. There are many laws of friendship. Here are some of them.

1. One for all and all for one.
2. Respect each other and help each other.
3. Rejoice with your friends.
4. Don't offend your friends and everyone around you.
5. Don’t leave your friends in trouble, don’t let them down, don’t betray them, don’t deceive them, don’t break your promises.
6. Take care of your friends, because it’s easy to lose a friend. An old friend is better than two new ones.

– If you follow these rules, you will become true friends.

Application , 11th slide.

Performing the song “When my friends are with me.”

Where it is difficult for one,
I can handle it together with you!
Where I don’t understand something
I'll deal with my friends!
What is snow to me, what is heat to me,
Why do I care about pouring rain?
When my friends are with me!

- Our class hour has come to an end. Let's stand up and tell each other the words of the famous hero, the kindest and most patient cat Leopold:
- Guys let's be friends!

Application , 12th slide.


  1. Busheleva B.P.“Let's talk about good manners” 1989
  2. “Russian proverbs and sayings” / edited by V. Anikin 1988
  3. Romanyuta V.N. « Toolkit for primary school teachers, psychologists, educators"

I offer the development of classroom hours for students in grades 2 - 3. The form of conduct is an ethical conversation. The main idea: "Treat people the way you would like to be treated."



Topic 2.

Class hour (civil education)

“How to admit to a serious problem or mistake”

Target: Create conditions for awareness of civic responsibility and self-education.

Tasks: To form in students an idea of ​​responsibility for their actions, to help them understand the moral concept of conscience.



  1. Introductory part. Game "Parachutes".

Shall we talk?

About what?

About various things and other things.

About what is good.

And not very good.

You know something.

But I know something.

Shall we talk?

Let's talk.

Suddenly it will be interesting.

How to admit to a serious problem or mistake?

3. Work on the concept of conscience.This is the story that happened one day to Dunno.

A) Retell an excerpt from the novel - N. Nosov’s fairy tale “Dunno in the Sunny City.”

Dunno lay in the dark and tossed and turned from side to side and sighed sadly. He mentally talked to himself. “Shorty is to blame. He pushed me!”

“Just think, how important! Don't push him! - answered the voice. You know that he did it by accident.”

“I don’t know anything.”

“You know, you know! You can’t hide anything from me, brother!”

"And who are you? That I can’t hide anything from you?” - Dunno became wary.

"A! So is it you? Well, then sit down and shut up! After all, no one saw anything and no one will tell me anything.”

“Are you afraid that someone will scold you for your vile behavior? And you're not afraid of me at all. And in vain."

Dunno didn’t sleep for a long time. I thought that the little guy was a hungry donkey, sleeping somewhere on the cold ground in the open air...

B) Exchange of views on issues:

Why couldn’t Dunno fall asleep? (He was tormented by his conscience, he turned the short one into a donkey)

Did he think about the consequences of his actions? (No, he acted rashly, irresponsibly, so someone else suffered)

What is responsibility?

Responsibility is the need to be held accountable for one’s actions.

Could Dunno have acted differently? (Yes, he could have chosen not to turn the runt into a donkey) Did he have a choice?

Result: What would you advise Dunno? (You must be able to admit your mistakes and say “sorry.” There is always a choice, so you need to think first). It is very difficult to pronounce, but after pronouncing it your soul becomes easy. There is only one day in the year, and it is called Forgiveness Sunday. It occurs on the last day of Maslenitsa week before Lent. On this day everyone says: “Forgive me!” And in response they hear: “God will forgive, and you forgive me!”

When we have done something wrong to someone, we feel bad at heart, the word “Forgive” helps us.

  1. Analysis of the situation. What would you do if

The teacher asks the children: “Who took off a classmate’s jacket in the locker room?” Everyone is silent, be silent too. How to get out of this situation with dignity. What needs to be said?

Mom gave money and asked you to buy bread and milk. You still have the change that you spent on Chupa Chups, and you threw away the check. And they told mom that the seller gave you so much money. Mom said: “What a shameless seller!” and decided to go to the store to figure it out. What are your actions? (Agree with your parents in advance or confess right away).

Result: Everything secret always becomes clear. And all our misdeeds develop into habits (sow an action - you reap a habit, sow a habit, reap a character, sow a character - you reap a destiny) by which other people will judge you, whether you are a good or a bad person.


Topic 3

“How to build relationships with those who are different from us”


Developing a tolerant attitude towards other people.


  1. Contribute to the formation of moral forms of behavior: tolerance towards other people, respect for their rights, individuality, self-esteem.
  2. Give an idea of ​​tolerance.
  3. Organize a positive experience of tolerant interaction.


Stencils of men – 25, men with a commandment – ​​6, colored pencils, glue, poster with a globe, signal cards - 25.


Class progress

Introductory part

Game "Dating"

Target: creating an emotional background, preparing for the introduction of the concept.

build on the basis of girls - boys; who likes sweets, who doesn't; those who have a brother or sister are in one group, the rest are in another.


What did you experience when you were in the same group? How did you feel about the guys from the other group who were different from you? What new things have you discovered about your classmates?

Result: Would the game take place if everyone were the same? (sit at 1 table)

Main part

Technique "Brainstorming" - conclusion to the problem. (I propose an application with identical people on the globe)

Guys, let's imagine what would happen on Earth if everyone were exactly the same (height, skin color, eyes, clothes)? What will this world be like?

How will people live in it?

The Story of the Tower of Babel

A long time ago, people on earth spoke the same language. Having gathered, they decided to build themselves a tower as high as the heavens. Wanting to glorify themselves, people began construction, but God was not pleased with this. He made it so that people did not understand the speech of another, and could not continue building the tower. From there, God scattered people throughout the Earth.

Formulation of the problem:

Is it good or bad that we are all different?

How to live in a world where there is so much different people? They couldn't even build a tower.(Photo series: people of different skin color, disabled people, old and young).

How to build relationships with those who are different from us?

Who knows the answer to these questions?

These are the questions we will discuss with you during class.

Practical part:

Working on the concept:The ability to understand and accept people as they are, respect for their dignity - all this is a manifestation of tolerance. tolerance (from Lat. tolerantia - patience) - tolerance, condescension towards someone, something; (The concept of “tolerance” is associated with the name of a person who lived in France at the turn of the 18th-19th centuries, a certain Tyleran Périgord. He was distinguished by the fact that he remained the Minister of Foreign Affairs under different governments. He was a talented man in many areas, but most of all, in the ability to take into account the moods of others, treat them with respect and at the same time maintain one’s principles, strive to manage the situation, and not blindly obey circumstances.)

First of all, tolerance is manifested at home, at school. Everyone knows that we should live together, but sometimes it is difficult for us to restrain ourselves when we see the shortcomings of others. Let's play. I name the situation, and you show the green side of the card if this solution suits you. If it doesn’t fit, then show the card with the other side. Having solved the situation, we will read the most important rule of a tolerant person.

Practical reinforcement of material – moral situations:

(I give the situation 1 for everyone, they signal with a card, ask why, approve the correct choice, turn the man over)

Your little brother broke your toy.

1. You forgive him. +

2. You hit him.

You quarreled with your friend.

1. You take offense and take revenge.

2. You try to talk to him. +

A classmate is poorly dressed.

1. It doesn't matter. +

2. You make fun of him.

An elderly woman walks slowly.

1. You push her to overtake her.

2. You help her and hold the door. +

Someone is being attacked before your eyes...

1. You are trying to separate them or calling for help. +

2. You pretend you don't notice anything.

The commandment is before your eyes:“Treat people the way you would like to be treated.”

This is the main rule of people's lives.

Final part

There is only one man left. Color it. (I hand out stencils of people to children).

Independent work:

All the little men turned out different, but they were the same. Is this how it is in life? We are all different, but we must live by this rule. Let's glue the little people on Earth and leave it as a souvenir of the class hour.


Topic: “How can I influence the actions of other people”

Target: Creating conditions for the development of active citizenship.

Tasks: introduce ways to influence the actions of other people; promote the development of a sense of empathy (Empathy, compassion).


  1. Introductory part.

Baby - the son came to his father

And the little one asked:

"What is good and what is bad".

These lines by V.V. Mayakovsky are known to many boys and girls, mothers and fathers.

Are they familiar to you? (students can tell if a crappy fighter beats a weak boy. I don’t even want to put that in a book)

- Guys, let's continue the phrase: It’s bad when... It’s good when...

Today we will think together about how you can influence the actions of other people, how you can stop those who do bad things.

Main part.

A ) Analysis of the story.Story "True and Lies" Method"belief"

3 friends went out into the yard for a walk. The weather was good. They were swinging on a swing, playing hide and seek and didn’t notice how dark it was.(?)

So they stopped at the entrance and thought what was better: to deceive or to tell the truth?

I’ll say that I met Aunt Masha and helped her carry her bags,” says the first.

“I’ll say,” says 2, that the hooligans pestered me and didn’t let me into the entrance.

“And I’ll tell the truth,” says 3. “It’s always better to tell the truth, because it’s the truth, and there’s no need to invent anything.”

Which friend did the right thing? Do you think he succeeded in influencing the boys? Why? (His words were convincing, i.e. what to do and why exactly this).

Can you convince others?

Replaying the situation.

For example, convince Kolobok not to run away from his grandparents without permission.

Result: the actions of others can be influenced by persuasion

b) Harmful advice from G. Oster

I have prepared the harmful advice of Grigory Oster. Listen carefully to them and tell them what is wrong, harmful and what should be done in these situations. If your friend is the best

Slipped and fell

Point your finger at a friend

And grab your stomach.

Let him see, lying in a puddle, -

You're not upset at all.

A real friend doesn't love

Upset your friends.

If anything happened,

And no one is to blame

Don't go there or else

You will be to blame.

Hide somewhere on the side,

And then go home.

And about the fact that I saw this,

Do not tell anybody.

What's wrong? (answer) What is the right thing to do?

Girls should never be

Nowhere to notice

And don't let them pass

Nowhere and never.

They need to put their feet up

Scare from around the corner.

What's wrong? (answer) What is the right thing to do?

Bottom line: You can influence if you mentally put them in the place of another

3. Final part.

Analysis of the situation. They signal with cards.A way of “not being indifferent, not being on the sidelines.” What will you do in the following situation? If you agree with the decision, then show the card with the red side; if you disagree, show it with the other side.

  1. A friend uses bad words and calls you names. (a) I’ll tell adults, the teacher;

B) I’ll say that it’s bad and why; c) I’ll pretend I didn’t hear anything

  1. Someone is breaking tree branches. (a) I’ll tell adults, the teacher; B) I’ll say that it’s bad and why; c) I’ll pretend that I didn’t hear anything.
  2. Tortures an animal.

(a) I’ll tell adults, the teacher; B) I’ll say that it’s bad and why; c) I’ll pretend I didn’t hear anything

Result: if we are not indifferent, then good will be able to defeat evil faster and life will become better. Live by the rule: “If not me, then who?” How can you influence other people's actions? (convince them, not to pass by misfortune, to act well yourself).

Let’s finish with the lines of V. Mayakovsky’s poem: “The boy went joyfully and Little One said: “I will do well and not be bad!”


Topic 5

Class hour (informational)

“The computer is an enemy, a friend, a helper”

Target: To help determine the place and role of the computer in the life of a modern person.

Tasks: 1. Show exercises for working with a computer.

2. Focus on communicating with other people, developing your abilities and observing certain rules when working with a computer.

Equipment: an image of an excavator, an airplane, a computer, a reminder for each student, bad advice.


  1. Introductory part.

On the slide there is an excavator, an airplane, a computer.

Can you name them in one word? (machines, equipment).

- Choose a definition for each subject using the example.

The excavator is strong, the plane is .... (fast), the computer is (smart). It is impossible to imagine the modern world without them.

Just 20 years ago, a computer was a curiosity, but now it has become accessible to many. The word “computer” comes from the Greek “computo”, which means: I count, I calculate. The computer was named so because at first it was used for complex calculations and cumbersome calculations. At that time, the computer was also called an electronic computer or, for short, a computer, and was very large, the size of a room.

Who has a computer at home?

  1. Formulation of the problem.

Guys, what do you think: is the computer a friend, a helper or an enemy? (children’s opinions: friend and helper, enemy, both). It's good that everyone has their own opinion.I suggest you play the role of a computer.

  1. Main part.

Say the whole word friend. What do you remember? (how we play).

Continue the sentence: The computer is a friend because… (you can play with it, draw, that is, have a good time).

I invite two friends.

Exercise: Smile at each other. Say: “I have so much fun with you, I’m glad to see you.” What feelings did you experience? Compare your feelings - you smile at the computer, tell it how glad you are to see it. Have you experienced pleasant feelings, joy, warmth from such communication?

What will you do in the following situation?

The guys invite you outside, and you play on the computer. (I will accept their invitation, I will refuse).

Mom asks you to help, and you play on the computer. (I will help my mother right away, I will ask you to wait).

Bottom line, information output:Continue the following phrase: The computer is a friend, but....(we must not forget about friends, people, family)

B) Computer assistant–(entering information).

Who does the computer help and with what?(children's statements)

You can't go anywhere without a computer.The computer helps the doctor make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. An accountant prepares reports using a computer. He helps the artist create paintings and animated films. Engineers use computers to carry out complex calculations and draw up drawings of new machines and spaceships.Helps schoolchildren find the necessary information and prepare essays.

How does your computer help you? (helps to count, find errors, find the necessary information, translate foreign text).

Do you agree that then schoolchildren do not need to read books in order to know a lot, they do not need to learn the multiplication table, or learn spelling rules?

It’s bad when a person doesn’t learn to think in childhood; then he doesn’t develop his abilities. This means that neither an accountant, nor an artist, nor a doctor will grow out of him.

Information output, result: It is interesting to study with a computer and explore the world around us. He helps a person can work, study, and play games. The main thing is that it does not interfere with the development of your abilities and talents.

IN) The computer is the enemy.Computers have become so commonplace that the dangers associated with their use are involuntarily forgotten.

What harm does a computer cause?Like any achievement of progress, be it a car, an airplane, a TV, a computer is a source of negative impacts on a person, harms his health if used incorrectly, and can cause occupational diseases. However, a computer becomes a kind, smart, tireless assistant if a person thinks through all the moments of communication with it, follows safety rules, and follows the advice of specialists.

I suggest you get acquainted with bad advice. Try to turn them into useful tips.

What is the right thing to do?

Bad advice.

Never wash your hands

Monitor, keyboard.

This is a stupid thing to do

Doesn't lead to anything.

Your hands will get dirty again

Monitor, keyboard.

So why waste energy?

Time to waste. (A dirty keyboard is a source of spread of harmful germs, so you need to wipe it regularly and wash your hands.)

Do you want to improve your eyesight?

Sit closer to the monitor

It's better to rub your nose right away

And sit like that for ten hours.

And then after a month

It will have an eye like an eagle. (To prevent your eyes from getting tired and your vision from deteriorating, you need to sit further away from the monitor, optimally 70 cm. Tilt the monitor back a little. Be sure to do exercises for your eyes.

Teacher performs with children exercises and distributes reminders with exercises to do independently at home when working with a computer.

Eye exercises when working with a computer:

  1. Move your gaze along the trajectories depicted on large posters: in a figure eight, clockwise and counterclockwise.

Exercises are chosen at will, each of them is repeated 4-5 times. The total duration of the exercises should be 2 minutes. Visual gymnastics will help restore the functional state of the accommodative apparatus of the eye and prevent its overwork.

There is no more pleasant thing to do

Than, slouching strongly - strongly

Sit at the monitor.

Exercise daily

And a happy day will come -

you to some kingdom

They will accept him as the chief hunchback.(Those who sit incorrectly at the computer may develop serious problems with muscles and joints over time. You should not slouch, preferably sit in a chair with armrests and adjustable seat height. Do physical exercises every 15 minutes.

Warm-up exercises

Place your hand on the edge of the table, palm down. Holding your fingers with your other hand, move your hand back and hold in this position for 5 seconds. Repeat the exercise for the other hand.

Lightly rest your hand on the table and tighten your fingers and wrist for 5 seconds. Do the same with the other hand.

Sit upright in a chair with your feet firmly on the floor (if the chair has wheels, make sure it remains stationary). Bend down as low as possible to reach your knees with your head. Stay in this position for 10 seconds, then straighten up, tensing your leg muscles. Repeat the exercise 3 times.

Many people keep a rubber elastic toy or an expander ring on the table and use it to stretch their hands from time to time.

Look what's going on

In every house at night:

Turning to the monitor,

The schoolchildren sit in silence.

They don't allow anything

Put them to bed.

They don’t want to, they are hard workers

My childhood years

Spend under the blanket

On the pillow without pants. (Under no circumstances should children work on a computer at night, as it will be difficult for them to fall asleep, and during the day they will feel

Teacher. Computer activities must be limited in time, firstly, in order not to harm your health, physical and mental.

But I would like you guys, while working or playing on a computer, not to forget that there are so many interesting things around you even without a computer. These include playing in the yard with friends, communicating with family, reading books, playing sports or going to music school, walking in the park with your favorite dog, studying at school, and simply observing the beauty of nature. And so that the computer does not become an enemy, I give instructions with exercises.

Warm-up exercises

  1. Place your hand on the edge of the table, palm down. Holding your fingers with your other hand, move your hand back and hold in this position for 5 seconds. Repeat the exercise for the other hand.
  1. Place your hand lightly on the table and tense your fingers and wrist for 5 seconds. Do the same with the other hand.
  1. Clench your fingers tightly into fists, then straighten them.
  1. Sit upright in a chair with your feet firmly on the floor (if the chair has wheels, make sure it remains stationary). Bend down as low as possible to reach your knees with your head. Stay in this position for 10 seconds, then straighten up, tensing your leg muscles. Repeat the exercise 3 times.

Eye exercises when working with a computer

  1. On the count of 1-4, close your eyes with tension, on the count of 1-6, open your eyes.
  2. Look at the tip of your nose on the count of 1-4, and then look into the distance on the count of 1-6.
  3. Without turning your head, slowly make circular movements with your eyes up-right-down-left and in the opposite direction: up-left-down-right. Then look into the distance at the score 1-6.
  4. Keeping your head still, move your gaze and fix it: on the count of 1-4 - up, on the count of 1-6 - straight; then just down-straight, right-straight, left-straight. Move your eyes diagonally, first in one direction, then in the other direction, then look straight, counting 1-6.
  5. Look at the tip of your index finger, at a distance of 25-30 cm from the eyes, slowly bring it closer to the tip of the nose on a count of 1-4, then, again looking at the tip of the finger, move it away from the nose at the same distance.
  6. “Mark on the glass”: move your gaze from the mark on the glass of the window (red circle with a diameter of 3-5 mm) to the selected object in the distance outside the window.
  7. Move your gaze along the trajectories depicted on large posters: in a figure eight, clockwise and counterclockwise.

Exercises are chosen at will, each of them is repeated 4-5 times. The total duration of the exercises should be 2 minutes.


Topic 6

Class hour (moral)

“It is easy to love all humanity. Know how to love your neighbor"

Target: Creating conditions for students to develop an understanding of the need and value of ethical rules.


  1. Introduce children to the rules of neighbor etiquette.

Equipment: fairy tale.

Form of conduct: conversation in a circle.


  1. Preparing to perceive the problem. Creating an emotional background.

Game "Magic Chair"- the one who finds himself on the magic chair will hear only the most pleasant words about himself, about his best qualities.

Analysis of the situation:How did you feel when you sat on the magic chair? And what did those who spoke about the good qualities of their classmates feel?

2. Updating experience.

Who do you think you can say nice words to (parents, friends, classmates)? And also to the neighbors.

Who are the neighbors? (in the same house, in the same class). For example, Urzhumsky district and Nolinsky district are also neighbors. Who has neighbors?

How to live with neighbors, how to improve relationships, this is what we are talking about.

3. I invite you to listen and discuss the fairy tale"Friendship with neighbors." (reading with feet)

They lived - they were... No, not in the thirtieth kingdom, but in an ordinary city, not in the thirtieth kingdom, but in the first entrance of a four-story building, down the street... It doesn’t matter which one. This could happen anywhere.

An old woman nicknamed Norushka lived on the first floor. Because she was very quiet.

And her upstairs neighbor was very loud. That is, he stomped very loudly in the evenings.(What did the old lady feel?)The old lady called him Bear.

And the neighbor actually turned into a bear in the evenings, stomping and grumbling.

(How should you live with your neighbors?In the world. We must follow the rules of etiquette. Suggest your option.

Result: Be considerate of your neighbors. If someone is old or sick, offer your help: go to the store, to the pharmacy).

And above the neighbor Bear lived the nurse Anechka. After work, she climbed into the bath and splashed around like a duck. The water overflowed and flowed onto the Bear.

(What feelings did the bear have?)

The bear got angry and called her Duck. And Anya really turned into a Duck. (What rule follows from this?

Result: Be careful. If you spill water, apologize. It is customary to warn neighbors about the renovation of their apartment, so as not to get angry because of temporary inconveniences.)

And above Anechka lived a cheerful student Igorek. Every evening his friends and girlfriends gathered. They danced, jumped and skipped.

(What was Igor’s mood like?)

Ooh, restless monkeys! – Anya whispered to herself.(What feelings did Anya experience?)

From these words, Igor immediately turned into Monkey. He slid down the railing and made faces.

(How should Igorek behave?

Result: Don't play loud music, don't jump at home. If there is a holiday going on, warn your neighbors. Apologize. Bring a piece of cake so that you don’t get angry because of temporary inconveniences. Try not to get angry yourself if your neighbors’ child bursts into tears or their dog barks. You, too, yesterday, for example, were banging with a hammer).

(Did the neighbors live badly or well with each other? How do you think this story ended? Select:So they continued to live in quarrels and resentments, or they got tired of living like that and decided to change. Listen to the continuation.)

So they lived and were not friends: Mouse - Norushka, Bear, Duck and Monkey.

But one day Anechka was brought a huge bookcase. And the neighbor Bear put him on his shoulder, dragged him into the apartment and put him where he needed to be.

Yes, you are just a hero! Ilya Muromets! – Anya exclaimed.

And the bear immediately turned into a fabulous hero.

The old woman sewed soft slippers for him - and the stomping from above was no longer heard.

Yes, you are simply a craftswoman, Vasilisa the Wise! – the neighbor admired.

And the old woman immediately became twenty years younger and turned into Vasilisa the Wise.

And the former Bear had a back pain - the closet was still heavy. Anya rubbed his back with a special product - she was a nurse, after all.

What a Duck you are! - said the neighbor. You are the Swan Princess. And the princesses never get tired and fall asleep in the bath. So the floods at Ilya Muromets stopped.

Igorek invited the princess to visit him. Anya cheered up, danced and confessed:

It was stupid to call you monkeys! You are just funny people.

And now Vasilisa the Wise, Ilya Muromets, the Swan Princess and the cheerful man Igor live and are friends in the first entrance.

What did the fairy tale make you think about? Are you friends with your housemates? What about your desk neighbor?

4. Game “And I” - choose what suits you, answer “Me too!”

I don’t quarrel with my desk neighbor.+

During class, I chat with my neighbor and interfere with his studies.

I know my neighbor's birthday.+

I share with my desk neighbor if he forgets something.+

We always share a desk.

I often get angry with my neighbor.

I am asking for help. +

5. Summary. Look into the eyes of your neighbor on the right and say “I like this about you...”.


Topic 7

Class hour (moral)

Equipment: drawings of 2 chests, cards of the words love and friendship, an excerpt from Dragunsky’s story, pictures - love, hearts - prizes.


“Love and friendship - what are they?”


Creating conditions for the formation of spiritual values ​​of love and friendship.


Help students understand the essence of the concepts of love and friendship and their meaning.


Introductory part I am the light.

I am Love.

I am peace and harmony.

I will not be afraid of anyone or anything.

I will share love with those who love me.

For love is all-conquering.

1. Good afternoon, dear guys, dear guests! I am very pleased to meet and chat with you. My name is…

2. Introductory part - preparation for posing the problem.Attach 2 chests to the board. In one, the lid is slightly open and jewelry is visible. The second chest is the word happiness.

- Remember what they put in chests in fairy tales? (jewelry, money)

Can you touch these riches with your hands?

Who guessed why we placed happiness in chest 2? This is also wealth. For whom? (For us). Can you touch it with your hands? Are you a happy person? Why? Love is happiness, having friends is too happiness. (2 pillars appear: love and friendship)

Main part

1. How do you understand what love is?(children's opinion). And here’s how the famous children’s writer Dragunsky wrote about it in the story “What Mishka Loves.”

One day Mishka and Deniska listened to music teacher Boris Sergeevich sitting at the piano and playing something quietly. “What were you playing?” - asked Deniska. The teacher replied: “This is Chopin. I love him so much. He composed wonderful music. And I love music more than anything in the world.” And Deniska told Boris Sergeevich about the fact that he loves a dog, and about how he whines, and about a baby elephant, and about ancient warriors, and about horse faces, and about everything, everything... Boris Sergeevich listened carefully, and then said: “Amazing.” ! I didn’t even know. You are still small, but you love so much! The whole world!" But then Mishka intervened in their conversation and said that he loved him even more than Denis and began: I love rolls, long loaves and cupcakes. I love bread, cakes and pastries. And I dearly love caviar and potatoes. I love boiled sausage, but I love smoked sausage the most. I love apples, meat, sugar, eggs and tea. With all my heart I love ice cream, fish, bananas, broth. Mishka was waiting for approval, but the teacher said: “You love a lot, but it’s all edible, a whole grocery store. What about people? Who do you love? What about animals? Then Mishka blushed and said: “I completely forgot. More kittens and grandma!”

What do you like?

Result: Yes, love comes in different forms.

Love is an addiction to something, love for music, for reading, love is an attitude towards someone, care: for parents, for children

2. What do these photographs have in common? (Love)

What kind of love is this photo about?About the love of a mother for her child.Why does she love him?(it is said in the poem:

- “We love you for no special reason, we love you because you are a daughter or son,”)

Picture - love to the animals. Who does the boy love? Who has pets? Do you love them? How do you show your love? What is a puppy for a boy? (friend)

What a wonderful word - friendship. Say it. What do you remember? (My friend, girlfriend. How we play snowballs). (slide friendship)

I had no doubt that you all have friends!

(The following definition is given in Ozhegov’s dictionary. Friendship is close relationships based on mutual trust, understanding, respect, affection, common interests.)

- What do you have in common with your friend? (we love sports, we love spending time together, we feel good together).

This means that love and friendship are always together, nearby, inseparable. What do you imagine them as? (like the children in the photo, like 2 banks of one river, the Moon and the Earth).

Final part

Love and friendship are what makes a person happy, strong, and brings him joy. I'm a happy person, because... I love my loved ones very much and they love me too, I have a favorite job, reliable friends with whom I like to spend time and communicate. And even if today is not Valentine’s Day, I lovingly wish everyone joy and happiness, true friends. And I give hearts(from the chest). Give your warmth of soul, love and be loved.

Class hour in 3rd grade "Let's talk about friendship"

Kuzmicheva Natalya Vladimirovna, primary school teacher

The article belongs to the section:Cool tutorial


  1. developing students' reasoning skills;
  2. developing skills to argue your point of view;
  3. formation of moral qualities of students - the ability to make friends, cherish friendship.


  1. on the board is the title of the class topic “Let's talk about friendship”;
  2. a circle with the inscription “friend”, to make a “Friendship” flower;
  3. projector;
  4. record player;
  5. a disc with the best children's songs: “If you went on a journey with a friend,” “True Friend,” etc.;
  6. petals of the “Friendship” flower with the inscription on the character qualities of a true friend;
  7. reminders “laws of friendship”;
  8. three envelopes with proverbs;
  9. The class is decorated with balloons.

Class progress

1 . Introductory part.

The song “If you went on a journey with a friend” plays, and the children take their seats to the music.

Teacher's word

Good afternoon, dear guys, dear guests! I am very pleased to meet and chat with you. My name is Natalya Vladimirovna.

Today we will discuss a very important topic, and I think you have already guessed what we will talk about.

So what are the guys talking about?(about friendship)


We will find out what friendship is, who can be called a true friend, and define the laws of friendship. I hope that today I will make new friends in you and become your friend!

2. Introduction to the concept of “friendship”.

You guys have heard and know that proverbs contain folk wisdom. I wanted to introduce you to them, but last night, when I was composing them, our four-legged friend, Barsik, snuck up on me and mixed up all the words in the proverbs...

Can you help me collect them?

I suggest you work in groups.

You have envelopes on each row, you need to assemble the correct proverb from individual words and choose the one who will read it.

  1. 1st group “Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends”
  2. 2nd group “Without a friend there is a blizzard in the soul.”
  3. 3rd group “An old friend is better than two new ones”

Each row after compilation reads a proverb. Slides with proverbs appear on the board.

Well done!

Read the proverbs again in chorus and say:

Which common topic proverbs?(friendship)

How do you understand the word “friendship”?(children's answers)

Song “True Friend”

(children's answers)

3. Making a “Friendship” flower from the qualities of a true friend.

Now we will play with you.

I will offer you the qualities of a person’s character, and you must listen carefully, if the proposed qualities suit a real friend, you clap your hands, and if not, then stomp your feet.

During the game from positive qualities For a true friend, we will make the “Friendship” flower.

Our flower has no petals; the petals lie on the table.

1. honesty

  1. lies

2. kindness

3. loyalty

  1. coarseness

4. mutual assistance

  1. betrayal
  2. pugnacity

5. justice

  1. cockiness;

6. responsibility

7. compassion.

Look, guys, the good qualities of a true friend turned into beautiful flower. - Do you like it?

Let's repeat once again the qualities of a true friend?

On the board is a slide with the qualities of a true friend.

Conclusion: A person who possesses such qualities is beautiful not only from the inside, but also from the outside.

4. Definition of the “Laws of Friendship”

Everything in the world exists according to rules and laws, and there are laws for friendship.

I want to offer you the laws of friendship.

On the board is a slide with the laws of friendship.

Now we will get to know them, and if you agree, we will accept them and implement them.

(a prepared child reads the laws)

Thank you!


  1. Help a friend in need.
  2. Know how to share your joy with a friend.
  3. Don't laugh at your friend's shortcomings.
  4. Stop your friend if he is doing something bad.
  5. Know how to accept help, advice, and don’t be offended by criticism.
  6. Don't deceive your friend.
  7. Learn to admit your mistakes and make peace with your friend.
  8. Don't betray your friend.
  9. Treat your friend the way you would like to be treated.

Do you agree with these laws?(children's answers)

Do we accept? (Yes.)

I leave these laws to you (attach the printed laws of friendship on the board in a large format) and I hope that now you will be more attentive to each other and try to follow the laws of friendship.

Thank you for your work, you worked very well, and friendship helped us with this!

All the best! Good and loyal friends to you!

In memory of our meeting, and as a sign of friendship, I want to give you balloons and hand them over as reminders of the laws of friendship

The song “True Friend” plays, the children receive reminders, balloons, and the class ends with music.


Topic 8

Class hour (moral)

"Relationships with parents"

Target: Development of a value-based attitude towards parents.

Tasks: show the need to understand and appreciate the care and attention of their parents, developing skills for effective interaction between children and parents.

Equipment: cards for the game “One-Purchase Store”

Shape: for


  1. Introductory part. Emotional background.

They love me deeply, take care of me every day and every hour. Who can this be said about? (Parents). Since ancient times, people have learned to build relationships with their parents and respect them.

2. Updating knowledge about parents.Children's story about their parents.

How well do you know your parents? The name of? Where do they work, what do they do? Do they have friends? What cartoon did you love as a child, what book? - What good deeds do your parents do towards you? (They cook food, wash things, help with your studies, take care of your health).

"Make a wish" technique.

You can make one wish. (Write). Who wants to read it?

I invite you to the one-purchase store.

3. Game “One-Purchase Store”

And we are going to the “One-Purchase Store”. Children, in the role of a buyer, enter the “shopping hall”, where “goods” are laid out on the table - cards on which the names of various items are written: chocolate, bicycle, tape recorder, soccer ball, camera, etc. The teacher - “seller” offers choose one purchase, thanks and asks to go to the “hall of reflection”. On the back of each “product” card there is a “price”: “Dad will have to wear his old jacket for another year”; “Mom will have to count every penny”; “Grandma won’t be able to replace her old broken glasses”; “You will rarely see a sick friend,” etc. The child is faced with a choice. Having made a decision, he comes to the “purchase return hall” and says: “I buy” or “I return.” The seller tries to influence the children’s decision by giving his own arguments for or against the purchase. After hearing the answer, he thanks for the purchase or regrets returning it.

Result: - What thoughts did you have during the game?

No cakes can replace our grandparents, may we not have a bicycle, but may our cat be nearby, may our parents be healthy.

4. Conversation.

Think about what kind deeds we should do towards our parents? (Take care of them, show them attention, give them gifts, obey, help around the house).

The most important good we can do for our parents is to take care of ourselves.

  1. What kind of person should you be in order to

Mom had to wash your clothes less often;

So that parents spend less money on pens and pencils;

What should you do to get sick less? After all, by doing this we cause a lot of worry to our mothers and fathers.

What should you do to make your parents proud of you?

Bottom line. What can you do for your parents today? Remember, the way you treat your parents will be the same way they will treat you.

Memo “Rules of caring attitude towards parents”

  1. You can't sit back while your parents are working.
  2. Don't argue with adults, don't be rude.
  3. Don't express dissatisfaction with the fact that you don't have this or that thing.
  4. Don’t do what your elders condemn – neither in front of you nor on the sidelines.
  5. Ask permission and advice from elders.
  6. Take care of your parents' peace.
  7. Show you care.


Topic 9

Class hour (moral)

“Do we know how to forgive? Can everything be forgiven?

Target: Create conditions for the formation of moral behavior.

Tasks: Give an idea of ​​forgiveness, introduce ways of forgiveness.

Equipment: 2 balls with a clamp.


  1. Introductory part.

Shall we talk?

About what?

About various things and other things.

About what is good.

And not very good.

You know something.

But I know something.

Shall we talk?

Let's talk.

Suddenly it will be interesting.

Our conversation is about whether we know how to forgive? How can you forgive? What is forgiveness?

  1. Working on the concept of “forgiveness”.Does the heroine of the poem know how to forgive?

Offended, offended!

Haven't you seen?

Don't you know

How was I offended?

They pushed me like that - I fell,

My mother scolded me

Lost the competition again

The kids called me names

I wasn't invited to visit

My secret was spilled

They didn’t help and didn’t ask

They weren't friends with me for two days.

Does the heroine of the poem know how to forgive? (No, because she has accumulated a lot of grievances against others).

What does it mean to forgive?

To forgive means to stop being angry or offended by another person, to stop blaming him for something. Forgiveness is very useful because it helps to overcome anger and resentment, which greatly harm the soul. Anyone who does not know how to forgive quickly and is offended for a long time harms himself.

3. This is the story that happened to dad one day. Listen to the poem.

Dad broke a precious vase.

Grandma and mom

They immediately frowned

But dad was found

Looked them in the eyes

Timid and quiet

"Sorry" said

And mom is silent

He even smiles:

"We'll buy another one,

There are better ones on sale."

It would seem that,

What's wrong with it?

But what a

Wonderful word.

What wonderful word did you hear in the poem? How did dad feel? Was he forgiven?

There is only one day in the year, and it is called Forgiveness Sunday. It occurs on the last day of Maslenitsa week before Lent. On this day everyone says: “Forgive me!” And in response they hear: “God will forgive, and you forgive me!”

You need to be able to forgive those people who have stumbled or committed a bad deed; be patient and understanding towards people who love only themselves. You have to be demanding of yourself and at the same time forgive people for their shortcomings.

  1. Playing out the situation and analyzing the situation.

1 girl and 2 boys are invited to the board.

  1. The girl accidentally pushed two standing boys.

What should the girl do? (question to the class, and then the girl plays out this situation again). (Excuse me, please, I accidentally).

Think about it, how will the boys behave? (One immediately forgave the girl, but the other took offense at her and got angry. The other also pushed the girl).

The one who does not want to forgive and says: “I will never forgive you for this!” acts badly or well! (Badly.You cannot keep a grudge to yourself and be angry with the offender, and even worse, respond with anger).

  1. The boy accidentally nudged his neighbor on her desk while writing. Now she has a pen mark in her notebook. What should the boy do? And the girl?

Topic 10

Class hour (moral)

"I'm not like others. How can I get recognition?

Target : Create conditions to encourage students to self-education and self-development.


  1. Build self-esteem.
  2. Contribute to strengthening interpersonal communication.

Equipment: balloon, telegrams, pencils, stencils of people.

Format: round table discussion.


  1. Introductory part.Emotional background.

Game "Parachutes".At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher greets the students.

- How are you?

- Okay, great, great.

- Well, fine. Who are we?

- We are parachutes.

– When do we work?

- When they are open.

The teacher and children hold hands and take turns saying to each other: “I am open to you.”

We're flying into a fairy tale.

  1. Main part.

Statement of the problem, fairy tale.

A long time ago, on the outskirts of a huge dark forest near a wide, deep river, there lived the Logs. These were well-hewn logs, piled in amazing disorder - large and small, short and long, wide and narrow mixed together. This was their game: they loved to jump on each other, roll over, somersault, and roll noisily in different directions again.

Among the even and slender Logs, one strange, clumsy Snag stood out, causing general ridicule with its bizarre appearance. Nobody trimmed her. She was so clumsy that she hurt others with her crooked branches sticking out at random.

Everyone around began to drive Koryaga away, not wanting to have anything to do with her, and even wondered: shouldn’t they teach her a lesson? Shouldn't she break off all the knots and straighten out the hitches? It was especially hard for Koryaga one evening when she was lying alone and the cheerful voices of Logs could be heard to her. And she was so sad to think that no one needed her, that she was not at all like the others. Tired of sad thoughts and a feeling of hopelessness, she finally fell asleep.

And in the morning the Woodcutter came. At first the Logs were scared, and then, when the Woodcutter began to pull them one to the other, they realized that he wanted to build a raft and go on a journey. The logs began to help him and after a while they lay down in one row. But here’s the problem: the Woodcutter didn’t have anything that could hold them together. His gaze fell on Snag, who did not even dream of being useful.

The woodcutter with difficulty laid the snag across all the logs of the raft. The crooked branches that had brought so much trouble to Snag, like fingers, engulfed the Logs, pressed closely together and secured the raft. And on a long branch that proudly stuck up, the Woodcutter tied a flag.

And the raft set off on a long journey, to new uncharted lands.

Reflection on the fairy tale:

Did you like the fairy tale?

What did you like? What didn't you like?

What did it make you think about?

- Are there similar relationships between people?Stencils of people.

How can I get recognition?

I offer you the game “And I”, choose tips that will help you get closer to people.

I come to school neatly dressed;

I rarely pick up a comb;

I keep all my school things in order;

I come to school on time;

Entering the school, I push, I hurry to get ahead of everyone;

I always say hello when I enter the classroom;

I never say hello to adults at school;

I always appreciate your help;

I always take a toy from a friend;

I always interrupt the speaker;

Result: You don't need to perform any heroic deeds to be recognized, it needs to be done every day.

The telegrams have arrived

1. Offended, offended!

Haven't you seen?

Don't you know

How was I offended?

They pushed me like that - I fell,

My mother scolded me

Lost the competition again

The kids called me names

I wasn't invited to visit

My secret was spilled

They didn’t help and didn’t ask

They weren't friends with me for two days.

How is it different from others? Is it easy to communicate with her?

2. Once upon a time there lived a cloud

Named Serduchka.

She didn't know anyone

didn't smile at all.

And they fell out of the clouds

Those hailstones are thorns,

then beads - rain -

cold tears.

Oh, it’s bad for Serduchka to live -

Thorn, beech, angry!

Nobody goes out with her

Doesn't make friends, doesn't play.

How is it different from others?

Depict what the cloud was like: frown your eyebrows, squint your eyes, wrinkle your nose, lower the corners of your lips. Oh, what angry and unpleasant faces! How do such people live? - How are both girls similar? (no one is friends with them, no one recognizes them)

Laughter therapy technique “Let go of the grudge.”

What do you need to do to be recognized and accepted by others? My answer is that you must first change yourself, try to understand the other, forgive and let go, just like this ball. (Inflate the balloon and release it. It will fly by with a whistle, the children will laugh).

Technique “Turn minuses into pluses” Game “What I can do best” - in a chain.

5. Reflection on the lesson.Color the little man and give it to the neighbor on the right with the words “I like it about you.”

Exercise “Finish the phrase”

“I like it about you...” Children remain in a circle and take turns saying to their neighbor on the right, “I like about you...” (and name the quality that they like in this person).


Topic: “Is friendship always the most important thing?”

Target: Create conditions for the formation of a value-based attitude towards friendship.

Tasks: Introduce children to the rules of friendship.

Focus on constructive social interaction.

Equipment: rules of friendship, flower of friendship, song.

Form of conduct: usually at tables.


1. Good afternoon, dear guys, dear guests! My name is... I am very pleased to meet you and discuss with you an important topic, the topic of friendship.

I hope that today I will make new friends in you and become your friend!

2. Introductory part.How do you understand what “friendship” is?(children's answers)

(close relationships based on mutual trust, understanding, respect, affection, common interests)

- Guys, raise your hands if you have a boyfriend or girlfriend.

Fine! I had no doubt that you all have friends!

And now I invite you to listen and sing the song “True Friend”

Song “True Friend”

Who can we call a true friend?(children's answers)

Problem: Is friendship always the most important thing?

3. Solving moral problem situationsFriendship is a person’s wealth, and it manifests itself in one’s attitude towards people and business.

2 girls are invited to stage situations: Continue the story.

1. About Lya and Yulia are friends. One morning Olya noticed that her friend looked tired.

Hi Julia! What happened to you?

I didn't do my homework because I took care of my grandmother in the hospital all evening.

What will Olya do? How did each of you feel in this situation?

What is more important: friendship or personal interest (selfishness)?

Conclusion: To be friends is to give spiritual strength to a friend, to show concern for him.

Don’t leave a friend in trouble – A friend may have mistakes, difficulties, trials. Go help him. To turn away from a friend in a difficult moment for him means to betray.

1 girl and 1 boy are invited.

2. Tanya and Vova are friends. Vova played on the computer all evening and didn’t do his homework.The next day at school he asks: “Tanya, let me copy off the assignment. If you don’t help me out, then I won’t go to the skating rink with you in the evening.”

What did Tanya do?

What is more important: friendship or self-interest?

Be selfless in friendship - Friendship and selfishness are incompatible, irreconcilable.

2 boys are invited.

3 . Kolya doesn’t know how to play football, and he let your team down. All the guys were offended by him and condemned him. (Playback) What will his friend Roma do?

How did each of you feel in this situation?

What is more important: victory, success or friend?

Conclusion: Don't laugh at the shortcomings of others.

4. Final part.

Composing the flower of “Friendship”.

A true friend must have certain character qualities.

We will make the “Friendship” flower.

Our flower has no petalspetals lie on the table.

1. honesty


2. kindness

3. loyalty


4. mutual assistance



5. justice


6. responsibility

7. compassion.

– Do you like the flower of friendship? Is friendship always the most important thing?

The teacher reads a poem.

Who believes fervently in friendship, who feels a shoulder next to you,

He will never fall, he will not be lost in any trouble,

And if he suddenly stumbles, a friend will help him get up,

A reliable friend will always lend a hand to him in trouble.

Rules of friendship (gift)

  1. Help, If you know how to do something yourself, teach it to a friend.
  2. Help me out If a friend is in trouble, help him as much as you can.
  3. Share.
  4. Stop it friend if he does something bad.
  5. Rejoice in your friends' successes.
  6. Know how to forgive.

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