Our historians: Pyotr Alekseevich Kropotkin. Our historians: Pyotr Alekseevich Kropotkin Training at the Suvorov Officer School

French Yearbook 1967

Starostin Evgeniy Vasilievich

A prominent specialist in the field of domestic and foreign archival studies and the history of social thought in Russia (populism, anarchism) of the late 19th – early 20th centuries.

Doctor of Historical Sciences, professor, academician of the Moscow Aviation Institute, UNESCO expert (1984).

From 1992 to 1996 he was the elected director of the Historical archival institute RSUH.

For more than 20 years he has been acting as head of the Department of History and Organization of Archival Affairs, and currently heads the Center for Archival Research.

Under his leadership, 22 specialists from Russia, Bulgaria, Mongolia, Ukraine, the USA, Azerbaijan, and China defended their PhD theses.

One of the initiators of the creation Russian society historians-archivists. Permanent member of the executive committee. Chairman of the section "Archives of Russian Orthodox Church".

As a visiting professor, he traveled and gave lectures at universities in Russia, Ukraine (1998, 2000), Belarus (1999), Belgium (1988), USA (1991) and France (2003) - Sorbonne School of Charters.

Some publications:
Source studies and archival studies: controversial issues // Source studies and historiography in the world of humanitarian knowledge. Reports and theses of the XIV scientific conference. Moscow, April 18-19, 2002. M., 2002. P. 51-60.
Arch-revelation. Archaeography. Dzhereloznastvo. Interdisciplinary collection of scientific works. Issue 5. Archival source study. Kyiv. 2002. pp. 172-177.
Quantitative changes in documents stored by archives // Archives of Russia at the turn of the century: Changing Russia and Russian archives at the turn of the century. Proceedings of the conference March 1-2, 2001 M., 2002. P.40-42
Documents on the history of Jews in the archives of Belarus // Guide. – Minsk, 2003. member of the editorial board, partly compiler, co-author.
Approximate program of the discipline General history of archives of the Federal component of the cycle OPD GOS VPO of the second generation in specialty 020800 “Historical and archival studies” // Historical and archival studies. Specialty 020800: State educational standard higher vocational education And sample programs disciplines of the federal component (cycles of general professional disciplines and specialty disciplines) / Responsible. ed. V.V. Minaev. Moscow, 2003. pp. 391 - 440. Russian State University for the Humanities
Appeal from P.A. Kropotkin to the Ukrainian people // Memos Archaeographical Izorichnik. 2003. T. 4. pp. 180-184.
Archival source study: terminological disputes. // Archives on the XXI Way of Starogodzia: history, spadchyna, such reality. Minsk, 2003. pp. 58-62
P.A. Kropotkin - historian of Russia // International scientific conference dedicated to the 160th anniversary of the birth of P.A. Kropotkin. Reports. St. Petersburg, 2003.
About periodization world history archives // Problems of the history of archaeology of Ukraine Before the 100th year of the XII Archaeological 3" edition. 25-26 June 2002. Kharkov, 2003.
Archival and source studies: untapped resources. // Culture of historical memory. Conference materials. Petrozavodsk, 2003. pp. 202-212.
What did Prince P.A. keep silent about? Kropotkin in “Notes of a Revolutionary” // Russian genealogist. 2004. No. 1(3) P. 34-39.
Archives of the Russian Orthodox Church (X – XX centuries) // Bulletin of the Archivist. 2004. No. 3-4 (81-82). pp. 313 – 326.
Secret writing (what is useful for an archivist to know) // Domestic archives. 2004. No. 5. P. 26-33.
Anniversary of A.D. Stepansky // Domestic archives. 2004. No. 6. P. 135.
Impressions of the Congress participants (XV International Congress of Archives). Speech by E.V. Starostina. // Domestic archives. 2004. No. 5. P. 15 – 16.
Secret writing in the system of source knowledge. // People and power: historical sources and research methods. Materials of the XVI scientific conference. Moscow. January 30-31, 2004. M., 2004. P. 36-43.
Secret writing in the system of archival knowledge. // Network of archival references for document knowledge. Kiev. 2004. T. 12. P. 241 – 248.
Two revolutions, two destinies of archives. // New Literary Review. M., 2005.

Evgeny Vasilyevich Starostin's mother, Maria Petrovna Mikhailova, a doctor by profession, was the daughter of the famous Moscow children's doctor Pyotr Petrovich Mikhailov, and graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of Moscow State University.

From the autobiographical essay of E.V. Starostin: “Grandfather Petr Petrovich Mikhailov treated residents of all four Meshchansky streets of Moscow. He was invited home more than once by V. Bryusov, he visited Gilyarovsky and the cartoonist Denis, who was his close friend. And when he died in the spring of 1936, the funeral procession stretched from St. Olga’s Hospital, which was hidden in Kapelsky Lane, to the Pyatnitsky Cemetery.”

In the early 1930s, Maria Petrovna Starostina was sent to work in the south of the Urals. In Magnitogorsk, she married Vasily Nikolaevich Starostin, an active builder of Magnitogorsk, who was sent to this construction site on a party ticket and became the chairman of the trade union committee. In 1931, their eldest son Nikolai was born, and in 1935 in Sol-Iletsk - Evgeniy.


Childhood and youth

Maria Petrovna, extremely busy with work in military hospitals, enrolled her sons in the newly opened Suvorov schools. In 1945-1956, Evgeniy Vasilyevich studied at the North Caucasus Suvorov Officer School, and he retained a grateful memory of whose teachers and friendly relations with fellow students for the rest of his life.

Training at the Suvorov Military School

From the memoirs of E.V. Starostin “Needless to say, the first two years of schooling (from 1943 to 1945) at a Moscow school did not give me anything. The teachers fainted from hunger, the school froze in winter, and we scoured the outskirts of Moscow in the hope of profiting from something somewhere. The direct opposite was life and study at the Suvorov Military School. Excellent teachers were invited to teach neglected children. Myself educational process was carefully planned so that maturing organisms were given time to move around, play football, siskin, gorodki, etc. And when ballroom dancing, music, singing and horse riding lessons were also introduced, we were in seventh heaven. Today's school, where teachers, instead of demonstrating chemical experiments, force them to rewrite the periodic table, instead of teaching girls to sew and embroider, dictate entire pages about the properties of fabrics, instead of studying botany and zoology in nature, they are forced to draw endless petals and stamens, it seems to me, are almost a madhouse.

I was not a brilliant student, because I didn’t feel like I had a military bone in me, and I spent all my free time on sports, drawing, which I was interested in since the sixth or seventh grade. At the same time, however, logic and history were my favorite subjects. History teacher M. F. Polyakov, who received our nickname Gnaeus Pompey, reproduced the events of the past so colorfully that we got used to the images of the heroes, imitating them and defending their values. For example, in the military confrontation between Athens and Sparta, I was on the side of the Athenian democrats and fought with the Spartans, who for some reason were in the minority in the class.”

In senior Suvorov classes and at the officer school, Evgeniy Vasilyevich studied with interest, participated a lot in sports competitions in athletics, handball and boxing, in which cadet Starostin received the first category and took first place in North Ossetia. The school instilled in him not only a love of sports, but also conscious patriotism, iron discipline and organizational talent.

Service in the Armed Forces and choice of profession

Having finished military school One of the first, Lieutenant E.V. Starostin chose the Far East as his place of service. But even the beauty of nature, service alongside fellow students and active sports did not brighten up a military career that was too monotonous for his lively and sharp mind. Platoon commander E.V. Starostin served for two years and retired from armed forces in the summer of 1958, taking advantage of the “stupid”, in his own assessment, reduction of the armed forces under Khrushchev. “The body, freed for a long time from intellectual stress, urgently demanded spiritual food,” E. V. Starostin explained his decision in his autobiography.

The multi-talented young officer could have chosen a medical path, which his family and friends insisted on, but he submitted documents to the Moscow art school in memory of 1905, and, on the advice of one of my friends, to the Historical and Archival Institute. Having withstood a very high competition, Evgeniy Vasilyevich entered the Moscow State Institute of Arts and Sciences.

“The day when I saw my name on the list of applicants behind the glass of the front door became the happiest in my life. “Everything that came next: defenses, diplomas, candidate’s and doctoral theses were taken rather for granted,” admitted E. V. Starostin in an interview with the newspaper of the Russian State University for the Humanities “Auditoria” in 2007.

Study at MGIAI and the beginning of a teaching and scientific career (1958-1972)

Study at MGIAI (1958-1964)

In an effort to make up for, as it seemed to him, the time “lost” for education, Evgeniy Vasilyevich entered the French-language department at the same time as the Faculty of Archival Studies Faculty of Education Higher five-year courses foreign languages. Like many classmates, he attended with interest for some time the first-year lectures at the Faculty of History of Moscow State University, but the teaching style at MGIAI turned out to be more in tune with his intellectual needs.

Studying at MGIAI and studying French satisfy the intellectual hunger that previously tormented him and awaken in him interest in serious studies in science. The decisive factor, in the opinion of Evgeniy Vasilyevich himself, was his meeting with the outstanding lecturer Sigurd Ottovich Schmidt, a collector of young talents and a brilliant source scholar, and participation in the work of his student circle of source studies of Russian history.

At the same time, student E. Starostin attends, together with V. Muravyov, E. Shveikovskaya, I. Belenkiy, a circle on Western European education with Faina Abramovna Kogan-Bernstein. Quite naturally, two areas of his scientific interests combined in diploma work on a very “inconvenient” topic “P. A. Kropotkin as a historian of the Great French Revolution.” Interest in Kropotkin, the founder of Russian theoretical anarchism and a humanist, in those years seemed inappropriate and ideologically suspicious.

As evidenced by the minutes of one of the party meetings preserved in the MGIAI archive, student Starostin was even reprimanded for his persistence in defending the right to study at the TsGAOR in the P. A. Kropotkin Foundation. In this situation, not only the ability acquired by E. V. Starostin at the institute to defend his principles and beliefs was revealed, but also the courage to choose and develop “dangerous” and “borderline” research topics, based not on the dominant ideology, but solely on the scientific interest of the problem.

Thanks to his excellent knowledge of French, Evgeniy Vasilievich had the opportunity to work for just over a year as a translator for a group of Soviet geologists in Guinea. The diploma under the leadership of S. O. Schmidt was defended by E. V. Starostin in 1964 and was awarded on October 26, 1965 with a Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Higher education.

It was at the institute that Evgeniy Vasilyevich met his wife, an excellent student who studied two years earlier than him, Inna Pavlovna Smirnova, who shared his passion for the profession and all his concerns over the course of 49 years of marriage.

Beginning of teaching and scientific career

After working for a year as an assistant at the USSR Ministry of Higher Education (during this period he joined the ranks of the CPSU), E. V. Starostin moved to teaching at (MADI), where, working as an associate professor, and then head of the department at the faculty foreign citizens, for almost 10 years he lectured them on Russian history in French.

At the same time, E. V. Starostin studied in correspondence graduate school and prepared a candidate’s dissertation on the topic “Sources about the life and work of P. A. Kropotkin (from the history of Russian social thought of the late 19th - early 20th centuries).”

Since 1966, the young scientist has published several articles on the state of the education, science and culture systems in the Republic of Mali, then on the archives of Laos, the USA, France and other countries. His work was noticed because, without the notorious “language barrier” and relying on personal experience in a number of foreign countries, he accurately diagnosed the weak and strong points of national archival systems.

Therefore, it is not surprising that during the defense of her candidate’s dissertation “Sources on the life and work of P. A. Kropotkin...” in May 1972, N. V. Brzhostovskaya invited E. V. Starostin to continue reading her course “archives and archival work in foreign countries” "at the Historical and Archival Institute.

“I can’t say that the history of archival work attracted me very much. I considered myself as a historian of Russian social thought, Russian populism, and anarchism. But later, in this area of ​​knowledge, I discovered extremely interesting topics, the study of which required deep education and source study skills. In the field of foreign archival studies, I focused on the study of historiography, foreign archival Russia, and theoretical problems of archival theory." .Wrote E. V. Starostin in his autobiography in March 2011.

Work at the Historical and Archival Institute (1973-2011)

In January 1973, E.V. Starostin returned to his alma mater as a teacher. Thus began his career as a specialist in the field of foreign historical and archival studies.

E.V. Starostin recalled that in the second half of the 1970s, A.V. Khrabrovitsky helped A.I. Solzhenitsyn collect historical materials, and attracted him to this work: “I remember that at his request I made two or three extracts about P. A. Kropotkin, P. I. Palchinsky, V. V. Borov, who were sent to Vermont to Solzhenitsyn.”

In 1978, E.V. Starostin completed a three-month International Archival Course at the French Archives Administration. In 1981, he became the head of the Department of History and Organization of Archives at the Institute of Archives of the Russian State University for the Humanities and laid the foundations of its modern scientific and pedagogical school. In 1984 he worked as a UNESCO expert in Laos, and in 1988 he gave a series of lectures at universities in Belgium. Studying and working abroad allowed him to get acquainted not only with outstanding Western archivists, but also with the actual state of affairs in foreign archives, and provided rich material for his doctoral dissertation on foreign archival studies.

Although history became his profession, Evgeniy Vasilyevich did not give up painting and drawing. In the 1980s he found time to visit the art studio in the House of Scientists, he had small exhibitions. Reproductions of several of his works will become illustrations for his book “Archives of the Russian Orthodox Church”

The doctoral dissertation was almost ready when the outbreak of Perestroika posed problems for the department, institute and archival industry, from which Evgeniy Vasilyevich could not remain aloof. He did a lot both as one of the leading experts in the field of archival legislation and archival restitution, and as a defender of the “unprofitable” industry from hasty management decisions.

He was one of the founders of ROIA, and the only elected director of the Historical and Archival Institute (1992-1996). Despite the enormous social workload, he was active in teaching and scientific work: in 1992 he received the title of professor, and in 1995 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Foreign archival studies: problems of history, theory and methodology.”

Resignation from the post of director allowed him to immerse himself in scientific and teaching work, the results of which are impressive: in addition to more than 200 publications, we also mention the systematic analysis and selection of the best from the scientific arsenal of world archival science to serve Russian archival education and the archival industry, and a significant contribution to the professional culture of 47 issues of the IAI, finally, about periodizations actively used in Russia and neighboring countries, terms, principles for assessing the work of archives, about the theoretical justification and explanation in various authorities of the need for restitution of archives of several European countries that fell into the territory of the USSR during the Second World War, about the creation from scratch in “archival Russia” - a branch of archival history that studies what materials on the history of our Motherland are stored in foreign storage facilities and why. E.V. Starostin lectured not only at his Alma Mater, but also at several universities near and far abroad. Thanks to his global reputation as an expert and the strong team he assembled, the IOAD department has established strong professional ties with the French School of Charters (B. Delmas), with archivists from Ukraine (I. Matyash) and Belarus (M. Shumeiko) and the USA (F. Blouin) , the International Council of Archives and has become one of the recognized centers of archival thought in the post-Soviet space. About his professional credo, which allowed, despite the Iron Curtain, to establish a school for the study of foreign archival studies and archival comparative studies at MGIAI, and then to preserve this school in the conditions of the collapse of the USSR and allow all new, post-Soviet archival doctrines to conduct a dialogue on its material and intellectual space, E V. Starostin said in an interview with the RSUH newspaper “Audience” in 2007:

“Like any person, I have basic principles that I adhere to, willingly or unwillingly. Firstly, we must work honestly. On its slope professional activity I can say that I will not give up a single line that I wrote, even while still a student. There were, of course, certain ideological twists, but I tried to stay away from them and tried to work in a positive way.

Secondly, the historian must work with sources. History that is not written on the basis of a wide range of sources is politicized or opportunistic (even worse) history. Any history must be written on the basis of archival documents, and the deeper the researcher enters the archival world, the wider the coverage of sources, the more perfect the methodology, the closer he will be to the truth. I’m not a classical positivist, I’m just trying to start by adhering to the principle: “no source - no history.”

In recent months, Evgeny Vasilyevich Starostin has been preparing for publication an International Guide to the Archives of the Russian Orthodox Church stored in Ukraine, Belarus and Russia. This joint publication took about two decades of work in the repositories of ten countries in Europe, America and Asia. On March 16, 2011, at the V All-Russian Congress of the Russian Society of Historian-Archivists, E. V. Starostin made a report “On introducing amendments and additions to the Charter of the All-Russian public organization"Russian Society of Historians and Archivists."

He passed away after a busy day at work on March 23, 2011. He was buried at the Khovanskoye Cemetery in Moscow.

Scientific heritage

The scientific heritage of E.V. Starostin includes more than 200 works: articles, reports, collections of documents, of which over 15 monographs are in Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, French, German, Walloon, and English.

“I consider the most useful of my works to be the textbook published jointly with T. S. Volkova and T. I. Khorkhordina on Russian archives. (DVD) Part of which was published as a separate monograph. And I consider the article included in the textbook “Archives of the Russian Orthodox Church” (2011) - “The Bible and Archives” as the most significant of my scientific heritage.” , - wrote E.V. Starostin in his autobiography on March 14, 2011.

Teaching activity 1973-2011 at the Historical and Archival Institute

37 graduates of MGIAI, and these are thousands of graduate students, hundreds of graduate students, dozens of candidates and doctors of science - listened to his lectures and took advice, worked under his scientific guidance. He taught the basic course “General History of Archives”, as well as lecture courses “Foreign Archival Russia”, “History of the Archives of the Russian Orthodox Church” (at the Institute of Archives of the Russian State University for the Humanities and in 2003-2009 at the Faculty of History of the Orthodox St. Tikhon’s Humanitarian University), “ History of archives in France”, “Organizational and legal basis for the activities of international archival organizations”.

The textbook by E. V. Starostin “Foreign Archival Studies” went through three lifetime editions. He received the title of professor in 1992. Together with his students T. S. Volkova, T. I. Khorkhordina and E. V. Starostin, he prepared the urgently needed textbook “Archives of Russia: History and Modernity”

Evgeniy Vasilyevich put a lot of effort into opening new specializations at the Department of IoAD:

  • in 1991 - “Jewish languages, culture, texts and archives”

The preparation of the specialization in the archives of the Russian Orthodox Church, conceived by Professor Starostin, continues with its transformation in the future into a specialization in “church archives”.

As a visiting professor, E.V. Starostin lectured at universities in Russia, as well as at universities in Ukraine (1998, 2000), Belarus (1999), Belgium (1988), USA (1991, as well as at the Sorbonne and the School of Charters in France ( 2003).

In 1981, having become the head of the Department of History and Organization of Archives, E. V. Starostin laid the foundations of a modern scientific and pedagogical school of the Department of IOAD FAD IAI RSUH. He widely used a comparative approach in studying the theory, methodology and practice of archival science in different countries and eras. As a specialist in source studies, E. V. Starostin began to introduce methods of classical source studies when studying the history of archival affairs. .

On September 12, 2006, the Academic Council of the Russian State University for the Humanities awarded Evgeniy Vasilyevich Starostin the title of Honored Professor of the Russian State Humanitarian University, noting with the presentation of a certificate and badge his many years of work in training specialists in demand in the archival industry and beyond.

Ideas scientific school E.V. Starostin was reflected in the works of his students, more than 25 of whom became candidates under his leadership, and three also became doctors of science, specializing in the following topics: Russian archival studies - T.I. Khorkhordina, T.S. Volkova; church archival studies - G. P. Gorkavaya, A. V. Popov, A. Menshikov; foreign archival Russian literature - A. V. Popov, R. Byalkin, A. Zakatov, O. Obodova, V. Hitterer (USA); theoretical problems of foreign archival studies - T. S. Volkova, E. A. Kalsina, V. Prozorova (France), N. N. Bendik (Khabarovsk), etc. Under the scientific guidance of E. V. Starostin, specialists not only from Russia, but also from Ukraine, Bulgaria, Mongolia, Azerbaijan, China, and the USA, which contributed to strengthening the role of the Historical and Archival Institute as one of the centers for the development of archival science.

Scientific activity at IAI 1973-2011

Evgeny Vasilyevich Starostin personified the continuity of many generations of Russian historical and archival studies: he himself considered himself to be in the school of S. O. Schmidt, F. A. Kogan-Bernstein and A. V. Khrabrovitsky. In the field of foreign archival science, he continued the traditions of I. I. Lyubimenko and N. V. Brzhostovskaya, boldly and originally developing the legacy of his teachers, he set tasks for Russian archival science of a completely new scale and direction, and managed to successfully solve many of them.

E.V. Starostin was the first to apply classical methods in the study of the legislative, regulatory framework, scientific reference apparatus and other sources on the history of archival affairs. In their scientific works and lectures E.V. Starostin introduced Soviet archivists to the latest theoretical and practical developments of foreign archivists (T. Schellenberg, H. Jenkinson, R. A. Botier, etc.). Realizing how necessary a thorough study of the historiography of the subject is for the development of archival science, E. V. Starostin wrote a course of lectures on the foreign historiography of archival science, which was published in 1986 as a textbook. And only after developing all the current problems of the historiography of foreign archival studies, E. V. Starostin began research methodological problems history of archives and archival science.

In 1990, the scientist published the most important articles on the periodization of the history of archives, speaking as an opponent of such major theorists of Western archival science as A. Brenneke, R. A. Beautier, historian and head of the archival industry in France J. Favier.

“..Note that neither German nor French historians were able to identify a single principle of classification and thereby comply with the laws of formal logic. For both, the history of the archives is tied to the history of their countries; they did not have enough “foreign material” to create a universal design applicable to other regions of the world. Is it even possible to identify a single principle that will serve as the basis for the periodization of archives? We believe so. Such a principle, in our opinion, can serve as the functions of archives considered in retrospect, the degree of their development, practical content, compliance with historically established norms...”

The advantage of the periodization proposed by E.V. Starostin was not only in its construction on one basis, but also in its universal nature, applicability for the study of archives of any era and any socio-political context.

The scientist’s works on the origin and conceptualization of the principle of origin, which underlies stock classifications, based on the history of European archives, have received international recognition. Paradoxically, modern French archival historians knew less about the “principle of respect for the fund” and about the history of archives during the French Revolution than Professor Starostin.

The collapse of the USSR and the division of the Soviet historical and cultural heritage, as well as international discussions on the problems of cultural property displaced during the Second World War, allowed E. V. Starostin to prove himself as the largest Russian specialist in the field of archival restitution.

His works on the theory, methodology and terminology of archival science had a significant influence on the study of Russian archival science. Together with his student T.I. Khorkhordina in the 90s. E.V. Starostin gives a new reading of the decree on the reorganization and centralization of archival affairs dated June 1, 1918, adopted by the Soviet government but prepared by Russian archivists during the First World War, showing in this work the remarkable skill of a source scientist.

E.V. Starostin actively studied the interdisciplinary connections of archival science, based on the material of both Russian and foreign archives. He was the first among Russian historians to propose a periodization of the history of archives, museums and libraries based on general criteria. Western Europe.

The developments of E. V. Starostin on the problems of the relationship between source studies and archival studies attracted the attention of scientists. He marked a new area scientific knowledge, located at the intersection of these two disciplines, conventionally calling it the term “archivology”.

By “archivology” E.V. Starostin understood the process of documenting all aspects of the life of society, which, according to his concept, is not unique in different regions of the world. Archivology, emerging at the intersection of source studies and archival science, identifies and studies the most important sets of sources on the history of archival affairs and archives: inventories, catalogues, guidebooks, files of funds, funds and collections themselves (namely schemes for their systematization), draft archival legislation and regulatory documents. In a broader sense, “archivology” goes beyond “archival source studies” itself, exploring all aspects of documenting human experience. Both sides of “archivology” are of exceptional importance for the correct reading of the source. It is extremely important for a historian to know, when approaching the coverage of a topic of interest to him, the development of principles for classifying documents in the archive or the forms and methods of selecting for storage the documents that he uses; he must be aware of all the movements that have ever occurred in the repository, how completely this or that set of documents has been preserved, what materials and for what reasons were transferred to other archives or were destroyed. Knowledge about the gaps in the country’s documentary chronicle is just as necessary for a correct reconstruction of the past as information about the presence of written evidence.

E. V. Starostin’s studies of theoretical and methodological problems of archival science were distinguished at the same time by the depth of understanding fundamental problems and a keen practical orientation. An analysis of archive management in several countries led E.V. Starostin to the conclusion that it is necessary to introduce double indicators for accounting for archival funds, both in storage units (the intellectual dimension of the archive necessary for processing and using funds) and in running meters (the material dimension of the archive, important for economics of archiving).

E.V. Starostin gave many valuable practical recommendations to industry specialists and conducted a number of practical studies: he participated in the preparation and publication of a series of guidebooks “Documents on the history of the Jewish people in the archives of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus” (3 volumes were published), and in the preparation of the guidebook on the archives of the Russian Orthodox Church, for the publication of which the blessing of the Patriarch was received, as well as in the preparation, jointly with the School of Charters, of a guide to the history of Franco-Russian relations. On April 24, 2010, Evgeniy Vasilyevich was awarded the A.L. Shanyavsky Prize for outstanding contribution to the development of fundamental scientific research in area humanities for 2009

Organizational and social work 1981-2011

In 1981, E.V. Starostin was appointed head of the Department of History and Archival Organization. He had to look for new forms of work and new approaches to teaching, as well as attract new teachers to the department to replace the departing veterans. Thanks to him, despite the collapse of the USSR and its archival industry, the department of IOA remained a center uniting scientists from different regions of Russia and the CIS countries, who adhere to related principles both theoretically and practically.

E.V. Starostin was one of the initiators of the creation in November 1990 of the Russian Society of Historian-Archivists, a permanent member of its executive committee and Chairman of the section “Archives of the Russian Orthodox Church”.

In 1990, E.V. Starostin created the Center for Archival Research at the Department of IoAD, where, under his leadership, three scientific projects were developed: foreign archival Russian studies, archives of the Russian Orthodox Church and documents on the history of the Jewish people in the archives of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Monographs and volumes of guidebooks were published in all areas, including a series of archival guidebooks “Documents on the history and culture of Jews in the archives of Russia”, appreciated by scientists around the world.

On his initiative, in 1992, the publication of “Proceedings of the Institute of AI of the Russian State University for the Humanities” was resumed.

E.V. Starostin was a member of the “Church Archives” section of the International Council of Archives, and in 1992-1996 also a member of the ISA “Professional Education” section.

In the difficult and troubled transition years associated with the inclusion of the IAI in the structure of the Russian State University for the Humanities, E. V. Starostin was elected director of the IAI and headed it from 1992 to 1996. His integrity, ability to defend his position and talent for communication and persuasion made him, almost beyond his will, the leader of the “professorial front”, where, side by side with him, the integrity of the institute was defended by V. A. Muravyov, A. D. Stepansky and other graduates of MGIAI, who became its teachers. Having, together with the official directorship, also taken on this enormous responsibility for the preservation of the scientific and pedagogical school of the IAI in the fullness of its unique traditions, he gained the respect of opponents in the process of creating the Russian State University for the Humanities, not to mention the boundless love and gratitude of teachers, students, graduates and everyone who cared about the institute.

Thanks to his dedication, the Institute retained its integrity and unique teaching staff, correspondence and evening education at IAI did not disappear, and the Faculty was practically created anew technotronic archives, the Faculty of Documentation Science was returned, the courses of basic special and archival disciplines were retained in full, the Institute retained the right to write an educational standard for the specialty “historian-archivist”.

After leaving the post of director, Evgeniy Vasilievich continued to head the department of IOAD, the Center for Archival Research and actively participate in the work of ROIA. He was a member of the Academic Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Academic Council of the Museum of Moscow, the Academic Council of the RGASPI, the Academic Council of the Archives of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Geographical Society of Russia, as well as a member of the dissertation council for the defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations in the specialty of the Higher Attestation Commission 05. 25. 02. “Documentary Studies” , document management, archival science."

He took an active part in the reforms of the archival industry and archival legislation of Russia, and was an active participant in the discussion of the Federal Law of October 22, 2004 No. 125-FZ “On Archiving in the Russian Federation.”

Archive administrations are not lifelong owners of documents. They are temporary custodians of the national archival property, responsible for its preservation before society, the law, God, and only then - before the state.

Chronological index of works (incomplete in part 2008-2011)

  1. Public education in the Republic of Mali // Abstracts. report XXIV scientific research conf. MADI. M., 1966. P.6 - 9.1968
  2. On the history of P. A. Kropotkin’s study of the Great French Revolution // French Yearbook for 1966, M., 1968. P. 293-303.
  3. Technique sociological research// Abstracts of the report. XXVI scientific-research conference. MADI. M., 1968. S. 31 - 32. 1970
  4. About the meetings of V.I. Lenin and P.A. Kropotkin // Archive yearbook for 1968. M., 1970. P.225 - 229.
  5. Conversation between V. I. Lenin and P. A. Kropotkin about cooperation // Abstracts of the report. XXVIII scientific. - research conf. MADI. M., 1970. S. 22.1971
  6. K. Liebknecht and pamphlet by P. A. Kropotkin // Prometheus. M., 1971.T.8. P.210 - 211
  7. Peasant community in the ideology of revolutionary populism // Abstracts of reports. XXIX scientific. - research conf. MADI. M., 1971. P. 14.
  1. Sources about the life and work of P. A. Kropotkin (From the history of Russian social thought late XIX-XX c.) Abstract. dis. Ph.D. ist.nauk M., 1972. 27 p.
  2. A. Kropotkin and his “Program of Revolutionary Propaganda” // ISSR. M., 1972. N 1. P. 134 - 138.1973
  3. Archive of P. A. and A. A. Kropotkin //ZOR GBL. M., 1973. N 34.S.5 - 70 (jointly with L.V. Gapochko)
  4. System, level and organization of teaching history in colleges and lyceums of the Republic of Mali // Abstracts of reports. XXXI scientific - research conf. MADI M., 1973. P.14 - 15.1974
  5. Pseudonyms of P. A. Kropotkin //SA. M., 1974. N 6. P. 85 - 86.
  6. Course program “Foreign Archeography” // S.M., 1974. N 3. P.104-105
  1. P. A. Kropotkin (Materials for the biography) Edited by prof. V. E. Illeritsky M., 1975. 213 p. (rotaprint)
  1. Guide to the US National Archives // SA. M., 1976. P.100 - 102 (together with G.I. Korolev).
  2. F. A. Kogan - Bernstein (obituary) // SA. M., 1976. P. 118 (without signature)
  3. Garmash V.N. Archiving in the United States of America. M., 1976. 57 p.
  1. F. A. Kogan - Bernstein (1899-1976) (obituary) // SV. Vol. 41.M., 1977. P.424 (without signature)
  1. Presidential libraries in the system of the US Archive Service // CA. M., 1978. N 6. P. 78 - 86 (jointly with T. S. Kabochkina)
  1. P. A. Kropotkin The Great French Revolution. Comp., part.trans.aut.vtsup.st.,comment.,indicator. Joint with V. M. Dalin and A. V. Gordon. M., 1979. 575 p.
  2. Right there. Taine on the French Revolution. pp. 455-467.
  3. International archival courses //CA. M., 1979. N 1. P. 74 - 77 (jointly with I.P. Medvedev)
  1. Archives of modern France // Fr. Yearbook for 1978. M., 1980. P.233 - 246.
  2. XVI international Conference“round table” of archives // Questions of criticism of the methodology and theory of bourgeois archival science. M., 1980. S. 153-164.
  3. Methodological problems of the history of archival affairs in modern French archival science // Ibid. P.110 - 119 (under the pseudonym E. V. Mikhailov)
  4. P. A. Kropotkin. Bibliographer. index of printed works, review of bibliography. funds and unpublished materials. In 2 vols. M., 1980. 249 p.
  1. Program for the course “Archives and archival work in foreign countries” M., 1981. 73 p.
  2. Medical instructions for the course “Archives and archival work abroad” Sverdlovsk, 1981 14 p. (Jointly with V. A. Chudinovskikh)
  1. Historical and Revolutionary Memorial Museum of P. A. Kropotkin // Great October and non-proletarian parties. Kalinin. 1982. P. 195 - 202
  2. Kropotkin Pjotr ​​A. Die Grosse Franzosische Revolution 1789-1783. Bd. I 349 S; Bd. 2. 387 S. (Introductory article, commentary jointly with A.V. Gordon)
  3. To go the extreme route (about materials on the history of the USSR located abroad) LG. 1982 dated May 5.
  4. Meeting dedicated to the centenary of A. A. Shilov //SA. M., 1982. N 1. P. 92.
  5. Archival work in Western European countries by the beginning of the 20th century and the emergence of international cooperation //CA. M., 1982. N 3. P. 67 - 75.
  6. Ed. Sorokin V.V. Archives of USSR institutions (1917-1937) M., 107 p.
  1. P. A. Kropotkin. Letters from Eastern Siberia. Irkutsk 1983. M., 1983.192 p. (Compiled, introductory article, commentary jointly with V. A. Markin)
  2. Development of international cooperation of archivists (1918-1939) // SA. M., 1983. N 2. S. 66 - 71.
  3. Social functions of archives // SA M., 1983. N 3. P. 92.
  4. Archiving in foreign countries: Method. Decree. Sverdlovsk, 1983. 46 p. (jointly with V. A. Chudinovskikh).
  5. Development of international archival cooperation before the Second World War: Textbook. Pos. M., 1983. 55 p. (rec. S. O. Schmidt // SA M., 1984. N 5. P. 71 - 72)
  6. Ed. Sorokin V.V. Departmental archives of the USSR 1938-1959. M., 1983. 67 p.
  1. Speech by I. N. Myshkin. On the issue of authorship // Historiography and source studies of archival affairs in the USSR M., 1984. P.165 - 177
  2. Preface // Ibid. P.3-4.
  3. Anarchists. At a crossroads; in the arms of counter-revolution // Non-proletarian parties in Russia: lessons from history. M., 1984. P.409 - 412, 473-477
  4. Rec. Utopian socialism in Russia: Reader. / Comp. A. I. Volodin, B. M. Shakhmatov. M., 1985. // SB. M., 1987. N 3. P. 76 - 77
  5. Rec.: Called by the Revolution (Saikin O. German Lopatin) M., 1983 // Koms. Is it true. 1984. 14 Aug.
  6. Archiving in France. M.: MGIAI, 1984. 76 p.
  7. Ed.: Archival studies and archeography: Course program. M., 1984, 31 p.
  8. Ed. Sorokin V.V. United departmental archives of the USSR. M., 1984. 68 p.
  9. Rec. In the book: Researcher's Handbook: Archives, Libraries, Researchers. Lvov, 1983 // SB. 1984. N 5. P. 70. (Joint with V.V. Krylov)
  1. The Great French Revolution by P. A. Kropotkin 100 years // Book " Memorable dates"M., 1985. P. 210.
  2. P. A. Kropotkin The Great French Revolution. Comp., part.trans.automatic entry,comment.,indication. Joint with V. M. Dalin and A. V. Gordon. M., 1979. 575 pp. (in Bulgarian)
  3. Soviet archivist in Laos //SA. M., 1985. N 2.. P.95.
  4. Western European historiography of archival science (end of the 19th - first third of the 20th century). // SA. M., 1985.N 3. P.70-77.
  5. Problems of replenishing the State Archive of the USSR with documents from abroad // Materials of the All-Union. scientific pract. conf. Current issues of improving archival science in a developed socialist society. M., 1985. S. 30 - 34.
  6. Ed.: History and organization of archival affairs in the USSR: Course program. M., 1985. 56 p.
  7. Ed.: Archives of the CPSU: Course program /comp. V. E. Korneev. M., 1985. 22 p.
  8. Ed.: Departmental archives of the USSR. 1959-1980 / Comp. V.V. Sorokin. M., 1985. 76 p.
  1. Foreign bourgeois historiography of archival studies: Educational pos. M., 1986. 82 p.
  2. Rec. Archival work in the GDR: theory and practice: Textbook. / Ch. ed. B.Brahman. Berlin, 1984 // SA. M., 1986. N 6. P. 76 - 79. (Collaborated with V.I. Durnovtsev).
  3. Editor: Dremina G. A. Central state archives during the period of developed socialism. M., 1986. 45 p.
  4. Ed.: Samoshenko V.N. Historical archives of pre-revolutionary Russia: Educational pos. M., 1986. 246 p.
  5. Ed.: Korneev V. E. Local bureaus of the Istpart of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks: Creation of the historical-party. Sciences. 1920-1929. M., 1986. 81 p.
  1. Rec.: Utopian socialism in Russia: Reader / Comp. A. I. Volodin, B. M. Shakhmatov. M., 1985 // SB. M., 1987. N 3. P. 76 - 77.
  1. Documents on the history of the peoples of the USSR in foreign archives. M.: VNIIDAD. 1988. 76 p.
  2. Origin of the stock principle of document classification // SA. M., 1988. N 6. P. 18 - 28.
  3. Not historians for archives, but archives for historians // VI. M., 1988. N 12. pp. 175-176.
  1. Kropotkin reads Jaurès // French Revolution and Russia. Almanac. M., 1989 P.165 - 195 (jointly with A.V. Gordon)
  2. Same. in French language
  3. International archival organizations and their activities: Educational pos. M., 1989. 81 p.
  4. On the question of the boundaries of archival work and the responsibilities of archivists // Archives of the USSR: History and Modernity. M., 1989. P.10 - 17.
  5. Preface. // Ibid. P.3-.
  6. Ed.: // Ibid.
  1. A. L. Stanislavsky /obituary/ // SA M., 1990. N 3. P. 111.
  2. O. L.`Or // Russian writers 1800-1917: bibliogr. dictionary. T.2. M., 1990
  3. Discussion of the problem of access in foreign archival science //CA. M., 1990. N 5. P. 17 - 24.
  1. Archivology // Realism of historical thinking: Problems of the Fatherland. history of the period of feudalism. Readings, dedicated In memory of A. L. Stanislavsky: Abstract. Dokl. M., 1991, p. 249 72. Decree on archival affairs of 1912 // VI. M., 1991. N 7|8/ C. 41 - 53 (jointly with T. I. Khorkhordina)
  2. The same on him. language // Archivmiteilungen. N 2. S. 56 - 64
  3. The same in Flemish. language // Archives et bibliotheques de Belgique. T. LXII. N 1|2. P. 191-218
  4. Speech at the founding congress of the Russian Society of Historians and Archivists.// Vestn. Archivist. M., 1991. N I. P. 47 - 49
  5. About the draft charter of the Russian Society of Historians and Archivists //Vestn. Archivist. M., 1991. N 3 P. 67 - 69
  6. International Symposium on Archival Education // SA. M., 1991. N 1. S. 111-112
  7. /Interview with T.I. Bondareva/ What should a society of archivists be like? // SA. M., 1991. N 2. S. 28 - 31
  8. Review: V.N. Vinogradov, A.V. Dombrovskaya, A.P. Pshenichny and others. But they do not confirm Reality. Letter to the editor // OA. M., 1991. N 6. P. 108-112.
  9. Archives and archival science in foreign countries. Sverdlovsk, 1991. 88 p. (jointly with V. A. Chudinovskikh)
  1. Comp. Pyotr Alekseevich Kropotkin: Index of literature 1921-1992. M., 1992. 60 p. (jointly with I. Belenkiy)
  2. Entry Art.: The legacy of P. A. Kropotkin. Right there. pp. 3 - 8
  3. Anarchist organizations and movements // Essays on history political parties and movements of Russia Book. I. issue. 3. Rostov n/a; M., 1992. P.131 - 147
  4. / Afterword to the article / Tsaplin V.V. On the right of ownership of archival documents in diplomatic acts of pre-revolutionary and Soviet Russia // OA. M., 1992. N 4. P. 26 - 27.
  1. Archives of the period of the Great French Revolution // OA M., 1993. N 4. P. 92 - 99
  2. /Speech/ On the development of the Historical and Archival Institute of the Russian State University for the Humanities // Academic Council of the Russian State University for the Humanities (Jan.-June 1993) M., 1993. P. 72 - 74.
  3. Church archives of Russia (From the experience of creating a directory) // Vestn. Archivist M., 1993. N I (13) P. 96 - 100 (jointly with N. Yu. Sidorova)
  1. History of Russia in foreign archives: Textbook. Benefit. M.,: graduate School, 78 p.
  2. Foreign archives: Course program. M., 1994. 44 p.
  3. Decree of the 7th messidor of the 2nd year of the Republic (to the 200th anniversary of the Great French Revolution) // World of Source Studies: Sat. in honor of Sigurd Ottovich Schmidt. M.: Penza, 1994. P.252 - 257
  4. Dokl. to the International colloquium "Training of custodians of national heritage in Europe // La formation des conservateurs des biens culturels en Europe. Paris. 1994. P. 132-134
  5. Manuscript heritage of Mark Blok (1886-1944) // Scientific materials. - practical Conf.: Personal funds and collections - a source of preserving national memory. M., 1994. S. 77 - 78
  6. "Charter School" through the eyes Russian researchers// Control higher education: rus.fr. Conf.: Abstracts of reports. M., 1994. P.47 - 50
  7. Rec.: History of the Russian Orthodox Church in documents from regional archives of Russia. Abstract. Ref. Decree. M., 1993. 681 p. // OA. M., 1994 N 5. P. 126-127
  8. /Speech/ // Academic Council of the Russian State University for the Humanities (February-June 1994) M., 1994. pp. 126-127
  9. Ed.: History and organization of archival affairs. Course program M., 1994. 48 p. (compiled by T. S. Kabochkina, T. I. Khorkhordina, etc.)
  1. Foreign archival studies: problems of history, theory and methodology. Author's abstract. dis. Dr. History Sci. M., 1995. 34 p.
  2. Preface, commentary, text composition. Three months in a fascist prison (soldier’s memoirs) // OA. M., 1995. N 3. P. 71 - 86
  1. Preface, ed. // Tudy of the Historical and Archival Institute T.33. M., 1996. S. 5 - 6.
  2. Domestic historiography of foreign archival studies // Ibid. P.160 - 168
  3. Comp.: Jewish Documentary Sources in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus N.-Y.1996. 164 p. (jointly with V. B. Kior)
  4. XIII Int. congress of archives: impressions of participants // OA. M., 1996. N 5. P. 113-114
  1. Foreign archival studies: problems of history, theory and methodology M.: Russkiy Mir, 330 p. Entry Art., comp.: Documents on history and p.
  2. Entry Art., comp.: Documents on the history and culture of Jews in the archives of Moscow: Guide. M., 1997, 601 p.
  3. Museums and archives: stages of the path from the past to the present. In the book: History museums in the city's cultural system. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Museum of the History of Moscow. M., 1997. S. 30 - 33
  4. Section “Archives of the Russian Orthodox Church” // Bulletin of the Archivist M., 1997. N 3. P.
  5. Preface, commentary “The losses cannot be counted, they cannot be forgotten...” Notes of the Moscow doctor P. P. Mikhailov // IA. M., 1997. N 3. P. 78 - 90
  6. R.-A. Botier - 75 years old //OA. M., 1997. N 6. S.
  1. International Council of Archives: a journey of half a century // 50th anniversary of the formation of the International Council of Archives M., 1998 P. I −17
  2. International Council of Archives: a journey of half a century // Bulletin of the Archivist. M., 1998. N 3 (45) P. 23-37
  3. The same // Studios for archival research and document knowledge. Kyiv, 1998. T.3. P.37 - 56 (in Ukrainian)
  4. Archival studies in the professional training of archivists in Russia and France // Historians and archivists: cooperation in the preservation and knowledge of the past in the interests of the present and future. M., 1998. pp. 71 - 74
  5. To the 80th anniversary of the decree “On the reorganization and centralization of archival affairs in the RSFSR” // OA. M., 1998. N 2. P. 31-32.
  6. 100 years of the Dutch textbook on archival science // Bulletin of the Archivist. M., 1998. N 5 (47). WITH.
  7. From “Kept the Tsars” to the archive of the President of the Russian Federation // Nezavisimaya Gaz. 1998, July 25. N 134.
  8. The principle of origin in the domestic and French schools of archival studies // Historic krynitsy: problems of classification, learning and laying out. Minsk. 23 - 24 beauty 1998. P. 198 - 199.
  1. What language do we speak? // OA. M., 1999. N 3. P. 122 - 125.
  2. Methodology of the history of archives: periodization // Otech. archives.1999.No. 6.
  1. Du tresor des chartes d`Ivan le terrible aux Archives du President de Russie ou la recherche historique face a la pratique du secret d`Etat // Memoire et histoire: les etats europeens face aux droits des citoyens du XXI - eme siecle. Bucarest. 1998. Paris 2000. pp. 101-103.
  2. Ed.: Gorkavaya G.P. Archives of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Past and Present M., 2000. 51 p.
  3. Archival source studies, terminological disputes // Source studies and local history in Russian culture. M., 2000. WITH.
  4. Source studies and archival studies: facets of interaction.//Novgorod archive. Vestnik Vel. Novgorod. 2000. N 2. C.
  5. How the term “archival source study” was born // Document.-Archive-History. Sat.st. Ekaterinburg, 2000. S.
  1. Russian history. Methodological aspects of archival knowledge M., 2001. 48 p.
  2. M.K. Lyubavsky historian-archivist //OA. M., 2001. N I. S.
  3. Riga Peace Treaty with Poland and the problem of “archival restitution” // Materials of the international. Scientific-practical conference. "Foreign archival Russian literature. Results and prospects. Identification and return. M., 2001. P.
  4. Section of the CS ROIA "Archives of the Russian Orthodox Church// Bulletin of the Archivist. M., 2001. N 1(61). P.
  5. M.K. Lyubavsky (1860-1936) //Historians of Russia. Biographies. M., 2001. S. (jointly with A.V. Sidorov)
  6. Critics of the decree “On the Reorganization and Centralization of Archival Affairs in the RSFSR.” Abstracts of reports and communications Int. Scientific conf. M., May 23 - 24, 2001. // Archive fund of the Russian Federation: phenomenon, myths and reality M., 2001. P. 32 - 35.
  1. Source studies and archival studies: facets of interaction //Truda IAI M., 2002. T.34. (computer version.)
  2. Preface (jointly with T. I. Khorkhordina and A. D. Stepansky) / Ibid.
  3. Source studies and archival studies: development resources // Archival studies, source studies of national history. Interaction problems on modern stage. M., 2002. pp. 55 - 67.
  4. Quantitative measurements of documents stored by archives // Changing Russia and Russian archives at the turn of the century. M., 2002. P.40 - 42
  5. Lyudmila Markovna Zak //OA. M., 2002. N 1. P. 121 (under the pseudonym S. O. Schmidt)
  6. In memory of V. M. Dalin //French. yearbook for 2001. M., 2002. P.
  7. Source studies and archival studies: controversial issues // Source studies and historiography in the world of humanitarian knowledge. M., 2002. P.51-60
  8. What Prince P. A. Kropotkin kept silent about in “Notes of a Revolutionary” // Studios of Archival Records and Documentation. T.8. Kyiv, 2002. P.228 - 236
  9. Archival source study // Archivism. Archaeography. Dzhereloznastvo. Vip. 5. Kyiv, 2002. P.172 - 177
  1. Archival source study: terminological disputes // Archives on the XXI Way of Starogodzia: history, spadchyna, suchasnasts. Minsk, 2003. P.58-62
  2. Rizka peacefully, born in 1921: problems of archival restitution // Studies of archival information and document knowledge. T.9. Kyiv, 2003. P.163 - 166
  3. Appeal to P. A. Kropotkin to the Ukrainian people // Memos of the Archaeographic Shorichnik. T.4. Kiev, 2003. P. 180 - 184
  4. Periodization general history archives // Problems of history and archaeology of Ukraine. Kharkiv, 2003. P.210 - 214
  5. Archival source study: untapped resources // Culture of historical memory. Petrozavodsk, 2003. P.202-212
  6. Terminological intervention. In the book: Theoretical basis archeography from the perspective of modernity: materials of discussion. M., 2003. P 50 - 53
  7. Approximate program of the discipline General history of archives of the Federal component of the cycle OPD GOS VPO of the second generation in specialty 020800 “Historical and archival studies” // Historical and archival studies. Specialty 020800: State educational standard of higher professional education and sample programs of disciplines of the federal component (cycles general education disciplines and specialty disciplines) /Respons. Ed. V. V. Minaev. M., 2003. P.391-440.
  1. Anarchist model. In the book: Models of social reconstruction in Russia. XX century M., 2004. S.
  2. What Prince P. A. Kropotkin kept silent about in “Notes of a Revolutionary” // Russian genealogist. Almanac. M., 2004. N I (3). From 34 - 39.
  3. Secret writing in the system of source knowledge // People and power: historical sources and research methods M., 2004. pp. 36-43
  4. Secret writing. What is useful for an archivist to know // OA. M., 2004. N 5. P. 26-33
  5. History of the archives of the Russian Orthodox Church (X-XX centuries) // Bulletin of the Archivist M., 2004. N 3-4. (81-82). pp. 313-326
  6. XV International Congress of Archives. Impressions of the participants (E.V. Starostin) // OA. M., 2004. N 6. P.15-16
  7. Secret writing in the system of archival knowledge // Studios of archival knowledge of document knowledge. T.12. Kiev, 2004. P.241-247
  8. Anniversary of A.D. Stepansky // OA. M., 2004. N 6. P. 135
  1. Archives of the Russian Orthodox Church. In the book: Proceedings of the IAI. T.36.2005. P.20-29
  2. Preface. Right there. From 11-17
  3. Archival heritage of the Russian Orthodox Church // OA. M., 2005. N 4. P.31-38
  4. P. A. Kropotkin - historian of Russia. In the book: Pyotr Alekseevich Kropotkin and the problems of modeling the historical and cultural development of civilization. Materials of the international scientific conference St. Petersburg, 2005. From 10 to 21
  5. Two revolutions, two destinies of archives. In the book: New Literary Review. Institutes of our memory: Archives and libraries in modern Russia. M., 2005. N 74 (4). P.155-166.
  6. Archives of Russia (brief historical sketch) // Studio of archival records and document knowledge. T.13. Kiev, 2005. pp. 173-175
  7. Skapa Stefka Petkova // Archive pregled. Sofia, 2005. N 3-4. P.8
  8. The creative heritage of M. K. Lyubavsky and the problems of archival restitution / Documentary heritage on the history of Russian culture in domestic archives and abroad. International scientific and practical conference. Moscow, October 29-30, 2003. M., 2005. P.238-247
  9. Archival heritage of the Russian Orthodox Church // Bulletin of the Orthodox St. Tikhon Humanitarian University. II: I M., 2005. P.161-170
  1. Two revolutions, two destinies of archives. M.: RSUH, 2006. 120 p. (together with T. I. Khorkhordina)
  2. Same. (report) /Materials of the International Scientific Conference “Revolution and Archives”, April 19-20, 2006. Moscow State University. M., 2006.
  3. Album of N. A. Zalshupin in the National Library of France. // Domestic archives. 2006. N 1. P.54-56.
  1. Bible and archives //Unity of humanitarian knowledge: new synthesis. Materials of the XIX International Scientific Conference. Moscow January 25-27, 2007. M., 2007. P.29-41.
  2. The same // Office work. 2007. No. 1. P.13-19.
  3. The same //Domestic archives. 2007. No.4. P.33-41.
  4. Archives of the Russian Orthodox Church of the period Old Russian state (Kievan Rus// Office work. 2007. No. 3. pp. 108-115.
  5. Archives of the Russian Orthodox Church of the period feudal fragmentation and Horde TGA // Office work. 2007. No. 4. P.92-95.
  6. A. I. Komissarenko is 70 years old // Domestic archives. 2007.No. 4. P.140.
  1. Archives of the Russian Orthodox Church during the formation and development of the Moscow State (XIV-XVII centuries) / Evgeniy Vasilievich Starostin // Bulletin of the Russian State University for the Humanities. - 2008. - 2008; N 8. - pp. 214-222.
  2. Starostin, E. V. Archive of the Holy Synod of the 18th-20th centuries. // Office work. - 2008. - No. 3. - P. 102-104.
  1. Local archives of the Russian Orthodox Church (second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries) [Text] / E. V. Starostin. - // Office work. - 2009. - N 2. - P. 86 - 95.
  1. Starostin, E.V. Archives of the Russian Orthodox Church during the February and October revolutions (1917-1920) / E.V. Starostin // Records management. - 2010.- No. 2.- P. 105-110.
  2. Les sources de l'histoire de France en Russie: guide de recherche dans les archives d'État de la Fédération de Russie à Moscou (XVIe-XXe siècle)./ Delams B., Starostine E., Lanskoï G. Paris, 2010, 480 p.
  1. Starostin E.V. Archives of the Russian Orthodox Church: (X-XX centuries): Tutorial. M. RSUH 2011, 225 p.

Encyclopedias, encyclopedic dictionaries:

  1. Anarchists, P. A. Kropotkin, A. Ge./ Civil War and military intervention in Russia. Encyclopedia. M., 1983 (2nd ed. M., 1987)
  2. Anarchists, P. A. Kropotkin / Great October Socialist Revolution. Encyclopedia. M., 1985.
  3. Anarchism, P. A. Kropotkin / Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary. M., 1983. (2nd ed. M., 1989).
  4. Wikipedia

    Contents 1 1980 2 1981 3 1982 4 1983 5 1984 6 1985 ... Wikipedia

    This list presents in alphabetical order the Heroes of Socialist Labor who received the honorary title of Hero of Socialist Labor, whose last names begin with the letter “S”. The list contains information about years of life, type of activity... ... Wikipedia

    The Stalin Prize for outstanding inventions and fundamental improvements in production methods is a form of encouragement for citizens of the USSR for significant services in the technical development of Soviet industry, the development of new technologies, modernization... ... Wikipedia

Evgeniy Vasilievich Starostin(November 4, 1935, Sol-Iletsk - March 23, 2011, Moscow) - Russian historian-archivist, UNESCO expert (1994-1995), Doctor of Historical Sciences (1995), professor (1992), specialist in archival studies, source studies and social history -political thought of Russia at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries, foreign archives, foreign archival Russia, archives of Russian emigration, restitution of cultural property.

Head of the Department of History and Organization of Archival Affairs of the Faculty of Archives of the Historical and Archival Institute of the Russian State University for the Humanities (1981-2011), member of the editorial board of the journal "Domestic Archives", head of the Center for Archival Research of the Russian State University for the Humanities, honorary professor of the Russian State University for the Humanities (2007), honorary member of the Academic Council of the Russian State University for the Humanities, member of dissertation projects councils at the Russian State University for the Humanities and VNIIDAD (documentary science, document science, archival science).


Evgeny Vasilyevich Starostin's mother, Maria Petrovna Mikhailova, a doctor by profession, was the daughter of the famous Moscow children's doctor Pyotr Petrovich Mikhailov, graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of Moscow State University.

From the autobiographical essay of E.V. Starostin: “Grandfather Petr Petrovich Mikhailov treated residents of all four Meshchansky streets of Moscow. He was invited home more than once by V. Bryusov, he visited Gilyarovsky and the cartoonist Denis, who was his close friend. And when he died in the spring of 1936, the funeral procession stretched from St. Olga’s Hospital, which was hidden in Kapelsky Lane, to the Pyatnitsky Cemetery.”

In the early 1930s, Maria Petrovna Starostina was sent to work in the south of the Urals. In Magnitogorsk, she married Vasily Nikolaevich Starostin, an active builder of Magnitogorsk, who was sent to this construction site on a party ticket and became the chairman of the trade union committee. In 1931, their eldest son Nikolai was born, and in 1935 in Sol-Iletsk - Evgeniy.


Childhood and youth

In the first days of the Great Patriotic War Vasily Nikolaevich volunteered to go to the front, where, as a battalion commissar, on September 28, 1942 he died near Rzhev during the First Rzhev-Sychevsk Operation.

Maria Petrovna, extremely busy with work in military hospitals, enrolled her sons in the newly opened Suvorov schools. In 1945-1956, Evgeniy Vasilyevich studied at the Caucasian Suvorov Officer School, and he retained a grateful memory of the teachers and friendly relations with his fellow students for the rest of his life.

Training at the Suvorov Officer School

From the memoirs of E.V. Starostin “Needless to say, the first two years of school (from 1943 to 1945) at a Moscow school did not give me anything. The teachers fainted from hunger, the school froze in winter, and we scoured the outskirts of Moscow in the hope of profiting from something somewhere. The direct opposite was life and study at the Suvorov Military School. Excellent teachers were invited to teach neglected children. The educational process itself was carefully planned, so that maturing organisms were given time to move around, play football, siskin, gorodki, etc. And when ballroom dancing, music, singing and horse riding lessons were introduced, we were in the seventh sky. Today's school, where teachers, instead of demonstrating chemical experiments, force them to rewrite the periodic table, instead of teaching girls to sew and embroider, dictate entire pages about the properties of fabrics, instead of studying botany and zoology in nature, they are forced to draw endless petals and stamens, it seems to me, are almost a madhouse.

I was not a brilliant student, because I didn’t feel like I had a military bone in me, and I spent all my free time on sports, drawing, which I was interested in from the sixth or seventh grade. At the same time, however, logic and history were my favorite subjects. History teacher M. F. Polyakov, who received our nickname Gnaeus Pompey, reproduced the events of the past so colorfully that we got used to the images of the heroes, imitating them and defending their values. For example, in the military confrontation between Athens and Sparta, I was on the side of the Athenian democrats and fought with the Spartans, who for some reason were in the minority in the class.”

And the history of socio-political thought in Russia at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries, foreign archives, foreign archival Russia, archives of Russian emigration, restitution of cultural property.

Head of the Department of History and Organization of Archival Affairs of the Faculty of Archives of the Historical and Archival Institute of the Russian State University for the Humanities (1981-2011), member of the editorial board of the journal “Domestic Archives”, head of the Center for Archival Research of the Russian State University for the Humanities, honorary professor of the Russian State University for the Humanities (2007), honorary member of the Academic Council of the Russian State University for the Humanities, member of dissertation projects councils at the Russian State University for the Humanities and (documentary studies, document science, archival science).

Encyclopedic YouTube

    1 / 5

    ✪ Georgy Starostin “Languages ​​of Africa and their significance for reconstruction ancient history humanity"

    ✪ Starostin Georgy - Language macrofamilies

    ✪ Starostin Georgy - Lexicostatistics

    ✪ What are hieroglyphs and why are they used in the East and not in the West

    ✪ “The Tree of Languages”, S.A. Starostin and others (“Gordon”, 03/06/2003)



Evgeny Vasilyevich Starostin's mother, Maria Petrovna Mikhailova, a doctor by profession, was the daughter of the famous Moscow children's doctor Pyotr Petrovich Mikhailov, and graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of Moscow State University.

In the early 1930s, Maria Petrovna Starostina was sent to work in the south of the Urals. In Magnitogorsk, she married Vasily Nikolaevich Starostin, a builder of Magnitogorsk, who was sent to this construction site on a party ticket and became the chairman of the trade union committee. In 1931, their eldest son Nikolai was born, and in 1935 in Sol-Iletsk - Evgeniy.


Childhood and youth

Maria Petrovna enrolled her sons in the newly opened Suvorov schools. In 1945-1956, Evgeniy Vasilyevich studied at the Caucasian Suvorov Officers' School.

Training at the Suvorov Officer School

In senior Suvorov classes and at the officer school, Evgeniy Vasilyevich participated in sports competitions in athletics, handball and boxing, in which cadet Starostin received the first category and took first place in North Ossetia.

Service in the Armed Forces and choice of profession

After graduating from military school, Lieutenant E.V. Starostin chose the Far East as his place of service. Platoon commander E.V. Starostin served for two years and retired from the armed forces in the summer of 1958, taking advantage of the reduction of the armed forces under Khrushchev.

Study at MGIAI and the beginning of a teaching and scientific career (1958-1972)

Study at MGIAI (1958-1964)

Evgeniy Vasilyevich enrolls simultaneously with the Faculty of Archives and the French-language department of the Faculty of Pedagogy of the Higher Five-Year Courses of Foreign Languages. Like many classmates, he attended with interest some time and lectures for the first year at the Faculty of History of Moscow State University.

The decisive factor, in the opinion of Evgeniy Vasilyevich himself, was his meeting with the outstanding lecturer Sigurd Ottovich Schmidt, a source scholar, and participation in the work of his student circle of source studies of Russian history.

At the same time, student E. Starostin attends, together with V. Muravyov, E. Shveikovskaya, I. Belenkiy, a circle on Western European education with Faina Abramovna Kogan-Bernstein. Quite naturally, two areas of his scientific interests were combined in his diploma work on the topic “P. A. Kropotkin as a historian of the Great French Revolution.”

As evidenced by the minutes of one of the party meetings preserved in the MGIAI archive, student Starostin was reprimanded for his persistence in defending the right to study at the TsGAOR in the P. A. Kropotkin Foundation.

Thanks to his knowledge of French, Evgeniy Vasilievich had the opportunity to work for just over a year as a translator for a group of Soviet geologists in Guinea. The diploma under the leadership of S. O. Schmidt was defended by E. V. Starostin in 1964 and was awarded on October 26, 1965 with a Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Higher Education.

At the institute, Evgeniy Vasilyevich met his future wife, Inna Pavlovna Smirnova, who shared his passion for the profession and all his concerns over the course of 49 years of marriage.

Beginning of teaching and scientific career

He passed away after a busy day at work on March 23, 2011. He was buried at the Khovanskoye Cemetery in Moscow.

Scientific heritage

The scientific heritage of E.V. Starostin includes more than 200 works: articles, reports, collections of documents, of which over 15 monographs are in Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, French, German, Walloon, and English.

Teaching activity 1973-2011 at the Historical and Archival Institute

37 graduates of MGIAI listened to his lectures and took advice, worked under his scientific guidance. He taught the basic course “General History of Archives”, as well as lecture courses “Foreign Archival Russia”, “History of the Archives of the Russian Orthodox Church” (at the IAI RSUH and in 2003-2009 at the Faculty of History of the Orthodox St. Tikhon’s University for the Humanities), “ History of archives in France”, “Organizational and legal basis for the activities of international archival organizations”.

E. V. Starostin’s textbook “Foreign Archival Studies” went through three lifetime editions. He received the title of professor in 1992. Together with his students T. S. Volkova, T. I. Khorkhordina and E. V. Starostin, he prepared the textbook “Archives of Russia: History and Modernity”

Evgeniy Vasilyevich put a lot of effort into opening new specializations at the Department of IoAD:

The preparation of the specialization in the archives of the Russian Orthodox Church, conceived by Professor Starostin, continues with its transformation in the future into a specialization in “church archives”.

As a visiting professor, E.V. Starostin lectured at universities in Russia, as well as at universities in Ukraine (1998, 2000), Belarus (1999), Belgium (1988), USA (1991, as well as at the Sorbonne and the School of Charters in France ( 2003).

In 1981, having become the head of the Department of History and Organization of Archives, E. V. Starostin laid the foundations of a modern scientific and pedagogical school of the Department of IOAD FAD IAI RSUH. He widely used a comparative approach in studying the theory, methodology and practice of archival science in different countries and eras. As a specialist in source studies, E. V. Starostin began to introduce methods of classical source studies when studying the history of archival affairs. .

On September 12, 2006, the Academic Council of the Russian State University for the Humanities awarded Evgeniy Vasilyevich Starostin the title of Honored Professor of the Russian State University for the Humanities.

The ideas of E. V. Starostin’s scientific school were reflected in the works of his students, more than 25 of whom became candidates under his leadership, and three became doctors of science, specializing in the following topics: Russian archival studies - T. I. Khorkhordina, T. S. Volkova; church archival studies - G. P. Gorkavaya, A. V. Popov, A. Menshikov; foreign archival Russian literature - A. V. Popov, R. Byalkin, A. Zakatov, O. Obodova, V. Hitterer (USA); theoretical problems of foreign archival studies - T. S. Volkova, E. A. Kalsina, V. Prozorova (France), N. N. Bendik (Khabarovsk), etc. Under the scientific guidance of E. V. Starostin, specialists not only from Russia, but also from Ukraine, Bulgaria, Mongolia, Azerbaijan, China, USA.

Scientific activity at IAI 1973-2011

Evgeny Vasilyevich Starostin considered himself to be in the school of S. O. Schmidt, F. A. Kogan-Bernstein and A. V. Khrabrovitsky. In the field of foreign archival studies, he continued the traditions of I. I. Lyubimenko and N. V. Brzhostovskaya.

E.V. Starostin was the first to apply classical methods in the study of the legislative, regulatory framework, scientific reference apparatus and other sources on the history of archival affairs. In his scientific works and lectures, E.V. Starostin introduced Soviet archivists to the latest theoretical and practical developments of foreign archivists (T. Schellenberg, H. Jenkinson, R. A. Botier, etc.). E.V. Starostin wrote a course of lectures on foreign historiography of archival science, which was published in 1986 as a textbook.

In 1990, the scientist published articles on the periodization of the history of archives, speaking as an opponent of such major theorists of Western archival science as A. Brenneke, R. A. Beautier, historian and head of the archival industry in France J. Favier. The advantage of the periodization proposed by E. V. Starostin was its universal nature, applicability for the study of archives of any era and any socio-political context.

The scientist’s works on the origin and conceptualization of the principle of origin, which underlies stock classifications, based on the history of European archives, have received international recognition.

The collapse of the USSR and the division of the Soviet historical and cultural heritage, as well as international discussions on the problems of cultural property displaced during the Second World War, allowed E. V. Starostin to prove himself as a specialist in the field of archival restitution.

Together with his student T.I. Khorkhordina in the 1990s. E.V. Starostin gave a new interpretation of the decree on the reorganization and centralization of archival affairs adopted by the Soviet government, prepared by Russian archivists during the First World War, dated June 1, 1918.

E. V. Starostin studied the interdisciplinary connections of archival science, based on the material of both Russian and foreign archives. He was the first among Russian historians to propose a periodization of the history of archives, museums and libraries in Western Europe, based on general criteria.

The developments of E. V. Starostin on the problems of the relationship between source studies and archival studies attracted the attention of scientists. He identified a new area of ​​scientific knowledge located at the intersection of these two disciplines, conventionally calling it “archivology.”

By “archivology” E.V. Starostin understood the process of documenting all aspects of the life of society, which, according to his concept, is not unique in different regions of the world. Archivology, emerging at the intersection of source studies and archival science, identifies and studies the most important sets of sources on the history of archival affairs and archives: inventories, catalogues, guidebooks, files of funds, funds and collections themselves (namely, schemes for their systematization), draft archival legislation and regulatory documents. In a broader sense, “archivology” goes beyond “archival source studies” itself, exploring all aspects of documenting human experience. Both sides of “archivology” are of exceptional importance for the correct reading of the source. It is extremely important for a historian to know, when approaching the coverage of a topic of interest to him, the development of principles for classifying documents in the archive or the forms and methods of selecting for storage the documents that he uses; he must be aware of all the movements that have ever occurred in the repository, how completely this or that set of documents has been preserved, what materials and for what reasons were transferred to other archives or were destroyed. Knowledge about the gaps in the country’s documentary chronicle is just as necessary for a correct reconstruction of the past as information about the presence of written evidence.

E. V. Starostin’s studies of theoretical and methodological problems of archival science were distinguished by both the depth of understanding of fundamental problems and their practical orientation. An analysis of archive management in several countries led E.V. Starostin to the conclusion about the need to introduce double indicators for accounting for archival funds both in storage units (the intellectual dimension of the archive necessary for processing and using the funds) and in running meters (the material dimension of the archive, important for economics of archiving).

E.V. Starostin gave practical recommendations to industry specialists and conducted a number of practical studies: he participated in the preparation and publication of a series of guidebooks “Documents on the history of the Jewish people in the archives of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus” (3 volumes were published), and in the preparation of a guide to the archives Russian Orthodox Church, for the publication of which the blessing of the Patriarch was received, as well as in the preparation, jointly with the School of Charters, of a guide to the history of Franco-Russian relations. On April 24, 2010, Evgeniy Vasilyevich was awarded the A.L. Shanyavsky Prize for outstanding contribution to the development of fundamental scientific research in the field of humanities for 2009.

Organizational and social work 1981-2011

In 1981, E.V. Starostin was appointed head of the Department of History and Archival Organization. Thanks to him, the IOAD department remained a center uniting archivist scientists from different regions of Russia and the CIS countries.

E.V. Starostin was one of the initiators of the creation in November 1990 of the Russian Society of Historian-Archivists, a permanent member of its executive committee and Chairman of the section “Archives of the Russian Orthodox Church”.

In 1990, E.V. Starostin created the Center for Archival Research at the Department of IoAD, where, under his leadership, three scientific projects were developed: foreign archival research, archives of the Russian Orthodox Church and documents on the history of the Jewish people in the archives of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Monographs and volumes of guidebooks were published in all areas, including a series of archival guidebooks “Documents on the history and culture of Jews in the archives of Russia”

On his initiative, in 1992, the publication of “Proceedings of the Institute of AI of the Russian State University for the Humanities” was resumed.

E.V. Starostin was a member of the “Church Archives” section of the International Council of Archives, and in 1992-1996. also a member of the ISA section “Vocational Education”.

In the years associated with the inclusion of the IAI in the structure of the Russian State University for the Humanities, E. V. Starostin was elected director of the IAI and headed it from 1992 to 1996.

After leaving the post of director, Evgeniy Vasilyevich continued to head the department of IOAD, the Center for Archival Research and participate in the work of ROIA. He was a member of the Academic Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Academic Council of the Museum of Moscow, the Academic Council of the RGASPI, the Academic Council of the Archives of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Geographical Society of Russia, as well as a member of the dissertation council for the defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations in the specialty of the Higher Attestation Commission 05. 25. 02. “Documentary Studies” , document management, archival science."

He took part in reforms of the archival industry and archival legislation of Russia, and was a participant in the discussion of the Federal Law of October 22, 2004 No. 125-FZ “On Archiving in the Russian Federation.”

Chronological index of works (incomplete in part 2008-2011)

  1. Public education in the Republic of Mali // Abstracts. report XXIV scientific research conf. MADI. M., 1966. P.6 - 9.1968
  2. On the history of P. A. Kropotkin’s study of the Great French Revolution // French Yearbook for 1966, M., 1968. P. 293-303.
  3. Techniques of sociological research // Abstracts of reports. XXVI scientific-research conference. MADI. M., 1968. S. 31 - 32. 1970
  4. About the meetings of V.I. Lenin and P.A. Kropotkin // Archive yearbook for 1968. M., 1970. P.225 - 229.
  5. Conversation between V. I. Lenin and P. A. Kropotkin about cooperation // Abstracts of the report. XXVIII scientific. - research conf. MADI. M., 1970. S. 22.1971
  6. K. Liebknecht and pamphlet by P. A. Kropotkin // Prometheus. M., 1971.T.8. P.210 - 211
  7. Peasant community in the ideology of revolutionary populism // Abstracts of reports. XXIX scientific. - research conf. MADI. M., 1971. P. 14.
  1. Sources about the life and work of P. A. Kropotkin (From the history of Russian social thought of the late XIX-XX centuries) Abstract. dis. Ph.D. ist.nauk M., 1972. 27 p.
  2. A. Kropotkin and his “Program of Revolutionary Propaganda” // ISSR. M., 1972. N 1. P. 134 - 138.1973
  3. Archive of P. A. and A. A. Kropotkin //ZOR GBL. M., 1973. N 34.S.5 - 70 (jointly with L.V. Gapochko)
  4. System, level and organization of teaching history in colleges and lyceums of the Republic of Mali // Abstracts of reports. XXXI scientific - research conf. MADI M., 1973. P.14 - 15.1974
  5. Pseudonyms of P. A. Kropotkin //SA. M., 1974. N 6. P. 85 - 86.
  6. Course program “Foreign Archeography” // S.M., 1974. N 3. P.104-105
  1. P. A. Kropotkin (Materials for the biography) Edited by prof. V. E. Illeritsky M., 1975. 213 p. (rotaprint)
  1. Guide to the US National Archives // SA. M., 1976. P.100 - 102 (together with G.I. Korolev).
  2. F. A. Kogan - Bernstein (obituary) // SA. M., 1976. P. 118 (without signature)
  3. Garmash V.N. Archiving in the United States of America. M., 1976. 57 p.
  1. F. A. Kogan - Bernstein (1899-1976) (obituary) // SV. Vol. 41.M., 1977. P.424 (without signature)
  1. Presidential libraries in the system of the US Archive Service // CA. M., 1978. N 6. P. 78 - 86 (jointly with T. S. Kabochkina)
  1. P. A. Kropotkin The Great French Revolution. Comp., part.trans.aut.vtsup.st.,comment.,indicator. Joint with V. M. Dalin and A. V. Gordon. M., 1979. 575 p.
  2. Right there. Taine on the French Revolution. pp. 455-467.
  3. International archival courses //SA. M., 1979. N 1. P. 74 - 77 (jointly with I.P. Medvedev)
  1. Archives of modern France // Fr. Yearbook for 1978. M., 1980. P.233 - 246.
  2. XVI International conference of the “round table” of archives // Questions of criticism of the methodology and theory of bourgeois archival science. M., 1980. S. 153-164.
  3. Methodological problems of the history of archival affairs in modern French archival science // Ibid. P.110 - 119 (under the pseudonym E. V. Mikhailov)
  4. P. A. Kropotkin. Bibliographer. index of printed works, review of bibliography. funds and unpublished materials. In 2 vols. M., 1980. 249 p.
  1. Program for the course “Archives and archival work in foreign countries” M., 1981. 73 p.
  2. Methodological instructions for the course “Archives and archival work abroad” Sverdlovsk, 1981 14 p. (Jointly with V. A. Chudinovskikh)
  1. Historical and Revolutionary Memorial Museum of P. A. Kropotkin // The Great October Revolution and non-proletarian parties. Kalinin. 1982. P. 195 - 202
  2. Kropotkin Pjotr ​​A. Die Grosse Franzosische Revolution 1789-1783. Bd. I 349 S; Bd. 2. 387 S. (Introductory article, commentary jointly with A.V. Gordon)
  3. To take the shortest route (about materials on the history of the USSR located abroad) LG. 1982 dated May 5.
  4. Meeting dedicated to the centenary of A. A. Shilov //SA. M., 1982. N 1. P. 92.
  5. Archival work in Western European countries by the beginning of the 20th century and the emergence of international cooperation //CA. M., 1982. N 3. P. 67 - 75.
  6. Ed. Sorokin V.V. Archives of USSR institutions (1917-1937) M., 107 p.
  1. P. A. Kropotkin. Letters from Eastern Siberia. Irkutsk 1983. M., 1983.192 p. (Compiled, introductory article, commentary jointly with V. A. Markin)
  2. Development of international cooperation of archivists (1918-1939) // SA. M., 1983. N 2. S. 66 - 71.
  3. Social functions of archives // SA M., 1983. N 3. P. 92.
  4. Archiving in foreign countries: Method. Decree. Sverdlovsk, 1983. 46 p. (jointly with V. A. Chudinovskikh).
  5. Development of international archival cooperation before the Second World War: Textbook. Pos. M., 1983. 55 p. (rec. S. O. Schmidt // SA M., 1984. N 5. P. 71 - 72)
  6. Ed. Sorokin V.V. Departmental archives of the USSR 1938-1959. M., 1983. 67 p.
  1. Speech by I. N. Myshkin. On the issue of authorship // Historiography and source studies of archival affairs in the USSR M., 1984. P.165 - 177
  2. Preface // Ibid. P.3-4.
  3. Anarchists. At a crossroads; in the arms of counter-revolution // Non-proletarian parties in Russia: lessons from history. M., 1984. P.409 - 412, 473-477
  4. Rec. Utopian socialism in Russia: Reader. / Comp. A. I. Volodin, B. M. Shakhmatov. M., 1985. // SB. M., 1987. N 3. P. 76 - 77
  5. Rec.: Called by the Revolution (Saikin O. German Lopatin) M., 1983 // Koms. Is it true. 1984. 14 Aug.
  6. Archiving in France. M.: MGIAI, 1984. 76 p.
  7. Ed.: Archival studies and archeography: Course program. M., 1984, 31 p.
  8. Ed. Sorokin V.V. United departmental archives of the USSR. M., 1984. 68 p.
  9. Rec. In the book: Researcher's Handbook: Archives, Libraries, Researchers. Lvov, 1983 // SB. 1984. N 5. P. 70. (Joint with V.V. Krylov)
  1. The Great French Revolution by P. A. Kropotkin 100 years // Book “Memorable Dates” M., 1985. P. 210.
  2. P. A. Kropotkin The Great French Revolution. Comp., part.trans.automatic entry,comment.,indication. Joint with V. M. Dalin and A. V. Gordon. M., 1979. 575 pp. (in Bulgarian)
  3. Soviet archivist in Laos //SA. M., 1985. N 2.. P.95.
  4. Western European historiography of archival science (end of the 19th - first third of the 20th century). // SA. M., 1985.N 3. P.70-77.
  5. Problems of replenishing the State Archive of the USSR with documents from abroad // Materials of the All-Union. scientific pract. conf. Current issues of improving archival science in a developed socialist society. M., 1985. S. 30 - 34.
  6. Ed.: History and organization of archival affairs in the USSR: Course program. M., 1985. 56 p.
  7. Ed.: Archives of the CPSU: Course program /comp. V. E. Korneev. M., 1985. 22 p.
  8. Ed.: Departmental archives of the USSR. 1959-1980 / Comp. V.V. Sorokin. M., 1985. 76 p.
  1. Foreign bourgeois historiography of archival studies: Educational pos. M., 1986. 82 p.
  2. Rec. Archival work in the GDR: theory and practice: Textbook. / Ch. ed. B.Brahman. Berlin, 1984 // SA. M., 1986. N 6. P. 76 - 79. (Collaborated with V.I. Durnovtsev).
  3. Ed.: Dremina G. A. Central state archives during the period of developed socialism. M., 1986. 45 p.
  4. Ed.: Samoshenko V.N. Historical archives of pre-revolutionary Russia: Educational pos. M., 1986. 246 p.
  5. Ed.: Korneev V. E. Local bureaus of the Istpart of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks: Creation of the historical-party. Sciences. 1920-1929. M., 1986. 81 p.
  1. Rec.: Utopian socialism in Russia: Reader / Comp. A. I. Volodin, B. M. Shakhmatov. M., 1985 // SB. M., 1987. N 3. P. 76 - 77.
  1. Documents on the history of the peoples of the USSR in foreign archives. M.: VNIIDAD. 1988. 76 p.
  2. Origin of the stock principle of document classification // SA. M., 1988. N 6. P. 18 - 28.
  3. Not historians for archives, but archives for historians // VI. M., 1988. N 12. pp. 175-176.
  1. Kropotkin reads Jaurès // French Revolution and Russia. Almanac. M., 1989 P.165 - 195 (jointly with A.V. Gordon)
  2. Same. in French language
  3. International archival organizations and their activities: Educational pos. M., 1989. 81 p.
  4. On the question of the boundaries of archival work and the responsibilities of archivists // Archives of the USSR: History and Modernity. M., 1989. P.10 - 17.
  5. Preface. // Ibid. P.3-.
  6. Ed.: // Ibid.
  1. A. L. Stanislavsky /obituary/ // SA M., 1990. N 3. P. 111.
  2. O. L.`Or // Russian writers 1800-1917: bibliogr. dictionary. T.2. M., 1990
  3. Discussion of the problem of access in foreign archival science //CA. M., 1990. N 5. P. 17 - 24.
  1. Archivology // Realism of historical thinking: Problems of the Fatherland. history of the period of feudalism. Readings, dedicated In memory of A. L. Stanislavsky: Abstract. Dokl. M., 1991, p. 249 72. Decree on archival affairs of 1912 // VI. M., 1991. N 7|8/ C. 41 - 53 (jointly with T. I. Khorkhordina)
  2. The same on him. language // Archivmiteilungen. N 2. S. 56 - 64
  3. The same in Flemish. language // Archives et bibliotheques de Belgique. T. LXII. N 1|2. P. 191-218
  4. Speech at the founding congress of the Russian Society of Historians and Archivists.// Vestn. Archivist. M., 1991. N I. P. 47 - 49
  5. About the draft charter of the Russian Society of Historians and Archivists //Vestn. Archivist. M., 1991. N 3 P. 67 - 69
  6. International Symposium on Archival Education // SA. M., 1991. N 1. S. 111-112
  7. /Interview with T.I. Bondareva/ What should a society of archivists be like? // SA. M., 1991. N 2. S. 28 - 31
  8. Review: V.N. Vinogradov, A.V. Dombrovskaya, A.P. Pshenichny and others. But they do not confirm Reality. Letter to the editor // OA. M., 1991. N 6. P. 108-112.
  9. Archives and archival science in foreign countries. Sverdlovsk, 1991. 88 p. (jointly with V. A. Chudinovskikh)
  1. Comp. Pyotr Alekseevich Kropotkin: Index of literature 1921-1992. M., 1992. 60 p. (jointly with I. Belenkiy)
  2. Entry Art.: The legacy of P. A. Kropotkin. Right there. pp. 3 - 8
  3. Anarchist organizations and movements // Essays on the history of political parties and movements of Russia. Book. I. issue. 3. Rostov n/a; M., 1992. P.131 - 147
  4. / Afterword to the article / Tsaplin V.V. On the right of ownership of archival documents in diplomatic acts of pre-revolutionary and Soviet Russia // OA. M., 1992. N 4. P. 26 - 27.
  1. Archives of the period of the Great French Revolution // OA M., 1993. N 4. P. 92 - 99
  2. /Speech/ On the development of the Historical and Archival Institute of the Russian State University for the Humanities // Academic Council of the Russian State University for the Humanities (Jan.-June 1993) M., 1993. P. 72 - 74.
  3. Church archives of Russia (From the experience of creating a directory) // Vestn. Archivist M., 1993. N I (13) P. 96 - 100 (jointly with N. Yu. Sidorova)
  1. History of Russia in foreign archives: Textbook. Benefit. M.: Higher school, 78 p.
  2. Foreign archives: Course program. M., 1994. 44 p.
  3. Decree of the 7th messidor of the 2nd year of the Republic (to the 200th anniversary of the Great French Revolution) // World of Source Studies: Sat. in honor of Sigurd Ottovich Schmidt. M.: Penza, 1994. P.252 - 257
  4. Dokl. to the International colloquium "Training of custodians of national heritage in Europe // La formation des conservateurs des biens culturels en Europe. Paris. 1994. P. 132-134
  5. Manuscript heritage of Mark Blok (1886-1944) // Scientific materials. - practical Conf.: Personal funds and collections - a source of preserving national memory. M., 1994. S. 77 - 78
  6. “The School of Charters” through the eyes of Russian researchers // Higher Education Management: Russian.fr. Conf.: Abstracts of reports. M., 1994. P.47 - 50
  7. Rec.: History of the Russian Orthodox Church in documents from regional archives of Russia. Abstract. Ref. Decree. M., 1993. 681 p. // OA. M., 1994 N 5. P. 126-127
  8. /Speech/ // Academic Council of the Russian State University for the Humanities (February-June 1994) M., 1994. pp. 126-127
  9. Ed.: History and organization of archival affairs. Course program M., 1994. 48 p. (compiled by T. S. Kabochkina, T. I. Khorkhordina, etc.)
  1. Foreign archival studies: problems of history, theory and methodology. Author's abstract. dis. Dr. History Sci. M., 1995. 34 p.
  2. Preface, commentary, text composition. Three months in a fascist prison (soldier’s memoirs) // OA. M., 1995. N 3. P. 71 - 86
  1. Preface, ed. // Proceedings of the Historical and Archival Institute T.33. M., 1996. S. 5 - 6.
  2. Domestic historiography of foreign archival studies // Ibid. P.160 - 168
  3. Comp.: Jewish Documentary Sources in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus N.-Y.1996. 164 p. (jointly with V. B. Kior)
  4. XIII Int. congress of archives: impressions of participants // OA. M., 1996. N 5. P. 113-114
  1. Foreign archival studies: problems of history, theory and methodology M.: Russkiy Mir, 330 p. Entry Art., comp.: Documents on history and p.
  2. Entry Art., comp.: Documents on the history and culture of Jews in the archives of Moscow: Guide. M., 1997, 601 p.
  3. Museums and archives: stages of the path from the past to the present. In the book: Historical museums in the cultural system of the city. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Museum of the History of Moscow. M., 1997. S. 30 - 33
  4. Section “Archives of the Russian Orthodox Church” // Bulletin of the Archivist M., 1997. N 3. P.
  5. Preface, commentary “The losses cannot be counted, they cannot be forgotten...” Notes of the Moscow doctor P. P. Mikhailov // IA. M., 1997. N 3. P. 78 - 90
  6. R.-A. Botier - 75 years old //OA. M., 1997. N 6. S.
  1. International Council of Archives: a journey of half a century // 50th anniversary of the formation of the International Council of Archives M., 1998 P. I −17
  2. International Council of Archives: a journey of half a century // Bulletin of the Archivist. M., 1998. N 3 (45) P. 23-37
  3. The same // Studios for archival research and document knowledge. Kyiv, 1998. T.3. P.37 - 56 (in Ukrainian)
  4. Archival studies in the professional training of archivists in Russia and France // Historians and archivists: cooperation in the preservation and knowledge of the past in the interests of the present and future. M., 1998. pp. 71 - 74
  5. To the 80th anniversary of the decree “On the reorganization and centralization of archival affairs in the RSFSR” // OA. M., 1998. N 2. P. 31-32.
  6. 100 years of the Dutch textbook on archival science // Bulletin of the Archivist. M., 1998. N 5 (47). WITH.
  7. From “Kept the Tsars” to the archive of the President of the Russian Federation // Nezavisimaya Gaz. 1998, July 25. N 134.
  8. The principle of origin in the domestic and French schools of archival studies // Historic krynitsy: problems of classification, learning and laying out. Minsk. 23 - 24 beauty 1998. P. 198 - 199.
  1. What language do we speak? // OA. M., 1999. N 3. P. 122 - 125.
  2. Methodology of the history of archives: periodization // Otech. archives.1999.No. 6.
  1. Du tresor des chartes d`Ivan le terrible aux Archives du President de Russie ou la recherche historique face a la pratique du secret d`Etat // Memoire et histoire: les etats europeens face aux droits des citoyens du XXI - eme siecle. Bucarest. 1998. Paris 2000. pp. 101-103.
  2. Ed.: Gorkavaya G.P. Archives of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Past and Present M., 2000. 51 p.
  3. Archival source studies, terminological disputes // Source studies and local history in Russian culture. M., 2000. WITH.
  4. Source studies and archival studies: facets of interaction.//Novgorod archive. Vestnik Vel. Novgorod. 2000. N 2. C.
  5. How the term “archival source study” was born // Document.-Archive-History. Sat.st. Ekaterinburg, 2000. S.
  1. Russian history. Methodological aspects of archival knowledge M., 2001. 48 p.
  2. M.K. Lyubavsky historian-archivist //OA. M., 2001. N I. S.
  3. Riga Peace Treaty with Poland and the problem of “archival restitution” // Materials of the international. Scientific-practical conference. "Foreign archival Russian literature. Results and prospects. Identification and return. M., 2001. P.
  4. Section of the CS ROIA "Archives of the Russian Orthodox Church// Bulletin of the Archivist. M., 2001. N 1(61). P.
  5. M.K. Lyubavsky (1860-1936) //Historians of Russia. Biographies. M., 2001. S. (jointly with A.V. Sidorov)
  6. Critics of the decree “On the Reorganization and Centralization of Archival Affairs in the RSFSR.” Abstracts of reports and communications Int. Scientific conf. M., May 23 - 24, 2001. // Archive fund of the Russian Federation: phenomenon, myths and reality M., 2001. P. 32 - 35.
  1. Source studies and archival studies: facets of interaction //Truda IAI M., 2002. T.34. (computer version.)
  2. Preface (jointly with T. I. Khorkhordina and A. D. Stepansky) / Ibid.
  3. Source studies and archival studies: development resources // Archival studies, source studies of national history. Problems of interaction at the present stage. M., 2002. pp. 55 - 67.
  4. Quantitative measurements of documents stored by archives // Changing Russia and Russian archives at the turn of the century. M., 2002. P.40 - 42
  5. Lyudmila Markovna Zak //OA. M., 2002. N 1. P. 121 (under the pseudonym S. O. Schmidt)
  6. In memory of V. M. Dalin //French. yearbook for 2001. M., 2002. P.
  7. Source studies and archival studies: controversial issues // Source studies and historiography in the world of humanitarian knowledge. M., 2002. P.51-60
  8. What Prince P. A. Kropotkin kept silent about in “Notes of a Revolutionary” // Studios of Archival Records and Documentation. T.8. Kyiv, 2002. P.228 - 236
  9. Archival source study // Archivism. Archaeography. Dzhereloznastvo. Vip. 5. Kyiv, 2002. P.172 - 177
  1. Archival source study: terminological disputes // Archives on the XXI Way of Starogodzia: history, spadchyna, suchasnasts. Minsk, 2003. P.58-62
  2. Rizka peacefully, born in 1921: problems of archival restitution // Studies of archival information and document knowledge. T.9. Kyiv, 2003. P.163 - 166
  3. Appeal to P. A. Kropotkin to the Ukrainian people // Memos of the Archaeographic Shorichnik. T.4. Kiev, 2003. P. 180 - 184
  4. Periodization of the general history of archives // Problems of history and archaeology of Ukraine. Kharkiv, 2003. P.210 - 214
  5. Archival source study: untapped resources // Culture of historical memory. Petrozavodsk, 2003. P.202-212
  6. Terminological intervention. In the book: Theoretical foundations of archeography from the perspective of modernity: materials of discussion. M., 2003. P 50 - 53
  7. Approximate program of the discipline General history of archives of the Federal component of the cycle OPD GOS VPO of the second generation in specialty 020800 “Historical and archival studies” // Historical and archival studies. Specialty 020800: State educational standard of higher professional education and sample programs of disciplines of the federal component (cycles of general education disciplines and specialty disciplines) / Responsible. Ed. V. V. Minaev. M., 2003. P.391-440.
  1. Anarchist model. In the book: Models of social reconstruction in Russia. XX century M., 2004. S.
  2. What Prince P. A. Kropotkin kept silent about in “Notes of a Revolutionary” // Russian genealogist. Almanac. M., 2004. N I (3). From 34 - 39.
  3. Secret writing in the system of source knowledge // People and power: historical sources and research methods M., 2004. pp. 36-43
  4. Secret writing. What is useful for an archivist to know // OA. M., 2004. N 5. P. 26-33
  5. History of the archives of the Russian Orthodox Church (X-XX centuries) // Bulletin of the Archivist M., 2004. N 3-4. (81-82). pp. 313-326
  6. XV International Congress of Archives. Impressions of the participants (E.V. Starostin) // OA. M., 2004. N 6. P.15-16
  7. Secret writing in the system of archival knowledge // Studios of archival knowledge of document knowledge. T.12. Kiev, 2004. P.241-247
  8. Anniversary of A.D. Stepansky // OA. M., 2004. N 6. P. 135
  1. Archives of the Russian Orthodox Church. In the book: Proceedings of the IAI. T.36.2005. P.20-29
  2. Preface. Right there. From 11-17
  3. Archival heritage of the Russian Orthodox Church // OA. M., 2005. N 4. P.31-38
  4. P. A. Kropotkin - historian of Russia. In the book: Pyotr Alekseevich Kropotkin and the problems of modeling the historical and cultural development of civilization. Materials of the international scientific conference St. Petersburg, 2005. From 10 to 21
  5. Two revolutions, two destinies of archives. In the book: New Literary Review. Institutions of our memory: Archives and libraries in modern Russia. M., 2005. N 74 (4). P.155-166.
  6. Archives of Russia (brief historical sketch) // Studio of archival records and document knowledge. T.13. Kiev, 2005. pp. 173-175
  7. Skapa Stefka Petkova // Archive pregled. Sofia, 2005. N 3-4. P.8
  8. The creative heritage of M. K. Lyubavsky and the problems of archival restitution / Documentary heritage on the history of Russian culture in domestic archives and abroad. International scientific and practical conference. Moscow, October 29-30, 2003. M., 2005. P.238-247
  9. Archival heritage of the Russian Orthodox Church // Bulletin of the Orthodox St. Tikhon Humanitarian University. II: I M., 2005. P.161-170
  1. Two revolutions, two destinies of archives. M.: RSUH, 2006. 120 p. (together with T. I. Khorkhordina)
  2. Same. (report) /Materials of the International Scientific Conference “Revolution and Archives”, April 19-20, 2006. Moscow State University. M., 2006.
  3. Album of N. A. Zalshupin in the National Library of France. // Domestic archives. 2006. N 1. P.54-56.
  1. The Bible and archives // Unity of humanitarian knowledge: a new synthesis. Materials of the XIX International Scientific Conference. Moscow January 25-27, 2007. M., 2007. P.29-41.
  2. The same // Office work. 2007. No. 1. P.13-19.
  3. The same //Domestic archives. 2007. No.4. P.33-41.
  4. Archives of the Russian Orthodox Church from the period of the Old Russian State (Kievan Rus // Deloproizvodstvo. 2007. No. 3. pp. 108-115.
  5. Archives of the Russian Orthodox Church during the period of feudal fragmentation and the Horde TGA // Office work. 2007. No. 4. P.92-95.
  6. A. I. Komissarenko is 70 years old // Domestic archives. 2007.No. 4. P.140.
  1. Archives of the Russian Orthodox Church during the formation and development of the Moscow State (XIV-XVII centuries) / Evgeniy Vasilievich Starostin // Bulletin of the Russian State University for the Humanities. - 2008. - 2008; N 8. - pp. 214-222.
  2. Starostin, E. V. Archive of the Holy Synod of the 18th-20th centuries. // Office work. - 2008. - No. 3. - P. 102-104.
  1. Local archives of the Russian Orthodox Church (second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries) [Text] / E. V. Starostin. - // Office work. - 2009. - N 2. - P. 86 - 95.
  1. Starostin, E.V. Archives of the Russian Orthodox Church during the February and October revolutions (1917-1920) / E.V. Starostin // Records management. - 2010.- No. 2.- P. 105-110.
  2. Les sources de l'histoire de France en Russie: guide de recherche dans les archives d'État de la Fédération de Russie à Moscou (XVIe-XXe siècle)./ Delams B., Starostine E., Lanskoï G. Paris, 2010, 480 p.
  1. Starostin E.V. Archives of the Russian Orthodox Church: (X-XX centuries): Textbook. M. RSUH 2011, 225 p.

Encyclopedias, encyclopedic dictionaries:

  1. Anarchists, P. A. Kropotkin, A. Ge./ Civil war and military intervention in Russia. Encyclopedia. M., 1983 (2nd ed. M., 1987)
  2. Anarchists, P. A. Kropotkin / Great October Socialist Revolution. Encyclopedia. M., 1985.
  3. Anarchism, P. A. Kropotkin / Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary. M., 1983. (2nd ed. M., 1989).
  4. Archives. / encyclopedic Dictionary young historian. ed. M., 1994
  5. Anarchism. Right there. 2nd ed. M., 1996
  6. Terrorism. Ibid.
  7. Patriotism. Ibid.
  8. Archival studies / National history.: Encyclopedia. T.I M., 1994
  9. Archives. / Large Russian encyclopedia. T. 2.M., 2005
  10. Archival studies / Ibid.
  11. Archives/Encyclopedia. Russia M., 2005.

A prominent Russian historian, archivist, brilliant teacher, and head of the department has passed away. Department of History and Organization of Archives, IAI RSUH, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Honorary Professor at RSUH, Member of the Board of the Central Council of the Russian Society of Historians-Archivists (ROIA)

Evgeniy Vasilievich


Evgeny Vasilyevich Starostin was born in the city of Sol-Iletsk, Orenburg region, into the family of a doctor. After the death of his father, a battalion commissar on the Rzhev Front, in September 1942, he studied at the Suvorov Military School. Served as a platoon commander in the Far East.

From 1958 until his untimely death, the life and creative destiny of E.V. Starostin were inextricably linked with the Moscow State Historical and Archival Institute, now the Russian State University for the Humanities. Student, graduate student, candidate, then Doctor of Historical Sciences, associate professor, professor, director of the Historical and Archival Institute of the Russian State University for the Humanities, head. department, member of the Board of the Russian Society of Historian-Archivists (ROIA), honorary professor of the Russian State University for the Humanities - these are the external, formal milestones of the biography of Evgeniy Vasilyevich.

Between them - fruitful work abroad, active social and administrative activities, but most importantly - intense, creative, unusually fruitful work on various problems of domestic and world history, foreign and domestic issues of archival affairs. History of social thought, foreign archival Russian studies, historiography, theoretical problems of archival theory - Evgeniy Vasilyevich Starostin left behind more than 200 original works. Many of them have been translated into major European languages.

E.V. Starostin was endlessly respected and loved by students - all 47 graduates, without exception, listened to his lectures and learned from him the craft of a historian. More than 25 of them, under the leadership of Evgeniy Vasilievich, became candidates and doctors of science.

They were extensive and varied creative connections Evgeniy Vasilievich with scientific institutions of Europe and Russia, archives, libraries.

Evgeniy Vasilyevich was an extremely sympathetic person, an unusually spiritually developed personality. He was our Friend, Colleague, Teacher. We mourn and express our sincere condolences to the family and friends of our dear Evgeniy Vasilyevich Starostin.

Russian state humanitarian university(RGGU)

Directorate of the Historical and Archival Institute (IAI RSUH)

Russian Society of Historian-Archivists (ROIA)

Editorial board and editors of the magazine “Bulletin of the Archivist”

Colleagues. Friends. Students.

The farewell will take place at the address: Moscow, Frunzenskaya metro station, Kholzunov lane, 7 (morgue No. 2) on Saturday, March 26, 2011 at 10.00.

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