General provisions. Regulations on student self-government. General provisions Functions of the school council

Municipal budget educational institution

Tebisskaya high school named after the 75th anniversary of the Novosibirsk region

Chanovsky district, Novosibirsk region


At a meeting of the pedagogical council

Protocol No. 1

from 08/27/2019


Head teacher

E.V. Davydov

29.08. 2019


With. Tebisskoe, 2019


about student self-government

MBOU Tebisskaya Secondary School

I . General provisions

1.1. Student self-government is the management of the life of the school community by students, in their interests, based on initiative, independence, creativity, improvement of their own lives, a sense of responsibility, mutual assistance and organizational abilities of students.

1.2. In its activities, student self-government is guided by the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Charter of the school, and other regulatory documents, as well as these Regulations.

1.3. The activities of student government are aimed at:

    achievement by students of the established educational and cultural level;

    adaptation of students to life in society, through their involvement in the management of intra-school activities;

    instilling in students citizenship, patriotism, hard work, respect for human rights and freedoms, and love for the natural environment;

    protection of students' rights;

    formation of correct life and moral values ​​and guidelines in the student environment;

    securing a contingent of students who serve as an example for students;

II . Main goals and objectives

2.1. The goals of the creation and activities of student self-government bodies are:

    development of individual qualities of students through various forms of extracurricular and extracurricular activities;

    security necessary conditions for the comprehensive development of personality and creative self-realization of students in accordance with their needs;

    ensuring conditions for protecting the rights and interests of students;

    fostering a conscious attitude to learning;

    education of cultural and modern man;

    development of initiative and creativity of students in the process of collective affairs.

2.2. To achieve its goals, student self-government solves the following tasks:

    organization of extracurricular activities of student self-government bodies in classes and groups of students;

    improving the quality of study and student discipline;

    formation of personality traits of students through the organization of their lives and activities;

    assisting students in understanding themselves and others, in adapting to life, social protection of their rights and interests in all spheres of life, in realizing that everyone’s personal manifestation is possible only in a team.

III . Organization of activities

3.1. The organization of the activities of student self-government is built strictly in accordance with these regulations and does not conflict with the Charter of the school and other regulatory requirements determined by the life of the school.

3.2. In order to carry out interactions between students and the teaching staff, enhance cognitive activity, and the educational process, student self-government bodies are created at the 2nd and 3rd levels of the school.

The activities of student self-government bodies cover all areas of classroom and extracurricular activities and the lives of students in the interests of the school:

    maintaining order and discipline in school;

    assisting the administration in organizing educational activities;

    participation in the organization of extracurricular and extracurricular activities of students - the work of sports sections, interest clubs, various clubs, excursions, evenings, trips, hikes, etc., recreation and entertainment.

3.3. To solve the main educational tasks, student self-government bodies correlate their activities with the directions of development of the Russian schoolchildren movement;

Civic engagement

Personal development

Information and media development


    Other areas of activity that do not contradict the School Charter and other legal documents of the school

    1. The main forms of work of student self-government:

    meetings of the permanent council and student government council;


    club, circle work;


    business games;

    seminars, conferences.

3.5. Every week, class bodies of student self-government report to a meeting of the student council, to which students who have received comments on discipline and culture of behavior at school and outside of it, and those who are underachieving, are invited.

IV . Control

4.1. Student self-government is based on the principles:

    responsibility, discipline and transparency in work

    mutual assistance and trust;

    desire for development;

    equality of all students;

    collective decision-making;

    priority of the rights and interests of students;

    humanity towards each individual.

    control and reporting in the activities of all student government bodies;

4.2. The basis of student self-government is class student self-government, which consists of:

    committees: study and discipline, culture and leisure, sports and health, press.

4.3. The highest body of student self-government is the assembly. It is convened 2 times a year. During the period between meetings, the working body is the student council. He is elected for 1 year. Council meetings are held once a week.

4.3.1.Structure of the student council:

Chairman and permanent composition of the council - secretary - study and discipline committee - culture and leisure committee - sports and health committee - press committee.

4.4 The activities of the student council are covered on the school website in the printed organ of student government and the media.

V . Rights and obligations

5.1. Student self-government bodies have real rights and are responsible for their work in accordance with the powers granted to them and these regulations.

5.2. Any school student has the right:

    to respect one’s honor and dignity, to appeal in the event of a conflict situation to the highest bodies of student self-government;

    express and defend personal interests and the interests of their class;

    to participate in the management of school affairs;

    openly and correctly express your opinion, express your proposals for consideration later at a meeting of the council;

5.3. Students who are members of student government bodies are required to:

    set an example in study and work, observe academic and work discipline, and norms of behavior;

    inform classes about your activities;

    comply with the school charter, orders of the school administration, and decisions of student government bodies.

I approve

Director of MBOU "Secondary School No. 15"

Savchenko G.V.

from _________________


about student self-government of the school

1. General Provisions

1.1. This provision has been developed in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”

273-FZ dated December 29, 2012 (Article 26, paragraph 6), the Charter of the school and is a local act regulating the activities of student self-government.

1.2 Student self-government - life management

school staff, carried out by students, based on initiative,

independence, creativity, improvement of one’s own life,

sense of responsibility, mutual assistance and organizational skills


2. Main goals and objectives

2.1. In order to take into account opinions when discussing issues concerning students. School Charter

clause 6.22

2.2. The purpose of creating student self-government at the school is to develop

students have the skills of civic engagement and responsibility, social competence.

2.2. To achieve the goal, student government decides the following:


Development of individual qualities of students through various forms of extracurricular and extracurricular activities;

Providing the necessary conditions for the comprehensive development of personality and creative self-realization of students in accordance with their needs;

Assisting students in understanding themselves and others, in adapting to life,

Formation of personality traits of students through the organization of their life and activities;

Providing conditions for protecting the rights and interests of students;

Fostering a conscious attitude towards learning;

Raising a cultural and modern person;

Development of initiative and creativity of students in the process of collective affairs.

2.3 Student self-government is based on the principles:

Mutual assistance and trust;

Commitment to development;

Equality for all students;

Collective decision-making;

Priority of the rights and interests of students;

Humanity towards each individual

3. Self-government bodies

3.1 Student self-government bodies are divided into school-wide and classroom.

3.2. School-wide student conference

3.2.1. The highest body of student self-government is the conference,

including representatives of the student body, teachers and

parents of students of this educational institution. During

between conferences the highest executive body is


The school-wide student conference is the highest body of student government

general meeting of students in grades 5-11, held twice a year and as needed


The conference considers and approves:

Long-term plan

The main activities of student government,

Forms student self-government bodies,

Develops proposals for improving the educational process,

Considers the provisions

Hears reports

Evaluates performance results.

All decisions are made by majority vote.

3.2.2. To manage the activities of the student body at school-wide

The student conference elects a representative body - the School Parliament.

3.2.3 The School Parliament is a representative body. It is formed from

elected candidates for grades 5-11, who are approved at the conference. Every

the primary collective has equal opportunities for representation in Parliament. All

Students in grades 5-11 have the right to vote and be elected to the school parliament.

Parliament is elected for a term of one academic year. The Parliament consists of two

representative of grades 5-11, who are elected at class meetings. Teams

classes have the right to recall their deputy before the expiration of his term of office if he does not

justified their trust.

3.2.4. The School Parliament elects a Chairman at the first meeting

representatives of its composition. Any member of Parliament who receives the most votes in the voting can become the Chairman.

3.2.5. The main function of the School Parliament is executive, organizational and managerial.

3.2.6.The work of the School Parliament is based on socially significant and charitable

activity, everyone can participate in it: teachers, students and their parents,

Main activities:

Spiritual and moral - “We are a school”;

Civil-patriotic - “I am a citizen of Russia”;

Labor - "And let our city smile"

1.Spiritual and moral direction:

Socially significant activities;

Charity events

Help for elderly people and children in difficult life situations;

2.Civil-patriotic direction:

Participation in social design;

Meetings with representatives of city authorities;

Interaction with public organizations, social partners,

holding joint events and labor actions;

Publishing a school newspaper;

3. Labor direction:

Creation of labor teams;

Improvement of the school site;

4. Rights of the School Parliament

4.1.The school parliament has the right:

Represent the interests of the student body.

Participate in determining the prospects for the development of the school, ways to improve

educational potential of the school, improving its functioning.

Participate in work planning.

Make proposals to the school administration on issues of reward and punishment


5. Organization of the activities of Parliament

Parliament holds its meetings at least once a month.

A meeting is held if at least two thirds of the members are present.

The decision is considered adopted if at least two-thirds vote for it

members of Parliament present.

The decision of Parliament is mandatory for all students.

Members of Parliament are required to attend all meetings. In case of unexcused absence from meetings, they are given a reprimand, and in case of repeated absence - a reprimand. In case of systematic absence of meetings, the powers of the deputy may be terminated.

The Parliament, in addition to the Chairman and his deputy, representatives from the class staff, includes the leaders of the school councils:

- Council of Science and Education

Tracks attendance; academic performance; students' appearance.

Conducts raids by class:

Availability of textbooks and teaching aids;

For the best diary (action “Diary is my first document”);

For the best subject notebook.

On the safety of books in the library.

Organizes activities aimed at developing a positive attitude towards learning during

conducting subject weeks and decades.

Takes part in subject Olympiads.

Conducts a week of “Comprehensive Education” in order to identify excellent, good, and weak students.

Covers the results of class performance,

- Council of Leisure and Culture

Participates in the development of regulations on events.

Prepares events, quizzes, KVN, etc.

Tracks class visits to museums, theaters, etc.

Monitors class students' participation in aesthetic circles.

Organizes creative activities in the field of moral, spiritual and civil


School decoration.

- Council of Labor Affairs and Duty

Responsible for duty around the school, for the safety of furniture and school property.

Monitors the cleanliness of the school’s classrooms and corridors, and the order in the dining room.

Takes part in school labor affairs, environmental landings, and in the formation

working teams.

- Council of Information and Press

Collects information by class about current affairs, processes it for preparation

for release.

Maintain a calendar of memorable dates.

Illuminates the life of the school.

Creates an information space in the school and outside it through the school’s press organ

Assists in event decoration along with her advice.

Submits information to the school website.

Monitors the condition of classroom corners.

- Council of Sports and Health

Organization of sports competitions for schoolchildren, Health Days.

Responsible for attendance at physical education lessons and sports events

Ensures that students are in sports uniform.

Monitors the participation of class students in sports sections.

Participates in the development of regulations for sports events at school.

Each School Council Leader leads the work in his own area with representatives

cool teams. The work of each School Council Leader is supervised by a representative

teaching staff of the school.

6. Class meeting

6.1. The class meeting is the highest body of self-government of the class, held

Once a month and as needed. The meeting discusses any issues

life of his team, adopts a plan extracurricular activities,

elects the Class Council.

6.2 The class council is elected for one year and hears its reports

work. He works between class meetings. He organizes

work to implement the decisions of the class meeting, organize assistance for those who are unsuccessful in

studies, prepares and conducts extracurricular activities, ensures participation in

general school affairs. The class council creates its own self-government bodies of the same name as the school council.

7 Symbols of student government

Student government has its own symbols, flag, coat of arms, and school anthem.

8. Students are obliged

Comply with the school charter, rules for school students, and the Regulations on Student Self-Government;

Implement decisions of school bodies and student government;

Maintain school traditions;

Comply with ethical and legal standards of conduct;

Fulfill assumed obligations towards the school;

Respect the interests and rights of comrades;


Director of the Municipal Budget

educational institution

average comprehensive school № 20

E.P. Lyakisheva

"___" _____________ year 2014


about school (student) self-government

MBOU secondary school No. 20

1. General provisions.

1.1. School (student) self-government in MBOU Secondary School No. 20 is a public, amateur, self-governing, non-profit and voluntary association of school students.

1.2. School (student) self-government in MBOU secondary school No. 20 carries out its activities in accordance with current legislation Russian Federation, on the basis of the Federal Law “On public organizations", Regulations on school (student) self-government in Krasnodar region and this Regulation.

1.3. Amendments to the Regulations on school (student) self-government in MBOU Secondary School No. 20 are carried out student council MBOU Secondary School No. 20. consisting of Class Leaders.

2. Goals and objectives of school government

2.1. Basic goals development of school self-government in the Krasnodar region:

Ensuring the implementation of Law of the Russian Federation No. 273 - Federal Law of December 21, 2012 “On Education in the Russian Federation”;

Enforcement of the Law Krasnodar region dated 03/04/1998 No. 123 - KZ “On state youth policy in the Krasnodar Territory”;

Increasing the level of self-organization of students in Kuban and developing the readiness of children to participate in the management of society.

2.2. Main tasks school (student) self-government are:

Ø identification and support of students with an active life position;

Ø creating conditions for the realization of the creative potential of school students;

Ø participation in the implementation of regional programs related to solving student problems;

Ø development of the ability of participants in school (student) self-government bodies to defend their opinions in a reasoned manner on the basis of tolerant communication;

Ø development of interschool interaction;

Ø updating students’ interest in the development of a democratic system, parliamentarism, suffrage and the electoral process;

Ø attracting students to participate in public political life region, gaining experience in management and organizational activities

3. Members of school (student) self-government have their rights and responsibilities.

3.1. School (student) self-government includes students in grades 5-11.

3.2. Members of school (student) self-government share the goals and objectives of school (student) self-government and fulfill the requirements of these Regulations.

3.3. Members of school (student) self-government participate in creative, intellectual, cognitive, and organizational activities.

3.4. Only students in grades 9-11 are elected to the governing bodies of school (student) self-government.

3.5. Honorary membership is awarded at a meeting of the Student Council to individuals for outstanding services to school (student) self-government, with unconditional recognition of their right to make deliberative decisions.

Members of school (student) self-government have the right:

3.6. Receive information about the activities of school (student) self-government.

3.7. Participate in the activities of other public associations, the activities of which do not contradict the Constitution of the Russian Federation. and does not interfere with the fulfillment of the goals and objectives of school (student) self-government.

3.8. Make proposals to the governing bodies of school (student) self-government to improve self-government in achieving its goals.

A member of school (student) self-government may be expelled from self-government in the following cases:

3.9. Caused material damage to school (student) self-government.

4. Members of school (student) self-government are obliged.

4.1. Comply with the requirements of these Regulations.

4.2. Fulfill assumed obligations in relation to school (student) self-government.

4.3. Improve your knowledge and skills in creative, intellectual, cognitive and organizational activities.

4.4. Take an active part in the work of school (student) self-government.

5. Structure school (student) self-government

5.1. The highest body of school (student) self-government is School-wide student conference students in grades 5-11, which meets as needed, but at least once a year. An extraordinary general meeting is convened by decision of the Council of Leaders or at the request of at least 1/3 of the members of the association.

5.2. The general meeting of students in grades 5-11 is legal:

Ø Determine the main directions of activity of school (student) self-government;

Ø Hear and approve the report of the Student Council;

Ø Elect from among its members the Leader of school (student) self-government for a period of one year;

5.3. Student Council is elected for one academic year in accordance with the Regulations on elections to the Student Council and is an executive and administrative body that carries out day-to-day management of the activities of school (student) self-government;

Ø In case of early resignation of a representative of the Student Council, a new representative of this class is elected by the class collective within 15 days;

5.4. The activities of the Student Council are led by School Leader, who is elected for one academic year in accordance with the Regulations on the election of the School Leader.

Ø The school leader leads the meeting of the Student Council, manages the preparation of the work plan of the Student Council, and controls its implementation.

Ø The school leader has the right to appoint up to three deputies from among the Student Council (one from each parallel of 9th, 10th, 11th grades);

Ø The school leader signs the resolutions of the Student Council, school laws, and controls the work of sectors;

5.5. The composition of the School (student) self-government includes Sectors:

Ø Sector labor activity;

Ø Media sector;

Ø Care sector;

Ø Sector sports activities;

Ø Leisure sector.

Each sector is headed by a leader who is elected from among the members of the school’s Student Council by open voting on a voluntary basis.

5.6 The activities of the school (student) self-government are ensured by the curator of the school (student) self-government, the senior counselor.

5.7. The curator of school (student) self-government is a member of the Council of Leaders of school (student) self-government, has the right to a decisive vote and performs the function of secretary of the Council of Leaders of school (student) self-government.

6. Termination of activities.

6.1. Termination of the activities of school (student) self-government may take place in the form of reorganization or liquidation;

6.2. Reorganization can be carried out by decision of the School-wide Student Conference adopted by a two-thirds majority vote of those present at the General Meeting

6.3. In cases of reorganization, the property, rights and obligations of school (student) self-government are transferred to the association - the legal successor in accordance with Art. 58 and 59 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

6.4. Liquidation can be carried out by decision of the General Meeting, adopted by a two-thirds majority of the number of present members of the school (student) self-government.

Accepted by the pedagogical Approved by order

Council No. 138 dated June 10, 2011

Protocol No. 7 of 06/09/2011 School director:

____________ E.N. Elpanova


about student self-government

MBOUVladimir secondary school

1. General Provisions

1.1. Student self-government is the management of the life activities of the school team, carried out by students, based on initiative, independence, creativity, improvement of their own lives, a sense of responsibility, mutual assistance and organizational abilities of students.

1.2. This provision has been developed on the basis of the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the Pskov region on education, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Charter and other local acts of the School

2. Main goals and objectives

2.1. The purpose of creating student self-government of the school is to develop students' skills in civic engagement, social competence, and civic responsibility.

2.2. To achieve the goal, student self-government solves the following tasks:

Development of individual qualities of students through various forms of extracurricular and extracurricular activities;

Providing the necessary conditions for the comprehensive development of personality and creative self-realization of students in accordance with their needs;

Assisting students in understanding themselves and others, in adapting to life,

Formation of personality traits of students through the organization of their life and activities;

Providing conditions for protecting the rights and interests of students;

Fostering a conscious attitude towards learning;

Raising a cultural and modern person;

Development of initiative and creativity of students in the process of collective affairs.

2.3. Student self-government is based on the principles:

Mutual assistance and trust;

Commitment to development;

Equality for all students;

Collective decision-making;

Priority of the rights and interests of students;

Humanity towards each individual.

3. Self-government bodies

3.1. Bodies of student self-government are divided depending on the number of students they cover into school-wide and classroom.

3.2. The student meeting (conference) - the highest body of student government - is a general meeting of students in grades 5-11, held at least once a year and as needed. The meeting considers and approves long-term plan, the main directions of activity of student self-government, forms student self-government bodies, develops proposals for improving the educational process, reviews regulations, hears reports, evaluates performance results. All decisions are made by majority vote.

This body of student self-government convenes at least once a week and as needed. He resolves the following issues: organizing the activities of all bodies of school students, planning extracurricular activities, discussing plans for preparing and conducting school events, and also organizes students’ duty at school, maintains order and discipline in the school, and offers incentives and punishments.

3.4. The basis of student self-government is class student self-government. The highest body of class self-government is the class student meeting, which is held at least once a month and as needed. The meeting discusses any issues related to the life of its team, adopts a plan of extracurricular activities, and elects a class student council.

3.5. The class student committee is elected for one year until September 15th. It works between class student meetings. He organizes work to implement the decisions of the class meeting, organizes assistance to those who are unsuccessful in their studies, prepares and conducts extracurricular activities, and ensures participation in general school affairs. If necessary, the class student council can create its own bodies of the same name as the school-wide ones.

The class student council consists of: the chairman of the class council, the deputy chairman, and the secretary. Managers: educational sector, cultural sector, economic and labor sector, information sector.

4. Organization of activities

4.1. The activities of student self-government cover all areas of classroom and extracurricular activities and the lives of students:

Maintaining order and discipline in school;

Organization educational process;

The organization of student government activities is based on the interests of students and does not conflict with the school Charter.

4.2. The student council is elected at a school-wide student conference.

Class representatives for the conference are elected at class meetings by a simple majority of votes by open voting. At least 10 students from grades 5 to 11 are elected to the school-wide conference.

4.3. The structure of the student council is determined by the council itself, based on specific tasks for this academic year.

4.4. The work of the student council is led by a chairman, whom the council members elect at their organizational meeting.

If necessary, a deputy chairman of the student council is elected.

4.5. The student council works in close cooperation with the administration and the school council, the parent committee and Pedagogical Council. The work of the student council is coordinated by the school's deputy director for educational work.

4.6. The student committee holds its meetings at least once a month.

4.7. Student council decisions are made by a simple majority of votes. In case of equality of votes, the vote of the committee chairman is decisive.

Each committee member has the right to introduce for discussion any issue related to the organization of the life of the student body.

4.8. To solve the main educational tasks, student self-government bodies correlate their activities with the areas of the program educational work schools:

3.4. The main forms of work of student self-government:

issue of the school newspaper and a page on the school website.

3.5. Periodically, at least once a year, class bodies of student self-government report; are partially updated so that each student, over the years of his stay at school, works more than once in different student government bodies.

5. Main directions of work of the student council

5.1. The student council takes part in the development of the annual work plan

5.2.Organizes the interaction of class groups.

1.1. Student self-government is a children's movement that

represents in a special way organized activities children,

socially conditioned, socially and personally significant,

aimed at meeting the child's needs in

independence, communication, self-realization, changing one’s status and

focused on the implementation of a goal or idea.

1.2. The basis of school student government is:

General meeting of students of the institution, Council of commanders, class student


1.Z.The highest body of student self-government is the General

a meeting of students is a collective body of student self-government.

1.4. Self-government should be based on basic principles:

  • Equality: everyone should have the right to have a decisive vote when making a decision.

  • Election - powers are acquired as a result of elections.

  • Frankness and transparency - the work of self-government bodies should be open to all students.

  • Legality - strict compliance with legal and regulatory acts.

  • Expediency - the activities of self-government bodies should be aimed at realizing the interests and needs of students.

  • Humanity - actions of self-government bodies must be based on moral principles.

  • Amateur activities - creativity, activity, amateur performances of students.

  • Responsibility - it is necessary to regularly report on the work done and its results.
2. Goals, objectives and content of the work of student self-government.

2.1. Goals of student government:

  • Realization of interests and needs of students at school;

  • formation of education management skills at the level of the student, class, school team using the assets of the class and institution.
2.2. The tasks of student self-government are:

  • full assistance to the management of the institution and the teaching staff in organizing the educational process and educational activities;

  • training in management design skills, including educational management at the student and classroom level;

  • identifying the desires, proposals and needs of students in educational and leisure activities;

  • implementation in practice of the most valuable and significant activities in the field of education and leisure;

  • providing assistance in the work of the school council on the prevention and prevention of crime and antisocial behavior of students.
2.3. Student self-government participates in planning the work of the children's organization, organizing events of various types, monitoring and analyzing the activities of the children's organization.
2.4. Student self-government takes an active part in organizing labor education and career guidance, extracurricular educational work, developing a caring attitude towards public property among students, in fostering conscious discipline and a culture of behavior among schoolchildren, and promoting compliance by all students with the internal regulations of the institution and uniform pedagogical requirements.
2.5. Student self-government organizes mutual assistance in learning, helps in organizing and holding olympiads, competitions, and evenings.

2.6. Student self-government participates in the creation of labor associations of schoolchildren and globally contributes to the organization of their effective activities.

3. Student government bodies

3.1. General meeting of students of the institution- the highest body of student self-government. A general meeting of students is held as needed, but

at least once per academic year: reviews and approves the long-term plan, the main directions of activity of student self-government bodies for the coming period, focused on the implementation of previously identified needs of students; resolves issues related to student participation in management educational institution; discusses and accepts plans collaboration self-government bodies of students with teachers, parents; forms student self-government bodies; develops and formulates student team proposals for improvement educational process; expresses the attitude of students to draft school documents, plans and programs for their implementation; reviews and approves regulations, rules, memos and instructions regulating the internal activities of students in the team, the work of persons responsible and authorized by the team; listens to reports and information, evaluates the results of the activities of student government bodies.

3.3 ^ Council of Commanders consists of students in grades 5-11 and is a self-government body in the school, based on consent and cooperation.

The activities of the Council are based on the universal principles of democracy, humanity, harmony, and openness.

The Commanders' Council operates on the basis of the Education Law, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Charter of the institution, the principles of election and accountability, and continuity.

Members of the Council of Commanders are the link between the organizers of the children's team and the class. The decisions of the Council of Commanders are brought to the attention of the class and the class teacher. The Council of Commanders meets at least once a month.

The Council of Commanders participates in the planning and organization of extracurricular and extracurricular activities of students.
^ 3.4. Class meeting is the highest body of self-government of the class. It is carried out as needed, but at least once a month. Class meeting of students:

Discusses any issues related to the life of his team and makes the necessary decisions on them;

Reviews and approves the plan of extracurricular activities, listens to reports and information from responsible persons and self-government bodies of his team about the work done;

expresses his proposals for improving the educational process at school;
^3.5 Class asset
-organizes and carries out self-government and self-organization in the classroom

among students;

Participates in building democratic, legal relations between

participants in the educational process;

Creates conditions for students to expand their choice of various types

activities, formation of needs for self-development and self-education;

Supports and implements student initiatives;

Disseminates the experience of student self-government;

Increases the moral, educational, cultural, civil-patriotic and physical level of students;

Analyzes the needs and interests of schoolchildren in terms of personal self-development;

Organizes and conducts meetings, training camps, tournaments, and cultural events. Work is underway across a number of sectors:

  • educational sector;

  • sports sector;

  • leisure sector;

  • labor sector;

  • editorial board.
3.6 Children's organization hero's name Soviet Union Zoya Anatolyevna Kosmodemyanskaya carries out its activities in accordance with current legislation, the Federal Law “On State Support of Youth and Children’s Associations”.


  • participates in the development of decisions of student self-government bodies, organizes the activities of teams and associations that are part of the organizations;

  • organizes leisure and recreation for children;

  • conducts tourist and local history excursion work;

  • draws public attention to the problems of the children's movement;

  • creates leisure centers and activities for children.

  • The highest body of the children's organization is the student body

The work of the children's organization is carried out in a number of centers:

  • knowledge center;

  • KID center (“Club of Interesting Things”);

  • TNp center (“Traditions of our village”);

  • KAS center (“Cool Agency Reports”);

  • Ecologist Center;

  • "Mercy" center;

  • NPZ center (“Our memory of fellow countrymen”);

  • PPE Center (“Sports and Health”).
^ 4. Encouragement and penalties for participants in self-government bodies.

4.1 Self-government participants are encouraged for:

  • academic success;

  • victory and participation in educational, creative, sports competitions;

  • social activities.
4.2. Types of incentives for self-government participants:

  • announcement of gratitude at a school student meeting or class meeting;

  • awarding a certificate of honor;

  • rewarding with a valuable gift;

  • sending a thank you letter to parents.
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