Education in the Middle Kingdom for Russians from A to Z. Studying at universities in China Studying in Beijing

Russia and China have been cooperating closely and quite successfully for many years. Now China is positioning itself as a country with strong economic growth, so studying in China is quite promising for Russians. A few years ago, China was conquered by students from the eastern part of Russia, and today, opening the schedule of student meetings at the airport, we see the predominance of flights from Moscow, St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg (this does not mean that the guys travel only from these cities, just the closest planes to Beijing , Harbin, Shanghai fly from there).

Studying in China for Russians

On our website we talk a lot aboutstudying in Chinaand successfully help students enroll in one of the universities to study Chinese language. Admission conditions, documents, prices for education and accommodation - all this is in the description of each educational institution on the website.

To begin with, I would like to note that Russians in China include everyone who grew up within the borders former USSR and is fluent in Russian. There are two categories of students who decidedto study in China. The first category includes students who came for an internship or exchange (for example, in the direction Russian university), and to the second - those who wanted to learn Chinese in China on their own after school, college, university, or even after many years of working in their country. And, I’ll tell you, there are many more of those who came to seek knowledge on their own.

Our company is constantly studying the reasons for the outflow of Russian-speaking students.and training in China.Previously, our main bet was that it was cheaper to study in China, but after the yuan exchange rate doubled, we noticed an increase in the number of students. It turns out that it is not the price that is the decisive factor, but the great prospects for both China itself and Chinese education in general.

Studying in China: where do Russians study?

Study in Chinafor Russians it can take place at universities, institutes or at language courses at these educational institutions, as in major cities, and in small villages. Russians study completely different subjects, ranging from the Chinese language, traditions and culture, as well as biology, chemistry, law, medicine and ending agriculture and construction.

Studying in China: where do students come from to study at universities in the country?

Russians, Ukrainians, and Belarusians study in China, and there are also students from the Central Asian republics, namely Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan. If you have arrivedto study in Chinayourself and want to find like-minded people from your native countries, then this will not be difficult for you, especially in large cities. It is also worth knowing that there are a lot of foreign students in China, especially from the USA, South Korea, Canada, Germany, and France.

Education system in Chinese universities

Training for Russian speakers goes like this: for the first year or two, Chinese is studied in a group that consists of representatives of completely different nationalities and nationalities. From the first day they speak to you exclusively in Chinese, only in extreme cases they can use English language. This is the so-called “shock therapy” method, and believe me, it really works.

After you've passedlanguage training in China (1 year), the final language exam is taken. In addition to this exam, in order to enter the specialty in the future, you must pass the HSK - international exam for foreigners on knowledge of the Chinese language. Only after successful completion will you be able to choose the desired direction for further study. In China to master a specific specialty inone group will needanother three to four years (depending on whether it is a bachelor's or master's degree). You can only study in language courses - no one limits this period.

In the first two years, classes are often pass five days a week from eight in the morning to twelve. The rest of the time remains free. Naturally, it is assumed that the student uses this opportunity withbeneficial for learning, in China it is common to practice language skills. But very often students succumb to temptations: they travel, visit bars, discos, cinemas, prefer long sleep and long evening gatherings with new friends.

If you study a language diligently and devote all of your time to this activity free time, then get a knowledge base for passing language exam it won't be difficult.

In higher education programsthe difficulty of studying in China is dramaticincreases, classes continue after lunch, and homework quite enough to spend the night studying textbooks.

Studying in China: are there any grant programs?

There is, and every year we expand the list of student opportunities to study in China not only with big discounts, but also for free. For several years now, we have been successfully recruiting students for language courses, bachelor's and master's degrees at Shandong Polytechnic University (Zibo) and Ludong University (Yantai), where you can enjoy 50-60% discounts on the first language year and further free education and accommodation. In addition to these universities, there are a huge number of options. Direct contracts have been concluded with all educational institutions.

How are international students treated when studying in China?

As in many other countries, in China they treat foreign students with great care and even trepidation.Study in Chinatakes place with special care and the desire of teachers to give the maximum amount of knowledge to Russian-speaking students in a short period of time. Teachers are a completely separate topic for conversation. Such teachers as in China may not be found anywhere else in our time. They treat their students with such responsibility and even love as they treat their own children. They are always ready not only to work through their program in class, but also to worry about your health if you don’t come to class, to help you solve everyday problems of any complexity, or simply to listen to you and give advice. I loved my teachers very much, and to this day I love the tutors with whom I study outside the university.

We assure you that you will appreciate the high levelstudying in Chinaand you will warm up to people who will invest their knowledge and a piece of their soul into you. But, as they say, it’s better to try once than to read 100 times. Check out the list of the best universities in the Middle Kingdom and we will tell you about all the nuances of studying and help you with admission.

Dear readers, if you have any questions, you can write to our managers using the form at the end of the article or call +7 700 446 73 66

Today, China is becoming increasingly attractive for students wishing to study abroad. An important point This includes the choice of the city in which the university will be located. Let's talk about why studying in Beijing is interesting and who should go there.

Pros and cons of Beijing

Beijing is the capital of the Celestial Empire, and that says it all! This is where you can best feel the spirit of China and get acquainted with its history, traditions and culture. Other advantages of the city are:

  • Availability large number universities and many programs of different profiles.
  • Wide opportunities for internships in the world's largest companies.
  • Proximity of embassies and consulates (visa issues are easily resolved);
  • Developed infrastructure.

Now let's mention a few disadvantages of Beijing. The main one, of course, is the environmental problem. Foreign media somewhat exaggerate the level of pollution in the city, but the fact remains: the air in the capital is smoky from the smog of numerous factories, cars, etc. So it’s still worth having a protective mask with you.

Another issue related to Beijing is overpopulation. The measured rhythm of life of the Chinese makes it less noticeable and critical, but, nevertheless, you will definitely encounter crowded transport or queues at the ticket office. True, there is a special attitude towards foreigners here, so they may give way to you to all fundamentally important objects.

Thus, for those who have chosen to study in China, Beijing can be a good starting option (for example, to study Chinese or take an intership). If environmental problems do not scare you, then stay in the capital longer. For example, complete a bachelor's program at one of the many local universities.


For people interested in studying in China, Beijing will be attractive because it has a huge number of universities. For residents of Kazakhstan, the most suitable of them are:

  • Beijing Foreign Studies University.
  • Capital University of Economics and Business.
  • Beihang University.
  • Beijing Normal University.
  • Beijing Jiaotong University.
  • University of International Business and Economics.

As for the programs, the bulk of them are devoted to the study of economics and business. Courses related to tourism and hotel management are also popular. However, this does not mean that those who want to study as a historian, philologist or botanist will not be able to find anything for themselves. Beijing is good precisely because the best specialists in Chinese science in all fields are gathered here. Also, all educational institutions necessarily participate in job fairs, where it is quite possible for foreign students (especially those who know Chinese) to find a well-paid job or internship.

When choosing a university and program, rely not only on documents from official websites, but also on real stories of people who studied there. You can often get a lot this way useful tips and interesting ideas. In order to find such information, simply enter the phrase “study in Beijing reviews” in any of search engines.

Tuition price

Of course, all students are concerned about the cost of studying in Beijing. We hasten to reassure you: studying in Asia will cost much less than in America or European countries. Of course, each university offers its own price, but the average starts at $9,000 per year. This figure includes not only the classes themselves, but also a set of educational materials.

Language programs are cheaper because they involve part-time work during the day (usually 2 to 4 hours). The price of such training will start from $3,000.

If you decide to study in Beijing, the cost of the course is not the only cost. It is also worth thinking about the price of accommodation, food and everyday expenses. Fortunately, life in China (even in the capital) is quite inexpensive. It will be more convenient to live on the campus of an educational institution; this will allow you not to waste time and money on travel and learn the language faster. If you don't like dorm life, rent a room or apartment. But it will be significantly more expensive (about $300 for a small studio without a kitchen, but with a separate bathroom), since real estate prices in the capital are traditionally overpriced.

There will be no problems with nutrition either. In Asia you can easily find any type of cuisine, and local dishes will always be the most unusual and cheap. Alternatively, try lunch at the student canteen; this will be the most economical way for Beijing.

Helpful information

Still don't know which university to go to? No question, we have a lot of experience in this and will help you make the right choice! Write to us on WhatsApp or call +7 700 446 73 66

In conclusion we will give a few necessary advice for those who have chosen to study in Beijing and are planning to go there soon.

  1. Try to adapt to the rhythm of life of Chinese students.
  2. Learn the language.
  3. Travel!
  4. Buy a bicycle or moped.

It's no secret that the Chinese are particularly hard-working. This also applies to their students. They get up early, spend a lot of time doing physical exercise before lectures, and always take a nap break at lunchtime. Try to live in the same rhythm, no matter how strange it may seem to you. You will soon see that learning is much easier this way.

Most programs in China require either knowledge of Chinese at an initial level or its subsequent study. But even if you are going to study entirely in English, you will still have to get acquainted with the basics of Mandarin. In Beijing, few people speak English, so when going to the store, cafes, traveling by transport and other everyday activities, you will have to get used to the language of the Celestial Empire.

Holidays for university students in Beijing last more than three months. This is quite enough for tourist trips around the city and even around the country. Visit Disneyland in Shanghai or the panda sanctuary in Chengdu; fortunately, flights from the capital to any other point in the country are inexpensive. Also, most museums and tourist centers have special discounts for students.

In crowded Beijing, a bicycle or moped is a real salvation for a student. The city is completely designed for cyclists, so you don't have to sit in traffic jams.

Studying in Beijing will be an invaluable experience for every student. The main thing is not to be afraid and choose a program that will definitely meet all your requirements.

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If you are serious about getting a higher education in Beijing, then you need to choose the most suitable educational institution. Here you will find the best universities in Beijing, as well as information about them useful for applicants.

Beijing Transport University is an excellent solution for those students who want to get a higher education in engineering. This university is a leader in a number of profiles, namely:

  • Transport informatics;
  • Economic Management;
  • Transport transportation;
  • Controlling.

No less popular and in demand among students is such a direction as “Telecommunications”. The campus of Beijing Transport University is located as close as possible to the city center, unlike other universities in Beijing.

Beijing Foreign Studies University is a prestigious institution of higher education that is under the patronage of the Ministry of Education. The main specialization of this university is teaching Chinese to foreign students. Under his editorship, a large number of educational literature, which is used in one hundred countries around the world. This university can also offer you a system distance education in the following specialties:

  • Chinese;
  • Chinese language in economics and trade.

People's University of China in Beijing

People's University China in Beijing is rightfully considered one of the best universities in the country. He is the most prestigious higher educational institution in the Celestial Empire in the areas of "Law" and " Humanitarian sciences". Today, with a thorough and responsible approach, get a grant to study in China in any of prestigious universities countries are not a problem. We will provide all the necessary information on this issue and help you enroll in ranking universities PRC under grant programs,

Beijing is an international metropolis. Here we will provide more information about universities in Beijing and educational grants, which you can apply for, the distinctive features of studying in Beijing.

This article will be useful for those who are planning to enroll in China and choose a city for themselves.

Beijing is the safest city in China. But in terms of weather conditions, it is very much inferior to Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Hangzhou. Occupies 2nd place after Shanghai by the number of foreign students. And the academic value of universities is the highest. Most of the top ranked universities in China are located here.

Studying in Beijing is cheap

Peking University Students' Trip

Beijing Temple of Chinese Culture

Chinese culture is so vast, diverse and fascinating. Living in Beijing, you will learn how modern Chinese live. Visit various Buddhist temples throughout the city. Familiarize yourself with the kitchen, housekeeping, manners and norms Everyday life Chinese. Open your mind to the Eastern and more collectivist culture of East Asia.

Megacity of career opportunities

Living in a big city has many advantages, one of which is a wide area of ​​work and a wide range of professional opportunities. If you're looking to get an internship, Beijing is the place to be for a lot of business people looking for experienced foreign professionals to bring a different point of view. Many international companies hire foreigners for marketing research and expansion into other countries. Read more - Chinese companies on the Fortune list.

Photo from the students' tour. Peking University

International student capital

You will become part of the international community. On university campuses, students come from 5 continents of the world. One cultural festival at universities is worth it. The campus is simply covered in the colors of different cultures from all over the world. Beijing is home to one of the largest international communities of expats (overseas employees). This will give you the opportunity not only to immerse yourself in Chinese culture, but also to meet and become part of a diverse group of international students. Being on the Chinese campus, there will not only be local Chinese students, but also students from many countries, including North Korea. You will have opportunities such as living with a Chinese roommate and making friends who will tell you about other parts of the world.

Nightlife in Beijing

Beijing doesn't sleep! For parents who are reading this article, this paragraph may seem inappropriate. But study and rest need to be combined. For a night out, Beijing is simply a godsend. There are many clubs, bars and themed establishments where you can relax with classmates and have fun. Students who studied in Beijing always remember this atmosphere and pleasant memories with warmth. Evening venues are always filled with foreigners and Chinese students, so you're sure to meet new people. Bars also usually have live music and a friendly atmosphere. If you're looking for a place to relax, head to a local bar. Student life in Beijing is very busy!

A complete list of universities in Beijing can be found

Best Universities in Beijing

Beijing brings together many famous universities, institutes and academies, including Peking University, Tsinghua University, Renmin University of China, Peking Pedagogical University, Beihang University and Beijing University of Technology. The campuses are mainly located in Haidian County and Xicheng County. The university city of Haidian is the most famous; Famous universities such as Peking University and Tsinghua University are located here. In addition, there are university cities in Changping, Chaoyang and Liangxiang. We understand how difficult it is for a student to choose a university. All universities have a wide range of specialties and are diverse. For help, you can contact consultants. And we will try to help you. And so the list of the most attractive universities.

Peking University

Takes 2nd place. Located near the Old Palace (Yuanmingyuan Ruins) and the Summer Palace, Peking University began operations as the Imperial University of Beijing in 1889. The total area of ​​the university is 2,743,532 square meters. m. Since its inception, the university has been a comprehensive and significant educational institution in China. Recently, with government support is in new historical development. He has achieved great achievements in the field of knowledge development, talent search, faculty selection and scientific research. Thus, Peking University has become a center of learning and research and an important bridge for international communication.

Tsinghua University

1 position in the list of China. Tsinghua University opened in 1911 and was originally called "Tsinghua Xuetang". It adopted its current name in 1928. Since the transformation national universities Tsinghua University has become a multidisciplinary university specializing in training engineering personnel for the country known as the “cradle of engineers.” Since China opened up to the world in 1978, Tsinghua University has entered a new period of rapid development. Currently, the university has more than 25,900 students, including 13,100 undergraduates and 12,800 graduate students. As one of the most popular schools in China, Tsinghua has become an important institute for cultivating talents and scientific projects.

Renmin University of China

It ranks 30th in the list of universities in China. Renmin University of China (RUC, formerly the People's University of China), opened in 1937, is an important teaching and research base in the humanities, social sciences and management sciences in China. On October 3, 1950, the university received its current name. For students living both in the country and abroad, excellent conditions have been created for studying and living at RUC. It has produced 180,000 highly qualified, talented graduates who specialize in various fields. Currently, the RUC has approximately 18,750 students, divided into 9,260 bachelors and 9,490 masters and PhD students.

Beijing Normal University (BNU)

Confidently takes 20th place. Beijing Normal University (BNU), opened in 1902 as the capital Faculty of Education Capital University is almost as old as the history of modern Chinese education. Beijing Normal University attaches great importance to exchange and cooperation with educational institutions at national, regional and international levels, doing everything possible to achieve global prestige. Currently, BNU has approximately 19,500 full-time students, 8,500 undergraduate students, 9,000 graduate students, 3,370 international students and 31,650 part-time students. It is involved in international cooperation programs and has entered into cooperation agreements with 164 institutions from more than 30 countries.

Beihang University

15th place in the ranking Beihang University, or BU for short, formerly known as the Beijing Institute of Aeronautics, was founded on October 25, 1952. With an area of ​​more than 100 hectares, BU is China's first aeronautics and astronautics university. As one of the leading research centers, BU has implemented about 40 projects that have ranked first in China.
BU has focused on developing its international academic exchange and development projects. It has implemented partnerships with 152 schools and research institutions in 50 countries, including Canada, Australia, Switzerland, Brazil, Pakistan, Ukraine, Russia and the United States. Currently, BUAA's total student population is over 26,000, including over 300 international students.

Beijing Foreign Studies University

20th place - Beijing Foreign Studies University - Beijing Foreign Studies University. BFSU was originally known as the School foreign languages them. Yan'an, founded in 1941 on the basis of the Russian language of the Third Branch of the Chinese People's Anti-Japanese Military-Political College. In 1994, it received the title of the best university offering the study and teaching of foreign languages. BFSU was affiliated with the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs from its inception until the early 1980s and is now a key university under the Ministry of Education. Has cooperation with 320 universities and cultural institutions from 65 countries.

Beijing Language and Culture University

Beijing Language and Culture University (BLCU), opened in 1962. It received its current name in 1997 and was the only international university whose mission is to teach Chinese language and culture to foreign students. BLCU places great importance on exchanges and cooperation with leading global schools. And it has already expanded its partnership with many foreign countries. It has established partnerships with 210 schools from 39 countries in a complex, interdisciplinary and rewarding structure dedicated to international education.

In order to promote the development of higher education for international students in Beijing, further improve talent development, scientific research, social services and cultural exchange, the Beijing Government has set up the Scholarship (BGS) for foreign students. Read more about this type grant and the rest you can read in this article.

The difference between training on a grant and on a paid basis

Since 2014, the popularity of studying in China on a grant has been growing. But you need to understand that everywhere has its pros and cons. Always consider your budget before choosing a place to study. We always recommend enrolling in higher-rated universities. As a rule, ranking universities practically do not provide grants for foreign students. This is the main difference between studying on a grant or on on a paid basis. For details, please contact our consultants.

And they are free for local residents. Small percentage public schools also has the right to enroll foreign students: usually these are those who have received special permission to study for foreigners. The first year of an international student in high school usually devoted to language learning, and upon reaching the required level, the student begins training in the basic school curriculum. State ones are distinguished by strict discipline, adherence to traditional methods and a high academic load. The cost of training in a secondary school will depend on its rating and location (starts at $4,000).

An alternative option for obtaining secondary education in Beijing is: in such schools, children can study both in Chinese and in. This training option is very convenient for foreign students, because usually a boarding school is a large complex where classrooms, libraries and sports center, canteen and dormitory. Learning programs Such schools are more modernized, class sizes are much smaller, students can study certain subjects in depth and attend elective classes. However, the cost of education in Beijing boarding schools is much higher than in government institutions: for example, a semester at a boarding school will cost a student $6,500.

Higher education in Beijing

Language courses in Beijing

Where can you most effectively comprehend its culture, if not in the Middle Kingdom? Most often, foreign students prefer language schools in Beijing, since the capital can offer a huge selection of courses of varying duration and intensity. Another important nuance is studying in Beijing linguistic schools conducted in the generally accepted dialect of Chinese (unlike Shanghai or Hong Kong).

In addition to the general Chinese language course, students are offered various programs aimed at all aspects of language proficiency. The most popular programs were:

  • Individual Chinese (high school students and adults)
  • Academic Chinese (high school students and adults)
  • Standard Chinese courses: (high school students, students and adults)
  • Winter/summer Chinese language + recreation (pupils and students).

In addition to the Chinese language, Beijing boasts a large number of international language schools that teach. This option will be more profitable and interesting than studying in and: being in the center of Eastern civilization, you will be able to learn English at the level of the best European schools. The vast majority of language schools in China en masse recruit native speakers from English-speaking countries, so you don’t have to worry about the quality and efficiency of the result.

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