Basic summary - to help the young officer. Advice to a young officer (selection) X. when defense with weapons is allowed

FORMAL TRAINING Basic summary TOPIC: FORMAL TRAINING LESSON QUESTIONS: 1. Turns in motion. 2 I. Methodology for preparing a leader for a lesson: 1. Understanding the topic, lesson and their goals. 2. Study the content of this lesson. 3. Study of instructions, instructions, guidelines, orders and laws. 4. Determining the sequence of the lesson and the use of material support. 5. Determination of methodological techniques for conducting classes. 6. Drawing up an outline plan (plan, supporting outline). 7. Preparation of material support for the lesson and location of the lesson. 8. Determination of safety requirements during the lesson. 9. Approval of the outline plan (plan) with the immediate superior. 10. Conducting IMZ (instruction) with the assistants of the lesson leader. 11. Organization of self-training for assistant lesson leaders. II. Methodological instructions for conducting classes. Before leaving for training, the company commander receives a report from the commander of the first platoon on the readiness of company personnel for training, and leads the company to the training site. The company goes to the place of training in marching formation with a song or to the drum. Having arrived at the place of training, the company commander lines up the company in a deployed two-rank formation, announces the topic, purpose of the training and training issues, indicates to each platoon a place for training and orders the platoon commanders to separate the platoons to their training places. When the platoons leave for the indicated places, each platoon commander indicates a place for training for each squad. The squad leaders move the squads to their places. When all units take their training places, the company commander gives the command “To conduct classes - Proceed.” The squad leader, going to the middle of the formation, begins the lesson by checking the appearance of his subordinates. At the same time, he pays special attention to the correct fit of the uniform and checks the weapon for its presence and completeness. Then he checks his subordinates to see how they have mastered previously learned drill techniques and evaluates the soldier based on the results of their practice. The squad leader announces to the trainees the topic, lesson and purpose of the upcoming lesson, while especially noting what knowledge and skills acquired earlier may be useful when studying the issues of the upcoming lesson. He informs military personnel about safety measures when handling weapons, indicates the procedure for safely performing the elements of the lesson, and begins to study and train the lesson material. The squad leader begins learning a new drill technique (action) by demonstrating it as a whole, and then element by element at a slow and prescribed pace. Having finished the demonstration and making sure that the trainees understand the technique, the squad leader begins to learn the drill technique with his subordinates, first in elements at a slow pace, and then as a whole. When the technique is learned, at the direction of the platoon commander, the squads begin training in pairs and independently. To conduct training, the squad leader stands in the center of the construction site, and squad soldiers line up along its perimeter at intervals of four steps. Having noticed an error in the soldier’s performance of a technique, the commander approaches him and, being next to him, trains (educates) him individually, while the rest of the squad personnel continue training independently. If several soldiers make the same mistake during training, the commander stops training the squad and demonstrates the technique again, after which the training continues. When conducting pairwise training, soldiers (in pairs) take turns acting as commander. The squad leader, moving from one pair to another, controls the actions of the soldiers and corrects the mistakes they make. The platoon commander, monitoring the actions of the squad commanders, alternately assists them in training and eliminating mistakes made by the soldiers. He can call poorly trained soldiers to himself and personally teach them how to correctly perform a drill or action. The company commander, moving from platoon to platoon, monitors the progress of the training, the correctness of training and makes recommendations to platoon and squad commanders to eliminate mistakes made by soldiers. If necessary, assists one of the platoon (squad) commanders in conducting training. 3 When starting drum training, the company commander stands in the center of the parade ground, calls the drummer to him and, giving him commands, directs the training. In this case, platoon and squad commanders monitor the actions of the trainees and eliminate the mistakes they make during the training. At the end of the lesson, the squad leader points out the shortcomings to each soldier, determines the deadline for their elimination, and also sets tasks for preparing for the next lesson. During the debriefing, the platoon commander notes the best squad and the most distinguished soldiers. The company commander debriefs all personnel and separately with officers, warrant officers and sergeants. During the general analysis, he indicates the degree of development of the studied technique (action) in platoons and gives instructions on improving the implementation of this technique in everyday life. When debriefing with officers, warrant officers, and sergeants, the company commander notes the positive aspects of the training, shortcomings during training, and gives instructions on preparing for the next training. 4 APPROVED by the commander of the military unit ( military rank ) (surname) " " 200. PLAN for conducting a lesson with drill training at " " 200. Topic: DIGITAL TRAINING Lesson: TURNING IN MOVEMENT Purpose of the lesson: To study and practice the procedure for performing turns in motion. Time: _________________________ Place of class: Combat parade ground. Method of conducting the lesson: Practical, training. Material support for the lesson: 1. Equipment for the parade ground. I. INTRODUCTORY PART OF THE CLASS “___” 1. 2. 3. Determining the readiness of the training unit for the lesson I take the unit to the place where the lesson will be held. I check the appearance, the correct fit of the uniform “___” min. subordinates. Reminder of the material from the previous lesson I note what knowledge and skills acquired earlier may be useful when studying the issues of the upcoming lesson. "___" min. Survey of trainees 1. 2. “___” min. 3. 4. MAIN CONTROL ISSUES 1. 2. 3. 4. 4 Introducing safety measures for the lesson. I am clarifying the procedure for safely performing elements “___” min. II. MAIN PART OF THE LESSON “__” min. Item No. 1. Educational questions, tasks, standards Turns in motion Time ____ min. The actions of the leader and his assistant I demonstrate in an exemplary manner each drill technique as a whole and in sections. I'll briefly tell you how to do it. Actions of the trainees Observe the demonstration of the drill. Remember the order 5 no. Training questions, tasks, standards Time Actions of the leader and his assistant I teach drill in divisions. While inside the construction site, I give commands to start practicing the drill and stop it. When studying drill techniques, I pay special attention to the correct position of the body, arms, legs and head. After studying the drill technique in divisions, I train the technique in pairs or independently for my team as a whole. If a general mistake is made while studying a technique or during its training, I stop the department and show how to correct it. If an individual soldier makes a mistake, I take him out of action, stand next to him and provide individual training. All other soldiers continue to perform the drill independently. The actions of the trainees are to perform it in sections at a slow pace and as a whole. Under the command, they train in performing the drill as a whole. III. FINAL PART OF THE LESSON “__” min. 1. 2. Survey on the presented material 1. 2. Self-study assignment Leader of the lesson (military rank, signature) “___” min. "___" min. 6 1. Turns in motion Turns in motion are performed according to the commands: “Direct-VO”, “Nale-VO”, “Round - MARCH”. To turn right (left), the executive command is given simultaneously with placing the right (left) foot on the ground. At this command, take a step with your left (right) foot, turn on the toe of your left (right) foot, simultaneously with the turn, move your right (left) foot forward and continue moving in a new direction. To turn in a circle, the executive command is given simultaneously with placing the right foot on the ground. At this command, take another step with your left foot (a count of one), move your right foot half a step forward and slightly to the left and, sharply turning towards your left hand on the toes of both feet (a count of two), continue moving with your left foot in a new direction (in a count of three). When turning, the movement of the arms is made in time with the step. Turning to the right while moving Learning a turn while moving to the right in divisions of three counts To perform a turn while moving to the right in divisions of three counts, the command is given: “Turn while moving to the right, in divisions; do it ONCE, do it TWO, do it THREE.” According to the “do – ONCE” count, take a marching step with your left foot forward, swinging your arms in time with the step, and stop in a position with your arms down. In the “do - TWO” count, turn sharply to the right on the toe of your left foot, simultaneously with the turn, move your right foot forward and take a step in a new direction. For the count of “do - THREE”, place your left foot. For the next count of “do – ONE”, “do – TWO”, “do – THREE”, repeat the technique from the beginning. Training a turn while moving to the right in divisions of four counts To train a turn while moving to the right in divisions of four counts with a movement of three steps forward, the command is given: “Turn while moving to the right by four Turn left in a counting movement, in steps - MARCH” and a count is made : "one two Three. FOUR". Counting “one, two, three,” take three marching steps forward along the line of the square. To the loud count of “FOUR”, turn right and take a step. Repeat the exercise for the next count of “one, two, three, FOUR.” Learning a turn while moving to the left in divisions of three counts. To perform a turn in movement to the left in divisions of three counts, the command is given: “Turn while moving to the left, in divisions; do it ONCE, do it TWO, do it THREE.” According to the “do – ONCE” count, take a marching step with your left foot forward, and then with your right, swinging your arms in time with the step, and stop in a position with your arms down. In the “do - TWO” count, turn sharply to the left on the toe of your right foot, simultaneously with the turn, move your left foot forward and take a step in a new direction. For the count of “do - THREE”, place your left foot. For the next count of “do – ONE”, “do – TWO”, “do – THREE”, repeat the technique from the beginning. 7 Training for turns in movement to the left in divisions of four counts To conduct training for turns in movement to the left in divisions of four counts with movement four steps forward, the command is given: “Turn in movement to the left in four counts, in steps - MARCH” and then the count “ONE” is carried out , two three four". To the count of “One, two, three, four,” take four marching steps. Under the next loud count of “ONE”, make a turn and step. At the count of “two, three, four” they continue moving. Under the next count “ONE, two, three, four,” the exercise is repeated. Learning a turn while moving in a circle in divisions of four counts To perform a turn in movement in a circle in divisions of four counts, the command is given: “Turn in motion in a circle, in divisions; do it ONCE, do it TWO, do it THREE, do it FOUR.” According to the “do – ONCE” count, take a marching step with your left foot forward, swinging your arms in time with the step. In the “do - TWO” count, move your right foot half a step forward and slightly to the left, moving your arms in time with your step. Simultaneously with placing the toe of your right foot on the ground, move your body slightly forward and, on the toes of both feet, sharply turn in a circle over your left shoulder. On the count of “do - THREE”, move your left leg forward to a height of 15-20 cm and fix the position in which the right hand is above the waist belt buckle by the width of the palm and at the same distance from the body, the left hand is pulled back to failure. On the count of “do - FOUR”, energetically place your right foot next to your left foot and take a combat stance. Training a turn in a circle in four-count divisions To train a turn in a circle in four-count divisions, the command is given: “Turn in a circle in a four-count, step – MARCH” and then count “one, TWO, three, four” " On the count of “one”, take a marching step with your left foot forward, swinging your arms in time with the step. In the count “TWO,” move your right foot half a step forward and slightly to the left, moving your arms in time with your step. Simultaneously with placing the toe of your right foot on the ground, move your body slightly forward and, on the toes of both feet, sharply turn in a circle over your left shoulder. On the count of “three”, bring your left leg forward to a height of 15-20 cm, while the right hand should be above the waist belt buckle by the width of the palm and at the same distance from the body, the left hand should be pulled back to failure. On the count of four, take a step with your right foot. For the next count of “one, TWO, three, four,” the exercise is repeated. Typical mistakes when making turns in motion: a turn in motion is made untimely; a turn to the right (left), half a turn to the right (left) is not made on the toe of the left (right) foot; the turn in a circle is not made on the toes of both feet; the movement of the arms when turning is not carried out in time with the step.

At first I wrote a lot, a lot of text, then crossed it all out. I decided that everyone just needs to read this and learn something useful for themselves. I personally do not agree with certain theses, but they can easily be adapted to modern life.


1. Believe in God, be devoted to the Sovereign Emperor, his family and love your Motherland.

The first and main commandment and duty of a soldier is loyalty to the Sovereign Emperor and the Fatherland. Without this quality he is not fit for military service.

The integrity of the Empire and the maintenance of its prestige are based on the strength of the army and navy; their quality and shortcomings resonate throughout the country, so it’s not your place to get involved in social issues and political speculation; your job is to unswervingly fulfill your duties.

2.Put the glory of the Russian army above all else.

3.Be brave. But courage can be true and feigned. The arrogance characteristic of youth is not courage. A military man must always be prudent and consider his actions calmly and carefully. If you are harsh and arrogant, everyone will hate you.

4.Obey discipline.

5. Respect and trust your superiors.

6. Be afraid of breaking your duty - this will forever lose your good name.

7.An officer must be loyal and truthful. Without these qualities, it is almost impossible for a military man to remain in the army. Faithful is a person who fulfills his duty; truthful - if he does not change his word. Therefore, never promise if you are not sure that you will fulfill your promise.

8.Be polite and modest in your dealings with all people.

9.The best part of courage is caution.


Having arrived at the regiment, the officer acts in accordance with Art. Garrison Service Charter 400 and 401, that is, he is the regiment commander. In practice, they do this: arriving at the office at about 11 o’clock, the officer introduces himself and gets acquainted, first of all, with the regimental adjutant, who gives all the necessary instructions, since each regiment has its own customs/traditions. If an officer appears to the regiment commander at his apartment, then, if he does not find him at home, he should appear a second time, trying to catch him; It is not recommended to sign and leave a service ticket for the first time.

Report for duty to the commander of the company (hundred, squadron) of the battery to which the appointment took place. Taking a list with the addresses of the city from the senior clerk in the office. officers and noting the married ones, make visits to everyone without delaying them. (In wartime, visits are not made. The time to introduce yourself to your superiors is uncertain and the dress code is casual). It is recommended to have time to do them all at once, in one day. The dress code is formal. The rest of the time: on all official occasions, visits, congratulations - ordinary, unless it is given in the order for the regiment to be in it. If you don't find your elder at home, leave your service ID (not a business card). For married people - an official ID and a business card.

Before being presented to the regiment commander and without having yet reported to the regiment, one should not appear in public places (theaters, gardens, concerts, evenings), as it is considered tactless. Upon arrival at the regiment, the first impression is of serious importance.

Having not yet arrived at the regiment, and while on vacation, having met officers of your regiment (in the same city), you should definitely approach him and introduce yourself first.


1. Always remember that you are an officer.

2. Be formal with your superiors.

3. Remember that the boss is always and everywhere the boss.

4. Never criticize the actions and actions of your superiors in general; at any level - especially and, God forbid, at the lower ranks.

5. Every order of a superior, no matter in what form it is expressed (suggestion, request, advice), is an order.

6. If you are senior in rank, and according to the distribution of positions you will be subordinate to a junior, you are obliged to carry out all the orders of the person placed above you, without any argument.

7. If you come on vacation for three days or less, then, when you appear in person, you must certainly send your vacation ticket to the commandant’s office. If you arrive for more than three days, you must appear in person to the commandant.

8. At the end of the vacation period, he must again appear at the commandant’s office or report open letter to the commandant’s office: “On this date I left for the place of my service” (signature).

9. “Whoever wants to be able to command must be able to obey!” - said Napoleon.

10. Take care of your honor, the honor of the regiment and the army.

11. Dress strictly in uniform and always clean.

12.Be strict about your official duties.

13. Conduct yourself simply, with dignity, without foppishness.

14. Be self-possessed, correct and tactful always, with everyone and everywhere.

15.Be polite and helpful, but not intrusive or flattering. Know how to leave on time so as not to be superfluous.

16. It is necessary to remember the boundary where dignified politeness ends and where sycophancy begins.

17. Make people talk less about themselves.

18.Be observant and careful in your expressions.

19. Do not write rash letters and reports in the heat of the moment.

20. Be less frank in general, you will regret it. Remember: “My tongue is my enemy!”

21. Don’t play around - you won’t prove your daring, but you will compromise yourself. Forget the “good old days” and the expression “A bad officer who doesn’t drink,” and “such” an officer will not be kept in the regiment.

22. Don’t rush to get on friendly terms with a person you haven’t gotten to know enough.

23. Avoid “you”, which gives grounds for familiarity in bad taste, an excuse to scold you on the grounds of friendship, interfere in your affairs, say vulgarity, rudeness, etc.

24.Often the elder, having become tipsy, offers to get on a first-name basis with him. Nevertheless, the next day, be diplomatic: either speak to him on a “you” basis, or wait until he is the first to address you on a “you” basis. In a word, tact - necessary condition so as not to get into an awkward position or get into trouble.

25. Avoid stories and scandals. Do not act as an uninvited witness: by supporting one, you will make an enemy in the other - a double-edged sword. Neutrality is a means even for great powers to maintain good relations with everyone.

26. A person who has made enemies, no matter how smart, kind, honest and truthful he is, dies almost inevitably, since our enemies in society are always active; friends are always passive: they only sympathize, regret, sigh, but do not fight for the dying, fearing for their own fate.

27. Avoid money accounts with friends. Money always spoils relationships.

28. If you can, help your friend financially, but avoid taking it personally, as it lowers your dignity.

29. Don’t make debts: don’t dig holes for yourself. Live within your means. Drop false pride. It is immoral to incur debts without being able to pay them; otherwise, don’t get into someone else’s pocket...

30. Don’t indulge at someone else’s expense without having the means to repay in kind, if you don’t want your dignity and self-esteem to suffer. Remember the French proverb: “It is better to drink bad wine from your own small glass than good wine from someone else’s large glass.”

31. Live alone - it’s calmer. Living together with a friend eventually leads to squabbles, even to a breakup.

32. Do not take personally offensive remarks, witticisms, or ridicule said after you, which often happens on the streets and in public places. Be above it. Leave - you won't lose, but you'll get rid of the scandal.

33. Think about every decisive step. It is impossible to correct a mistake, but it is difficult to make amends. “Measure seven times, cut once.”

34. “Be more considerate before a quarrel than compliant after a quarrel.”

35. At a critical moment, friends will not help: in military service they are powerless, bound by discipline and obedience to superiors.

36.If you can’t say anything good about someone, then refrain from saying anything bad, even if you know.

37. Don’t neglect anyone’s advice - listen. The right to follow him or not will remain with you.

38. Being able to take advantage of good advice from another is no less an art than giving good advice to myself.

39. Avoid talking about military topics with anyone outside of duty, especially in wartime.

40. Be careful in choosing your acquaintances: be guided not only by their education, but also by their social position in society. "Tell me who you know and I'll tell you who you are."

41. In front of orderlies (in general, in front of servants), refrain from talking about sensitive topics. This habit must be firmly ingrained in yourself and always remembered. Unfortunately, most people forget this. Meanwhile, the servants listen especially sensitively and look closely at the lives of their masters, take everything into account and often spread absurd gossip to the houses of their acquaintances (through the servants).

42. A person using an orderly must monitor his health, behavior and must not allow him to be treated illegally; giving an orderly to serve another person is certainly prohibited.

43. Responsibility for non-compliance with the orderly's uniform and behavior falls on the officer under whom the orderly works.

44. Do not use the services of someone else’s orderly without prior permission, do not order anything - it is not tactful.

45.After graduating from college, continue studying. Knowledge of the art of war is your strength. In battles there is no time to learn, but you have to apply what you have learned. Don't lose sight of the fact that you need to know all types of weapons.

46. ​​An officer in all cases of his life and service submits a written report: on arrival in the regiment, on departure on a business trip, leave and return from such, on taking up or surrendering a position, on illness and recovery, on collisions and incidents in the service or outside of it, about all sorts of petitions and so on.

47.Reports are written concisely, to the point and without naming the boss.

48.The signature of an officer, no matter what his rank, must always be legible and without any flourishes.

49.Military officials are governed by the same rules as officers.

“Memo to a young officer of the RTV Air Force” (hereinafter referred to as the “Memo”) was developed by the teaching staff specifically for graduates of the Military Training Center of the Institute of Military Training of the Siberian Federal University on the basis of federal laws Russian Federation, guidelines of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, as well as taking into account the many years of experience of current officers of the RTV Air Defense, Air Force and proposals of commanders of units and units of the RTV in accordance with modern requirements for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

The “Memo” outlines recommendations for a young officer on issues of combat readiness and combat duty, provides recommendations on working with subordinates, preparing and conducting combat training classes, as well as on other issues of daily activities.

We hope that the information presented in this “Memo” will be in demand by young officers both during their formation in primary officer positions (chief of the RET model), and when managing radio engineering units. However, the information presented must be used creatively, not forgetting that it is for reference only. When making the most important decisions, it is necessary to refer to various types of guidance documents given in this “Memo”.

The following took part in the preparation of the “Memo”: Colonel V.A. Kopylov; reserve colonels A.V. Chernenko, V.S. Kunchev (responsible for the issue); reserve lieutenant colonel V.M. Kakotkin; Colonel V.M. Batsylev, Colonel S.N. Gritsenko.



Analysis of the current state of groupings of aerospace attack means of potential adversaries, including near the borders of Russia, analysis of local conflicts, and the elimination of the “undesirable” state structure of some countries by armed means allows us to assert that they are capable of launching an air attack from almost any direction.

Considering that more than 80% of strategically important objects on the territory of Russia are within the reach of modern and promising aerospace attack means, the main danger to the Russian Federation in the initial and subsequent periods of the war will be the forces and means of air attack.

60% BR with SSBN 10% SA 78% CR "V-Z" 17% TA, 100% ICBM PA Northern SVKN 60% SA 10% CR

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Fig.1. Geopolitical position of the Russian Federation and possible distribution of SVKN Fig.2. Variants of aerospace danger for the Russian Federation In accordance with the guidelines of the American military doctrine, wars in which the United States may participate are classified according to their scale and means of waging them. By scale, wars are divided into general and limited, and by means of warfare - into wars using nuclear weapons and other means of mass destruction or using only conventional weapons. Along with the classification of wars by scale and means of waging them, US doctrine subdivides all possible forms of armed struggle in interstate relations by intensity. At the same time, three groups of such conflicts are distinguished: high, medium and low intensity.

Possible options for military action against Russia:

the first is the introduction of groups of troops (forces) of a potential aggressor into Russian territory into a conflict area under the guise of a peacekeeping contingent.

the second is the involvement of Russia in military conflicts on the territory of neighboring states, mainly in the post-Soviet space, with their subsequent escalation and transfer of military operations to Russian territory.

the third is aggression against a union state with the subsequent deployment of military actions against Russia.

the fourth is direct aggression against the Russian Federation after partial or complete strategic deployment of the enemy’s armed forces (coalition of states).

Under the strategic aerospace direction (strategist.

VKN) is understood as a conventionally defined strip of near-Earth aerospace space, the territory of the earth's surface and the waters of the world's oceans, within which groups of air, missile, space forces and means, as well as forces and means of combating them, performing strategic tasks, are based and can conduct military operations.

Each strategic air force is divided into several air directions.

The air direction (VN) is a part of the strategic aerospace direction, within which military operations are based and can be carried out by groups of air and missile forces and means, as well as forces and means of combating them, performing operational and operational-strategic tasks.

Forms of use of air and space attack forces of the Air Force

US in offensive actions:

Aerospace Operation (ASO);

Air campaign;

Air offensive operation (AOC);

Systematic combat operations.

The main form of use of VKN forces in a general nuclear war is the aerospace operation (ASO).

It represents the actions of aerospace attack forces on several strategic air defense forces, carried out with the aim of destroying the enemy’s nuclear missile and economic potential, suppressing his will to resist by deeply destroying important strategic objects.

Aerospace defense refers to missile and air strikes of strategic and operational-tactical offensive forces coordinated and interconnected in purpose, place and time, carried out according to a single concept and plan to accomplish certain strategic tasks.

An air campaign is a set of first and subsequent air offensive operations, united by a common plan and aimed at achieving the most important military-strategic goals in a theater of war (theater of war). The use of strategic bombers with conventional weapons is considered necessary for the success of the air campaign Duration of the air campaign in the theater, including air offensive operations and systematic combat operations by air attack forces can last up to 30 days.

The main form of use of air attack weapons (AEA) in a war using only conventional weapons is air attack weapons.

The term "airborne military action" is understood as a set of interconnected and coordinated in purpose, place and time of combat operations carried out in a theater of operations by operational-tactical forces using conventional weapons and a limited number of strategic aircraft according to a single concept and plan.

VNO parameters:

The front width is up to 800 km with a breakthrough of the air defense system in several areas of 50–250 km;

Operation depth – 1800–2000 km;

The duration of the operation is from 3 to 5 days.

Systematic combat operations are the main form of combat use of the Air Force in low-intensity conflicts, when there is no need for the massive use of air strikes to achieve the goals of an armed conflict.

The main method of using SVKN in aerospace defense is considered to be the delivery of massive missile and aviation nuclear strikes (MRNUA).

The first MRAAU can be applied in several ways:




A surprise strike is carried out, subject to its covert preparation, by the composition of the duty forces of ICBMs and SSBNs from the composition of land- and sea-based missile forces with the aim of destroying the enemy's retaliatory strike means.

A pre-emptive strike can be delivered during the accelerated transfer of strategic offensive forces (SAF) to increased levels of combat readiness upon receipt of irrefutable data about an impending surprise strike by the enemy.

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The reconnaissance and warning system for an aerospace attack solves the problem of warning the country's leadership and the Armed Forces about the preparation and start of an aerospace attack, provides information about the aerospace situation to the control bodies of the aerospace defense system, means of destruction and suppression of airborne attack systems.

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Rice. 7. Tasks solved by radio technical troops Thus, air defense is one of the main components of the country’s aerospace defense and is designed to solve the following main tasks:

Conducting reconnaissance of enemy air;

Protection of the State Border of the Russian Federation in the airspace;

Combating enemy air attacks;

Monitoring compliance with federal rules for the use of Russian airspace.

The effective functioning of this system is ensured by the radar reconnaissance system, the basis of which is the radio technical troops (RTV).


The main and main directions of maintaining troops in a state of combat readiness are:

Combat readiness;

Combat training;

Law and order and military discipline;

Comprehensive support measures Everyday life and troop activities.

The combat effectiveness of units and subunits is achieved as a result of a long process of their formation, organizational and combat coordination, training, training and education of personnel. As a result of such multilateral activity and training, they turn into military organisms and become combat-ready, that is, capable of performing their inherent defense tasks.

Components of troop combat readiness:

Personnel (staffing, selection and placement);

Equipment, weapons and material resources;

Trained and highly professional personnel;

Highly trained command and management personnel;

High readiness of the forces and means on duty to immediately repel the first strike;

Military Science;

Studying the experience of wars;

Moral and psychological training of personnel;

The degree of combat readiness of troops is such a state of troops in which they are able to either immediately begin to carry out a combat mission and fully use their combat capabilities to repel an enemy attack, or bring themselves to a higher degree of combat readiness to carry out combat missions in the shortest possible time.”

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have four levels of combat readiness: CONSTANT, INCREASED, MILITARY DANGER and COMPLETE.

The combat readiness of troops CONSTANT troops is such a state in which they are able to begin performing combat missions with the forces on duty immediately, and with the rest of the troops within the established time frame.

INCREASED combat readiness of troops is such a state in which they are able to begin carrying out combat missions with a reinforced composition of duty forces immediately, and with the rest of the personnel - within the established time frame.

The combat readiness of troops MILITARY DANGER is such a state in which they are able to begin performing combat missions with all forces of constant readiness immediately, and newly formed and mobilized ones - within the established time frame.

FULL combat readiness of troops is such a state in which they are able to begin carrying out combat missions with all their forces in the shortest possible time or immediately and fully use their combat capabilities to repel an attack from enemy aerospace forces.


Taking office is a crucial moment in the career of a young officer, and how competently, in accordance with the requirements of governing documents, this is done will largely determine the success in solving the tasks facing him.

Service begins with presentation to superiors.

According to Art. 61 of the Charter internal service Of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, officers newly appointed to a unit are introduced to the unit commander, his deputies, and upon receipt of appointment to the unit - to the unit commander and deputies.

Introducing himself to officials, the graduate reports: “Comrade Colonel! Lieutenant Ivanov has arrived for further service.”

The unit commander or his deputy introduces newly arrived officers to the officer corps of the unit and subunit. The officer being introduced must pay attention to his appearance and combat smartness, and be prepared to answer questions clearly, confidently and frankly. When answering questions, you need to be modest, but not lose your self-esteem.

The formation of a young officer refers to the initial period of his service in a new position, during which, under the guidance of his superiors, he acquires the knowledge and professional skills necessary for a complete and high-quality solution of problems.

The formation period includes three stages:

first – commissioning;

the second is taking office;

the third is one’s own formation.


Commissioning is the initial stage of an officer's formation period, during which the immediate superior introduces him to the place of service (workplace), duties of the position and introduces him to the personnel.

When commissioning, the following tasks are set:

Organization and conduct of educational work;

Familiarization with the history of the unit, its structure and the tasks it solves;

The procedure for obtaining personal weapons and technical equipment.

The duration of the first stage is from two to five days, depending on the position to which the officer is appointed. An officer is commissioned by his immediate superior. The end goal of the input is to:

the officer received the task, became familiar with the methods of its implementation;

was introduced to the personnel;

began drawing up a plan for taking office.

At this stage, the immediate superior draws up a plan for the commissioning of his subordinate.


Taking on a position is the subsequent stage after commissioning, a stage during which the officer, independently or with the help of his immediate superior, studies in more depth his official duties and governing documents for the organization educational process, personnel, master the methodology of conducting classes in general military disciplines. The stage involves accepting the position and independently performing official duties.

During the second stage, the officer appointed to the position must acquire certain knowledge and practical skills:

a) study:

Full functional responsibilities;

Guiding documents on the organization of the educational process (decrees, orders, directives, instructions, guidelines etc.);

Moral and psychological state of personnel, personal qualities, abilities, character traits of subordinates;

Internal regulations; procedure for working with sergeants; organization of combat training; content of academic disciplines;

Forms and methods of monitoring and assessing knowledge;

Documents on combat duty;

The educational and material base of the unit and its capabilities;

Fundamentals of military pedagogy and psychology;

Organization of mass sports work;

Methods differentiated approach to physical training of subordinates;

b) gain practical skills:

On combat duty as a PU duty officer (2–3 probationary duties);

Carrying out individual work on the military and moral education of soldiers, in resolving issues of strengthening military discipline;

Preliminary and immediate preparation for conducting combat training classes, drawing up training documents, conducting classes (2-3 trial classes);

Working with non-commissioned officers;

Organization and conduct of sporting events, adoption of VSK standards;

Planning and accounting of personal work.


All officials upon appointment and transfers are required to hand over and accept cases and positions.

Acceptance and delivery of cases and positions includes:

Studying the staffing level of the unit;

Study of the state of combat training;

Study of the moral and psychological state of personnel and the state of military discipline;

Studying the availability and condition of weapons and military equipment and other material assets;

Familiarization with the state of housing and living conditions of military personnel;

Study of other issues determined by the senior commander (chief);

Documentation of the reception of cases and positions. The person accepting the position, together with the report, provides an acceptance certificate, which indicates: the roster and available composition of the unit; alert; combat training; moral and psychological state of personnel and the state of military discipline; the presence and condition of weapons, military equipment and other material assets;

the state of housing and living conditions of military personnel.

Attached to the act are statements of the availability and quality condition of material assets, indicating the availability, quality condition, surpluses and shortages.

When approving the act of accepting cases and positions, the superior officer is obliged to consider the comments. If necessary, to reveal the true state of affairs, an administrative investigation is appointed, which must be completed within two weeks.

The act and statements of the availability and quality of material resources are signed by the person accepting and handing over the case and position, as well as by the members of the commission who carried out the inventory of material resources. A report is submitted to the immediate superior about the acceptance and delivery of cases and positions.


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PLAN for taking on the position of platoon commander of Lieutenant SMIRNOV A.A. for the period from August 1 to August 15, 1998.

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Personal development is the longest stage of a newly appointed officer in a new position, during which he independently and under the guidance of his immediate superior masters his duties in full and acquires skills in leading a unit.

The duration of this stage is one year. The main tasks of activity at this stage are:

Mastering the full responsibilities of your position;

Mastery of the basic forms of educational, methodological and individual educational work;

Deepening and improving theoretical knowledge and acquiring skills in conducting classes in various disciplines;

Deepening, fully understanding and updating knowledge of the requirements of governing documents on the organization and conduct of the educational process;

Participation in training and practice;

Consolidating skills and acquiring skills in developing in soldiers the necessary ideological, moral, military and professional qualities, instilling in them high discipline and diligence, hard work and initiative, physical endurance, drill bearing and smartness;

Carrying out constant monitoring of the progress of official activities, accumulation and systematization of academic results;

Studying the experience of educational work accumulated in one’s own and other departments and using it in practical activities;

Participation in the work to find and implement new methods and means of educating and training subordinates;

Continuous study of personnel, knowledge of their business, moral and psychological qualities.

After completing the entry into position, a task is given and a formation plan is drawn up, on which the officer works.

The senior manager monitors its implementation on a monthly basis, takes tests from him and issues grades.



The daily activities of units (units) are a continuous process of preparing and conducting activities that ensure their constant combat readiness to perform combat and other missions.

The structure of the daily activities of RTV divisions (parts) is multifaceted and covers almost all areas of their activity:

Combat duty;

Combat training;

Troop service;

Equipment, maintenance and operation of weapons and military equipment;

Military discipline and law and order;

Security of military service;


RTV Air Force - troops of constant combat readiness. This is a decisive condition for timely and effective air defense radar and aviation for the successful fight against violators of the air borders of the Russian Federation, as well as for preventing a surprise attack by an enemy air force.

The duty forces and means of the Radio Technical Troops of the Russian Air Force perform the following tasks:

1. Continuous conduct of radar reconnaissance with the issuance of radar information to higher, supported and interacting command posts.

2. Ensuring timely transfer of radio engineering units to higher degrees combat readiness.

3. Radar control over flights of the State Border of the Russian Federation and aircraft flights in the border (seaside) 150-kilometer strip over the territory of the Russian Federation within the capabilities of the duty radar field, and outside this strip - over certain categories of aircraft, determined by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

4. Dispatcher control over the flights of its air assets.

5. Issuance of radar information to air defense forces on duty fighting to repel aircraft incursions into air space Russian Federation.

6. Notifying units of radio engineering troops about flights of reconnaissance space assets and issuing information about air targets in warning networks.

7. Radar control over the flights of combat and combat training aircraft (helicopters) of the aviation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation outside the established air routes of the Russian Federation and local air lines, over the waters of the seas in coastal areas, as well as control over the flights of aircraft of the letters “A”, other letters and special aircraft (helicopters).

8. Monitoring the radiation, chemical and biological situation in the areas of positions of radio engineering units and command posts of units and immediate delivery of information to a higher command post about observed nuclear explosions and radioactive, chemical and biological contamination of the area.

The regimental command post and all radio engineering units deployed in positions are involved in combat duty in a radio engineering regiment.

Allowed are personnel who, due to their business, moral and psychological qualities, state of health and level of training, are capable of performing combat duty tasks, who occupy appropriate regular positions or are trained from among related specialists, who are authorized to operate weapons and military equipment, who have mastered safety regulations and fire safety, their duties as part of the combat crew.

Some of the radio engineering units are on duty with RET turned on according to the schedule to conduct continuous radar reconnaissance and issue radar information to the duty forces of the aerospace defense brigade.

Combat duty in radio engineering units is carried out by combat crews assigned for the day, the shift of which takes place at 9.00 local time.

The combat crew of the RTB command post (PU orlr) is assigned to solve the tasks of controlling subordinate units (crews).

The composition of a unit's combat crew is individual for each RTB (ORL) and depends on the number and types of SRL, CSA, communications equipment in service, the order of battle, and the chosen option for performing the combat mission. The specific composition of the combat crew of the radio engineering unit, indicating the number of shifts and the duration of work of each of them, is indicated in the order on the procedure for carrying out combat duty in the unit and is communicated to the unit by an extract from the order.

Depending on the current situation at the RTB command post (orlr PU), duty (combat work is carried out) is carried out by a duty combat crew, a reinforced duty combat crew, or a full combat crew.

For continuous control of units and the implementation of combat duty tasks at the command post (CP) in peacetime, round-the-clock combat duty is established, carried out by a duty combat crew led by an operational duty officer of the command post, duty control post.

If there is a threat of violation (violation) of the State Border of the Russian Federation by aircraft, bringing to the highest levels of combat readiness or in other cases of complications of the situation, the combat crew on duty is reinforced, the battalion (company) commander or a person replacing him arrives at the command post with the necessary group assigned to strengthening the duty combat crew.

A list of officials included in the reinforcement group of the duty combat crew should be kept in case of their call by the operational duty officer of the RTB command post, orlr control post.

The degree of readiness of on-duty forces and assets is such a state of combat crews and equipment in which they are able to begin performing specific combat missions immediately or in the shortest possible time.

Four levels of readiness are established for air defense forces and assets on duty:

readiness No. 1 - at the command post (SKP, PU, ​​TsBU), PN, equipment and weapons, depending on the situation, there are full or reduced combat crews. The equipment and weapons are turned on, tested for operation and ready for combat use, radar, radio and electronic reconnaissance equipment is conducting reconnaissance. Fighters and combat helicopters are prepared for departure, the crews are in the cockpits in full equipment, ready to take off upon a signal from the command post. Communications equipment is turned on and provides combat control;

readiness No. 2 – at the command post (SKP, PU, ​​TsBU), PN, equipment and weapons there are duty shifts of reduced combat crews. Equipment and weapons have been tested and prepared for use; some radar, radio and electronic intelligence equipment are conducting reconnaissance.

Fighters and combat helicopters are prepared for departure, the crews are partially equipped and are in special rooms. Communication means have been checked, some of them are turned on and provide control of the forces and means on duty for air defense;

readiness No. 3 – at the command post (SKP, PU, ​​TsBU), PN, equipment and weapons there are duty shifts of reduced combat crews. Equipment and weapons have been checked and prepared for deployment. Fighters and combat helicopters are prepared for departure, the crews are in special rooms without equipment. Communication means have been checked, some of them are turned on and provide control of the forces and means on duty for air defense;

readiness No. 4 - at the command post (SKP, PU, ​​TsBU), PN, equipment and weapons there are personnel in an amount that ensures the reception and transmission of commands (signals) and is sufficient to notify and assemble a reduced combat crew. Equipment and weapons have been checked and prepared for deployment. Fighters and combat helicopters are prepared for departure, the crews are engaged in accordance with the daily routine. By decision of regiment and squadron commanders, they can be involved in flights according to the combat training plan. Communication means have been checked, some of them are turned on and provide control of the air defense forces and assets on duty.

Admission to combat duty for officers and warrant officers of radio engineering battalions and individual radar companies is carried out by order of the commander of the regiment, which includes the specified units.

The list of persons allowed to carry out combat duty, indicating their position in the combat crew, is announced by order of the regiment commander and communicated to the units by extracts from the order.

Orders are issued based on the results of personnel passing tests on knowledge of functional duties, documents regulating the organization and performance of combat duty, and the practical performance of duties in the workplace.

Testing the knowledge and practical skills of officers and warrant officers admitted as operational duty command posts (pupil duty officers) is carried out personally by the chief of staff of the radio engineering regiment with the involvement of the necessary specialists, the rest of the personnel is checked by unit commanders.

An official is allowed to carry out combat duty if the answers to all theoretical questions are credited to him and he completes all practical activities.

Persons who have a break in combat duty of more than 30, but less than 65 days, can be assigned to a combat crew only after completing probationary duty. Persons who have a break in combat duty of 65 days or more are allowed to carry out combat duty after testing their knowledge, practical skills and completing internship duty.

Radio-electronic equipment is allowed for combat duty if it is deployed in a position, is combat-ready, has means of objective control, is manned, has been flown over, and has been declared by unit order to be placed on combat duty.

The involvement of SRL, KSA, and communications equipment in combat duty is carried out according to a schedule drawn up at the headquarters of the aerospace defense brigade. Extracts from this schedule are sent to departments.

Personnel are assigned to combat duty on the eve of the day of entry.

The appointment of officers, warrant officers, female military personnel and military personnel hired on a contract basis to combat duty is carried out by order of the commander of the radio engineering regiment on a daily basis. The remaining persons on duty combat crews are determined by the schedules of duty combat crews of the RTB (orlr). The compiled schedules of duty combat crews of the RTB (orlr) are filled out in separate journals on the eve of the day of going on combat duty, approved (signed) by unit commanders, communicated to the personnel and stored for a year. Replacement of persons assigned to the combat crew on duty is permitted by the decision of the commander who approved the schedule of the combat crew, about which a corresponding entry is made in the log.

The number of radar operators (RLS), PRV, ACS, and other specialists assigned to combat duty must ensure their shift work.

The time of continuous work of operators behind the indicator screens should not exceed two hours.

Training of personnel for combat duty is carried out as part of units and combat duty crews before each deployment on combat duty. It is divided into preliminary and immediate.

Preliminary training of the personnel of the unit's combat duty crew is carried out on the day before taking up combat duty in specially equipped classes. In this case, the duration of classes is set depending on the level of training of personnel.

The main forms of training personnel for combat duty are:

Solving tactical problems (flights);

Conducting training with combat crew on duty;

Development of individual standards and calculation standards;

Practical testing of issues related to the use of operating modes of electronic electronic devices and communications equipment.

In addition, it is planned to conduct group classes, briefings, study orders, manuals and other documents regulating the organization and performance of combat duty, as well as an analysis of the shortcomings of combat duty and self-study personnel.

These classes and training must be carried out taking into account the specific combat mission, the combat capabilities of the unit, various environmental conditions and the actions of personnel in special cases of duty according to a separate schedule and taken into account in a separate log.

To ensure high-quality training of personnel for combat duty, the results of an analysis of the organization and performance of combat duty, monitoring the readiness of the duty forces, which are reflected in orders issued to the radio engineering regiment once a quarter, can also be used.

When preparing personnel for combat duty, training radio-electronic equipment and communications equipment, simulators, mock-ups, teaching aids, as well as educational materials specially equipped classes.

Electronic equipment and communications equipment are prepared for combat duty in advance during daily activities by carrying out maintenance (repair and troubleshooting) in accordance with current plans, schedules, manuals and instructions.

Preliminary training of officers and warrant officers of the duty combat crew of the command post (PU) is carried out under the leadership of the commander.

Preliminary training with the privates and non-commissioned personnel of the duty combat crew is organized by unit commanders and crew chiefs.

Direct training of personnel, electronic equipment and communications equipment is carried out on the day of entering combat duty in order to clarify the situation, received orders and assess the readiness of personnel and workplaces for combat duty.

The main forms of preparation for combat duty are:

solving tactical problems (flying missions), conducting training taking into account a specific combat mission and possible situational conditions. In addition, provision should be made for group classes, lectures, instruction, study of orders, directives and methodological manuals on issues of combat readiness, combat duty and actions in conflict situations, analysis of shortcomings and combat duty in air defense at specific examples, as well as independent training of personnel.

Direct preparation usually includes:

Bringing to light the current situation and shortcomings noted over the past 24 hours;

Instructing and assigning tasks to the personnel of the duty combat crew;

Conducting daily technical inspection, taking measures to eliminate identified deficiencies.

Checking the readiness of personnel, electronic equipment and communications equipment for combat duty is carried out by commanders and relevant officials of units at the stage of preliminary and immediate preparation.

Readiness control can be carried out by:

Testing knowledge of functional responsibilities by officials of the duty combat crew;

Inspections of officials according to standards;

Monitoring the functioning of radio-electronic equipment and communications;

Announcements (delivery) of introductory notes with subsequent monitoring and evaluation of actions on them, etc.

On the day of entering combat duty on the SRL, KSA, and communications equipment, ETO is carried out, as provided for in the operating instructions when the corresponding set of electronic equipment and communications equipment is turned on. The commanders of the sets (engineers, shift supervisors) make an entry in the combat duty log about readiness for combat use.


The process of joining combat duty includes the following elements:

Conducting the ritual of entering combat duty;

Occupation of workplaces by combat crew on duty;

Checking the condition of the material part (workplaces);

Report on readiness to carry out a combat mission.

Taking up combat duty is carried out in a solemn atmosphere in accordance with the Regulations on the organization of training, the procedure and ritual of taking on combat duty.

The ritual of entering combat duty is an important and effective form of instilling in military personnel high personal responsibility for fulfilling the tasks facing them.

The ritual must be performed clearly and in an organized manner. To add solemnity to the ritual and increase its emotional impact on personnel entering combat duty, the raising of the State Flag and the performance of the National Anthem of the Russian Federation are used.

All personnel of the unit not engaged in service take part in the ritual of entering combat duty.

The ritual of entering combat duty is carried out by unit commanders, their deputies or persons appointed by them.

The place, time and procedure for the ritual of entering combat duty is determined by the unit commander. To conduct the ritual, areas with a hard surface, markings for placing military personnel, visual propaganda and a mast for raising the National Flag of the Russian Federation, as well as technical means for playing recordings of the National Anthem of the Russian Federation and military marches are equipped.

When setting tasks for combat duty, the battalion (company) commander pays special attention to:

The correct setting of the operating modes of the electronic equipment when they are turned on for combat duty;

Timely detection of targets and provision of information on them from the first mark;

Features and procedure for radar support of fire weapons in various air conditions;

Monitoring the serviceability of the electronic equipment equipment and objective control during duty;

The procedure for using objective monitoring equipment;

Vigilance on combat duty.

At the end of the briefing, the battalion (company) commander gives the command: “Battalion (company)! BE EQUAL! HUMBLY! Listen to the order!

(Unit number) to the radio technical battalion (separate radar company) for combat duty to protect the air borders of the Russian Federation - STEP IN!”

The National Anthem of the Russian Federation is performed and the National Flag of the Russian Federation is raised.

At the end of the anthem, the battalion (company) commander gives the command:

“Battalion (company)! Right! MARCH to combat duty!”

The unit's personnel march solemnly in front of the commander.

After passing through the solemn march of the ODKP (DPU), the duty officer leads the squad to the command post (PU). Having stopped the duty crew, the ODKP (DPU) commands: “The combat crew on duty take their jobs, take duty and report on their readiness to carry out the combat mission! Walking to work places - MARCH!

At the facilities, the combat crew on duty monitors the operation, sets the operating modes of the equipment, checks the correctness of static information applied to the IKO, and the serviceability of the objective monitoring equipment. On duty, the persons on duty sign in the logs and report to the ODKP (DPU).

The commanders of the RET sets report to the company commander about the readiness of the RET for combat use or about the measures taken for restoration and make a corresponding entry in the combat duty log.

Having made sure of the readiness of electronic electronic equipment, communications and objective control for combat use and the readiness of all members of the combat duty crew to carry out combat duty tasks, the OD KP (DPU) assigns a combat mission to all officials of the combat crew, signs in the combat duty log and reports on the entry to combat duty to the commander of a battalion (company), ODKP VKP, ODKP of supported air defense units, electronic warfare, and air force aviation.

Proper organization of combat duty, high-quality performance of combat missions by radio technical units and subunits, knowledge and accurate performance of their duties, the degree of training of command post (PU) combat crews, continuous, stable control and high survivability of control points, provision of reliable communications, as well as skillful and organized management units both during preparation and during combat use is a necessary condition for the successful execution of a combat mission by radio technical units and subunits.


Combat training is the main content of the daily activities of commanders, staffs and troops. It is carried out both in peacetime and in wartime and is determined by the needs of the Air Force RTV for well-trained military personnel, units, and military units capable of successfully performing the tasks assigned to them.

Combat training includes:

Single and individual training of military personnel;

Preparation (coordination) of crews, units, military units;

Preparation (coordination) of management bodies (headquarters).

Single training - training of sergeants and soldiers after their arrival at a military unit (unit). Its goal is to give military personnel the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to perform duties in combat, when handling weapons, military equipment and performing daily service.

Single training for sergeants and soldiers includes:

Initial (combined arms) training of military personnel, including those entering military service by contract;

Acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities for the position held;

Studying the basics of training and education of personnel, developing command skills among sergeants;

Preparation and passing tests for admission to independent work on equipment, combat duty, assignment (confirmation) of class qualifications, mastering a related specialty. A distinctive feature of single-person training is the predominance of the duration of training under the guidance of a commander (chief) over the duration independent work trainee to master job responsibilities.

Individual training – maintaining and improving the knowledge, skills and abilities of military personnel. Its goal is complete and high-quality mastery of job and special duties. A distinctive feature of individual training is the predominance of the duration of the student’s independent work in mastering job responsibilities over the duration of classes under the guidance of the commander (chief).

The training of crews, units, and military units of the Air Force RTV is carried out with the aim of ensuring their constant readiness for combat use in any situation in accordance with their combat mission and is carried out during the development of combat coordination tasks.

Combat coordination is the training of military personnel in coordinated actions as part of duty shifts, crews, units, with subsequent training as part of a military unit of the RTV to carry out combat missions as intended.

Training of command and control bodies (headquarters) is carried out with the aim of ensuring their readiness for planning combat use, training and command of troops in any situation, as well as resolving issues of interaction and comprehensive support.

Requirements for the training levels of sergeants and soldiers

The direction of training for soldiers undergoing conscription military service is: initial stage– acquisition of knowledge and skills in a military specialty at a level that allows them to begin independently performing the duties of their position (including taking up combat duty); in the future - achieving a level of confident performance of duties in a difficult environment.

The direction of training for sergeants and soldiers serving under contract is a thorough mastery of the military specialty, allowing them to confidently and with high efficiency perform the duties of their position in any combat situation.

Distribution of study time.

Forms and methods of training sergeants and soldiers Combat training is carried out during the academic year, the duration of which is established by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. Academic year is divided into two study periods: winter and summer, lasting five months.

After the end of the study period and before the start of the next, a preparatory period of one month is provided for the purpose of:

Acceptance of replenishment and release to the reserve of military personnel who have served a specified period of service;

Summing up and setting tasks for troop training;

Planning (clarification of planning) combat training;

Conducting training (educational and methodological) gatherings;

Transfer of weapons and military equipment to seasonal operation, if the time period coincides with local climatic conditions;

Development, improvement, maintenance and preparation of educational material and technical base.

During the preparatory period, classes on public and state training of sergeants and soldiers, training to maintain the level of combat proficiency of personnel and the coherence of combat crews do not stop.

Each training period includes stages of separate and joint training of sergeants and soldiers. Separate training is carried out for one month, joint training – for four months.

The separate stage of training begins from the moment a young recruit enters a non-staff training unit of a military unit and continues until the young soldiers complete the Combat Training Program for recruits who have entered (called up) for military service. During the separate stage, the remaining military personnel are engaged in improving professional training, mastering related specialties, preparing for and passing tests to improve their class qualifications.

The joint stage of training corresponds to the stage of practicing combat coordination tasks for combat crews, subunits, and military units of the RTV Air Force.

Combat training of military personnel is organized within the framework of a typical month and week of training.

After lunch, training sessions are held on poorly understood topics, independent training, preparation of daily duty and guard duty, practical training on preparing weapons and military equipment for combat use, training of non-standard units, special teams and crews. The duration of a teaching hour is 50 minutes.

Forms of training for sergeants and soldiers according to their place in the service process are divided into:

Educational and planned forms - lecture, seminar, conversation (story-conversation), class-group lesson, demonstration lesson, training (including incidental), exercise, practical lesson, tactical (tactical-special) lesson, instructor-methodological lesson, complex lesson, tactical (special tactical) exercise, control lesson (test lesson), competition (competition);

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“Bulletin of SibGUTI. 2015. No. 2 UDC 530.1: 537.86 + 621.396.96 Fractals and scaling in radar: A view from 2015 A.A. Potapov The paper presents selected results of the application of the theory of fractals, dynamic chaos, scaling effects and fractional operators in fundamental issues of radar, radio physics, radio engineering, antenna theory and electronics. The author has been dealing with these issues for exactly 35 years. The scientific direction created by the author for the first time in Russia and in the world is based on the concept...”

“Application form 1. General information about the Applicant. 1.1. The name of the organization of which the Applicant or the Applicant is a division, indicating the department. Federal State state-financed organization Science Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics named after. V.A. Kotelnikova Russian Academy Sciences 1.2. Name structural unit and a link to its page (if available). Laboratory of superconducting devices for receiving and processing information. 1.3. Current on...”


Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Tambov State Technical University



Educational and methodological manual

Tambov Publishing House TSTU

BBK Ts4.6(2)23 R84

Reviewer Head of the Faculty of Military Education TSTU

Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor, Colonel

L.A. Kharkevich

Iolin P.D., Yurov Yu.V., Ivanov V.A., Gorovoy Yu.B.

P84 Guide to graduates of the Faculty of Military Studies ( military department): Educational method. allowance. Tambov: Tamb publishing house. state tech. Univ., 2005. 116 p.

The manual was developed for graduates of the Faculty of Military Education and is aimed at providing assistance in a timely manner and fully accepting the position of platoon commander. It addresses the issues of accepting a position, maintaining a company economy, financial responsibility of military personnel, organizing combat training of personnel, personal preparation for classes and other important issues.

In addition, the manual contains numerous reference data necessary for the platoon commander in his daily activities.

Intended for students and graduates of military education faculties (military departments) of universities.

BBK Ts4.6(2)23

Iolin P.D., Yurov Yu.V., Ivanov V.A., Gorovoy Yu.B., 2005

Tambov State Technical University (TSTU), 2005

Educational edition

IOLIN Pavel Davidovich, YUROV Yuri Vladimirovich, IVANOV Valery Anatolyevich, GOROVOY Yuri Borisovich


Educational and methodological manual

Editor T.A. Synkova Computer prototyping A.I. Evseycheva

Signed for publication on December 20, 2004 Format 60 × 84 / 16. Offset paper. Offset printing.

Times New Roman typeface. Volume: 6.74 conventional units. oven l., 6.5 academic publications. l.

Circulation 300 copies. S. 878M

Publishing and Printing Center of Tambov State technical university

392000, Tambov, st. Sovetskaya, 106, room 14


This training manual outlines the requirements official documents on accepting the position of unit commander, accounting for military personnel in the unit, ensuring the safety of small arms and ammunition, planning and accounting for the technical operation of equipment in the unit and maintaining company management, as well as the basics of organizing the educational process and methods of preparing for classes.

The main forms of documents and samples (options) for filling them out, as well as individual supply standards that unit commanders and battery sergeants most often encounter in their daily activities are presented. The manual is intended for university students studying curriculum disciplines and helps improve the quality of military professional training for graduates.

In preparing this teaching aid The laws of the Russian Federation in force at the time of publication, orders of the Minister of Defense, directives of the General Staff, a list of which is given in the list of references, were used.



Taking office is a crucial moment in the career of a young officer, and how competently, in accordance with the requirements of governing documents, this is done will largely determine the success in solving the problems facing the young officer.

Each graduate after graduating from the military department expects a lot of new and unusual things: unfamiliar officers, features of the service, new conditions of location and quartering, and sometimes new weapons, etc.

The general procedure, deadlines for receiving and submitting cases, and positions are determined by the Charter of the Internal Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, “Regulations on the military economy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.”

The period for transferring cases and positions is calculated from the moment the newly appointed person arrives at the unit. The transfer of affairs and positions must occur without disrupting the normal rhythm of life and study of the unit. General management of the unit's activities remains with the person giving up the position for the time being.

The service of a graduate of the military department begins with an introduction to the superiors. According to Art. 57, 58 of the Internal Service Charter of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, officers newly appointed to the regiment are introduced to the regiment commander, then to his deputies, and upon receipt of appointment to the battery to the division commander, battery commander and their deputies. Introducing himself to officials, the graduate reports: “Comrade Colonel, graduate of the Faculty of Military Education of Tambov State Technical University, Lieutenant Orlov, I introduce myself on the occasion of my appointment at your disposal for further service.”

In addition, the regiment commander or his deputy introduces newly arrived officers to the regiment's officer corps at the next officers' meeting.

It should be remembered that from the moment of introduction, the senior officer begins to study the officer who has arrived for service, who begins to formulate a description of the graduate’s business qualities, training, knowledge and ability to fulfill the requirements of general military regulations, etc. Therefore, the person introducing himself must pay attention to his appearance and drill smart, be prepared to answer questions clearly, confidently and frankly. If you find it difficult to answer a question, you should admit it, since an attempt to evade

Avoiding a direct answer will mislead the boss and cause doubt and mistrust. When answering questions, you need to be modest, but not lose your self-esteem.

Having introduced himself to his direct and immediate superiors, the officer who arrived at the unit on the basis of the order for the unit (Article 89 of the UVS) personally begins to accept cases and positions within the time limits established by the order for the unit.

It is advisable to receive cases and positions in the following order. From a conversation with direct and immediate superiors, understand:

the state of affairs in the department;

state of military discipline;

− results of public and state training,

staffing and military equipment.

1 First day:

become familiar with the location of the subordinate unit;

accept personnel and study moral and psychological state and state of military discipline.

2 Second day:

accept weapons, ammunition, military equipment and transport;

study the state of combat training of personnel and combat readiness.

3 Third day:

draw up documents for accepting cases and positions;

outline the main directions in your work for the near future.

During the hiring and handing over of a position, mutual respect must be established between the handing over and the receiving hand, excluding nit-picking and mistrust. But trust should not come at the expense of the thoroughness of the reception. Where issues of the unit’s combat readiness are being decided, the interests of subordinates are affected, condescension is harmful, touchiness is inappropriate. For both officials, the interests of the service must come first.


Having become acquainted with the former commander of the unit or the person replacing him, the arriving young officer introduces himself to the personnel of the unit. Before the formation of the unit, the newly appointed commander briefly introduces himself. The content of the story should be well thought out and prepared, because from the first meeting, the logic, harmony and literacy of the presentation of their autobiography, subordinates get the impression of the arriving officer. After the first acquaintance with the unit, it is recommended, together with the previous commander, to draw up a plan for accepting and handing over the position according to the following form.


Commander of the 1st Battery

captain _________ E. Petrov

"___" _____________ 2004

PLAN for receiving cases and positions of commander

Who will be present?

Mark about

receiving cases

and positions

Receiver of cases and position

Lieutenant ____________ I. Ivanov

In addition to the plan, the new commander thinks through the issues that need to be clarified when accepting cases and positions. Such questions could be:

features of the actions of the personnel of the alarm unit;

condition of weapons, equipment, weapons, ammunition and property;

organizing control over the implementation of the daily routine;

territory and premises assigned to the unit and the procedure for cleaning them;

order of use educational and material base and visits to the stadium, club;

the order of duty and the number of personnel involved;

requirements of orders and instructions that must be fulfilled in the near future. Reception of personnel is carried out in the following sequence:

1) clarification of the platoon personnel and its presence, the names of those present and the reasons for absence;

Via individual military personnel;

2) preliminary acquaintance with the platoon personnel;

3) direct reception of soldiers and sergeants.

The platoon commander specifies the personnel of the platoon according to the accounting book (form No. 1), which is kept in the battery. The unit's credentials are verified with the regiment's combat unit records books and with the order of the personnel commander.

During the preliminary acquaintance, the state of military discipline, the level of combat and public-governmental training, and the credentials of military personnel are studied.

The receiving platoon commander assesses the state of military discipline and disciplinary practice by studying the service cards of soldiers and sergeants. At the same time, he clarifies why the military personnel were rewarded, for what offenses they were punished, how the platoon's non-commissioned officers participate in disciplinary practices, and which military personnel are most prone to violating military discipline.

After this, the receiving platoon commander uses logbooks of combat and public training to find out the performance of the platoon soldiers in training subjects, paying special attention to the results of shooting exercises with standard weapons, grades for meeting standards in classes and training, and the state of mass sports work.

Then the new platoon commander begins to receive personnel, which he conducts in the form of a survey and conversation with each soldier. The survey and conversation are carried out with soldiers and sergeants separately.

During the conversation, each serviceman reports brief information about himself: position, military rank, last name, first name, patronymic, year of birth, marital status, place of residence of family and immediate relatives, occupation before military service, and the platoon commander checks this data with the data in the book accounting.

Particular attention is paid to the health status of each serviceman, the availability of military ID cards, and the correctness of their execution.

After interviewing the personnel, the platoon commander listens to the deputy platoon commander, who in his report characterizes each squad commander, his attitude to official duties, personal qualities, and the like. Then the squad commanders report on the state of affairs in the squads, the results of combat and public-state training, the state of military discipline, character traits, health, shortcomings and positive qualities subordinates, relationships between old-time soldiers and military personnel of the first period of service.

Finally, the new platoon commander visits the soldiers and sergeants who are in the hospital, medical unit and guardhouse.

To get to know your subordinates better, it is advisable to attend the evening roll check, morning inspection, meals and all educational and other events.

When talking with personnel, you should not ask general questions to the entire formation, since collective answers violate the discipline of the formation. Questions must be asked to a specific soldier.

It is necessary to study in detail the implementation of the combat training plan. To do this, you should familiarize yourself with the implementation of the combat training program, with what was studied with the soldiers in previous classes, with the performance of sergeants and soldiers in training subjects, the availability of class schedules and the status of combat training records, securing weapons, equipment, weapons, ammunition and property of the platoon (batteries).


Each university graduate must clearly know the procedure for receiving weapons, ammunition and documentation when taking command of a unit and, before beginning to perform his duties, must have accurate and detailed information about the availability and quality of weapons, military equipment, small arms, ammunition and other material resources. In Art. 72 of the UVS of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation states: “The commander is the sole commander, in peacetime and war he is responsible: for the combat and mobilization readiness of the military unit (unit) entrusted to him, ... for the condition and safety of weapons, military equipment and other material assets.”

Therefore, newly appointed commanders must accept the established documentation in accordance with the requirements of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, orders of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, instructions and guidelines to ensure systematic control over the safety and correct use of weapons and ammunition in educational purposes, quality condition, etc.

The availability, quality condition, completeness and movement of small arms and ammunition in the unit are maintained in the following books:

book of accounting, availability and movement of material assets (form No. 26) as a whole for the unit, reflecting the availability of weapons and ammunition in each unit (kept in the service);

book for issuing weapons and ammunition (Appendix No. 12 of the UVS of the RF Armed Forces);

book of accounting of material assets issued for temporary use (form No. 37);

No. 90 dated June 28, 1996);

book of inspection (checking) of weapons, military equipment and ammunition (Appendix No. 12 of the UVS of the RF Armed Forces);

distribution and delivery statements;

military ID of a serviceman;

inventory of weapons, ammunition and property in cabinets, drawers, pyramids.

In addition, for each type of small arms a weapon quality card must be issued, and after the weapon has been brought into normal combat, a reporting and inspection card must be drawn up with the relevant records of officials.

Personal weapons and personal protective equipment (PPE) are accepted directly at the unit; other weapons - in the vehicle fleet when receiving military equipment.

Before receiving personal weapons, the new platoon commander familiarizes himself with the documentation:

1 According to statements, accounting books (form No. 26, 37) specifies how many small arms and personal protective equipment are owned by the platoon.

2 According to the weapon inspection (checking) book - the dates of the last inspection of the weapon, what shortcomings were identified, and what measures were taken to resolve them.

After familiarizing the newly arrived officer with the documentation, the transferring platoon commander builds a platoon, after which the soldiers and sergeants present the weapons and PPE assigned to him to the new platoon commander for inspection. The new platoon commander checks the presence, condition and completeness of weapons and personal protective equipment, and the correctness of recording the machine gun and gas mask numbers in military IDs. During the inspection of the machines, they are partially disassembled.

When checking the quality condition of weapons and personal protective equipment, special attention should be paid to:

when checking the machine gun - for the condition of the barrel (swelling, chipping and peeling of chrome), correspondence of numbers on various parts, condition firing mechanism and availability of accessories;

When checking gas masks, make sure they are in good condition helmet-masks, glasses, fairings, gas boxes, the presence of inhalation and exhalation valves, plugs, protective equipment;

When checking leather protective equipment, pay attention to the mechanical strength of the protective fabric, the condition of the straps, films, fastenings and pegs.

Defective weapons and protective equipment must be returned to a unit repair shop. Weapons and personal protective equipment of military personnel who are absent on the day of reception are accepted from the old

platoon commander directly in the weapons storage room. Here the order of storing weapons in the pyramids, the correctness of filling out inventories, the presence of tags, etc. are checked.

Identified deficiencies, if they are not eliminated on the spot, are recorded in a report or act of handing over and acceptance of the platoon.


The basis for the acceptance and transfer of equipment, weapons and property is the order regarding appointment to a position. The order specifies the period during which equipment, weapons and property must be accepted.

Only serviceable, functional weapons should be accepted.

Serviceable condition is the condition of the sample in which it meets all the requirements of regulatory, technical and design documentation.

The working state is the state of the sample in which the value of all parameters characterizing the ability to perform specified functions, meets the requirements of regulatory technical and design documentation.

Faulty and inoperable weapons are accepted by decision of the senior commander (in writing - on the acceptance certificate).

The reception sequence may be as follows.

1 Checking the availability of individual documentation for each type of weapon.

2 Checking the quality of maintenance of operational documentation.

3 Reconciliation of numbers of buildings, units, instruments, weapons, equipment, communications with entries in forms and passports.

4 Checking the technical condition and maintenance of equipment and weapons.

5 Checking the completeness and condition of spare parts and equipment, according to the equipment list.

6 Drawing up an acceptance certificate.

a) Quantitative reception.

Acceptance and transfer begins with checking the availability and correctness of maintenance of operational documentation (forms, passports, etc.).

The basis for high-quality acceptance of documentation is the statement of operational documents (FED) of the sample equipment. The form must reflect the full technical condition from the moment of manufacture to the day of acceptance and delivery, and also indicate the category of the weapon.

When receiving documentation from each passport, the following is written out:

car (vehicle) make, chassis number, engine number, year of manufacture;

last name, class qualification of the driver assigned to the car;

kilometers traveled by the vehicle since the start of operation;

information about the batteries installed on the machine;

information about the tires installed on the vehicle (number, size, date of installation);

driver's and entrenching tools placed on the car.

When checking the completeness of special equipment and chassis, the following work must be performed:

check the engine numbers (on the block and cylinder head), chassis, tires, batteries, as well as the brand and year of manufacture of the battery with the passport data;

check the availability and serviceability of the driver’s and entrenching tools according to the completeness list;

check the speedometer seal;

check the presence and condition of fire extinguishers, mud flaps, door handles, windshield wipers, mirrors, sun visors, heater, hood, awning and light alarm;

check the completeness of special equipment;

check the numbers of devices and units with passport data;

check the sealing of devices and assemblies;

check the branding of devices and assemblies produced when checking their condition by inspection bodies;

check the presence of fuel and special liquids in the tank and vehicle systems.

A special vehicle is accepted in the presence of a driver assigned to it. At the command of the person giving up the position, the driver lays out all the tools and opens the engine hood.

The new platoon commander begins to accept the second vehicle only after the first has been fully accepted, shortcomings have been noted, tools have been stowed, and the vehicle has been sealed.

After receiving the section of the form “Information on the movement and securing of a weapon sample during operation,” changes are made regarding securing on the basis of a special order for the part, which is issued by the weapons service. In the future, within the established time limits, it is necessary to carefully and timely fill out the section of the form on assigning a sample of weapons to personnel.

The nomenclature and quantity of components are indicated in the complete list (VK), which is available among the sample documents. For small items, the VK is located directly in the weapon sample form. This statement indicates the assembly numbers of the components that are required on each part. Reception of elements is carried out in strict accordance with these assembly numbers. When accepting parts, you need to pay attention not only to their quantity, but also to their technical condition (lack of rust, cracks, breaks, etc.).

Any shortage must be noted on the acceptance certificate. After receiving them, all parts must be re-preserved and placed in their regular places.

During subsequent service, the platoon commander is obliged, in accordance with the requirements of the Internal Service Charter (Article 147), to personally inspect and verify the availability of weapons and military equipment at least once every two weeks.

All military personnel bear financial liability for damage caused as a result of their negligent performance of official duties provided for by military regulations, orders and other acts.

Therefore, the platoon commander is obliged to document the assignment of equipment and property to the platoon personnel. In case of failure to comply with this requirement, the commander is responsible for damage and loss.

In case of a shortage, the receiver must obtain permission from a higher authority (weapons service) to replenish or include the missing parts (assemblies) in the shortage list (with subsequent replenishment). In this case, responsibility for the shortage is removed from the person accepting the position.

The completeness of a weapon sample is one of the assessments of its technical condition, since incompleteness can lead to the failure of a combat mission, because if the equipment fails, there will be nothing to replace the failed part.

b) Qualitative reception.

Assessment of the quality condition of military equipment includes a set of works to check the technical characteristics of components and assemblies, both with the engine not running and with the engine running.

A high-quality inspection is carried out with the involvement of specialists from the unit and consists of checking the technical condition of absolutely all elements of the weapon model. Before quality acceptance, it is necessary to remember the scope of work performed by the product according to the technical description and operating instructions, write down the standards and parameters associated with the work (pressure, speed, voltage, current).

Quality reception begins with checking:

condition of components, mechanisms and equipment;

the presence of brands and seals indicating the verification of measuring instruments and vessels operating under pressure;

electrolyte level and density, battery charge level;

the condition of the fire extinguishing equipment with which the weapon is equipped;

availability, level and quality of oil in hydraulic systems, crankcases, gearboxes, etc.;

availability and quality of compressed air.

Items with expired inspection periods are not recommended to be accepted. Violation of these conditions must be reflected in the act. All measuring instruments have personal numbers, which are recorded in the form.


Believe in God, be devoted to the Sovereign Emperor, his family and love your Motherland. The first and main commandment and duty of a soldier is loyalty to the Sovereign Emperor and the Fatherland. Without this quality he is not fit for military service. The integrity of the Empire and the maintenance of its prestige are based on the strength of the army and navy; their quality and shortcomings resonate throughout the country, so it’s not your place to get involved in social issues and political speculation; your job is to unswervingly fulfill your duties.

Put above all else the glory of the Russian army.

Be brave. But courage can be true and feigned. The arrogance characteristic of youth is not courage. A military man must always be prudent and consider his actions calmly and carefully. If you are harsh and arrogant, everyone will hate you.

Obey discipline.

Respect and trust your superiors.

Be afraid of breaking your duty - this will forever lose your good name.

An officer must be faithful and truthful. Without these qualities, it is almost impossible for a military man to remain in the army. Faithful is a person who fulfills his duty; truthful - if he does not change his word. Therefore, never promise if you are not sure that you will fulfill your promise.

Be polite and modest in your dealings with all people.

The best part of courage is caution.


Having arrived at the regiment, the officer acts in accordance with Art. Garrison Service Charter 400 and 401, that is, he is the regiment commander. In practice, they do this: arriving at the office at about 11 o’clock, the officer introduces himself and gets acquainted, first of all, with the regimental adjutant, who gives all the necessary instructions, since each regiment has its own customs/traditions. If an officer appears to the regiment commander at his apartment, then, if he does not find him at home, he should appear a second time, trying to catch him; It is not recommended to sign and leave a service ticket for the first time.

Report for duty to the commander of the company (hundred, squadron) of the battery to which the appointment took place. Having taken a list from the senior clerk in the office with the addresses of city officers and noting the married ones in it, make visits to everyone without delaying them. (In wartime, visits are not made. The time to introduce yourself to your superiors is uncertain and the dress code is casual). It is recommended to have time to do them all at once, in one day. The dress code is formal. The rest of the time: on all official occasions, visits, congratulations - ordinary, unless it is given in the order for the regiment to be in it. If you don't find your elder at home, leave your service ID (not a business card). For married people - an official ID and a business card.

Before being presented to the regiment commander and without having yet reported to the regiment, one should not appear in public places (theaters, gardens, concerts, evenings), as it is considered tactless. Upon arrival at the regiment, the first impression is of serious importance.

Having not yet arrived at the regiment, and while on vacation, having met officers of your regiment (in the same city), you should definitely approach him and introduce yourself first.


Always remember that you are an officer.

Be formal with your superiors.

Remember that the boss is always and everywhere the boss.

Never criticize the actions and actions of your superiors in general; at any level - especially and, God forbid, at the lower ranks.

Every order from a superior, no matter in what form it is expressed (suggestion, request, advice), is an order.

If you are senior in rank, and according to the distribution of positions you will be subordinate to a junior, you are obliged to carry out all the orders of the person placed above you, without any arguing.

If you come on vacation for three days or less, then, when you appear in person, you must certainly send your vacation ticket to the commandant’s office. If you arrive for more than three days, you must appear in person to the commandant.

At the end of the vacation period, he is obliged to appear again at the commandant’s office or inform the commandant’s office in an open letter: “On this date I left for the place of my service” (signature).

- “Whoever wants to be able to command must be able to obey!” - said Napoleon.

Take care of your honor, the honor of the regiment and the army.

Dress strictly in uniform and always clean.

Be strict about your official duties.

Conduct yourself simply, with dignity, without foppishness.

Be self-possessed, correct and tactful always, with everyone and everywhere.

Be polite and helpful, but not intrusive or flattering. Know how to leave on time so as not to be superfluous.

It is necessary to remember the line where dignified politeness ends and servility begins.

Make yourself talk less.

Be observant and careful in your expressions.

Do not write rash letters and reports in the heat of the moment.

Be less frank in general, you will regret it. Remember: “My tongue is my enemy!”

Don’t play around - you won’t prove your daring, but you will compromise yourself. Forget the “good old days” and the expression “A bad officer who doesn’t drink,” and “such” an officer will not be kept in the regiment.

Don’t rush to get on friendly terms with a person you haven’t gotten to know well enough.

Avoid “you”, which gives grounds for familiarity in bad taste, an excuse to scold you on the grounds of friendship, interfere in your affairs, say vulgarity, rudeness, etc.

Often the older one, having become tipsy, offers to get on a first-name basis with him. Nevertheless, the next day, be diplomatic: either speak to him on a “you” basis, or wait until he is the first to address you on a “you” basis. In a word, tact is a necessary condition in order not to get into an awkward position or get into trouble.

Avoid stories and scandals. Do not act as an uninvited witness: by supporting one, you will make an enemy in the other - a double-edged sword. Neutrality is a means even for great powers to maintain good relations with everyone.

A person who makes enemies, no matter how smart, kind, honest and truthful he is, dies almost inevitably, since our enemies in society are always active; friends are always passive: they only sympathize, regret, sigh, but do not fight for the dying, fearing for their own fate.

Avoid money accounts with your friends. Money always spoils relationships.

If you can, help your friend financially, but avoid taking it personally, as it lowers your dignity.

Don't make debts: don't dig holes for yourself. Live within your means. Drop false pride. It is immoral to incur debts without being able to pay them; otherwise, don’t get into someone else’s pocket...

Don’t indulge at someone else’s expense, without having the means to repay in kind, if you don’t want your dignity and self-esteem to suffer. Remember the French proverb: “It is better to drink bad wine from your own small glass than good wine from someone else’s large glass.”

Live alone - it's calmer. Living together with a friend eventually leads to squabbles, even to a breakup.

Do not take personally offensive remarks, witticisms, or ridicule said after you, which often happens on the streets and in public places. Be above it. Leave - you won't lose, but you'll get rid of the scandal.

Think about every decisive step. It is impossible to correct a mistake, but it is difficult to make amends. “Measure seven times, cut once.”

- “Be more attentive before a quarrel than compliant after a quarrel.”

At a critical moment, friends will not help: in military service they are powerless, bound by discipline and obedience to their superiors.

If you can’t say anything good about someone, then refrain from saying anything bad, even if you know.

Don't ignore anyone's advice - listen. The right to follow him or not will remain with you.

Being able to take good advice from another is no less an art than giving good advice to yourself.

Avoid talking about military topics with anyone outside of duty, especially during wartime.

Be careful in choosing your acquaintances: be guided not only by their education, but also by their social position in society. "Tell me who you know and I'll tell you who you are."

In front of orderlies (in general, in front of servants), refrain from talking about sensitive topics. This habit must be firmly ingrained in yourself and always remembered. Unfortunately, most people forget this. Meanwhile, the servants listen especially sensitively and look closely at the lives of their masters, take everything into account and often spread absurd gossip to the houses of their acquaintances (through the servants).

The person using the orderly must monitor his health, behavior and must not allow him to be treated illegally; giving an orderly to serve another person is certainly prohibited.

Responsibility for non-compliance with the orderly's uniform and behavior falls on the officer under whom the orderly works.

Do not use the services of someone else's orderly without prior permission, do not order anything - it is not tactful.

After graduating from college, continue studying. Knowledge of the art of war is your strength. In battles there is no time to learn, but you have to apply what you have learned. Don't lose sight of the fact that you need to know all types of weapons.

In all cases of his life and service, the officer submits a written report: on arrival in the regiment, on departure on a business trip, leave and return from such, on taking up or surrendering a position, on illness and recovery, on collisions and incidents during or outside of service , about any petitions, etc.

Reports are written laconically, to the point and without naming the boss.

The signature of an officer, no matter what his rank, must always be legible and without any flourishes.


Firmness of will and fearlessness are two qualities necessary for a military man.

An officer needs to stand out with the moral qualities on which the soldier’s personal behavior is based, since he is associated with charm over the masses, which is so necessary for a leader.

The strength of an officer does not lie in impulses, but in unshakable calm.

Honor tempers courage and ennobles courage.

Honor is the shrine of an officer.

An officer must respect the human rights of his fellow officer - the lower rank.

A boss who does not spare the pride of his subordinates suppresses their noble desire to become famous and thereby weakens their moral strength.

All age classes of the population pass through the ranks of the army; the influence of the officer corps extends to the entire people.

Woe to the country if, upon leaving service, a soldier is disgusted by the ranks of the soldiers.

Don’t present as irrefutable truth something you either don’t believe at all, or at least doubt. To do so is a crime.

It is necessary that not only the formal side of the service flourish, but also the moral one.

The army is an oak tree that protects Russia from storms.


Don't court the regimental ladies (in the vulgar sense). Don’t start romances in your regimental family, in which you have to serve for decades. Such novels always end tragically.

Never express opinions about women. Remember: women have always been the cause of discord and the greatest misfortunes not only of individuals, but also of entire empires.

Take care of the reputation of the woman who has trusted you, no matter who she is. Honest man in general, especially an officer, even in the intimate circle of his faithful and trusted friends, never talks about such things - a woman is always most afraid of publicity.

There are situations in life when you need to silence your heart and live with your mind.

Be very careful in your intimate life - “your regiment is your supreme judge.”

Any unseemly actions of an officer are discussed by the regimental court of honor.

There is no need to talk about service and affairs in society.

Keep an entrusted secret or a secret, even of a non-official nature. A secret that you tell to at least one person ceases to be a secret.

Do not cross the line of conventions developed by the traditions of the regiment and life.

Be guided in life by instinct, a sense of justice and a duty of decency.

Know how to not only think and reason, but also be silent in time and hear everything.

In military service, do not show pride in small things, otherwise you will always suffer because of it.

Always be alert and don't let yourself go.

Although military personnel are allowed to engage in literary activity, but they do not have the right to sign their articles indicating their rank and position (circus. Gl. Sht. 1908, 161).

Military personnel for printing are subject to liability not only under the general criminal procedure, but can also be brought to court in the society of officers, and those who are not subject to this court can be subject to disciplinary liability, including up to and including disciplinary dismissal from service.

To catch other people lying is to harm yourself and them.

Try to keep your words soft and your arguments firm in a dispute. Try not to annoy your opponent, but to convince him.

It is not customary for officers to dance at public masquerades.

When entering a public place, be careful; if the public is there without any outer clothing or caps, then you need to do the same.

If you want to smoke, ask for permission, or better yet, wait until they offer it to you: either the mistress of the house, or the elder (depending on where and when).

Everyone has their own shortcomings: no one can do without the help of others, and therefore you must understand each other and help each other with advice and mutual warnings.

When speaking, avoid gesturing and raising your voice.

If you enter a society in whose midst there is a person with whom you are in a quarrel, then when greeting everyone, it is customary to shake hands with him, of course, if this cannot be avoided without drawing the attention of those present or the hosts. Giving a hand does not give rise to unnecessary conversations, and does not oblige you to anything.

According to the Most Highly Expressed Will, it is necessary for an officer to be present and salute when meeting on the street chief officers of all branches of arms, regardless of the seniority of their rank and without waiting for a greeting from them first.

Headquarters officers (lieutenant colonels, colonels) and chief generals are required to give the established honor. When entering them, if the officer was sitting, you must stand up and bow, and not stand up or continue to sit.

It is indecent to give and receive honors carelessly (also from lower ranks) with the left hand (except for the wounded) or with a cigarette in the teeth, nod your head, or keep your left hand in your pocket when giving honor. Walking arm in arm with a lady, an officer is not exempt from saluting according to the regulations.

The cap must be worn according to the regulations, and the overcoat must always be fastened with all buttons.

Needless to say, an officer must obey in public places all the rules that exist for the public.

In general, the behavior of officers should pay attention to others with its correctness and consideration.


Don't let mistakes and false tricks bother you. Nothing teaches you more than realizing your mistake. This is one of the main means of self-education. Only those who do nothing make no mistakes.

Spare the pride of the soldiers. Among ordinary people it is no less developed than among us and, due to their subordination, it is more sensitive.

The soldiers are not silent sheep, but merciless judges who came from different parts of boundless Russia, taking back to the same place everything they experienced in the service: gratitude and embitterment; respect and contempt; love and hate. The silence of the soldiers is constrained by stern iron discipline, and does not stem from a lack of development. They know how to value justice and humanity.

It is against the law to hit a soldier.

Adjutant General Dragomirov said: “Correct your stance without touching. When you correct with words, the soldier will correct himself, but if you paw with your hands, he will forget what the mistake was, because it did not reach his consciousness.”

Even a horse loves to be told, but teaching a person like a dumb creature is not at all proper.

During classes, be always cheerful, always even, calm, demanding and fair.

- You shouldn’t “flirt” with a soldier. You will undermine your authority.

It is important that your subordinates respect you, not fear you. Where there is fear, there is no love, but there is hidden ill will or hatred.

Be truthful always and especially with a soldier. Fulfill what you promise to him, otherwise you will teach him to lie.

Truthfulness everywhere, and especially in education, is the main condition.

Never touch a drunk. If a soldier is drunk, personally never take repressive measures, so as not to be subjected to insult and protest, often unconscious. Order the drunken man to be taken by the same lower ranks as him (but not by the non-commissioned officer for the same reasons), and if they are not there, by the police. By this you save a drunken person from the crime of insulting an officer or non-commissioned officer.

When arresting those who are drunk, it is forbidden to enter into any personal explanations with the troublemaker.

In difficult moments, tone means a lot: for what to do is in the sense of an order, and how to do it is in the tone.

There is nothing worse than indecision. A worse decision is better than hesitation or inaction. You can't get back a lost moment.

Respect the laws and teach them to respect by example.

Do not object and do not enter into disputes regarding service with a senior in rank.

Be careful with the money and government property entrusted to you. No matter how much you need money, never borrow it. Any shortcoming is a waste. The responsibility is great.


The dull monotony of training does not develop the soldier, but kills the spirit.

When a soldier goes home, he carries with him the imprint of those commanders who lead him.

An officer should know first of all with whom he is dealing. Representatives of all nationalities of Russia gather in the barracks or trenches. Their beliefs, outlook, character, moral contribution are different. Think about these first hours of soldier's service. Encourage this adult child. Say a few good and warm words to the recruit from the heart. Don't tell him anything about the service in the first days. Don't scare him. Do this wisely - and you have conquered him - he is yours.

Woe to you if the new recruit is distrustful and sees his boss as a strict, formal service officer capable of only punishing.

An officer must gain trust in many ways. One of them is literacy, the Russian alphabet.

Certificate is power, the most powerful means that will destroy any false political view with which a recruit may come to the barracks.

Don’t forget the soldier’s kitchen, that is, “the path to his heart goes through a soldier’s stomach.”

Don't resort to harmful sentimentalism.

The soldier loves to be talked to.

An officer is a soldier's older brother.

Brother, but not familiar, otherwise discipline is in danger.

By this you mean reasonable, strict, but humane command, devoid of arrogance and cruelty.

For military educational work, one of the means is frequent communication with lower ranks, conversations.

Arrange things in such a way that the hours of “literature” for the soldiers will be a pleasant and useful rest.

If you go to literature, study a little at home, draw up a summary of the conversation and a plan on a piece of paper.

Don't get carried away with lectures. Important condition: short reading time of 1/2–3/4 hours. Experience has shown that listening for a long time is difficult, people get tired and fall asleep.

Reading should be interrupted: go on to a conversation, a joke - they are useful, when laughing, the brain rests and will be functional again.

Tell us a little at a time: one or two thoughts.

Use example and demonstration.

A good example is always better than a rule.


Do not forget that in order to preserve the dignity of military service, officers who are noticed in disapproving behavior or misconduct that is incompatible with the concepts of military honor and valor of the officer rank or that exposes the officer’s lack of rules of morality and nobility are subject to trial by the society of officers. This court is also given the right to sort out quarrels that occur between officers.

The court of honor is conducted behind closed doors. The consideration of the case in the court of honor and the decision of the verdict takes no more than 24 hours. The verdict of the court of honor on the merits of the case does not rely on complaints. The court of honor is a regimental secret. The one who disclosed it is subject to a court of honor.

Among the actions examined in the regimental court of honor may be: a fight between officers, borrowing money from lower ranks, playing cards or billiards with lower ranks, bringing persons of questionable behavior to the officers' meeting, writing anonymous letters, dishonest card play , refusal to pay a gambling debt, ambiguous courtship of a regiment comrade’s wife, appearance in public place drunk, etc.

Duels are allowed only by order or with the permission of the regimental court of honor. Duels are prohibited in wartime.


The boss must develop and maintain in his subordinates the consciousness of the sanctity of the oath and the high importance of a warrior called to defend the Faith, the Tsar and the Fatherland from external and internal enemies, and be an example for them in the performance of duty and service.

Be fair, even, persistent in your demands, setting an example of cheerfulness, impeccable behavior, strict fulfillment of all requirements of the law and orders of superiors.

Unquestioning obedience to your superior is the soul of military service and the key to success in battle.

Take care of maintaining the health of your subordinates, delve into their life and needs, be their adviser, leader and intercessor for them with their boss; take care of their welfare, be benevolent.

A junior in rank does not make comments to anyone in the presence of a senior.

It is prohibited by law to borrow money from lower ranks.

If necessary, you should always contact your immediate superior. With the permission of this latter, you can contact the next boss in command.

I am present at inspections and exercises; I should not be wearing an overcoat or cape if the senior comrade is without them.

It is prohibited to remove your headdress for greeting.

When giving an order, be guided by the following:

a) the order must be appropriate;

b) easily executable for the person receiving the order;

c) give the order firmly, clearly and definitely;

d) be sure to make him repeat the order you gave to make sure it is understandable. If the soldier cannot repeat it, then do not be angry, but calmly explain it to him again until he understands.

You should not enter the premises of another company (manege, stables) without the knowledge of the commander or officer of this unit; only the officer on duty for the unit is obliged to be everywhere, without reporting to anyone, during the day or night, being the responsible person for the well-being of the entire unit.

Refrain from doing anything or even directly ordering people other than those superiors to whom they are subordinate.

In the ranks, do not rush to correct mistakes yourself and do not give commands other than those to whom they belong.

In case of any kind of mistakes and shortcomings on the part of people, where there is no ill will, take on the detached and platoon leader first of all. The soldier knows his job - find out who did it; reward and punish first of all this latter, as responsible for it.

Strictly observe the chain of command, which exists only for the purpose of maintaining order. Never skip its steps, no matter how modest they may be, because this will show the supposed uselessness of bosses as such.

Anything that contributes to the development of camaraderie and the fusion of squads and platoons into one whole should be encouraged in every possible way; However, anything that prevents this must be carefully eliminated.


Defense is permitted by laws to protect:

b) health,

c) freedom,

d) female honor and chastity,

e) home in the event of a violent invasion,

f) property (robbery) or when a criminal caught stealing or damaging property by force resists his arrest or the taking of the stolen property. Therefore, for example, killing a thief before he has offered any resistance or attack does not fit the concept of defense and is punishable as simple murder.

Defense is allowed only in the event of an actual attack, expressed in any threatening actions. The mere alleged or imaginary intention to carry out an attack, not expressed in any actions, cannot be considered a condition for necessary defense.

Defense is allowed to protect not only oneself, but also others who are in danger.

Defense is permitted in the event of an unlawful attack. Therefore, it is impossible to defend against persons who have committed, albeit violent, but legal actions, for example, from police officers or patrol officers who, on duty, detain persons causing disorder. This will no longer be defense, but resistance to authorities. In defense, “the use of force and any measures whatsoever” is allowed, therefore, if necessary, the use of weapons.

Defense is allowed only to the extent really necessary to repel an attack. Therefore, any unnecessary harm caused to the attacker after the danger has already been averted is recognized as an abuse of defense and the perpetrator is subject to punishment.

Defense against a superior is not allowed at all, except in the case where the actions of the superior threaten the subordinate with obvious danger, but even in this case it should be limited to defense to the extent necessary for personal self-preservation. Therefore, for example, beatings inflicted by a superior on a subordinate do not give the latter the right to defend himself unless they clearly threaten him with danger.

If all the above conditions are met, the person defending himself from an attack is not liable for his actions, even if their consequences were to cause wounds, injury, or even death to the attacker.

A fight cannot be subsumed under the concept of necessary defense. Using a weapon in a fight exposes the perpetrator to liability under the law.


Starting classes without announcement will leave more time for work and there will be no needless burden on the memory.

Do not give the name of an item without showing it.

Avoid training using the same program: this does not develop attention in the arrow.

Do not forget that the charter is for us, and not we for the charter. There is time - to do everything as it should be, but not - according to common sense.

As in any business, so in the matter of teaching, think not about finding obstacles, but about the means of overcoming them.

Always go to all classes with full packing and a full pack, otherwise you won’t develop the skill to carry and fit equipment, and the weight you carry will always seem heavy.

Practice with commanders of all levels up to and including squad commander in issuing and transmitting orders, as well as in filling positions.

End every teaching and lesson with a short lesson.

The root of soldierly science is internal, and the most important thing is guard duty; then comes shooting, fencing, formation, gymnastics and literature, and the crown of all is tactical training.


It is imperative for anyone who owns a gun to start the day with a rifle and sights.

Never aim in vain - with a mandatory check of both placement and aiming.

Teach stocking and aiming in pairs, not in ranks; with this order no time is wasted; there is no tiring, tedious waiting in line, and people, mutually checking each other, will know the matter more firmly.

Remember that the best rangefinder is an eye, and therefore use one in any case.

Shooting training must end with shooting at live or dead targets, checking the merits of each shot fired.


Do not forget that the main condition for the success of any drill exercise is the attention of people, and therefore this should always be developed everywhere. Achieve attention by turning, using gun techniques according to numbers, freely separating people from the formation, and conditionally changing the meaning of commands and signals.

Do not straighten the risers with your hands: do it with words, starting with the legs, the correct position of which determines the correct position of the shoulders and the entire body.

Never bother about alignment, but strive only for a free and even step, then alignment will come by itself.

On the command “stop” - dead silence and immobility; without correction the error cannot be seen. With the amendment you can see a mile away.

Do not confuse direction with alignment; the ability to take a direction and maintain it is required from each individual.

The closed unit should be led in such a way that people themselves strive to quickly restore order if it is disturbed in any way, subject to complete silence. Talking in formation is not only a bad habit, but also a sign of fussiness.


Any practical training should be supplemented with verbal teaching about what people should know.

No lessons are assigned and no drilling is allowed.

Prayer, works, singing, music, games, reading and other useful entertainments should fill the remaining free time. Do not forget, for the purpose of training walks to the position, to the artillerymen and other closest neighbors in order to get to know each other and get closer to each other.

Everyone should know the prayer and commandments of the Lord, as well as prayer for the Tsar, with sense and understanding.

Explain to everyone that surrendering to the enemy is a shame and a crime. The family of those who surrender are not given rations; in captivity it will be very difficult for them, because the Germans treat the prisoners harshly, give them little to eat, force them to do hard work, and subject them to corporal punishment. Surrendered means he did not resist, and therefore did not harm the enemy. Consequently, surrender prolongs the war.

Explain that escapes and evasions from service are shameful and useless, measures have been taken against this, and anyone who escapes will be caught. The punishment for this is very severe.

Instill in the lower ranks that they must treat the population’s own property with care, remembering that we are fighting the Germans, and not civilians. After all, they are already ruined by the enemy. The robber will face a heavy punishment.


Difficult tasks don't wonder. Solve, without further ado, simply the tasks of defending and attacking a height, a ravine, a forest, a separate building, a village, a trench, a fortification and a gorge, without forgetting reconnaissance, rest and its protection.

Anyone who wants to know tactics must decompose it into a series of practical techniques, shown in a field with divisions, just as statutory departments are shown - without demonstration there is no knowledge.

When teaching people, do not forget their upbringing, for which:

a) creating surprises at every step, teach them not to get lost;

b) set, if possible, goals the achievement of which would require perseverance;

c) to achieve courage and loyalty where, apparently, there is no place for them;

d) encourage every striving forward (always support, at the same time teaching you to count on yourself).

Tasks for classes are set on both sides so that the method of action is not predetermined by the task. Let everyone choose defense or attack as desired to achieve their goal.

Achieve constant, uninterrupted communication both at the front and in depth.

Secret words must be strictly observed.

Always think about saving and feeding ammo.

Observation of the flanks is a necessary part of any battle formation; Here you only need eyes, not combat strength.

When guarding, try to see everything while being invisible yourself, and for stability, dig in where necessary.

the main task protective measures - not catching single people, but protecting troops from an unexpected enemy.

Marching movements and reconnaissance require constant practice, and therefore every day, wherever they go, wherever they return from, they walk with security and reconnaissance measures.

In the dark, walk without firing at close intervals and distances with intermediate chains, covered by a thick patrol chain, walk as the blind walk: you need almost contact.


The one who fears nothing is more powerful than the one whom everyone fears.

To become funny means to lose your case.

When two people quarrel, both are always to blame.

Pull, but don't tear.

Example is the most eloquent of sermons.

Backbiting harms three people at once: the one about whom they speak ill; to someone who is spoken ill; and most of all to those who slander.

A wound caused by a gun may be healed, but a wound caused by the tongue will never heal.

The strongest delusions are those that have no doubt.

Courage gives an officer success, and success gives courage.

By the way, it’s smart to remain silent.

The way to get bored is to say everything you know.

Humble is not the one who is indifferent to praise, but the one who is attentive to blame.

The last resort should always be the last resort.

Everyone looks, but not everyone sees.

Laws should be followed, not reinterpreted.

Vanity is a sign of consciousness of one's insignificance.

Thinking correctly is more valuable than knowing a lot.

For taste - to the young, for advice - to the old.

If you say it, you won’t turn it back, if you write it, you won’t erase it, if you chop it off, you won’t put it back.

A clear conscience is the cleanest pillow.

The beauty of the mind evokes wonder, the beauty of the soul evokes respect.

We must conquer with our minds what cannot be conquered with force.

Don’t be intrusive so that they don’t push you away, and don’t move too far away so that they don’t forget about you.

About the author. V. M. Kulchitsky

After graduating from high school in 1900, he voluntarily joined the army with the rank of volunteer at the age of 20.

He was enrolled in the 17th Chernigov Dragoon Regiment. He took part in the Japanese war as a sergeant and was awarded the Cross of St. George. V. M. Kulchitsky has a total of 4 of them. He was recommended to the Tver Cavalry School, and upon graduation received an officer rank. He was assigned to the 12th Starodub Dragoon Regiment. He took part in the First World War, in the Brusilov breakthrough, and was awarded the Order of St. Vladimir, Anna, Stanislav. Brusilov transferred the officer to the headquarters of the 4th Army, where in 1916 he was introduced to the sovereign. On February 17, 1917, he was awarded the highest audience, where he was invited to take the post of vice-governor of Serpukhov. On March 2, 1917 he married Daria Andreevna Yastrubinskaya.

After 1918, Valentin Mikhailovich completed his military service and received a law degree at Kharkov University. In 1919, his son Mikhail was born. In 1928, daughter Olesya. (Subsequently, Mikhail Valentinovich Kulchitsky became a famous poet and died in 1943 on January 19, junior lieutenant - mortarman) From the mid-twenties he worked in the legal profession. In 1933 he was repressed. Belomoro - Balt, Karelia. In 1937 he returned to Kharkov and worked as a timekeeper at a factory.

In 1943, on January 9, Vasilenko was trampled to death by a Ukrainian policeman in the Gestapo. He was buried at the 8th cemetery in Kharkov. The grave has now been destroyed.

The book "Advice to a Young Officer" was adopted as the basis for the development of the code of the Soviet Guard.

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