List of documents for graduate school. Basic requirements for admission to graduate school. How the graduate school works

The question of how to enroll in graduate school is usually relevant for university graduates who have received a higher education diploma (with an average score of at least 4.5) and a specialist or master’s qualification. Those who enter graduate school are mainly those who aspire to scientific activity and teaching in higher school. Full-time education is designed for three years, part-time for four.

Conditions for admission to graduate school

Anyone with a higher education diploma has the right to enroll in graduate school. Studying will be easiest for those who have experience in student research and defending a diploma project. When approbating a diploma (writing articles on a research topic, making scientific reports at conferences), the necessary skills are acquired for future postgraduate research activities.

The path of a graduate student is not easy! The most persistent and hardworking people are able to defend their PhD thesis immediately after graduating from graduate school.

For many, admission to graduate school does not end with a successful defense after the required three years of study, but stretches out for almost five years. According to statistics, only one out of five graduate students defends their defense within the deadlines established by the plan. Therefore, along with the pressing question of how to enter graduate school, it is necessary to ask the question of how to defend a dissertation on time.

Responsibilities of a Graduate Student

Attention!Defending a dissertation is not the only task a graduate student must complete.

The responsibilities of a graduate student include:

  • attending classes every day;
  • writing a certain number of scientific articles on the topic of your research;
  • presentations at scientific conferences and seminars;
  • consultations with a scientific supervisor.

In the third year of study it is provided Internship, in which a third-year graduate student must conduct classes in student classrooms. At the end of each semester, at a meeting of the major department, in the presence of all members of the department and the supervisor, the graduate student is certified and his report on the work done is accepted.

With all this, we must not forget about main goal– writing dissertation work, because it is precisely this that is the result of three years of study.

After successful defense, the dissertation candidate is awarded the academic degree of Candidate of Sciences. If you haven’t changed your mind about enrolling, then you can prepare a package of documents.

Documents for admission to graduate school

So, before us is an applicant with good basic training, confident in his abilities and aimed at a scientific career.

It is important to know!What documents need to be prepared for admission to graduate school.

The list of documents is as follows:

  • application for admission to graduate school;
  • autobiography;
  • a certified copy of a higher education diploma;
  • a certified copy of the diploma insert;
  • a certified copy of the work record book (if any);
  • characteristics from the place of work (for workers);
  • photograph 3x4 (3 pcs.);
  • medical certificate of the established form;
  • justification of the relevance of the dissertation work;
  • abstract within the specialty;

Entrance exams to graduate school

After receiving the documents, the applicant must pass three exams: in the specialty, philosophy and foreign language. A good command of English will help the future graduate student independently compile annotations for his scientific publications and allow him to read new literature original language.

You should worry about questions for exams in advance so that you have enough time for quality preparation.

You can take the examination program yourself from the methodologist of the graduate school department or download it from the website of the university where you are applying. The examination committee usually consists of three teachers and a secretary, and there are two questions on the ticket. After passing the entrance exams, you will only have to wait patiently for the results. Admission is subject to the condition that the applicant has completed everything required for admission to graduate school. Don’t be upset if the competition fails: you can try again in a year or sign a contract. Take advantage of every opportunity.

How to enroll in graduate school on a budget

Admission to the budget form of education is carried out on a competitive basis, according to the submitted documents and the ranking of points scored in the entrance exams. The higher the rating, the greater the chance of passing the budget.

Masters who have just graduated from a university and teachers with at least two to three years of experience in their specialty can apply for a budget-funded form of education.

We are talking about full-time education with a break from the place of work. Behind Full-time training most often involves a contract form of training without leaving the place of service.

Is it possible to enroll in graduate school after bachelor's degree?

You shouldn’t wonder how to enroll in graduate school after your bachelor’s degree and join the ranks of graduate students. According to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, paragraph 4, article 69, a bachelor today does not have such an opportunity.

After your bachelor's degree, you first need to go back to university and complete your master's degree.

The master's program acquires basic skills research work, which in the future will be a good help for writing a candidate’s research.

How to get into graduate school without exams

There are no exams to apply for a job. The application period is for three years. For the applicant, work on the dissertation proceeds in the mode of self-education and self-preparation, with periodic consultations with the supervisor. But you will need to register separately for delivery candidate exams as an external student.

After graduating from university, graduates are faced with the extremely important question of choosing a future path in life: should they go to work in their specialty, choose another profession, or go get a second degree? higher education or realize yourself in science. As a rule, only a few people choose the last path. Enrolling in graduate school is a responsible step, meaning a willingness to devote your life to science. Moreover, in our country, almost free of charge! Because a scholarship for a graduate student with no work experience is not much different from a scholarship for an undergraduate, and science requires sacrifice. Material. And sometimes quite significant. The financing of almost all universities in our country leaves much to be desired. However, this fact often does not stop those wishing to create a career in science. What motivates such people? Who needs admission to graduate school and why?

The conditions for admission to graduate school are less stringent than it seems to the majority of graduates:

  • You have the right to enroll if you have a diploma in your chosen specialty and certain successes in it.
  • You will need with the intended scientific supervisor and gain his support.
  • Pass There are three of them: in the chosen specialty, philosophy and foreign language.
  • Have scientific publications within your topic (if there are none, an abstract).
  • Carry copies of your documents and photographs with you. As well as a medical certificate about your health status.

In fact, if you have an agreement with your supervisor, everything else is just a formality.

Exams for graduate school are not difficult at all: you pass your specialty (which you are theoretically excellent at), a foreign language (you plan to take part in international conferences and must worthily represent their Motherland) and philosophy (since a true scientist cannot help but be a philosopher at heart). After 3 years of study (full-time) or 4 (part-time), you will have to take all the same exams again according to approximately the same program, and therefore: do not rush to throw it away didactic materials and cheat sheets!

Enrolling in graduate school is an important decision in life, so before making it, think again about whether you are sure that you want to sacrifice your life on the altar of science.

A bachelor's degree provides a student with a body of knowledge. The master's degree instills research skills. Graduate school teaches you to do scientific discoveries, justify them - make them clear, in simple language, accessible to listeners and students. Of the “earthly” benefits of being a graduate student, it should be noted:

  • deferment from military service for 4+ years;
  • conducting exciting scientific research (often sponsored by the state), communicating with scientists, useful connections;
  • effective teaching experience.

This level refers to postgraduate education and is available to holders of a specialist or master's degree. Bachelors need to study (master's) to become a graduate student.

Rules for admission and study in graduate school from the point of view of the law

Admission rules are determined by law. Acts that should guide any accredited university when organizing postgraduate training:

  • 273-FZ on education;
  • Order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 233 (determines the procedure for admitting graduate students);
  • Federal State Standards (FSES).

Important clarification: specialty, master's degrees are levels that determine the opportunity to become a graduate student for the first time. The law does not prohibit the parallel/sequential passage of this level for the second or third time. This means that postgraduate study is available to graduate students, graduates of adjunct, assistantship-internship, and residency.

How to get into graduate school without exams

The university sets its own admission rules for applicants. We provide preferential conditions for enrolling graduates of our master's programs, and simplified transfer programs for graduate students from other institutions are available.

The examination is mandatory. The order of testing may differ (oral interview, testing, written examination). Set of subjects to be taken:

  • exams in foreign languages ​​and philosophy determined by law;
  • specialized subject (depending on the choice of specialty, more about it below).

Applicants who have successfully passed the candidate exams (philosophy, foreign language) may be exempt from entrance examinations. A mandatory condition for enrollment is the provision of an abstract - a research paper on the chosen topic.

List of required documents for admission to graduate school

The standard package of documents for admission includes a blank application (available from the admissions office staff), a copy of the diploma with an appendix, an autobiography, and a testimonial. If a student is recommended for further study by teachers of his university, he can be accepted without a reference; an extract of the minutes of the meeting of the Academic Council is sufficient.

For employed graduate students you need:

  • a copy of the employment record (with a personnel record sheet);
  • certificate from the medical commission;

All applicants must provide a list of publications and a certificate confirming passing the candidate exams (if any).

Duration of postgraduate study

The graduate school of our university has been operating for more than 15 years. Recently, distance learning has been available. Regulatory deadlines:

  • 3 years – full-time (both directions – economics, jurisprudence);
  • 4 years – part-time.

Nuances when applying for and studying in graduate school

It is important to understand: the third stage differs from the tactics of training at the master's and bachelor's degrees. This is almost 100% self-study - scientific experiments, research, development of your own student training programs.

Which does not replace the set of familiar formats of lectures, seminars, and classes. Plus teaching practice. Full-time graduate students take an exam based on its results.

Specialties in graduate school

Students of our university are free to choose from two directions. The first is economics (code 38.06.01), often preferable for engineers, carriers of technical specifications, programmers, and economists. Specialties:

  • Finance, money turnover, loan (08.00.10) - the best option for graduates of finance faculties, banking;
  • Economics and Management national economy(08.00.05) – industry direction for future leaders;
  • Mathematical, instrumental methods of economics (08.00.13) - the choice of programmers, engineers, administrators.

Jurisprudence (40.06.01) defines a more limited choice (acting jurists). This is in-depth knowledge of civil, international, family, and business law (code 12.00.03). The referral is preferable for current assistant judges, lawyers, and business consultants.

Career prospects

One of the important advantages is a line in the profile/resume, which significantly increases the attractiveness of a graduate student’s candidacy for the position of leader/supervisor/captain of a project team (including startups). Experience gained during training determines the graduate’s ability to train new personnel, conduct educational seminars, and trainings.

Admission to graduate school should be preceded by a clear understanding that graduate school is a form of postgraduate education intended to form a staff (teaching, scientific) to implement labor activity in higher educational (scientific) institutions.

Each applicant must critically evaluate his own inclinations, answering for himself the question related to the advisability of entering graduate school and the readiness to stay for several years as a graduate student.

How is admission to graduate school carried out?

According to the 125th Federal Law of December 13, 2011, regulating relations in the field of higher and postgraduate vocational education, a postgraduate student can be a person who has a higher professional education and is undergoing postgraduate studies while simultaneously preparing a dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Sciences.

Thus, citizens of the Russian Federation with higher education can enroll in graduate school.

Admission is carried out on a competitive basis. For applicants wishing to enroll in full-time postgraduate study, there are age restrictions - up to 35 years. For correspondence form This period of study will be longer by five years, i.e. up to 40 years.

What are the requirements for admission to the budget?

The budget form of education assumes the presence of two admission options:

  • immediately after graduating from higher education educational institution and obtaining a diploma;
  • after acquiring practical work experience related to the profile of the chosen specialty.

For each of the two possibilities, Additional requirements. In the first case, this is the presence of creative results in research work and recommendations for admission presented by the academic council (department) of the institution. The latter can be presented both to the graduate school of the university where the student studied, and to that of another higher educational institution in accordance with the profile of the scientific research performed.

As for work experience, it must cover at least two years of work in the specialty profile. The general period of study is from 3 (full-time) to 4 years (correspondence).

What documents are needed?

Admission to the entrance exams for a budget-funded form of education can be obtained by persons who meet the above requirements and have submitted an application for admission to graduate school.

Copies and originals of the following documents are attached to the application:

  • a diploma indicating receipt of professional education, plus attachments (copies);
  • autobiography;
  • recommendations (characteristics) from the place of work or an extract made from the minutes of the meeting of the academic council of the institution for those persons who will be recommended for graduate school immediately after completing their studies;

  • work book and personal sheet (personnel records) issued at the place of employment (copies if documents are available);
  • medical certificate;
  • certificate confirming passing candidate exams - if available;
  • a list of scientific works that were previously published in the specialty - if available;
  • an abstract on a topic related to the proposed research, plus a review by a supervisor;
  • two standard 3x4 photos.

Graduates of foreign universities, including citizens of CIS member states, additionally provide a translation of their diploma and its notarized copy; a copy of the certificate of equivalence established in relation to the document of a foreign state establishing the Russian Federation as such.

Admission to admission examinations is issued admissions committee after reviewing the submitted documents and studying the abstract (published works) by the department.

What entrance exams are taken on a budget?

All applicants for free postgraduate study must pass competitive entrance exams to test knowledge on special discipline; foreign language (required when completing dissertation research); history of science/philosophy.

More detailed information about the entrance exam programs and exam tickets can be found on the official websites of the selected universities. At successful completion candidate exams in foreign language and philosophy, applicants may be exempt from the corresponding entrance exams to graduate school.

The decision regarding admission to graduate school on a budget is made by the admissions committee, taking into account the amount of space and, of course, the results of entrance exams.

Applicants who have been admitted to the postgraduate examinations are provided with a leave of absence lasting one month. At the same time, the average salary at the main place of work is maintained.

Simplified requirements or application

Without exams, those applicants who are attached to any scientific institution (organization) can enter graduate school. In this case, the preparation of a dissertation does not require graduate study. This form of training is called competition.

Admission on a contract basis

Paid postgraduate study requires passing an interview or passing entrance exams. You can find extended information on the contractual form of education, including its cost, on university portals. In Moscow, this amount today can reach 70 thousand rubles per year.

Teachers of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​take entrance exams in English language to graduate school and candidate minimum examinations.

Candidate minimum exam structure

1. Reading, written translation with a dictionary from a foreign language into Russian of the first part of the original scientific text in the specialty and retelling the second part of the text in foreign language. (Volume 2500-3000 pp. Execution time – 45-60 min.)

2. Fluent reading of the original scientific text in the specialty and transmission of the extracted information in a foreign language. (Volume 1500 items. Execution time -3-4 min.)

3. Conversation in a foreign language about scientific work.

Admission to the candidate minimum exam

In order to be admitted to the exam, you must:

1. Make a written translation from a foreign language into Russian of 10 pages of original scientific text in the specialty. (Text from five years ago).

2. Write an abstract in a foreign language to the original scientific literature read. (Volume of literature – 100 pages. Volume of annotations – 3-4 pages.)

3. Provide a terminological dictionary for the specialty. (At least 50 lexical units.)

4. Write a short abstract to your scientific article in a foreign language. (Abstract +key words.)

5. Prepare a presentation of your scientific work.

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