Full text walkthrough of Lucius II: The Prophecy. Walkthrough of Lucius Lucius ii how to use skills

It's cold as hell

The game begins with the birthday of the main character of the game. We turned 6 years old. Probably, the plot of the game and the events that take place will in many ways resemble the plot of the film Omen 666. So, the game begins in the kitchen.

Cruel little boy. This is a difficult child. Let's go to bed. Then a series of strange events followed, and in the meantime the maid died. We wake up after sleep, and the whole apartment is on fire. Apparently the devil is sitting next to us. Pick up a notebook from the table that will allow you to learn more about the game world and tasks. Then take a flashlight, we will need it and batteries. In inventory, insert the batteries into the flashlight. Take the flashlight in your hands. Let's listen to Lucifer.


Next, open the door of the room and along the corridor to the left, then to the right and left again. In the living room we open the door and go downstairs, then run to the kitchen. Install a lock on the refrigerator door. Here we will be taught telekinesis. Next is the video.

Smoking kills


Go behind the chair with the man and take the necessary things from the table nearby. Next we follow the man. He will go into the kitchen and light a cigarette. Follow him. When he leaves, take out a screwdriver and do some chemicals in the stove, also close the door to the kitchen and turn off the light there.


After he sits down and drinks, he will go back to the kitchen to light up on the stove. This time the released gas will completely set the man's face on fire and he will completely burn right before our eyes. The second cop still considers everything that is happening to be an accident. We wake up again in the middle of the night. Lucifer is in front of us again and he is pleased with the work done. He will teach us to move objects with the power of thought. First of all, take the machine with your mind and put it in the box. Then break the glass and turn on the music.


We wake up in the middle of a thunderstorm at night. Open the door and go left along the corridor. Go downstairs and go to the bathroom, it is located opposite the kitchen where we killed the cop. Take the wrench next to the table. Even take three at once. Use the wrench on the piano.

Sharp blade

Finding ourselves in the room again, we run down the already familiar road. Open the refrigerator in the kitchen. The butcher is sitting here. Using the power of thought, break the light bulb behind the master to leave him without light.


He will climb onto the shelf with the saw and start fixing the light. Again, with the power of thought, we turn on the saw, and the man falls on it. Of course, it leaves mince. Next is another video.

Healthy eating

New day - new murders. We leave the room and go through the door opposite. We go downstairs, then to the end of the corridor and up the stairs again. We open the door, and there is a maid sitting at the desk. We should kill her. But how? It's simple. We go into the corridor that is at the exit from our room, then along it to the left, as we are used to, and go downstairs. Here we will find a man sitting on a chair.


Talk to him and go to your room to sleep.

We wake up at night and go along the corridor to the left. We shouldn't be seen. We go out into the courtyard through the room where the man you set on fire was sitting. A man is standing by the lantern. Break the lantern with the power of thought and go into the room so that he does not notice us.


Next to the chair where he was sitting, pick up the pills. Then we wake up during the day. Find the maid who carries the tray. Then add the poison in the kitchen to the bowl on the right side (which we took at night from the chair).


Accordingly, the maid, having eaten her dish, will die. Next we have a meeting with our mentor. We listen to the speech of Satan, aka Lucifer. And then winter comes.

Slip on holiday

The family celebrates Christmas. Of course, the adults need to give gifts to the estate. We leave the room again and go downstairs to the living room. Then left and into the room opposite. We run along the corridor to the right and meet the victim. They are highlighted in red at the moment of meeting.

Our goal is Alastair. No, not Moody from Harry Potter. Let's go after him. To the left of the door where he enters there will be a door. Enter it and then go right. We go down into a certain basement and find a ritual room. Not far away there will be a dimly lit tunnel that will lead us to the wine cellar. With the power of thought, pull the wine from the very top of the shelf and take it for yourself. Give the bottle of wine to Alistair, who is at the bar. Then run to the patio and turn off the lights. The switch will be in the courtyard near the door. You will turn off the lamps hanging in the yard.



Fatal relationship

So, today we need to kill the maid. Her name is Jovita. Go upstairs and go into the room with the red sofas, there will still be a man walking there. Take the camera from the shelf and the film from the table.


Then, in your inventory, combine the two items. Then take the camera in your hands. Now go to the room where the sounds of the orgy are coming from, open it and quickly take a photo. Here we have someone, excuse me, who has someone. Leave the photo in the indicated room on the table. When she enters the room, she finds this photo and runs to cry, alas. Let's run after her. Let's go out onto the balcony, where all we have to do is convince her to throw herself down with the power of thought.

The mind can't stand it

We get out of bed and run to the marker on the map. Our new target is Uncle Tom, who loves to drink. We go down to the garage where the car is parked, and from there we go even lower to the ritual table. Here we take a white bottle from the table.


Take the wine in the cellar and return to your uncle, then mix the poison in a white box with wine and place it in place of the bottle that he takes from the bed.


Again we have a private conversation with Satan. Now we will be taught to stupefy people and their consciousness.

Your neighbor's grass is greener, but ours is redder

Let's go down. To the living room. You will find a lawnmower in the yard. It's already summer here. Pick up a couple of stones near the pond in the yard. Then, using your new strength, drop the lawnmower and force Antonio to stick his head into it.



We watch the video, after which we go out onto the balcony and destroy the generator to turn off the lights everywhere. We don’t catch the eyes of our family. In total, you can get caught 6 times, and the memory of the character who found you will be automatically erased.

We ourselves go down to the basement, where the ritual table is. Next is the video. Next, from the shelf to the right of the table, take a couple of cups and a stick, place the stick on the table. Light the lights around the table with a lighter. Three candles on each side.


Also, place bowls on each side where the blood will drain, and then take the dagger. Next is the video. The plot picks up speed. Next is the video again. Now you need to kill the dude who turns the crosses on the walls into the correct position. Another video.

Practice shot

Run to the office - class. Our goal is the teacher. We need to solve a couple of examples. To answer them correctly, take the cards from the table and use them on the teacher.



We take out a pistol from there, and cartridges from the closet nearby. Then in the inventory we connect the pistol and cartridges. Then we place a gun on the teacher’s desk and force him to commit suicide.

Let's look at the introduction

Controls in the game Lucius

Game controls Lucius standard. Use the WASD keys to move. Running is activated by holding down the Shift key. Access to the notebook with tasks using the Q key. The map is standardly set to the M key, and the flashlight to F. Using the left mouse button, Lucius can take an item, and when pressing the right one, throw it. Access to the inventory by pressing the E key. The inventory allows you to combine items as follows: select the first item in the inventory and press the right mouse button, then turn the wheel to the second item and press the right mouse button again.

All of Lucius' abilities cost the following number keys:

Normal skills – key 1.
Telekinesis – key 2.
Control – key 3.
Erase memory – key 4.
Pyrokinesis – key 5.

The currently selected ability is reflected in the lower left corner of the screen with the corresponding icon. All unusual abilities (2-5) are applicable by Lucius only at the maximum level of power (scale next to the ability). The scale is affected by crosses, but if you turn them over, Lucius's power level will be restored to its maximum level. Strength is also spent on using abilities.

All actions of Lucius must be invisible to others, otherwise the mission will have to start over. For convenience, there is a special detection indicator at the bottom - a white shining circle. It just starts to shine if someone notices you. Since there are no saves in the game, and loading points are only at the end of the chapter, be especially careful not to play the same chapter over and over again.

Walkthrough of Lucius. Bonus items

From time to time you can go to classes with a local teacher or run errands for the residents of the house. As a gift for diligent behavior you will be given several items:
1. Ouija board– will give you hints for completing the main tasks.
2. Lucifer's Box– will show active places on the map, thereby also giving certain tips. The number of times of use is limited and equal to 6 per chapter.
3. Bike- a means of transport that allows you to move around the house much faster.

Prologue – June 6, 1966

Walkthrough Lucius begins with a cutscene of Lucius' birth.

Chapter One – June 6, 1972 – Cold as Hell

As soon as the prologue ends, press Space. Using the left mouse button, take the lock from the table, and using the right mouse button, put it in your pocket. Now let's go to the door and close it, then use the right mouse button to take the lock and apply it to the latch. There is a thermostat to the left of the door. Click on it and watch another video.

June 6, 1972 - later, in Lucius's room

We take a notebook from the table. Then open the inventory and click on the name Mary at the very top. Having closed the notebook with the right mouse button, we will take a flashlight with batteries from the table, which we will connect in the inventory. At this moment we will hear Lucifer’s monologue, after which we will be left alone in the room. Use a flashlight as the room will become dark. Take the bottle on the shelf to the left of the door and leave the room. If you open the map, you will see the target location on it. First, let's turn left and straight along the corridor, then left again and until the very end of the corridor. Having opened the door to our right, we will go into it and find ourselves in the corridor. From there we will turn into the first passage on the left. In front of you will be a living room. On the stand near the wall, grab a light bulb with a screwdriver. There will be a door on the right, let's go through it. Let's go down the stairs, and then go through the door to the left again, and immediately as you enter it, the door to the right. It's a kitchen. We remove the lock from the refrigerator, and Lucius will gain the ability of telekinesis. Final video of the first chapter.

Chapter Two – July 12, 1972 – Smoking Kills

The chapter will begin with an introductory video. For some players, at this point, the game begins to glitch and Lucius may get stuck in the floor. It has been experimentally proven that to prevent this from happening, it is important to collect a bottle, a screwdriver and a light bulb in the first chapter, but do not take matches from the dining room before removing the lock, or, as an option, in principle, do not collect anything in the first chapter before removing the lock.

Lucius woke up in his room. In the second chapter of the game Lucius the victim will be his father's partner named Jean. We open the map, see the goal - we act. We take yesterday's road through the living room to the dining room. If you go a little forward, you will see Jin's father's partner and watch the video. After the video, we immediately approach Jin, as soon as he turns away, we take the matches on the table next to him. Jean notices the loss and goes into the kitchen to light a cigarette there. As soon as he leaves, we take Lucium to the kitchen. Where we use the screwdriver from the inventory on the stove. As soon as the cursor appears in the form of a hand with a gear, press the left mouse button. As soon as Jin returns to the kitchen, we will see a cutscene.

July 12, 1972 – Night

At night, Lucius will be visited again by his father, Lucifer. He will tell you how to use telekinesis. You can turn on telekinesis by pressing number 2 on the keyboard. First, let's try to pick up the green toy car from the chest. To do this, first press two, and then hold down the left mouse button on the machine, holding down both keys, move the machine to the box that has just appeared. Next, let's try to do the same with the cup - it will break and turn on the radio behind the box. The second chapter ends with the father's speech.

Chapter Three – August 4, 1972 – Mood – Death

We will take the already familiar route to the dining room. From which we go through the double doors on the left into the corridor. There we turn left and go to the bathroom. Let's go to the cleaner and watch the video.

As soon as he falls asleep, we’ll grab a tool from his drawer - a pair of keys. Another key is on the floor, next to the toilet. Let's take a pencil on the table and apply it to a notepad - we'll add more work to him - fix the piano. Now let's go back to the dining room. We use a half-inch key on the piano. As soon as the cleaner approaches him, use telekinesis on the piano (hold down both mouse keys). Video and the end of the third chapter.

Chapter Four – September 11, 1972 – Sharp Blade

First, let's open the diary - here is a new task for us - tidying up the room. First, using telekinesis, put all the cars in the chest. As soon as the behavior indicator reaches one hundred percent, it will mean that you have put down all the cars. There is a maid in the room opposite Lucius's room, she sends us to the butcher Jed in the refrigerator.

Let's go down to the dining room - mom asks me to brush my teeth. From the dining room we go through the door opposite, where the refrigeration room is located. Let's go to the butcher and watch the video. He asks for help.

September 11, 1972 – How to brush Lucius's teeth

For Lucius to brush his teeth, you need to go back to the second floor, through the living room to the left and to the end of the corridor. At the exit from the corridor, open the door to the left and find yourself in the bathroom. On the map the bathroom is indicated by two Latin letters WC. On the left above the sink, take a brush, apply it to the faucet and you're done!

September 11, 1972 – How Lucius moves the meat boxes

Boxes of meat are located to the left of the entrance to the refrigeration room. We take them and carry them to the refrigerator in the kitchen. Where the maid died at the beginning of the game. When Lucius brushes his teeth and helps the butcher, he will be given a Ouija board. Let's use it right away. To do this, we run to our room, put it on the table and click on it. Walkthrough of the game Lucius It will be much easier with the help of Ouija board tips.

Now let's move on to the main walkthrough for this day. We return to the refrigerated room and stand to the right of the butcher's table. Using telekinesis, we break the lamp behind the butcher's back, then he will ask you to get him a light bulb. If you didn’t take the light bulb in the first chapter, then return to the living room and take it from the stand opposite the entrance doors and give it to the butcher. As soon as he climbs onto the table with the saw, change the light bulb and use telekinesis to turn on the cutting table button. Let's watch the video.

Chapter Five – October 15, 1972 – Healthy Eating

Now at the beginning of each chapter you can look at the clues on the Ouija board in your room.

Let's leave the room and look again into the bedroom opposite. We go straight through it and through the door on the left, and then down the stairs and turn left and left again through the door. The maid Agnes will be here. Let's watch the video. Another maid, Jovita, will enter the room with food for Agnes. Let's go get Jovita. She will go through the bedroom and reach the kitchen. Look at the bread on the table. At this moment (we got caught at this moment, but perhaps sooner or later, depending on where you meet your mother) your mother will give you the task of taking out the trash.

October 15, 1972 – How Lucius takes out the trash

The kitchen has a cabinet under the sink. Opening it, you will find a bag of garbage. We grab him and take him out through the glass door in the dining room. In the courtyard of the house, first go to the right, and then to the tool shed. There are two containers next to the barn. Let's open the container, throw the bag on the ground and use telekinesis to send it there. If you don’t want to come back here again, you can immediately go into the barn and take a nail gun and nails on the bottom shelf. Combine these items in your inventory. You will need them in Chapter 16.

After traveling to the trash cans and barn, we return to the house, to Agnes. In the corridor, turn right and open the door to your right. On the map it is marked with a glass and an asterisk. Lucius' grandfather is here. At the very end of his room there is photographic paper on the nightstand - we take it, and on the shelf we grab the camera for the seventh chapter. We combine items in the inventory. There is still an additional card on the cabinet. Next, let's head through the door in the very center of the room, marked “1+1” on the map. There is a room here for school activities. We approach the teacher. After class, we’ll get superglue from the desk for chapter ten. We return to our grandfather, where we meet our mother again. Now she has lost her earrings and asks to find them.

October 15, 1972 – How Lucius can help Alistair

Another additional task is to help Alistair. To do this, let's go out of my grandfather's room into the corridor with the classroom, and go through it to the end. At the end of the corridor, open the door opposite the shelf with books. We will find a staircase along which, going down, we will get to the storage room, which is behind the bar. There is Alistair in the closet who will ask for help. He needs to bring a bottle of wine. From the pantry through the right opening to the bar counter. From the room through the glass doors we go out onto the street. We go around the house on the right to the double glass doors. Let's go into the house and go to the right to the door. This is a laundry room, the right door of which will lead us to the desired garage. Another door to the right and forward into another room, where you can take the fuse for chapter sixteen from the shelf. There should be a ladder nearby that we can go down.

Continue along the tunnel to the wine cellar. Here Lucius is looking for a 1933 wine. There is a torn sign in the middle of the rack, we go around this rack on the left and use telekinesis to take a bottle of wine from the very top. She is different in appearance, and the only one who is subject to telekinesis)) By the way, drop the bottle. See what happens to her! We’ll eventually give the bottle to Alistair and get to work on mom’s earrings.

October 15, 1972 – How Lucius finds earrings for his mother

We return to the corridor between the two wings of the house and go into the opening under the stairs. The female servants live on the left, and the male servants on the right. In the middle there is a lost and found office. Let's look there first and take the cassette from the bureau drawer. The mother's earrings are in the first room at the entrance, on the table. We take them and give them to the mother, and we ourselves return to our room.

October 15, 1972 – Night

In the middle of the night, Lucius will wake up. Let's take him out of the room and send him to the left to the corridor with the living room. We watch the video that Lucius's mother is not sleeping yet, so keep in mind that if she notices you, the round will have to start again from the moment Lucius woke up. Let's go into the living room and hide in the pantry on the right. Don't forget to close the door behind you. After waiting a little, you will first hear steps, and then the creak of the door. Let's go out! We'll send Lucius to the door on the stairs. We go down it to the dining room, then into the courtyard. On the left side of the house, so that the shadow covers Lucius, we go around the building and get to the right side. There's a policeman smoking here. Quietly approach at a distance so that you can break the lantern above his head. We immediately hide behind a tree and make our way to the bushes. Telekinesis - on the lantern, the policeman will bend down, and Lucius - behind the tree. The policeman must step aside. Now Lucius’s goal is to quickly run to the door and open it, without stepping on the dug up ground (it will be noisy). We ran in and immediately to the right. There behind the bar we take rat poison.

October 16, 1972 – Morning

We wake up and go to the kitchen. Rat poison on the bread on the table to the right. We will be shown another video, and Lucius will acquire a new ability - mind control.

October 16, 1972 – Night

Father will visit Lucius again. Lucifer will teach his son the ability to control minds. Key 3 and left mouse button on the dark figure on the right. You need to make the figure take an object from the floor. To do this, you need to left-click on the figure, and then quickly move the cursor to the object and press the left mouse button again.

Chapter Six – December 24, 1972 – Slipping on a Holiday

Chapter six also begins with a cutscene. The target of this chapter is the butler Alistair, who went for wine again. If the bottle from the shelf in Lucius’s room is not yet in your inventory, correct this deficiency. Through his mother's bedroom and the corridor with the stairs, Lucius should find himself in the corridor between the right and left wings of the house. From there, turn right into the lobby. Now we go down to the entrance to the house and under the stairs to the right side of the house. You're back in the laundry room. Door to the right - corridor - glass door to the street. Further left to the wing where they took the rat poison at night. Here Lucius will find Alistair.

We watched the video and went to another part of the house, to the dining room. The whole family sits here. From there, through the right door we will reach the bathroom, where the cleaner once sat. Place the bottle on the water tap and go outside again. An icicle hangs above the front door. Stand with the bottle under the icicle - an arrow will appear, to which we apply the bottle. Further at the entrance, the plug of the garland is inserted into the socket - we take it out and wait for Alistair. As soon as Alistair steps on the water and slips, we use telekinesis on the icicle. Finish video.

Chapter Seven – January 3, 1973 – Fatal Relationship

Remember the maid Jovita? This chapter is dedicated to her. And, if you also saw a room with a question mark on the map, then it is now open. Uncle Lucius' underground studio was hidden there.

We go to the mother’s bedroom - Jovita is there. We approach her and do not let her out of sight. Together with her we will reach the women's servants' room. If you go further, you will find things and clothes scattered on the floor. Near the penultimate pile of things we open the door, but do not enter. You need a camera to photograph Uncle Tom and another maid who are there. If you already have it, then stand on the side, take it in your hands and point it at the bed. As soon as the yellow rectangle appears, press the left mouse button. If you don’t have a camera yet, quickly run to your grandfather’s room, which is marked on the map with a glass and an asterisk. There on the nightstand you will find a camera and photo paper. Combine them in your inventory and come back to take pictures.

The photo obtained in the inventory must be placed on the table in Jovita’s room. And we’ll add rat poison and a lock to the right side of the table. Jovita will enter the room, look at the photo and run away. Lucius must run after her. Jovita will run up the stairs and through Lucius’s parents’ bedroom to the balcony. Now let's apply the mind control skill. First pointing at Jovita and then at the railing. Let's watch the video.

Chapter Eight – January 23, 1973 – The mind can’t stand it

Lucius will begin the eighth chapter by visiting Uncle Tom's room. To do this, let's go into the corridor where the living room is, then through the second door on the left and to the end of the corridor. Tom's room will be here. We enter and see him drinking. Lucius will find a bottle in the pantry in his room. Open your diary and Lucius will remember the map he took from his grandfather. If you didn’t take the card, then run to his room and take it from the cabinet (described in the walkthrough of the fifth chapter). Now let's go into the inventory and look at the map - Lucius will learn about a secret passage in the cellar.

We go down to the dining room and go into the corridor. Here you will come across a mother who will ask you to help her around the house. Through the door on the right side, the corridor and the second door on the left we reach the laundry room. The driver and maid are sitting here, they will ask you to look for the audio cassette.

January 23, 1973 – Where can Lucius find the driver's tape?

To do this, we will visit the servants' wing, opposite the room - the lost and found office. There is a cassette there. Let's return it to the driver. Next, we’ll go to the garage and talk to the mechanic. He's missing a pry bar.

January 23, 1973 – Where can Lucius find a mechanic's pry bar?

Let's send Lucius out the door that leads to the cellar. There will be a key hanging on the left wall - put it in your inventory. We already have the second grille on the right and the mount. But the door slammed shut, that's what keys are for. If you forgot to take the keys, then use telekinesis. Then we open the door and return the mount to the mechanic.

January 23, 1973 – Laundry linens

In a number of rooms, Lucius came across socks and underwear, scattered haphazardly. There are 10 of these things in total. Find them all and take them to one of the baskets in the laundry room next to the window. The basket on the left is for whites, and the one on the right is for colored laundry. You will receive a bicycle as a gift. He will be in Lucius's room. If you want, you can run and look at it.

January 23, 1973 – Chamber of Secrets

Now let's move on to the main task of the eighth chapter. To do this, let's get into the wine cellar and look behind the curtain on the far side of the room. There will be a door here. Now it is open. The tunnel - another door - and Lucius will find himself in the ritual room. Take the bottle on the table at the far side of the room. In the inventory, we will connect this bottle with the one we took at the beginning of the chapter for Uncle Tom. On the right wall next to the table you will find an opening, entering which you will find a box, although it will be locked for now. Now let's go back to Toma. As soon as he turns away, we put the bottle on the bed and watch the video.

January 23, 1973 – Night

Another lesson from my father. Lucifer will tell his son how to clear people's memories. Everything is done simply and quickly. Key 4 and left mouse button on the figure.

Chapter 9 – March 20, 1973 – My neighbor’s grass is greener, but ours is redder

We go outside through the dining room, and then left to the barn. Talk to Antonio, he main character ninth chapter. Pick up the stone from the ground. Next, either study the gardener's path and place a stone in the middle of his path, or simply run around him until an exclamation mark appears so you can throw the stone. This could cause your lawn mower to break. Antonio will decide to check it, and you will use telekinesis on the lawnmower from behind. However, you won't succeed. Then just use control on Antonio and send him to the lawnmower. Watch the video.

March 20, 1973 – Night

Once again, Lucifer will not let Lucius sleep peacefully. That night, Lucius learns pyrokinesis. Key 5 and left mouse button, then move the cursor and release. Then try to set the dummy on fire and then “kill” it. The last video of the ninth chapter.

Chapter Ten – April 1, 1973 – Betrayal

Surprisingly, Grandfather woke up the chapter begins and does not end at night. Lucius will be woken up by his grandfather and asked to go to the secret room. From the room we will send Lucius to the balcony to the right. Look into the left door - this is your mother's room, she is sitting in a chair. Telekinesis on the antenna will distract her. As soon as she leaves the bedroom, go in there and exit through the same door that she left. Then through the door opposite and down the stairs. Then under the stairs to the servants' room, where Jovita used to live. Here, either you close the door and listen to the conversations and steps of Susan and the policeman, or you leave the door open and stand behind it, so you will have the appearance of their absence.

If you haven’t taken superglue yet, then as soon as the servant with the flashlight leaves the door, run to the other end of the corridor. The door to the right wing, right again and into the room where Grandfather lives. If the policeman is there, then hide behind the furniture. We go out the door opposite. This is great, we’ll find superglue in the desk here. We return Lucius under the stairs.

If someone does notice you, remember about the new ability - erase memory. In total, it can be used six times per chapter. We’ll go out of the corridor into the hall, just be careful when you open the door and check if anyone is there. Further, going down the stairs, we will go to the right, into the laundry room and further into the garage. From there you need to get into the utility room on the right, then the wine cellar and, finally, the secret room. They will show the video.

Grandfather is preparing some kind of ritual and asks Lucius to help. Matches will help light the candles in front of the altar. Take the four bowls on the shelves on the left. Combine the one that is broken with superglue from your grandfather’s room. We place the bowls next to the altar in the depressions on the floor, keeping in mind that the symbol in the hole must match the one on the bowl. Also on the shelves on the left, take the belt and use it on the mounts on the altar. Then enter the opening where you were already looking at the box. Now open it and take the ritual knife. Give it to your grandfather and watch the final video.

Chapter Eleven – April 1, 1973 – Fiery Furnace

The journalist has untied himself and will rush around the secret room after Lucius with a knife. Lucius's task is not to let the enemy get close to him. If possible, at the very beginning, send a couple of fireballs (pyrokinesis) at the journalist before he runs up to you. The journalist will turn over the crosses, so Lucius will be deprived of his power. The strategy is to run from him and turn the crosses back over - shoot, run again and turn over - shoot and so on. Four hits will kill the enemy. Then Lucius will have to turn all the crosses back over and watch the final video.

Chapter Twelve – May 25, 1973 – Practice Shot

Start with the classroom. Today, Lucius's teacher, James, is the main character. Go up to him in the classroom and start the lesson.

May 25, 1973 – Math lesson

James will ask questions, and Lucius must give him a card with the correct answer. Correct answers: three – one – two. Next the biology lesson will begin. Pass the book from your desk to the teacher. While he goes to the bookshelf for a biology textbook, we run into the corridor. From the corridor, go into the gallery, then left and into another arch, then through a small room and the right door into Father Lucius's office. Father needs documents from the bedroom. Go up there and take the documents from the bedside table. Grab the key there too. Use the key on the TV stand, or rather on the middle drawer of the stand. There is a note with a code there. Next, we’ll send Lucius to his father and give him the documents. As soon as father leaves the office, go to the safe and dial the code - 6-6-19-66 - on this day Lucius was born. Left-click on each number so that the green light at the bottom lights up. Made a mistake? – just start over. Grab the pistol from the safe. In the closet in my father’s desk we will find cartridges for it and combine them in the inventory. Now you can return to the teacher in the classroom. We stand behind the teacher and take the gun in our hands, BUT DON'T SHOOT. We’ll put the gun on the table, and we’ll select mind control, click first on the teacher, and then on the gun. Let's watch the video.

Chapter 13 – June 1, 1973 – Curious Tom

Through the mother's bedroom into the corridor, to the left and into the bathroom, which is on the second floor of the house. Here you will find Sezen - a maid and will be the main character of the thirteenth chapter. The cross in the bathroom must be turned over, then the power scale will be completely filled. After which we will direct Lucius into the corridor, the lobby and through the right door under the stairs - into the laundry room. There is also a cross here, which we turn over. Telekinesis will help you take the iron on the shelf above the washing machine. We will send the iron into the machine itself and close it. Then Susan will stop washing and go upstairs to take a shower. Lucius will also need to go upstairs, but not to the bathroom, but to the one nearby, marked on the map with a question mark. On the left side, bend the edge of the poster and, looking through the hole that appears, you will see the bathroom and Susan. If it is not there yet, it will appear there soon. As soon as Susan is in the bathroom, use telekinesis on the hairdryer and send it into Susan's bath. Final video.

Chapter 14 – June 6, 1973 – Exhaust fumes overdose

Through the laundry room we get to the garage. Michael is here - let's talk to him. Then go back to the laundry room and destroy the washing machine, just like in the last chapter, by throwing the iron into it. Then mechanic Will will leave the garage. Lucius will approach Michael and take a can of solvent and a rag from the table. Let's go into the inventory and combine these two items. Now let's go back to the laundry room. Here we will find a ventilation panel on the wall, just to the left of the washing machines. Control (key 3 + left mouse button on Will and on the panel) will force Will to turn off the ventilation. Afterwards we return to the garage and leave the rag behind Michael, who is listening to music. Let's use control again, but this time on Michael and the rag. After inhaling the solvent, Michael will lose consciousness. Then telekinesis on the car and the final video of the fourteenth chapter.

Chapter 15 – Lord of Hellfire, I call upon you...

One of the shortest chapters. Lucius goes to the garage and sees Will, who is handcuffed by a policeman. Telekinesis - canister - Will, and then pyrokinesis - Will. And the final video of the fifteenth chapter.

Chapter 16 – American Madman

In chapter sixteen, Lucius will reach his mother. Let's start with the barn, where on the lower shelves you will find a gun and nails, which you will combine in your inventory, provided that you have not done this earlier. Continue through the garage, into the utility room on the right and into the second room near the wine cellar, where you will find a fuse, again, if you haven’t done this before. In the first utility room we will place the fuse in a panel in the wall. The video will tell you that there is now light in the barn. We go to the barn, where we plug in the compressor. We use a nail gun on the compressor. Afterwards we go out into the yard and behind the bench so that Lucius’s mother does not notice her son. Let's put the gun between the barn and the bench - the point will be active when you approach it. As soon as the father passes by, using control on the father and the gun, we will finish the sixteenth chapter.

Chapter 17 – Eliminating Terence

Only Lucius and the policeman will remain in the room, who is unaware of our intentions. He thinks that there are evil spirits in the house. Let's help him figure this out. There are several crosses in the room. First we use telekinesis on the bust near the right cross. The policeman will shoot at him and break not only the bust, but also the cross. So we will remove all the busts and crosses one by one. Now telekinesis onto the large statue on the right and the fan. Final video.

Chapter 18 – The end is here

By this time, Lucius had already set fire to the entire house, but his father returned here with two priests.

Priests against Lucius

The priests will immediately begin to attack Lucius. How to deal with priests? Pyrokinesis! We pass forward - and before reaching the table we send a fireball at them. It is important to get there, otherwise you will die and start the chapter again. If you get hit, run from the room through the hall to the laundry room. Turn around and shoot again and back into the hall and room where you met them. We run until the priests die. Final video.


But it's not that simple. The father was left with a fire extinguisher in his hands. Here you need to be especially careful, because if the father kills Lucius, the passage will have to start with the priests. The tactics are initially similar - we run, shoot and run again. However, the main goal is to lure the father to the buckling column and, by shooting at him, force himself to extinguish the fire. Immediately turn on telekinesis on the column (a full power scale is required). The final video of the entire game. This ends walkthrough of the game Lucius.

Let's watch the video. Today is Lucius' sixth birthday in the family. A worried mother instructs the maid to wash the dishes and put the boy to bed no later than ten in the evening. Press #Space# and select a lock from the edge of the table. For now, let's hide it by clicking the right mouse button. Close the refrigerator door, press the right mouse button again and click on the door. By doing this we will lock it and then use the switch on the left to make the temperature unbearably cold. Now you can go to bed.

In a dream we communicate with our father, Lucifer, and pick up a gift from him # a notebook from the table. Open the inventory (E), open the notebook and click on the name on the left. We killed the maid Mary, now we need to hide the lock so that no one suspects us. We take the flashlight and batteries from the table. Open the inventory, use the mouse wheel to switch to batteries, press RMB, switch to the flashlight and press RMB again. So we combined the items.

When we wake up, we open the map. It shows the house and the right path to the goal. After all, we live in a mansion, and there are certainly a dozen rooms here. We go downstairs, click on the lock on the door and put it in our pocket. The next morning the police and Detective MacGuffin arrive.

Open your inventory and click on the name on the left. Jean is his father's colleague, he often visits us and at the same time smokes in the living room, which gives Lucius a headache. Let's go downstairs to Gin. In the room in front of the stairs, where the master is tinkering with a table lamp, pick up a screwdriver. Let's get close to Jin on the right and point the sight at the match on the table. When Jin's gaze will not look in this direction, we take away the matches. Let's hide them in our pocket so Gene doesn't see them. We get to the kitchen and use a screwdriver on the gas stove.

Lucifer will teach you how to use the ability #Telekinesis#. Select it by pressing the #2# button. Move the machine by holding LMB. Then, by simultaneously holding the LMB and RMB, we put the machine in the box. The movements must be smooth, otherwise nothing will work. The time for using the ability is limited by the scale in the lower left corner. We aim the sight at the cup and hold the LMB; we perform the same action with the radio.

Let's go downstairs and get to the bathroom. Here is the janitor Ivor, who is constantly intoxicated. Let's pick up a pencil from the table and write #Repair the piano# on the notepad. We'll take three keys from the toolbox. Let's quickly go into the living room and use the key on the piano. Ivor will arrive after us and begin repairs. Now we can select #Telekinesis# and use it on a musical instrument.

We go down the stairs and immediately turn into the room on the right. The butcher Jed works here, we need to use him somehow. There are boxes of meat in the corner, let's take them to the refrigerator in the kitchen. The behavior indicator will then be 40%. Let's go back to the room and throw everything into the box on the floor. Then the figure will increase by another 50% and amount to 90%. In the butcher's room, hide behind the drawers to the right of the table and use #Telekinesis# on the burning light bulb. Jed will ask you to bring him a replacement, which we will find in the first room as soon as we go up the stairs, i.e. from the nightstand where the cleaner had previously repaired the lamp. Let's give the light bulb to the butcher and watch how he climbed onto the meat grinder. Using #Telekinesis# we activate the blades through the control panel.

Using the map as a guide, we will get to the head of the maids, Agnes. The maid Jovita must bring her food. Let's go to the wine store on the first floor and fix our eyes on the floor at the rat poison. We won’t be able to take it yet, so we’ll go back to our room.

Waking up at night, we go into the corridor and notice that mom is still not sleeping, and if she sees us, she will certainly put us to bed. We pass through the door, turn into the room on the left and quickly hide in a small room in the corner. After waiting a little, we’ll leave the room and go down the stairs to the living room. Let's go to the end and go outside. On the other side we see a MacGuffin. Let's get up behind you and use telekinesis to disable the night lamp. Now let's go into the house and take the poison from the utility room. Don't forget to hide it by pressing RMB. The next morning, we run into the kitchen and poison the sandwiches in the basket.

We get the #Mind Control# ability. Press the #3# button, click on the mannequin and quickly click on the object on the floor on the left.

First of all, let's take a reddish water bottle from the toy shelf. Let's fill it with liquid in any of the toilets marked on the WC map. Using the map as a guide, we will get to Elister, who was excommunicated from the festive table. Let's go outside again, to the left of the central doors there is a switch for garlands. We use it to attract the attention of the butler. We use a bottle of water next to the pillar. When Alistair falls, using #Telekinesis# we pull down the icicle directly above the victim’s head.

Let's get to the maid Jovita. She asked me to tell Uncle Tom if we met him that she wanted to talk to him. Let's go down the stairs, go to the other side and go up. In grandpa's room, we'll pull the camera from the shelf using #Telekinesis#, and take the film from the table. Let's combine them in the inventory.

Let's go down and cross to the other side. Let's go under the stairs to the servants' quarters. In one of them we will catch Uncle Tom and Susan doing something indecent. Let's record this on film. Jovita will surely be #delighted# with the piquant photo. Let's put it on the table in her room, which is next door. Then we open the cabinet on the right and put in rat poison and a lock. Jovita, in a state of hysteria, will run to the balcony, and we will follow her. Use #Mind Control# on the maid and quickly click on the balcony railing.

Let's go to Uncle Tom's room, who has been drinking for several days. From grandfather's room, where we previously took the camera, we will take the map on which the secret room is marked. Let's get to the garage and go down to the wine cellar.

Behind the curtain there is a shelf with wines; at the very edge on the right there is a passage, behind which there is a door leading to the premises for sacrifices. Let's pick up a deadly poison from the table. Let's return to my uncle's room and enter a small dressing room. Let's pick up a bottle and combine it with poison. We put her on the bed while Tom is distracted by drinking.

Lucifer will teach us a new ability # #Memory loss#. It will be useful when we are discovered. We will only have a few seconds left to use this skill.

Let's go out into the courtyard, where we will meet the gardener Antonio. Let's pick up a stone near the fountain in the center. Let's install it approximately in the middle of the gardener's route. When the lawnmower stalls due to hitting a rock, the gardener will try to fix it. Let's get behind you and use #Telekinesis# on the lawnmower. Antonio miraculously managed to jump away from the sharp blades. We use #Mind Control# on the gardener and on the lawnmower, thereby forcing him to put his head under the sharp blades.

Meanwhile, the Wegner family quarreled over a series of deaths and in particular Tom. A journalist entered the house and tried to find out information, but instead got hit in the head with a bottle from his grandfather. We get a new skill # #Ignition#. Press #5# and hold LMB. We aim the sight at the dummy and release the button.

At night, Grandpa Gabriel comes to us and asks us to go down to the secret room. Leaving the room, turn right and find yourself on the balcony. Let's go straight to the end and interact with the antenna using telekinesis. We follow mom down, turn left and go down even lower. We move to the right, we will get into the garage and, accordingly, into the wine cellar. We set fire to the candlesticks around the victim. We select a rope from the side wall and tie up the victim. We take three bowls from the side shelf and place them next to the candlesticks. We take the fourth bowl from there, which turned out to be broken. You need to get to the training room in the east wing and pick up the glue from the table.

Let's connect the glue and the broken bowl and install it in the appropriate place. Now everything is ready, from the box where grandfather was previously, we will take the dagger and pierce Gabriel with it. The chained journalist Wayne frees himself and begins to turn over the crosses. Under no circumstances should you collide with him, otherwise the game will be over. Press #5# and hit the journalist with fireballs when he starts to approach, and be sure to turn over the crosses.

Let's get to the training room, where our personal teacher James is waiting for us. We show him the plates with numbers on the table in order # 3, 1, 2. Then he will ask you to get a biology textbook, we will show him any of the books. Let's go to my father's office, which is nearby. He will ask you to bring him a document, which we will find in his and my mother’s room opposite ours. To the right of the bed from the bedside table we will pick up the papers and the key. Let's take them to father, open his safe and take out a pistol from it. Code # 6 6 19 66. Take the cartridges from the table locker and combine them with the revolver. Let's return to the training room, put the loaded pistol on the edge of the table. Let's use the #Mind Control# ability on the teacher and the pistol.

In the corridor we will meet the maid Susan, who is doing laundry. Let's go down to the first floor and turn right and find ourselves in the linen room. Open the lid of the washing machine, pull the iron from the top left shelf using #Telekinesis# and send it into the machine. Let's close the lid and observe the effect. The maid will go to the bathroom on the third floor and lock the door behind her, but before that we need to get there and turn over the cross on the wall. Let's enter the room on the right, remove the poster from the wall and look through the hole. We grab the hairdryer using telekinesis and throw it into the bath.

Let's go down to the garage, and our next target will be driver Michael. As in the previous task, we will place the iron in the washing machine. From the maids' territory, we'll pick up the audio cassette from the box in the corridor and bring it to Michael. Let's pick up a rag with solvent from the table. Combine them in your inventory and place them on the table. Use #Mind Control# on Michael and the dampened rag. Let's return to the mechanic Will, use #Mind Control# on him and the control panel on the left. We start the car in the garage using #Telekinesis#.
The detective chains the mechanic to a rack while he goes to get his assistant. We quickly enter the garage, use #Telekinesis# on the lid of the canister on the top shelf. Then press #5# and hit the victim with fire.

American crazy.

From the garden we will get to the garage and go towards the wine cellar. We don't go down the stairs, but take the fuse from the shelf on the left. We turn around and insert the fuse into the electrical panel. We return to the mother, let's go into a small building. We insert the wire from the device into the socket. We select nails from the bottom shelf, and a nail gun from the table. We charge the gun with nails and fill it with air, interacting with the device. We put the gun to the right of Nancy. When the father appears, quickly use #Mind Control# on him and click on the pistol.

The end is here.

Using #Telekinesis# we move small marble heads. We make the policeman shoot at them and hit the crosses. When they are all upside down, grab the largest one on the right and point it at the fan in the top center.

Quickly press #5# and hit the priests with fireballs. After finishing with them, the father will appear with a fire extinguisher. We lure him under a slightly collapsed column next to the stairs and hit him with fire. He will begin to actively extinguish the area around him, and at this time we will bring down the column with #Telekinesis#. Let's watch the final video.

It's cold as hell.

Let's watch the video. Today is a holiday in the family - Lucius's sixth birthday. A worried mother instructs the maid to wash the dishes and put the boy to bed no later than ten in the evening. Press “Space” and select a lock from the edge of the table. For now, let's hide it by clicking the right mouse button. Close the refrigerator door, press the right mouse button again and click on the door. By doing this we will lock it and then use the switch on the left to make the temperature unbearably cold. Now you can go to bed.

In a dream we communicate with our father, Lucifer, and pick up a gift from him from the table - a notebook. Open the inventory (E), open the notebook and click on the name on the left. We killed the maid Mary, now we need to hide the lock so that no one suspects us. We take the flashlight and batteries from the table. Open the inventory, use the mouse wheel to switch to batteries, press RMB, switch to the flashlight and press RMB again. So we combined the items.

When we wake up, we open the map. It shows the house and the right path to the goal. After all, we live in a mansion, and there are certainly a dozen rooms here. We go downstairs, click on the lock on the door and put it in our pocket. The next morning the police and Detective MacGuffin arrive.

Smoking kills.

Open your inventory and click on the name on the left. Jean is his father’s colleague, he often visits us and at the same time smokes in the living room, which gives Lucius a headache. Let's go downstairs to Gin. In the room in front of the stairs, where the master is tinkering with a table lamp, pick up a screwdriver. Let's get close to Jin on the right and point the sight at the match on the table. When Jin's gaze will not look in this direction, we take away the matches. Let's hide them in our pocket so Gene doesn't see them. We get to the kitchen and use a screwdriver on the gas stove.

Lucifer will teach you how to use the Telekinesis ability. Select it by pressing button “2”. Move the machine by holding LMB. Then, by simultaneously holding the LMB and RMB, we put the machine in the box. The movements must be smooth, otherwise nothing will work. The time for using the ability is limited by the scale in the lower left corner. We aim the sight at the cup and hold the LMB; we perform the same action with the radio.

The mood is death.

Let's go downstairs and get to the bathroom. Here is the janitor Ivor, who is constantly intoxicated. Let’s pick up a pencil from the table and write “Repair the piano” on the notepad. We'll take three keys from the toolbox. Let's quickly go into the living room and use the key on the piano. Ivor will arrive after us and begin repairs. Now we can select “Telekinesis” and use it on a musical instrument.

Sharp blade.

We go down the stairs and immediately turn into the room on the right. The butcher Jed works here, we need to use him somehow. There are boxes of meat in the corner, let's take them to the refrigerator in the kitchen. The behavior indicator will then be 40%. Let's go back to the room and throw everything into the box on the floor. Then the figure will increase by another 50% and amount to 90%. In the butcher's room, hide behind the drawers to the right of the table and use Telekinesis on the burning light bulb. Jed will ask you to bring him a replacement, which we will find in the first room as soon as we go up the stairs, i.e. from the nightstand where the cleaner had previously repaired the lamp. Let's give the light bulb to the butcher and watch how he climbed onto the meat grinder. Using “Telekinesis” we activate the blades through the control panel.

Healthy eating.

Using the map as a guide, we will get to the head of the maids, Agnes. The maid Jovita must bring her food. Let's go to the wine store on the first floor and fix our eyes on the floor at the rat poison. We won’t be able to take it yet, so we’ll go back to our room.

Waking up at night, we go into the corridor and notice that mom is still not sleeping, and if she sees us, she will certainly put us to bed. We pass through the door, turn into the room on the left and quickly hide in a small room in the corner. After waiting a little, we’ll leave the room and go down the stairs to the living room. Let's go to the end and go outside. On the other side we see a MacGuffin. Let's get up behind you and use telekinesis to disable the night lamp. Now let's go into the house and take the poison from the utility room. Don't forget to hide it by pressing RMB. The next morning, we run into the kitchen and poison the sandwiches in the basket.

We get the “Mind Control” ability. Press the “3” button, click on the mannequin and quickly click on the object on the floor to the left.

Slip on holiday.

First of all, let's take a reddish water bottle from the toy shelf. Let's fill it with liquid in any of the toilets marked on the WC map. Using the map as a guide, we will get to Elister, who was excommunicated from the festive table. Let's go outside again, to the left of the central doors there is a switch for garlands. We use it to attract the attention of the butler. We use a bottle of water next to the pillar. When Alistair falls, using “Telekinesis” we pull down the icicle directly above the victim’s head.

Fatal relationships.

Let's get to the maid Jovita. She asked me to tell Uncle Tom if we met him that she wanted to talk to him. Let's go down the stairs, go to the other side and go up. In grandpa's room, we'll pull the camera from the shelf using Telekinesis, and take the film from the table. Let's combine them in the inventory.

Let's go down and cross to the other side. Let's go under the stairs to the servants' quarters. In one of them we will catch Uncle Tom and Susan doing something indecent. Let's record this on film. Jovita will certainly be “delighted” with the piquant photo. Let's put it on the table in her room, which is next door. Then we open the cabinet on the right and put in rat poison and a lock. Jovita, in a state of hysteria, will run to the balcony, and we will follow her. We use “Mind Control” on the maid and quickly click on the balcony railing.

The mind can't stand it.

Let's go to Uncle Tom's room, who has been drinking for several days. From grandfather's room, where we previously took the camera, we will take the map on which the secret room is marked. Let's get to the garage and go down to the wine cellar.

Behind the curtain there is a shelf with wines; at the very edge on the right there is a passage, behind which there is a door leading to the premises for sacrifices. Let's pick up a deadly poison from the table. Let's return to my uncle's room and enter a small dressing room. Let's pick up a bottle and combine it with poison. We put her on the bed while Tom is distracted by drinking.

Lucifer will teach us a new ability - “Memory Loss”. It will be useful when we are discovered. We will only have a few seconds left to use this skill.

The neighbor's grass is greener, but ours is redder.

Let's go out into the courtyard, where we will meet the gardener Antonio. Let's pick up a stone near the fountain in the center. Let's install it approximately in the middle of the gardener's route. When the lawnmower stalls due to hitting a rock, the gardener will try to fix it. Let's get behind you and use Telekinesis on the lawnmower. Antonio miraculously managed to jump away from the sharp blades. We use “Mind Control” on the gardener and on the lawn mower, thereby forcing him to put his head under the sharp blades.

Meanwhile, the Wegner family quarreled over a series of deaths and in particular Tom. A journalist entered the house and tried to find out information, but instead got hit in the head with a bottle from his grandfather. We get a new skill - “Fire”. Press “5” and hold LMB. We aim the sight at the dummy and release the button.


At night, Grandpa Gabriel comes to us and asks us to go down to the secret room. Leaving the room, turn right and find yourself on the balcony. Let's go straight to the end and interact with the antenna using telekinesis. We follow mom down, turn left and go down even lower. We move to the right, we will get into the garage and, accordingly, into the wine cellar. We set fire to the candlesticks around the victim. We select a rope from the side wall and tie up the victim. We take three bowls from the side shelf and place them next to the candlesticks. We take the fourth bowl from there, which turned out to be broken. You need to get to the training room in the east wing and pick up the glue from the table.

Let's connect the glue and the broken bowl and install it in the appropriate place. Now everything is ready, from the box where grandfather was previously, we will take the dagger and pierce Gabriel with it. The chained journalist Wayne frees himself and begins to turn over the crosses. Under no circumstances should you collide with him, otherwise the game will be over. Press “5” and hit the journalist with fireballs when he starts to approach, and be sure to turn over the crosses.

Training shot.

Let's get to the training room, where our personal teacher James is waiting for us. We show him the tablets with numbers on the table in order - 3, 1, 2. Then he will ask you to get a biology textbook, we will show him any of the books. Let's go to my father's office, which is nearby. He will ask you to bring him a document, which we will find in his and my mother’s room opposite ours. To the right of the bed from the bedside table we will pick up the papers and the key. Let's take them to father, open his safe and take out a pistol from it. Code – 6 6 19 66. Take the cartridges from the table locker and combine them with the revolver. Let's return to the training room, put the loaded pistol on the edge of the table. Let's use the Mind Control ability on the teacher and the pistol.

Curious Tom.

In the corridor we will meet the maid Susan, who is doing laundry. Let's go down to the first floor and turn right and find ourselves in the linen room. Open the lid of the washing machine, pull the iron from the top left shelf using Telekinesis and send it into the machine. Let's close the lid and observe the effect. The maid will go to the bathroom on the third floor and lock the door behind her, but before that we need to get there and turn over the cross on the wall. Let's enter the room on the right, remove the poster from the wall and look through the hole. We grab the hairdryer using telekinesis and throw it into the bath.

Overdose of exhaust gases.

Let's go down to the garage, and our next target will be driver Michael. As in the previous task, we will place the iron in the washing machine. From the maids' territory, we'll pick up the audio cassette from the box in the corridor and bring it to Michael. Let's pick up a rag with solvent from the table. Combine them in your inventory and place them on the table. Use Mind Control on Michael and the dampened rag. Let's return to the mechanic Will, use “Mind Control” on him and the control panel on the left. We start the car in the garage using Telekinesis.

The detective chains the mechanic to a rack while he goes to get his assistant. We quickly enter the garage, use “Telekinesis” on the lid of the canister on the top shelf. Then press “5” and hit the victim with fire.

American crazy.

From the garden we will get to the garage and go towards the wine cellar. We don't go down the stairs, but take the fuse from the shelf on the left. We turn around and insert the fuse into the electrical panel. We return to the mother, let's go into a small building. We insert the wire from the device into the socket. We select nails from the bottom shelf, and a nail gun from the table. We charge the gun with nails and fill it with air, interacting with the device. We put the gun to the right of Nancy. When the father appears, quickly use “Mind Control” on him and click on the pistol.

The end is here.

We move small marble heads using Telekinesis. We make the policeman shoot at them and hit the crosses. When they are all upside down, grab the largest one on the right and point it at the fan in the top center.

Quickly press “5” and hit the priests with fireballs. After finishing with them, the father will appear with a fire extinguisher. We lure him under a slightly collapsed column next to the stairs and hit him with fire. He will begin to actively extinguish the area around him, and at this time we will bring down the column with “Telekinesis”. Let's watch the final video.

Before I start, I would like to briefly talk about the game itself and my impressions. The game was created by a small Finnish team from four people. Despite the promised non-linearity and gameplay similar to the Hitman series, this is still an ordinary quest with admixtures of clumsy stealth and clumsy action. What remains of what was promised: we play for a real villain, in particular for a young Antichrist. No moralism for you - evil will win in the end. And this is not the cartoonish evil of Dungeon Keeper or Overlord, this is a ruthless and insidious killer. For such a rare and wonderful batch, a lot can be forgiven.

When I played through this game, I had a strong feeling that this was actually a remaster of some old game on the first PlayStation with improved graphics and physics. Clumsy animation, a dull engine, a minimum number of lines for the characters, with full voice acting, and the good old rendered intro. Remove high-quality models, good lighting, make scripted scenes rendered and send it to 1998, Lucius would become a cult game and would stand on par with such projects as Galerians, Echo Night and Clock Tower. Unfortunately, this is not the case, the game is new, but in many respects it is behind its time, but this will only be a plus for oldfags like me. :)

Let's get started!

The game begins with the celebration of the sixth birthday of Lucius, the son of a rich and influential man. At the end of the holiday, Lucius' mother instructs the maid Mary to clean up and put her son to bed. When she goes to the kitchen, Lucius follows her. Suddenly time stops and a man in a suit with an ominous grin appears in front of the boy, he makes a hand gesture and telekinetically locks the door to the kitchen. Now the game begins, we are offered a brief introduction to the interface, after which we need to go to the table and take the lock from it. We hang a lock on the door to the refrigerator, in which the unsuspecting Mary is located.

The final touch: we turn on the refrigerator at full power and watch as our first victim freezes to death.

Lucius, as if nothing had happened, goes upstairs to his room and goes to bed. In a dream, he sees the same guy in a suit with an evil grin; this, as you might have guessed, is Lucifer. He will tell you about your purpose, give you a flashlight and a diary, teach you how to use the equipment, and instruct you to go downstairs and remove the lock from the door. By opening the map, you can see the path to where we need to go, but don’t be too happy, in the future the map will only show the path to the next victim at the beginning of each mission. We remove the lock and get our first ability - telekinesis. They show us a video and introduce us to our next victim. This time it is a friend and partner of Lucius's dad Jean.

Gene sits in the living room, as if at home, and puffs like a steam locomotive. We need to teach him a lesson for such behavior at a party. We go down and meet along the road an eternally drunk master named Ivor. We take a box with a light bulb and a screwdriver from the dressing table next to it. We will need the light bulb later, but the screwdriver will come in handy very soon. Don’t forget to hide items in your pocket; you can’t walk around the house with all sorts of things that you use to kill people.

Having found Gin, we return to the kitchen and use a screwdriver on gas stove, after which we return to Gin and carefully remove his matches from the table. Gene will want to smoke, but not finding matches, he will go to light a cigarette from the stove, but we damaged the stove, so there will be a lot of smoke, and not just tobacco. We watch the video, the next mission awaits us.

At night, Lucius will again see Lucifer in a dream, he will show how to use telekinesis. Of course, never use it in the presence of other characters.

The next to die is the clueless and always drunk locksmith Ivor.

Here we will have to work, but before we leave the room, we take a bottle from the shelf.

We go down to the first floor and go to the bathroom. We need to steal a pencil and a 1/2 wrench from under Ivor's nose. We take all the keys, go to the living room and use it on the piano.

You may notice that something is draining your reserve of power in some areas of the house, these are crosses on the walls, we should discreetly turn them over so that they do not interfere in case we need to use supernatural abilities. That's what we do.

Now you need to return to Ivor and use the pencil on his notebook.

Thus, we made a note that the piano needed to be repaired. The bungler Ivor will immediately go and crawl right under the piano, and there all we can do is hit the piano with telekinesis and enjoy the bloody spectacle.

From now on, almost the entire house is at our disposal, and we need to prepare everything we can for further missions before we deal with the butcher whom Lucifer instructed us to kill. The first thing you need to do is tidy up the room by collecting the cars in the chest next to the door. This increases the behavior rate. We receive gifts for our behavior indicators. First there is a Ouija board that shows us a clue to the solution to each mission. The second gift is a music box enchanted by Lucifer; it has six charges and replenishes the charges with each kill, activating it, you can see for a short time all the interactive objects around you, as well as places where you can put something. And for the third level of good behavior, we are given a useless, but damn cool three-wheeled bike, on which we can travel around the house and get to our destination faster than on foot!

After tidying up the room, we should find Lucius’s mother, she will give us the task of brushing our teeth. We go to the bathroom on the second floor, not far from Lucius’s room, take the toothbrush and use it on the tap, nothing complicated.

It would also be a good idea to turn over the cross on the wall and pour water into the bottle you selected earlier, it will soon come in handy. Mom's next chore will be taking out the trash. Oh, how long I've been looking for him! >_<

The bag of garbage is in the kitchen in the cabinet under the sink, we take it and go with it to the garden.

There is a wooden shed in the garden, with waste bins behind it. We put the bag on the ground, reach for the lid of the trash can, open it and use telekinesis to throw the bag inside.

While we are in the garden, it is worth picking up stones scattered around the gardener for future use. It’s also worth talking to the gardener, he will give us the quest to get a can of gasoline for the lawn mower.

In the left corridor on the second floor, where the servants' rooms are located, there is a box on the nightstand containing a cassette tape, take it with you. This is worth doing before going to the garage for a can of gasoline.

* In the room of the maid Jovita there are earrings that, apparently, she stole from Lucius’s mother, they are lying right on the table, we take them. One of the mother's next tasks will be to find them, when she says so, give them to her and earn behavior status increases.

* The last task from the mother will be to bring dirty laundry to the laundry and throw it into the baskets, here you just need to hang around the house for a long time and persistently and carry other people’s socks and panties and throw them into two baskets, colored things in the right, white ones in the left.

Let's get back to sidequests. Taking the cassette, we go to the garage, where the driver Mike blows the mind of the mechanic Will with tales about his jazz group and asks you to find a tape with their songs in order to blow Will’s mind not only verbally. We give him the tape. Will will ask us to bring him a jack from the closet. Since the storage room is nearby, we’ll do this mini-quest right away.

We go into the storage room and take the keys from the wall.

We go to the next room, take a barely noticeable plug from the shelf and insert it into the switchboard.

Now you can move the grate and climb for the jack for Will.

But the trouble is, we find ourselves locked up. If we had not taken the keys in advance, we would have had to use telekinesis to attract them, which is a very tedious task. We take out the keys, unlock the door, and give Will the jack. The next thing we do is grab the canister in the garage and take it to the gardener.

Having inserted the plug into the distribution board, we supplied power to the shed in the yard, we go there. We take a nail gun, we take nails. We load nails into the nail gun by combining two items in the inventory.

From the garden you should look into the bar, the butler Alistair will be standing there, he will ask you to bring a bottle of 1933 wine from the cellar. The cellar is located next to the garage, accessible by stairs from the storage room. The correct bottle of wine is on the top shelf, next to where the sign with the number "1930" should have been, which is lying on the floor.

Having brought the bottle to Alistair, we go into the passage behind him and to the right up the stairs. We need to collect the last items.

In my father's office we take cartridges from his desk.

We approach the safe and, moving the mouse to the right to change numbers, use the Enter button to enter the combination “06, 06, 19, 66”. We take a revolver from the safe and load the found cartridges into it. Of course, you need to do this when there is no one in the room.

Let's go to my grandfather's office. There is a map and photographic paper on his desk, we grab them. We look up: there is a camera on the shelf. We attract it with telekinesis and take it into inventory, where we immediately charge it with photo paper.

The last thing left is we go to the next room, marked on the map as “1+1”, there a teacher is studying with Lucius, to whom in each subsequent chapter you can go and study. We approach the desk, open it and take a tube of superglue. You'll be shocked when you find out what kind of hemorrhoids would be waiting for you if you didn't do it now.

After all this pointless, boring and tiring running around, most likely even the most peace-loving of you will want to kill someone. Well, it's time to take it out on the butcher Jed. We go to the refrigeration room next to the dining room on the first floor.

Hiding behind the carcasses of the killed pigs, we aim at the light bulb behind Jed’s back and press on the light bulb with telekinesis.

If you are poorly hidden, an indicator appears that you are being seen, you need to stop immediately and find a place where you are not visible. We blow up the light bulb.

Jed asks you to bring a new one, but we already have it, so we give it to the butcher. He climbs onto the table with a circular saw to change the light bulb. All that remains for us is to wait for the moment and hit the saw motor with telekinesis... Oh-oh-oh, poor, poor Jed >_<

At this stage, if you haven’t burst into infernal laughter or at least a malicious giggle, think, maybe you shouldn’t continue playing this game and it would be wise to play warm lamp quests from Uncle Benoit Sokal? >_>

In the next chapter we need to kill the gluttonous housekeeper Agnes. As usual, we find it by following the sign on the map.

After that, we go down to the bar, where the butler Alistair in the room behind the bar has placed mousetraps and a jar of rat poison, this is what we need, but now we cannot steal it from under Alistair’s nose, so we go to our room. The second phase of the mission begins. We need to sneak into the bar unnoticed at night and steal rat poison.

If you don't know where to go and what to do, this stage of the game can become a headache. We leave the room, go along the corridor to the end and go into the door on the right, all other doors are locked. Here the game will show you a short scripted video of Lucius’s mother leaving her bedroom and walking towards us. If we catch her, or even anyone's eye, we'll have to start the mission all over again.

Now you need to quickly hide in the closet and, of course, close the door behind you. From the sounds it will be possible to understand that the mother passed by, opened the door down to the stairs, and went down to the kitchen. After waiting a little, you can leave. The mother will stand in the kitchen, and if you don’t interfere with her, she won’t pose a danger in the future.

We follow into the garden, there is a man standing at the door leading to the bar. We need to distract him somehow. We go around him from behind and try, without getting too close, to reach the light bulb in the street lamp above the head of the detective who is guarding the door. The game engine may not immediately recognize an interactive object at such a distance, so you just need to move the crosshair over it until the cursor changes; if this does not happen, try moving a couple of steps to the side and try again.

As soon as you break the light bulb, the man will move away from the door to see if anyone is misbehaving. You can safely go to the bar for the treasured jar of poison. As soon as you take it, the stage will end. Lucius will wake up in his room in the morning and he can safely go and complete his plan.

Let's go to the kitchen. After making sure that no one is in the kitchen, we use rat poison on the basket of buns and watch the video.

At night, Lucifer will appear to us and teach us how to subjugate others to his will. Don’t think that the trick is in the bag, and with this ability you will be able to misbehave; submission only works in special cases, when the character's mind is vulnerable.

Our next target is the butler Alistair. If you did everything as written in the preparatory stage, you should have a bottle of water. We go to the bar, Alistair sits there and chills, although he was asked to bring wine. We go out into the garden and go to the main entrance. Notice the huge icicle hanging from the balcony.

We take the bottle in our hands, if we are in the right place, we will see a sign in the snow, we spill the water at this place. Now we need to somehow lure Alistair out.

There is a socket next to the door, we pull out the plug, the garlands will turn off and Alistair will come out to check what’s going on. Along the way he will slip and fall where we need him. Now it’s time to do something small, switch to telekinesis and use it on the icicle.

Let's watch the video and be blown away.

It's time to find someone on whom to pin the murder of Mary and Agnes, and at the same time bring another victim to Lucifer. The maid Jovita is perfect for this role.

Uncle Lucius Tom, seduced this Latin American simpleton, she thinks that he loves her. It’s time for her to learn what it means to not understand men, and then save her from suffering and at the same time teach her a lesson for stealing jewelry from the mistress of the house.

You have a camera in your inventory that you stole from your grandfather, it should be loaded with photo paper, which you also stole from your grandfather. Let's go to the servants' rooms, if you hear suspicious sounds and clothes on the floor, then you are on the right track.

We carefully open the door from afar and see Uncle Tom roasting the maid in her room. In the room that is two steps away from Jovita’s room... hmm...

Without entering the room, we take out the camera and with the left mouse button we shoot this thing. If you did everything correctly, you will receive a photo in your inventory and an update in your diary. We leave quietly and go to Jovita’s room.

First, we open the desk drawer and put the lock and rat poison there, after which we put the photo on the table. Really, I often read that people tried to personally hand over the photo to Jovita, and no one had the idea that it would be strange if a six-year-old boy brought his aunt a photo of her boyfriend ogling another maid.

Having done our dirty deed, we wait for Jovita to go into her room and find out the terrible truth about her lover. It turns out that she is either too stupid or deaf and, judging by the characteristic sounds from the next room, did not realize this all this time. Jovita runs away in tears, where did you think? That's right, to the balcony! Let's go after her.

It's time to try out our new ability. Select submission with the “3” button, click on Jovita, and before the mana runs out, point the submission cursor at the railing. The job is done, enjoy the beautiful video.

A new day begins, today we will kill Uncle Tom - a scoundrel, a lecher and a rag, who sat and drank in his room for a whole month after Jovita’s death.

We recently found a suspicious card in Lucius's grandfather's office. It's time to look into the cellar and find out what the secret door is.

We go down to the first floor, go through the laundry room to the garage, from there to the pantry, and from there along the stairs to the cellar. The secret passage is behind the curtain, in the far corner of the cellar.

Let's go there, open the door and go forward. We find ourselves in a room where someone is performing devil-worshipping rituals. On the table at the far end of the room there is a capsule with poison. We grab it and go back to Tom's room.

Tom, drunk, drowns his whiskey and roars. We go to the pantry and take a bottle of whiskey. We go into the inventory and combine it with the found capsule with poison. We hide the bottle and go to Tom. We put the bottle next to him when he's not looking. It is done.

At night, Lucius will be visited again by Lucifer and rewarded with a new ability. Now, if you are caught doing shady things, you can erase this character’s memory of seeing you and hide before he burns you again.

Next on your list of victims should be the gardener Antonio. We go down to the garden, where he is cutting the grass with a lawnmower. Always loved these lawn mowers! We take out the stones from the inventory that we picked up here, find the signs on the ground and place the stones on them. The lawnmower breaks down, Antonio, of course, will go to fix it. We arm ourselves with good old telekinesis and turn it on.

Contrary to our expectations, Antonio gets off with a slight fright. Well, let's do it the bad way. We take Antonio under our command and order him to “talk” to the lawnmower.

From this point on, the plot begins to approach its denouement.

After a series of videos, the devil appears to Lucius and gives him the last skill - fireball. It can only be used for a short time after you have killed someone.

After a conversation with Lucifer, his grandfather Fabius comes to Lucius’s room at night. He tells Lucius to go down to the secret room, he needs to talk to him.

It's easy to get stuck here too. The only way down is through Mom's room, and she sits and watches TV and doesn't seem to be going anywhere. Don't even think about entering the room, she will see you no matter what you do. What you need to do is pay attention to the transformer mounted on the facade of the building.

Having driven over it with telekinesis, we will turn off the electricity in the entire house.

We should quickly run to the cellar. Its inhabitants will walk around the house with flashlights, but we have the skill of erasing memory. Unfortunately, we can only use this skill six times per chapter, so try to make sure that you reach your destination before you use up all the charges.

Once there, we find an annoying journalist tied to the altar, who was caught by grandpa. Fabius offers to prepare the altar according to all canons black magic stab a journalist, which should make Lucius stronger and more powerful. We go and take bowls with different esoteric symbols from the shelf and place them around the altar. Each symbol on the bowl must correspond to the symbol painted on the mounts where they should be placed.

But bad luck, one of the bowls is broken, it’s good that we took superglue from the study room in advance, otherwise we would have had to drag ourselves to the other end of the mansion and back. Considering that in these circumstances this idea could turn into a long and painful series of reboots, this could completely discourage the player from playing the game further.

Glue the bowl together by combining it with a tube of glue in your inventory.

After we have placed the bowls, we need to light the candles. For this we have matches stolen from Gene.

Finally, you need to remove the belt from the wall and secure it to the reporter.

When everything is ready, the dedugan will approach the altar and prepare for the ritual.

We take a knife from the box on the table and approach Fabius from behind and kill him, after all, Lucifer wrote his name in our diary, not the journalist.

The journalist comes to his senses from the noise. The shock of the situation in which he finds himself gives him strength, and with a sharp jerk he frees himself from the belts and grabs the knife. Lucius, to celebrate, launches a fireball at him and misses. As luck would have it, he touches an inverted cross hanging on the wall, which turns into an “Orthodox” state and deprives Lucius of his strength. The stupid grandfather considered himself a cool servant of the devil, but did not even secure the crosses in his dungeon.

The first battle of the game begins. A stupefied journalist runs at you with a knife and you have nothing to argue with him. If he catches up to you, it's GAME OVER. You need to run to the nearest cross and turn it over. As long as there is at least one upside-down cross in the room, the journalist will not try to kill you, he will run around and turn them back over. At every opportunity in this “race of crosses”, launch a fireball at him, and he will soon die.

In the next chapter we will return to our favorite traditional murders. Lucius has a math lesson today, which he hates. It's time to show the teacher a couple of your tricks.

On the way, for fun, you can walk into the field of view of your mother, she is going crazy and she gives out a couple of funny remarks.

When you approach teacher James, he will start asking you math problems, take the tablets from the table and poke them at James in the following order: 3, 1, 2.

Then James will ask you to get a biology textbook, take any book, and he will tell you that this is the wrong book, and he will start looking for it himself. We take out my father’s loaded pistol from the inventory and place it on the table, after which we arm ourselves with the subordination skill and point James to the revolver.

At the very beginning of this chapter, we need to go to the bathroom where we took the toothbrush and turn the cross over in it; if we don’t do this in advance, we will have problems later. Our next target is the maid Suzanne.

We go to the laundry room, next to the garage. We need to ruin the washing machine so that Suzana has some free time.

We turn over the cross in the laundry room, open the washing machine and, using telekinesis, drop the iron from the shelf into the washing machine. Close the washing machine. Having seen the fruits of our atrocities against household appliances, Susana decides to rest and take a bath.

Let's go after her.

Now that Suzanne has locked herself in the bathroom, we need to go into the next room, the one in which the late Uncle Tom kept his notable collection of porn.

Moving aside the poster on the wall, we find a peeking hole. We should use it for its intended purpose.

Having looked into it, we turn on telekinesis and, with its help, throw the hairdryer into the bath with the maid. It will not be possible to pull the hairdryer so that it does not rest against the curtain; you must use an alternative method of controlling objects by holding down both mouse buttons.

We are almost at the end of our path to greatness. The time has come to deal with the idiot driver Michael, who, obviously, has already bored everyone with his jazz.

Let's go to the garage.

Michael is not alone here, the mechanic Will needs to be removed to deal with Michael. Let's go back and repeat the trick with the iron and washing machine, don't forget to close the lid.

Now that Will is busy fixing the washing machine, we take him into submission and point him to the ventilation panel.

After turning off the ventilation, we go back to the garage and take a canister of acetone and a handkerchief from the table, combine them in the inventory and quietly put the handkerchief soaked in acetone back on the table. We take Michael into submission and point to the scarf. After the driver passes out, we start my father’s Rolls-Royce with telekinesis and leave the room.

The chapter does not end with the driver's death. Detective MacGuffin has Will handcuffed in the garage, thinking that he killed Michael and we have less than a minute to deal with Will before the detective returns with a cop and takes Will away for questioning.

It seems like we just killed Michael and we can fry Will, but what is this? Instead of a clot of hellish fire, only sparks and smoke fly out of Lucius’s hands, it seems that Michael was such a worthless little man that his meager soul could not properly charge our ability to set objects and people on fire.

But it’s okay, a spark is enough for us if we pay attention to the canister of gasoline on the top shelf of the rack to which the mechanic is chained. We unscrew the lid using telekinesis, pour fuel on Will, and with one snap of our fingers we send the poor fellow to hell.

In this chapter, we have a great chance to get rid of Nancy and Lucius's hysterical mother. If you followed this walkthrough at the beginning, you should have everything ready - namely a loaded nail gun. All that remains is to fill it with compressed air.

We approach the compressor, plug it into the outlet and use a nail gun on it. When the job is done, we put it in inventory so that Nancy doesn’t see her son fiddling with such a dangerous contraption.

We go around the bench where Nancy is sitting, take out the nail gun and place it next to the bench.

As soon as you do this, Lucius' father will appear, who has found the secret room. You have very little time to subdue him and order him to take the nail gun. It will be difficult to aim at him with a skill, so you may not succeed the first time. But when you do, you'll be just two steps away from the end.

We are left in a room for tea with a policeman. The room is full of crosses, we need to remove them, and at the same time the policeman.

In this episode we cannot move, the game switches to first-person view.

We turn on telekinesis and lift the figurines into the air.

The policeman will get scared, pull out his gun and start shooting at the figurines, we need him to hit the crosses.

After all the crosses are destroyed, we select a large statue and use telekinesis to poke it into the fan on the ceiling. Having torn off the fan, we hit it with telekinesis and say goodbye to the policeman.

This is the finale. The whole house is on fire, but Lucius's dad managed to call the priests, and they are running to you!

This is the nastiest episode in the game, you find yourself at the end of a narrow corridor, and two priests are running towards you. You need to kill them before they reach you, and they run fast! If they catch you, you will get GAME OVER.

I can't help you here, you just need to learn how to knock them down and run away from them until you kill both of them. I myself replayed this fragment over and over again for an hour, practicing obscene swearing, but I still learned to kill them.

But this is not the end. We need to deal with Lucius' father.

He is armed with a fire extinguisher and fireballs do not damage him. The key to survival, as well as to victory, is that when we set fire to the walls or floor, he begins to put them out. If he has nothing to put out, he will start running after you and will try to hit you with a fire extinguisher. This cannot be allowed, because we will have to fight with the priests again.

In the lobby, where the last fight takes place, there is a column slanted on its side, we need to lure dad into the corridor behind it, and occupy him with a light long enough for us to telekinetically bring the column down on him. If you bring down the column at the wrong time, it's also GAME OVER.

Patience and caution are the key to success in this battle. Good luck.

That's it, the game is completed. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

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