Presentation on the topic: my specialty is an electrician. Presentation “Profession Electrician” System unit “Construction professions. The state institution of the Arkhangelsk region “Youth Labor Exchange” is ready to assist you in choosing a profession, as well as employment

“Electrician profession” - A power engineer gives light to people. If the phases short out, If the wires break, then they certainly invite an electrician into the house. And he will present a document to you with an admission group of five. An expert in electricity will fix everything, fix everything. A process of amazing miracles begins. Yes, an electrician without a job is nonsense, whatever you say!

“Different professions” - Tester is a profession that has not yet completely taken root in the CIS, but is popular in the USA and Canada. The baker baked the bagel, bagel, loaf and loaf from the dough early in the morning. The most in-demand professions of the near future in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra. Next, oddly enough, are actors - 7.2 points, political and public figures - 7 points.

“Professions lesson” - “Technology” is one of the complex disciplines of pedagogy. Multi-stage competition for each lesson. 1. Stomach ulcer and hypertension 2. Flat feet 3. Neurotic disorders. Education. Situational project for the Technology section “Professional self-determination.” Example of a resume plan. Writing stories.

“My future profession” - Educational and thematic plan. The question “Who will I be?” every young man asks himself. Socio-economic transformations in our country predetermined the emergence of the labor market and competition on it. Me and my future profession. And the main thing here is not to get confused, get your bearings and make the right choice. Methodological materials.

“Typology of professions” - It is with work and career that we associate success and well-being in life. Texts: proofreader, typist, librarian, translator... Man is art. What should I do? Related to the reproduction and production of works of art: jeweler, actor, florist, decorator... Medicine: doctor, nurse, orderly...

“Teacher as a profession” - Advantages of the profession: There are many specialists in different fields, but not everyone can become good teachers. Teachers are in demand at any time, so specialists are not idle. Personal qualities: The teacher must be able to express his thoughts simply and convincingly. A teacher is one of the most respected and responsible professions.


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History of the profession - electrician

History of the profession - electrician Where did it all start? Much in the history of electrical engineering is associated with the name of T. Edison (1847-1931). He is the author of approximately 1000 inventions in the field of electrical engineering. Edison improved the incandescent lamp and built the world's first public power plant (1882).

History of the profession - electrician Stock telegraph (original name stock ticker) - the first telegraph apparatus for broadcasting stock quotes, was invented by Thomas Edison in 1870. Quote information was printed on ordinary paper tape by punching holes on the tape, producing a ticking sound. For his truly revolutionary work in the development of trading in stock markets, Edison received, at that time, 40 thousand dollars.

History of the profession - electrician Edison's first patented incandescent lamp with carbon filament

History of the profession - electrician In 1880, the French physicist M. Depres announced the possibility of transmitting electricity through wires. He also built the first power transmission line. In 1882, at the invitation and with the assistance of Oscar Miller, he built an experimental power transmission line for demonstration at the Munich Electrotechnical Exhibition. On this 57 km long Miesbach - Munich line, direct current from a Gram generator, driven by a steam engine, with a voltage of 1400 to 2000 V was transmitted via telegraph wire to a similar generator, which acted as an electric motor. The load for the engine installed in the exhibition pavilion was a pump that raised water to a height of several meters, from where it fell in the form of a waterfall. The installation power was about 1.5 kW.

History of the profession - electrician Subsequently, Despres built several power lines in France, of which the most important was the Creil - Paris direct current line, 56 km long and with a voltage of 5000-6000 V with an efficiency of about 45%. The results he achieved lost their relevance with the advent of alternating current lines. Nevertheless, his experiments showed the possibility of practical implementation of this task, which is so important for technology. The dental electric drill belongs to Depre's inventions.

History of the profession - electrician The creation of economical direct current machines and the initial steps in the development of electric lighting and electric drive could not have made fundamental changes in industrial practice, if another cornerstone problem of the electric power industry had not been solved - the transmission of electrical energy over a distance. In the 70-80s of the XIX century. this problem became relevant in connection with the emergence of large industrial enterprises. The need itself for methods of transmitting energy to consumers remote from sources of mechanical energy existed and was somehow resolved long before the appearance of the first power plants. Thus, by means of wire ropes it was possible to achieve a transmission range of up to 120 m, and with the installation of intermediate blocks - up to 5 km. Repeated attempts were made to use compressed air and hydraulic pressure to transmit energy, but neither principle could form the basis for providing mechanical energy to factory production on a large scale. The problem of transmitting electrical energy over a distance The hopes of inventors turned to a new type of energy - electricity.

History of the profession - electrician Scientists continue to work on the problem of using electricity for lighting and other needs. The famous “electric candle” by P. N. Yablochkov was the first consumer of current. To install wires and cables, people who understood electricity were needed. This is how the profession of electrician appeared. However, with the advent of more and more different electrical devices and the increasing complexity of electrical engineering, the profession is branching into many specialties: electrician, equipment repair electrician (depending on specialization), electrician, electrical technician, electrician, etc. Today, there are several dozen electrical specialties.

History of the profession - electrician Among working professions, one of the most qualified and complex is the profession of an electrician. Since it is difficult, almost impossible to imagine our life without electricity, it is impossible to imagine its functioning without maintenance personnel. When building a house, it is necessary to lay electrical circuits, connect internal wiring, and ensure the operation of all electrical devices. When assembling or repairing a car, you need to know all the intricacies of the electrical part.

History of the profession - electrician The operation of any enterprise is not possible without electricians servicing the equipment. And so you can list it endlessly, and everywhere you need a specialist who will figure it out, connect it and fix it. The profession of an electrician requires good knowledge in both general technical and special disciplines used in the area with which you have to work. It is not for nothing that enterprises conduct various courses to improve the skills of specialists in this field. The specificity requires attentiveness and caution, since you have to work in conditions of increased danger. High voltage, which can be fatal to life, an environment in which conditions are created for electric shock. All this puts the profession in the category of dangerous.

History of the profession - electrician This profession arose quite a long time ago - at the end of the 19th century. In general, when the world learned about electrical energy. When power plants arose, there was a need for people who could control the equipment, which cost a lot of money. The first electricians appeared in England and the USA. A little later, electricians penetrated into Russia. At the beginning of its existence, this profession was in great demand. After all, few people understood complex electrical appliances.

History of the profession - electrician Advantages of the electrician profession The advantages of this profession include the possibility of additional income, for example, in carrying out all kinds of electrical work in the housing sector. It is possible to combine work in several enterprises when only preventive or emergency maintenance is required. The great advantage of the specialty is its huge demand in the labor market. From large enterprises to small enterprises and individual entrepreneurship, electricians are required everywhere. Accordingly, the salary is higher than that of other working specialists. The national average in 2012 was 37 thousand rubles. With such a profession you will not be left without work at any period in the life of society.

History of the profession - electrician Profession electrical engineer Electrical engineers are engaged in the design of power supply systems. Electrical engineers are essential in the construction world today. These people provide buildings with electricity. In addition, people in this profession can design electrical appliances.

History of the profession - electrician There is always a job for them industrial enterprises. Here they will monitor and repair electrical equipment and prevent breakdowns in power supply systems. It is worth noting that this profession requires not only technical and mathematical skills, but also drawing skills. Electrical engineers can work not only in construction companies or industrial enterprises, but also in research institutes.

History of the profession - electrician The profession of a technician is an electrician. An electrical technician is a person who repairs electrical equipment. An electrician technician prevents or eliminates malfunctions in electrical devices, conducts preventive inspections of electrical devices, takes measurements and simple electrical calculations, produces electrical wiring diagrams for installation and assembly. This profession requires many skills and knowledge: the general structure of power systems, the operating principle of transformers, knowledge of automation systems and relay protection systems, and much more.

History of the profession - electrician Profession of an electrician An electrician assembles and repairs electrical networks. An electrician also dismantles and repairs simple components and electric lighting devices. In this case, the electrician uses simple tools that can always be found at hand. A person in this profession can perform simple tasks at power plants and transformer substations. An electrician can repair solar and wind energy systems. The responsibilities of an electrician depend on his rank. But an electrician of any category must understand the principles of operation of electrical machines, know the basics of electrical engineering, understand basic wiring diagrams and much more.

History of the profession - electrician Professionally important qualities of the profession "Electrician" ◊ accuracy; ◊ discipline; ◊ organization, self-discipline; ◊ responsibility; ◊ forethought; ◊ pedantry; ◊ independence; ◊ ability to plan your activities over time; ◊ diligence, diligence; ◊ ability to recognize small deviations of technological process parameters from specified values ​​according to various signs; ◊ attention to detail; ◊ concentration of attention; ◊ ability to figuratively represent objects, processes and phenomena; ◊ logical thinking;

History of the profession - electrician ◊ analytical (ability to identify individual elements of reality, ability to classify) thinking; ◊ objectivity (objects of the real world and their signs) of thinking; ◊ technical thinking; ◊ operational memory; ◊ memory for symbols (signs, symbols, plans, diagrams, graphs); ◊ good coordination of movements of the leading hand; ◊ precise manipulation skills and dexterity; ◊ hand firmness, stability of the hands (low tremor); ◊ ability to quickly navigate the environment; ◊ ability to solve problem situations in a short time; drawing skills; ◊ a penchant for working with documentation; ◊ a penchant for design and engineering; ◊ ability to manage time correctly and effectively.

History of the profession - electrician Diseases contraindicated for the profession "Electrician" heart disease or blood pressure disorders; neuropsychiatric disorders; convulsions, loss of consciousness; drug use, alcohol addiction; uncorrectable decrease in visual acuity; hearing disorders; vestibular disorders, impaired sense of balance; movement coordination disorders; hand trembling; diseases of the spine, joints or lower extremities; chronic infectious diseases; skin diseases; respiratory diseases; diabetes; pronounced physical disabilities.

We wish you success in mastering a complex and dangerous profession! See you again!

students of 6th grade "B"

MBOU "Secondary School No. 6" named after A.I. Gordienko

Classroom teacher : Komarova V.V. .

Nyagan, 2015


If the phases are shorted, If the wires break Definitely invited Then go to the electrician's house.

He handles tension well. Knows where the current is. He'll fix everything, he'll fix everything Electricity connoisseur.

Demand for the profession

Representatives of the profession Electrics are quite in demand in the labor market. Despite the fact that universities produce a large number of specialists in this field, many companies and many enterprises require qualified Electricians

Employee characteristics

The following qualities are important for an electrician:

  • responsibility,
  • caution,
  • accuracy and confidence, since the work of an electrician involves working with high voltage or electrical devices.
  • painstaking, thorough and organized.

  • the possibility of additional income (carrying out all kinds of electrical work in the housing sector);
  • the ability to combine work in several enterprises when only preventative or emergency maintenance is required;
  • huge demand in the labor market. From large enterprises to small enterprises and individual businesses, electricians are required everywhere. Accordingly, the salary is higher than that of other working specialists;
  • With such a profession you will not be left without work at any period in the life of society.

Disadvantages of being an electrician

Dangerous profession. Working with high voltage is dangerous, but an electrician is responsible not only for his own life, but also for the safety of the users of the equipment he installs or repairs. However, electric shock is not the only danger that an electrician is exposed to. Electricians often have to work on high altitude, and this also requires special care.

Medical contraindications: diseases of the musculoskeletal system, diseases of the heart, lungs, eyes, nervous system.

  • Electrical Engineer;
  • electrician technician;
  • mechanic - electrician.

Electrical Engineer

Electrical engineers design power systems.

Electrical Engineer

Today electrical engineers simply necessary :

  • in the construction world (developing a project for the energy supply of a building and monitoring the implementation of this project, designing electrical appliances;
  • at industrial enterprises (monitoring and repairing electrical equipment, preventing breakdowns of power supply systems);
  • in research institutes.

  • repairs power supply devices;
  • prevents or corrects problems with electrical appliances;
  • Conducts preventive inspections of electrical devices;
  • Performs measurements and simple electrical calculations;
  • produces electrical wiring diagrams for installation and assembly.

  • engaged in the assembly and repair of electrical networks;
  • engages in disassembly and repair of simple components and electric lighting devices;
  • performs simple tasks at power plants and transformer substations;
  • carries out repairs of solar and wind power plants;
  • inspects and repairs electrical appliances.

Knowledge and skills of the future electrician

An electrician must have basic knowledge of physics, mathematics, mechanics, drawing, be able to read diagrams and drawings, and apply formulas. He is also required to know the structure and technical characteristics of the devices he serves, and to master diagnostic and repair techniques. An electrician must know safety precautions and be able to provide first aid in case of electric shock and other injuries.

Where to become an electrician

You can master the profession of an electrician in various institutions: college, technical school, special courses, technical school, institute, university. Almost every city has similar establishments. Therefore, if desired, each of us can become an electrician.

Seeing yourself in the profession

Profession Electrics in our society it belongs to the category of “male professions”. Of course, this does not mean that women are prohibited from working Electrician. It’s just that this profession is physically difficult or rough for a woman, therefore, it is considered to be predominantly male.

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