Presentation on social science on the topic "society as a complex dynamic system." Society as a complex dynamic system Presentation on the topic society as a complex system

Sociology The science of the most general problems of specifically human relationships and the interconnection of phenomena studied by others social sciences Auguste Comte () French philosopher, founder of positivism, founder of sociology

The meaning of the concept of “society” The concept of “society” The totality of all people living on Earth and the interactions between them A relatively closed and independently existing part of a single human society An organization of people united for some reason Human society Nation Religious community, society of book lovers

Forms of connection of elements in a social system Causal-functional integration, in which various elements influence each other and the system as a whole, and the exclusion of one of the elements and its transfer to another system entails a change in the structure and functions of the whole Family

Economic sphere this is what allows society to put into production the resources at its disposal land capital labor management to create a quantity of goods and services that satisfy the vital needs of people for food, housing and leisure

Participation in economic life society Direct participationIndirect participation Economically active population % of the population Workers Employees Peasants Entrepreneurs Consumers of goods and services 100% of the population

The main tasks of the spiritual sphere Science Called to discover new knowledge in the natural, technical and humanitarian fields Education Must pass on the knowledge discovered by scientists to subsequent generations Culture Called to create and preserve artistic values

Social sphere in a broad sense, a set of organizations and institutions responsible for the well-being of the entire population Covers almost all layers and classes of society The social sphere includes shops, passenger transport, utilities and consumer services, catering, healthcare, communications, leisure and entertainment facilities

Social sphere in a narrow sense Only socially vulnerable segments of the population and institutions serving them Pensioners, unemployed, low-income people, large families, disabled people, social protection agencies and social security local and federal subordination

Social relations Material relations Spiritual (ideal) relations Arise and develop directly in the course of a person’s practical activity outside of his consciousness and independently of him Industrial relations Ecological relations Relationships in child production Are formed by first “passing through the consciousness” of people, determined by their spiritual values ​​Moral relations Political relations Legal relations Artistic relations Philosophical relations Religious relations

Basic institutions of society The term “institute” has many meanings From the Latin institutum - establishment, arrangement, establishment Narrow technical meaning: the name of specialized scientific and educational institutions Broad social significance: a set of legal norms for a certain range of social relations

41 Needs for the reproduction of people Institute of family and marriage Needs for obtaining means of subsistence Economic institutions, production Needs for security and social order Political institutions, state Needs for solving spiritual problems, developing and transmitting new knowledge, educating the younger generation Spiritual institutions in a broad sense, including science and culture


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Plan. General concept systems. Characteristic features of society as a system. Main areas public life. Social institutions.

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General concept of the system. The concept of “system” refers to complex objects, both mechanical, biological, and social. All of them include heterogeneous elements. All these elements, parts of the system are interconnected and interact with each other. The system functions only thanks to this interaction. The properties of a system do not belong to its individual parts, but only to the system as a whole.

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Characteristic features of society as a system The complex nature of the social system: many levels, subsystems of elements Society as a system includes elements of different quality - material (classes) and ideal ( good people) A person is included in each of social systems Society is characterized by dynamism, incompleteness, and alternative development, because a person sets goals... The integrative quality of the system as a whole: the ability to create conditions for its existence The social system is self-governing, self-sufficient The environment of the society of a certain country as a system is nature, the world community The main functions of the social system: adaptation, goal achievement, maintaining a model, integration

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Society is a dynamic self-developing system, because worldview, social values, labor processes, economic and political objectives, religious and moral attitudes, etc. created by people themselves develop over the course of history may differ from each other in different historical eras

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Main spheres of public life (subsystems). Economic sphere (basis) – regulates issues of production of property, distribution and consumption of material and spiritual goods. Includes: The relationship of a person to the means of production (to own, use, dispose of) The place of a person in the system of social production (relations of dominance or subordination) The method and amount of obtaining a share of social wealth. The nature of activity in the production system (mental, physical, management...)

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Main spheres of public life (subsystems). The political sphere is the managerial superstructure of society, which includes politics, state law and their relationship and functioning.

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Main spheres of public life (subsystems). The social sphere is a certain way of interaction between people occupying a certain status and performing their roles in accordance with the norms and values ​​accepted in a given social system. Structural formations: classes, social strata of the nation in their relationships and interactions.

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Main spheres of public life (subsystems). Cultural or spiritual sphere – reflects various forms and levels public consciousness, which, being embodied in real life societies form what is commonly called spiritual culture.

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The basis for distinguishing the spheres of social life are basic human needs Basic human needs Material needs Need for contacts, communication Need for organization, peace, law and order Need for self-realization, increasing goodness, moral improvement Basic spheres of public life Economic Social Political Spiritual

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...before engaging in science, art, politics, etc., a person must eat, drink and have a home...

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A person’s thoughts, ideas, ideas precede his practical activities... Social changes are preceded by changes in people’s consciousness.

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A compromise approach, each sphere of public life can become decisive in different periods public life.

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Social institutions Social institutions are public entities institutions, norms, cultural patterns of behavior that serve to organize and regulate relationships between people.

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Social institutions The need for reproduction Family and household activities Institute of family and marriage, kinship institutions

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Social institutions Need for security and social order Political, managerial, government activity Political institutions (state, parties...)

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* Society as a complex dynamic system. Sofronova L.V. Municipal Educational Institution Lyceum "Constellation" 131 Samara

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* Practical conclusions of the studied material. What conclusions can be drawn from the fact that society is a joint activity of people (at least 2 conclusions)? What practical conclusions follow from knowledge about the interdependence of society and natural environment? Do you think studying social studies at school is important for you?

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* Plan for learning new material. General concept of a system. Characteristic features of society as a system. Social institutions.

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* Are the individual parts of the water meter laid out on a table a system? In what case do the parts of the water meter perform the function of the system?

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* Conclusion: the properties of a system do not belong to its individual parts, but only to the system as a whole.

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* Exercise. Read point No. 2 of the paragraph “Features of the social system.” Make a simple plan for this text.

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* plan The complex nature of the social system. The presence of elements of different quality in the system. Man is the main element of the social system. Constant change in the social system. Integrative quality of the system as a whole. The social system is self-governing. The environment of society as a system. Functions of the social system.

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* Exercise. Turn your plan into a thesis by briefly formulating the main points of the text you read. For example. 1. Social system It is complex in nature, as it includes many levels, subsystems, and elements.

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* Society as a system has a complex hierarchical nature; various levels can be distinguished in it in the form of subsystems.

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* Man is a universal component of social systems; he is certainly included in each of them, from society to family.

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* Social institutions. The most important life needs. Basic activities. Main social institutions. The need for reproduction. Family and household activities. Institute of Family and Marriage. The need for security and social order. Political and government activities. Political institutions, state. The need for subsistence. Economic activity. Economic institutions, production. The need to gain knowledge and socialize children. Scientific, educational images. activity. Institutes of science, education, culture. The need to solve spiritual problems. Religious activities Institute of Religion.

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Topic: “Society as a complex dynamic system”
presentation on social studies 10th grade

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Features of the social system. Social institutions.

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Society is a dynamic system.
System - ? "system" of Greek origin, means "a whole made up of parts", "totality". Each system includes interacting parts: subsystems and elements. A dynamic system allows for various changes, development, the emergence of new parts and the death of old parts and connections between them.

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What are the characteristic features of society as a system? How does this system differ from natural systems?

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Firstly, society as a system is complex, since it includes many levels, subsystems, and elements. Give an example. Human society on a global scale, society of one country, various social groups, etc.

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Political sphere
Economic sphere
Spiritual realm
Social sphere
-State -Parties, etc.

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Therefore, society is complex system systems, a kind of supersystem.

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Secondly, characteristic feature society as a system is the presence in its composition of elements of different quality, both material (various technical devices, institutions, etc.) and ideal (values, traditions, etc.)

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For example:
The economic sphere includes: enterprises, vehicles, economic knowledge, samples economic behavior etc.

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Thirdly, the main element of society as a system is a person who has the ability to set goals and choose the means of carrying out his activities. This makes social systems more changeable, mobile, etc.

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Social life is in constant change. The pace and extent of these changes may vary.

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From a history course, you know that in societies that existed in different eras, certain qualitative changes occurred, while natural systems did not undergo qualitative changes during those periods: primitive society, medieval society, etc. this fact indicates that society is a dynamic system with a property that in science is expressed by the concepts of “change”, “development”, “progress”, “regression”, “evolution”, “revolution” and etc.

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Consequently, man is a universal element of all social systems, since he is necessarily included in each of them.

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Like any system, society is an ordered entity. The components of the system occupy a certain position within the system and are connected in a certain way with other components. Consequently, the system has an integrative quality that is inherent in it as a single whole.

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Social institutions
"institute"…. Translated from Lat. Instituto means "establishment"; In Russian - the designation of higher educational institutions; In the field of law, the word “institution” means a set of legal norms governing one social relationship or several relationships related to each other (the institution of marriage).

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In sociology, social institutions are historically established stable forms of organizing joint activities, regulated by norms, traditions, customs and aimed at meeting the fundamental needs of society. The need for reproduction; Need for security and social order; The need for subsistence; The need for knowledge acquisition, socialization of the younger generation, personnel training; The need to solve spiritual problems of the meaning of life.

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In accordance with the above-mentioned needs, types of activities have developed in society, which, in turn, required the necessary organization, streamlining, the creation of certain institutions and other structures, and the development of rules to ensure the achievement of the expected result.

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These conditions for the successful implementation of the main types of activity were met by historically established social institutions: the institution of marriage and family; political institutions, state; economic institutions, production; institutes of education, science, culture; Institute of Religion.

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institution of marriage and family; political institutions, state; economic institutions, production; institutes of education, science, culture; Institute of Religion.
Unites a large number of people to satisfy a particular need and achieve a specific goal of a personal, group or public nature.
The emergence of social institutions led to the consolidation of specific types of interaction, making them permanent and mandatory for all members of society.

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So, a social institution is
A set of persons engaged in a certain type of activity and ensuring, in the process of this activity, the satisfaction of a certain need that is significant for society (educators).

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In addition to the main social institutions, there are also non-main ones: the Institute of Judicial Power; Institute of Presidential Representatives in the Regions. Since during historical process New needs and conditions arise, new types of activities and corresponding connections appear. Society is interested in giving them orderliness and a normative character, i.e. in their institutionalization. The development of society requires modernization of the activities of social institutions (modernization of education). Example: type of activity - entrepreneurship, emergence of laws, companies, etc.

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Answer the questions: Applying systematic approach, analyze Russian society beginning of the 20th century. Describe all the main features social institution using the example of an educational institute. Use additional material.

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