HSE Admissions Committee. National Research University Higher School of Economics - Higher School of Economics NRU HSE points

Alexey Alexandrovich Sobolevsky

Deputy Director for Public Relations of the Higher School of Economics.

The section is a “hotline” for questions regarding admission to HSE. To ask a question, use the “Ask a Question” link and state the essence of the question. The question will be sent to the admissions committee, which will quickly prepare an answer to it.

Question answer

Hello. I have this situation. I entered in 2018 and have now completed the 1st year at University A. But I want to re-enroll for the 1st year at University B. I submitted copies of documents to participate in the ranking. I need to submit the original and consent for enrollment by August 1st.
The fact is that I did not have time to expel from UNIVERSITY A. I wanted to expel on July 29, but the dean’s office
closed from June 22 to August 27 due to deduction issues. I want to know what will happen if I submit the original and consent to UNIVERSITY B while being registered as UNIVERSITY A.
Will I be enrolled in university B, provided that I drop out?
from UNIVERSITY A at the end of August.
Thank you.

30.07.19 emil-> Alexey Sobolevsky

Good afternoon, please tell me, if all the places in the course were taken by the Olympiads, is there a possibility that the number of places will be increased at the expense of HSE funds, and if they are increased, then how many places will possibly be added?

Good afternoon Yes, there is such a possibility. Places at the expense of the National Research University Higher School of Economics will be allocated up to 25% of those approved by the National Research University Higher School of Economics check digits admission for an educational program.

24.07.19 Elya-> Alexey Sobolevsky

Good afternoon
If it’s not difficult, answer this question asked by another “opponent”
“Please tell me one thing about the contract for training “on-site at the expense of HSE funds.” If such a contract is terminated at the initiative of the student (he himself decided not to study anymore for any reason), then does the student have an obligation to reimburse HSE for all expenses , which were made by HSE from the moment of enrollment until the date of leaving (the cost of paid training)? If you need to reimburse, is an incomplete year considered full?

Clause 6.9 of the contract speaks specifically about this case, as I understand it? Quote - "6.9. The student has the right to refuse to fulfill the Agreement, subject to payment to the Contractor of the expenses actually incurred by him related to the fulfillment of obligations under the Agreement."

And also a second related question - if the contract is terminated, on the contrary, on the initiative of the HSE (for example, for the student’s poor academic performance), then does this former student have an obligation to pay the HSE’s expenses from the moment of enrollment to the moment of expulsion?

And the third question:) Is it necessary to confirm the continued opportunity to study at the expense of HSE with a study rating? If they have a low rating, can they transfer them to “regular” paid training, and if they don’t agree to switch to it, they can expel them?

Good afternoon
Studying “at the expense of the National Research University Higher School of Economics” (exclusively from a formal point of view) means studying at a “commercial” place - the same legal status as for students who pay for their studies at their own expense.

The only difference is who bears the cost of tuition. When a student is trained “at the expense of the National Research University Higher School of Economics”, the costs are borne by the National Research University Higher School of Economics independently. This is a basic financial condition for a student’s admission to the university “at the expense of the National Research University Higher School of Economics”. However, this condition may change when certain conditions occur.

Clause 4.4 of the agreement states that “In the event of a violation by the Student of obligations to conscientiously master the Educational program, which led to the emergence of grounds for providing the Student with an IEP (individual educational plan), as well as in the event of a disciplinary measure in the form of a reprimand being applied to the Student, the Contractor will terminate incurring expenses corresponding to the Student’s tuition fees under the Agreement. In this case, from the moment the grounds arise for providing the Student with an IEP / the date of issuance of the order to apply a disciplinary measure to the Student in the form of a reprimand, the obligation to pay for the services provided by the Contractor educational services under the Agreement is borne by the Student in the manner and on the conditions specified in clauses 4.6.-4.11. Agreement." Further in the text of the agreement, the conditions for paying for tuition at the expense of the student are indicated.
Thus, when answering the question in which cases does a student reimburse HSE for actual study expenses incurred, it is important to understand what financial terms of the agreement are in effect at the time of the student’s expulsion.
If a student is expelled (it does not matter on what basis: on the initiative of the student or on the initiative of the university) during the period when the terms of the agreement on payment of tuition at the expense of the National Research University Higher School of Economics are in force, then the student HSE does not reimburse the cost of educational services before the student's expulsion date.
If a student is expelled during the period when the terms of the agreement on payment of tuition at the student’s expense are in effect (no matter on what basis), then HSE will withhold the cost of services actually provided for the period from the date when the grounds arose for providing the student with an IUP or applying to the student is subject to disciplinary action in the form of a reprimand until the date of expulsion of the student. Since the student pays for tuition in advance, HSE will return to the student part of the cost of educational services that were not provided to the student due to his expulsion.

24.07.19 Elya-> Alexey Sobolevsky

Hello Alexey Alexandrovich, applicants receive a 70% discount based on their scores. When and how can this be documented? Thank you.

Good afternoon
Come to the admissions office - when drawing up a contract, a discount will be provided automatically as part of the contract.

17.07.19 Gslina-> Alexey Sobolevsky

Good afternoon Please explain the mechanism of admission to the 1st and 2nd wave: if I definitely qualify for a certain specialty in the 1st wave, but I want more to another, where there is a chance to get into the second one, how big a risk is it to end up missing out on the specialty where Am I sure I'm passing? And at what point will it be necessary to bring the original? How is it even possible that an applicant with lower scores can enter and take the place of an applicant with higher scores?

Hello, HSE operates a Green Wave admission system. On July 29, the lists of the Green Wave are expected: all applicants who have a guaranteed right to be enrolled in both the 1st and 2nd waves are there. Therefore, if you see yourself on the green wave lists, you can bring documents both before the deadline for accepting documents at the first stage of enrollment (until August 1, 18:00), and before the end of the second stage (until August 6, 18:00) - this will not have meanings. There is also a waiting list - this is a list of students who have a high probability of being enrolled, but at the time of the release of the Green Wave, the university cannot give them such a guarantee: they will be able to enroll if they receive fewer consents for enrollment than budget places. These applicants should expect a call, since at any time they may also be invited to apply for a budget place.

14.07.19 Maria Naumenko-> Alexey Sobolevsky

Good afternoon Please tell me that the portfolio for admission to the master's program "Project Management" includes an essay based on the materials of the final qualifying work. Are there any requirements for the content or an example of the format in which an essay is required to be written?

Good afternoon

On such subtleties, it would be best to get advice from the academic director of the program https://www.hse.ru/org/persons/181807 or the program manager https://www.hse.ru/org/persons/65651193
They will be able to most fully answer all your questions.

09.07.19 Tatiana Shevrikuko-> Alexey Sobolevsky

Good afternoon. I read on the HSE website that winning a 3rd degree prize in the Lomonosov Olympiad in history gives 100 points in USE subject. I submitted documents to the Mlskov Higher School of Economics, but these 100 points are not indicated in the list of applicants, although they were promised upon application. How can I get them? Thank you in advance for your response

Good afternoon

Yes, this Olympiad gives 100 points in history. They are listed in your database. The information in the listings on the website will change soon.

Also, according to the regulations for the educational programs “History” and “History of Art”, this Olympiad gives the right to the BVI benefit. To activate the “BVI admission” benefit, you must provide the original certificate of the educational program of interest.

Students of the bachelor's program "Joint Program in Economics of the National Research University Higher School of Economics and NES" are simultaneously students of the National Research University Higher School of Economics (enrolled in places financed from federal budget, or for paid places) and NES students. Admission to NES for the first year of a bachelor's degree in the direction 38.03.01 "Economics" is carried out for training in full-time in the Bachelor of Economics program (Joint program in economics of the National Research University Higher School of Economics and NES). Admission to the “Joint Program in Economics of the National Research University Higher School of Economics and NES” is carried out in parallel: at NES for the Bachelor of Economics program and for the educational HSE program“Joint program in economics of the National Research University Higher School of Economics and NES.” Admission to NES for the “Joint Bachelor's Degree at HSE and NES” is carried out on a spot basis with payment of tuition fees on a contractual basis.

1. Rules for admission to undergraduate studies in 2020

Entrance tests Minimum scores Priority
mathematics 65 1
Russian language 60 2
foreign language 65 3
social science 65 4

(Foreign language: English, French, German, Spanish)

  • Number of admissions to the Bachelor of Economics program (Joint program in economics of the National Research University Higher School of Economics and NES) different conditions receipts in 2020: 55

Including at the National Research University Higher School of Economics:
- Number of places financed from the federal budget at the Higher School of Economics: 4 0
- Number of paid places at the Higher School of Economics: 15

  • Programs entrance examinations, conducted by the university independently: mathematics, Russian language, foreign language (Spanish, English, French, German), social studies.
  • The procedure for recording individual achievements
  • Special rights and benefits
  • List of Olympiads for schoolchildren, the winners and prize-winners of which are given the right to be equated with persons who have scored the maximum number of points on the Unified State Exam (100 points in a subject corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad) if they have USE results in the relevant subject of at least 75 points >>>
  • Features of conducting entrance tests for citizens with disabilities health
  • Address for receiving documents when sending documents to an authorized official: Moscow, st. Myasnitskaya, 11
  • Address for receiving documents when sending documents through public postal operators: 101000, Moscow, Myasnitskaya st., 20, National research university « graduate School Economics", Admissions Committee.
  • Dormitory accommodation for non-resident students is provided by the National Research University Higher School of Economics >>>
  • There is no need for applicants to undergo a mandatory preliminary medical examination (examination).
  • Reception of documents,necessary for admission to study, held:
    - With June 19 to July 10, 2020 inclusive - for persons entering based on the results of entrance examinations conducted by the university independently;
    - With June 20 to July 26, 2020 inclusive - for persons entering only by Unified State Exam results and for persons entering without entrance examinations.

By decision Admissions Committee The deadline for accepting documents may be extended for persons applying only based on the results of the Unified State Examination, or if they have all the results of entrance tests conducted by the university independently.

2. Deadlines for enrollment in the Bachelor of Economics program (together with the National Research University Higher School of Economics)

1) posting lists of applicants on the official website and on the information stand - no later than July 27, 2020. By decision of the Admissions Committee, the deadline for posting lists of applicants may be extended.

2) acceptance of applications for consent to enrollment under contracts for the provision of paid educational services, conclusion of contracts and issuance of relevant orders for enrollment is completed no later than August 31, 2020.

Olga, hello!

Does it mean? referring to the green wave data that
1) at the FCS PMI, the passing score in 2017 will be 300 or more. Or could the situation still change? Will there be one hundred percent such a passage?

2) At PI 297 or more?

1) The passing score for the green wave is 300 points - everything is correct here. There is a possibility that it will decrease (slightly), but it is unlikely.

2) A similar situation with PI.

It is worth monitoring the competitive situation with originals within the green wave - the passing score depends on how many originals will be in the program at the end of admission.

31.07.17 Tatiana-> Alexey Sobolevsky

Hello, we have the following question: my child did not submit documents to your university until July 26th. Can we submit documents in the second wave for the contract?

30.07.17 Maria-> Alexey Sobolevsky

Olga, hello. My daughter is on the "Green List" in the "alternate" direction. The original certificate is in the priority area, he wants to wait for the second wave. Can she bring the original certificate to your university after August 3 in the second wave if she sees that she does not qualify for the priority direction, or will she drop out of the competition in this case?

29.07.17 Marina-> Alexey Sobolevsky

Olga, hello! We found ourselves in a green wave and would like to clarify the following point. How will enrollment be distributed? budget places and places at the expense of the National Research University Higher School of Economics? Is it possible that in the future, at the expense of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, they may be transferred to paid places due to a low rating? Thank you.

National Research University Higher School of Economics unites faculties and institutes involved in training specialists in all sectors scientific knowledge, both humanitarian and technical. Campuses are located in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Perm and Nizhny Novgorod.

The flexible educational scheme at the National Research University Higher School of Economics allows students to independently choose the direction of their studies, making decisions based on their own abilities and goals. Everyone can choose subjects that are suitable for them from the general list of disciplines and create an IEP (individual curriculum).

Today we will talk about how to enroll at the Higher School of Economics on a budget, what exams you need to pass and how much paid education will cost.

About the university

  • HSE is among the Top 10 best universities in Russia in terms of Unified State Exam data for 2017 and is a true pride of domestic education.
  • The university has about 4,900 students in master's and bachelor's programs, as well as almost 6,000 students in further education programs.
  • HSE actively cooperates with foreign universities and participates in 57 partnership programs.
  • The university staff consists of 485 scientific and teaching staff.

What are the faculties at the National Research University Higher School of Economics and the passing grade on the budget?

In total, the Higher School of Economics has 15 faculties in various scientific areas:

  1. Lyceum of National Research University Higher School of Economics;
  2. Faculty pre-university training;
  3. Faculty of Mathematics;
  4. Faculty of Physics;
  5. Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics named after. A.N. Tikhonov;
  6. Faculty of Computer Science;
  7. Faculty of Business and Management;
  8. Faculty of Law;
  9. Faculty of Humanities;
  10. Faculty of Social Sciences;
  11. Faculty of Communications, Media and Design;
  12. Faculty of World Economy and International Politics;
  13. Faculty economic sciences;
  14. International Institute of Economics and Finance;
  15. Faculty of Urban and Regional Development.

For future bachelors of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, the passing scores for the 2018-2017 budget, on average, were about 270-300 points. This figure is comparable to the best universities Russia, such as Moscow State University.

Tuition fees for on a paid basis- from 275,000 to 715,000 rubles per year.

What subjects must be taken upon admission?

Depending on the city, applicants to the Higher School of Economics can choose different faculties and, accordingly, take different test exams. The following disciplines and subjects were relevant for St. Petersburg in 2018:

  • Economy
  • international Business and management- mathematics, Russian language, social studies, foreign language;
  • Logistics and Supply Chain Management- mathematics, Russian language, foreign language;
  • Management and analytics in the public sector- mathematics, Russian language, social studies, foreign language;
  • Sociology and social informatics- mathematics, Russian language, social studies, foreign language;
  • Jurisprudence
  • Oriental studies
  • Political Science and global politics - social studies, history, Russian language, foreign language;
  • Philosophy- literature, Russian language, foreign language;
  • Story- history, Russian language, foreign language;
  • Design- literature, Russian language, creative test.

"Alpha School" will prepare you for admission to the Higher School of Economics!

  • Personal training. We'll fill your knowledge gaps with carefully crafted curriculum based on your initial knowledge and will help you earn points for your budget when applying to the Higher School of Economics.
  • Affordable price. We consciously refuse to artificially increase tuition fees, so our school is accessible to everyone.
  • Skill testing. We use testing methods to initially test a student's knowledge and develop an effective learning plan.
  • Intelligent platform. We use a special program that analyzes your mathematical level and develops the most effective teaching model.
  • Interesting tasks. We try to provide material not only in the maximum volume, but also present it in the form interesting examples and tasks.
  • Elimination of defects. We help students eliminate gaps in knowledge through a thorough analysis of complex topics and consolidation of the material covered.

In the current year 2018, experts note a large influx of applicants wishing to get an education at the National Research University Higher School of Economics. More than 40 thousand people submitted their applications to this educational institution. This state of affairs can be explained by the high status of the university and its good teaching staff.

Despite such great demand, only half of all applicants will be able to enroll and obtain a specialty at the Higher School of Economics. The number of places is strictly determined for both budget and paid forms of education.

Where were the lists of applicants to the Higher School of Economics published in 2018?

The official website of the National Research University Higher School of Economics has already published lists of the number of applicants for each of the specialties of this higher education institution. The areas of greatest demand are computer science and economics. This excitement is quite obvious, since specialists in this field are now urgently needed on the Russian labor market.

A graduate who has a diploma from the Higher School of Economics has many different advantages compared to graduates of other higher education institutions. educational institutions. This is because, according to one of the latest rating lists that was carried out in Russia, this educational institution occupies one of the leading places in terms of the quality of teaching material and the qualification level of the teaching staff.

How many people, according to the lists of applicants, will be admitted to the Higher School of Economics in 2018?

23 thousand 248 applications for budget places and 17 thousand 779 applications for a paid form of education were submitted for the budget form of education. However, according to information on the number of places offered by the university, only 2 thousand 19 people will be able to enroll in a budget-funded education and 3 thousand 390 people in a paid form of education.

According to the results of the first round of applicants, 494 students were admitted to the National Research University for various specialties. It is these citizens who will be able to study on a budget-funded form of education. As for the enrollment of students in the second wave, these results will be known a little later.

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