After-hours program elementary school federal state education standard. Federal state standards in extracurricular activities. Forms of extracurricular activities in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard

Municipal government agency

"Education Department of the Administration of the Municipal District "Barguzinsky District""

MBOU "Barguzin Secondary School"


"First steps into science"

4 years

(program implementation period)

7 – 11 years

(age of students)

Shelkovnikova T.G. ,

teacher primary classes

(Full name of teacher, compiler)

2014 - 2015 academic year

Explanatory note

New education standards involve introducing significant changes to the structure and content, goals and objectives of education, shifting emphasis from one task - to equip the student with knowledge - to another - to develop his general educational skills as the basis of educational activities, and the formation of key competencies. The student’s educational activity must be mastered by him in full, from all its components: the student must be focused on finding a general way to solve problems (singling out a learning task), have a good command of the system of actions that allow solving these problems (learning actions); be able to independently control the process of one’s educational work (control) and adequately assess the quality of its implementation (evaluation), only then does the student become a subject of educational activity.

One of the ways to transform a student into a subject of educational activity is his participation in research and project activities.

An integral part of the Federal State Educational Standard is extracurricular activities, focused on working with the interests of students and carried out in the afternoon in several areas. One of the main directions is project activities students, which helps to ensure such conditions in the educational process when the acquired knowledge becomes a tool for solving creative theoretical and practical problems and a tool for developing in the child the need and ability for self-development.

This work program was developed taking into account the characteristics of the first stage of general education, takes into account age, general educational and psychological characteristics junior school student, relevance which is obvious:

The new generation Federal State Educational Standard requires the use of activity-type technologies in the educational process, and methods and techniques of design and research activities are defined as one of the conditions for the implementation of the basic educational program of primary general education. Modern development programs primary education include project activities in the content of various courses and extracurricular activities.

The knowledge, skills and universal educational activities necessary for organizing design and research activities in school will in the future become the basis for organizing research activities in all types of higher and secondary vocational educational institutions and will allow one to become competitive in the labor market and in any sphere of professional activity.

Federal State Educational Standards of the new generation pay significant attention to meta-subject and personal educational results. Personal results should be reflected in the formation of a system of value relations of students towards themselves and other participants educational process, the educational process itself and its results. Under meta-subject results are understood “modes of activity mastered by students on the basis of one, several or all academic subjects.”

It is the primary school that is the most important and most successful period for the formation of UUD. According to psychologists, children begin to assimilate these UDLs well and at a conscious level by the end of 3rd grade, if the assimilation of knowledge is organized by the teacher as a constant search for it with a group of peers. Psychologists consider project activity itself as the zone of proximal development of the youngest schoolchildren.

Possibility of implementing the program « First steps into science » into the practice of teaching in primary school is also determined by the fact that modern junior schoolchildren easily master a computer, and with a sufficient supply of computers educational process in elementary school, a teacher can actively introduce new information Technology.

Feature This program is the implementation of the pedagogical idea of ​​developing the ability to learn in younger schoolchildren - to independently obtain and systematize new knowledge. In this capacity, the program ensures the implementation of the following principles:

1. an integrative approach to the study of any subject, action or phenomenon;

2. systematic approach to studying the fundamentals of project activities and its organization;

3.continuity, deepening and expansion from class to class of the fundamentals of design and research activities;

4. the relationship between schoolchildren’s extracurricular activities and class activities;

5. the principle of accessibility, which takes age into account when choosing a research or design topic;

6. development of the individuality of each child in the process of social self-determination in the system of extracurricular activities;

7. Discovering abilities and supporting children's giftedness.

Timing of the program

The program is designed for 4 years of study, at the rate of 1 hour per week (as an extracurricular activity).

Purpose of the program:

create conditions for development and formation cognitive interests, intellectual, creative and communicative abilities of students, which determine the formation of a competent personality, capable of life and self-determination in the information society, clearly representing their resource capabilities, resources and ways of implementing the chosen life path.

Program objectives:

    developing an idea of ​​project-based learning as the leading method of educational activity;

    training in the special knowledge necessary to conduct independent research;

    formation of communication skills (partnership communication);

    developing skills in working with information (collection, systematization,

storage, use);

    developing the ability to assess one’s capabilities, realize one’s interests and make informed choices;

    development of cognitive needs and abilities, creativity.

Main modules of the “First Steps into Science” program

Module 1 “Cognition”:

    improvement of cognitive needs;

    development of the cognitive sphere.

Module 2"Study":

    teaching children the special knowledge necessary in research;

    formation and development of children's research skills and abilities.

Module 3"Creation":

    developing children's ability to work creatively in a team.

Module 4 “Project”:

    developing students’ ideas about the project, the ability to plan, set goals, and put forward hypotheses;

    formation to work as a team.

1 class

Target: acquiring knowledge about situations of interpersonal interaction, about the rules of constructive group work; about ways of self-knowledge; about ways of finding processing and finding information.






Cognition(9 hours)

Study(7 hours)

Creation(9 hours)


Amazing question

What is research?

Game "Zoo"

"Favorite toy"

The secret of order.

Observation and observation.

Game "Preparing for competitions"

I am the best

Sharp look

Game "Toy Factory"

I am the best

What is an experiment?

Game "Pictographic writing"

Visiting the birds.


Game "Writing stories"

"In the world of mysteries"

Half a kingdom for the carpet!

Game "Walking Chickens"


We learn to develop hypotheses.

Game “Our Favorite Fairy Tale”

Game "Fairy Train"


Game "Underwater Kingdom"

During the development of the “First Steps into Science” program, universal educational activities (personal, regulatory, cognitive, communicative) are purposefully formed.

Results of the development of universal educational activities during the development of the “School of Researcher” course in 1st grade:

Cognitive UUD:

    analysis of objects in order to identify features (essential, non-essential);

    synthesis as the composition of a whole from parts, including independent completion by completing the missing components;

    selection of bases and criteria for comparison, seriation;

    classification of objects;

    reflection on methods and conditions of action, control and evaluation of the process and results of activity.

Regulatory UUD:

    the ability to take into account the action guidelines identified by the teacher and the construction of an indicative one;

    basics in the new educational material in educational collaboration with the teacher.

Communication UUD:

    overcoming egocentrism in spatial and interpersonal relationships;

    understanding the possibility of different positions and points of view on any subject or issue;

    orientation towards the position of other people, different from one’s own, respect for a different point of view.

2nd grade

Target: development of value relations to nature, to knowledge, to other people.






Cognition(9 hours)

Study(7 hours)

Creation(10 hours)


Encyclopedia. What are they needed for.

Scientific research and our lives. Researcher's folder.

Mini-course “Secrets of Great Discoveries” Experience “Invisible Ink”

Project “What is good”

Put everything back in its place.

Research methods.

Mini-course “Secrets of Great Discoveries”

One word, two words.

Practical tasks - training in the use of research methods during the study of accessible objects.

Mini-course “To the Queen of all Sciences”

All to Digital Park!

Learning to work with a book.

Mini-course “There on unknown paths”

In the country of Fiction.

Learning to work with scientific text.

Mini-course “From ancient man to the present day"

Project "Trash Fantasy"

Conjure yourself a fairy tale!

Learning to work with scientific and educational literature.

Tricks with numbers and letters.

Practical lesson on using the questionnaire and survey method.

Learning to work with the Explorer Folder. Presentation of interim research results"

Black and white.

How to prepare a defense for a research paper.

In the land of sounds and colors.

Presentation of research results at the “Researcher School”

NPK for junior schoolchildren “Youth. Creation. Talent"

Results of the development of universal educational actions during the development of the course “First Steps into Science” in 2nd grade:

Cognitive UUD:

    summing up concepts, deriving consequences;

    establishing cause-and-effect relationships;

    ability to structure knowledge;

    identification of primary and secondary information.

Regulatory UUD:

    the ability to accept, maintain goals and follow them in educational activities;

    the ability to act according to a plan and plan one’s activities;

    understanding and acceptance by the student of the learning task set by the teacher;

    the ability to take into account the action guidelines identified by the teacher and the construction of an indicative basis in the new educational material in educational cooperation with the teacher;

    form of performing educational actions - material/materialized; speech, mental;

    degree of deployment (in full operations or curtailed).

Communication UUD:

    understanding the possibility of different bases for evaluating the same subject; understanding the relativity of assessments or approaches to selection;

    taking into account different opinions and the ability to justify your own;

    the ability to negotiate and find a common solution.

3rd grade

Target: development of value relations to nature, to knowledge, to other people; desire for collective creative activity.






Cognition(9 hours)

Study(7 hours)

Creation(10 hours)



Learning to ask questions. Descriptive, causal, subjective, imaginary and evaluative questions.

Mini-course “Riddles of the “philosopher’s stone”.

Project “Ecology of our office”

Hocus pocus.

Learning to ask questions. Descriptive, causal, subjective.

Experiment with a beam of light. Filling out the experiment protocol.

Words joined hands.

Imaginary and evaluative questions.

Mini-course “Does everyone think the same?” Counting number systems"

The artist is at lunch. We are for him!

Learning to work with a research apron.

“The word is not a sparrow; if it flies out, you won’t catch it”

Collect treasures.

The Six Thinking Hats Method. Cluster.

Mini-course “The Ancient Inventions of Man”

Project “Color from the designer’s side”

What can't you do without?

What types of schemes are there: “House with Columns”, “Spider”.


A world of interesting things. Find yours.

Learning to build diagrams.

We work with the explorer folder. Presentation of intermediate results


Think first - speak later!

Preparing to defend your research work

Think first - speak later!

NPK for junior schoolchildren “Youth, Creativity. Talent".

Results of the development of universal educational actions during the development of the course “First Steps into Science” in 3rd grade:

Cognitive UUD:

    building a logical chain of reasoning;


    search and selection of necessary information; application of information retrieval methods;

    sign-symbolic modeling and transformation models to identify general laws;

    the ability to consciously and construct a speech statement in oral and written form

    choosing effective ways to solve problems;

    reflection on methods and conditions of action, control and evaluation of the process and results of activity;

    semantic reading, information extraction;

    understanding and adequate assessment of the language of the media.

Regulatory UUD:

    overcoming impulsiveness, involuntariness;

    the ability to control the process and results of one’s activities, including the implementation of anticipatory control in collaboration with the teacher and peers;

    the ability to adequately perceive grades and grades;

    performed independently or in collaboration;

    distinguishing the method and result of actions;

    ability to carry out final and step-by-step control.

Communication UUD:

    the ability to argue your proposal, persuade and yield;

    the ability to maintain a friendly attitude towards each other in a situation of conflict of interest;

    mutual control and mutual assistance during the task.

4th grade

Target: the student’s acquisition of experience interacting with social actors in an open public environment.






Cognition(9 hours)

Study(7 hours)

Creation(10 hours)


Catch the spy.

The Mighty Shell Experiment

Mini-course “Truth is born in dispute.” Thematic discussion “Are scientific discoveries always useful for humanity?”

Project "ABC of Professions"

Treasures of the mind.

Scientific theory.

Mini-course “Chemistry in the service of humans.”

Discussion “Food additives are harmless”

A million for the right word!

Practical lesson on testing your own hypotheses.

Mini course.

“The Pythagorean theorem is a source of amazing discoveries”

One look and the key is found!

Experiment “Homemade sparkling water”

Mini course.

“Such an unfamiliar, familiar Russian language”

Magic designer.

Generating ideas.

Mini-course “History of Russia in symbols.”

Thematic discussion “Is it difficult for a person to live in our society without knowledge of history?”

Learning to evaluate ideas.

Project “Me and my name”

Wait, who's coming? Guess the password.

Judgments, inferences, conclusions.

Learning to work with the researcher's calendar. (Presentation of interim research results.)

For adventure lovers.

Preparation for defense of research work.

Get to work, wordsmiths!

Presentation of the results of research work at the “Researcher School” lesson.

NPK for junior schoolchildren “Youth. Creation. Talent".

Results of the development of universal educational actions during the development of the course “First Steps into Science” in 4th grade:

Cognitive UUD:

    building a logical chain of reasoning;


    putting forward hypotheses and their substantiation;

    independent identification and formulation of a cognitive goal;

    reflection on methods and conditions of action, control and evaluation of the process and results of activity;

    semantic reading, information extraction;

    identification of primary and secondary information;

    free orientation and perception of texts of different styles;

    understanding and adequate assessment of the language of the media;

    formulation and formulation of the problem, independent creation of activity algorithms for solving problems.

Regulatory UUD:

    the ability to distinguish between the objective difficulty of a task and the subjective difficulty;

    the ability to interact with adults and peers in educational activities;

    the ability to plan work before it begins (planning self-control);

    adequacy and differentiation of self-esteem;

    the ability to evaluate the significance and meaning of educational activities for oneself, the expenditure of time and effort, the contribution of personal efforts, understanding the reasons for its success/failure.

Communication UUD:

    reflection of one’s actions as a fairly complete reflection of the subject content and conditions of the actions performed,

    the ability to construct statements that are understandable to a partner, taking into account what he knows and sees and what he does not;

    the ability to use questions to obtain the necessary information from an activity partner.

Personal UUD (grades 1, 2, 3, 4):

    Internal position of the student ( positive attitude towards school; feeling of need for learning);

    Self-esteem ( breadth of range of estimates; generality of assessment categories; representation of the student’s social role in the self-concept; reflexivity as an adequate conscious understanding of the qualities of a good student; awareness of one’s capabilities in learning based on a comparison of “I” and “a good student”; awareness of the need for self-improvement based on comparison of “I” and “good student”; the ability to adequately judge the reasons for one’s success/failure in learning, associating success with effort, hard work, diligence);

    Motivation for educational activities ( formation of cognitive motives; interest in new things; interest in the solution and general method actions; formation of social motives; the desire to perform socially significant and socially valued activities, to be useful to society; formation of educational motives; the desire for self-change - the acquisition of new knowledge and skills; establishing a connection between learning and future professional activity).

The educational results of the program are presented at three levels: the student’s acquisition of social knowledge; the student obtaining experience and a positive attitude towards the basic values ​​of society, a value-based attitude towards social reality as a whole; the student gains experience of independent social action. Each level of results has its own educational form.

Forms of achieving educational results

in the classes “First steps into science”:

Acquiring social knowledge

Formation of a value attitude towards social reality

Gaining experience of independent social action

1 class

Collective creative game, educational conversations, thematic excursions, educational experiences, intellectual competition, training, productive game, auction of ideas, competition game, creative workshop, game relay race, linguistic workshop, intellectual marathon

2nd grade

Experience, experiments, educational conversations with the participation of specialists, intellectual training, workshop

The exhibition is a demonstration of the researcher's folders.

Participation in intellectual competitions at the school level.

3rd grade

Educational conversations, subject excursions, training, productive game, auction of ideas, competition game, creative workshop, game relay race, linguistic workshop, intellectual marathon

Virtual expeditions, excursions, educational conversations with the participation of specialists, research laboratory, fair of new ideas, workshop, literary tests

Collective creative activities, presentations of activity products; participation in intellectual competitions at the school and municipal levels, participation in conferences at the school and municipal levels.

4th grade

Independent research practice

Educational conversations, subject excursions, training, productive game, auction of ideas, competition game, creative workshop, game relay race, linguistic workshop

Virtual scientific expeditions, excursions, meetings with interesting people, experiences, experiments, thematic discussions, hypothesis auction, workshop

Collective creative activities, presentations of activity products; participation in intellectual competitions at the municipal and regional levels, participation in conferences at the school and municipal level, remote intellectual competitions, socially oriented events

Forms and methods of conducting classes, the use of effective and advanced technologies and teaching aids

Lesson formats are usually non-standard.: game, dialogue, workshops, excursions, experiment, experience, express research, collective and individual research, public defense of projects and research works, independent work, mini-conference, consultation, etc.

Lesson methods are usually interactive: brainstorming, group discussion, thinking star, role-playing, business games, etc.

It is advisable to use effective advanced technologies in practice as actively as possible. information and communication technologies, technology for the development of critical thinking, while not forgetting about health-saving technologies throughout the entire educational process.

The teacher, working with junior schoolchildren to teach research and design activities, selects for work special teaching aids, which differ significantly from traditional ones. It should be especially emphasized role specially created by the teacher Web quest, which can be intended for both group and individual work. By completing a web quest, a student learns to think critically, solve complex problems based on an analysis of circumstances and relevant information, weigh alternative opinions, independently make thoughtful decisions, and take responsibility for their implementation. In addition, parents can provide the necessary help to their children.

The use of such methods, technologies and didactic tools is based on the initiative, independence, and activity of students during design and research. In this case, the teacher’s task comes down to creating conditions for their initiative and supporting the process of developing new experience. In order for the child to be proactive, the teacher must abandon the role of “information carrier” and the role of arbiter. With this kind of teaching, the teacher acts as an assistant accompanying the students’ own search. At different stages of design and research activities, the teacher acts in different role positions:

-designer. Designs the main milestones of students' design and research activities, right up to its implementation.

-facilitator-consultant. Encourages independent search for problems and their solutions. Knows how to ask research-type questions. At the same time, it creates an atmosphere of safety for students to express their opinions.

-coordinator. Helps track search movement by linking or contrasting individual utterances, and also performs individual functions, such as utterance turn-taking.

At other stages of research and design, where the student requires additional knowledge or skills, the teacher works in the role of a Master helping to acquire missing theoretical or practical experience.

The teacher can build all of the above-mentioned positions provided he has the appropriate means (and only then will he be able to teach this to students):

-emotional positions(positions of a misunderstanding, doubting, attentive listener);

-playing positions(hero-inspirator, customer, debater);

-reflexive positions(I am the sun, I am a flower, I am a stone, I am a birch tree, I am an adult, etc.)

Work on the project is preceded by the necessary stage - work on the topic, during which children are asked to collect a wide variety of information on a general topic. In this case, students themselves choose what exactly they would like to learn within the framework of this topic. During further work on projects, the compiled general encyclopedia or card index can serve as one of the main sources of information on the topic.

When choosing the content of the Program, we were guided by the following:

Spiral-concentric arrangement of material, that is, by expanding and deepening the basic level that is given in 1st grade and which is so necessary for mastering design and research activities.

Certain Baseline ownership of design and research activities. At the same time, we must remember that the implementation of the project consists of three stages:

-project development;

-practical implementation of the project;

-protection of the project.

Each of these stages has its own content, which we present in the following table:

Sequence of work on the project:

Creative project

1st stage. Project development

Why and who needs the project?

    Prepare for the holiday.

    Make a gift.

    Something other…

What do we do?

    We discuss and select the product(s).

    We determine the design of the product.

    We select suitable materials.

    We make sketches, diagrams, sketches of the object.

    We choose the best option.

How to do?

    We select the implementation technology.

    We think through possible design and technological problems and their solutions.

    We select tools.

2nd stage. Project implementation

We bring the idea to life

    We distribute roles or responsibilities (in a collective and group project).

    We manufacture the product.

    We make the necessary additions and corrections (to the design, technology).

3rd stage. Project protection

What did you do and how?

    What did you decide to do and why?

    How the image of the object was born.

    What problems arose.

    How problems were solved.

    Have the results been achieved?

Module 1 “Cognition” (9 hours)

Lesson 1. Subject: Amazing question

Target: create conditions for children to get to know each other in a group; develop memory, attention, observation.

Lesson form: training

Lesson 2. Subject: The secret of order.

Target: develop convergent thinking; accustom to standard mental operations.

Lesson form: training

Lessons 3, 4. Subject: I am the best

Target: improve the ability to think creatively and independently; develop spatial orientation; Expand words knowledge.

Lesson form: intellectual competition

Lesson 5. Subject: Visiting the birds.

Target: develop associative thinking, attention, fine motor skills; improve communication skills (act together with others, yield in some circumstances and be able not to yield in others).

Lesson form: productive game

Lesson 6. Subject: Half a kingdom for the carpet!

Target: develop voluntary attention and memory; develop communication skills.

Lesson form: game training.

Lesson 7. Subject: Pathfinders

Target: develop imagination, perception, observation; teach relaxation and looseness.

Lesson form: productive game

Lesson 8. Subject: Spies

Target: develop tactile memory, attentiveness, observation; Expand words knowledge.

Lesson form: game training.

Lesson 9. Subject: Wizards

Target: develop mental associative connections, attention, and the ability to navigate in space.

Lesson form: auction of ideas

public review of achievements

Module 2. “Research” (7 hours)

Lesson 1. Subject: What is research

Target: improve students’ understanding of scientific research, awaken interest in new things, and the desire to learn new things.

Content: Introduction to the concept of “research”. Correcting children's ideas about what they understand by the word “research.” Collective discussion of questions about where a person uses his ability to explore the world around him: How and where does a person conduct research in everyday life? Is it only humans who explore the world, or can animals do this too? What is scientific research? Where and how do people use the results? scientific research? What is a scientific discovery?

Lesson form: research laboratory

Lesson 2. Subject: Observation and observation

Target: Introduce observation as a research method. Explore the advantages and disadvantages of observation.

Lesson form: ideas fair

Lesson 3.Subject: Sharp eye

Target: Train observation, perception, attention

Lesson form: educational excursion

Lesson 4.Subject: What is an experiment?

Target: to form an idea of ​​the main way of obtaining scientific information – experiment. Conduct experiments with real objects.

Lesson form: experiment.

Lesson 5. Subject: Experimentation.

Target: to form an idea of ​​the main way of obtaining scientific information – experiment. Conduct experiments with real objects (continue work).

Lesson form: experiment

Lesson 6. Subject: Hypotheses and provocative ideas.

Target: Introduce the concepts of “hypothesis”, “provocative ideas” (finding the similarities and differences of these concepts). Learn to create hypotheses following a specific structure.

Lesson form: educational conversation, training

Lesson 7. Topic: We learn to develop hypotheses.

Target: Learn to create hypotheses following a specific structure

Lesson form: research laboratory

Form for summarizing the implementation of the module: “ Researcher's folder."

Module 3. “Creativity” (10 hours)

Lesson 1. Topic: Game "Zoo".

Target: introduce the rules of constructive group work, learn to plan your work, correlating it with the general plan, teach adequate objective self-assessment.

Lesson form:

Lesson 2. Topic: Game “Preparing for competitions”.


Lesson form: collective creative play in a joint-individual form

Lesson 3. Topic: Game "Walking Chickens".

Target: develop the skills of interpersonal interaction of game participants, teach them to plan their work, correlating it with the general plan, teach adequate objective self-assessment.

Contents of the lesson: Conversation about chickens. Discussion of the external and internal characteristics of chickens. Individual work of students to create a unique appearance of their chicken, expressing its special inner world. Creation of the general composition “Chickens in the Meadow”. Compose stories about your own understanding of the events depicted on it. Assessment of individual and joint activities.

Lesson form: collective creative play in a joint-individual form

Lesson 4. Topic: Game "Pictographic writing".

Target: develop the skills of interpersonal interaction of game participants in pairs, in a group, learn to plan their work, correlating it with the general plan, teach adequate objective self-assessment.

Contents of the lesson: Watching a fragment of the cartoon “Holidays in Prostokvashino”, as the characters Uncle Fyodor, the cat Matroskin and the dog Sharik wrote one letter one after another: “Hello, dear dad and mom...”. Discussion of the plot. Introduction to the purpose of the work – writing a pictographic letter. Distribution into groups. Distribution of roles between group members. Creation of a letter by group members according to the principle of a production conveyor (each participant draws his part of the letter on behalf of a character on a common sheet of paper). Reading received letters. Assessment of individual and joint activities.

Lesson form:

Lesson 5. Topic: Story Writing Game


Contents of the lesson: Distribution of students into groups of 5-6 people. In front of them is a table with cards of the same size. All of them are laid out with images facing down. The task of each of the child participants: having turned over the card lying in front of him, he must say a few sentences about what is depicted on it, but be sure to continue the story started by the previous participant, while continuing the general storyline. Assessment of individual and joint activities. Selecting the best stories.

Lesson form: collective creative play in a jointly sequential form – “production conveyor”.

Lesson 6. Topic: Game "Toy Factory"

Target: develop the skills of interpersonal interaction of game participants in a group, learn to plan their work, correlating it with the general plan, teach adequate objective self-assessment.

Contents of the lesson: Story about industrial production, about the operation of conveyors. Placing participants along conveyor lines. Distribution of a sample toy and envelopes with parts. Getting to know the production task - gluing your part exactly in its place, just as it was done on the sample. The task can be complicated if you give the children not finished parts, but templates made of thick paper (cardboard) and colored paper. In this case, the participant needs to make a part according to the template and then glue it. Start of work of conveyor lines. Assessment of individual and joint activities. Selection of the best toys. Summing up the work.

Lesson form: collective creative play in a jointly sequential form – “production conveyor”.

Lesson 7. Topic: Game “Our Favorite Fairy Tale”

Target: develop the skills of interpersonal interaction between game participants in a group, learn to plan their work, correlating it with the general plan, learn to distribute responsibilities among themselves, teach adequate objective self-assessment.

Contents of the lesson: Conversation “Favorite fairy tales and heroes.” Uniting students into pairs who expressed their liking for the same fairy tales. The children's task: to draw a joint work, depicting the heroes of their favorite fairy tale, drawing with gouache on large sheets of thick paper. Independent work of participants. Exhibition – discussion of completed joint works. Assessment of joint activities in pairs. Selection of the best compositions. Summing up the work.

Lesson form:

Lesson 8. Topic: Game "Fairy Train"


Contents of the lesson: Introducing the plot of the game - a journey into a fairy tale on a fairy tale train. Uniting students in pairs. Distribution of fairy train carriages. The blank has three cutouts for windows - you must subsequently glue the drawn images to them fairy-tale heroes. Independent distribution of responsibilities within the couple: depiction of train passengers, design of the trailer. Creating the overall composition of the train. Discussion of general results. Assessment of joint activities in pairs.

Lesson form: collective creative play in a jointly interactive form

Lesson 9, 10. Topic: Game “Underwater Kingdom”

Target: develop the skills of interpersonal interaction between the participants of the game in pairs, learn to plan their work, correlating it with the general plan, learn to distribute responsibilities among themselves, teach adequate objective self-esteem, develop the ability to work creatively in a team.

Contents of the lesson: Creating a game situation. Group conversation about the sea and its inhabitants. Distribution of responsibilities between students and division into groups to create objects. Independent work in groups. Creating a general composition, improving its visual, expressive, and meaningful characteristics... Compiling a story based on the created plot. Assessment of joint activities in pairs. Discussion of the results of collective work.

Lesson form: collective creative play in a jointly interactive form

Form for summarizing the implementation of the module: collective creative work

Module 4 Project “Favorite Toy” (4 hours)

Project "World of Mysteries" (4 hours)

Form for summarizing the implementation of the module: product presentation

Expected results

Universal learning activities:





Realize yourself as a valuable part of a larger diverse world (nature and society);

Feel a sense of pride in the beauty of your native nature, your small homeland, country;

Formulate simple rules of behavior in nature;

Be aware of yourself as a citizen of Russia;

Explain what connects you with history, culture, the fate of your people and all of Russia;

Look for your position in the diversity of social and ideological positions, aesthetic and cultural preferences;

Respect other opinions;

Develop rules of behavior in contradictory conflict situations.

Determine the goal of educational activity with the help of a teacher and independently, look for means of its implementation;

Learn to identify and formulate an educational problem, choose a project topic;

Draw up a plan for completing tasks, solving problems of a creative and exploratory nature, and completing a project together with the teacher;

Working according to the plan, compare your actions with the goal and, if necessary, correct errors;

Working according to the drawn up plan, use, along with the main ones, additional tools (reference literature, complex instruments, ICT tools);

When presenting a project, learn to evaluate its results;

Understand the reasons for your failure and find ways out of this situation.

Guess what information is needed;

Select the necessary dictionaries, encyclopedias, reference books, electronic disks;

Compare and select information obtained from various sources (dictionaries, encyclopedias, reference books, electronic disks, the Internet);

Choose grounds for comparison and classification of objects;

Establish analogies and cause-and-effect relationships;

Build a logical chain of reasoning;

Present information in the form of tables, diagrams, reference summary, including the use of ICT tools.

Organize interaction in a group (distribute roles, negotiate with each other, etc.);

Anticipate (predict) the consequences of collective decisions;

Formulate your thoughts in oral and written speech, taking into account your educational and life speech situations, including the use of ICT tools;

If necessary, defend your point of view, giving reasons for it. Learn to support arguments with facts;

Listen to others, try to accept another point of view, be willing to change your point of view.

At the end of the course, a public defense of the project, research work is carried out - experience in scientific educational research on the subject matter, a presentation, demonstration of the level of psychological readiness of students to present the results of the work.

Work evaluation criteria:

1 - independence of work on the project;

2 – justification for the choice of topic and its relevance;

3 – practical significance of the work;

4 – originality of solution to the problem;

5 – artistry and expressiveness of performance;

6 – depth and breadth of knowledge on the problem;

7 – competence of the speaker (answers to questions);

8 – use of clarity and technical means.

Number of points scored

Project level

Up to 7 points

Low level

Average level

Above average

High level

The criteria may vary depending on the classification and type of project. Personal, subject, and meta-subject results are taken into account.

Interdisciplinary connections in classes on project activities

With Russian language lessons: recording individual expressions, sentences, paragraphs from the texts of the works being studied;

With art lessons: decoration creative works, participation in exhibitions of drawings when defending projects;

With labor lessons: making various elements according to project themes.

Educational and methodological support

1. Savenkov A. I. “Methodology research learning junior schoolchildren" A manual for teachers, parents, educators. Publishing house "Fedorov", Samara 2007

2. Savenkov A.I. "I am a researcher" Workbook for younger schoolchildren. Publishing house "Fedorov", Samara 2007

3. Babkina N.V. “Cognitive activity of junior schoolchildren” publishing house “Arkti” Moscow 2002.

4. Shcherbakova S. G. “Organization of project activities in school: work system” Volgograd: Teacher, 2008.

5. Semyonova N . A . “Students’ research activities”//Elementary school, 2006. .№2.

6. Savenkov A.I. Gifted children in kindergarten and school. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2000.

7. Savenkov A.I. Little researcher. Development of logical thinking for children 6-7 years old. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2006

8. Savenkov A.I. Little explorer. Development of logical thinking for children 7-8 years old. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2006

9. Savenkov A.I. Little researcher. Development of creative thinking for children 5-6 years old - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2006.

10. Chirkova E.B. . “Lesson model in the mode of project-based learning technology” //Initial

school, 2003 No. 12.

9. Kharchevnikova E.G. “Teacher’s mastery of school technologies” // Primary school 2003. No. 2.

10. Zemlyanskaya E.N. “Educational projects for junior schoolchildren” // Elementary school, 2005. No. 9.

11. Illustrative material, tables, diagrams, samples. During the course lessons, visual aids (including those of our own making), technical aids, and subscription publications are used, which contributes to better assimilation of knowledge.

Internet resources for program implementation

    We study the animal world - we conduct experiments

    Entertaining scientific experiments for children

    Cognitive experiments for children

    Entertaining experiences and experiments for preschoolers

    “Liquid” tricks

    Entertaining experiments in the kitchen

    We study chemistry - we conduct experiments together with children

    Student research portal

    Website All-Russian Competition youth research works named after. V. I. Vernadsky - website of the journal “Schoolchildren’s Research Work”

    All-Russian Educational Portal “Prodlenka”. Portal for schoolchildren, teachers and parents -

    Development of attention, memory, thinking -

Logistics support

    research equipment;



    interactive board;

    Federal State Educational Standard in extracurricular activities

    According to the Federal State Educational Standard, extracurricular activities are an integral part of the educational process and one of the forms of organizing students’ free time. Extracurricular activities are understood today primarily as activities organized outside of school hours to meet the needs of students for meaningful leisure, their participation in self-government and socially useful activities.

    Purpose of extracurricular activities: creating conditions for the child to express and develop his interests on the basis of free choice, comprehension of spiritual and moral values ​​and cultural traditions.

    The requirements for the structure of the basic educational program of primary general education stipulate that extracurricular activities are organizedin 5 areas of personal development (spiritual and moral, social, general intellectual, general cultural, sports and recreational).

    A properly organized system of extracurricular activities is an area that will ultimately affect the student’s competitiveness.

    Schools and additional education institutions provide genuine variability in education and the opportunity to choose.

    extracurricular activities are part of basic education, which is aimed at helping the teacher and the child in mastering a new type of educational activity and is capable of forming educational motivation;

    it contributes to the expansion of the educational space, creates additional conditions for the development of students;

    a network is being built that provides children with accompaniment, support at the stages of adaptation and social trials throughout the entire period of education.

    And this is already a way to achieve a given educational result - the ability to consciously apply basic knowledge in situations other than educational ones. In general, these are situations of success for different children and ensure socialization.

    Principles of organizing extracurricular activities:

    compliance with the age characteristics of students;

    continuity with technologies of educational activities;

    reliance on traditions and positive experience in organizing extracurricular activities;

    reliance on the values ​​of the school educational system;

    free choice based on the child’s personal interests and inclinations.

    But first of all, this is an achievement.personal and meta-subject results . This also determines the specifics of extracurricular activities, during which the student must not only and not so much learn, but learn to act, feel, make decisions, etc.

    It is advisable to select an educational institution model for organizing extracurricular activities of junior schoolchildren in the specific conditions of the educational process according to the following algorithm:

    Istage - determination of goals, principles of extracurricular activities, their reflection in the basic educational program of primary general education;

    IIstage - analysis of proposed models for organizing extracurricular activities by educational institutions;

    IIIstage - analysis of resource support for the implementation of various models of organizing extracurricular activities;

    IVstage - selection of a model for organizing extracurricular activities, its content and description in accordance with the goals, principles of extracurricular activities, resource conditions for its implementation.

    Following the algorithm will allow the educational institution to most effectively implement that part of the main educational program, which is generally determined by the social order of the school and ensures the optimal use of internal and external resources of the educational institution to create necessary conditions successful introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard.

    There are several classifications of models for organizing extracurricular activities in educational institutions.

    Models of extracurricular activities, the basis for selection of which corresponds to the conditions for organizing the educational process at the educational institution:

    In-school model is implemented in the educational institution independently if a set of necessary resources is available.

    External model implemented in the absence of own resources. The implementation of extracurricular activity programs can be developed on the basis of one or several institutions - social partners.Mixed model will practically be the most common, since many educational institutions, on the one hand, lack resources for organizing extracurricular activities, and on the other, are interested in maintaining and developing traditional connections with institutions of additional education, culture and sports, in filling them with new meaning in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard .

    A different classification of organizational models of extracurricular activities is presented in the Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated May 12, 2011. No. 03-296 “On the organization of extracurricular activities with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education”:

    - additional education model (based on the institutional system of additional education). The connecting link is such forms of its implementation as electives, school scientific societies, professional associations, and elective courses. The advantages of this model lie in the involvement of specialists in additional education, as well as in the organization of the educational process on a practice-oriented and activity-based basis inherent in additional education.

    - “full-day school” model. The basis for the “full-day school” model is the implementation of extracurricular activities primarily by teachers of extended-day groups.

    This model is characterized by:

    creating conditions for a child’s full stay in an educational institution during the day;

    meaningful unity of educational, educational, developmental processes within the framework of the educational system and the main educational program educational institution;

    creation of a health-preserving environment that ensures compliance with sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations;

    creating conditions for self-expression, self-realization and self-organization of children, with the active support of children's public associations and bodies student government;

    building an individual educational trajectory and an individual schedule for a child’s stay in an educational institution;

    reliance on the integration of basic and additional educational programs.

    The advantages of this model are: the creation of a set of conditions for the successful implementation of the educational process throughout the day, including additional education, health-preserving conditions.

    - optimization model. The model of extracurricular activities based on the optimization of all internal resources of an educational institution assumes that all teaching staff of this institution (teachers, teacher-organizer, social pedagogue, educational psychologist, speech pathologist, speech therapist, educator, tutor, etc.) take part in its implementation. other).

    In this case, the coordinating role is usually performed by the class teacher, who, in accordance with his functions and tasks:

    The advantages of the optimization model include minimizing financial costs for extracurricular activities, creating a unified educational and methodological space, and the substantive and organizational unity of all its structural divisions.

    - innovative educational model. The innovative educational model is based on the activities of an innovative (experimental, pilot, implementation) platform at the federal, regional, municipal or institutional level that exists in an educational institution.

    The innovative educational model assumes close interaction between a general education institution and institutions of additional professional training. teacher education, institutions of higher professional education, scientific organizations, municipal methodological services.

    The advantages of this model are: high relevance of the content and (or) methodological tools of extracurricular activity programs, scientific and methodological support for their implementation.

    When choosing models for organizing extracurricular activities of junior schoolchildren in various conditions of implementation of the educational process, the following positions are invariant:

    OOP NEO is implemented in educational institutions through the curriculum and extracurricular activities;

    Extracurricular activities are one of the main organizational mechanisms for the implementation of the educational program; this ensures that the individual characteristics and needs of students are taken into account. It determines the composition and structure of directions, forms of organization, volume for each student or group of students.

    Analyzing the purpose, principles of extracurricular activities of the educational program of primary general education, proposed models and resource provision, we chose the “Hollow Day School” model, a mixed model.

    Our school’s VD model involves organizing VD in several areas:

    VD educational programs in a linear mode (correctional and developmental individual and group classes, speech therapy classes, life safety, outdoor games, “Fundamentals of Civics”, “Entertaining Mathematics”).

    VD educational programs in concentrated training mode (“Fun Etiquette”, Kakadu Theater Studio, “The Magic World of Paper”, “Collection of Ideas”)

    Collective creative activities that are part of the educational system.

    Programs of additional education institutions.

    General school affairs according to the educational system program, which are included in the general annual cyclogram.

    The child’s participation is recorded by the class teacher and teacher in the student’s employment card, based on the completion of which the child’s inclusion in extracurricular activities is assessed.

    At the beginning of the school year, we did a lot of preparatory work. At the end of the school year and the beginning of September, teachers of classes implementing the Federal State Educational Standard conducted a survey of parents in order to identify which additional education institutions their children were studying in and in what areas they would like to attend extracurricular activities at school.

    Based on the results of the survey, groups of children were formed who would attend certain classes, and teachers drew up work programs in their areas. A class schedule was drawn up. Attention was paid to ensuring that each child, either at school or in additional education institutions, could develop in different directions. When drawing up the schedule, the issue was resolved individually for each child, since the groups were formed from children of different classes in order to provide for their individual needs and interests for at least 10 hours a week.

    Extracurricular activities are organized through such forms asexcursions, clubs, sections, round tables, clubs, Olympiads, competitions, socially useful practices, short-term courses.

    This academic year, in our educational institution, the areas of personal development are implemented by the following courses and clubs.

    Direction of personality development

    Range of extracurricular activities programs

    Sports and recreation

    Club "Healthy"

    Club "Olympic"

    Club " polar Star»

    Spiritual and moral

    Circle "Cossack"

    Law enforcement squad "Rusichi"


    Course “Going Green”

    Arts and crafts course “The Magic World of Paper”

    Arts and crafts course “Collection of Ideas”

    Club "Floristry"

    General intellectual

    Club "Gramotey"

    Educational and practical conference of children's projects

    Club "Initial technical modeling"

    General cultural

    Theatrical activity course "Rainbow"

    Theater group "Kakadu"

    Club "Merry Etiquette"

    1. Sports and recreational areapresented in our school

    sports club"Olympic" (author Petrov V.M.) Goal: creating the most favorable conditions for developing in younger schoolchildren an attitude towards a healthy lifestyle as one of the main ways to achieve success. To teach children to be healthy in soul and body, to strive to create their own health, using knowledge and skills in accordance with the laws of nature, the laws of existence;

    club "The big guy" (Author I.V. Sultanova) The purpose of which is to form in younger schoolchildren a system of knowledge and beliefs that ensure a spiritual attitude towards themselves, towards their health, towards the world around them.

    Tourism club"Polar Star" (author Priymak O.K. Goal -

    2. General cultural direction presented

    Amateur theater circle"Rainbow" (author Makarova T.M.),theater studio "Kakadu". Their goal is to master the world of artistic culture based on the realization of their own creative potential and mastery of the language of musical theater;

    Club "Fun Etiquette" (Tryastina S.N.). Goal: adaptation of schoolchildren to the social environment through the development of the individual’s communicative abilities.

    3. Spiritual and moral directioncarried out through

    mugs "Cossack" (Andreeva E.A.), Law Enforcement Unit"Rusichi" (Author T.V. Vakhrina). Goal: the formation of patriotism and moral and ethical education as a means of developing the personality of students. Civic-patriotic education contributes to the formation and development of an individual who has the qualities of a citizen and patriot of his country.

    Social direction presented

    Short-term courses"Collection of Ideas" (author Gavrilenko E.V.),"The Magic World of Paper" (author Gladkova T.G.), circle"Floristics" (Ivanova M.Yu.) - aimed at revealing the creative potential of the individual through instilling sustainable interest through floristry and arts and crafts;

    Well « Let's go green" (Author T.B. Dedova), who implements the program« The wonderful world of flowers» aimed at developing interest in the field of activity related to growing plants.The purpose of the program: to deepen students’ knowledge about the diversity of indoor and outdoor plants; instill practical skills in growing plants; mastering the social experience necessary for life in society, participating in socially useful activities of the school;

    5. General intellectual direction club "Literacy" (author Makarova T.M.), the goal of which is to create conditions forformation of sustainable interest in the subjects studied, readiness to master the studied material in the Russian language, mathematics, and natural history by students with mental retardation.

    circle " Initial technical modeling» (Zhezherun O.I.). Goal: expanding knowledge about the importance of technology in people’s lives, developing the ability to independently design

    All types of extracurricular activities are focused on educational results.

    Result - this is what became the direct result of the student’s participation in the activity (for example, the student acquired some knowledge, experienced and felt something as a value, gained experience in action).

    First level of results - the student's acquisition of social knowledge(about social norms, about the structure of society, about socially approved and disapproved forms of behavior in society, etc.),understanding social reality and everyday life.To achieve this level of results, the interaction of the student with his teachers is of particular importance(in basic and additional education) as significant carriers of social knowledge and everyday experience for him.

    Level 1 - the student knows and understands social life.

    Second level of results - the student gains experience and a positive attitude towards the basic values ​​of society(person, family, Fatherland, nature, world, knowledge, work, culture), value attitude to social reality as a whole.To achieve this level of results, the equal interaction of the student with other students at the class or school level, that is, in a protected, friendly environment, is of particular importance.

    Level 2 - the student values ​​social life.

    Third level of results - the student gains experience of independent social action. To achieve this level of results, the student’s interaction with social actors outside the school, in an open social environment, is of particular importance.

    Level 3 - the student acts independently in public life.

    Achieving three levels of extracurricular activity results increases the likelihood of the effects of children’s upbringing and socialization.

    Effect - this is a consequence of the result; what the achievement of the result led to. For example, acquired knowledge, experienced feelings and relationships, and completed actions developed a person as a person and contributed to the formation of his competence and identity.

    That is, the development of a child’s personality is an effect that became possible due to the fact that a number of subjects of education (family, friends, immediate environment), including the child himself, achieved their results.

    Teachers in October 2013 participated in the regional practical conference “Formation of personal UUD in class and extracurricular activities”, where they presented the experience of VD in the form open classes in the courses “Fun Etiquette” and “Collection of Ideas”.

    In May 2013, the Zdorovyachok and Rusichi clubs and the short-term course “The Magic World of Paper” were presented at the regional practical conference “Modern approaches to raising children with disabilities in specialized and non-specialized educational institutions.”

    VD short-term course programs “Collection of Ideas”, “Going Green”, “The Magic World of Paper” received an expert opinion from the city methodological council and took part in the City Fair of Pedagogical Innovations 2013.

    In January 2013, children's works were presented at the city exhibition “Do-it-yourself Miracles”, where they won prizes.

    It's important to keep in mind thatextracurricular activities - this is by no means a mechanical addition to basic general education, designed to compensate for the shortcomings of working with lagging or gifted children.
    School after school should become a world of creativity, manifestation and disclosure by each child of his interests, his hobbies, his “I”. After all, the main thing is that here the child makes a choice, freely expresses his will, and reveals himself as a person. This will make it possible to turn extracurricular activities into a full-fledged space for upbringing and education.

    Today we present to your attention 4 lessons. Two sports and recreational activities are a class in the “Olympic” club and a class in the “Healthy” club. A course in theatrical activities “Rainbow” and a course in arts and crafts “The Magic World of Paper”.

    Municipal autonomous educational organization

    "Secondary school No. 1" Sysert

    Working programm

    for extracurricular activities

    "Merry notes"

    Sysert 2017

    Explanatory note

    Concerned about the spiritual impoverishment of the younger generation, scientists, teachers, and educators are busy searching for new, more effective educational and developmental technologies. Among the many means of solving this problem, musical art occupies a special place, having great strength impact on humans. Psychologists and musicologists recognize that works of musical art speak to the human personality as a whole. Thanks to the unique nature of musical images, their bright emotional coloring, aesthetic experiences evoked by music, ideas and beliefs, ideals and aspirations perceived through the art of music are capable of capturing a person with particular completeness and strength. This largely determines the social value of musical art, its educational and transformative role. By revealing the inner world of the individual, music introduces us to the most developed forms of life activity on a personal and social level. There is no aspect of a child’s development to which music cannot introduce certain essential features. With a favorable course of musical training, the creativity awakened by music gradually penetrates into various aspects of a child’s life, introducing features of integrity and harmony into his worldview, character, behavior, and attitude, which is especially clearly observed in singing activity.

    This program was compiled and developed in accordance with the federal state educational standard for primary general education of 2011 in the context of the targets of regulatory documents and recommendations for organizing extracurricular activities for students.

    Relevance of the program is determined by the need of society for the development of moral and aesthetic qualities of the human personality. It is through the means of musical activity that it is possible to form a socially active creative personality, capable of understanding universal human values, being proud of the achievements of national culture and art, capable of creative work, writing, and fantasizing.

    Pedagogical feasibility of this course for younger schoolchildren is due to their age characteristics: diverse interests, curiosity, passion, initiative.

    The relevance of this program is that it allows, in the context of a secondary school, to expand opportunities through additional education. educational field“Art”, in addition, the program is aimed at implementing the tasks of spiritual and moral education of schoolchildren.

    This program is designed so that a child, endowed with the ability and desire for creativity, the development of his vocal abilities, can master the skills of vocal art, self-realize in creativity, and learn to convey his internal emotional state with his voice.

    The implementation of the intended purpose of the program is ensured by the following artistic and pedagogical teaching principles:


      Personal orientation;


      Interest and passion;

      Connection with life;


      Emotional saturation;

      Systematic, accessible content of classes for everyone. When planning work (in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for primary general education), the main goal is taken into account: formation of the foundation of the musical culture of students as part of their general and spiritual culture.

    Objectives of extracurricular activities:

      - Formation of primary ideas about the role of music in human life, its role in the spiritual and moral development of a person.

      Formation of the foundations of musical culture, including on the material of the musical culture of the native land, development of artistic taste and interest in musical art and musical activity.

      The ability to perceive music and express one’s attitude towards a piece of music.

      The use of musical images in the creation of theatrical and musical-plastic compositions, the performance of vocal and choral works, and in improvisation.

      Acquaintance with the elements of musical literacy and playing musical instruments.

      Improving the artistic taste of students, nurturing their moral and aesthetic feelings, teaching them to feel and appreciate beauty.

    Personal, meta-subject and subject results of studying the “Merry Notes” course.

    Subject results classes in the vocal course program “Merry Notes” are:

      Mastering practical skills and vocal creativity;

      Mastering the basics of musical culture based on the art of the native land.

    Meta-subject results are:

      Mastering methods of searching and creative solutions;

      Cultural - cognitive, communicative and social - aesthetic competence;

      Gaining experience in vocal and creative activities.

    Personal results classes are:

      Formation of aesthetic needs and values;

      Development of aesthetic feelings and artistic taste;

      Development of the needs of creative activity experience in the vocal art form;

      Careful and interested attitude towards the cultural traditions and art of the native land, nation, ethnic community.

    To assess the level of development of the child and the formation of basic skills and abilities, festive concerts dedicated to memorable dates are held once a month, as well as performances at school events and district events. The main form of summarizing the results of the work is concert performances by students.

    The implementation of tasks is carried out through various types of musical activities:

      Solo and ensemble singing;

      Listening to different interpretations of performance;

      Plastic intonation;

      Elements of improvisation;

      Movements to music;

      Elements of theatricality.

    Teaching methods and techniques used

      visual – auditory (audio recordings);

      visual – visual (multimedia);

      verbal (story, conversation, artistic expression);

      practical (demonstration of performance techniques, improvisation);

      partially – search (problem situation – reasoning – correct answer);

      methodological errors.

    Program structure make up sections in which the main content lines are indicated and musical works are indicated. The content of the program and song repertoire are selected in accordance with the psychophysical and age characteristics of children.

    Timing and forms of program implementation.

    The program is designed for 1 year of study.

    Number of children - up to 15 people in a group.

    Duration of classes – 4 hours per week.

    The course is designed for 136 hours (33 hours – in 1st grade, 103 hours in 2nd-4th grades).

    Classes are held in 1st grade - once a week, in 2nd-4th grades - 2 times a week) The main form of work is a musical lesson, which involves a combination of practical and theoretical methods of vocal and choral education.

    Description of value guidelines for the content of the training course.

    Choral singing classes, like art education in general, by providing all children with opportunities for cultural and creative activities, make the relationship between education, culture and art more dynamic and fruitful.

    Mastering choral music as the spiritual heritage of humanity presupposes:

      formation of experience of emotional-figurative perception;

      initial mastery of various types of musical and creative activities;

      acquisition of knowledge and skills;

      mastering UUD.

    Attention in choral classes is focused on personal development, moral and aesthetic education, the formation of a culture of worldview of younger schoolchildren through empathy, identification, emotional and aesthetic response to choral and vocal music. Schoolchildren understand that music opens up opportunities for them to understand the feelings and thoughts of a person, his spiritual and moral formation, develops the ability to empathize, take the position of another person, conduct a dialogue, participate in the discussion of significant human phenomena in life and art, and productively collaborate with peers. and adults.

    The peculiarity of the program is that it is universally suitable for working with both gifted children and children with an average level of abilities. Moreover, the educational process is structured in such a way that a child with any level of vocal abilities can self-realize.

    This program allows you to achieve fairly high results not only in working with talented children, but also with children with average abilities. If the path to achieving the program goal is presented in the form of steps, then:

    The first stage is the child’s adaptation to a creative group (“I sing too”);

    The second stage is motivation to master knowledge and skills (“To perform on stage, you need...”);

    The third stage is increasing self-esteem and the desire to climb (“I can do it, and I want to achieve more”);

    Each step brings a result, on the basis of which further work is planned.

    The methods used in the program make it possible to identify not only obvious vocal abilities in children, but also weakly expressed musical abilities - to develop them and teach children to use their potential. Active concert activity allows you to quickly gain experience in behavior on stage, find your image, and learn how to give joy to people.

    The program is structured so that all conditions for the development of children’s creative abilities are met:

      Creating an environment that stimulates a variety of creative activities (an environment that advances the development of children);

      Motivation for maximum effort so that the child strives not only to reach the “ceiling” of his capabilities, but also tries to raise it higher and higher;

      Turning pre-training into friendly assistance;

      Providing opportunities for the child to figure out on his own how to act in cases where an analysis of his own sensations is needed (for example, the position of the vocal cords when making sounds).

    Introductory lesson.

    Vocal and choral work.

    Sound formation. Voice formation in the larynx; attack of sound (hard, soft, aspirated); movement of a sounding jet of air; timbre formation. Intonation. The concept of “unison” and exercises aimed at its development.

    Types of sound science: 1egato and non 1egato. The concept of cantilena singing. Singing staccato. Exercises for voice development (sound production and voice techniques). Auditory control of sound production.

    Introduction of the concept of unison.

    Formation of correct breathing skills. Exercises to develop short and held breathing. Exercises aimed at developing reflexive singing breathing, the relationship between sound and breathing. Breathing exercises according to the method of A.N. Strelnikova.

    Training of lung tissue, diaphragm (“respiratory muscle”), muscles of the larynx and nasopharynx. Exercises: “Palms”, “Epaulettes”, “Small Pendulum”, “Kitty”, “Pump”, “Hug Your Shoulders”, “Big Pendulum”.

    Diction and articulation.

    Formation of correct singing pronunciation of words. Work aimed at activating the speech apparatus using speech and music. Tongue twisters, exercises according to the system of V.V. Emelyanov. Hard and soft attack.

    Ensemble. Unison.

    Developing singing skills in an ensemble, working on intonation, uniformity of sound manner, rhythmic, tempo, dynamic unity of sound. Simultaneous beginning and ending of a song. Using a cappella.

    Developing confident singing skills.

    Introduction to musical expressive means:

      melody (smooth, abrupt, jumpy, etc.);

      rhythm (uniform, calm, clear, abrupt, syncopated, etc.);

      pause (long, short);

      accent (light, strong);

      harmony (light, dark, sharp, intense, etc.);

      intonation (questioning, affirmative, calm, timid, affectionate, menacing, anxious, etc.);

      mode (major, minor, alternating);

      pace (fast, slow, calm, moderate, lively, etc.);

      dynamics (quiet, loud, intensifying, fading, quietly);

      register (high, medium, low);

      timbre (different colors of sound - light, dark, ringing, etc.).

    Work on the repertoire.

    Stage culture: stage image, stage movement.

    Vocalist gestures: movements of arms, hands, eyes, body. Proper (correct) posture. A combination of movements of the head, neck, shoulders, body, hips and legs.

    Learning movements, creating playful and theatrical moments to create the image of a song.

    Fostering self-expression through movement and speech. Games for liberation. Connection of music material with dance movements.

    Concert and performing activities - the result by which the work of the team is assessed, which requires a lot of preparation of the team members, taking into account the perception of the performances by the listeners. Without the help of a teacher, children perform with a repertoire they have learned at school festivals.

    The reporting concert is the final result of the work for the academic year. All children are required to perform, and all the best that has been accumulated over the year is performed. Before performances, there are scheduled rehearsals work on the rhythmic, dynamic, timbre ensemble, performance plan for each composition, work with students on the culture of behavior on stage, on developing the ability to concentrate on the stage, behave freely, analyze mistakes and encourage successful moments.

    Expected results.

    By the end of the school year, students will show themselves as a well-coordinated team with basic vocal and choral skills:

      Singing in unison;

      Transmission of a simple rhythmic pattern;

      Clear diction;

      Free breathing;

      The ability to convey the character of the work;

      A repertoire of 6 - 8 songs can be determined by ear:

      Music of different emotional content;

      Distinguish between genres of music (song, dance, march);

      Know and understand the terms: soloist, orchestra, solo singing, duet, choir.

    be able to:

      - apply the rules of singing in practice;

      Sing purely as an ensemble in unison;

      Use exercises on diction, breathing, articulation when working on your repertoire;

      Stage design of a concert performance.

    1 class


    Main types of educational activities


    Introductory lesson.

    Diagnostics. Preliminary familiarization with the voice and musical data of students. Familiarization with the main sections and topics of the program, the band’s working hours, rules of behavior in the office, and personal hygiene rules for the vocalist. A conversation about correct voice placement during singing, chanting, and introduction to exercises.

    Introduction to basic vocal and choral singing skills (singing set, sound production, breathing, diction and articulation, ensemble) and musical expressive means.

    Learning songs about school.

    Singing special exercises for developing hearing and voice.

    Introduction to basic vocal and choral singing skills (singing set, sound production, breathing, diction and articulation, ensemble) and musical expressive means.

    Learning songs about friends.

    Introduction to basic vocal and choral singing skills (singing set, sound production, breathing, diction and articulation, ensemble) and musical expressive means.

    Learning songs about Russia.

    Introduction to basic vocal and choral singing skills (singing set, sound production, breathing, diction and articulation, ensemble) and musical expressive means.

    Working on precise unison sound.

    Learning songs about winter.

    Folk song, tall tales. Christmas games.

    Holiday "Maslenitsa".

    Singing folk songs

    Songs about mother and grandmother.

    Songs of the Great Victory.

    Songs of summer.

    Musical mosaic.

    Total-33 hours

    Calendar and thematic planning of the training course.

    2-4 grades.

    Number of hours

    Main types of educational activities


    Introductory lesson.

    Diagnostics. Preliminary familiarization with the voice and musical data of students. Familiarization with the main sections and topics of the program, the band’s working hours, rules of behavior in the office, and personal hygiene rules for the vocalist. A conversation about correct voice placement during singing, chanting, and introduction to exercises.

    Introduction to basic vocal and choral singing skills. Songs about school.

    Introduction to basic vocal and choral singing skills (singing set, sound production, breathing, diction and articulation, ensemble) and musical expressive means.

    Learning songs about school.

    Introduction to basic vocal and choral singing skills. Songs of autumn.

    Singing special exercises for the development of hearing and voice. Sound formation. Learning songs about autumn.

    Introduction to basic vocal and choral singing skills. Songs about friends.

    Introduction to basic vocal and choral singing skills (singing set, sound production, breathing, diction and articulation, ensemble) and musical expressive means.

    Learning songs about friends.

    Introduction to basic vocal and choral singing skills. Songs about Russia.

    Introduction to basic vocal and choral singing skills (singing set, sound production, breathing, diction and articulation, ensemble) and musical expressive means.

    Learning songs about Russia.

    Introduction to basic vocal and choral singing skills. Songs about mother, home, family.

    Introduction to basic vocal and choral singing skills (singing set, sound production, breathing, diction and articulation, ensemble) and musical expressive means.

    Learning songs about mom, home, family.

    Introduction to basic vocal and choral singing skills. Songs about mother, home, family.

    Working on precise unison sound.

    Learning songs about winter.

    Introduction to basic vocal and choral singing skills. Songs about winter.

    Working on precise unison sound.

    Learning songs about winter.

    Rehearsals, participation in the New Year's party.

    Exercises to develop short and held breathing. Exercises aimed at developing reflexive singing breathing, the relationship between sound and breathing. Singing New Year's songs.

    Folk song, tall tales. Christmas games

    Introduction to the concept of folk song. Introduction to the holiday of Christmas.

    Learning Christmas carols and songs.

    Stage image, stage movement. Comic songs.

    Conversation about the culture of behavior on stage.

    Learning comic folk songs.

    Stage image, stage movement. Songs about animals.

    Developing singing skills in an ensemble, working on intonation, uniformity of sound manner, rhythmic, tempo, dynamic unity of sound. Simultaneous beginning and ending of a song. Learning songs about animals.

    Holiday "Maslenitsa".

    Introduction to the Maslenitsa holiday.

    Singing folk songs

    Songs about mother and grandmother.

    Learning songs for March 8th. Singing skills in an ensemble, work on intonation, uniformity of sound manner, rhythmic, tempo, dynamic unity of sound. Simultaneous beginning and ending of a song.

    Stage image, stage movement. Pantomime and parody theater.

    Formation of correct singing pronunciation of words. Work aimed at activating the speech apparatus using speech and musical tongue twisters. Introduction to the concepts of pantomime and parody. Singing songs with movements.

    Songs of the Great Victory.

    Learning songs about war, homeland, soldiers.

    Stage image, stage movement. Literary and musical composition. Songs of Victory.

    Working on precise unison sound. Singing songs about Victory.

    Songs of summer.

    Singing skills in an ensemble, work on intonation, uniformity of sound manner, rhythmic, tempo, dynamic unity of sound. Simultaneous beginning and ending of a song. Learning songs about summer. Game songs.

    Musical mosaic.

    Singing skills in an ensemble, work on intonation, uniformity of sound manner, rhythmic, tempo, dynamic unity of sound. Learning songs about school

    Musical mosaic.

    Singing skills in an ensemble, work on intonation, uniformity of sound manner, rhythmic, tempo, dynamic unity of sound. Learning songs about school

    Total - 103 hours.

    Logistics support

      Availability of a special room (music room)

      Availability of a rehearsal room (stage).

      Piano, synthesizer.

      Recording phonograms in “+” and “-” modes.

      Musical material, selection of repertoire.

      Audio, video recordings, CD, MP3 format.

      computer, projector

      Photos and video materials of concert performances;

      Books, teaching aids, magazines on the program profile;

    List of literature for teachers:

      Aliev Yu.B. Handbook for a school music teacher. M. Vlados, 2000.

      Golubev P.V. Advice for young vocal teachers. - M.: State Music Publishing House, 1963.

      Isaeva I.O. Pop singing. Express course for the development of vocal abilities /I.O. Isaeva - M.: AST; Astrel, 2007.

      Kabalevsky D.B. About three whales and much more. A book about music. M.: Det. Literature, 1970.

      Music. Grades 1-8 \Comp. Yu.B.Aliev, V.K.Beloborodova, E.V.Nikolaeva, B.S. Rachina, S. L. Starobinsky; under the general editorship of Yu.B. Aliyev // Programs for secondary educational institutions1. M.: Education, 1993.

      Stulova G.P. Theory and practice of working with a children's choir. M. Vlados, 1 2002.

      Music. Thematic classes. Holidays and concerts. Musical toy library (grades 1-7). (FSES). HER. Arsenina. Ed. "Teacher" 2015.

      Scenarios and holidays in elementary school" N.B. Shishko, 2006,

      Childhood Aquarium”, V. Yarushin, A. Gorskaya, songs for adults and children, ed. "Version", 1997,

      Calendar of Sheol holidays, Moscow 2006,

      Holidays at school (grades 1-4), N. Zimina, ed. Centropolygraph, 2011,

      Unusual music lessons (grades 1-4), ed. Teacher, 2009,

      A child in the world of fairy tales”, O.P. Vlasenko, 2008.

    Internet resources.
















    Club roster and class times.

    Day of the week











    Student's name

    Lyakhova Polina

    Mironova Daria

    Bedskikh Anna

    Ivanova Ksenia

    Prosvirnina Zlata

    Ivleva Anna

    Lukyanova Ksenia

    Yukelis Anna

    Plaksina Milana

    Korotkikh Sophia

    Minin Evgeniy

    Prokhorova Ksenia

    Kadochnikova Kira

    Tsepileva Varvara

    Volkhina Polina

    Danilov Tikhon

    Lapateva Diana

    Khaidarov Dier

    Testenkova Valeria

    Chukavin Savely

    Bulbuk Sofia

    Shramova Carolina

    Dengovsky Kirill

    Zaruba Alina

    Shmilkova Eva

    Pechnikov Andrey

    Sosnina Anna

    Polishchuk Varvara

    This article describes the forms of extracurricular activities by area and type. All types, directions and forms of extracurricular activities of students at the stage of primary general education are focused on educational results.

    Forms of extracurricular activities in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard of NOO

    In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education (FSES IEO), the main educational program of primary general education is implemented by the educational institution, including through extracurricular activities.

    Extracurricular activities of students, as well as activities within lessons, are aimed at achieving results in mastering the main educational program of the school. Particular attention in the Federal State Educational Standards of the second generation of educational institutions is focused on achieving personal and meta-subject results, which determines the specifics of extracurricular activities, during which the student must not only and not so much learn, but learn to act, feel, make decisions, etc.

    The purpose of organizing extracurricular activities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards of NEO is to create conditions for students to achieve the social experience necessary for life in society and to form a system of values ​​accepted by society, to create conditions for the multifaceted development and socialization of each student in their free time from school; creation of an educational environment that ensures the activation of social and intellectual interests of students, the development of a healthy, creatively growing personality, with formed civic responsibility and legal self-awareness, prepared for life in new conditions, capable of socially significant practical activities.

    Extracurricular activities of an educational institution are aimed at achieving educational results:

    • students' acquisition of social experience;
    • formation of a positive attitude towards basic social values;
    • acquisition by schoolchildren of experience of independent social action.

    The planned results of mastering the program of extracurricular activities include:

    personal results— the readiness and ability of students for self-development, the formation of motivation for learning and knowledge, the value and semantic attitudes of primary school graduates, reflecting their individual personal positions, social competencies, personal qualities; the formation of the foundations of Russian civil identity;

    meta-subject results— UUD mastered by students (cognitive, regulatory and communicative).

    In addition, extracurricular activities in elementary schools allow the teaching staff to solve a number of very important tasks:

    • ensure favorable adaptation of the child at school;
    • optimize students' workload;
    • improve conditions for child development;
    • take into account the age and individual characteristics of children.

    Structure of extracurricular activities.

    Extracurricular activities in primary school are carried out through:

    • educational institution curriculum;
    • additional educational programs of a general education institution;
    • educational programs of institutions of additional education for children;
    • cool guide.

    Directions, types and forms of extracurricular activities.

    According to the Federal State Educational Standard of the Russian Federation, the organization of classes in areas of extracurricular activities is an integral part of the educational process at school. The hours allocated for extracurricular activities are used at the request of students and in forms other than the lesson system of education. The Federal State Educational Standard of the Russian Federation determines the main directions of extracurricular activities.

    The directions, types and forms of extracurricular activities are very closely interrelated.

    Areas of extracurricular activities:

    1. Sports and recreation
    2. Spiritual - moral
    3. General intellectual
    4. General cultural
    5. Social

    Types of extracurricular activities:

    • Play activity
    • Cognitive activity
    • Problem-based communication
    • Leisure and entertainment activities
    • Artistic creativity
    • Social creativity
    • Labor activity
    • Sports and recreational activities
    • Tourism and local history activities

    Forms of extracurricular activities:

    • Circle
    • Studio
    • Section
    • An association
    • Elective
    • Scientific society
    • Conference
    • Competition
    • Tournament
    • Meeting
    • Concert
    • Play
    • Practice
    • Excursion
    • Cultural trip
    • Hiking trip
    • Subbotnik
    • Landing

    Forms of extracurricular activities in the following areas:

    Sports and recreation:

    • Visiting sports sections
    • Organization of excursions, Health Days and other sports competitions.
    • Conducting health talks.
    • Use of game moments, physical education minutes, exercises before lessons in lessons.
    • Dynamic breaks and walks in elementary school.
    • Participation in sports competitions.
    • Operation of a summer health day camp.

    General cultural:

    • Organization of excursions to theaters and museums, exhibitions of children's drawings, crafts and creative works of students;
    • Conducting thematic cool hours on the aesthetics of the student’s appearance, culture of behavior and speech;
    • Participation in competitions and exhibitions of children's creativity of the aesthetic cycle at the school, district, and region level.

    General intellectual:

    • Subject weeks;
    • Library lessons;
    • Competitions, excursions, Olympiads, conferences, business and role-playing;
    • Project activities;
    • Participation in research conferences;
    • Development of projects for lessons.

    Spiritual and moral:

    • Meetings with WWII and labor veterans, lessons of courage, visiting the school museum.
    • Exhibitions of drawings.
    • Design of newspapers about the military and labor glory of Russians,
    • Themed classroom hours.
    • Preparation for participation in the military sports game "Zarnitsa".
    • Festivals of patriotic song, parades and songs.


    • Carrying out cleanup days.
    • Work at the school site.
    • Growing and caring for indoor plants.
    • Campaign “Plant a tree”, “White flower”, “Feed the birds”, etc.

    Forms of extracurricular activities by type:

    1. Verbal and logical.

    The main means of influence is the word (word persuasion), which evokes response emotions in children.

    • Conversations on various topics
    • Discussions
    • Meetings
    • Conferences
    • Lectures

    The main thing here is the exchange of information, messages from teachers, students and other adults. Discussion of problematic issues.

    1. Figurative and artistic forms
    • Concerts
    • Performances
    • Holidays

    The main means of influence is a joint, predominantly aesthetic experience. The main thing here is to evoke strong, deep and ennobling collective emotions.

    1. Labor forms of extracurricular activities
    • Work at the school site
    • Work on decorating and cleaning the office
    • Caring for indoor plants
    • Organization of duty during breaks and in the school canteen
    • Help the school librarian
    • Labor landings

    In modern conditions, it is necessary to place emphasis on the personal significance of work, when the child realizes that the acquired skill will be useful to him in life, when he is interested in eventually going there.

    1. Game (leisure) forms of work
    • Joint holidays
    • Preparation of concerts and performances
    • Week of theatre, dance, vocals
    • Watching and discussing films and performances
    • Competitions
    • Competitions
    • Hiking trips
    • Excursion walks to the park
    • Excursion trips

    The role of play in organizing leisure time occupies an important place in a child’s life, and therefore is considered by teachers as one of the main means of education. Games can be sports, educational, competitive, competitive, intellectual, etc.

    1. Psychological forms
    • Lectures
    • Conversations
    • Discussions
    • Psychological exercises
    • Consultations
    • Trainings

    In forms of this type, the main means of influence are elements of psychological training, methods of practical psychology, individual and group psychotherapy. These forms require special knowledge and skills.

    Results of extracurricular activities

    All types, directions and forms of extracurricular activities of students at the stage of primary general education are strictly focused on educational results.

    The educational result of extracurricular activities is the direct spiritual and moral acquisition of the child through his participation in one or another type of activity.

    The educational effect of extracurricular activities is the influence (consequence) of one or another spiritual and moral acquisition on the process of development of the child’s personality.

    Levels of results of extracurricular activities

    First level. 1 class

    The student knows and understands social life

    Acquisition by the student of social knowledge (about social norms, about the structure of society, about socially approved and disapproved forms of behavior in society, etc.), understanding of social reality and everyday life.

    Achieved in collaboration with the teacher

    Second level. 2-3 grades

    The student values ​​social life

    The schoolchild obtains experience and the formation of positive attitudes of schoolchildren to the basic values ​​of society (person, family, Fatherland, nature, peace, knowledge, work, culture).

    Achieved in a child-friendly environment.

    Third level. 4th grade

    The student acts independently in public life

    Students gain experience of independent social action.

    Achieved in interaction with a social subject.

    Achieving all three levels of extracurricular activity results will indicate the effectiveness of educational work:

    • introduction of effective forms of organizing recreation, health improvement and employment for children;
    • improving psychological and social comfort in a single educational space;
    • strengthening the health of pupils;
    • development of creative activity of each child;
    • strengthening the connection between family and school.


    D.V. Grigoriev, P.V. Stepanov “Extracurricular activities of schoolchildren. Methodical designer" M.: Prosveshchenie, 2014.

    Municipal state educational institution Zyuzinskaya secondary educational institution

    Accepted on pedagogical council No._____ I approve_________________

    From “___”_____________ Director of the MKOU Zyuzinskaya secondary school

    L.V. Monastyreva

    Extracurricular activities program

    primary school students

    in accordance with Federal State Educational Standards

    for the 2015-2016 academic year



    Explanatory note.

    Conditions for the program

    8.1. Staffing

    Regulatory, legal and documentary basis:

    Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”;

    Federal State Educational Standard for Primary and Secondary Education;

    The concept of modernization of additional education for children of the Russian Federation;

    Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated April 2, 2002 No. 13-51-28/13 “On increasing the educational potential of the general educational process in educational institutions”;

    SANPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in educational institutions»;

    Model of extracurricular activities for school students;

    Regulations on sports and recreational, library, information and cultural and leisure centers of the educational institution;

    Job descriptions of the deputy director for VR, social teacher, educational psychologist, class teacher, circle and section leader.

    Explanatory note.

    Extracurricular activities are an integral part of the educational process and one of the forms of organizing students’ free time. Extracurricular activities are understood today primarily as activities organized outside of class hours to meet the needs of students for meaningful leisure, their participation in self-government and socially useful activities. Currently, in connection with the transition to new standards, extracurricular activities are being improved.

    This program creates conditions for social, cultural and professional self-determination, creative self-realization of the child’s personality, and its integration into the system of world and domestic cultures.

    The program is pedagogically appropriate, as it contributes to a more comprehensive disclosure of the child’s individual abilities, which are not always possible to consider in class, the development of children’s interest in various types of activities, the desire to actively participate in productive, socially approved activities, and the ability to independently organize their own activities. free time. Each type of extracurricular activity: creative, educational, sports, labor, play, enriches the experience of collective interaction of schoolchildren in a certain aspect, which in its totality provides a great educational experience.

    Education is one of the most important components of education in the interests of the individual, society, and state. The main objectives of education at the present stage of development of our society are: the formation in students of civic responsibility and legal self-awareness, spirituality and culture, initiative, independence, and the ability for successful socialization in society.

    Extracurricular activities are understood today primarily as activities organized outside of class hours to meet the needs of students for meaningful leisure, their participation in self-government and socially useful activities. A properly organized system of extracurricular activities is an area in which the cognitive needs and abilities of each student can be maximally developed or formed, which will ensure the education of a free personality. Raising children occurs at any moment of their activity. However, it is most productive to carry out this education in your free time from studying.

    The hours allocated for extracurricular activities are used at the request of students and are aimed at implementing various forms of its organization, different from the lesson system of education. Classes are held in the form of excursions, clubs, sections, round tables, conferences, debates, KVNs, quizzes, festive events, classes, competitions, search and scientific research, etc. By attending clubs and sections, students adapt well among their peers, thanks to individual work leader, the material is studied more deeply. During the classes, leaders try to reveal in students such abilities as organizational, creative, musical, which plays an important role in the spiritual development of the younger generation.

    Extracurricular activities direct their activities in such a way that each student can feel his uniqueness and relevance.

    Classes as part of extracurricular activities are conducted not only by school teachers; employees are also involved additional centers: employees of the center of preschool children, employees of the Accord SDK, public figures on the part of parents.

    In the process of personality formation, education as a holistic influence on a person plays a certain role, since it is through it that the basic social, moral and cultural values ​​that guide society in its life are formed in the consciousness and behavior of children. Therefore, the state of social consciousness and social life ultimately depends on the effectiveness of the education system.

    The purpose and objectives of extracurricular activities:

    Purpose of extracurricular activities: to develop and implement a model for organizing extracurricular activities in the context of the implementation of the federal state educational standard and thereby optimize the process of raising and socializing children, create conditions for students to achieve the social experience necessary for life in society and the formation of a value system accepted by society, create conditions for multifaceted development and socialization of each student in his free time.


    To study psychological and pedagogical approaches and existing experience in organizing extracurricular activities in the context of the implementation of the federal state educational standard, to determine a strategy for their improvement and testing in the conditions of a school remote from the city;

    Identify effective forms and methods of creating a developmental environment for schoolchildren in social conditions through the organization of extracurricular activities;

    Organize socially useful and leisure activities for students together with public organizations, libraries, other institutions, and families of students;

    Develop positive communication skills;

    Develop skills in organizing and implementing cooperation with teachers, peers, parents, and older children in solving common problems;

    To cultivate hard work, the ability to overcome difficulties, determination and perseverance in achieving results;

    Develop a positive attitude towards basic social values ​​(person, family, Fatherland, nature, peace, knowledge, work, culture).

    Directions for program implementation.

    The program for organizing extracurricular activities works in accordance with the following directions:

    Sports and recreation;

    Spiritual and moral;

    General intellectual;

    General cultural;


    Forms of work in areas.

    Sports and recreation

    Work of sports sections in volleyball, basketball, tennis, general physical training;

    Organization of hikes, excursions, “Health Days”, outdoor games, intra-school sports competitions;

    Conducting health discussions;

    Carrying out game moments and physical minutes in lessons;

    Participation in regional and city competitions;

    Introduction of the elective “Talk about proper nutrition.”

    Spiritual and moral

    Organization of excursions, exhibitions of drawings, crafts and creative works of students;

    Conducting thematic classes on aesthetics of appearance and culture of behavior;

    Meetings with WWII and labor veterans, “Lessons in Courage”;

    Design of corners about the military and labor glory of Russians;

    Patriotic song competitions and festivals;

    Visit to the school museum of military glory.

    General intellectual

    Subject weeks;

    Library lessons;

    Competitions, Olympiads, business and role-playing games;

    Participation in intellectual competitions and olympiads at various levels.

    General cultural

    Participation in the social life of the class and school;

    Participation in various theatrical productions;

    Exhibitions of creative expositions;

    Performance on stage with various numbers.


    Carrying out cleanup days;

    Work at the school site;

    Breeding indoor flowers;

    Communication outside of school within clubs.

    Distribution of working hours in each direction:

    Sports and recreation - 2 hours per week

    Spiritual and moral - 2 hours per week

    General intellectual - 5 hours per week

    General cultural - 9 hours per week

    Social - 3 hours per week.

    A total of 21 hours a week of extracurricular activities for children in clubs and sections.

    Interaction of the school’s work with additional institutions in the system.

    Co-creation of teachers, parents and other members of the educational process in matters of education and training can be successfully carried out in the following areas:

    Direct participation of parents in organizing various forms of joint extracurricular work with children;

    Development of cooperation between children and additional education teachers in educational, cognitive, research activities at school and at home;

    Joint social education of children within the framework of extracurricular activities.

    School students

    School administration

    Subject teachers

    Center for additional education for children, library, museum

    Medical worker, local inspector and other special services


    Classroom teacher


    The system of joint interaction includes not only club work, but also joint holding of classroom hours, excursions, hikes, research, events, etc.

    Throughout their entire education at school, students receive a set of educational knowledge that is applied and monitored in society. Thus, the interaction between school and society is constant.

    Conditions for the program

    To successfully implement the program, a number of conditions must be met:

    Specific planning of activities;

    Program staffing;

    Methodological support of the program;

    Logistics security.

    8.1. Staffing

    The following are involved in the implementation of the program:

    School teachers implementing the program;


    Educational psychologist;

    Social teacher;

    Additional education teachers.

    8.2. Improving the level of staffing



    Preparation of teaching staff to work with students in extracurricular activities

    Individual interviews with subject teachers and circle leaders who are ready to work in this direction.

    Increasing the methodological level of all participants in the educational process

    Seminars with a psychologist, social teacher and medical worker (by agreement), specialists from out-of-school institutions.

    Workshops in methodological unification with the aim of sharing best practices accumulated at the school.

    Conducting seminars on ongoing programs.

    Providing comfortable working conditions for teachers

    Find opportunities for financial incentives for circle leaders.

    Intensify the involvement of cultural workers in the system of school-wide events.

    Organization and conduct of school-wide events.

    8.3. Scientific and methodological support and examination of students’ employment outside of class hours.

    Create a bank methodological developments school affairs, activities, events

    Systematization of the exchange of experience of teachers within the framework of network interaction.

    Develop a system of diagnostic work on issues of leisure activities of students

    Diagnosis of students' requests for organizing free time.

    Diagnostics of the possibilities of schools and non-school institutions for organizing students’ free time.

    Informing the teaching staff about diagnostic results

    Develop a system of measures to ensure an increase in the methodological level of teachers

    Advanced training courses on educational and extracurricular activities of teachers.

    Create a bank of methodological literature on organizing leisure time for students.

    Acquisition of methodological literature and its constant updating.

    Systematization of methodological literature, Internet resources.

    Informing teachers about the availability and their familiarization with the content of existing met.literature

    8.4. Logistics:




    Music Center;

    Music professional installation;

    Sport equipment;


    Assembly Hall;


    Museum of "Military Glory";

    Museum "Russian Izba".

    8.5. Teaching staff implementing extracurricular activities at school:

    Deputy Director for VR;

    Class teachers;

    Educational psychologist;

    Social teacher;

    Life safety teacher;

    Physical education teacher;


    Head of the museum;

    Subject teachers.

    Expected results of extracurricular activities.

    Introduction of effective forms of organizing recreation, health improvement and employment for children;

    Improving psychological and social comfort in a single educational space;

    Strengthening the health of students;

    Development of creative activity of each child;

    Strengthening connections between the school and the child’s family.

    The goal of cooperation between teachers and parents is to create an informal, friendly atmosphere for the life of schoolchildren, to implement effective communication between school and family in the upbringing and education of children of different ages.

    The expected results of school and family work are:

    Strengthening the moral aspects of school life for children and youth;

    Humanization of relationships between family and school;

    Development of schoolchildren’s experience of formal and informal communication with adults;

    Parents mastering business communication skills and co-creation with teachers and children;

    Providing parents with meaningful assistance to the teacher in organizing educational work, including teaching children at home.

    Directions for successfully organizing extracurricular activities between the school and parents:

    Direct participation of parents in organizing various forms of joint work with children;

    Development of cooperation with teachers and children in educational, cognitive, research activities at school and at home;

    Assisting the school in repairing and equipping premises for extracurricular activities for schoolchildren, producing, together with children, visual aids and supplies for the high-quality organization of these activities.

    Monitoring the effectiveness of extracurricular activities.

    The purpose of monitoring studiesis to create a system for organizing, collecting, processing, and disseminating information that reflects the effectiveness of the modernization of extracurricular activities and additional education according to the following criteria:

    Increased social activity of students;

    Increased motivation for active cognitive activity;

    The level of students’ achievement of such educational results as the development of communication and research competencies, creative and organizational abilities, and reflective skills;

    Qualitative change in personal development, assimilation of civil and moral norms, spiritual culture, humanistic foundations of attitude towards the world around us;

    Satisfaction of students and their parents with the functioning of the school.

    Monitoring objects:

    Assessing the demand for forms and methods of extracurricular activities;

    Safety of the contingent of all areas of extracurricular work;

    A survey of schoolchildren and their parents (legal representatives) at the end of the year in order to identify satisfaction with educational activities;

    Questioning of schoolchildren and their parents (legal representatives) as part of intra-school control;

    Involvement of students in extracurricular educational activities both at school and outside the educational institution;

    The effectiveness of participation of subjects of educational activities in targeted programs and projects at various levels.

    Educational results of extracurricular activities:

    First level of results- the student’s acquisition of social knowledge (about social norms, about the structure of society, about socially approved and disapproved forms of behavior in society, etc.) understanding of social reality and everyday life. To achieve this level of results, the interaction of the student with his teachers (in basic and additional education) as significant carriers of social knowledge and everyday experience for him is of particular importance.

    Second level of results- formation of positive attitudes of the student towards the basic values ​​of society (person, family, Fatherland, nature, peace, knowledge, work, culture), value attitude towards social reality as a whole. To achieve this level of results, the equal interaction of the student with other schoolchildren at the class and school level, that is, in a protected, friendly prosocial environment, is of particular importance. It is in such a close social environment that the child receives (or does not receive) the first practical confirmation of acquired social knowledge and begins to appreciate (or reject) it.

    Third level of results- the student gains experience of independent social action. To achieve this level of results, the interaction of the student with social subjects outside the school, in an open social environment, is of particular importance.

    Expected results of the program:

    Readiness for productive work;

    Readiness for further education;

    Formation of worldview;

    Formation of general culture;

    Maintaining health;

    Formation of needs and skills of creative activity.

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