Racial differences at the genetic level. What are the key differences between the three major world religions? Race is a biological concept, not a social one.

The differences are only in words and terminology. I studied Suffism, Buddhism, Taoism, Tengrism, Hinduism and realized that the ultimate goal for everyone is the same - knowledge of the truth and reunification with a certain Absolute.
It’s just that all religions were sent to certain cultures and peoples in their “language”

Buddhism - founded by a man, Buddha, real name Siddhartha Gautama
salvation in Buddhism - through one's own efforts
founder of Buddhism - died
Islam was founded by a man, Muhammad, real name Ubu il-Qassim
salvation in Islam is through one’s own efforts
founder of Islam - died
Christianity - the teachings of Jesus Christ, the Son of God
salvation is given by God through the death of Jesus Christ by faith
Jesus died but was RISEN

In fact, in these three religions, only Buddhism is very different. It was founded by a man called the “enlightened one,” Buddha. Oddly enough, there is God in Buddhism. As Buddhists say, there is only suffering in the world caused by our desires. To get rid of suffering, you need to get rid of desires. This is what Buddhists essentially do all their lives.

Islam and Christianity have common roots. But there are several differences: Muslims consider Jesus to be a prophet (Isa), and no son of God came to earth. In addition, Christians have God in three persons, while Muslims have only one.

World religions traditionally include Buddhism, Christianity and Islam. According to the latest data in modern world There are about 1,400 million Christians, about 900 million adherents of Islam, about 300 million Buddhists.
In Buddhism, unlike Christianity and Islam, there is no church, but there is a community of believers - the sangha.
The cardinal difference between Christianity and other religions is that the founders of the latter acted not as an object of faith, but as its intermediaries. It was not the personalities of Buddha, Mohammed or Moses that were the real content of the new faith, but their teaching. The Gospel of Christ reveals itself as the Gospel about Christ; it is a message about a Person, not a concept.
Another difference between Christianity is that any ethical and religious system is a path, following which people come to a certain goal. And Christ begins precisely with this goal. He speaks of life flowing from God to men, and not of human efforts that can lift them up to God.
The dogma of Islam is very simple. A Muslim must firmly believe that there is only one god - Allah; that Muhammad was his messenger-prophet; that before him, God sent other prophets to people - these are the biblical Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Christian Jesus, but Muhammad is higher than them; that there are angels and evil spirits (jinn), however, these latter, who converted to Islam from ancient Arabic beliefs, are not always evil, they are also in the power of God and carry out his will; that on the last day of the world the dead will rise and everyone will receive rewards for their deeds: the righteous who honor God will enjoy in paradise, sinners and infidels will burn in hell; finally, that there is divine predestination, for Allah has predetermined each person’s destiny.

If we are talking about directions originating in Judaism (Christianity, Islam), then the differences are very superficial.
If we consider exactly the three largest streams - Vedic (Hinduism, Buddhism), Taoist (Taoism, synthetic Lamaism) and Jewish - then the differences are very significant.
Briefly -
the Vedic stream is based on knowledge
Taoist flow is harmony
the Jewish stream is faith
As you can see, the differences are quite dramatic.

These are the 3rd world religions - Christianity. Islam and Buddhism differ in that they find the path to God in different ways.
Christianity is the path to God through Jesus Christ
Islam is the path to God through submission
Buddhism - through enlightenment

Conception and birth of Buddha

Below are translations from Jah

Revelation of the Qur'an

According to tradition, what was the first revelation given to Muhammad? Scholars of Islam usually agree that these were the first five verses of the 96th sura "al Alyak", or "Clot [of blood]", which begins with the words (Prh):

Read and shout!
In the name of your God, Who created -
Who created man from a clot.
Read! Your Lord is the most generous!
He is the One who gave man a pen and taught him to write,
And also taught him what he didn’t know.

According to the first chapter of the Sahih, Muhammad replied: “I cannot read!” Therefore, he had to memorize the revelations and repeat them from memory. The Arabs were very good at memorizing texts, and Muhammad was no exception. How long did it take for him to receive the revelations that made up the Koran? It is believed that they descended on him over a period of 20-23 years, starting around 610 until his death in 632 AD. e.

According to Muslim sources, having received a revelation, Muhammad immediately repeated it to those who were next to him. And those people, in turn, kept the revelations in their memory, repeating them periodically so as not to forget. Since the Arabs had not yet learned how to make paper, Muhammad's revelations were written down on simple available means: camel shoulder bones, palm leaves, wood or parchment. It was only after the death of the prophet, under the leadership of his companions and successors, that the Quran took on the form we are familiar with today. This was during the reign of three caliphs, the spiritual leaders of Muslims.

Translator Muhammad Pickthall writes: “All the suras of the Koran were written down during the lifetime of Muhammad, and many Muslims stored the entire text of the Koran in their memory. Records of individual suras were found at different people, and when during the wars... many of those who knew the Koran by heart died, the entire text was again completely collected and written down.”

The norms of Muslim life are regulated by three authoritative sources - the Koran, Hadith and Sharia. Muslims believe that the Koran in Arabic is the revelation of God in its purest form, since, according to legend, it was in this language that God spoke through the angel Jibril. Surah 43:2 says: “We have written it in Arabic so that you may understand.” Therefore, any translation, according to Muslims, detracts from the value of the Koran and its purity is lost. Some Islamic theologians even refuse to translate the Koran, believing that “translation is always treason.” Therefore, according to Islamic history teacher John Williams, “Muslims have historically rejected the idea of ​​​​translating the Koran, and sometimes even prohibited any attempt to convey its contents in another language.”

Spread of Islam

Muhammad's new religion met fierce resistance. The people of Mecca, even his own people, rejected him. After 13 years of hostility and persecution, he moved the center of his activities north of Mecca, to the city of Yathrib, later called al-Madina (Medina), or “city of the prophet.” Is this relocation, or hee

The life of Christ shows the way

According to the Bible, Jesus was raised in an ordinary Jewish family, went to the local synagogue and the Temple in Jerusalem (Luke 2:41-52). When he turned 30, he began his ministry. First of all, he came to his second cousin John, who dipped the Jews into the waters of the Jordan as a sign of repentance. Luke writes: “While all the people were baptized, Jesus was also baptized; and as he prayed, the heavens were opened, and the holy spirit in bodily form, like a dove, descended upon him, and a voice was heard from heaven: “You are my beloved Son, I approve of you”” (Luke 3:21-23; John 1:32-34).

Now, as the anointed Son of God, Jesus entered into ministry. He walked throughout Galilee and Judea, preaching about the Kingdom of God, healing the sick and performing other miracles. He served freely, without seeking to become rich or exalt himself. On the contrary, Jesus said that he who gives is happier than he who receives. He also taught his followers the work of preaching (Matthew 8:20; 10:7-13; Acts 20:35).

If you pay attention to the message of Jesus and the way he presented it, you can see how different it is from the style of many preachers Christian churches. He did not try to captivate the masses on a wave of emotions and did not scare people into hellish torments. On the contrary, Jesus appealed to reason through parables and illustrations from Everyday life, which were imprinted in the minds and hearts of listeners for a long time. His Sermon on the Mount is a prime example of what and how he taught. In this sermon, Jesus gave a pattern of prayer. By mentioning first of all the sanctification of God's name, he clearly showed what should be the main thing in the life of a Christian (Matthew 5:1-7:29; 13:3-53; Luke 6:17-49; see box on pages 258- 259).

Jesus showed love and compassion in his dealings with his disciples and others (Mark 6:30-34). While he preached God's Kingdom, he also exemplified love and humility. Therefore, in the last hours of his life, he could say to his disciples: “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another; so that as I have loved you, so you also love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if there is love among you” (John 13:34, 35). So the essence of true Christianity is self-sacrificing love based on Divine morality (Matthew 22:37-40). In practice, this means that a Christian should love even his enemies, even though he hates their evil deeds (Luke 6:27-31). Just think how much the world would change if every person showed such love! (Romans 12:17-21; 13:8-10).

The teachings of Jesus cannot be compared to the ethics or philosophy taught by Confucius and Lao Tzu. In addition, he, unlike the Buddha, did not teach that a person can independently achieve salvation through knowledge and enlightenment. On the contrary, Christ argued that it is God who gives salvation to people: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever exercises faith in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him” (John 3:16, 17).

Reflecting the Father's love in both word and deed, Jesus encouraged people to draw closer to God. It was not for nothing that he said to one of the apostles: “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. [...] Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. How do you say: “Show us the Father”? Or do you not believe that I am in unity with the Father and the Father is in unity with me? The words that I speak to you do not speak from myself, but the Father, who is in unity with me, does his works. [...] You heard what I said to you: I am leaving and will come to you again. If you loved me, you would be glad that I go to the Father, because the Father is greater than I” (John 14:6-28). It is Jesus who is “the way, the truth, and the life,” because he helped the Jewish people return to the Father, the true God, Jehovah. The fact that God, out of His love, sent this light of truth to earth opened up a special opportunity for people to find a way to Jehovah (John 1:9-14; 6:44; 8:31, 32).

With this role of Christ in mind, Paul addressed the Greeks in Athens with the words: “From one man he [God] created every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, having established certain times and limits for the habitation of people, so that they should seek God, if they would not feel and whether they will find him, although he is not far from each of us. For by it we live, and move, and have our being” (Acts 17:26-28). Finding God is possible if you strive and put in the effort (Matthew 7:7, 8). The Earth, the beautiful home he created for a huge variety of living beings, testifies to God and his love. Out of love, he sends both the righteous and the unrighteous everything they need for life. In addition, Jehovah gave the people his Word, the Bible, and also his Son as an atoning sacrifice for them. In this way, God helps people find the way to him (Matthew 5:43-45; Acts 14:16, 17; Romans 3:23-26).

Of course, Christian love should be manifested not only in words, but, more importantly, in deeds. The Apostle Paul wrote: “Love is slow to anger and kind. Love is not jealous, not boastful, it does not boast, it does not behave indecently, it does not seek its own, it is not irritated, it does not count insults, it does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices in the truth; endures everything, believes everything, hopes for everything, endures everything with steadfastness. Love never fails” (1 Corinthians 13:4-8).

Jesus Christ also emphasized the importance of proclaiming the Kingdom of Heaven—God's government over obedient humanity (Matthew 10:7; Mark 13:10).

Islam is a religion of peace, and its values ​​should serve to solve the problems of consolidating society, maintaining unity and stability, overcoming separatism, strengthening peace and harmony. It is important to achieve the unification of efforts of the state and religious Muslim organizations.

The Islamic worldview in the most difficult times helped bring together and cooperate all Dagestan peoples. The revived Islam in Dagestan should serve these goals today.

Currently, Islam is under massive attack through the media.

One of the most exploited is the idea that Islam is anti-scientific, archaic and drags society into the Middle Ages. However, the famous theoretical physicist Abdu-Salam, director of the International Institute of Theoretical Physics, Nobel Prize winner, claims that he became a physicist thanks to the call and instructions of the Koran. The Koran directly states that the duty of a Muslim is to be educated, literate and, therefore, useful to society.

Muslim scientists made many discoveries in the fields of mathematics, astronomy, optics and many other areas of human knowledge. Moreover, these discoveries were made under the direct influence of the study of the Koran. In the field of mathematics, Muslims invented algebra. Arabic numerals were transformed into European ones and are still used today.

Long before others, Muslims attempted to measure the thickness of the atmosphere in order to determine the time of the first glimmer of dawn. The first scientist to make these measurements was ibn Myad, and this happened in the 11th century. In the field of anatomy, Ibn al-Nafis was the first to describe the circulatory system. In the field of astronomy, using unusually precise mathematics, Sanad Ali proved in the 12th century that the Earth is smaller than the Sun but larger than the Moon.

Every year the number of adherents of Islam around the world increases. It is noteworthy that in Europe and America this is happening mainly due to the scientific and creative intelligentsia. The media have repeatedly reported about the adoption of Islam by a number of outstanding scientists and luminaries of science.

The great French oceanographer, pioneer of deep sea exploration, inventor of scuba gear, underwater houses, author of many popular books and films, Jacques Cousteau, is known throughout the world. But few people know that the studies he carried out Scientific research and the fact that many scientific signs were reflected in the Koran led him to accept Islam and he died a Muslim. The world-famous researcher said that choosing Islam was the most correct decision in his life.

Roger Garaudy - French writer and philosopher, former member The Central Committee of the Communist Party of France and the editor-in-chief of the newspaper L'Humanité, on Friday, July 3, 1982, in the month of Ramadan, converted to Islam and thereby shocked the public in the West.

Wilfried Hoffmann - Master of Laws from Harvard University, Doctor of Laws from the University of Munich, a high-ranking official of the German state apparatus, who rose to the rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, accepted Islam and additionally took a new name for himself - Islam.

Professor Tasazha Tasajon, one of the leading scientists in the field of anatomy, said: “In the last 4 years I have been attracted Holy Quran, which was handed to me. I believe that what was mentioned in the Qur'an 1400 years ago is a truth that can be proven by scientific method."

Professor Schrader from Greece said: “Indeed, what is said in the Quran is the truth that scientists are discovering today. I think it is very important to communicate this to scientists around the world.”

Professor Alfred Korner from the USA, one of the world's leading biologists, said: “Man 1400 years ago, not knowing anything about nuclear physics, could not comprehend with his mind the truth that the Earth and other planets were created in the same way. “I believe that if we collect the information contained in the Koran, including about the Earth and its origin and about science in general, then we can say that this information is reliable and true, and this can be proven by scientific methods.”

The famous French scientist Maurice Bucaille, who converted to Islam, wrote: “If I had known the Koran before, I would not have walked blindly in search of a scientific solution, I would have had a guiding thread.”

This is what the Turkish scientist Odnan Oktar writes in his book “The Deception of Evolution”:

“Religion encourages scientific research. And if these studies are conducted based on the truths revealed by religion, they very soon achieve the most accurate results. The fact is that religion is the only source that gives a true and accurate answer to the question of how the Universe and life arose. Therefore, research for which the correct starting point is chosen will reveal the secrets of the existence of life and the Universe in the shortest possible time and with the least expenditure of labor and energy.”

Scientists such as Leonardo da Vinci, Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, Cuvier (father of paleontology), Linnaeus (leader of botany and zoology), Isaac Newton, who is remembered as “the greatest scientist,” believed in (One Creator) and improved science, believing that the Universe and all living organisms were created by Him. Albert Einstein wrote:

“I can’t imagine a scientist without firm faith. This can be expressed this way: it is impossible to believe in science that is not based on religion.”

In one of his works entitled “Principles of Mathematics,” Newton writes: “We, being weak slaves, in need of God given under reason, must know the Greatness and Power of God and submit to him.”

American geneticists have proven the existence of prehistoric Adam - a man and a single proto-Eve. Researchers argue that the concept of race is illusory, and these differences between people are recent. The genetic codes of modern people are strikingly similar. “The four different types of African gorillas are less similar to each other in their genetic makeup than I am and an Alaskan Eskimo or an Australian aborigine,” writes English scientist Christopher Stringer. Thus, it has been scientifically proven that the prophets were right.
Great Book - Koran

American doctor, scientist, Muslim Ahmad al-Qadi in a medical clinic in Panama (Florida) conducted a special study to study the healing effects of Quranic verses read aloud on patients who have experienced stress, with heart disease and some other diseases.

Men and women who had no idea about the Koran and did not know Arabic were selected for the research. The Arabic text of the Koran was read to them.

The results of the impact of the Koranic verses on patients were recorded with the most modern devices and computers. The study was conducted year-round, and the results were announced at the North American Islamic Medical Congress (Missouri, August 1984). They turned out to be impressive - 97% of patients who listened to the Quran got rid of stress, and this was recorded by special devices that recorded the changes occurring in the listeners. The presented materials aroused interest among medical scientists and received great resonance in the media.

According to Doctor of Medical Sciences B.S. Alyakrinsky, more than 400 functions of the human body are subject to the biological clock. During the day, 500 small and 5 large periods of biorhythms change. The change of 5 large periods of biorhythms is associated with the corresponding influence of the planets of the solar system. The most interesting thing: the time of change of these large periods coincides with the time of daily Muslim prayers (namaz). When changing each of the 5 periods of biorhythms, biologically active points (BAT) first open. They remain in this state for 15 minutes, after which a gradual closure begins, which lasts about two hours.

If we remember that according to the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), the most valuable prayer is the one performed immediately after the onset of its time, and that as a last resort, if someone did not have time to perform the prayer on time, it can be performed within 1.5-2 hours , then it becomes obvious that all this is connected with the BAT mode.

American, Harvard University professor Benson failed scientific basis under the fact that prayer helps health. As a result of many years of research involving thousands of people, he found that regular prayers reduce the rate of breathing, heartbeat and normalize brain wave fluctuations, which, it turns out, contribute to the body’s self-healing. In addition, according to the observation of Professor Benson, believers are 36% less likely to get sick.

There is research data from English scientists proving that the five-fold prayer of a Muslim, when performed correctly, has a healing effect no less than yoga orders.

An analysis of statistical data and research by scientists in recent years, during which professional athletes and physical educators were examined, showed that gymnastic exercises performed at the same time, constantly and without overload have the greatest health benefits.

These are the actions in prayer. Namaz is unique in that when it is performed, literally all articular plexuses are set in motion, which is very important for the prevention of arthrosis and osteochondrosis.

This is confirmed by the results of research by English scientists. The effect of prayer on human health has not yet been fully studied. This is a topic for scientific dissertations.

It must be said that not only many outstanding scientists of the past and present, but also writers and poets treated and treat Islam with deep reverence and respect.

The brilliant Russian writer Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy wrote: “...look at me as a good Mohammedan, then everything will be fine...”.

In 1995, in Weimar, a group of researchers led by Sheikh Abdulkadir al-Murabin studied numerous works of Goethe, which gave al-Murabin grounds to recognize the great poet Goethe as a Muslim.

Here are some of Goethe's statements about Islam:

“How stupid it is to chant like that

Your opinions about this and that!

After all, if Islam means submission to God,

We all live and die in Islam."

“...We must remain in Islam... I can’t add anything to this.”

“Most holy Jesus was submissive only to God alone,

It was an insult to God that Jesus was exalted as God.

Let the truth shine forth, which was conveyed to us by Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), Who, through the comprehension of the One, inclined the whole world to submission.”

In the cycle of poems by the great poet A.S. Pushkin “Imitations of the Koran” there are the following lines:

“Pray to the Creator, he is mighty,

He rules the wind on a hot day

Sends clouds to the sky

Gives the earth tree shade

He is merciful, he is to Mohammed,

He opened the shining Koran.

Let us also flow towards the light,

And let the fog fall from your eyes.”

Humanity faces two possible paths: the path of development - true and erroneous.

These paths have always collided and fought with each other. If you look at the problem from the point of view of the development of social relations, man rejected the true path, choosing different paths from existing situations in life, developing and improving various systems - from totemism, feudalism, capitalism to communism.

However, in none of them did I find happiness and peace and what I was really looking for. As a result, not having received what he wanted, he continued his search, not realizing that all these paths lead to a dead end. Until people turn towards the Creator and Creator of all things and trust spiritual guides, this search will not stop.

An analysis of world history convincingly demonstrates that any state, no matter what economic and political power it achieves, departing from the principles of Monotheism, from faith in the One Creator, faces inevitable decline and ultimately collapse.

Smoke36, there are more Muslims than Christians.
The most important difference is Islam for One God - Allah.

These are three varieties of opium =))) In general, they must be destroyed to hell, otherwise people will destroy the Planet! Ideally, the states will also be united into one - Planetland. And there must be different marriages so that there is one nation - the Earthlings. and religion - Christianity is the main (correct) one based on love [you still won’t understand], Islam is based on fear [Allah will punish] and cohesion, Buddhism is based on wisdom and experience. (Judaism - Jewish Islam)
In short, don’t sleep, don’t you see that these are PARTS of the unreal universe, that is, we must have one KNOWLEDGE! In general, I went to create the First Universal Faith of the United Religions))) Otherwise we will live arguing for another millennium

"About Tisha and Irisha (parable)

Once upon a time there lived two twins - brother and sister, Tisha and Irisha. And then one day, when they were one and a half years old, the twins’ father went on a long business trip. He left clean-shaven, wearing gray trousers and a white shirt. And he returned - as it happened - unshaven, in black jeans and a red sweater. Tisha was tense at first... but then he realized that this “unfamiliar” uncle at first glance was still his dad, so there was nothing to be afraid of. And Irisha...
Irisha screamed wildly, hid under her cot, and cried bitterly, bitterly. Her parents tried for a long time to calm her down and lure her out from under the bed. But the little girl was terribly afraid of the scary bearded uncle, and did not want to get out of there. The father even had to lift the crib... And only when he hastily shaved and put on that same white shirt did the girl calm down. But she calmed down, as it soon became clear, not completely, and not for long...
Years passed, the twins grew up... Tisha grew up as a normal, healthy, cheerful boy. But Irisha constantly remembered the scary “unfamiliar bearded man,” and always began to shake with horror and indignation. All the relatives tried many times to explain to the girl that that same “bearded man” is her own dad, who loves her, takes care of her and protects her... But Irisha did not want to listen to anyone. She called everyone who told her this “obsessed,” “fraudsters,” and “blasphemers.” It seemed to the girl that those who think so are thereby INSULTING her “REAL”, “TRUE”, beloved dad. And when the father himself tried to talk to his daughter about this topic, Ira simply began to squeal loudly and plugged her ears with her fingers...
Doctors - psychiatrists and psychotherapists - were even invited to see her several times. But the girl immediately declared them the most terrible enemies, as she said - “apostates.” And she even rushed at the doctors with scissors, kitchen knives, and other sharp objects...
Having matured, Irina completely withdrew into herself, hung a large photograph of her clean-shaven father in a white shirt over her bed, and began to talk to her for a long time. At the same time, the girl wrote articles on her blog entitled “Why the bearded man in a red sweater is not my dad”, “The bearded man in jeans cannot be my father”, “Down with the unshaven in red!”, etc.
It seemed to Ira that she acted and behaved in life very wisely, that this was the only way she should always act (and to behave differently was wrong, and even simply stupid). And this made the girl so happy that one day she shaved her head and began running around the area, dressed all in white... Ira ran, rejoiced and laughed. Periodically attacking unshaven men in red...
They say she still runs like that... Runs, rejoices... and laughs...


In the same way, some of us are sometimes afraid of people of other faiths. And they don’t want to understand that the “ALIER” God is actually the SAME, the One Lord Almighty. It’s just that followers of different Faiths call and perceive Him differently...”


> He who does not have the Son does not have the Father.
It looks like some kind of nonsense, memorized in a backward TsPSh.
There is no such statement in any of the four Gospels.

And whoever does not have a Daughter does not have a Mother?

The fact is that Christianity and Islam are looking for people to join them, Judaism is not.

The difference lies in Jesus Christ. He who does not have the Son does not have the Father.

Different brain designs

People are not the same biologically, and that's okay. People of different races - white, yellow, red and black - appeared on Earth at different times and initially had completely different levels of evolutionary development. Nothing will come of the religious unity of peoples. Different brain structures. The carriers and heirs of nomadic culture, which include the majority of peoples committed to Islam, have one type of brain structure, and the carriers Orthodox Christianity completely different. This can be seen in the encephalograms of representatives of different races.

Among the peoples of the Indo-European group of languages, “right” is a synonym for the word “good”, “correct”, and “left” has a negative connotation. “Left” means “bad”, hence “leftist goods”, “leftist work”, “leftist money” and much more. In India, Brahmins, the highest caste, consider their left hand to be unclean. And this is the attitude towards the left side among the Celts, Germans, Slavs, Hindus, Parsis, and Greeks. And we write the same way: from left to right, this is how the hour hand moves.

Above is a profile view of the brain of the Hottentot Venus, below is a profile view of the brain of a mathematician

But there are peoples for whom everything is the opposite: for them the left is preferable. These are the characteristics of the Semitic and Mongoloid races, that is, Arabs, Jews, Chinese, Japanese, Mongols. Therefore, to say: “You are right, this is correct” is good from the point of view of the peoples of the large Indo-European race, but from the point of view of other peoples, the opposite is true.

Racial differences are rooted at the level of archetypes, deep subconscious processes. And they cannot be explained by any cultural differences. Psycholinguists and psychoneurologists have conducted a huge amount of research on these differences at the level of asymmetry in the structure of the cerebral hemispheres.

The right hemisphere is responsible for the emotional functions of the brain, the left for logical thinking. Values ​​associated with pragmatic behavior, including monetary and financial areas and their application, are associated with the left hemisphere. Today we live in an environment dominated by left-brain values. The right hemisphere, which creates an ideal image, a kind of icon, as an ideal, seems to be in a depressed state in the modern world.

The left hemisphere is also responsible for the symbolic vision of the world. That's why the Jews wrote the mystical Kabbalah, and the Arabs created algebra. Images of humans are prohibited in Islam and Judaism. This cannot be explained by cultural norms, it is explained by psychoneurology. The right hemisphere is responsible in the body for the orientation of processes in its own body.

Take the fairy tales and legends of the Indo-European peoples; the concepts of sexual perversion are completely absent in them.

Take the Bible - it’s full of bestiality and all kinds of sexual perversions.

They cannot accept our cultural norms, and we cannot accept theirs. Symbiosis and peaceful coexistence of neither cultures nor religions are impossible. We'll fight anyway. Whoever is stronger will win. No one can cancel the laws of natural selection.

Convolutions - a trace from a cap

In Australia, the indigenous population is not drafted into the army because they do not know how to march in formation, and the weight of the brain is about 900 grams: one and a half to two times less than that of a European. Local farmers do not put latches or latches on the gates because the natives cannot figure out how to open them. Our outstanding anthropologist Alekseev called the Australian aborigines a dead-end path of evolution.

The weight of different parts of the brain varies among different races. Japanese and Europeans, for example, have motor centers in different hemispheres. Our famous neurophysiologist and psychologist Luria proved that when talking and thinking different languages belonging to different language groups, different parts of the brain are activated. Europeans' languages ​​are built mainly on sound associations, while Mongoloids' languages ​​are based on video images. That's why Mongoloids write in hieroglyphs.

A person with a brain structure predisposed to polytheism will never understand a person with a brain for monotheism. If a person has such preferences that he likes monotheism, then there is no need to impose polytheism, a broader view of the nature of things, on him. All this must be done within the framework of your heredity.

Heredity cannot be changed. If it is easier for nomadic Arabs to exist under conditions of monotheism, then there is no need to make polytheists out of them.

But there is no need to export your religious and cultural preferences to Moscow or Russia and show the ritual of cutting a ram’s throat. The prolonged howl of the muezzins is physiologically unpleasant for Europeans. Both Chagall’s paintings and Malevich’s “Black Square” cannot serve as an aesthetic example for me.

“They” find my standards unpleasant and unacceptable, and I find their standards unpleasant, and these are objective sensations, and there is nothing offensive about this - because it lies in our biological differences.

Our Zeus and Venus cause rage among many races and peoples. And the first thing the Turks did when they captured Greece was to destroy the sculptures. They simply physiologically could not see these man-made, divine creations before which we kneel. But the same feelings are awakened in me by shawarma traders when the zurna is still sawing in their tent. I can't listen to music that's all syncopation.

Rap music, drive, jazz - for people with other, non-Indo-European blood. We have modal music in our blood, in our subcortex, built on a unit of harmony. This has been proven using scientific methods. These are facts, they can be measured.

The black man doesn't play hockey

It is known that blacks do not skate or play hockey. Their vestibular apparatus is structured differently. They cannot be pilot pilots. But Africans also do not shine in strength sports. Where are the black weightlifters? They are present only in those sports where long limbs and a long lever are needed: basketball, volleyball, football, boxing. Where short, forceful action is required, there are no blacks. This is determined by differences in racial constitution.

By origin Arabs are a hybrid, scientifically: “secondary sexual isolate of the white race.” They have different biochemistry. Therefore, in shooting sports, even in archery, and in motor racing there are no representatives of colored races. (Although with the help of pills for “sick” athletes and wonderful sports drugs, this disadvantage has almost been overcome!)

Their nervous reaction speed is lower. That’s why there are no Japanese racing drivers and no Chinese shooting champions. They are designed differently. And they cannot be good hunters - this is the achievement of a white man. Therefore, in the battle for the North American continent, the Indians lost to the white Yankees in the century before last. Although they fought on their native soil, at home.

Many peoples do not like to swim, although they live on the shores of seas and oceans. They did not go overseas to discover other continents. These are the peoples of Southeast Asia and the Far East. For example, the Nepalese riflemen who are recruited into the British Army for mountain service don't even have a word for "swimming."

Before being hired, Nepalese are forced to squat with stones to develop their calf muscles. Colored peoples have poorly developed calves. They don't need them, they have a different leg structure. That’s why there are no Asian representatives in rhythmic gymnastics, they have some success in other sports, where globalists pushed them hard, just as in the US film industry, completely filled with Jews, it became an iron rule to portray blacks only in a positive way and smarter than whites.

The tongue will not take you to space

What peoples are engaged in technical and scientific creativity, representatives of what races receive patents for inventions? These are Russians, Germans, French, to a lesser extent Anglo-Saxons, and very few Japanese. Mongoloids are engaged in improving what has already been invented, and more often in scientific plagiarism.

Other nations do not invent anything at all. They have no such need. The same can be said about the achievements in the field of natural sciences, noted Nobel Prize. Among physicists, chemists, biologists there are no Africans, few Asians. The last Chinese person to receive this award was in 1949. But he worked in a Western research center and thought in a foreign language.

Abstract and mathematical concepts are difficult to express in many languages ​​spoken by billions of people. Most peoples of Asia do not have in their language such an abstract concept as “is”, “there is”, without which mathematics is impossible.

There are peoples on Earth who are incapable of counting. They can present concepts related to counting within three to five real objects. Language reflects many not only mental, but also physiological processes, for example, Arabs have a weakened sense of color compared to Europeans: black, brown and green are denoted by one adjective.

The Aborigines ate Cook

During the Age of Discovery, pioneers encountered cannibalism, which was the norm in many territories. At first, the French, Portuguese and Spaniards, and later the Dutch and Anglo-Saxons, moved to explore the world. So, it turned out that the aborigines told their white friends that they distinguish between races and peoples by taste! Europeans tasted differently. A tribal leader from Oceania claimed that the British were tastier than the French!

This is data from scientific ethnographic expeditions. The fact that many peoples and even races were originally cannibals is confirmed by the following data: a person of the European race has an average intestinal length of about 9 meters 60 centimeters, and for Africans it is a meter shorter.

This suggests that Africans are meat eaters by nature and were cannibals for a long time, while Europeans are more vegetarians, hence the longer intestines. The Chinese also have shorter intestines than Europeans. In the territories of China and the European Mediterranean in the Neolithic, massive cases of cannibalism were recorded.

You can read this in “The History of Humanity” (2003), published under the auspices of UNESCO. But blacks also have a liver that is 15% lighter than that of Europeans, which serves as indirect confirmation that they are more adapted to eating meat.

Bushmen women have another feature in their body structure – stepopegia. This is a kind of hump, like a camel’s, only in them it is located on the pelvic part. This is a reservoir for water and food in case of drought. That is, the Bushmen have a completely different body biochemistry from other racial groups.

In neurology there is an indicator that for some reason people don’t like to talk about. This is the ratio of the weight of the brain to the weight of the peripheral nervous system. And the higher the organism is in evolutionary development, the higher this indicator. The more primitive the organism, the greater the weight of the peripheral nervous system, and the less of the brain.

For Caucasians, in relation to other races, this indicator is higher than for other races. The more developed the peripheral system, the more primitive instincts drive the creature. This is an established fact.

People are not equal from a biological point of view, but this does not mean that this must be transformed into political inequality.

People come from all over the world to Europe and live, but do not strive to comprehend Bach and Kurchatov and Mendeleev. They want to sell shawarma and pilaf, sell drugs. Europe faces this, and Russians everywhere face this on their own soil.

W. Ross Ashby. Brain design. M., 1994.

K. Vogt. Man and his place in nature. St. Petersburg, 1866.

R. Wiedersheim. The structure of man from a comparative anatomical point of view. M., 1900.

G. Bushan. Science about man. M., 1911.

V. Lehe. Man, his origin and evolutionary development. M., 1913.

M. Diamond. Jews God and history. M.: “Image”, 1999.

I. Zakrevsky. About the teachings of the criminal anthropological school. Kharkov, 1892.

E. Renan. Apostles. M., 1991.

Albert Reville “Jesus” St. Petersburg, 1871

D.F. Strauss. Life of Jesus. M.: “Respublika”, 1992.

N.N. Bragina, T.A. Dobrokhotova. Functional asymmetry of a person. M.: “Medicine”, 1992.

O. Bumke. Culture and degeneration. M., 1926.

G.Yu. Eysenck. Intelligence: a new look // Questions of psychology, No. 1, 1995.

Z. Starovich. Forensic sexology. M.: "Yur.lit.", 1998.

A.V. Podosinov. Orientation to the countries of the world in the archaic cultures of Eurasia // Languages ​​of Russian culture. M. 1999.

G.I. Let's pickle it. Art, bad nerves and education. M., 1901.

F. Vogel, A. Motulsky. Human genetics. M., 1990.

Ludwig Krzywicki. Anthropology. St. Petersburg, 1900

K.B. Bulaeva, S.A. Isaychev. Regulatory-genetic analysis of some parameters of color perception // Questions of psychology, No. 4, 1984.

Races. Peoples. Intelligence. Richard Lynn M. 2014

Races—groups of people with clearly distinguishable characteristics—have long symbolized numerous attempts to divide people into lower and higher categories. Until recently, it was believed that the observed differences between races were due not to genetic, but to purely external reasons, including social ones. But there is evidence that populations and races still differ from each other in DNA. That is, races are a genetic reality. But what then determines a person’s behavior - antisocial or non-traditional sexual orientation - special genes or upbringing?

“The DNA of all people, regardless of their skin color or hair texture, is 99.9% identical, so from a genetic point of view, the concept of race is meaningless,” says Sally Lerman in the pages of the authoritative Scientific American. According to this point of view, the observed differences between races are not due to genetic, but to purely external reasons, including social ones. “Research shows that the concept of race at the genetic level is nonsense,” she continues. “Race is subject to change, both geographically and historically. ... By placing too much emphasis on DNA, we turn a health problem into a biological one.” "inevitability. There is also a great temptation to use the same tool when talking about the genetic basis of criminal tendencies or intelligence."

Races are a genetic reality

In general, the conclusion about the great influence of living conditions on personality development in different ethnic and racial groups is correct. However, genetic differences do exist. Moreover, we undertake to assert that populations and races differ from each other in DNA - this is the subject of a commentary (provided by the editors from the June issue of “In the World of Science”) by Lev Zhivotovsky2, professor, doctor of biological sciences.

One can completely agree with most of its (Sally Lerman's article) provisions. Indeed, the concept of race, as a group of people with clearly distinguishable morphological characteristics, has long become a symbol of the division of people into lower and higher categories. Differences between races in hair pigmentation, skin and related characteristics in recent centuries have become the basis of the thesis about the biological inequality of people.

Eugenics and psychology, relying on testing data (intellectual development coefficient IQ), tried to prove the genetic nature of racial inequality. However, population genetics has shown the inconsistency of this view. It turned out that the differences between members of the same race far exceed the differences between races. And recently it was found that people of even different races differ from each other in DNA less than different individuals of chimpanzees in the same herd. However, we are not identical genetically (only identical twins have almost the same DNA) - we are all slightly different from each other.

Sally Lerman argues that the observed differences between races are not due to genetic factors, but to purely external factors, including social ones. In general, the conclusion about the great influence of living conditions on personality development in different ethnic and racial groups is correct. However, genetic differences also exist. Based on data from recent years, we undertake to assert that populations and races still differ from each other in DNA. But their genetic difference in itself cannot serve as a measure of the hereditary inequality of people of different origins. Genetic differences between populations and races are not biological inequality: they arose evolutionarily and are capable of evolutionary change.

“The DNA of all people, regardless of their skin color or hair texture, is 99.9% identical, so from a genetic point of view, the concept of race is meaningless.”
The argument given against the existence of genetic differences between races is not really an argument. Indeed, the human genome consists of three billion nucleotides (more precisely, they speak of pairs of nucleotides, because DNA consists of two complementary chains). Therefore, 99.9% match, or 0.1% difference, means that people differ from each other in three million base pairs. Probably, most of these differences occur in informationally “silent” regions of the genome, but the remaining functionally significant differences are sufficient to ensure the individuality of each of us. It is known that the DNA of humans and chimpanzees coincides by 98-99% - this figure is also large at first glance. However, humans and chimpanzees are different zoological species, separated by at least five million years since their evolutionary lineages separated from a common ancestor.

“Research shows that the concept of race at the genetic level is nonsense.”

Now we can say that this is not so - the indicated three million nucleotide pairs are enough to cause genetic differences between races. Recently, more than fifty native populations from different regions of the world (South Africa, Western Eurasia, East Asia, Oceania, America) were examined at almost four hundred genetic loci of various genome regions3-4. These geographic population groups correspond to the main human races (the term “race” was not used in these publications, since over many decades it turned out to be emotionally overloaded and evokes associations that are far from scientific). It turned out that among these loci there are no ones that would clearly “mark” one or another race. However, for each of them, practically indistinguishable statistical methods interracial difference. These tiny differences were accumulated by all four hundred loci until complete racial identification - according to the genetic “profile”, each individual could be unambiguously assigned to one of the geographical groups.

"Races are subject to change, both geographically and historically."

The above data confirm this conclusion: statistically significant differences were found between populations (ethnic groups) from one geographical region(same race). However, these differences were not one hundred percent: an individual could not always be unambiguously assigned to one or another population1. The differences themselves between geographic groups and between populations within a region evolved evolutionarily over many tens of thousands of years under the influence of mutations and population genetic processes, and the degree of difference corresponded to the time that passed after humans left Africa and settled across different continents.

The time of genetic isolation between regions was sufficient for the accumulated genetic differences between them to become identificationally significant. However, the division of populations within the region occurred much later, and therefore there was not enough evolutionary time for the development of significant differences within the region. True, this does not exclude the possibility that the involvement of, say, several thousand loci in the analysis accumulates additional differences and makes it possible to identify populations within a race. Mass migrations, interracial marriages and miscegenation can quickly, within a few generations, destroy evolutionarily established genetic differences. This suggests that race, although real, is not a frozen category that does not absolutely separate people according to biological characteristics. Race, like ethnicity, is a historical, evolutionary concept.

This is confirmed by another fact. In terms of DNA, we are quite close to the Neanderthal, much closer than to the chimpanzee, but we represent different evolutionary branches that diverged from a common ancestor much earlier than the human races from each other - about 500-700 thousand years ago. For the purposes of this discussion, we and Neanderthal man are simply very different races that have reached the status of subspecies of Homo sapiens: according to modern nomenclature, we are Homo sapiens sapiens, and Neanderthal man is Homo sapiens neanderthalensis. However, the genetic differences between modern human races are much smaller, than the differences between us and Neanderthal man.

"Race exists at least as a factor of distinction from a medical point of view. One cannot abandon this concept without abandoning along with it all the epidemiological data known to date." Different prevalence of hereditary pathologies in different races is also associated with evolutionary processes. Hereditary diseases arise as “harmful” mutations—“breakdowns” of functionally important genes, which are then passed on to descendants if the carriers of such mutations survive to reproductive age. Therefore, a certain mutation, if it does not disappear, spreads mainly among close populations and further through migration. Thus, based on a purely random process of the appearance of harmful mutations, regional differences in certain hereditary pathologies arise over time. This process leads to differences in the spectrum of hereditary diseases not only between races, but also between populations within a race. Of course, the prevalence of a particular hereditary disease can be restrained or, conversely, enhanced by specific environmental factors. And in this sense, we can agree with the author’s phrase: “Race is part of the environmental background of the human genome.”

"By placing too much emphasis on DNA, we turn a health problem into a biological inevitability. There is also a great temptation to use the same tool when talking about the genetic basis of criminal tendencies or intelligence."

These fair phrases touch on the most important problem: how the contributions of genes and environment relate to the development of the characteristics and characteristics of each person. Is antisocial behavior or non-traditional sexual orientation really determined by special genes or is it due to upbringing? It has now become fashionable to refer to the genetic fatality of today's expanding extreme manifestations of personality. However, there is no serious evidence for this, except in cases where marginal behavior is caused by serious hereditary defects. On the contrary, there is a large number of facts confirming the leading role of perception, imitation and motivation in the development of personal characteristics.

"Race is something like kinship."

One might add “evolutionary” or “genetic” kinship.

Lev Zhivotovsky, CNews

Are there genetic differences between races and peoples? Yes, and this is a fact long established by science. Thanks to genetic mutations, in some parts of the world they are poisoned by milk and cannot tolerate alcohol at all, while in others beans threaten people with sudden death. But this same genetic diversity allows science to peer into humanity's distant past and provides important clues to medicine.

Data from ethnogenomics and ethnogeography. They provide an opportunity to visualize the branches and migration flows through which humanity settled from its African ancestral home. For some stages of the history of homo sapiens, ethnogenomics data can be supplemented with data from paleoanthropology, archeology and linguistics. Thus, sciences, complementing each other, paint a more detailed picture of human history.

In the 80s of the last century, the world was gripped by a wave of panic associated with the discovery of the AIDS virus. Humanity has felt completely unprotected in the face of a fatal disease that can occur as a result of infection with the immunodeficiency virus. The slogans of “free love” of the previous era were forgotten: now they were increasingly talking about “safe sex”, straight razors disappeared from hairdressers, and in medicine the emphasis was placed on everything disposable.

Later, however, an interesting thing became clear: there are people who are resistant to HIV infection. In these people, the mutation disabled the chemokine receptor gene, which encodes a protein that is a kind of “landing pad” for the virus. No site - no infection. Most of these people are in Northern Europe, but even there there are no more than 2-4%. And the “landing site” for the virus discovered by scientists has become the target of therapeutic drugs and vaccines against HIV being developed.

Anti-AIDS - without AIDS

The most striking thing in this story is not even that for some reason it was in Northern Europe that there were a number of people who were not afraid of the “plague of the 20th century.” Another thing is more interesting: the mutation, with almost modern frequency, was present in the genome of Northern Europeans... 3000 years ago. How could this happen? After all, according to modern science, the AIDS virus mutated and “moved” from African monkeys to humans no earlier than the 20s of the last century. In the form of HIV, it is not even hundreds of years old!

Peoples and genes

Population is a biological concept, and it can be studied using biological methods. A people does not necessarily represent a genetic unity, but represents a cultural and linguistic community.
However, it is possible to identify populations comparable to individual ethnic groups and identify genetic differences between them. You just need to understand that the differences between people within the same ethnic group will always be greater than the differences between the groups themselves: interpopulation differences will account for only 15 percent of the total differences. Moreover, these differences can be harmful, neutral, and only in certain case useful, adaptive.
If we take genetic differences over large areas, they will line up in certain geographical patterns associated, for example, with climate or the intensity of UV radiation. The issue of changing skin color is interesting. In the conditions of the African ancestral home of humanity with its scorching rays of the sun, all mutations that create light skin were invariably rejected by selection. When people left Africa and entered geographic areas with a large number of cloudy days and low intensity of UV radiation (for example, in the North of Europe), selection, on the contrary, supported such mutations, since dark skin in such conditions prevents the production of vitamin D, which is necessary for calcium metabolism. Some peoples of the Far North have retained relatively dark skin, since they supplement their vitamin D deficiency from venison and the liver of marine animals. In areas with variable UV radiation intensity, another genetic mutation gives the skin the ability to form a temporary tan.
Africa is the cradle of humanity, and the genetic differences between Africans and each other are much greater than between Europeans and Asians. If we take the genetic diversity of Africa as 1000, then the rest of the world accounts for 50 out of this thousand.

Obviously, the mutation of the chemokine receptor gene that once arose was fixed by selection specifically in the Northern European region, since it provided a survival advantage against the background of the spread of some other viral infection. Its penetration into the human body occurred using a molecular mechanism similar to AIDS. What kind of infection it was is now unknown exactly, but it is more or less obvious that the selection that gave an advantage to the owners of the mutation went on for thousands of years and was recorded already in the historical era. How was this installed?

As already mentioned, even 3,000 years ago, among the inhabitants of the region, the “anti-AIDS” mutation already had an almost modern frequency. But exactly the same frequency is found among Ashkenazi Jews, who initially settled in Germany and then migrated to neighboring regions of Central and Eastern Europe. Jews began to settle en masse in Europe 2,000 years ago after the defeat of an anti-Roman uprising in the 1st century AD. and the fall of Jerusalem. In addition to the Ashkenazi (Germanic) branch, there was also a southern, “Sephardic” branch, localized mainly in Spain.

In the homeland of the Jews, in Western Asia, a mutation of the chemokine receptor gene also occurred, but with a frequency of no more than 1−2%. This is how it remained among the Jews, who lived for generations in Asia (Palestine, Iran, Iraq, Yemen), in North Africa, as well as among the Sephardim. And only Jews living in a region close to Northern Europe acquired a local high frequency of mutation. Another example is the gypsies who came from India to Europe about 1000 years ago. In their homeland, the mutation frequency was no more than 1%, but now among European gypsies it is 15%.

Of course, both in the case of Jews and in the case of gypsies, there was an influx of genes from outside due to mixed marriages. But existing scientific estimates do not allow us to attribute such an increase in frequency to this factor alone. Natural selection was clearly at work here.

Clock of humanity

It is known that mutations in the human genome occur constantly; they work as a kind of biological clock, by which it is possible to establish how the distant ancestors of humanity migrated: first they settled in Africa, and then, having left their native continent, throughout the rest of the world, except Antarctica. In these studies, the greatest help is provided by mitochondrial DNA, transmitted through the female line, and male Y chromosomes, transmitted through the male line. Neither the genetic information of mitochondria, nor the part of the genome stored in the Y chromosome, practically participates in the recombination of genes that occurs during the sexual process, and therefore goes back to the genetic texts of the foremother of humanity - “mitochondrial Eve” - or a certain African “Adam”, Y- whose chromosomes are inherited by all men on Earth. Although mtDNA and Y chromosomes did not recombine, this does not mean that they came down from our ancestors unchanged. It is the accumulation of mutations in these two repositories of genetic information that most reliably demonstrates the genealogy of humanity with its endless branching and settlement.

Innate vulnerability

It is obvious that there are regional populations on earth, or even entire ethnic groups, in the genome of whose representatives mutations have developed that make these people more vulnerable.
And not only when drinking alcohol, but also in the face of certain diseases. This may give rise to the idea of ​​the possibility of creating genetic weapons that would infect people of one race or one ethnic group, and leave representatives of others unharmed. To the question of whether this can be done in practice, modern science answers “no”. True, you can jokingly talk about milk as an ethnic weapon.
Considering that about 70% of the Chinese population suffers from genetically predetermined lactase deficiency, and the majority of adult Chinese suffer from digestive problems from drinking milk, it is possible to incapacitate the PRC army by sending it to latrines, if, of course, you can find a way to give it milk to drink - More serious An example is legume intolerance among residents of a number of Mediterranean countries, which is described in the article. However, even the pollen of leguminous plants will not allow one to incapacitate, say, all the Italians in a multinational crowd, and in fact it is precisely this kind of selection that is meant when they talk about fantastic projects for ethnic weapons.

However, mutations that occur in the part of the genome subject to recombination, that is, in the X chromosomes, are much more significant for humans and humanity. When studying adaptation, more attention is paid to mutations that have arisen in the part of the genome that is subject to recombination - that is, all chromosomes except the Y chromosome. Moreover, the age of these mutations can also be tracked. The fact is that next to the mutated part of the DNA there are other quite recognizable sections of the chromosome (possibly bearing traces of other, older mutations).

During recombination, fragments of the parental chromosomes are mixed, but at the first stages the environment of the mutation of interest to us will be preserved. Then new recombinations will gradually fragment it and bring new “neighbors”. This process can be estimated over time and the approximate time of occurrence of the mutation of interest to us can be obtained.

Ethnogenomics data make it possible, based on the history of accumulation of mutations, to trace the history of the exodus of humanity from the African ancestral home and spread across all inhabited continents. These data at certain time intervals can be supplemented with data from linguistics and archeology.

From the point of view of an individual organism or community in which a particular frequency of mutations is observed, mutations can be neutral or negative, or they can carry adaptive potential. It may appear not at the place of origin of the mutation, but where its effect will be most in demand and will be supported by selection. And this is one of the important reasons for the genetic diversity of peoples on the ethnological map of the world.

And this applies not only to alcohol consumption, but also to certain diseases. This may give rise to the idea of ​​the possibility of creating genetic weapons that would infect people of one race or one ethnic group, and leave representatives of others unharmed. To the question of whether this can be done in practice, modern science answers “no”. True, you can jokingly talk about milk as an ethnic weapon.

Mutation of sobriety

In the example already given, the mutation that gives resistance to AIDS is present with low frequencies in India, the Middle East, and Southern Europe. But only in northern Europe did its frequency jump sharply upward. There is another similar example - a mutation leading to alcohol intolerance. In the 1970s, when studying liver biopsies from the Chinese and Japanese, it was discovered that in representatives of these Far Eastern peoples, the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase produced by the liver is very active, converting alcohol into acetaldehyde - a toxic substance that does not produce intoxication, but poisons the body.

In principle, the processing of ethanol into acetaldehyde is a normal stage in the body’s fight against ethanol, but this stage must be followed by a second one - the oxidation of acetaldehyde by the enzyme aldehyde dehydrogenase and the production of harmless, easily excreted components. But this second enzyme was not produced at all in the Japanese and Chinese examined. The liver quickly converted alcohol into poison, which was not removed from the body for a long time.

Hence, instead of a “high,” after the first drink, a person received tremors in his hands, redness of the facial skin, nausea and dizziness. It is very unlikely that such a person could become an alcoholic.

As it turned out, the mutation causing aversion to alcohol arose around the beginning of agriculture somewhere in the Middle East (where its frequency is still about 30% among Arabs and Asian Jews). Then, bypassing India (through the steppes of the Black Sea region and Southern Siberia), it ended up in the Far East, where it was supported by selection, covering 70% of the population. Moreover, in South-East China, its own version of the “anti-alcohol” mutation appeared, and it also spread over a large territory, right up to the steppes of Kazakhstan.

All this means that in the Far East there was a high demand for such a mutation among local populations, but... we must remember that this happened several thousand years ago, and alcohol was practically not present in human culture. Where did anti-alcohol genes come from?

Obviously, at one time they also came to court as a means of fighting some kind of infection, and then - lo and behold! — it so happened that in both the Far East and the Middle East there are now many people who genetically do not accept drunkenness. This whole story, like the story with the AIDS resistance gene, perfectly shows that this or that mutation could in the past be supported by selection for a completely different trait for which it was discovered in our time.

What about Russia? In Russia, the mutation responsible for aversion to drinking has a frequency of 4%, that is, its carriers are no more than 10% of the population. Moreover, we are talking about both mutations - both in the Middle Eastern and Chinese variants. But they didn’t take root with us through their combined forces, so genes are no help to us in the fight against drunkenness.

Cure or Achilles' heel?

During the Korean War, US Army soldiers suffering from malaria were given a drug called primaquine. The pharmacological effect of this drug was to destabilize the red blood cell membrane. The fact is that the malarial plasmodium, penetrating into the blood, “captures” the red blood cell and develops inside it. To make development more convenient, plasmodium destabilizes the erythrocyte membrane.

It was then that primaquine appeared and literally knocked the wedge out with a wedge. It additionally “softened” the membrane, weakened by the plasmodium, and it burst. The malaria pathogen could not develop further, the disease receded. But what happened to the rest of the red blood cells that were not captured by plasmodia? Nothing. The effect of the medicine wore off and the membrane stabilized again. But this was not the case for everyone.

A number of soldiers who took primaquine died from hemolysis—the complete destruction of red blood cells. When we began to investigate the issue, the following became clear. Firstly, all the deceased had a deficiency of the enzyme glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, which is responsible for stabilizing red blood cell membranes, and this deficiency was due to a genetic mutation. And secondly, the deceased soldiers were of either African-American or Mediterranean ancestry. The mutation, as it turned out, was found only in some peoples.

Today it is known that approximately 16-20% of Italian men (this effect is not observed in women) are at risk of death from hemolysis, and not only after taking primaquine (which weakens the already weak membranes of red blood cells and leads to their mass death).

Beans and some other types of food and medicines that contain strong oxidants are also contraindicated for these people. Even the smell of bean pollen can cause a fatal reaction. The strange nature of this mutation ceases to be strange if we consider that it was supported by selection precisely in places where malaria was widespread and was a kind of “natural” primaquine.

In addition to Italy, a relatively large number of carriers of the mutation were noted in Spain, and its frequency is also about 2% in North Africa and Azerbaijan. In Soviet times, it was even decided to ban the cultivation of legumes in the Azerbaijani USSR, as there were frequent cases of favism, that is, the occurrence of hemolysis from contact with beans.

Winners - everyone!

Actively developing in last years the science of ethnogenomics, which studies the genetic characteristics of races and ethnic groups, as can be seen at least from the examples given, is quite applied discipline. Closely related to it is pharmacogenomics, which studies the effects of drugs on people with different genetic characteristics, including characteristics characteristic of certain ethnic and racial groups.

After all, for some of them, some medications can be harmful (an example is primaquine), while others, on the contrary, are much more effective. In addition, ethnogenomics has become a great help in drawing up a picture of the preliterate history of mankind and its languages ​​based on scientific data, and not on myths.

And one of the main conclusions that we can draw today from research on ethnogenomics is that, with all the diversity of humanity, there is no reason to talk about genetically more or less developed peoples. All living generations are champions of life, because their ancestors managed to survive the harsh vagaries of nature, epidemics, long migrations and give a future to their offspring. And genetic diversity is just a memory of exactly what biological mechanisms different parts of humanity managed to adapt, survive and win.

Independent work No. 2

Modern science of raceogenesis.

  1. What is the essence of racial differences?
Differences between male and female figures

Male and female bodies are similar in many ways. They have two arms, two legs, etc. The main differences are observed in proportions and mass. In addition, there are slight differences in the structure of the skeleton, for example in the pelvic region. They were discussed in the first chapter. As a rule, all body measurements of a woman, with the exception of the width of her hips, are smaller than those of a man. A woman has a thicker layer of fat covering the surface of the skeleton. As a result, her body is less angular and more rounded, as shown in Fig. 2.8.

A woman's head is also smoother and rounder. The eyebrows on a woman's face protrude less and there is no sharp bony protrusion above the nose. In general, women's facial features are usually smaller than men's, although women's lips are often fuller. Looking at Fig. 2.9, you can compare the faces of a man and a woman.

A woman's neck and shoulders look thinner and more graceful. This is especially true in the size and shape of the shoulders. In women, they are smaller, and her collarbones tend to slope more downward towards the sternum. As a result, women's shoulders appear more rounded. A man's collarbones are located closer to the horizontal, and his shoulders are wider. As a result, as can be seen from Fig. 2.10, the male body looks more angular.

Racial differences in appearance

All humanity traces its origins to three groups or races, each of which had its own characteristic facial features, skin color and region of residence. As the world evolved and developed, the races mixed, so that today it has become incredibly difficult to find a person who does not contain a mixture of genetic types. For this reason, it is almost impossible to accurately determine the genetic makeup of a particular person. All we can do now is to establish the correspondence of certain characteristics with various racial types.

A world of 3D models consisting only of characters of the same pink color would be boring and unnatural. If you want to create an interesting and natural 3D CG world, you will have to take race into account when designing your characters. For example, a team of baseball players, all of whose members have a native appearance, is unlikely to fit well with the reality of the world around us.

Let's consider the appearance features of only four races: Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Negroid and Australoid, although in fact there are many different subtypes. To achieve our goals, we will focus on those features that provide a visual clue to determining race. This includes hair type, skin color, head shape, face silhouette, as well as elements such as eyes, nose and lips.


Caucasians are usually characterized as having white or light skin color. The color of the eyes and hair of Europeans can be completely different. Their hair is usually wavy, but can be anything from completely straight to very curly.

When viewed in profile, you will notice that the head of a typical European is of average size, and the chin usually protrudes forward less than the nose. A European's nose is high and his lips are relatively thin. When talking about race, we must keep in mind that plastic surgery and special injections can make all our reasoning wrong!


The Mongoloid face is usually known for its special eye shape. Mongoloid eyes may or may not have slanting, characterized by the eyes tilting down toward the center of the face, depending on the racial subgroup of the individual subject. When the eyes are open, the upper eyelids almost disappear due to the presence of a fold of skin that extends slightly beyond the lower edge of the eye in the area of ​​the tear duct, and can sometimes overlap the lower edge on the outside of the eyes.

Another characteristic feature of Mongoloid eyes is the flattened area of ​​their orbits. Since the bridge of the nose in Mongoloids is low and the eyes are bulging, the depth of the eyes on the face is insignificant. It is important to note that their eyebrows usually point slightly upward towards the outer edges of the face and may end abruptly at the ends.

The skin of Mongoloids is usually yellow or brown, and the eye color is brown in most cases. Mongoloids have black and straight hair.
The typical chin of a Mongoloid face protrudes forward a little further than the nose, but not as much as on a Negroid face. The nose is low, but not flat, and the lips are of medium thickness.

People of the Negroid race are usually called blacks, meaning people with skin color ranging from brown to dark brown. Their hair tends to be thicker than that of Europeans and is usually very curly. Africans have predominantly dark brown or black eyes and hair.

If you look from the side, it is noticeable that the chin of Negroids protrudes forward further than the nose, and their nose is flattened. The lips are usually relatively thick. When modeling a Negroid character, remember that it is his facial features that will determine the correct appearance and will not allow you to say that he is simply a European with black skin.


The Australoid's face has the same characteristic feature profile, like the face of a Negroid: in Australoids, the chin, as a rule, is pushed forward further than the nose. However, the Australoid's face has a more sloping forehead and a less prominent chin. The brow ridges are prominent, the nose is large and wide, and the lips are of medium thickness.

Australoids have dark brown skin and eyes and black hair that can be straight or curly.

So we've looked at some of the most General characteristics appearance of people of different ages, gender and race. This, of course, is not enough to build a three-dimensional model of any type of character, but it is quite enough to get started. The only constructive path to learning how to create truly believable 3D character models is through careful preparation and creative exploration.

Distortions of proportions

Now that you know enough about the proportions of a typical person's body to ensure that the model you design will not "harm" the eye, it's time to think about varying the proportions in order to achieve special effects. For example, if you want to model a magician, it may be necessary to elongate his figure to show superiority over others, and also increase the size of his head to emphasize wisdom.

Sometimes you don’t need to come up with special fantastic effects to achieve results. For example, if your job involves modeling a character with supermodel looks, simply exaggerating some dimensions can be very helpful. Lengthen the body and its shape will become more elegant. If the height of a typical body is about eight head sizes, then the height of an elegant model can be increased to fifteen head sizes, depending on the effect desired.

Researchers of Michelangelo's work have found that he gave his sculptures unusual proportions, making their height equal to nine, ten, and sometimes even twelve sizes of the head in order to achieve harmony and grace, absent in nature. It is Michelangelo who is credited with saying that you need to have a guiding compass in your eyes, not in your hands.

In contrast to Michelangelo, some of Raphael's figures are only six times the height of a head. If beauty is a subjective concept, dependent on how the viewer views the creation, then you, as the creator of your own three-dimensional characters, must be able to realize the type of “beauty” that is required. Having mastered the basics of anatomy and proportions, you should use your own artistic abilities to give the characters the desired appearance. Rice. Figure 2.14 illustrates an example of exaggeration of the proportions of the human body.

  1. Explanation of racial differences by official science, religion and ideologists of racism.
Fascism is a political movement that expresses the interests of the most reactionary and aggressive circles. The main features of fascism are extreme nationalism, racism, political demagoguery, and aggressive policies. The founder of fascism was Benito Mussolini. In the 30s. 20th century fascism in Western Europe turned into political system, which does not allow the existence of opposition parties and seeks to completely control the life of every person. Nazism is a type of fascism.
Racism, the official ideology of fascism, implies the idea of ​​the physical and psychological inequality of human races, the decisive influence of racial differences on the history and culture of society, the primordial division of people into higher and lower races, of which the former are supposedly the only creators of civilization, and the latter are incapable of creating and even assimilating high culture and are doomed to be exploited by higher races.

  1. How are sociogenesis and raceogenesis interconnected?
Science of human origin and evolution, education human races and about the normal variations in the physical structure of man is called anthropology. Anthropology as an independent science was formed in the middle of the 19th century. The main branches of anthropology: human morphology, the study of anthropogenesis, racial studies. The process of historical and evolutionary formation physical type man, his initial development labor activity, speech, as well as society is called anthropogenesis or anthroposociogenesis. Problems of anthropogenesis began to be studied in the 18th century. Until this time, the prevailing idea was that man and peoples have always been and are as the creator created them. However, gradually the idea of ​​development, evolution, including in relation to man and society, was established in science, culture, and public consciousness. In the middle of the 18th century, C. Linnaeus laid the foundation for the scientific idea of ​​​​the origin of man. In his “System of Nature” (1735), he classified man among the animal world, placing him in his classification next to the great apes. The Dutch anatomist P. Ampere showed a deep similarity in the structure of the main organs of humans and animals. In the 18th - first half of the 19th centuries, archaeologists, paleontologists, and ethnographers accumulated a large amount of empirical material, which formed the basis for the doctrine of anthropogenesis. The research of the French archaeologist Boucher de Pert played a major role. In the 40-50s. In the 19th century, he searched for stone tools and proved that they were used by primitive man, who lived at the same time as the mammoth, etc. These discoveries refuted biblical chronology and met with violent resistance. Only in the 60s. In the 19th century, the ideas of Boucher de Pert were recognized in science. However, even Lamarck did not dare to bring the idea of ​​the evolution of animals and humans to its logical conclusion and deny the role of God in the origin. Darwin's ideas played a revolutionary role in the doctrine of anthropogenesis.

In modern science there are many answers to the question of what a person is and what his essence is. Researchers have identified various natural, biological, psychological, social, and spiritual characteristics. First, let's try to answer the question about the origin of man. The separation of man from the animal world is as great a leap as the emergence of living things from non-living things. The prehistory of humanity remains a mystery to this day. The transformation of animals into people could not be an instantaneous event; a long period of human formation (anthropogenesis) and the formation of society (sociogenesis) inevitably had to go through. These are two inextricably linked sides of a single process - anthroposociogenesis.

An important role in the process of anthropogenesis was played by conscious, purposeful labor activity, which led to the improvement of the brain, the development of limbs, and the formation of consciousness. The role of labor as the main factor in anthropogenesis was different at different stages of its development, since in the earlier stage of primitive society (herd), progress in social organization largely depended on human biological changes; In general, the process of anthropogenesis was accompanied by a gradual narrowing of the scope of natural selection towards the emergence of social patterns and the creation of a socio-cultural environment. Labor is instrumental activity. In animals, the tools of labor are directly objects of nature. Thus, chimpanzees use sticks, and in advance, to obtain their delicacies - termites and ants. Monkeys can also make simple tools. A chimpanzee, for example, can sharpen a stick, but only with its teeth, unlike a person who uses one or another cutting tool for this. In short, animals can do a lot. But what is missing in the animal world and what is the unique property of man is manufacturing, the production of some tools with the help of other tools, and not just the use of tools and their production.

The role of labor in anthropogenesis is great, so it is possible, without deviating from the truth and repeating the words of F. Engels, to say: labor created man himself. (see "The role of labor in the process of transformation of ape into man")

In parallel with various attempts to assess the activities of mankind on a planetary scale, after the appearance of Charles Darwin’s book “The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection,” the comparative anatomical problem of the place of man and his ancestors in the animal world as a whole and within the order of primates was being developed. In this case, we are not talking about the labor activity of human ancestors and the collective of ancient and modern people, but only about the structure of the body and its functions. This approach is much narrower than the previous one, based on taking into account people’s activities. Each of the approaches has every right to exist, since they serve their very specific goals and reflect two sides of the essence of man, inextricably linked in some of their manifestations in the early stages of the development of man and society, but at the same time acting independently - its biological nature, the heritage of its ancestors transformed in the process of anthropogenesis, and its social nature, a new acquisition in the course of anthropogenesis.

Independent work No. 4

Comparative characteristics

Ancient India

Ancient China

Ancient Egypt



Forms of government

India had the following features:

1. The caste structure of society.

2. The presence in the state system of noticeable traces of military democracy and republican forms of government.

Ancient China immediately had a communist form of government. However, as now.

The huge territory and increased responsibilities required a complex and well-organized bureaucracy, because The pharaoh could not cope with such a huge territory. In the new kingdom, the number of officials increased, whose functions were regulated in detail by the instructions of the pharaoh.

The monarchical form of city government was replaced by a centralized or bureaucratic state. The ruler of the city was also the high priest.


Vedic religion - religious a system that precedes Brahmanism and is in fact the first stage in the formation of Hinduism. A characteristic feature of Vedism is the deification of the forces of nature. Often in mythological images, as well as henotheism. Ritualism was well developed, and there were various types of priests.

The religion of Ancient China was very unique. If religion ancient egypt and Ancient Greece were completely logical myths, the Chinese actually did not have their own mythology (historical legends about wise rulers took its place)

Before the Arab invasion in 641, Egypt was a Christian country, but within 500 years most Egyptians had converted to the Muslim faith.

The religion of ancient Mesopotamia was originally a series of separate cults, because Each locality had its own gods - patrons of their own religious traditions.
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