Regional Internet diary. Regional online diary Electronic diary 76 login to your personal account

Electronic diary 76 Yaroslavl is a Regional Internet Diary that allows you to receive information about student progress in real time.

The student’s electronic diary sets itself such tasks as accelerating the exchange of information between all participants in the educational process, as well as increasing the convenience of access to this information.

In general, such a diary is aimed at transferring most of the information relating to the educational process into electronic form, which entails the possibility of quick and convenient access to such information for all participants in the educational process: teachers, students and parents. Moreover, this access can be carried out both from stationary and mobile devices.

Electronic diary 76 Yaroslavl is a system that is equally useful both for the students themselves and their parents, and for representatives of educational institutions: teachers and school administrations.

For the students themselves, such a diary as a whole can resemble its usual paper counterpart. However, unlike a paper document, an electronic diary allows students to correspond with each other. Homework is completed not by the student himself, but by the teacher, who posts the relevant information in all electronic diaries at once. The teacher can also upload files that students can access.

In such a diary, it is not necessary for the student to fill out lesson schedules. This procedure is also carried out by the teacher and is immediately available to all students. Schoolchildren themselves can upload completed homework assignments to in electronic format. The only condition for access to such a diary is the presence of a device with Internet access.

For parents, the electronic diary 76 Yaroslavl will become a source of information about the grades received by their child, homework, overall performance statistics, class schedules, comments about the behavior and progress of the student, as well as other information regarding classroom and school life.

It is important that thanks to this system, parents will be able to contact school representatives (both teachers and the director) to discuss issues related to educational process their children. Also, the undoubted advantage of such a diary is the speed of obtaining all the necessary information, since access to the diary is open at any convenient time.

As for working with the electronic diary of teachers, it has also become more convenient. First of all, this became feasible due to the ability to make work easier and also speed it up. It has also become easier to convey information about each student to his parents. It is teachers who update information about homework, send comments, view performance statistics by class, set a schedule, assign grades to students, and send messages to classes.

The diary 76 Yaroslavl will also be useful for school principals, since it is part of the electronic services within government programs. In addition, it is the director who connects his educational institution to the appropriate system by filling out the appropriate application, in which it is necessary to indicate the code educational organization and its name, locality, landline telephone number, last name, first name and patronymic of the responsible person and email address, enter the text of the message and send the application.

If you have any questions regarding connecting the school to the system, you can contact specialists at the telephone numbers or email address provided on the Regional Internet Diary website.

To discuss issues related to the work of the electronic diary, you can also visit the forum, where you can join existing topics or create your own.

In order to log into the electronic diary 76 Yaroslavl, you will need to enter the login and password previously obtained from the appropriate educational institution. In addition, to receive, and if necessary, recover your password, you will be able to submit an application in electronic form through the Unified Portal of State Services. To do this, you will also need to request the service “Obtaining information about the student’s current progress.”

Every parent is very busy these days. From morning to evening work, family problems or just everyday troubles. And if we add responsibility for the growing child to this set, then to the above responsibilities we can safely add going to parent-teacher meetings, monitoring the child’s progress, checking homework, communicating with the class teacher and much more. How to combine daily work and mental stress without wasting extra time? For this purpose, the Regional Internet Diary (RID) was created!

"RID" provides you with information in five areas: grades, homework, progress statistics, schedule, comments, school information.

Our online diary has a built-in messaging system in which you can always talk to both the teacher and the director, receiving the information you need.

Now you will be able to see your child’s grades and other indicators at any time convenient for you and can influence your child’s education in time to achieve an excellent result!

The information that is posted in our online diary is in many ways similar to that provided on parent meetings. At the same time, you will be able to plan your own time more effectively.

Electronic diary 76 Yaroslavl - Regional Internet Diary, reflecting student progress online.

The electronic diary is equally useful not only for the students themselves and their parents, but also for teachers, as it contains the information necessary to get an idea of ​​the progress of a particular student in particular and the effectiveness of the educational process in general. An electronic diary is a system through which such information is available in electronic form via the Internet.

The goals that the electronic diary 76 Yaroslavl sets for itself are to accelerate the exchange of information related to the educational process, as well as improve ways to access such information.

An important advantage of the Regional Internet Diary is that it can replace paper media such as a diary and magazine.

You can find out exactly how the electronic diary 76 Yaroslavl is useful for each group of participants in the educational process in the main menu of the site. Thus, information is collected here for teachers and directors of educational institutions, as well as students and their parents.

Main menu

For teachers, an electronic diary is an opportunity to update homework daily, send comments regarding student behavior and their progress, view progress statistics, assign grades, indicate a schedule, and more. All this significantly speeds up work with information, and also allows you to more effectively establish feedback with students. Conveniently, you don’t have to be at your workplace to fill out all the necessary information in such a diary. In the absence of such an opportunity, you can work with an electronic diary from any device with Internet access.

Tab "For Teachers"

As for school principals, for them the electronic diary 76 Yaroslavl will be a fast and convenient way to provide electronic services within the framework of government programs. It is the director educational institution decides to connect his school to the Regional Internet Diary with subsequent access to all other user groups.

Tab "For Directors"

In order to connect your educational institution for the project, you must fill out an application indicating the locality, name and code of the organization, contact information. After this, the submitted application should be confirmed by the phone number indicated on the website.

Application for connection

For students, such a diary can replace a paper diary, as it is almost its complete analogue with some advantages. So, an electronic diary does not require recording homework by the student himself, as the teacher will do it for the whole class. In addition, the teacher will be able to download the files students need. The same applies to the class schedule, which is also indicated by the teacher. For students, the electronic diary 76 Yaroslavl allows you to download completed homework, exchange messages with students from other schools, and also use the diary at any convenient time and in any convenient place if you have access to the Internet.

Tab "For Students"

Thanks to the electronic diary, parents will have access to five points regarding their child’s academic performance. These are children's grades, schedules and homework, as well as comments left by teachers and performance statistics. It is noteworthy that all this information is very prompt, which will allow parents to respond to a particular situation in a timely manner. In addition, parents have access to general information about the school where their child is studying. Parents can also communicate directly with teachers or the school principal without visiting the school, which is possible thanks to the built-in messaging system.

Tab "Parents"

In order to keep track of information regarding any changes in the electronic diary, you should go to the news section, where the materials are arranged in chronological order, which makes it easy to stay up to date with all the necessary information.


To discuss issues related to the work of the project, you can also contact the Forum, where you can join previously open topics or create your own.

IN modern education Many positive changes are taking place and progressive development is being observed. And implementation electronic forms– a huge advantage. Now all over the country educational institutions Detailed reporting is carried out with all useful information posted on official websites. Thus, the full version of the electronic diary 76 in Yaroslavl will allow parents to constantly monitor the educational process and know all the important details of their children’s education.

Nowadays, it’s enough to log into your personal account to find out how a student is studying, how his days are going, and what he’s doing. More and more schools and gymnasiums are joining this promising program.

High school students and parents can work with the electronic diary 76 in Yaroslavl. There is a wide range of useful information here.

  • First of all, ratings deserve attention. Information about final, certification grades, for a quarter, for a year is available. It is also important to know all intermediate estimates. Typically, information becomes fully available at the end of the week. That is, on Friday you can already find out all the grades for the current week.
  • The information is optimized, but you can also see the teacher’s commentary on the assessment. It is important for parents to know this information to help their children learn. For example, some comments should be worked out in detail at home, worked with the child and checked. Sometimes, based on comments, especially systematic ones, one can judge the student’s preparation as a whole. And more and more often, parents are convinced that students who are not doing well academically can no longer do without the help of a tutor. This is especially common in high school, when preparation is already focused on entering universities.
  • Behavior is considered separately. There is a special section that reflects complete information about student behavior during lessons, as well as between classes. Now teachers have begun to pay more and more attention to psychological and emotional state children, their formation, characters, manner of behavior. It is very important to take care of the proper development and social adaptation of students. Of course, the stages of adolescence, as well as high school, become critical here. Information about behavior must be taken into account by parents when raising children at home.
  • The current lesson schedule is posted. For parents who pay a lot of attention to the education and upbringing of children, such information is very important. They know exactly when and for what subjects they need to prepare students, and what tasks they need to test on.
  • There is information here about all planned events, class and school-wide. Of course, social and sports, creative and intellectual activities also play a significant role in the comprehensive development of schoolchildren. It’s great when parents also take a direct part in preparing their children for such competitions and performances. And a schedule will help them get everything done in advance.
  • Attendance data is also available in the student’s personal electronic diary. The student will not be able to miss even one lesson without the knowledge of his parents: they will be able to find out about this on the website.
  • Useful information about all homework assignments. Some parents are ready to devote maximum time to their children's education. And they even help them do their homework and check them. Such information will be indispensable and will make home preparation more effective.

The modern electronic diary Region 76 will become a very useful tool for monitoring the educational process. There is also an electronic version of the magazine, but teachers already have access to it.

The student’s behavior is also reviewed in his electronic diary. Now teachers are trying to pay attention not only directly educational process, but also raising children. The emotional mood and psychological state of the child are of great importance, especially in adolescence. Data on behavior with comments from teachers will also help parents.

Login to the student’s personal account

On the official website you can log in to the electronic diary 76 in Yaroslavl. To do this, you need to use your username and password. They are issued to all parents of students, or to persons responsible for raising children (for example, guardians). Login information can be obtained from the class teacher.

In some educational institutions, a special employee is responsible for electronic reporting. Then it will be he who will issue logins and passwords to parents. It is very important that the availability of information is still limited. Not everyone can find out information about the progress of training, but only the parents of students, as well as direct participants in the educational process.

Through the government services website, you can also log in to the education portal, get into your personal account and view the student’s electronic diary. Everything is being done to optimize education and increase the involvement of parents in the education and upbringing of children.

Full version

IN full version The e-education portal has a lot of useful information. A portfolio, information about upcoming and past competitions and events are presented. Here you can also learn about numerous electives: educational, creative and sports.

Useful additional service– information via SMS, as well as by sending messages to parents’ emails. You can subscribe to the newsletter in your personal account. An electronic diary in Yaroslavl is available to all parents whose children study in educational institutions that are already included in the electronic education program.

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