Rgg who will head distance learning. Distance learning at RSU. help to students. Help for RSU students

In the spring-summer of 2016, I thought that the 2 higher educations I have do not give me the opportunity to receive either moral or material satisfaction from work, because... are not particularly valued (I am a philologist-translator and a specialist in foreign literature). Therefore, I still need to learn something. Since I am 100% a humanist, such specialties as C++, CSS and other C programmer, chemist are closed to me, but a good HR specialist has never hurt anyone.

After the choice regarding the specialty was made, the agony of searching began good university offering the program distance education. Based on reviews, I settled on RSUH (Russian State Humanitarian University). Fortunately, it has a long history - it has existed since 1908! - the teachers are venerable and have a good reputation. And, importantly, the price is reasonable.

But almost immediately difficulties began. Firstly, distance education at the Russian State University for the Humanities does not imply a division into 1st higher and 2nd higher education; it is a priori considered 1st. And you need to pass entrance exams if not Unified State Exam results. But I don’t have them, because... I graduated from school in 2001, when there was no such scary abbreviation. And one more thing: since this is the 1st HE, you are guaranteed to study a bunch of general education subjects. It’s good that several subjects were transferred to me from previous diplomas.

Well, okay, passing the exams is not a difficult task, however, the core subject was MATHEMATICS! But I passed it, having studied the entire school course algebra and geometry (at age 32).

Further - more interesting. After the publication of the enrollment order, the student must pay for the 1st semester of study by providing a scanned copy of the payment document by email. Only after this will access to your personal account on the DO portal and to the library be provided. I sent the payment on September 9. Access to personal account after numerous calls, it was provided on October 10, a month later. I had to fight for the library for another 2 weeks, because... The sent password did not work.

On November 2, I suddenly received a message that I was in arrears. To say that my eyes cost 5 rubles is an understatement. I sent confirmation of the transfer on September 9! Okay, a few more letters and calls, and information appeared in the system that I had paid for 1 semester.

We go to your personal account.

This is what the section of disciplines that need to be mastered this semester looks like. Click on a discipline and a list of topics to study opens. There are links to the list teaching aids, some can be downloaded directly from here. Everything seems to be fine. BUT! I logged into my personal account on October 12 to start preparing. Half of the items were inactive: i.e. you go inside the course, and it’s EMPTY. And for some, the topics were changed within a month. Not radically, but still strange that the certification has begun, and the topics are changed.

Yes, it must be said that certification takes place in 2 stages: intermediate and final. This is a test in which an hour of time is given for a certain number of questions (from 30 to 50). Thus, without passing the intermediate test, you will not pass the final test. Deadlines for each type of certification are established. For some subjects you need to complete tests, which are loaded here in your personal account.

The next strange thing after the problems with the courses is communication with teachers.

This is only possible through the forum

That is, you create new topic in each course, you either join an existing one, ask questions, and in theory, fellow students and the teacher answer here. Fellow students answer yes, but the teacher says no. There is another option to write him a message, but if there is no teacher in the general list of those connected to a given course, then there is no one to send the message to. And even if you find it and write a question, receiving an answer is still not guaranteed. Alternatively, call the teacher. But this is only if you find his phone number on the Internet.

And now, hurray, comrades! You passed the exam, rested, paid for the next semester on time (by February 28), sent confirmation to the accounting department, go to your personal account on the " tab Curricula"and you see that the next certification is from March 15.

Great, today, February 21, February 20, payment was made, which means that the 2nd semester courses are already available, it’s time to study.

But no. First you come across a message that you are in debt. How again??????? Again letters to the accounting department, the course curator with the questions “How?”, “Why?”. And the answer:

"The portal is undergoing a reboot. Therefore, something disappears, and something suddenly appears. All this is a consequence of the reorganization of the University, which began last year. We are all very concerned about this and can only hope that the portal will work in full . "

Sorry, but what do I have to do with this? And the rest of the distance learning students?

Okay, let's wait.

A week passes, the situation is the same. Another week passes - no change.

On March 7, I started calling the curator. There is no answer. On March 10, the call continues. The curator of other disciplines responds that yes, the problem exists, they are trying to solve it, but so far they have not succeeded. I ask when to call back. They ask you to contact the manager. After 3.5 hours of continuous calls, the phone is finally picked up. I get the answer that this problem concerns only translation freshmen , they are trying to solve it and, perhaps, will solve it this week.

And so, today, March 15, I look and see that things are still there. A intermediate certification has already begun. And it will end on April 17. Will I, a working person, be able to meet the deadlines? During the session of the 1st semester, access to the topics of one of the subjects was opened a week before the end of the final certification......

And you definitely need to tell us about the library.

She might not be bad. But most of the textbooks and teaching aids recommended by teachers in the list educational literature You will not find it in the library to which access is provided. You will not find these manuals and textbooks freely available anywhere. Only in the offline library. Since these are the works of teachers of the Russian State University for the Humanities, they were published by the Russian State University for the Humanities, and they are located in the physical library of the Russian State University for the Humanities. Alas.....

In general, I’m thinking with horror about what I’ll do when I take narrow-profile subjects and the time comes to write term papers and dissertations.

So, friends, the university may be prestigious, but Distance Education, its technical support, no way in hell. Look for other options if you need to get 2nd higher education: evening courses, 3/6 month courses, if there are any in your city. Well, or another university.

All I have to do is crawl through thorns to the stars

Frankly speaking, I expected more. Okay, I didn’t expect any attention, but I expected to get at least some training. In fact, the process can be described as paid self-education. In which the participation of the university is reduced to an exclusively controlling function.

I already have experience in full-time and part-time studies. Full-time education, in theory, should be the most productive in terms of the volume of knowledge and quality of education. "It must be" because full-time training falls at an age when people, as a rule, still do not fully realize the value of education and study for the sake of grades, not knowledge. And besides, they do not have the opportunity to apply this knowledge in practice. As a result, very little is stored in the head. The final quality of cognitive baggage depends mainly on teachers and their ability to captivate the subject. Which, let's be honest, doesn't happen often.

Correspondence education is considered worse. Because what can you learn in two months of sessions a year? And no one studies between sessions. That's it. At least my classmates and I did. We didn't study between sessions. We worked. This means that at least part of the knowledge has already been used. And some were understood better because they were related areas. And the motivation is higher - it is more clear why to study, what is important, what can be neglected. This understanding was not always true, however. Especially the “can be neglected” part. But experience has already shown this in the future. But in general, I would not say that the “face-to-face” education mode left more knowledge in my head. The month before the session and the month of the correspondence session were very intense in terms of learning, despite alcohol abuse and adventure. This was partly facilitated by the “group mind” - almost throughout the entire training we gathered in the same group of 5 people (plus a similar stable group of girls) and not a single subject could resist our joint efforts - each of us was stronger in some way region and helped others.

I was thinking about taking part-time courses as a second degree, but, firstly, modern technologies, the Internet, rich experience of webinars, video courses and online training have led us to believe that distance learning is quite sufficient. Secondly, the employer may perceive two months of absence from work with skepticism. Thirdly, the price of the issue - remote is much cheaper. I chose Russian State University for the Humanities because the university itself is prestigious and serious, and in addition, the psychology department is represented by the Vygotsky Institute, for which I have insurmountable respect after reading a couple of his works.

Here it’s also worth answering the question that you often hear - why do I need a second degree at all? The fact is that during the hobby personal growth in matters of increasing personal productivity, developing the necessary skills and habits, in the manner typical of techies, he began to be interested not only in the question “how to do it?” but also “how does it work?” What is laziness, how does memory work, where does motivation come from, etc. Books and articles in the genre of popular science and applied psychology, as well as business literature, reveals these issues very superficially and not always correctly. I became interested in academic psychology and was fully faced with the problem that psychology as a science is poorly structured, standardized, and its status as a science is still in question. This is understandable, because here the subject of science (researcher) is its object, which imposes certain difficulties, but it is difficult to even understand where to start. And it’s completely unclear where to continue. A bunch of schools, directions and branches, views and approaches, theories and methodologies that contradict and complement each other at the same time. The particle-wave theory of light is resting. In general, what I expected from a university, first of all, was the structure and consistency of studying the subject.

The second point is the transition to the status of a father (the birth of one son, then a second). Reading books on education plus an engineering approach - interest in “how it works”, plus awareness of the need to understand new trends in the field of education, in general, a bonus to the previous argument. With a slight focus on pedagogy.

Well, the third is the sudden need to teach and share knowledge and experience. Information Technology, worldly wisdom and, in the future, aikido. Which again requires understanding the motives of people's behavior.

In short, when I came across the option of a psychological and pedagogical direction of the second higher education, I did not even doubt it.

And so, distance learning. I assume that this format is considered very ineffective. And here I am inclined to agree now. Because you can get to a diploma without studying anything at all. Because all tests are taken in the form of tests (exams) and tests (tests). Tests can be googled right as they are being taken, and tests can be ordered; fortunately, graduate students of the university itself, having access to the contact information of “distant students,” send appropriate proposals by email.

But the motivation for knowledge is now the highest. And the chances of getting them, as it turned out, are the lowest.

From the introductory course:

« Distance learning “is training using Internet technologies, video conferencing technologies, webinars and other modern means of interactive communication.”

Sounds interesting. Especially after using such resources as coursera or universarium. Adapted video lectures, video conferences with teachers, group discussions and any other interactive activities are expected. Well, okay, I admit, these are too idealistic fantasies, but at least I was waiting for links to manuals and video recordings of lectures. It just turned out that the main tool that can be attributed to Internet technologies in this type of training at the moment is the ability to download a docx file from test work to the site's web form. And take a test instead of an exam.

I remember a certain amount of anticipation when I finally gained access to the courses and began exploring the resources, materials, and tools available. It turned out that all that was available to me for each course was a list of topics and a list of references. Moreover, for some subjects, even these lists are formed “on the fly.” For example, a couple of positions in the main literature section and half a dozen in additional literature. Moreover, none of the listed sources contains information on the topic of the selected test.

"For students studying by correspondence using remote educational technologies, it must be remembered that this type of training requires self-organization and discipline. You yourself choose the pace of learning, choose the forms of communication with teachers and, of course, success in learning here primarily depends only on you.»

The last statement is 100% true. Indeed, the success of your training depends only on you. Because there is no way to even identify students in your group - all student profiles are closed by default, there is an opportunity to open them for your group, but I didn’t find a single one that was open. All that is available for interaction is a general forum, not divided into categories and sections. 90% of it consists of topics with succinct headings “For Methodologists”, “Help” and “Give access to courses for retaking” (this begs the question of why there is no mechanism for sending such requests directly to Methodists). You can try to create a topic for gathering classmates, but, as I understand it, not all students go to the forum, because 90% of it consists of... well, in general, there is nothing to read there. And the topic very quickly goes down the drain due to the flow of similar requests for access to courses.

As for communication with teachers. Theoretically it is possible. About " choose forms of communication with teachers"—you can choose to write a letter (if you have specified an email address in your profile) or write an internal message. And hope that “244 days” in the “last entry” column means that there was simply no need, and you will receive a response in a timely manner.

So, how did the first session go? .

« You choose your own pace of learning“—certainly overly optimistic. If you work and cannot devote the whole day to study, then the certification period comes quickly and inevitably, and flies by even faster.

  • I received access to the courses in mid-October.
  • From November 10 to December 20 (40 days) - intermediate certification. 3 tests, 4 controls. That is, less than a month to prepare.
  • From January 10 to February 10 (30 days) - final certification. 3 tests, 7 controls.

The test is a mini-essay of 12-18 pages (including title, contents and bibliography).

Even if the list of literature on a subject does not exceed 5 positions, reading and comprehending 5 books in a few days (on one subject. 10 subjects. Total - 50 books) is completely unrealistic. For a number of literature items, much more is indicated. The situation is complicated by the fact that sometimes you can’t find anything on the list even for money (in stores and services like Google Play books). Present electronic library university, but not everything is there either (almost nothing, in fact), and from what is there, nothing can be downloaded. But reading online is not always acceptable (and using the service from mobile devices is extremely inconvenient).

I fully felt the value of the lectures. But out of 10 subjects of the first session, lecture notes were recorded for two. On the history of world civilizations and general psychology. There are only three lectures on history - more like writing tests.

At best, I managed to read one book each (selected by eye from the list or simply found) on a separate subject. History of ancient civilizations (three volumes that very superficially covered the period BC), didactics, basics of general psychology and anatomy. In the rest, I analyzed only the topic that I chose for the test.

At the same time, during the preparation for the final certification, I almost gave up on work, fortunately it was calm there in January. That is, he didn’t chill.

Control is carried out with the inevitability and irreversibility of the mechanism. There is little opportunity to come to an agreement and influence the teacher - most of the tests are checked after the deadline, when nothing can be changed or corrected. Out of all 11 papers, I received only 3 grades almost immediately after submission. From two responsive teachers. In most cases, there are not even any comments, which is why the rating is reduced. In the case of testing, the results are generally analyzed by a soulless machine. Although there is an opportunity to retake them. 2 or 3 attempts. But with a mandatory gap between them, so you can’t delay with the first one.

There seem to be no tails left. At least I passed everything, although the results have not yet been received in all disciplines and the record book is empty. They promise to finish it by the end of February. And March 10 is a new session.

The final feeling is that studying remotely is even more difficult than studying in absentia. If you study. If you don’t study (order work), it’s easier. But then why?

I believe that the format of distance education is simply not developed enough yet, and it is undergoing evolution and debugging. They say it was even worse in past years. It's scary to imagine.

Today, distance learning is very popular among students in Russia and the CIS. Many modern students choose this particular form of education due to various circumstances. First of all, distance learning allows you to simultaneously study and work, gain experience in future profession, and also build your personal life without problems. Secondly, you can choose a university anywhere in the world, not limited by your geographical location. This aspect is especially important for Russian-speaking students, from different countries former USSR. However, soon after the start of training, all students, regardless of their level of education, are unable to successfully pass the exams, since this form of training places too many demands on students. Remote assistance to students, today main direction our work.

Why should you contact us?

There are a huge number of reasons why you should contact us. First of all, our company is one of the few currently offering qualified assistance. Secondly, only professionals work with us top level. And finally, thirdly, we guarantee one hundred percent results. We have been working in this niche for eight years. Among our specialists: professors, candidates of science and graduate students who can effortlessly complete any task, even the most difficult task, including drawings. In addition, for students who want to quickly and easily complete assignments for the entire semester, we have developed a service - a turnkey session.

Help for RSUH students

Many students, regardless of age, social and financial status, choose distance learning, as it allows them to combine study with work and not waste such precious time. Among our clients are more than thirty students of the Russian State University for the Humanities. Due to the many faculties of the university, we have to constantly improve and develop various programs specifically for students of this university. In our database, there is a lot of work that we performed over the years under the ice. By looking into your personal account at a distance learning university, using the -Bakalavr rggu key, you can independently study examples of the work we have done.

Many universities operating via distance learning offer students the same type of assignments. Therefore, we can easily cope with any job. Russian state liberal arts university, one of the first universities with which our team has been collaborating for eight years now. This semester, our project team has completed more than 15 thousand works.

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