RSU is a Russian state humanitarian university. RSU - Russian State Humanitarian University Russian Humanitarian University

Student at this university: RSUH. Institute of Linguistics (IL).

I have only been studying at this university for 1 semester, but I already have a certain idea about it. Overall - great. I don’t regret that I entered here (I had a choice: a budget at the Russian State University for the Humanities or a 75% discount at the Higher School of Economics).
Now, in order, about all the pros and cons.

The admissions office is staffed by students, in different rooms for different majors. There is a sign with the numbers of the required offices both on the website and in the lobby of any building. They fill out quickly, without problems, without unnecessary questions. On the day of submission, I indicated the availability of additional certificates to receive additional points, but did not bring copies of the documents; they called me in the evening and reminded me of this, asking me to bring them.

All information necessary for first-year students is posted on the website at the end of August. A meeting takes place at which the essence of the training is explained. Each direction has its own curator of teachers and a team leader of students (but this does not mean that you can only contact them with questions, absolutely everyone is open: both students and teachers).

I would like to pay special attention to the buildings on the street. Chayanova, 15 and st. Miusskaya, 6. Almost all the buildings are located in one place, which is very convenient. But they definitely require repairs (and not even cosmetic ones). I wouldn’t say that the plaster is falling on my head, but in most classrooms chairs are broken or missing, desks sometimes shake, the toilets often have no paper, soap and paper towels, and they themselves are not in the best condition. But here the complaint is not against IL specifically, but against the Russian State University for the Humanities as a whole. There is a beautiful building on the street. Nikolskaya, 15, there is a faculty of historians and archivists. There is also a printing yard there, the first printing house, founded in 1553 under Ivan the Terrible, and RSUH students can visit such a historical place for free and without queues. There is also a building for computer scientists somewhere in the middle of nowhere (no one knows where it is except themselves).

It is almost impossible to get a hostel in the 1st year - you need to enroll on a budget at a minimum. They give places in the future if a person still needs and/or lives in other hostels (their prices are higher). I haven’t been in the building itself, I can only say that it is located near the Academician Yangel Street metro station.

IL is considered the faculty with the most the best organization, but even there there are jambs. This:
1. Schedule. The schedule is unstable, something changes every two or three weeks, something is removed, something is added, so you need to check it every week. Sometimes the schedule does not correspond to reality, for example, there are two pairs of subject N, of which only one will be taught due to the division into groups (but on the other hand, something is analyzed in more depth, since there are fewer students).
2. The working hours of teachers, departments or the dean’s office may not seem convenient to everyone; sometimes you have to run after them.
However, as I noted above, IL is the most organized place, so I’m even afraid to imagine what’s going on in other faculties.

In the 1st year we were given most of the general education subjects (economics, philosophy, history of Russia and history of the world, etc.), which, on the one hand, is very good, since many specialized subjects will follow. On the other hand, many people cannot stand this boredom and leave without waiting for something interesting. But specialized ones are also present, and are taught in a very high level(this also works in the opposite direction - there are many requirements in the exam for a good grade).

There is no session. That's exactly it. The subject is over - you pass it. Ended in mid-October? It’s not a question - here’s a test, decide, give me a record book. This system has its pros and cons: you can immediately be free from some tests, or you can arrive for classes at 10 a.m. in mid-January, and after that you can also manage to pass the exam.

No and it cannot be.

Separate item for language. They are taught to a very high level. Everyone comes out with knowledge, but for the sake of this knowledge you will have to work very hard, because they ask and demand a lot. The advantage is that the student himself chooses the language he wants to study (from those offered this year), priority goes to high-scoring students. Taught oriental languages, rare European ones - in a word, for every taste.

Lectures and seminars are open, i.e. When studying at IL, you can come and listen to what they teach at another department, if it’s interesting. No one will kick you out, the main thing is to warn the teacher. Most seminars are held in groups, but teachers allow you to go with the one with which you are comfortable.

The competition and passing scores can be viewed on the university website. But I want to explain why it is so big: there are a lot of applications and very few budget places. That's quite a bit. There is practically no competition for the scarf.
Points are a different story altogether. They change in very large leaps (compare: 2014 - 244; 2015 - 262; 2017 - 274 in the second waves). A couple more years, and the IL will also only be accepted for Olympiads.

There are many sections and clubs for every taste - sports, Mind games, KVN, choir (I think there are even two of them), theater group. There are student councils. Many events are organized, all sorts of festivals, competitions, and various public lectures and performances are often held. Anyone will find something to keep themselves busy.

I would also really like to note the warm relationship with the teachers. Almost immediately, upon entering IL, you understand that no one is your enemy here, everyone will help, answer questions, tell you what to do. And I think this is very important and very valuable.

Let me remind you once again that the review is specifically about IL, and I am delighted with it.

Result: IL - 10/10, RSUH (overall) - 7/10.

Information about the university

Russian state Humanities University(RGGU) – Moscow university, organized on the basis of the Moscow Institute of History and Archives at the junction of two eras: Soviet and new Russian. This is a fairly young university with almost a century-old traditions of teaching: the Institute of Archival Studies, which became its historical predecessor, was founded back in 1930. MIAI has been training highly qualified historians and archivists for decades, many of whom have become the pride of Russian science.

University - the first innovative project liberal arts education in Russia: new teaching methods are used here, new approaches to scientific work, information technologies have been widely introduced into the educational process.

The university is a huge educational and scientific complex, including many faculties, departments and research centers. A research university - RSUH - is constantly improving its scientific, educational and methodological base, involving not only teachers and graduate students, but also students in scientific work.

Students are trained in 22 specialties in 12 areas of training, which include: historical and archival studies, oriental studies, international relations, religious studies, cultural studies, history, social anthropology, political science, public relations, document science, museology, art history, management, journalism, world economy, philology, philosophy, intelligent systems, psychology.

Over 10,000 students study at the Russian State Humanitarian University. Another 20,000 students are educated in branches. The teaching staff includes over 600 teachers working on the university staff, as well as approximately 200 part-time teachers. Qualitative characteristics of the teaching staff: over 70 academicians, as well as corresponding members of academies, both domestic and foreign; over 200 doctors of science and professors, more than 500 candidates of science and associate professors. The university covers all levels of education: from pre-university and secondary vocational education, to postgraduate and doctoral studies.

Rector of the university – E.I. The brewer is a famous scientist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor, Doctor of Historical Sciences, a specialist of the highest class in the field of historiography, theory of history, national history XX century.

The university's scientific library is a rich collection of unique funds: over 1 million books, from the latest scientific research to archival data. The excellent library base for teaching is organically complemented by the widespread use of the latest information technologies: there are computer and multi-complex classes with innovative equipment, a media library.

The visiting card of the Russian State University for the Humanities is the Museum Center, which embodies the idea of ​​a museum as educational institution.

The international activities of the university are quite active: about 1000 students and staff take part in international exchange programs every year; the higher education institution is active in international programs and projects in the field of humanities education; conducts international conferences and other events with the participation of representatives of foreign countries. The university fully meets modern requirements put forward to educational standards, and is on the path of integration into the international educational space.

Among Russian universities, in terms of the quality of higher education and the level of science, RSUH occupies a high position in the ranking (third place among humanitarian higher educational institutions in Russia). The university is recognized as a leading Russian science Center in the field of social and humanities. A wide network of university branches covers the whole country, working on the principles of distance learning.

According to student reviews, a comfortable environment has been created in the university dormitories, which ensures a high quality of student life and provides excellent opportunities for self-training. Interesting student life is ensured by a wide range of cultural events, clubs, sections and electives, among which each student can choose the direction that will help him develop as a student. creative personality. The best students receive personal scholarships, which provides an excellent incentive for study, scientific work and social life.

The Russian State University for the Humanities includes ten educational and scientific institutes:

  • economics, management and law;
  • historical and archival;
  • psychology;
  • linguistics;
  • mass media;
  • philology and history;
  • information science and security technology;
  • new educational technologies;
  • oriental cultures and antiquity;
  • Russian anthropological school.

Each applicant has the opportunity to master exactly the area of ​​humanities that will best suit his area of ​​interest.

The university offers all educational levels: bachelor's, master's and specialist degrees. A diploma from the Russian State University for the Humanities provides ample employment opportunities for its graduates, since specialists trained at the university are highly qualified and have excellent quality of practical training.

The Humanitarian College of the Russian State University for the Humanities represents a pre-university level of training, integrated into the general system of higher education. College students have the opportunity to continue further education directly at the university through related programs of higher professional education.

A wide range of forms of education used at the Russian State University for the Humanities allows us to cover various categories of students:

  • Full-time education (for students who can devote themselves entirely to their studies);
  • correspondence courses (for working students);
  • full-time and part-time courses (for busy categories of students);
  • externship;
  • distance learning (for students living in other cities of the Russian Federation);
  • evening course (for working students);
  • additional professional education.

High quality educational services allow students to obtain all the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills, regardless of the chosen form of study. The Russian State University for the Humanities has created unique conditions for training highly qualified specialists in various fields of the humanities who have a comprehensive education and are in demand on the Russian labor market.

At our university, in addition to institutes, faculties, departments, there are international educational and scientific centers, where you can receive, in parallel with your main specialty, an international specialization: at the Russian-American Center for Biblical and Jewish Studies - in the history and culture of the Jewish people, the Yiddish and Hebrew languages, at the Russian-Swedish Center - in the Swedish language, history, culture, literature of Sweden and etc. Along with a diploma of higher education, students of several specialties and areas can receive a certificate of additional professional qualifications, for example, “secretary-assistant”, “computer scientist-programmer”, and if you are fluent in a foreign language and manage to pass the general course exam ahead of schedule foreign language, you will have the opportunity to undergo in-depth language training to obtain a “referent-translator” certificate in your specialty or a full university course in a second foreign language.

The scientific library of the Russian State University for the Humanities has rich collections and an electronic catalogue. In the Media Library, users receive prompt and high-quality access to the university’s information resources and the information service of global networks.

Museum of the Russian State University for the Humanities Much attention is paid to education through art. Therefore, a Museum Center has been created at the Russian State University for the Humanities, and the library, halls and auditoriums are decorated with paintings and sculptures.

The educational and art museum presents casts from the most famous monuments of sculpture and architecture from the Ancient East and antiquity to the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. The museum of unofficial art of the 50-70s of the twentieth century “Other Art” presents the richest collection of L.P. Talochkina. Those of you who are interested in art will be able to attend lectures organized by the Museum Center, participate in exhibition projects, and attend unique master classes by famous artists. For example, it was at our university that Mikhail Shemyakin held his first master class in Russia.

If you have a penchant for research work, then you are given a wide opportunity to engage in issues that interest you in student circles, participate in scientific conferences, round tables, and symposia.

At our university you can get a second higher education. IN High school restoration on on a paid basis As an external student, you can undergo training in the specialty “museology” and master one of the rare specializations in the restoration of museum objects.

Teachers of the Russian State University for the Humanities And finally, about those who will teach you. The university has more than 600 full-time teachers and about 400 part-time teachers. Among them are 70 academicians and corresponding members of Russian (RAN, RANS, RAO), international and foreign academies, 214 doctors of science and 573 candidates of science. These are well-known specialists, young talented scientists, representatives of various scientific schools, directions, authors of unique courses and special courses. Information about them is given in the directory “Who is who at the Russian State University for the Humanities,” from which you can get complete information about the teachers you are interested in and the topics of the lecture courses they give.

The university trains specialists in a wide range of humanities, as well as in the fields of economics, law and computer science.

The university was created on the basis of the Moscow State Historical and Archival Institute on March 27, 1991.
Despite its comparative youth, RSUH rightfully occupies one of the leading places among best universities our country, becoming over the years one of the leading scientific and educational centers in Russia.

RSUH today is:

  • wide range curricula for all levels of education - from school to postgraduate, in almost all areas of humanities.
  • highly qualified teaching staff. Leading scientists and specialists from the Russian Academy of Sciences, famous Moscow universities, other scientific institutions and successful business enterprises teach here. More than 70 academicians and corresponding members of Russian and foreign academies, more than 200 doctors, and more than 500 candidates of science work at RSUH.
  • developed scientific activity- RSUH is recognized as the leading Russian center in Humanities and Social Sciences.
  • active International activity. The university has international educational and research centers and issues double diplomas. There are more than 250 cooperation agreements with leading foreign universities and research institutions. Hundreds of undergraduate and graduate students annually undergo internships at leading European and world universities.
  • busy student life. RSUH provides its students with ample opportunities for self-realization and supports student initiatives. Dozens of circles, sections, clubs for the most demanding tastes.
  • accessibility of education. A network of university branches covering the whole country has been created and is developing here. Distance education methods are widely used.
  • introduction of modern multimedia technologies into the educational process.
  • The scientific library of the Russian State University for the Humanities is one of the leading university libraries in Russia.

One day in the life of a student at the Russian State University for the Humanities.

RSUH is one of prestigious universities countries. It is located in the capital of Russia. About 10 thousand Moscow students receive knowledge within the walls of the educational institution. Approximately 20 thousand people study in branches of the Russian State Humanitarian University located in 52 cities of the country. Reviews about RSUH are positive, because it has everything you need to receive a high-quality higher education.

About the university

The date of creation of the Russian State University for the Humanities is considered to be March 27, 1991. It was on this day that the corresponding resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR was issued. However, the history of a higher education institution begins much earlier. The fact is that the Russian State University for the Humanities was founded on the basis of the Moscow State Historical and Archival Institute, which was created on September 3, 1930 as the Institute of Archival Studies.

Over the years of its existence, the Russian State University for the Humanities has achieved good results. It is among the top ten leading universities in the country. It was possible to achieve success thanks to the teachers. They are the ones who provide high quality educational process. It is also worth noting that the institution has created the best conditions for learning. All classrooms are well equipped.

Structure of the Russian State University for the Humanities

As part of the Russian state university work scientific and educational institutes. Here are some of them and the faculties operating within them:

  • Institute of Management, Economics and Law (faculties of economics and law, faculty of management, department international relations).
  • Historical and Archival Institute, part of the Russian State University for the Humanities (faculties - archival affairs, document science and technotronic archives, history, political science and law, department of international relations and foreign regional studies, department of local history and historical and cultural tourism).
  • Institute of Psychology (Faculty of Psychology, Faculty of Psychological and Pedagogical Education).
  • theoretical and applied linguistics).
  • Institute of Mass Media (Faculty of Journalism).
  • Institute of Philology and History (Department of Translation Studies and Translation Practice, Faculty of History and Philology, Department of Literature, Theater and Cinema).
  • Institute of Information Sciences and Security Technologies (Faculty information systems and safety).
  • Institute of Post-Soviet and Interregional Studies.
  • Institute of Oriental Cultures and Antiquity.

At the Russian State University for the Humanities selection committee also indicates that there are university-wide faculties:

  • art history;
  • philosophical;
  • sociological.

Bachelor's, Master's and Postgraduate studies

RSUH invites graduates of schools and other educational institutions to study in undergraduate programs. Enrollment is carried out by Unified State Exam results or based on the results of entrance exams held within the walls of the Russian State University for the Humanities. Passing scores for different specialties differ and are reviewed every year.

Thanks to the training, students receive general professional training in their chosen field. Upon completion of their bachelor's degree, they are awarded a bachelor's diploma. This document confirms receipt of higher education.

The admissions committee invites bachelor's degree graduates to continue their studies at the master's level. Some students have the opportunity to enroll in budget places. At the Russian State University for the Humanities, passing scores are 30 points for each test. When studying for a master's degree, students do most of the work independently. They do a lot of assignments, take part in research seminars, and work on a dissertation project. After completing a master's degree, students can enter graduate school.

student life

RSUH students have a very busy life. They not only gain knowledge, but also take part in various sports and creative events. The university regularly holds competitions in football, basketball, volleyball, table tennis, and bowling. Swimming, athletics and karate teams are actively developing.

There are several clubs at the Russian State University for the Humanities (Moscow). One of them is the intellectual creativity club. In it, students play various games (“Own game”, “What? Where? When?”) and learn to work in a team. The university also has a guitar club, where everyone is trained in acoustic and electric guitar.

Humanitarian College of the Russian State University for the Humanities

The structural unit of the educational institution is liberal arts college. It has been operating since 2006. To enter college, girls and boys take exams. The best applicants are admitted to the college. Training can last from 2 to 4 years. The duration depends on the chosen specialty. Upon completion of training, graduates receive a diploma with a qualification.

According to reviews, the quality of education is quite high. TO educational process University teachers were involved, most of whom are professors, doctors, and candidates of science. It is also worth noting that college students have access to the library of the Russian State University for the Humanities.

University branches

The admissions committee accepts applications for admission to the Russian State University for the Humanities not only from Moscow applicants. People from other cities also dream of studying at this university. Many of them come to Moscow to get a prestigious higher education. The university provides dormitories for non-resident students.

Some people who want to study at the Russian State University for the Humanities do not have to go to Moscow, because branches of this university are located in many Russian cities:

  • Saint Petersburg.
  • Astrakhan.
  • Velikiy Novgorod.
  • Tolyatti.
  • Krasnoyarsk
  • Volgograd.
  • Elista.
  • Yaroslavl.
  • Kaliningrad and others.
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