Passed the candidate minimum. What are the minimum candidate exams? History and philosophy of science

To pass candidate exams, persons who are not studying at the North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov in postgraduate training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel must be attached to the University as an external student. To do this, it is necessary to submit the following documents to the educational and methodological department of DOKO:

2. Passport (copy, original);

3. Diploma specialist or master's degree(copy, original);

4. Photo 3*4 2 pcs, one photo is attached to the application form, the second - for a temporary pass. University employees must provide 1 photo.

5. Certificate of passing candidate exams, if you have previously passed candidate exams in other organizations, or passed a candidate exam in your specialty.

6. A copy of the certificate of change of surname/name, if necessary

When submitting an application, the applicant is obliged to familiarize himself with the NEFU Charter, the Regulations on the procedure for attaching persons to pass the candidate exam, passing candidate exams and their list.

Attachment of external students is carried out according to the programs of training areas for a period no more than 6 months. Candidate examinations are carried out within the framework of the winter examination session (December), the summer examination session (May) by the examination commission approved by the order of the University, consisting of candidates and doctors of science.

Candidate's exam in the discipline "History and Philosophy of Science". To be admitted to the exam, you must submit an essay on a given topic that is close to the topic of your scientific dissertation.

Candidate's exam in the discipline "Foreign Language". In a foreign language, an interview is scheduled to assess the level of proficiency in a foreign language; if the level of language proficiency allows the applicant to prepare independently, he is assigned as an external student and given an assignment for independent work (translation of a monograph, terminological dictionary); if the level of language proficiency is insufficient, the applicant is recommended to take courses preparation for passing the candidate exam. The foreign language is chosen at the discretion of the applicant: English, French, German.

Candidate's exam in a scientific specialty discipline. To be admitted to the exam, you must pass candidate exams in the disciplines “History and Philosophy of Science” and “Foreign Language”. If you have previously passed a candidate’s degree in the discipline “Philosophy,” this exam must be retaken for “History and Philosophy of Science.” The department, together with the external student and his supervisor, develops and approves an additional work program; the department provides a memo and an application for the external student’s admission to take the candidate exam.

Passing the candidate exam for external students involves self-study course, if you doubt your own preparation, we are ready to offer you courses to prepare for passing candidate exams. Preparation courses for the candidate exam in the discipline "History and Philosophy of Science" is 56 academic hours, a group of 5 people, duration - 1 semester, cost - 13,300 rubles. Preparation courses for passing the candidate exam in the discipline “Foreign Language” are 144 academic hours, group of 5 people, duration – 2 semesters, cost – 28,800 rubles.

Certificate of passing candidate exams Prepares up to 14 days depending on the workload of the department. If candidate exams were passed in 2011 and later, the protocols for passing the candidate exam are stored in the educational and methodological department of DOKO. If candidate exams were passed in 2010 or earlier, you must provide a copy of the candidate exam protocols. You can obtain a copy of the protocol in the NEFU archive at the address: st. Kurashova, 30/4 (area of ​​the shopping center "Vector"). If candidate exams were passed in other organizations, you must provide the original certificate of passing the candidate exams to another organization.

Address: st. Kulakovskogo, 42 (GUK), 1st floor, room. 128

According to the Regulations on the training of scientific specialists in the system of postgraduate vocational education Russian Federation determined: “Passing the candidate minimums is necessary both for the award of an academic degree - Candidate of Sciences, and for an academic degree - Doctor of Sciences, for all applicants who do not have an academic degree - Candidate of Sciences.”

The purpose of passing the candidate minimum is to determine the candidate’s level of preparation for independent work in research areas.

Therefore: a mandatory stage of training is preparation for the candidate examination. The stages of this work should be reflected in schedules and work plans, which are subsequently taken into account when certifying graduate students by the department.

The candidate minimum is passed in the following specialties:

Foreign language;

History and philosophy of science;

Profile discipline.

Candidate examination in the disciplines: foreign language and philosophy is allowed during the master's degree process. Postgraduate students receive free attendance in these subjects.

You are allowed to take exams in the subject: history and philosophy of science if you prepare and pass a test and essay on a relevant industry topic.

Candidate examination in a foreign language is allowed in the case of preparing an abstract on the topic of the dissertation in a foreign language.

For examination in a specialized discipline, you need to provide publications in journals of several articles from the Higher Attestation Commission list on the topic of the dissertation, as well as the presence of more than two chapters of the future dissertation.

If the educational institution in which the applicant is studying does not have accreditation to accept the candidate minimum, the educational council of this university may petition other scientific institutions to pass candidate exams.

After each positive passing of the candidate exam, the graduate student receives a certificate, on the basis of which, after passing the final exam, a uniform certificate is issued.

If you decide to start writing dissertation research, but do not have enough free time, energy or desire, we recommend entrusting this work to professional authors who have many years of experience in preparing dissertation research for private clients.

Our authors will help you formulate a dissertation research topic completely free of charge, which will be relevant today and which, upon its disclosure, can solve any important national economic problem or scientific problem, relevant for modern scientific and social development.

Next, the authors will begin writing the dissertation chapter by chapter. Those. upon completion of each chapter, it will be sent to you for checking together with the scientific supervisor, quality assessment, and ultimately, if you or the scientific supervisor do not have any recommendations for improving the provided material, you make payment for the chapter, after which the author begins writing the next one.

Enough important stage The final process of preparing a dissertation is writing an abstract, which in essence is the face of the work. First of all, the members of the academic council, before whom you will speak in defense, will become acquainted with it. And a well-prepared abstract ensures 50% of overall success.

According to the regulations on postgraduate education, all applicants for the academic degree of candidate or doctor of science must pass a candidate examination. The purpose of such exams is to determine the level of preparation of a graduate student to conduct independent scientific work.

What is the candidate minimum?

The candidate minimum is certification in three subjects: English language , philosophy and specialties. In some cases, if the topic of the dissertation does not coincide with the applicant’s specialty, he also takes an additional exam on it.

The necessary conditions for passing the candidate minimum are:

  • In the relevant specialty - in printed publications included in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission. The graduate student must also prepare the first 2 chapters of the future dissertation.
  • In the history and philosophy of science - preparing an essay and passing a test on this subject.
  • In a foreign language - on the topic of a future scientific qualification work, written in English or another foreign language.

You can take the exams at a university that has the appropriate accreditation. If the educational institution is not included in this list, the Academic Council submits a petition to another university or research institute that accepts candidate exams.

What is the minimum requirement to pass the candidate exams?

Preparation for certification in three disciplines involves independent work and studying scientific literature. You can pass the minimum candidate's degree in philosophy and English while studying for a master's degree - this gives you the right to enter graduate school without an exam in these subjects.

Who doesn't pass the candidate minimum?

Passing the subject in graduate school exempts you from compulsory classes in philosophy and a foreign language. The following persons are exempt from passing the candidate minimum:

  • having an academic degree,
  • working as an assistant professor
  • preparing to defend their doctoral dissertation.

For graduate students, the time for certification according to K.M. not limited. After passing each exam, a certificate is issued, which has no statute of limitations. Completion of the minimum program involves obtaining a single certificate necessary for the defense of scientific and qualifying work. The future scientist needs to decide in advance on the topic of his dissertation. If it does not coincide with the specialty obtained, you will need to retake the exam in this subject, which is important when planning further education. K.m. in Philosophy and English is the same for all areas, so you will not need to retake it in the future.

Features of training in three subjects require compliance with the following instructions:

  • The history of philosophy and science is taken first. To receive admission, the applicant must submit an abstract with a mark from the supervisor and his review. Only if you receive a satisfactory grade can you begin preparing for the next stage of the exam.
  • The second exam, which is mandatory for a graduate student or applicant, is a foreign language. Minimum Requirements according to it - a translation of a text related to the specialty in which the dissertation is written. The text must be formatted as an abstract, the volume of which exceeds 200,000 characters (one page in Word is approximately 2.5 thousand characters). One of the teachers from the department leaves his review foreign languages.
  • To pass the last subject - specialty, it is necessary to write an application with a request to allow the applicant to take the minimum candidate exam. If a satisfactory grade is not obtained, the graduate student may retake the exam.

Personal preparation includes the study of literary sources whose authors belong to different “schools”. This allows you to gain extensive knowledge and study the material deeply.

What documents are required to pass the candidate minimum?

Certification of applicants is carried out in an educational institution that has the appropriate accreditation. Exams are taken 2 times a year during examination sessions. The following documents must be completed within the time limits approved in the rector’s order:

  1. The head of the department must submit memos requesting the formation of a commission and indicating the date of examinations.
  2. Internal memo on the approval of the additional program for passing the K.M. The document is endorsed by the head of the department, secretary and chairman of the Academic Council.
  3. Service memo from the manager Department of Foreign Language, containing recommendations for the inclusion of university employees with a specialty in “foreign language” in the Academic Council.
  4. Application with a request for admission to take exams in K.M. The document is drawn up on a special form, in a strictly established form, after which it must be endorsed scientific adviser. If such an exam is taken at another educational institution, the application is endorsed by the secretary of the dissertation council or its chairman. The graduate student must submit the document for consideration in person.

The candidate examination program is approved by the Ministry of Education of Russia, the candidate minimum terms are approved by the university or research institute.

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Where and how are exams taken?

Certification of applicants for an academic degree is carried out at a higher educational institution that has state accreditation or a license to conduct postgraduate education.

Specialty exam(standard minimum program) are taken at universities and organizations that have appropriate postgraduate programs.

There is no big difference in which university you take the candidate minimum. It is enough to apply to the university where there is a postgraduate program in your specialty. You can find out on the official website of the university. The easiest option is to take the candidate minimum where you studied and completed your postgraduate studies.

In the past, the specialty exam could only be taken at the university where the defense of the scientific qualification work was planned.

At the moment, the seeker has the right to pass the candidate minimum in one organization and defend a dissertation in another, which is not a violation.

To take an exam in a specialty, the applicant presents two copies of certificates of receiving a positive grade in English (or another foreign language) and philosophy, for sending a copy of them to the Higher Attestation Commission. The originals are filed and stored in the certification commission.

Features of passing the candidate minimum in various subjects

Certification in basic disciplines is carried out in universities that have independent departments of philosophy, foreign language and postgraduate studies in a certain specialty. In a state of such senior educational institutions or organizations must have candidates of science and at least one doctor of science.

To successfully pass exams in various specialties you must:

  • In philosophy - having an abstract with a review, attending scientific seminars and classes on the subject. The applicant must submit an application to the department no later than one and a half months before the start of certification. The minimum program includes 84 questions on philosophy and history of science, common to all specialties. To receive a certificate, you must earn a satisfactory grade.
  • The candidate's minimum requirement in a foreign language is reading and interpreting text of 250 thousand characters. The examinee is allowed to use a dictionary of terms compiled independently. Before taking the exam, you must receive a review of your English language essay and publish 2 articles. A written translation of a text of 2 thousand characters is performed.
  • In the specialty - the exam is taken according to a standard program developed at the university department and approved by the Ministry of Education, as well as additional program, developed on the basis of dissertation research. If it is necessary to retake an exam in a specialty related to the topic of the dissertation, it must be passed before submitting documents to the Academic Council of the university. Article about.

Successful passing candidate minimum and obtaining a certificate allows the applicant to gain access to the future, build a successful career and contribute to the development of science.

Sooner or later, a graduate student will inevitably face the following questions:

  1. What is the candidate minimum and what is the purpose of the application?
  2. How can I submit it?
  3. How difficult will it be?
  4. What exams?
  5. Where would it be better to take the candidate minimum: in your region, or at the place of defense?

Candidate exams are basic and one of the main parts of certification scientific personnel. Their purpose will be to determine the depth of the graduate student’s professional skills and knowledge, as well as to determine the level of his readiness for independent research work.

The candidate minimum must be passed in the specialty, foreign language and philosophy of science.

To obtain permission to take the examination in philosophy of science, you need to prepare and submit an essay. Guidelines are usually available in the Office of Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies of any university. It must be borne in mind that everyone has basic requirements and rules for writing educational institution their.

Admission to take the candidate minimum in a specialty will be issued only if there are scientific publications in journals reviewed by the Higher Attestation Commission.

It usually includes two main blocks:

  • standard program - a candidate's minimum, which is developed by a leading scientific institution or higher education institution in this field;
  • an additional program that was developed by the specialized department of this university.

The candidate minimum in a foreign language must be passed in accordance with the approximate educational program, developed and approved by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science. It includes the following tasks.

First, the correct translation and annotation of six hundred thousand printed characters.

Secondly, translation into Russian from a foreign language, made in writing. The volume of the task is from fifteen to twenty thousand printed characters.

A prerequisite is that registration cards must be filled out indicating the tasks completed, signed by the teachers accepting the candidate minimum.

If we talk about the exam regime, then over many years the practice has developed that exams are taken at least twice a year at any university. Applicants are invited to a session, the date and duration of which are set directly by higher institution, which conducts candidate exams.

The procedure is also determined at the university level. Candidate minimum
can be rented with or without tickets. Knowledge will be assessed in accordance with school requirements: “excellent”, “unsatisfactory”, “good”, “satisfactory. One single attempt is given for the exam. The candidate minimum cannot be retaken in one session.

The applicant must keep in mind the following fact: if all exams are successfully passed, a certificate will be issued giving the right to begin defending a candidate's dissertation. But it is not basic document about education.

A certificate is a document made in the prescribed form. The final version will be issued where the final exam is taken. The validity period of the candidate minimum and the issued document is not limited.

The main reference document that will help the applicant navigate the basic rules for passing these exams is the “Regulations on the training of scientific, pedagogical and scientific personnel in the postgraduate system vocational education in the Russian Federation." But it must be taken into account that there are changes from the sixteenth of March 2000, the twenty-seventh of November of the same year, as well as the seventeenth of February 2004. This document is an Appendix to the main order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of March twenty-eighth, 1998.

Candidate minimum

candidate exams, in the USSR taken by graduate students and applicants for the academic degree of candidate of sciences (See Candidate of Sciences) to obtain the right to defend a candidate's dissertation (See Dissertation).

K. m. (to the extent established by the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the USSR) are conducted according to dialectical and historical materialism, one of the foreign languages, special discipline, the scope of requirements for which is determined in accordance with the topic of the dissertation by the department (department, laboratory) of the university or research institution. When defending a dissertation on a topic that does not correspond to the main specialty, the applicant additionally takes a K.M. in general scientific discipline area in which he specializes. Preparation for candidate exams involves independent study by the graduate student (applicant) of scientific literature and conducting scientific research. To pass the K.M. and perform work on the dissertation, part-time graduate students are provided with additional leave while maintaining your salary. Persons who have passed the K.M. receive a certificate, which gives the right to defend a dissertation and enter graduate school (See Postgraduate studies) without entrance exams, but is not a document of education. The deadlines for submitting the K.M. and the validity of the certificate are not limited. The list of universities and research institutions that have the right to accept K. m. is approved by the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the USSR. Persons approved for the academic rank of associate professor are exempt from KM. Higher Attestation Commission in exceptional cases, partially or completely exempts persons (mainly production workers) from submitting a master's degree (mainly production workers) who have prepared a dissertation or who have permission to defend instead published works, inventions and discoveries registered with the Committee for Inventions and Discoveries under the Council of Ministers of the USSR, carried out as individually and collectively, as well as completed work on the creation of new machines, control systems, instruments, structures and technological processes, performed individually and collectively.

M. N. Volkov, V. G. Panov.

Big Soviet encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

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