Strong emotional stress consequences. Symptoms and treatment of chronic stress. Treatment of stress: many approaches - one goal

What are the consequences of nervous stress in humans?

Good day to all! We, the Valitov brothers, welcome each of you to our blog so that today on this online page we can talk about how the consequences of nervous stress affect human health.

After all, stress today is one of the integral components of our lifestyle. We encounter them daily.

They begin in a person with a rise or the usual morning rush, which continues in a crowded minibus, bus, subway car.

Further, stresses are heated up at a production meeting or in the boss's office, and then they result in quarrels with work colleagues, and in the evening their consequences fall on people close to us.

Due to lack of co-control of the psyche and their emotions, a person can become a hostage of a stressful situation with unpredictable physical or mental consequences for his health.

What is stress, what varieties it is, what dangerous symptoms it can manifest itself in adults and children.

How to avoid the consequences of stress, how to behave in a variety of life situations in order to minimize the effects of its effects on the body, we will talk about this later.

What is stress

Stress is a response of our body to dangerous or imaginary situations, which is accompanied by neuro-emotional stress.

It can be called:

  • Psychological or physical influences;
  • Overwork;
  • extreme situation;
  • Joy;
  • Negative emotions.

At their conscious level, a man or woman perceives stress as a negative component, but it can be both good and bad.

A small dose of negativity or eustress caused by positive emotions, even necessary for a person.

It is a driving and mobilizing force due to the "awakening effect". At the physiological level, this process provides an additional release of the hormones cortisone and adrenaline into the blood, forcing a person to:

  1. Think.
  2. Make quick decisions in difficult situations.
  3. Plan ahead.
  4. Lead a good, fulfilling life.
  5. Solve everyday problems.

A negative type of stress, called distress, negatively affects the human body.

It occurs spontaneously, already against the background of the existing state of tension at a critical point, causing a decrease in the body's resistance, turning into discomfort or illness.

Distress can be:

  • Physiological;
  • Psycho-emotional;
  • traumatic;
  • professional;
  • short-term;
  • chronic;
  • Nervous.

Symptoms of a neuro-emotional disorder

Stress in men, women and children entails a number of mental or physical problems, such as:

  • Extreme exhaustion;
  • Sleep disturbance;
  • excessive anxiety;
  • Irritability;
  • Feelings of guilt and inferiority;
  • Substance abuse.

In doing so, they may experience:

  • loss of appetite or overeating;
  • muscle weakness or pain;
  • Arrhythmia;
  • high blood pressure;
  • Headache;
  • Increased blood glucose levels;
  • Increased sweating.

It is at this point in our story that we want to talk to you, and at the same time give you advice.

Do you work for a prestigious company that has had two management changes in the last six months? Of course, that happens sometimes!

However, is there something wrong? Analyzing your well-being, do you notice an unreasonable rapid heartbeat, both day and night, constant lack of air, excessive sweating? At the same time, any little thing starts to annoy you, although you would not have paid attention to it before?

Heed our advice! Consult your doctor. Since all these symptoms seem to indicate that you have a nervous breakdown, which must be urgently eliminated in order to prevent more serious consequences.

What does stress lead to

Prolonged exposure to negative psycho-emotional stress disrupts the normal functioning of almost every organ in a person.

In women during pregnancy, it can cause:

  • Increased toxicosis;
  • Development of a birth anomaly;
  • Entanglement of the fetus by the umbilical cord;
  • Premature birth or threatened miscarriage.

Stress during pregnancy in a mother can manifest itself in a child after his birth with such consequences as:

  • Fear;
  • phobias;
  • Enuresis;
  • Diabetes;
  • Autism;
  • Hyperactivity.

In men, the causes of stress can be problems at work, in personal life or related to health.

These factors cause them to experience feelings of extreme fatigue, lack of energy, mood swings, depression, or even mental disturbance.

Despite some features, the consequences of nervous stress have a common component for everyone, which includes a number of aspects, namely:

Diseases of the digestive tract

Due to strong unrest in a person, hydrochloric acid begins to be produced in excess in the digestive tract.

Not fully involved in the process of digestion of food, it creates an aggressive environment inside the stomach, which literally eats away its walls, forming an ulcer.

In addition, negative emotions contribute to spasms of the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, which in turn interfere with the absorption of nutrients, cause constipation or disorders in men, women and children, and reduce immunity.

Problems of the reproductive system

Chronic stress or nervous disorders negatively affect the reproductive and sexual functions of a person. In women, they cause:

  • Decreased libido;
  • Violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • Infertility.

As for men, because of this, their sperm production decreases, the amount of testosterone decreases, and the risk of impotence increases.

Cardiovascular diseases

Increased psychological overload causes the production of excessive adrenaline in the body of men and women, which causes them to:

  • Increased heart rate;
  • Increase the number of contractions of the heart;
  • Rise in blood pressure;
  • Formed vegetovascular dystonia.

All these factors directly lead a person to a stroke, heart attack, memory impairment, aging of the body.

How to avoid stress and its consequences

Many men and women solve the problems of psycho-emotional overload, both by their own efforts and with the help of loved ones.

Indeed, often friends or family members help to realistically assess the situation, find a plan to get out of a problem situation. A very good cure for stress will be:

  • Physical exercise;
  • Proper nutrition;
  • Yoga classes;
  • Outdoor recreation;
  • Full sleep;
  • Hobby;
  • Visiting cultural events.

An excellent help in resolving this issue can be A new book psychology guru Dale Carnegie How to overcome anxiety and fear.

Here you can find a description of the set real facts anxieties that a person often encounters in their daily life and ways to solve them.

If you want to know more about the consequences of nervous stress, we advise you to subscribe to our blog. We give you a real opportunity to be the first to find out new items in our newsletters, discuss them in your comments and share your personal experience.

Stop poisoning your soul, forget about problems and enjoy life!

Goodbye until we meet again!

After stress. What happens after stress if stress is not removed? What are for your body. What causes severe stress? And what to do so that these consequences do not become disastrous for your life.

Life after stress is not the same

life after stress - These are the emotional and physiological consequences of stress on the body of a person who has undergone it.

Eat general rule effects of stress: “Where it is thin in the body, it breaks there.” For example, in a person with a weakened digestive system, a stomach ulcer may open afterwards.

Weak heart, thin vessels? They become the target of stress. A heart attack or stroke is almost inevitable.

Nervous system on edge? Insomnia, apathy or knocking on your door.

The body is young and healthy? The brain of a reptile will react to stress with panic or phobias with a probability of 70%.

The wheel of stress. Psychological consequences.

Wheel of Stress carries the wagon of your life to diseases and psychological problems.

Stress can be accumulated over a period of life.

Stress occurs after psychological trauma or a major event in your life, not necessarily a sad one.

A wedding, a new job, a big deal, a trip can be the last straw that spills rivers of the effects of accumulated stress.

Where is the wheel of your stress heading?

My Client, a young man of 25, got married a month ago and went on a trip to Thailand with his young wife. There they got into a motorcycle accident and miraculously survived. Upon arrival, the Client got involved in the work - sales in a large foreign company. And a month later, against the background of a smoked hookah, he started.

Subsequent examinations of the body of this young man showed almost absolute physiological health of all organs and systems.

According to the scale of stress (I will give in the next publication), the level of his stress for the month went off scale and exceeded the annual norm.

Note, that stress was caused not only by a catastrophic event, but also quite positive ones: wedding, travel, promotion.

AFTER STRESS: main effects of stress

Look at the picture - it shows the main ones, but far from the last ones. psychological effects of stress .

  • DISEASES. I already wrote above that illnesses do not begin. The so-called psychosomatics.

  • FEARS. A common psychological consequence of stress is exacerbation of various kinds and fear. From the fear of leaving the house, to the fear of falling asleep in a dark room. If the child is afraid of something, do not go to the grandmother - he is going through a lot of stress.
  • PANIC ATTACK. It is usually more susceptible to young and physically healthy people under 40 years of age. As in the example discussed above, it often happens against the background of taking drugs or a severe hangover.
  • APATHY. Another psychological consequence of stress and the tension associated with it is apathy, lack of strength and desire to live. , often a harbinger of a more formidable ailment - depression.
  • ANGEROUS BREAKS. Often "for no reason" or insane rage is a psychological consequence of stress, as repressed irritation and dissatisfaction with oneself and others. Happens to seemingly peaceful people. Sometimes expressed in auto-aggression.

Strong stress. What to do?

Main Rule It is the prevention of accumulated stress.

Make up, master a pair of bodies, take five minutes of rest at work, sleep more and be in the fresh air more often.

If the psychological effects of stress manifest themselves in full force- do not delay - immediately contact a psychologist.

Yes Yes. Just to the psychologist.

Not to a friend, a neighbor. Not to a psychiatrist. And not to a fortuneteller or a clairvoyant - this is a waste of time and money.

A psychologist familiar with anti-stress therapy will help you quickly and accurately .

  • help to "re-experience" a traumatic situation or a catastrophe with a good ending.
  • conduct post-traumatic work with emotions and sensations.
  • will give out a fan of recommendations for changing life and teach relaxation techniques.
  • It will help to get rid of fears, panic and anger.
  • will quickly bring you out of a state of apathy and impotence.

It can be or internal consultation.

Write in the comments what are the most common effects of stress in your life.

Many people today experience constant stress. Men and women, workers of physical and mental labor are equally susceptible to it. There are many reasons for chronic stress, including family problems, professional activities, and old psychological traumas.

Symptoms and treatment of chronic stress depend on its depth. Sometimes without the help of a psychotherapist can not do.

Get rid of permanent nervous tension using specially designed psychological techniques, exercise, sedative drugs, sports.

chronic stress

Short-term and long-term stress

Distinguish between acute and chronic stress. Short-term and long-term stress differ in origin, symptoms and damage to the body.

Chronic Stress - Definition

Acute stress occurs when a single exposure to a negative factor. This could be betrayal, assault, robbery, death of a loved one, etc. The nervous system adapts the body after a negative impact with the help of the hormones adrenaline, norepinephrine and dopamine. The recovery time after stress depends on the depth of impact and the flexibility of the human nervous system.

Understanding what chronic stress is is not easy. This is a reaction to the continuous or periodic action of a negative factor. Permanent stress is accompanied by a stable increase in the level of glucocorticoids in the blood.

If short-term tensions pass almost without a trace, then long-term ones lead to violations of the body's functions.

The symptoms of prolonged stress are not as pronounced as those of acute stress. Its result is nervous exhaustion, loss of interest in life. The severity of the consequences depends on how long the stress lasts.

Causes of Chronic Stress

The problem of constant stress is relevant in both developed and developing countries. The main causes of the condition:

  • Low social status, financial situation. Man is in a state of constant struggle for a place under the sun.
  • Lack of harmony in the family. The atmosphere in the house does not allow you to relax, scandals create a tense atmosphere.
  • Professional activity, relationships in the team. unloved work, difficult tasks, constant pressure from superiors, gossip from colleagues, envy, lack of career advancement - these are just a small part of the factors of professional stress.
  • Diffidence. Constant doubts, fear of mistakes, public condemnation make a person unstable to negative influences.
  • Lack of communication. Conversation is not only the exchange of information, it is necessary for emotional unloading.
  • intrapersonal conflicts. These include cognitive dissonance, negative internal dialogue, conflict of beliefs.

Chronic family stress

Each case must be dealt with separately. For many, the cause of the stressful state lies in deep childhood, old psychological traumas that led to inferiority complexes. Pessimistic attitude to life, conservatism of character reduce the body's resistance to irritants, increase the depth of negative influence.

Symptoms of Chronic Stress

Constant nervous tension is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. They are associated with the action of hormones that affect the body of men and women in different ways. There are universal signs of prolonged stress:

  • frequent headaches, dizziness;
  • pain in the stomach, liver;
  • lack of appetite or gluttony;
  • hair loss;
  • memory impairment;
  • fatigue, chronic fatigue;
  • sleep disorders (insomnia, nightmares).

Against the background of physical and psychological exhaustion, a person’s resistance to infectious diseases also decreases.

Symptoms of Chronic Stress

Symptoms in men

If a man is constantly in a state of psychological stress, this greatly affects his health. Glucocorticoids reduce the sensitivity of tissues to sex hormones, so one of the symptoms of stress in men is a decrease in libido, a weakening of potency.

A decrease in sexual function is an additional stress factor for a man. There is anxiety, anxiety that impotence will develop, etc.

Symptoms in women

In women, hormonal disruptions during stress affect the menstrual cycle. There may be delays, bleeding in the middle of the cycle, etc.

Glucocorticoids reduce protein anabolism, and fat synthesis, on the contrary, is activated. One of the manifestations of chronic stress in women is weight gain. Fat appears on the abdomen, buttocks. Muscle mass in the legs and arms is reduced.

stress in children

Serious consequences of prolonged stress

Life in constant stress does not pass for a person without a trace. A stable increase in the concentration of glucocorticoids in the blood affects the metabolism, the state of the cardiovascular system, and brain function.

What does stress lead to?

  • Cardiac disorders.
  • Skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis).
  • Peptic ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis.
  • Depression, suicidal thoughts.
  • Obesity or, conversely, severe weight loss associated with anorexia (loss of hunger).
  • Autoimmune diseases.
  • Degradation of brain cells, a decrease in the intellectual level.

Constant stress often leads to the development of addictions. A person gets rid of nervous tension with the help of alcohol, soft drugs, tranquilizers or sleeping pills. These methods help, but only until the effect of the drug has ended.

Impact of Chronic Stress

To avoid the serious consequences of prolonged stress, it must be treated.

If the causes of the experience are known, you can try to solve the problem yourself. Otherwise, you need to seek help from a psychotherapist.

How to get rid of chronic stress

The treatment of permanent stress can be difficult and lengthy, you need daily work on yourself, your lifestyle and consciousness. To exclude the serious consequences of prolonged stress, you first need to be examined in the hospital. You can turn to a therapist, cardiologist, endocrinologist, psychiatrist, depending on the external manifestations of stress.

There are several ways to treat chronic stress, it is better to use them in combination:

  • psychotherapy;
  • auto-trainings;
  • physiotherapy exercises, yoga;
  • phytotherapy, aromatherapy;
  • drug therapy.

Art or science also plays a very important role. They distract and mobilize the nervous system.

Treatment will be effective only when there is an awareness of the problem and its root cause is known - the stress factor. It is not always possible to eliminate it, then work is carried out on the worldview in order to learn not to respond to the stimulus.

Overeating with chronic stress


With deep protracted stress, you can not do without professional psychological help. Working with a psychotherapist includes several areas:

  • search for the causes of stress, analysis of stress factors;
  • diagnosis of the type of reaction to the stimulus;
  • development of stress tolerance.

Gestalt therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy and hypnosis help to cure chronic stress, depression.

Hypnosis is the fastest way to get rid of nervous tension, but finding a good hypnologist is very difficult. For treatment by Gestalt therapy or cognitive behavioral therapy to be effective, only the professionalism of a psychologist is not enough. Patient self-discipline plays an important role.

Soothing tea for chronic stress

Exercise to relieve stress

With prolonged nervous stress, muscle spasm, stiffness of movements, and physical discomfort occur. Sometimes a state of constant stress, on the contrary, is accompanied by weakness. Fight discomfort with exercise.

How to get out of a state of prolonged stress with the help of physical education:

  1. Easy breath. Stand up straight or sit on your knees. Take a slow breath (in 4 counts), hold the air in the lungs for 7 seconds, exhale slowly (in 4 counts). Repeat 2-3 times.
  2. Upward movement. Stand up, feet shoulder width apart. Raise both hands up and reach for the ceiling, stretching the entire muscles of the body. Repeat the exercise 3-5 times.
  3. Tilts. Stand up, feet shoulder-width apart, raise your hands up and connect them together, stretch up. Slowly tilt the body forward - backward - right - left.
  4. You also need to return to the starting position slowly. Repeat 5 times.
  5. Rocking. Sit on the floor, bend your knees and wrap your arms around. Roll on your back into a prone position. Spread your arms and legs, lie down relaxed for 5 seconds. Grab your knees again and return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 5 times.
  6. Drawing. Lie on the floor, raise your legs. Draw a circle, a square, an infinity sign with them in the air.
  7. Hitting the enemy. Exercise guarantees a surge of negative energy. Take a feather pillow, imagine instead of it your stress factor (person, fear, etc.).
  8. Alternately and slowly hit the pillow with your hands. With each blow, you need to imagine how the cause of stress disappears. It is both a physical and psychological exercise.
  9. Yoga is a good remedy for nerves. Yogis know exactly how to relieve stress and harmonize the state of mind and body. Meditation, especially with the use of incense, also helps to relax, let go of annoying thoughts.

Medical therapy

The effects of chronic stress can be eliminated with medication. It is recommended to use sedative and vitamin-mineral complexes.

It is necessary to take herbal sedatives when anxiety, panic, fear arise, and the heart rate rises. The use of drugs for insomnia requires caution, some of them are addictive.

Medications by prescription only

The use of a complex of vitamin B6 and magnesium will help stabilize the nervous system. For normal heart function, potassium and carnitine are needed. Vitamins C and E work as a single antioxidant complex that improves the overall condition of the body.

You can not take any medicines on your own. Your doctor will help you choose the right drug.

Phytotherapy and aromatherapy

The use of herbal ingredients is one of the most reliable ways to deal with nervous tension on your own. You need to choose herbs and aroma oils carefully and carefully so as not to cause allergies.

Tea with chamomile, mint, lemon balm, drunk in the morning, will help to respond more calmly to irritants. Oregano relieves insomnia. St. John's wort has an antidepressant effect.

Many people get out of a tense state with the help of aromas. For aromatherapy, you need to choose the essential oil of lavender, hops, bergamot. They have a calming effect. For the treatment of insomnia, ylang-ylang, mint, cypress, and rose oils are used. They also help relieve anxiety. Aromatherapy will be effective if the smell of the oil is pleasant. You can choose any flavor.

Aromatherapy for stress

How to avoid stress

A person who correctly perceives the world around him and leads a healthy lifestyle does not face prolonged stress. Here are some simple tips to help you avoid stress:

  • Daily regime. Waking up, eating, going to bed should be tried every day at the same time. The ideal time to sleep is 23:00 - 07:00.
  • Physical activity. Daily moderate loads mobilize the work of all body systems, prevents stagnant processes.
  • Diet. The diet should be balanced, rich in vitamins. You must stop drinking alcohol.
  • Hobby. Any creative activity distracts, inspires, develops the intellect.
  • Communication. Be sure to talk with your family members, talk about yourself, listen to them. The support and participation of loved ones increases self-esteem, gives vitality.
  • Avoiding stressful situations will not work, but the factors that provoke chronic nervous tension must be eliminated. If you leave an unloved job, stop communicating with unpleasant people, life will become easier.


Prolonged stress is a danger to the health of the whole organism, so it is important to learn how to eliminate them. Coping with mental and physical discomfort is difficult. If no means give a result, you need to go for help to a specialist. Modern psychological methods help to get to the bottom of the causes of stress and get rid of it forever.

Prolonged exposure to emotional stress can lead to severe human health problems. Constant stress disrupts the activity of almost every system of the human body. Stress increases blood pressure, depresses the immune system, increases the risk of heart attack and stroke, promotes infertility, and accelerates the aging process. What are consequences stress?

What causes stress

  • Problems during pregnancy. Stress in women during pregnancy provokes increased toxicosis, the development of a number of diseases, birth anomalies.

The consequences of severe emotional stress in pregnant women, some experts include entanglement of the umbilical cord around the baby's neck during childbirth.

It has been established that 7 out of 10 cases of myocardial infarction are caused by psychological overload.

  • Problems of the endocrine system. Under stressful circumstances, the adrenal glands produce adrenaline and cortisol. Therefore, the liver is taken to produce even more glucose. In the future, elevated glucose levels can provoke diabetes.

Effects of stress at work

With strong and prolonged professional stress, the consequences are very unfavorable. A person experiences a feeling of emotional nervous tension, excitement, anxiety. This affects not only the level of productivity, but also physical and emotional health.

As a result of occupational stress, self-confidence decreases, stress at work increases, and job satisfaction decreases. Absenteeism and poor productivity are also linked to stress at work. There is evidence that occupational stress contributes to the development of diseases.

Occupational stress has physical and psychological consequences. The physical phenomenon contributes to health problems: high blood pressure, heart attacks, stroke, diabetes, muscle pain, weakened immune system. Psychological Negative consequences Occupational stress can lead to exhaustion, depression, domestic violence, and sometimes suicide.

Complications after traumatic stress

The consequences of traumatic stress are depressive states, panic attacks and phobias, anxiety disorders and neurosis. If a person is not given help you need, very serious complications may appear that can knock him out of a normal life rut.

The psychological state of a person after traumatic stress changes very much. He has memory lapses, a person tries to throw out of it the facts that are associated with the experienced shock. He becomes indifferent, inactive, hostile and insensitive. The person is trying:

  • stubbornly avoid everything that is connected with the experienced misfortune;
  • withdraw from society;
  • to dull all emotions that can lead to a repetition of the tragedy;
  • do not make plans, be content with the near future.

Such an existence cannot be called complete, and this is the danger of the consequences of traumatic stress. A person who has undergone traumatic stress and has not received qualified assistance becomes a completely different person. Now its specific features are:

  • irritability and hostility;
  • distraction;
  • hypervigilance and suspicion;
  • exaggerated response.

Obviously, stress contributes to a general deterioration in health, the emergence of depression, phobias and other psychological disorders. A person's relationship with the environment deteriorates, addiction to drugs or alcohol may develop, and suicide attempts are likely.

Some scientists even argue that stress is a major factor in the development of cancer and other cancers.

The consequences of stress can be very destructive, so you need to think about how to reduce its impact and what methods to use to combat it.

Video: about stress and its consequences

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Stress is a condition in which: a focus of excitation is born in the brain, then a powerful dose of adrenaline and other “stress hormones” is released into the blood.

If the situation is not resolved, the focus of excitation grows, adrenaline continues to enter the bloodstream and poisons the central nervous system.

The consequences of such intoxication can be sad for every system of the body.

Different stress, different consequences

Positive stress triggers the same mechanisms in the cerebral cortex as negative stress. A similar picture: the same persistent focus of excitation, the same adrenaline and cortisol in the blood. If positive stress is short-term, the body will receive less damage. If prolonged, the consequences will be more serious.

Sudden joy can inspire, or it can kill. This is known to everyone on a subconscious level. Therefore, it is often necessary to somehow prepare a person even for unexpected joyful news.

“I almost died of joy” is just a variant of positive stress. That is, the reaction to sudden joy is no different from the reaction to grief: you can at least earn money from both.

A Good Shake: Positive Stress

The healthiest and most beneficial type of stress is physiological. A short, sharp impact on the body has the effect of electric shock. This is a good immune booster.

It shakes a person like a dusty bag and mobilizes all organs and systems. The simplest example of the beneficial effect of physiological stress on the body is dousing ice water in the cold.

Instant cold shock acts like a burn. One such feat can launch the most powerful forces in the body and stir up hidden reserves. Such shakes are good for physical and mental health.

Stress is negative, life-saving

Just as positive stress can sometimes kill, negative stress can sometimes save lives. What a person in such a state is capable of, sometimes hard to wrap my head around.

There was such a case in the North. The pilot descended to the ground from the plane for a small need. And nose to nose collided with a polar bear.

The bear was big and strong, and the pilot was in unbuttoned pants. And, nevertheless, without having time to think about anything, the pilot jumped one and a half meters up and found himself on the wing of the plane.

Never after, neither he nor the bear could explain how it happened. The pilot only shyly shrugged his shoulders to all questions. Discouraged, the bear went off in search of less bouncy game.

Acute and chronic stress

Acute stress is dangerous, but its effect on the body can be short-lived. Getting rid of the source of negative emotions, taming the dominant that has flared up in the brain reduces the degree of intensity of passions.

Things are worse with chronic stress, with a situation that cannot be resolved or somehow neutralized the source of excitation. Everyday negative emotions give rise to a stagnant focus of excitation in the brain.

The blaze of this hearth, as it were, extinguishes the work of the other nerve centers. Chaos and anarchy begin in the command post of the higher nervous system. It forgets its purpose - to regulate the activity of the body. And a complete discord begins at all levels and in all systems:

  • first of all, the psycho-emotional sphere of the body's activity gets out of control;
  • followed by breakdowns in the autonomic and endocrine system;
  • the most powerful blow falls on the hypothalamus - the highest center of nervous regulation - this modest organ is the curator of such paramount aspects of life as: sleep, metabolic processes, appetite, vascular tone, body temperature.

This is the general picture of what happens in the body during a stressful situation.

Why stress "breaks" the body?

Existence against the background of chronic causes the nervous system to defend itself. As a defense mechanism, it commands the adrenal glands. They release increased doses of adrenaline and cortisol into the blood.

These "stress hormones" are needed by the body to fight the danger signaled by the brain. The release of energy at the same time is incredible (it is just enough to take the height of one's own height in a jump).

The received energy of protection must be used for its intended purpose: to run away, or catch up, jump over obstacles, fight for your life. If this does not happen, all the adrenaline thrown into the blood is not spent on anything.

And the hormones, kindly provided to us for defense, do not find application. They have nowhere to go, and they cannot remain idle. Not aimed at actively combating the causes of suffering, “stress hormones” slowly poison the body at all levels, the consequences of which are felt by all body systems:

  1. The cardiovascular system begins to work in high alert mode: the pulse and breathing become more frequent, the heart beats furiously, the pressure on the walls of blood vessels increases several times. , heart attacks - extreme degrees of reaction to a stressful situation.
  2. Endocrine system. The hormonal balance is disturbed, against the background of which such scourges of the century as thyroid diseases and diabetes mellitus overtake a person.
  3. Stomach and intestines. The luminaries of medicine have long linked together stress and the occurrence of stomach ulcers. There is no need to even talk about digestive disorders and intestinal disorders (constipation, diarrhea).
  4. genitourinary system. During the war, for example, women lost their periods. It was such a temporary inexplicable menopause, which ended for many at the same time as the war. From stress and now a woman can overtake an early menopause, and even inability to conceive.
  5. Skin. And who else does not know that the extremely unaesthetic and painful disease psoriasis is the result of stress? Eczema, placers of acne, scaly lichen - all this is "".
  6. higher nervous system- it is she who takes the most crushing blow. Starvation of brain cells begins due to vasospasm, which leads to impaired blood supply and circulation in this organ. And, depression, and chronic fatigue are the consequences of the same stress. A strong shock can provoke a serious mental disorder and initiate the development of all kinds of phobias.

Consequences of chronic stress - abstract

If the focus of excitation is not neutralized in the cerebral cortex and the stress gradually flares up to chronic, then the consequences can have a sad ending:

  • susceptibility and;
  • sudden angry outbursts and "explosive" reaction to the most insignificant irritant;
  • a tendency to depressive states that are dangerous for the psyche and often endanger the existence of the individual;
  • apathy and loss of all interest in life;
  • memory lapses, distraction and inability to concentrate.

Such states are capable of plunging a person into his personal, separately existing hell. Escape from the inner hell to the illusory paradise is achieved in the easiest (aka dead end) way.

Alcohol, stimulants, tonics, drugs are the usual ways to reconcile dreams with reality. The rich experience of former alcoholics and drug addicts usually does not convince them that a temporary escape from problems does not solve them, but exacerbates the situation.

With the stress of life

A strange thing is observed in our world. Since the Stone Age, people have been busy trying to protect themselves from factors that threaten their existence.

For hundreds of years, mankind has been striving to create the most comfortable conditions for life. But since the time of the progenitors, the number of dangers that await man has not decreased, but increased hundreds of times. The reasons for the feeling of catastrophe have changed, but their number continues to progress.

Ferocious animals do not roam the streets, do not captivate mammoths in order to feed themselves, do not keep the fire in the cave, so as not to lose the source of heat and light. But now predators in their modern guise lie in wait for us at every turn.

The most important thing is the weather in the house

You can get "stress on the forehead" without leaving the apartment. Own house-fortress is fraught with innumerable threats to health.
There are thousands of reasons to spoil the “weather in the house” for a long time:

To work, how to parade?

Work is a real hotbed of dangers:

  • if you go to her, as sentenced to an exceptional measure of punishment - this in itself is a source of chronic dissatisfaction;
  • the boss, at the sight of which the “St. Vitus dance” begins by itself, will make a hole in your stress resistance in five minutes;
  • colleagues who have climbed higher than you on the career ladder are boors who undermine self-esteem;
  • an overwhelming fear of job loss and financial ruin turns life into hell and keeps it in a state of perpetual stress.

You are my friend and I am your friend...

Communication is also one of the stressors. Not everyone is born a genius of communication skills, for many, even keeping up a conversation is not an easy attempt. What can I say about speaking in front of an audience, or trying to strike up a conversation with a stranger.

Humanity is in the grip of an epidemic of social phobia. Fear of communication can cause the whole symptom complex of physical and emotional disorders.

The loss of a loved one, the serious illness of a relative, the fear of death - all these are factors that feed fears of life and deplete our strength.

How to escape from the phenomena of overvoltage?

The reasons for the experiences are no more, and the consequences of the development of stress at one time remained for a long time, if not forever. We will show you how to avoid this:

Say "No" to stress! right now.

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